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The timing and duration of each stage of the life of a long‐distance migrant bird are constrained by time and resources. If the parental roles of males and females differ, the timing of other life stages, such as moult or pre‐migratory fuelling, may also differ between the sexes. Little is known about sexual differences for species with weak sexual dimorphism, but DNA‐sexing enables fresh insights. The Little Stint Calidris minuta is a monomorphic long‐distance migrant wader breeding in the Arctic tundra. Males compete for territories and perform elaborate aerial displays. Females produce two clutches a season. Each sex may be a bigamist and incubate one nest a season, each with a different partner. We expect that these differences in breeding behaviour entail different preparations for breeding by males and females, so we aimed to determine whether Little Stints showed any sex differences in their strategies for pre‐breeding moult and pre‐migratory fuelling at their non‐breeding grounds in South Africa. We used body moult records, wing length and body mass of 241 DNA‐sexed Little Stints that we caught and ringed between 27 January and 29 April in 2008–2018 at two neighbouring wetlands in North West Province, South Africa. For each individual we assessed the percentage of breeding plumage on its upperparts and took blood samples for DNA‐sexing. We calculated an adjusted Body Moult Index and an adjusted Wing Coverts Moult Index, then used the Underhill–Zucchini moult model to estimate the start dates and the rate of body moult in males and females. We estimated the changes in the sex ratio of the local population during their stay in South Africa, and also estimated the timing and rate of pre‐migratory fuelling and the potential flight ranges for males and females. The males started body moult on average on 7 February and the females on 12 February, but the sexes did not differ in their timing of wing covert moult, which started on average on 10 February. In January to mid‐February, males constituted c. 57% of the population, but their proportion declined afterwards, indicating an earlier departure than females. We estimated that both sexes began pre‐migratory fuelling on average on 15 March. The sexes did not differ in fuelling rate, but most females stayed at the non‐breeding site longer than the males, and thus accumulated more fuel and had longer potential flight ranges. These patterns of moult and fuelling suggest sex differences in preparations for breeding. We suggest that the males depart from South Africa earlier but with smaller fuel loads than the females to establish breeding territories before the females arrive. We conclude that for each sex the observed trade‐offs between fuelling and moult at the non‐breeding grounds are precursors to different migration strategies, which in turn are adaptations for their different roles in reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1984,126(1):1-15
Moult data were collected during 1967–80 from some 6900 Little Stints in the southern Kenyan rift valley.
Adults typically moulted from summer to winter body and head plumage during September and early October, soon after arrival. The complete pre-winter wing and tail moult began in most adults between mid-September and early October. Some birds finished by December, but others continued until February and March. Individual duration was usually between 100 and 150 days. Adults which completed this moult early often remoulted outer primaries between January and early April.
Young birds acquired first-winter body plumage during October and early November. Some 90% had a complete pre-winter wing and tail moult. This usually began between December and early February, and finished during March or early April, taking about 70–100 days. In about 10% of young birds, flight feather moult was restricted to the outer primaries and inner secondaries. Birds adopting this strategy typically began moult late, during January or February. Short periods of suspension were common during pre-winter wing moult, particularly in adults. The difference in moult speed between adult arid first-winter birds was attributable in the primary, secondary and tail tracts to differences in numbers of growing feathers.
Practically all birds completed a pre-summer moult involving the entire body and head plumage, most of the tertials, some or all of the tail feathers and many wing coverts. Most birds began this moult between early February and late March, and finished between mid-April and early May. It was typically later and more rapid in first-year birds than adults. In late birds, the onset of pre-summer moult was linked to the final stages of pre-winter moult.
The wing moult of the Little Stint in different wintering areas is discussed. First-winter moult strategy is compared with that in other small Calidris species.  相似文献   

We studied the structure of genetic variation (at both ramet- and genet-level) and clonal diversity within and among populations in the four closely related arctic clonal sedges Carex bigelowii, C. ensifolia, C. lugens and C. stans by use of allozyme markers. Compared to other sedges and arctic plants, the studied taxa all had high levels of genetic variation, both within populations and taxa. These taxa contained most of the total gene diversity (H(T)) within populations and a small part of the diversity among populations (G(ST) ranged 0.05--0.43). Carex bigelowii had genetic variation (H(S) = 0.173, mean for populations) at a comparable level to other outbreeding arctic plants and to other widespread, rhizomatous and mainly outbreeding Carex species. In contrast, C. ensifolia (H(S) = 0.335), C. lugens (H(S) = 0.339) and C. stans (H(S) = 0.294) had within-population variations that were higher than in most other studied Carex species and for arctic plants in general. Genetic variation was not related to any tested environmental variable, but it was lower in areas deglaciated only 10,000 years BP compared to areas deglaciated 60,000 years BP or not glaciated at all during the Weichselian. All the populations were multiclonal, except for two populations of C. stans that were monoclonal. In contrast to genetic variation, clonal diversity decreased with latitude and did not differ between areas with different times of deglaciation. In accordance with previous studies, C. bigelowii and C. lugens were found to be outbreeding, while C. ensifolia and C. stans had mixed mating systems.  相似文献   

By using morphometric data and geolocator tracking we investigated fuel loads and spatio‐temporal patterns of migration and non‐breeding in Temminck's stints Calidris temminckii. Body masses in stints captured at autumn stopover sites from Scandinavia to northern Africa were generally not much higher than during breeding and did not vary geographically. Thus, we expected migrating stints to make several stopovers and either circumventing the Sahara desert with low fuel loads or fuelling at north African stopover sites before desert crossing. Geolocation revealed that birds (n = 6) departed their Norwegian breeding site in the last part of July and all but one migrated south‐west over continental western Europe. A single bird headed south‐east to the Balkan Peninsula where the geolocator died. As predicted, southbound migration proceeded in a typical skipping manner with 1–4 relatively short stopovers (median 4 d) during 10–27 d of migration before reaching north‐west Africa. Here birds spent 11–20 d before crossing the Sahara. The non‐breeding sites were located at or near the Niger River in Mali and were occupied continuously for more than 215 d with no indications of itinerancy. Spring migration commenced in late April/early May when birds crossed the desert and used stopover sites in the western Mediterranean basin in a similar manner as during autumn. The lowest body masses were recorded in spring at islands in the central Mediterranean basin, indicating that crossing the Sahara and Mediterranean barriers is exhausting to these birds. Hence, the skipping‐type pattern of migration revealed by geolocators is likely to be natural in this species and not an effect of instrumentation.  相似文献   

We investigated the stopover patterns of male and female Curlew Sandpipers at a stopover area in northeast Spain. Curlew Sandpipers were trapped and colour-ringed during autumn migration in 1992 and 1993. Stopover length was similar to those reported previously for this and other waders that migrate using a small number of widely separated staging areas, but were greater than stopovers reported for other waders that migrate using a large number of staging areas separated by short distances. The differences in stopover length between the birds using these two strategies could be related to the fuel reserves that have to be accumulated to reach the next staging area. Males stayed longer in the area than females. Seasonal changes in prey availability or sex differences in moulting and migratory patterns do not account for these differences in stopover ecology. Following a time-selected model of optimal migration, sex differences in stopover ecology could be related to a dominance of the larger females over the males or to a higher foraging efficiency or a shorter search and settling time in females. Whether these differences are restricted to the studied area or are widespread in other staging areas used by the species could be important for assessing the possible differences in the migration speed of Curlew Sandpipers. The finding that males leave the breeding grounds 21–35 days before females but arrive at the study area with only a 10-day difference supports the hypothesis that females migrate faster than males at least in the first half of their migration.  相似文献   

为更精准地掌握浙江沿岸春秋季小黄鱼生长动态,本文利用2014—2019年春季(4月)和秋季(11月)在浙江沿岸海域底拖网调查资料,通过构建一个广义线性模型(GLM)和9个线性混合效应模型(LMEM)来研究小黄鱼生长的异质性。结果表明:小黄鱼平均体长为124.12 mm(15~210 mm),优势组为110~140 mm;平均体重为33.28 g(0.04~156.2 g),优势组为30~50 g。根据AIC最小准则,同时具有季节和水域对生长参数ab随机效应的LMEM模型最优,且交叉验证的结果也表明此模型的预测效果最佳。在最优模型中,生长参数a的固定值为0.61×10-4,加入季节和水域随机效应后a值为0.32×10-4~1.91×10-4,b的固定值为2.73,加入季节和水域随机效应后b值范围为2.49~2.86,表明小黄鱼为负异速生长,季节和水域对小黄鱼体长与体重关系有显著影响。从季节上来看,春季小黄鱼生长速度快于秋季,从水域分布来看,离岸距离越短的水域小黄鱼生长速度越快。  相似文献   

In migrating birds, the success of migration is determined by stopover duration, the most important factor determining overall speed of migration, and fuel deposition rate. However, very little is known about stopover durations of small migrant birds, because appropriate methods for data analysis were lacking until recently. We used a new capture-recapture analysis to estimate stopover durations of 1st-year reed warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus, sedge warblers A. schoenobaenus and garden warblers Sylvia borin at 17 stopover sites in Europe and Africa during autumn. Average stopover duration of non-moulting reed warblers was 9.5 days while moulting conspecifics stayed about twice as long. Average stopover duration of sedge warblers was 9.1 days and, in contrast to the other two species, differed between years at several sites. Garden warblers stayed 7.7 days on average. The long stopover duration of the reed warbler, resulting in slow overall migration speed, is related to its low fuel deposition rate. It can be explained by low, but predictable, food resources and an early departure during moult. Compared to the reed warbler, the stopover duration of the sedge warbler varies more between sites and probably also between years, as the supply of its preferred diet (reed aphids) is spatially and temporally unpredictable but can be superabundant. The short stopover duration of the garden warbler, leading to high overall migration speed, can be related to high fuel deposition rates, probably brought about by a change to an abundant, predictable and long-lasting fruit diet. Within species, stopover duration did not change significantly along the migration route. Hence, an increase of migration speed along the migration route, as suggested in the literature, may be caused by longer flight bouts in the south. However, it remains largely unknown which environmental and possibly endogenous factors regulate stopover duration.  相似文献   

Due to the ‘double‐clutch’ mating system found in the arctic‐breeding Little Stint Calidris minuta, each parent cares for a clutch and brood alone. The resulting constraint on feeding time, combined with the cold climate and a small body size, may cause energetic bottlenecks. Based on the notion that mass stores in birds serve as an ‘insurance’ for transient periods of negative energy balance, but entail certain costs as well, body mass may vary in relation to climatic conditions and stage of the breeding cycle. We studied body mass in Little Stints in relation to breeding stage and geographical location, during 17 expeditions to 12 sites in the Eurasian Arctic, ranging from north Norway to north‐east Taimyr. Body mass was higher during incubation than during chick‐rearing. Structural size, as estimated by wing length, increased with latitude. This was probably caused by relatively more females (the larger sex) incubating further north, possibly after leaving a first clutch to be incubated by a male further south. Before and after correction for structural size, body mass was strongly related to latitude during both incubation and chick‐rearing. In analogy to a similar geographical pattern in overwintering shorebirds, we interpret the large energy stores of breeding Little Stints as an insurance against periods of cold weather which are a regular feature of arctic summers. Climate data showed that the risk of encountering cold spells lasting several days increases with latitude over the species’ breeding range, and is larger in June than in July. Maintaining these stores is therefore less necessary at southern sites and during the chick‐rearing period than in the incubation period. When guarding chicks, feeding time is less constrained than during incubation, temperatures tend to be higher than in the incubation period, reducing energy expenditure, and the availability of insect prey reaches a seasonal maximum. However, the alternative interpretation that the chick‐tending period is more energetically stressful than the incubation period, resulting in a negative energy balance for the parent, could not be rejected on the present evidence.  相似文献   

Summary We analysed body mass and moult data of six passerine species along their autumn migration route from northern Europe to North Africa and derived hypothetical models of the organisation of their migration in terms of fuel store accumulation. We analysed data of 46,541 first-year birds from 34 trapping sites, sampled in a network of collaborating European and African ringing stations. After accounting for effects of time of day and size, there were marked differences between the six species examined in the change of body mass along the migration route and in the timing of moult. Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin) and Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) underwent their postjuvenile moult prior to migration and increased their average body mass along the migration route. Sedge Warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) also increased body mass towards the south, but started the migration bout without further refuelling well before the Sahara and moulted mainly in the wintering grounds. Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and Whitethroats (Sylvia communis) migrated while still moulting and did not increase average body mass towards south. They accumulated the energy needed to fly over the Sahara just before it. Spotted Flycatchers (Muscicapa striata) behaved in the same way, but contrary to Reed Warblers and Whitethroats they did not accumulate much fat stores in North Africa, which might urge them to stop and fuel up regularly in the Sahara. In the course of the season average body mass of all species increased slightly, which enabled them to migrate faster. In general, average body mass of first-year birds in northern and central Europe during the migration period was comparable to that of adults during breeding.
Körpermassen von sechs Arten von Langstreckenziehern entlang des Herbstzugweges
Zusammenfassung Wir analysierten Körpermassen- und Mauserdaten von sechs Singvogelarten auf dem Herbstzug entlang ihres Zugweges von Nordeuropa bis Nordafrika. Die Körpermassen von 46 541 diesjährigen Vögeln, die auf 34 Beringungsstationen im Rahmen eines internationalen Projektes gesammelt wurden, sind die Grundlage dieser Untersuchung. Neben der Entwicklung der Körpermassen entlang des Zugweges untersuchten wir den Einfluss der Mauser, des Fangdatums, der Tageszeit und der Körpergröße auf die Körpermasse. Mausernde Vögel waren schwerer als nichtmausernde mit der gleichen Fettmenge. Die Körpermasse nahm im Laufe der Saison und im Verlauf des Tages zu. Große Vögel (mit einer längeren 8. Handschwinge) waren schwerer als kleine. Gartengrasmücken (Sylvia borin) und Trauerschnäpper (Ficedula hypoleuca) wurden entlang des Zugweges kontinuierlich schwerer. Beide Arten machten die Jugendteilmauser hauptsächlich noch im Brutgebiet durch. Schilfrohrsänger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) wurden nach Süden ebenfalls etwas schwerer, aber sie begannen mit einem Reiseabschnitt ohne weiteren Fettaufbau schon in Mitteleuropa und mauserten ihr Kleingefieder hauptsächlich erst in Afrika. Die Körpermassen von Teichrohrsängern (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) und Dorngrasmücken (Sylvia communis) blieben nach Süden weitgehend konstant. Beide Arten lagerten die nötigen Energiereserven zum Überfliegen der Sahara erst kurz davor an. Sie trennten Jugendteilmauser und Zug nicht vollständig. Ähnlich verhielten sich Grauschnäpper (Muscicapa striata), doch im Gegensatz zu den zwei vorherigen Arten, wurden sie auch im Mittelmeergebiet nicht wesentlich fetter. Sie scheinen daher regelmässig in der Wüste zu rasten und zu fressen.

The long distant, transcontinental migration of shorebirds entails many well identified costs in terms of time, energy, and direct mortality risk. Injuries from debris or from human structures and activities were observed as the major reasons for the direct mortality of shorebirds during migration worldwide. We recorded injured birds in major coastal wetlands of Kerala, for a period of 15 years from 2005 to 2019. The injured birds were observed in 9 different sites in various districts of Kerala. The highest instances of injuries were observed in Kadalundi-Vallikunnu Community Reserve, the major wintering and stop over site of migrant shorebirds in the west coast of India. During the study period, fifty-eight individuals of shorebirds belonging to four families were found to be injured. The highest proportion of injuries was recorded among the families Scolopacidae and Charadriidae comprising long distance migrant shorebird species and the lowest among Laridae and Ardeidae. We recommend that environmental authorities pay special attention to minimize anthropogenic debris along the flyways used by migratory birds thereby reducing the risk of injuries to some of these species. Proactive measures such as removal of discarded fishing gear or plastic debris from wintering areas as well as stopover areas could greatly reduce injuries in migratory birds arising from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

In the present study, we assessed the inter‐ and intrapopulation genetic and morphological variation of Cerithidea decollata along the eastern coast of Africa. The population structure of C. decollata along the latitudinal gradient was examined by sequencing 420 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene in 172 snails from 29 sites, in a combined analysis with geometric morphometrics in 1799 snails from 32 sites. Analysis of molecular variance and spatial analysis of molecular variance showed a moderate spatial population differentiation from Kenya to the Republic of South Africa, suggesting genetic divergence between the northern, central, and southern regions. This structure appears to be the result of life‐history traits combined with oceanographic features. Haplotype network and mismatch analysis suggest a recent population expansion during the Holsteinian interglacial period in the northern region and several colonization events in the central and southern regions. The morphometric approach suggests that morphological variation in shell shape is somewhat independent of the genetic divergence, revealing an overlap of shape across the latitudinal gradient but significant differences among‐population at a local level. This may indicate that similar ecological pressures are acting along the coast, leading to the occurrence of similar morphological characters. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 647–663.  相似文献   



Greenland is one of the places on Earth where the effects of climate change are most evident. The retreat of sea ice has made East Greenland more accessible for longer periods during the year. East Greenland fjords have been notoriously difficult to study due to their remoteness, dense sea ice conditions and lack of infrastructure. As a result, biological monitoring across latitudinal gradients is scarce in East Greenland and relies on sporadic research cruises and trawl data from commercial vessels. We here aim to investigate the transition in fish and marine mammal communities from South to Northeast Greenland using environmental DNA (eDNA).


South to Northeast Greenland.


We investigated the transition in fish and marine mammal communities from South to Northeast Greenland using eDNA metabarcoding of seawater samples. We included both surface and mesopelagic samples, collected over approximately 2400 km waterway distance, by sampling from Cape Farewell to Ella Island in August 2021.


We demonstrate a clear transition in biological communities from south to northeast, with detected fish and mammal species matching known distributions. Samples from the southern areas were dominated by capelin (Mallotus villosus) and redfish (Sebastes), whereas northeastern samples were dominated by polar cod (Boreogadus saida), sculpins (Myoxocephalus) and ringed seal (Pusa hispida). We provide newly generated 12S rRNA barcodes from 87 fish species, bringing the public DNA database closer to full taxonomic coverage for Greenlandic fish species for this locus.

Main Conclusions

Our results demonstrate that eDNA sampling can detect latitudinal shifts in marine biological communities of the Arctic region, which can supplement traditional fish surveys in understanding species distributions and community compositions of marine vertebrates. Importantly, sampling of eDNA can be a feasible approach for detecting northward range expansions in remote areas as climate change progresses.  相似文献   

The little stint Calidris minuta is one of the smallest shorebird species breeding in the Arctic (weighing 4.3  g on hatching). Their chicks are small and have a high surface area-to-volume ratio. We determined prefledging growth, energy expenditure and time budgets for little stint chicks in northwestern Taimyr, Siberia. A modified power curve was introduced to model the relationship between daily energy expenditure and body mass. Total metabolisable energy, TME, over the 15-d prefledging period was 107% greater than the allometric prediction for a bird the size of a little stint. Their growth rate coefficient was 14% greater than the prediction for a bird their size. The growth of young chicks was reduced in cool weather, possibly due to a reduction in foraging time in order to be brooded and reduced food availability which impact foraging efficiency. We did not detect weather effects on energy expenditure of chicks, but lack of temperature variation during energy expenditure measurements may have prevented this. In sum, both growth rate coefficient and energy expenditure of little stint chicks were greater than predicted and this is similar to that observed in other arctic shorebird species.  相似文献   

Seagrass environments, from the main coast of India, Lakshadweep and Andaman Islands, were surveyed for seagrass and marine algal composition. Extensive seagrass meadows and the maximum number of species (seven genera and 12 species) occurred along the Tamil Nadu coast. Seagrasses were observed from intertidal to subtidal regions down to 8 m depth. Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Aschers. and Cymodocea serrulata (R. Brown) Aschers. & Magnus were the dominant seagrasses in the subtidal zones. Halophila beccarii Aschers. was restricted to the intertidal mudflats in association with mangroves. The rich growth of seagrasses along the Tamil Nadu coast and Lakshadweep can be attributed mainly to high salinity, clarity of the water and sandy substratum. One hundred species of marine algae were recorded from the seagrass environments of India.  相似文献   

M.C. Radford 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):154-160
A census of breeding Ringed Plovers in the UK in 1984 revealed 7534 pairs and a further 1083 pairs were estimated, bringing the total to just over 8600 territorial pairs. Two-thirds of these were in Scotland. The Western Isles, particularly the dry machair, supported 2324 of these, 27% of the national total. Estimated numbers in England (2389) and Wales (224) showed, using the comparison of counted areas only, increases over 1973/74 of 19.6% and 21.1% respectively. Elsewhere, however, a similar comparison showed that numbers were stable or decreasing slightly. The large increase in the UK total over 1973/74 was primarily due to improved coverage in Scotland. Of the habitats used, open beaches throughout most of the UK and machair in the Western Isles were by far the most important. A trend was apparent, most clearly in England, for birds to spread to inland sites. The concentration of Ringed Plovers into nature reserves and other protected sites, especially in England, is discussed, along with the implications for the design of access arrangements to such areas.  相似文献   

Birds may change their diet and foraging habitat during or after migration. Dunlins Calidris alpina alpina breed in the tundra of northern Europe and Russia where they feed exclusively on terrestrial prey. However, up to 80% of the flyway population uses the Wadden Sea as their first important staging site on the way to wintering grounds, feeding exclusively on marine prey. Adult birds migrate earlier than immatures and tend to fly non‐stop, whereas immatures may stage for at least a few days en route, mainly in the Baltic region. There they mostly feed on brackish water prey showing similar isotopic values compared to terrestrial prey. When they arrive in the Wadden Sea, dunlin body reserves are depleted and lower than those of individuals that have already staged for several days. We hypothesized that lighter individuals should retain a strong terrestrial isotopic blood signature, while heavier ones should show a stronger marine signature. We found a significant positive correlation between scaled mass index and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes, reflecting the switch from terrestrial to marine prey during migration. A mixing model revealed differences in isotopic values between heavy and light adults and immatures, respectively, in relation to the isotopic prey signatures. Adults showed stronger marine signals compared with immatures, emphasizing the different modes of migration (i.e. a later departure in immatures) as well as the known spatial segregation of age classes in the Wadden Sea, i.e. adults use tidal flats distant from the shore while immatures use coastal areas influenced by terrestrial carbon sources. The results of this study demonstrate the value of scaled mass index in migratory birds as an indicator of time elapsed after diet switching following migration. Furthermore, this study extents the existing knowledge on the timing of dunlin migration by using an isotopic approach.  相似文献   

We analyzed the marine environmental setting to characterize the mass nesting habitat of Olive ridley sea turtles from three locations of the river mouth region i.e., Gahirmatha, Devi, and Rushikulya along the coast, of the Bay of Bengal. The environmental variables such as sea surface temperature (SST), ocean current, mixed layer depth, and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were analyzed to examine its influence on the mass nesting of sea turtles. The clear pattern of the mass population shows the nearshore and river mouth region of the nesting site throughout the inter-nesting range. The population was dense at the river mouth of Gahirmatha followed by Devi and Rushikulya. We found a significant linear relationship between the Chl-a and nesting population (r = 0.98, p ≤ 0.0001); and the SST and nesting population (r = 0.78, p ≤ 0.0001) at all river mouths. The conducive environmental threshold limit of SST and Chl-a was ≤29 0C and ≤ 0.5 mg m-3 respectively. The mass nesting, breeding, and migration of Olive ridley are attributed to the geomorphologic basin structure, physicochemical parameters, and feeding potential grounds in the coastal water. Inter nesting of movements in relation to the influential environment variables, the present and proposed regions for Olive ridley need to be implemented to provide comprehensive protection to both nesting populations and locations. The present study provides new knowledge on the linkage between the marine ecosystem and the mass nesting habitat of the sea turtle population for long-term monitoring, conservation application, and sustainable ecosystem management.  相似文献   

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