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杭州石荠Ning(唇形科)小坚果的散布生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周世良  潘开玉 《广西植物》1999,19(2):176-179
报道了杭州石荠Ning(MoslahangchouensisMatsuda)的种子散布机制和特点,结合其它方面的研究结果,为迁地保护提供理论依据,杭州石荠Ning小坚果的散布机制是被动弹力散布,植株,花萼和小坚果三者联合参与,风,雨,动物触动是能量来源,初级散布距离在实验条件下,在30~35cm的区域小坚果最多,此后,随面积的增加而减少,密度峰值出现在10~15cm的区间,杭州石荠Ning的小坚果  相似文献   

杭州石荠苧生态学特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杭州石荠(Moslahangchowensis)的种子完全靠风传播,但由于种子大,传播距离不远;种子在冬季休眠,春天(2月末3月初)萌发,种子萌发率很低,尤其是水选上层种子,主要原因是质量差。杭州石荠的营养期从3月初到8月上旬,株高在8月中旬以前基本为匀速增加,早期生长极为缓慢。形态和生殖力的环境可塑性极强,自然生长的植株冠幅变动在4~5616cm2之间。杭州石荠在自然生境中有时形成单优群落,通常与其它植物伴生。由于早期生长慢,限制了其在群落中的竞争能力,在土壤条件好的地方绝大部分被排挤掉,只是由于其极强的耐旱能力才在高温、干旱、土少的生境中得以存活。将同属不濒危的华荠与之比较,其种子小于杭州石荠,但萌发率却高于杭州石荠。华荠的植株较矮,花色不如杭州石荠鲜艳,同在路边生长,不像杭州石荠那样容易被人采摘;华荠的根较杭州石荠的根深,抗雨水冲刷能力较强。华荠在自然生境中植株投入生殖的比例大于杭州石荠。  相似文献   

杭州石荠苧的传粉、小坚果散布和邻群大小   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周世良  陈新 《广西植物》2002,22(4):337-339
作者在杭州葛岭对杭州石荠苧自然居群的传粉和小坚果散布进行了详细的观察和实验。结果显示 ,以 2 6 0个传粉昆虫的飞行距离推算的花粉绝对散布方差为 0 .0 82 m2 ,798个小坚果的亲子散布方差为0 .1587m2。在上述散布特点和异交率为 0 .92 5条件下的邻群面积为 2 .2 33m 2 ,在有效密度为 4 7.7株 / m 2的有效密度下的邻群大小为 10 6 .5株。杭州石荠以异交为主 ,非常有限的基因散布导致邻群面积很小 ,居群容易发生遗传分化。  相似文献   

小鱼仙草(Mosladi anthera)又称小本土荆芥、山苏麻 ,为唇形科石荠属一年生草本植物。茎四棱形 ;叶卵状披针形或菱状披针形 ,具凹陷的腺点 ;总状花序生于茎和枝的顶端 ,花冠二唇形 ,淡紫色 ,花萼也呈二唇形 ;小坚果褐色 ,卵状椭圆形或近球形。花期5—11月  相似文献   

杭州石荠苧的光合特性及其对土壤水分的响应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过控制土壤水分条件杭州石荠(Moslahangchowensis)光合的生理生态研究,解释了1993~1995年野外种群生态和生理生态研究中发现的问题,并分析了该种的濒危机制。结果表明:(1)杭州石荠的光饱和点较低,在土壤水分充足时仅30kLux左右。当土壤含水率从5%增加至21%时,光饱和点、最大净光合速率和初始P/L值随之增加,而光补偿点则随之降低,但当土壤湿度超过21%时,各参数的变化呈现出相反趋势。(2)在诸环境因子中,土壤含水率对光合速率的影响最显著,土壤从湿到干,光合土壤含水率回归直线的斜率增大,土壤湿度为6%时的斜率达12.2208,是8%~10%时的2~4倍和24%~25%时的6~9倍。(3)极端干旱时的水分利用效率最低,中等偏干时最高,湿润时又降低。(4)从光合特征值、解剖结构和叶绿素含量等判断,该种应属于C3光合类型、需光量介于阳性植物和阴性植物之间的耐阴植物。杭州石荠的上述光合生理生态特点及其它一些生物学特性,以及其分布地的环境之间的诸多矛盾可能是造成其濒危的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

杭州石荠种子萌发的生理生态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了我国特有的、分布区极狭窄的1年生草本植物——杭州石荠(Moslahangchowen-sis)种子萌发的生理生态学特性。结果表明:杭州石荠种子冬天休眠,早春开始萌发;萌发的温度范围是10~35℃,20℃时萌发率最高,因此其萌发的季节仅限于春季;变温处理的萌发率不高于恒温处理;全日照和黑暗条件使萌发率比最适条件的萌发率降低36%;水选上层种子的萌发率仅为7%,水选下层种子萌发率可达60%,但水选下层种子在全部种子中仅占32.6%,说明种子质量差可能是其萌发率低的重要原因。萌发率与千粒重、气介容重及电导率有显著相关;与母株生境也有一定关系,40%日照下母株所产种子的平均萌发率为24.6%,40%日照以下母株所产种子的萌发率降低;不同地区种群种子萌发率均低于35%。种子萌发率低是杭州石荠各个种群存在的共同问题。  相似文献   

杭州石荠苎和石香薷(唇形科)的传粉生物学比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杭州石荠苎(MoslahangchouensisMatsudas)和石香薷(M.chinensisMaxim.)是一对种对,前零星分布于浙江,后广布于长江流域以南地区。杭州石荠苎以异花传粉为主,花粉/胚珠(P/O)为756=-6163;石香薷以自花传粉为主,P/O=110。  相似文献   

松嫩平原碱化草甸朝鲜碱茅种子散布机制的分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用顺序远离母株取样的方法,定量分析了松嫩平原碱化草甸朝鲜碱茅(Puccinelliachinam poensis Ohw i)的种子散布机制。结果表明,在8个方向中仅西南方向表现为近母株散布距离,其它7个方向均表现为远母株散布距离的种子散布机制。经相关性分析,朝鲜碱茅向不同的方向散布的种子数量与种子散布时期顺风向的风速和风向频率呈正相关,反映了朝鲜碱茅是借助于风媒介实现了远母株距离扩展潜在生态位空间的种群对策。朝鲜碱茅向母株周围散布的种子呈连续分布格局的散布半径平均为175 cm 。  相似文献   

《分子识别机制》《分子识别机制,(Molecularrecognitionmechanisms)由MichelDelaase编著,1991年VCHPublisher出版,285页。分子识别机制是用现代方法去研究化学和生物系统相互作用的分子基础。该书汇...  相似文献   

我国特产的珍稀动物──黑麂黑麂(Muntiacuscrinfuns),属哺乳纲、偶蹄目、鹿科,是我国特有的鹿种,属国家一级保护动物。为麂类中体型最大者,成体体重21~26kg,体长98~132cm,尾长18~28cm,肩高50~69cm。通体技乌黑带...  相似文献   

The role of hydrochory in structuring riparian and wetland vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrochory, or the passive dispersal of organisms by water, is an important means of propagule transport, especially for plants. During recent years, knowledge about hydrochory and its ecological consequences has increased considerably and a substantial body of literature has been produced. Here, we review this literature and define the state of the art of the discipline. A substantial proportion of species growing in or near water have propagules (fruits, seeds or vegetative units) able to disperse by water, either floating, submerged in flowing water, or with the help of floating vessels. Hydrochory can enable plants to colonize sites out of reach with other dispersal vectors, but the timing of dispersal and mechanisms of establishment are important for successful establishment. At the population level, hydrochory may increase the effective size and longevity of populations, and control their spatial configuration. Hydrochory is also an important source of species colonizing recruitment‐limited riparian and wetland communities, contributing to maintenance of community species richness. Dispersal by water may even influence community composition in different landscape elements, resulting in landscape‐level patterns. Genetically, hydrochory may reduce spatial aggregation of genetically related individuals, lead to high gene flow among populations, and increase genetic diversity in populations receiving many propagules. Humans have impacted hydrochory in many ways. For example, dams affect hydrochory by reducing peak flows and hence dispersal capacity, altering the timing of dispersal, and by presenting physical barriers to dispersal, with consequences for riverine plant communities. Hydrochory has been inferred to be an important vector for the spread of many invasive species, but there is also the potential for enhancing ecosystem restoration by improving or restoring water dispersal pathways. Climate change may alter the role of hydrochory by modifying the hydrology of water‐bodies as well as conditions for propagule release and plant colonization.  相似文献   

Mosla hangchouensis Matsuda and M. chinensis Maxim. are sibling species. The former is endemic to the coastal areas of Zhejiang Province, and the latter occupies southern China. Their morphological differences were associated with their different breeding systems indicated by pollen-ovule ratio (P/O). M. hangchouensis was predominantly outcrossing with P/O ranging from 756 to 6163 due to the variation among populations. Floral characters also showed that M. hangchouensis is an outcrosser: corolla tube 5~10 mm long, 3~5 mm wide, bright red: style 6~15 mm long; stigma 1.5~2.0 mm horizontally away from anthers. On the contrary, M. chinensis was predominantly a selfer with a low P/O ratio (P/O= 110). Its floral parameters contrasted sharply with M. hangchouensis: corolla tube 3.0 mm long, 1.0 ~ 1.5 mm wide, pale colored; style 2.5 mm long. stigma close to or touching anthers. The pollinators of M. hangchouensis most frequently seen are: Bombus trifascitus Smith., Scolia spp., Apis cerana Fabricius, Hylaeus sp. and Lasioglossum spp. These pollinators began to visit flowers at about 8:00 am, when flower buds were ready to open. When insects entered corolla tube for honey and (or) pollen, the stigmata touched the insects body hairs to which pollen grains adhered, and pollen grains were transferred to the stigmata. Meanwhile the hairs collected pollen from anthers under the upper lips of corolla as the insects thrusted their bodies forward. Bumble bees and honey bees were considered more efficient pollinators because they were hair-rich and their body size fitted corolla tube fairly well. Due to the'short flight distance of pollinators between two visits (average flight distances of honey bees and solitary bees were 0.52 m and 0.32 m respectively), pollen dispersal was probably restricted. Pollen vectors were important for the reproductive success of M. hangchouensis because 84.3 % of its seed-set depended on the pollinators' visitation. Although insects did pay visits to M. chinensis occasionally, such visitation was insignificant in seed-set due to cleistogamy. Discussions are made on the evolutionary significance of breeding system divergence between M. hangchouensis and M. chinensis, and the contribution of studies on pollination biology to conservation biology. Further studies are suggested for more thorough understanding of pollination biology of M. hangchouensis.  相似文献   

Morphological features of nutlets of all members of the genus Limnanthes were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Eight distinct nutlet types are recognized on the basis of presence or absence, size, shape, density, and color of tubercles and associated filamentous or globular background structures. Some taxa (e.g., L. macounii, L. bakeri) display only one nutlet type, some (e.g., L. floccosa floccosa) have different types in different populations, and others (e.g., L. alba, L. striata) have two or more types within populations. Four classes of nutlets are designated as subtypes on the basis of their forms varying between the eight types recognized. The relationships among various taxa on the basis of nutlet types are schematically diagrammed and compared with other classification schemes. Results suggest that the proposed details of nutlet morphology should be considered in an identification key. Preliminary evidence indicates that certain highly sculptured (tuberculate) nutlet types with large surface areas occur more often in wetter habitats and that variation in this trait in different Limnanthes species might be adaptively associated with geographical distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Nutlet sculpturing of 23Teucrium species belonging to six sections was studied. The nutlets of analysed species were characterized by the presence of the oil glands of various density. SectionTeucrium is well defined by very densely distributed trichomes and oil glands on nutlets. Trichomes on nutlets were absent in all other species, except inT. marum from sect.Chamaedrys. Sect.Polium is a homogeneous group, distinguished from the other sections. There are some similarities of this sect. with sect.Scordium. Species of sect.Chamaedrys are heterogeneous and overlap according to the surface sculpturing characters with the other sections. The significance of nutlet microcharacters as additional taxonomical markers in the infrageneric classification of the genusTeucrium is discussed.  相似文献   

Teucrium montanum L. and T. polium L. are the two closest Teucrium L. species from sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb in Turkey. In addition, they are sympatric for some part of their range in Turkey. In this study, comparative anatomical and micromorphological studies of the two species are carried out. They have been investigated by their leaf and stem anatomical features, as well as nutlet micromorphological characteristics. The results of anatomical studies show that the anatomical characters of both taxa are observed to be similar to the general features of the family Lamiaceae anatomy, except for lacking rich collenchyma at the corners. Both taxa are similar in stem anatomy and their leaves exhibit xeromorphy. However, trichome morphology on the stems and the leaves appear to have a taxonomic value in segregation of the two taxa. Light and scanning electron microscope studies on the nutlets also show that nutlet shapes, measures and surface micromorphologies are different in the two species. Whereas nutlet surfaces are bireticulate in both species, the nutlets are larger and primary sculpturing is more distinct in T. polium than in T. montanum. Moreover, the nutlets are oblong to oblong-ovoid and larger in T. polium, but ovoid and smaller in T. montanum.  相似文献   

Morphological and micromorphological characters of the nutlets of ten Onosma species in Turkey were reported. Studied fruit surfaces show some variations. Based on the structure and patterns of epidermis cells of the nutlets, two principal types can be distinguished. In Type 1, the epidermal cells of the nutlet surface are formed in a reticulate pattern with varied sizes and shapes of the meshes. This type is the most common type in the studied species. Seven of the species observed belong to the reticulate type, i.e. O. bracteosum, O. mutabile, O. aleppicum, O. bornmuelleri, O. aucheranum, O. araraticum and O. tauricum. In Type 2, the epidermal cells of the nutlet surface are formed in an elongated type with varied sizes and shapes. Three of the observed species belong to this type, i.e. O. roussaei, O. isauricum and O. stenolobum. Significant taxonomic differences between species were determined on the surface of the nutlets.  相似文献   

Aim The ability to quantitatively measure the continuum of macroscale patterns of species invasion is a first step toward deeper understanding of their causal factors. We took advantage of two centuries worth of herbarium data, to evaluate a set of metrics to measure macroscale patterns, allowing cross-species comparisons of invasive expansion across large geographic areas.Methods We used herbarium specimens to reconstruct county-level invasion histories for two non-native plants (Alliaria petiolata and Lonicera japonica), with distinct spatiotemporal distribution patterns over the past two centuries. Using county centroids from species' initial occurrences, we quantified point pattern metrics from multiple disciplines (e.g. urban crime analysis, landscape ecology etc.) that are historically used at smaller spatial scales, to evaluate their ability to detect macroscale spatial diffusion and amount of directional expansion. Metrics were further assessed for their ease of use, data requirements, independence from other metrics and intuitiveness of interpretation.Important findings We identified four suitable metrics for distinguishing differences in spatial patterns: (i) standard distance, (ii) number of patches, (iii) Euclidean nearest neighbor summary class statistic coefficient of variation and (iv) mean center that when applied to county-level presence data allowed us to determine the directions by which distributions expanded and if distributions increased via outward expansion, infilling and/or jump dispersal events. These metrics when compared during the same invasion phase are capable of quantifying macroscale variability among species in their distributional and dispersal patterns. Being able to quantify differences among species in these patterns is important in understanding the drivers of species dispersal patterns. These metrics therefore represent a simple yet thorough toolset for achieving this goal.  相似文献   

  1. Seed transport by hydrochory is a key mechanism of long-distance dispersal constrained by attributes of the seed and hydrodynamics of the river, influenced by seasonal precipitation and hydrological pulses. However, the extent to which a hydrodynamic model can predict seed dispersal influenced by a tributary is unknown.
  2. The study was conducted along a 10-km stretch of the Falsino River in Amapá, Brazil. Hydrodynamic parameters from the 2021 rainy season were used to calibrate a three-dimensional numerical model (SisBaHia) and simulate hydrochory of Macrolobium bifolium, a widely distributed species in the Amazon floodplains. This model was coupled with a Lagrangian dispersal model to estimate the average transport distance of the fruit plume. The simulated results were compared statistically with those of dispersal quantified in the field.
  3. The field experiment coincided with the maximum hydrological pulse, providing with a maximum potential distance of longitudinal dispersal fruit of c. 10 km in 2 hr. The orders of magnitude of the mean plume transport (observed and numerically simulated centre of mass) were compatible with each other over six longitudinal tracking sections (4.0% ≤ estimated × observed error ≤ 16.5%). Different channel stretches had distinct hydraulic characteristics that influenced spatial dispersal dynamics and are likely to be factors influencing the distribution of Mbifolium in these environments.
  4. The present research is a contribution to understanding fluvial hydrodynamics and hydrochory by Mbifolium, whose seed dispersal syndrome is an adaptive characteristic that might explain its abundance and richness in these Amazonian riparian zones. We used Mbifolium as a model species to understand the role of seasonal flood pulse and fluvial hydrodynamics related to hydrochory favouring.

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