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The muscarinic agonist, carbachol (CCh), was shown to stimulate the production of inositol phosphates (IP) in isolated cells from rabbit fundic mucosa. This stimulatory effect was time- and dose-dependent: EC50 values for IP1, IP2 and IP3 accumulation were not statistically different. The mean value was 30 +/- 8 microM (n = 6). The corresponding maximal stimulation (% of basal value) observed after 20 min incubation in the presence of 100 microM CCh was 160 +/- 15%. CCh-induced IP accumulation was abolished by atropine (Ki = 0.32 +/- 0.18 nM (n = 3)). The CCh concentrations leading to half-maximal inhibition of N-[3H]methylscopolamine binding and half-maximal IP accumulation were similar. The half-maximal value for CCh-induced aminopyrine accumulation was 8-times lower. These results indicate that IP3-mediated mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ might be involved in CCh-induced acid secretion by parietal cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori mainly inhabit the mucus layer in the gastric mucosa. However, mechanisms involving H. pylori colonization and proliferation in gastric mucosa are not well established. This study focuses on elucidating the role of gastric mucosal cells on growth of H. pylori. MATERIALS AND METHODS: H. pylori was co-cultured with the murine gastric surface mucosal cells (GSM06), and the growth of H. pylori on the cells was assessed by enumerating the colony-forming units (CFU). The H. pylori growth factor in the culture media conditioned by GSM06 cell was purified by HPLC, and the chemical structure of the growth factor was identified by analyses of (1)H- and (13)C-NMR spectra. RESULTS: A marked increase in the number of CFU of H. pylori was observed in the GSM06 cells. The enhanced H. pylori growth was also observed when indirectly incubated with GSM06 cells through semi-permeable membrane. In addition, culture media conditioned by GSM06 cell stimulated H. pylori growth approximately one thousand-fold. By bioassay-guided purification, the H. pylori growth factor was isolated from the conditioned medium of GSM06 cells and identified as L-lactic acid. The H. pylori growth-enhancing activity under microaerobic condition was well correlated with L-lactic acid concentrations in the conditioned media. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that L-lactic acid secreted by gastric mucosal cells enhances the growth of H. pylori, and this L-lactic acid-dependent growth of H. pylori may be important to the long-term colonization of H. pylori in the stomach.  相似文献   

Rat gastric mucosal cells were separated according to size by rate-zonal sedimentation through a medium containing a gradient of bovine albumin. Numbers and mean sizes of cells indicated two main populations, 430-1000 microns 3 and 1500-2500 microns 3, with a discontinuity between 1000 and 1500 microns 3. Gradient fractions, combined into pools of increasing cell size, synthesized radiolabelled proteins which were resolved by electrophoresis, densitometry and computation. The smallest cells (430-800 microns 3) tended to synthesize radiolabelled proteins with the highest relative specific radioactivities. The decrease in relative specific radioactivity with increase in cell size was compatible with a progression from precursor cells towards the more differentiated state.  相似文献   

Protein biosynthesis by rat gastric mucosal cells in suspension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suspensions of cells freshly isolated from rat gastric mucosa by the pronase technique did not synthesize protein unless washed. Synthetic activity proceeded for at least 3h in washed cells, but unless three or four washing cycles were given the synthesized protein was subsequently degraded. Supplementation of the incubation medium with 3% w/v bovine serum albumin markedly increased synthetic activity. Special consideration was given to the control of artifacts caused by bacterial activity, oxygen deficiency and adsorption of radioleucine.  相似文献   

Regulation of prostaglandin production in cultured gastric mucosal cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aims of this study were to investigate whether exogenous prostaglandin modulates prostaglandin biosynthesis by cultured gastric mucosal cells, and to clarify the role of cyclic nucleotides in the possible modulation of prostaglandin production. After pretreatment for 30 min with buffer alone (control) or 1 to 100ng/ml PGE2, cells were incubated with 4 uM arachidonic acid for 30 min. Pretreatments with greater than 5ng/ml PGE2 inhibited arachidonate-induced PGE2 and PGI2 production in a dose-dependent fashion, as compared with control, with inhibition by 64 +/- 8% and 75 +/- 4% respectively, at 100ng/ml PGE2. PGE2, at 100ng/ml, significantly increased intracellular cAMP accumulation, but pretreatment with dibutyryl cAMP (0.01-mM) did not alter the amounts of arachidonate-induced PGE2 production. Furthermore, while greater than 10ng/ml PGE2 increased cGMP production dose-dependently, preincubation with dibutyryl cGMP (0.001-0.1mM) also failed to affect PGE2 synthesis significantly. In addition, pretreatment with isobutyl-methyl-xanthine, while increasing accumulation of cellular cyclic nucleotides, did not significantly change PGE2 production. Calcium ionophore A23187-induced PGE2 production was also inhibited by pretreatment with PGE2. These results indicate that exogenous PG inhibits subsequent arachidonate or A23187-induced PG biosynthesis in rat gastric mucosal cells, and suggest the possibility that PG regulates its own biosynthesis via feedback inhibition independent of cyclic nucleotides in these cells.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic pathways to bile acids have been studied in HepG2 cells, a well-differentiated human hepatoblastoma cell line. Cholesterol metabolites, in total 29, were isolated from culture media and cells by liquid-solid extraction and anion-exchange chromatography and were identified by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The production rates/concentrations of cholic acid (CA) and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) in media from control cells were 71 and 74 ng/10(7) cells/h, respectively. Major bile acid precursors were 3 alpha, 7 alpha, 12 alpha-trihydroxy-5 beta-cholestanoic acid (THCA), 7 alpha, 12 alpha-dihydroxy-3-oxo-4-cholestenoic acid, 7 alpha-hydroxy-3-oxo-4-cholenoic acid, and 7 alpha, 12 alpha-dihydroxy-3-oxo-5 beta-cholanoic acid, their concentrations being 60, 30, 23, and 10 ng/10(7) cells/h, respectively. These and nine other isolated intermediates formed essentially complete metabolic sequences from cholesterol to CA and CDCA. The remaining steroids were metabolites of the intermediates or autooxidation products of cholesterol. These findings and the observed effect of dexamethasone on production rates suggest that in HepG2 cells the major biosynthetic pathways to primary bile acids start with 7 alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol and oxidation to 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one followed by hydroxylation at either the 26 or 12 alpha position. CDCA is formed by the sequence of 26-hydroxylation, oxidation, and degradation of the side chain and A-ring reduction. CA is formed by the sequence of 12 alpha-hydroxylation, 26-hydroxylation, oxidation, and degradation of the side chain and reduction of the A-ring. An alternative pathway to CA included A-ring reduction of the intermediate 7 alpha, 12 alpha-dihydroxy-3-oxo-4-cholestenoic acid to form THCA prior to side chain cleavage. These pathways are not limited to HepG2 cells but may also be important in humans.  相似文献   

The substrate-dependency of gastric acid secretion was investigated in isolated rat parietal cells by using the accumulation of the weak base aminopyrine as an index of acid secretion. Exogenous substrates enhanced accumulation of aminopyrine in rat parietal cells stimulated by secretagogues, and this effect was probably directly related to the provision of energy for acid secretion. At physiological concentrations, certain of the substrates (glucose, oleate, lactate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate, L-isoleucine, L-valine and acetoacetate) could support acid secretion, with glucose being the most effective. L-Leucine and acetate were only effective stimulators of parietal-cell aminopyrine accumulation at high concentrations (5mM). L-Glutamine was unable to stimulate aminopyrine accumulation even at high concentrations, and glutaminase activity in parietal cells was estimated to be low by comparison with small-intestinal epithelial cells. Variation in the concentrations of D-3-hydroxybutyrate and L-isoleucine, but not of glucose, within the physiological range affected their ability to support aminopyrine accumulation. The presence of 5 mM-L-isoleucine, 5 mM-lactate and combinations of certain substrates at physiological concentrations produced aminopyrine accumulation in stimulated parietal cells that was greater than that obtained in cells incubated with 5 mM-glucose alone. In conclusion, fulfillment of the metabolic requirements of the acid-secreting parietal cell under physiological circumstances requires a combination of substrates, and integration of the results with previous data [Anderson & Hanson (1983) Biochem. J. 210, 451-455; 212, 875-879] suggests that after overnight starvation in vivo metabolism of glucose, D-3-hydroxybutyrate and L-isoleucine may be of particular importance.  相似文献   

Human gastric mucosal cells were isolated from the resected fundic mucosa of peptic ulcer patients. The intracellular content and secretion of intrinsic factor were estimated by binding to cyano[57Co]cobalamin. The content was maximal in the enriched parietal cell fraction which also displayed the highest H+ production as measured by amino[14C]pyrine uptake. Secretagogues evoked full response after 15 min of incubation: pentagastrin (181% of basal secretion), carbachol (208%), histamine (250%) and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (304%). The phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine was slightly more effective even than dibutyryl cAMP. The response to histamine was abolished by ranitidine, indicating activation of adenylate cyclase via histamine H2 receptors, but remained unaffected by atropine, which in turn blocked the carbachol effect, whereas ranitidine was ineffective. The mean formation rate was 8.4 fmol intrinsic factor/106 cells per h under basal conditions and 14.3 fmol in response to histamine.  相似文献   

J Puurunen  H Karppanen 《Life sciences》1975,16(10):1513-1520
The effect of ethanol on the secretion of gastric acid and the content of cyclic AMP of the gastric mucosa was studied in rats. Intravenously, ethanol (10 to 800 mg/kg) had no effect on the output of acid. Upon local application into the stomach, ethanol (1 to 10%) caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the output of gastric acid. The effect was evident within 5 min. At the concentration of 1 %,ethanol decreased the rate of acid secretion maximally by about 30%. At the concentration of 3 %, the maximal inhibition was about 70 %. At the concentration of 10 %, ethanol caused a total cessation of the output of acid within 20 to 60 min.Five and 25 min after the administration of 10 % ethanol into the stomach, the gastric mucosal content of cyclic AMP was decreased by approximately 50 %. Also in vitro, the mucosal content of cyclic AMP was decreased by ethanol within 5 min. The decrease was about 30 % with 2.5 % ethanol, approximately 60 % with 10 % ethanol, and approximately 45 % with 20 % ethanol. Alcohol inhibited the activity of the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase of the gastric mucosa in a competitive manner. The Ki-value was 0.16 M which would correspond to an alcohol concentration of 9.1 % (v/v). Ethanol caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the activity of the gastric mucosal adenyl cyclase. By 0.166 M (9.4 %) alcohol the inhibition was nearly 100 %.It is concluded that the ethanol-induced decrease of cyclic AMP in the gastric mucosa is due to a decreased formation of the nucleotide. The accompanying inhibition of the output of acid by ethanol is consistent with the view that cyclic AMP is an intracellular regulator of the gastric acid secretion. In view of the role of cyclic AMP in the control of the integrity of the cells, it is suggested that the ethanol-induced damage of gastric mucosa might also be, at least partly, due to the decreased mucosal content of cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Inactivation of histamine by gastric mucosal tissue was examined in dispersed rabbit gastric mucosal cells. Mucosal cells were incubated with [14C]histamine. The formed radioactive metabolites were separated and identified by thin layer co-chromatography and quantitated, in both the cellular and extracellular mediums. Gastric mucosal cells internalized histamine, most of which was immediately methylated primarily to N tau-methylhistamine and released. Cellular histamine product accumulation reached a plateau. The rate of histamine methylation increased with increasing extracellular histamine concentration, moving towards a plateau above 5 microM. Histamine methylation was greatly decreased but not abolished at 4 degrees C, in the absence of Na+ and by phlorizin (0.5 mM), an inhibitor of Na(+)-dependent co-transport. Inhibition of histamine N-methyltransferase decreased intracellular methylhistamine content dose dependently without increasing intracellular histamine. The secretagogues pentagastrin and carbachol did not influence histamine metabolism but ethanol inhibited methylation. The data suggest that gastric mucosal cells take up histamine by a Na(+)-dependent and Na(+)-independent process. The histamine uptake capacity appears to be linked to the methylation activity within the cell. The decrease in histamine uptake and metabolism caused by ethanol could potentially increase histamine concentrations near the target cells and be the reason for the stimulatory effect of ethanol on acid secretion.  相似文献   

Cell membrane function during hybridization was assessed by examining the accumulation of four representative amino acids and a sugar in mouse-human hybrid cells, parental mouse cells and human cells. Qualitatively, accumulation in the hybrids was found to resemble the accumulation in parental mouse more than the human cells. In particular, the steady-state uptake of leucine and glycine in hybrids was similar to that in parental mouse cells and different than that observed in the human cells. The findings suggest that hybrids retain transport properties of mouse rather than human cells. These results are in keeping with our previous observation that the human mouse hybrids conserve most of the mouse chromosomes and the membrane proteins of the hybrids are very likely of mouse parental origin.  相似文献   

In pylorus-ligated rats subcutaneous (sc) pentagastrin (325.5 nmol/kg) or histamine (54.3 μmol/kg), but not the cholinergic linergic agent bethanechol (7.6 or 15.2 μmol/kg), increased gastric mucosal injury by sc indomethacin (55.8 μmol/kg). Intragastric (ig) administration of 0.15 or 0.3 N HCl greatly potentiated injury by sc indomethacin with widespread ulceration, intragastric bleeding and even perforation. The gastric mucosal damage produced by indomethacin plus 0.3 N HCl was reduced by ig capsaicin (3.1–25.1 μM), ig resiniferatoxin (0.38-6.1 μM), by sc atropine (0.15-1.2 μmol/kg) and to a lesser extent by ig prostacyclin (40–267 μM) or sc cimetidine (198.2 μmol/kg). The protective effect of capsaicin or resiniferatoxin was not prevented by atropine or cimetidine treatment. Capsaicin (6.5 mM) enhanced gastric injury by sc or ig indomethacin. Results indicate the importance of early vascular events in the pathogenesis of mucosal injury induced by indomethacin in the stomach and suggest a role for gastric acid in potentiation of such injury. Results further strengthen the idea of a protective role for capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves in the stomach.  相似文献   

When the gastric mucosa is exposed to various irritants, apoptosis and subsequent gastric mucosal lesion can result in vivo. We here show that gastric irritants induced apoptosis in gastric mucosal cells in primary culture and examined its molecular mechanism. Ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid all induced, in a dose-dependent manner, cell death, apoptotic DNA fragmentation, and chromatin condensation, suggesting that each of these gastric irritants induced apoptosis in vitro. Since each of these irritants decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential and stimulated the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, gastric irritant-induced apoptosis seems to be mediated by mitochondrial dysfunction. Caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9-like activities were all activated simultaneously by each of these irritants and the activation was concomitantly with cell death and apoptotic DNA fragmentation. Furthermore, pre-treatment of gastric mucosal cells with an inhibitor of caspase-8 suppressed the onset of cell death as well as the stimulation of caspase-3- and caspase-9-like activities caused by each of these gastric irritants. Based on these results, we consider that caspase-8, an initiator caspase, plays an important role in gastric irritant-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Using an improved spectrophotometer, we have reinvestigated the report (Hersey, S.J. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 344, 157–203) that acidification of the mucosal surface of frog gastric mucosa produces a crossover point between flavoprotein and cytochrome b, thus identifying a site of energy coupling between the cytochrome and H+ transport systems. While we find spectrophotometric changes upon addition of HCl to the mucosal solution, we find similar changes upon addition of NaCl without pH change, but no changes when the pH is lowered by substitution of H+ for Na+ at constant osmolality. We show that osmolality changes, with consequent alteration in tissue light scattering, are responsible for these effects. Further, we can show that the pH changes used do not inhibit acid secretion, and that one cannot do so without osmolality increase. We conclude that the imputed crossover point is not demonstrated, and that models based on its existence must be revised.  相似文献   

In liver and intestine, transporters play a critical role in maintaining the enterohepatic circulation and bile acid homeostasis. Over the past two decades, there has been significant progress toward identifying the individual membrane transporters and unraveling their complex regulation. In the liver, bile acids are efficiently transported across the sinusoidal membrane by the Na+ taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide with assistance by members of the organic anion transporting polypeptide family. The bile acids are then secreted in an ATP-dependent fashion across the canalicular membrane by the bile salt export pump. Following their movement with bile into the lumen of the small intestine, bile acids are almost quantitatively reclaimed in the ileum by the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter. The bile acids are shuttled across the enterocyte to the basolateral membrane and effluxed into the portal circulation by the recently indentified heteromeric organic solute transporter, OSTα-OSTβ. In addition to the hepatocyte and enterocyte, subgroups of these bile acid transporters are expressed by the biliary, renal, and colonic epithelium where they contribute to maintaining bile acid homeostasis and play important cytoprotective roles. This article will review our current understanding of the physiological role and regulation of these important carriers.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of central noradrenaline (NA) in gastric functions, changes in mucosal blood flow (MBF) and acid secretion following electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) and the effects of NA on these parameters were examined in rats anesthetized with urethane. NA 10 μg/animal injected into the lateral ventricle decreased the basal value of both the gastric MBF and acid output, while the same dose of acetycholine or dopamine was without effect. Repetitive electrical stimulation of LHA at 10 cycles/sec, 0.5 mA, 2 msec for 10 min elicited a significant, reproducible increase in both gastric MBF and acid output. NA 10 μg/animal injected into the lateral ventricle completely blocked these increases induced by the electrical stimulation. These data suggest that a central noradrenergic inhibitory mechanism is involved in regulation of the gastric MBF and acid secretion.  相似文献   

We have established monolayer cultures of human and rabbit gastric mucosal cells and of isolated rabbit gastric chief cells. These cultures were capable of de novo pepsinogen synthesis and secretion, demonstrated by electrophoresis and subsequent autoradiography of cell lysates and growth medium after culture in the presence of 14C-labelled amino acids. Cultures could be maintained for 1 week without overgrowth by fibroblasts.  相似文献   

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