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The antimicrobial drug, trimethoprim, was evaluated for genotoxicity in human peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures set-up from two healthy donors. Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) were scored as genetic endpoints. The treatment was done using different trimethoprim concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 μg/ml. From our results, we can conclude that this drug is able to induce both cytotoxic and moderate genotoxic effects, as revealed by the increases seen in SCE and MN frequencies in cultures from the two donors and, at least, at one of the concentrations tested.  相似文献   

Fansidar (pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine) has been used extensively worldwide for the treatment of chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria, toxoplasmosis and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Because of the wide usage of pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine in developing countries and the lake of information from open literature and reports from manufacturers about the genotoxicity of such antimalarial drug, the present work was suggested. The possible genetic toxicity of fansidar has been evaluated in human peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures. The frequencies of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) were scored as genetic endpoints. Both tests covering a wide range of induced genetic damage as primary DNA damage, clastogenicity and aneugenicity. Cultures were set up by using blood samples from two healthy donors and the treatment was done using different fansidar concentrations ranging from 1:20 to 10:200 g/ml. From our results, it appears that this drug is able to induce moderate genotoxic effects, as revealed by the increases found in SCE and MN frequencies in cultures from the two donors at the two highest concentrations tested (5:100 and 10:200 g/ml). In addition, cyotoxic/cytostatic effects of fansidar were revealed by a decrease in the proliferative rate index (PRI) and in the cytokinesis block proliferation index (CBPI). Our findings suggest that the use of this drug should be restricted to situations where other antimalarial drugs cannot be used. The drug should never be given to pregnant women.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of the antimicrobial drug sulfamethoxazole was evaluated in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The frequencies of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) were scored as genetic endpoints. Both tests cover a wide range of induced genetic damage such as primary DNA damage, clastogenicity and aneugenicity. Cultures were set up with blood samples from two healthy donors and the treatment was done with different sulfamethoxazole concentrations ranging from 10 to 500 microg/ml. From the results obtained it appears that this drug is able to induce weak genotoxic effects, as revealed by the slight increase in the SCE and MN frequencies, at least at one of the two highest concentrations tested. However, the results of the SCE assay should be interpreted with caution because the increase is just significant. In addition, cyotoxic/cytostatic effects of sulfamethoxazole were revealed by a decrease in the proliferative rate index (PRI) and in the cytokinesis block proliferation index (CBPI).  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges, mitotic index and cell kinetics were observed in human peripheral lymphocytes after treatment with four different concentrations (0.0125, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 g/ml) of benzene hexachloride (BHC), an organochlorine pesticide. Cells were treated with BHC for 24, 48 and 72h. There was a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges. A significant decrease in mitotic index was observed at all concentrations and times of exposure. BHC did not show a significant effect on cell kinetics.  相似文献   

Siddique YH  Ara G  Beg T  Afzal M 《Life sciences》2006,80(3):212-218
Medroxyprogesterone acetate was studied at three different concentrations (1, 5 and 10 microM), for its genotoxic effects in human peripheral blood lymphocyte culture using chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges as parameters. Duplicate peripheral blood cultures were treated with three different concentrations (1, 5 and 10 microM) of medroxyprogesterone acetate. The study was carried out both in the absence as well as in the presence of metabolic activation (S9 mix) with and without NADP. Medroxyprogesterone acetate was found genotoxic at 5 and 10 microM in the presence of S9 mix with NADP. To study the possible mechanism of the genotoxicity of medroxyprogesterone acetate, superoxide dismutase and catalase at different doses were used separately and in combination with 10 microM of medroxyprogesterone at different doses in the presence of S9 mix with NADP. Superoxide dismutase treatment results in an increase of the genotoxic damage but catalase treatment reduce the genotoxic damage of medroxyprogesterone acetate. Catalase treatment in combination with superoxide dismutase also results in the further reduction of the genotoxic damage. The results of the present study reveal that medroxyprogesterone acetate is genotoxic only in the presence of metabolic activation (S9 mix) with NADP. Treatments with superoxide dismutase and catalase suggests the possible generation of reactive oxygen species by redox cycling of various forms of quinones, similar to estrogens, that are the results of aromatic hydroxylation by cytochrome P450s.  相似文献   

The clinical and preclinical use of high-field intensity (HF, 3 T and above) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners have significantly increased in the past few years. However, potential health risks are implied in the MRI and especially HF MRI environment due to high-static magnetic fields, fast gradient magnetic fields, and strong radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. In this study, the genotoxic potential of 3 T clinical MRI scans in cultured human lymphocytes in vitro was investigated by analyzing chromosome aberrations (CA), micronuclei (MN), and single-cell gel electrophoresis. Human lymphocytes were exposed to electromagnetic fields generated during MRI scanning (clinical routine brain examination protocols: three-channel head coil) for 22, 45, 67, and 89 min. We observed a significant increase in the frequency of single-strand DNA breaks following exposure to a 3 T MRI. In addition, the frequency of both CAs and MN in exposed cells increased in a time-dependent manner. The frequencies of MN in lymphocytes exposed to complex electromagnetic fields for 0, 22, 45, 67, and 89 min were 9.67, 11.67, 14.67, 18.00, and 20.33 per 1000 cells, respectively. Similarly, the frequencies of CAs in lymphocytes exposed for 0, 45, 67, and 89 min were 1.33, 2.33, 3.67, and 4.67 per 200 cells, respectively. These results suggest that exposure to 3 T MRI induces genotoxic effects in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Rotenone is a heterocyclic compound widely used as an insecticide, acaricide and piscicide. Its toxicity is mainly caused by the inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory processes and ATP production, resulting in the generation of reactive oxygen species. Reactive oxygen species can interact with DNA, RNA and proteins, leading to cell damage, followed by death. We used the Comet assay, and we analyzed chromosome aberrations, in order to evaluate the genotoxic and clastogenic effects of rotenone on the different phases of the cell cycle. Cultured human lymphocytes were treated with 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 microg/mL rotenone during the G1, G1/S, S (pulses of 1 and 6 h), and G2 phases of the cell cycle. Rotenone induced DNA damage and was clastogenic, but the clastogenicity was detected only with treatments conducted during the G1/S and S phases of the cell cycle. Rotenone also induced endoreduplication and polyploidy in treatments made during G1, while it significantly reduced the mitotic index in all phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the mechanism of action of the antifolate drug trimethoprim is through accumulation of bacterial dihydrofolate resulting in depletion of tetrahydrofolate coenzymes required for purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis. The folate pool of a strain of Escherichia coli (NCIMB 8879) was prelabeled with the folate biosynthetic precursor [(3)H]-p-aminobenzoic acid before treatment with trimethoprim. Folates in untreated E. coli were present as tetrahydrofolate coenzymes. In trimethoprim-treated cells, however, a rapid transient accumulation of dihydrofolate occurred, followed by complete conversion of all forms of folate to cleaved catabolites (pteridines and para-aminobenzoylglutamate) and the stable nonreduced form of the vitamin, folic acid. Both para-aminobenzoylglutamate and folic acid were present in the cell in the form of polyglutamates. Removal of trimethoprim resulted in the reconversion of the accumulated folic acid to tetrahydrofolate cofactors for subsequent participation in the one-carbon cycle. Whereas irreversible catabolism is probably bactericidal, conversion to folic acid may constitute a bacteriostatic mechanism since, as we show, folic acid can be used by the bacteria and proliferation is resumed once trimethoprim is removed. Thus, the clinical effectiveness of this important drug may depend on the extent to which the processes of either catabolism or folic acid production occur in different bacteria or during different therapeutic regimes.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin (Dox) is a widely used drug in oncology with a broad spectrum of interactions with various cellular components; therefore, it is likely to act through different mechanisms. In clinical practice there is inter-individual variability in cytotoxic drug response and in the occurrence of adverse reactions. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) are thought to be involved in the detoxification of endogenous and exogenous genotoxicants. The aim of this work is the assessment of a possible influence of polymorphisms in GSTs on the levels of genetic damage induced in vitro by Dox in cultured human lymphocytes. For this purpose, whole blood cultures from individuals with different genotypes for GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 were exposed to Dox and the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay was used as the endpoint for chromosomal damage in the lymphocytes. Genotyping of GSTM1 and GSTT1 was carried out by multiplex PCR and the GSTP1-Ile105Val polymorphism was determined by PCR/RFLP. The total number of micronuclei present in 1000 binucleated cells and the frequency of micronucleated binucleated lymphocytes in the different individuals were analyzed considering the GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 genotypes. The results obtained suggest that GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms do not modify significantly the genotoxic potential of Dox. However, the GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphism was associated with an increase of micronucleated binucleated cells induced by Dox. Lymphocytes from homozygous individuals for the variant form (Val/Val) presented a significant increase in micronucleated binucleated cells (approximately 1.5-fold; p<0.05) when compared with individuals with at least one wild-type allele. These results suggest a possible role for GSTP1 on the modulation of the genotoxicity induced by Dox, which may be considered in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are known to be carcinogenic, but the mechanisms of this action are uncertain. Most, but not all, studies have concluded that PCBs are not directly mutagenic, and that much if not all of the carcinogenic activity resides in the fraction of the PCB mixture that contains congeners with dioxin-like activity. The present study was designed to determine genotoxic effects of an ortho-substituted, non-coplanar congener, 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 52), and a non-ortho-substituted coplanar congener with dioxin-like activity, 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 77) on cultured human peripheral lymphocytes. DNA damage was assessed by use of the comet assay (alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis). After cell cultures were prepared, test groups were treated with different concentrations of PCB 52 (0.2 and 1 microM) and PCB 77 (1 and 10 microM) for 1h at 37 degrees C in a humidified carbon dioxide incubator, and compared to a DMSO vehicle control group. The cells were visually classified into four categories on the basis of extent of migration such as undamaged (UD), low damage (LD), moderate damage (MD) and high damage (HD). The highest concentration of PCBs 52 and 77 significantly increased DNA breakage in human lymphocytes (p<0.001). Our results indicate that both the non-coplanar PCB 52 and coplanar PCB 77 cause DNA damage, and that the ortho-substituted congener was significantly more potent than the dioxin-like coplanar congener.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are known to be carcinogenic, but the mechanisms of this action are uncertain. Most, but not all, studies have concluded that PCBs are not directly mutagenic, and that much if not all of the carcinogenic activity resides in the fraction of the PCB mixture that contains congeners with dioxin-like activity. The present study was designed to determine genotoxic effects of an ortho-substituted, non-coplanar congener, 2,2′,5,5′-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 52), and a non-ortho-substituted coplanar congener with dioxin-like activity, 3,3′,4,4′-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 77) on cultured human peripheral lymphocytes. DNA damage was assessed by use of the comet assay (alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis). After cell cultures were prepared, test groups were treated with different concentrations of PCB 52 (0.2 and 1 μM) and PCB 77 (1 and 10 μM) for 1 h at 37 °C in a humidified carbon dioxide incubator, and compared to a DMSO vehicle control group. The cells were visually classified into four categories on the basis of extent of migration such as undamaged (UD), low damage (LD), moderate damage (MD) and high damage (HD). The highest concentration of PCBs 52 and 77 significantly increased DNA breakage in human lymphocytes (p < 0.001). Our results indicate that both the non-coplanar PCB 52 and coplanar PCB 77 cause DNA damage, and that the ortho-substituted congener was significantly more potent than the dioxin-like coplanar congener.  相似文献   

Bistratene A, a toxin isolated from the colonial ascidian Lissoclinum bistratum causes a decrease in mitotic index and retardation of lymphocyte proliferation kinetics when it is added at 48 h to 72-h human lymphocyte cultures. In the same cultures, the incidence of sister chromatid exchanges was not altered by this compound. We also observed an increase in the number of polyploid cells in the cultures, and alterations of the β-tubulin organization by immunocytochemistry with an antibody against β-tubulin. Bistratene A induces DNA damage in a dose-dependent fashion in leukocytes, as measured by the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis assay. These results show that bistratene A interferes with microtubule assembly, is cytotoxic and cytostatic, and that it causes DNA damage.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro genotoxic effects of the anticancer drugs fotemustine and vinorelbine on human lymphocytes and to determine individual and sex-related responses to these drugs. Fotemustine is a DNA-alkylating drug while vinorelbine is a semi-synthetic Vinca alkaloid. The study was carried out with twenty independent healthy donors for each drug. We have tested the ability of these drugs to induce chromosome aberrations (CAs) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) as well as effect on the mitotic index (MI) in cultured human lymphocytes. Fotemustine was shown to induce CAs and SCEs at all concentrations tested (2, 4 and 8 microg/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally it also decreased the mitotic index in a similar dose-dependent manner. Vinorelbine had no effect on structural CAs, but it significantly increased the numerical CAs at all doses tested (0.5, 1 and 2 microg/ml). Vinorelbine also induced SCE events and increased the MI values. Two-way analyses of variance were used to compare the individual and gender-related susceptibilities to fotemustine and vinorelbine with respect to the CA, SCE and MI values. The results indicated that individuals in fotemustine treatment groups showed different genotoxic responses with respect to CA and SCE induction and additional findings indicated a gender-specific response in this group. Individuals in the vinorelbine test group also exhibited statistically significant numerical CA, SCE and MI responses to vinorelbine. A statistically significant gender-related SCE response to this drug was also evident. This study indicates that these drugs have potentially harmful effects on human health.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxic effects of potassium bromate, which is used as a bleaching agent in flour, on human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro by sister chromatid exchange (SCE), chromosomal aberrations (CA) and micronucleus (MN) tests, and also to determine whether it has any genotoxic potential for humans. Cells were treated with 400, 450, 500, 550 microg/ml concentrations of potassium bromate for 24 and 48 h. The SCE frequencies showed an increase after both treatment periods, however, the differences between the treated cells and the control groups were found to be statistically significant only for the 48-h treatment. In addition, potassium bromate statistically significantly induced CA after the 24-h and 48-h treatment periods. Strikingly, potassium bromate induced CA as much as the positive control, mitomycin-C (MMC). Furthermore, potassium bromate decreased both the cell proliferation index (PI) and the mitotic index (MI). Although micronucleus formation was induced by potassium bromate during the 24-h treatment period in a dose-dependent manner, only the doses 500 and 550 microg/ml yielded statistically significant results. In contrast, MN formation was significantly induced at all doses during the 48-h treatment period. These in vitro results provide important evidence about genotoxicity of potassium bromate on a human cell culture system.  相似文献   

Ruth Gani 《Human genetics》1978,42(3):271-282
Summary Nucleolar fusion and nucleolus formation occurred simultaneously, immediately after mitosis, in cultured human lymphocytes. Evidence is presented that in late telophase and post-telophase, the individual nucleolar organising site includes two components, represented in post-telophase by the nucleolus and its attached process; that fusion can be either directly between the nucleoli or via the processes; and that the latter type of fusion persists into metaphase as acrocentric associations, whilst the former is lost.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to study the genotoxic potential of thiram (CAS No. 137-26-8) using an in vitro sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) assay with human lymphocytes. The results indicate that thiram and its metabolites increase the SCE frequencies 2-fold over those observed in the negative controls. The standard inducers cyclophosphamide and ethyl methanesulfonate increased SCE frequencies 10- and 4-fold, respectively, over untreated levels.  相似文献   

Sources of light beams such as white fluorescent light, are present in our daily life to meet the needs of life in the modern world. This study was conducted with the objective of determining the possible genotoxic, cytotoxic and aneugenic effects caused by this agent in different stages of the cell cycle (G0/early G1, S, and late G2), using different cytogenetic parameters (sister chromatid exchanges--SCE, chromosome aberrations--CA, and detection of aneugenic effects) in lymphocytes from temporary cultures of human peripheral blood. WFL showed a genotoxic effect in vitro, expressed by an increase in the frequency of SCE's, regardless of the cell cycle stage. However, no increase in the frequency of CAs was observed. In addition, disturbances in cell cycle kinetics and chromosomal segregation were also observed. Taken together, such data may contribute to a better understanding and a different management in the use of phototherapy for some pathological conditions.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1992,281(4):255-260
The genotoxicity of methyl mercury chloride (MMC, 0–25 × 10−6M) and dimethyl mercury (DMM, 0–434 × 10−6M) was evaluated by chromosome metaphase analysis in human lymphocytes treated in vitro for 24 h. Structural (CA) and numerical (AN) chromosomal aberrations were scored for the assessment of induced genotoxic effects, while the variation in mitotic index (MI) was considered a monitor for induced cellular toxicity. MMC induced CA and AN in a dose-related manner at doses exceeding 0.6 × 10−6M, and the proportion of cells with CA was constantly and significantly higher than that of cells with AN. DMM was able to induce both effects as well, although to a lesser extent than MMC, CA and AN being induced at doses exceeding 43.4 × 10−6M and 1.73 × 10−6M, respectively. MMC was 6-fold more effective in inducing CA than DMM at equivalent toxic doses. On the other hand, no significant difference was observed between the two compounds in inducing AN. Therefore MMC was much more c lastogenic than DMM, whereas mitotic spindle disturbances appeared to be almost equally induced by both compounds.  相似文献   

The genotoxic effects of the fungicide afugan were analysed by measuring chromosomal aberrations (CAs), sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) in cultured human peripheral lymphocytes. Concentrations of 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 microg/ml of afugan were used during 24 and 48 h. Afugan significantly increased the frequency of CAs at 5, 10 and 20 microg/ml concentrations during a 48 h treatment period. A significant increase was observed for induction of SCE and MN at all treatments compared with the negative control. A significant dose-response correlation was found in all tests. Afugan did not affect the replicative index (RI), however it significantly decreased the mitotic index (MI) at all treatment concentrations except 2.5 microg/ml, and at both treatment times. The present results indicate that afugan is clastogenic and cytotoxic to cultured human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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