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Summary Survival studies on irradiated euoxicE. coli B/r cells in presence of various concentrations of four radioprotecting phenothiazine drugs have been carried out. Maximum radioprotection was obtained at a optimal concentration for each drug and it decreased on either side of it. The DNA strand break studies at the maximum protective and non-protective concentrations of chlorpromazine and promethazine revealed that the number of ssbs in DNA were less at the protective concentration which were efficiently repaired by the type-III repair process. On the other hand, at the non-protective concentrations, inhibition of DNA repair was noticed and a higher number of DNA ssbs were detected. We suggest that the membrane is fluidized to a greater extent at the protective concentrations allowing the chemical restitution of damaged sites by NPSH compounds. At the non-protective high concentrations of the drugs, the membrane may be too grossly disorganised to allow any repair and at the same time high concentrations of the drugs or their radicals may also react with radioprotective intracellular sulphhydryls.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase-targeting antitumor drugs   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Much has been learned about the unusual type of DNA damage produced by the topoisomerases. The mechanism by which these lesions trigger cell death, however, remains unclear, but it appears that DNA metabolic machinery transforms reversible single-strand cleavable complexes to overt strand breaks which may be an initial event in the cytotoxic pathway. For the topoisomerase I poisons, they produce breaks at replication forks that appear to be the equivalent of a break in duplex DNA. Indicating that this may be an important cytotoxic lesion is the hypersensitivity to camptothecin of the yeast mutant rad52, which is deficient in double-strand-break-repair. The topoisomerase poisons preferentially kill proliferating cells. In the case of the topoisomerase I poison camptothecin, dramatic S-phase-specific cytotoxicity can explain its preferential action on proliferating cells. For the topoisomerase II poisons, high levels of the enzyme in proliferating cells, and very low levels in quiescent cells appear to explain the resistance of quiescent cells to the drug's cytotoxic effects. Thus, the topoisomerase poisons convert essential enzymes into intracellular, proliferating-cell toxins. The identification of both topoisomerase I and II as the specific targets of cancer chemotherapeutic drugs now provides a rational basis for the development of topoisomerase I poisons for possible clinical use. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of cell killing may lead to the identification of new therapies for treating cancer. The topoisomerase poisons appear to be a good tool for studying cell killing mechanisms as they produce highly specific and reversible lesions.  相似文献   

A series of easily affordable phenothiazine derivatives bearing a rigid but-2-ynyl amino side chain were synthesized and tested to evaluate the MDR reverting activity and full antitumor profile. Some compounds endowed with remarkable MDR reverting effect were identified, and the most active one (6c) was shown to increase doxorubicin retention in multidrug resistant cells, suggesting a direct interaction with P-glycoprotein. Furthermore, a broad range of cellular activities were observed for different compounds. In particular, the ability of some derivatives to induce antiproliferative effects on resistant cell lines and to interfere with the G(1) phase of the cell cycle, a phase usually not affected by classical antitumor agents, was noted. Moreover, the most cytotoxic compounds of the series were able to induce apoptosis in resistant cell lines, via an atypical pathway of caspase cascade activation, and a synergistic effect in combination with doxorubicin was also found.  相似文献   

Phenothiazine neuroleptic drugs have been assayed by "Soap Chromatography", a new technique for separation of ionizable materials. The suggested procedure is applicable to a number of drugs either as pure compounds or in pharmaceutical dosage forms without prior cleanup.  相似文献   

Schultz W 《Neuron》2011,69(4):603-617
How do addictive drugs hijack the brain's reward system? This review speculates how normal, physiological reward processes may be affected by addictive drugs. Addictive drugs affect acute responses and plasticity in dopamine neurons and postsynaptic structures. These effects reduce reward discrimination, increase the effects of reward prediction error signals, and enhance neuronal responses to reward-predicting stimuli, which may contribute to compulsion. Addictive drugs steepen neuronal temporal reward discounting and create temporal myopia that impairs the control of drug taking. Tonically enhanced dopamine levels may disturb working memory mechanisms necessary for assessing background rewards and thus may generate inaccurate neuronal reward predictions. Drug-induced working memory deficits may impair neuronal risk signaling, promote risky behaviors, and facilitate preaddictive drug use. Malfunctioning adaptive reward coding may lead to overvaluation of drug rewards. Many of these malfunctions may result in inadequate neuronal decision mechanisms and lead to choices biased toward drug rewards.  相似文献   

The effects of various calcium ion antagonists and ion transport inhibitors on photosynthetic O2 evolution of corals, isolated zooxanthellae, sea anemone tentacles, and Chlorococcum oleofaciens were measured. Only the phenothiazine drugs were effective at inhibiting photosynthesis. Trifluoperazine, a calcium ion antagonist drug, inhibited at low concentrations, with 10−4 molar and 8 × 10−6 molar completely abolishing photosynthesis in the intact corals and isolated zooxanthellae, respectively. Net photosynthetic O2 evolution of C. oleofaciens was eliminated by concentrations of trifluoperazine as low as 2.8 × 10−5 molar.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity is detected in most types of human tumors, but it is almost undetectable in normal somatic cells; therefore, telomerase is a promising therapeutic target. The present review describes various approaches to telomerase inhibition, namely, antisense therapy, RNA interference, and the use of ribozymes and agents interacting with the telomeric G-quadruplex. The use of these compounds in clinical research is analyzed in the review.  相似文献   

The discussion in this short review emphasizes that the main and future source of novel natural products as leads to antitumor agents is probably in the areas of biology that cannot be seen, i.e. the microbial world. The review discusses the role of microbes in the production of secondary metabolites that were initially thought to be from marine invertebrates and goes on to discuss the potential for a number of well-known anticancer agents isolated from plant sources to actually be the products of a microbe-plant interaction and finishes with a discussion of the potential of microbial “cryptic clusters” as sources of novel agents/leads to anti-tumor treatments.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper on the changes in absorbance and the calibration of a proposed UVA (320-400 nm) dosimeter have established the phenothiazine-mylar combination as a potential UVA dosimeter for population studies of UVA exposures. The change in optical absorbance at 370 nm was employed to quantify the UVA exposures. This change starts to saturate at a change in absorbance of approximately 0.3. This relates to solar UVA exposures at a sub-tropical site on a horizontal plane of approximately three to four hours. The shape of this calibration curve varies with the season. This can be overcome in the same manner as for polysulfone where the dosimeter is calibrated for the conditions that it will be employed to measure the UVA exposures.  相似文献   

The antitumor activity of polyacrylates of the noble metals containing argentum (argacryl), aurum (auracryl) and platinum (platacryl) has been studied using experimental murine solid tumor models (Lewis lung carcinoma and Acatol adenocarcinoma). It has been found that polyacrylates of the noble metals are capable of inhibiting tumor development by 50–90% compared to control. Auracryl that inhibits the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma and Acatol adenocarcinoma by 80 and 90%, respectively, compared to control is the most efficient among the tested compounds and can be recommended for the further profound preclinical studies.  相似文献   

白介素24(interleukin 24,IL-24)是利用消减杂交技术,从重组的纤维母细胞干扰素和密执毒素共同作用的黑色素瘤细胞株中筛选得到的一种高表达基因。由于IL-24能选择性地诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,而对正常细胞没有细胞毒作用,因此在肿瘤治疗研究中受到人们广泛的重视。IL-24诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的机理涉及多种信号途径,有些信号途径目前还不十分清楚。本文就IL-24通过启动不同的信号途径,诱导广泛的肿瘤细胞凋亡的机理作一综述,从而为IL-24抗肿瘤机理研究提供一些有用的信息。  相似文献   

In spite of all the advances in cancer treatment made in recent years, one of the main problems in this field that remains extremely urgent is the development of drug resistance to the chemotherapeutic agents currently in use due to clonal microevolution of tumor tissue. Numerous publications devoted to the study of cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as molecular factors of the innate immune system suggest that these compounds possess significant therapeutic potential and can be considered as candidates for the role of not only antimicrobial, but also next-generation anticancer drugs. AMPs are characterized by a variety of mechanisms of cytotoxic action that can lead to either necrosis or apoptosis of the target cells. These effects are based on the selective interaction with the membranes of tumor cells, which have a number of similarities, in structural and physiological aspects, with the microbial membranes. AMPs were found to be able to inhibit tumor growth by interrupting the formation of its vascular network. The antitumor effect of AMPs may also be enhanced by the modulation of host immune system, as previously observed for their antimicrobial effects. The described properties of AMPs give hope for the development of new drugs that will be able to overcome the resistance of tumor cells.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl radical has been spin trapped in microsomal and purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase systems in the presence of adriamycin, daunomycin and mitomycin C. The presence of a lag period in quinone-stimulated spin-adduct formation is associated with oxygen removal upon its reduction to H2O2. The hydroxy radical generation has been stimulated by the Fe-EDTA complex and completely inhibited by catalase. The mechanism of redox transformations of anthracyclines in a microsomal system has been proposed The single electron reduced quinone-containing anticancer antibiotics play the following roles: (i) they reduce oxygen to H2O2 and (ii) they reduce the ferric ions necessary for H2O2 decomposition with hydroxyl radical formation.  相似文献   

Pt-containing drugs are nowadays essential components in cancer chemotherapy. However, drug resistance and side effects limit the efficiency of the treatments. In order to improve the response to Pt-based drugs, different administration strategies or new Pt-compounds have been developed with little success. The reason for this failure could be that the mechanism of action of these drugs is not completely understood. In this way, metallomics studies may contribute to clarify the interactions of Pt-containing drugs within the organism. This review is mainly focused on the role of Analytical Chemistry on the study of the interactions between Pt-based drugs and biomolecules. A summary of the analytical techniques and the most common sample treatment procedures currently used in metallomics studies of these drugs is presented. Both are of paramount importance to study these complex samples preserving the drug-biomolecule interaction. Separation and detection techniques must be carefully selected in order to achieve the intended goals. The use of multidimensional hyphenated techniques is usually necessary for a better understanding of the Pt-based drugs interactions in the organism. An overview of Pt-drugs biological interactions is presented, considering the different sample matrices and the drugs course through the organism. Samples analysed in the included studies are blood, urine, cell cytosol, DNA as well as the drugs themselves and their derivatives. However, most of these works are based on in vitro experiments or incubations of standards, leading in some cases to contradictory results depending on the experimental conditions used. Though in vivo experiments represent a great challenge due to the high complexity and the low concentrations of the Pt-adducts in real samples, these studies must be undertaken to get a deeper understanding of the real interactions concerning Pt-containing drugs.  相似文献   

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