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Regulatory networks composed of interacting genes are responsible for pattern formation and cell type specification in a wide variety of developmental contexts. Evolution must act on these regulatory networks in order to change the proportions, distribution, and characteristics of specified cells. Thus, understanding how these networks operate in homologous systems across multiple levels of phylogenetic divergence is critical for understanding the evolution of developmental systems. Among the most thoroughly characterized regulatory networks is the dorsal–ventral patterning system of the fly Drosophila melanogaster. Due to the thorough understanding of this system, it is an ideal starting point for comparative analyses. Here we report an analysis of the DV patterning system of the wasp, Nasonia vitripennis. This wasp undergoes a mode of long germ embryogenesis that is superficially nearly identical to that of Drosophila, but one that was likely independently derived. We have found that while the expression of genes just prior to the onset of gastrulation is almost identical in Nasonia and Drosophila, both the upstream network responsible for generating this pattern, and the downstream morphogenetic movements that it sets in motion, are significantly diverged. From this we conclude that many network structures are available to evolution to achieve particular developmental ends.  相似文献   

Medicinal leeches are predatory annelids that exhibit countershading and reside in aquatic environments where light levels might be variable. They also leave the water and must contend with terrestrial environments. Yet, leeches generally maintain a dorsal upward position despite lacking statocysts. Leeches respond visually to both green and near-ultraviolet (UV) light. I used LEDs to test the hypothesis that ventral, but not dorsal UV would evoke compensatory movements to orient the body. Untethered leeches were tested using LEDs emitting at red (632 nm), green (513 nm), blue (455 nm) and UV (372 nm). UV light evoked responses in 100 % of trials and the leeches often rotated the ventral surface away from it. Visible light evoked no or modest responses (12–15 % of trials) and no body rotation. Electrophysiological recordings showed that ventral sensilla responded best to UV, dorsal sensilla to green. Additionally, a higher order interneuron that is engaged in a variety of parallel networks responded vigorously to UV presented ventrally, and both the visible and UV responses exhibited pronounced light adaptation. These results strongly support the suggestion that a dorsal light reflex in the leech uses spectral comparisons across the dorsal–ventral axis rather than, or in addition to, luminance.  相似文献   

Vesicle trafficking plays a crucial role in the establishment of cell polarity in various cellular contexts, including axis-pattern formation in the developing egg chamber of Drosophila. The EGFR ligand, Gurken (Grk), is first localized at the posterior of young oocytes for anterior–posterior axis formation and later in the dorsal anterior region for induction of the dorsal–ventral (DV) axis, but regulation of Grk localization by membrane trafficking in the oocyte remains poorly understood. Here, we report that Syntaxin 1A (Syx1A) is required for efficient trafficking of Grk protein for DV patterning. We show that Syx1A is associated with the Golgi membrane and is required for the transportation of Grk-containing vesicles along the microtubules to their dorsal anterior destination in the oocyte. Our studies reveal that the Syx1A dependent trafficking of Grk protein is required for efficient EGFR signaling during DV patterning.  相似文献   

At various postnatal stages, intestinal epithelial cells were isolated sequentially from villus tip to crypt base by successive EDTA treatments. According to the localization of marker enzymic activities, isolated cells were pooled into three cell compartments: villus (V), lower villus and upper crypt (VC) and crypt (C). Purified brush-border-membrane proteins were separated by 7.5%-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Enzymic activities could be assigned to some protein bands: maltase/glucoamylase (protein band 3), sucrase-isomaltase (protein bands 3 and 6), lactase (protein band 5) and alkaline phosphatase (region of protein bands 8 and 9). The findings suggest the following. (1) Sucrase-isomaltase activities appeared in compartment C at 17 days with a simultaneous increase of the pre-existing protein band 3 and appearance of a well-defined protein band in position 6; the enzymic complex remained still present in the crypt cells until adulthood. From the day 21 onwards, sucrase-isomaltase was detected in compartments VC and V. (2) Lactase was only present in the three cell compartments until day 21; at this developmental stage its activity completely disappeared from compartment C, in spite of the persistence of a weak protein band. (3) Alkaline phosphatase activity could be detected as a single peak corresponding to protein band 9 in all three cell compartments until day 21; thereafter it was replaced by two peaks of activity showing a less precise correlation with the well-defined protein bands 8 and 9. In the crypt cells of the adult rat, however, the preweaning situation, which was regularly observed, is an unexpected phenomenon. (4) Maltase and glucoamylase did not display any marked qualitative or quantitative modifications either along the villus-crypt axis or during the period of postnatal development studied. Evidence is given from the present data that each brush-border enzyme investigated has a specific developmental pattern.  相似文献   

The mouse conceptus is generally held to be radially symmetrical about its embryonic-abembryonic axis from the blastocyst stage until the primitive streak appears at the beginning of gastrulation. However, this notion has been challenged by recent observations on conceptuses sectioned in utero which suggest that the blastocyst is already bilaterally symmetrical when it begins to implant. Accordingly, the blastocyst has been assigned an anterior-posterior axis which appears to persist through gastrulation and is claimed to coincide with the anterior-posterior axis of the future fetus in both orientation and polarity. In the present investigation the relationship between these two axes was examined in conceptuses dissected from the uterus early in gastrulation so that it could be determined more accurately than is possible in situ. The anterior-posterior axis of the conceptus and nascent fetus were found to be either parallel or antiparallel to each other, suggesting that while the orientation of the fetal axis may be specified at the blastocyst stage its polarity is not.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain may arise following peripheral nerve injury though the molecular mechanisms associated with this are unclear. We used proteomic profiling to examine changes in protein expression associated with the formation of hyper-excitable neuromas derived from rodent saphenous nerves. A two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) profiling strategy was employed to examine protein expression changes between developing neuromas and normal nerves in whole tissue lysates. We found around 200 proteins which displayed a >1.75-fold change in expression between neuroma and normal nerve and identified 55 of these proteins using mass spectrometry. We also used immunoblotting to examine the expression of low-abundance ion channels Nav1.3, Nav1.8 and calcium channel α2δ-1 subunit in this model, since they have previously been implicated in neuronal hyperexcitability associated with neuropathic pain. Finally, S35methionine in vitro labelling of neuroma and control samples was used to demonstrate local protein synthesis of neuron-specific genes. A number of cytoskeletal proteins, enzymes and proteins associated with oxidative stress were up-regulated in neuromas, whilst overall levels of voltage-gated ion channel proteins were unaffected. We conclude that altered mRNA levels reported in the somata of damaged DRG neurons do not necessarily reflect levels of altered proteins in hyper-excitable damaged nerve endings. An altered repertoire of protein expression, local protein synthesis and topological re-arrangements of ion channels may all play important roles in neuroma hyper-excitability.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - Huntingtin (HTT) occurs in the neuronal cytoplasm and can interact with structural elements of synapses. Huntington’s disease (HD) results from pathological expansion of a...  相似文献   

This paper concerns ODE modeling of the hypothalamic–pituitary– adrenal axis (HPA axis) using an analytical and numerical approach, combined with biological knowledge regarding physiological mechanisms and parameters. The three hormones, CRH, ACTH, and cortisol, which interact in the HPA axis are modeled as a system of three coupled, nonlinear differential equations. Experimental data shows the circadian as well as the ultradian rhythm. This paper focuses on the ultradian rhythm. The ultradian rhythm can mathematically be explained by oscillating solutions. Oscillating solutions to an ODE emerges from an unstable fixed point with complex eigenvalues with a positive real parts and a non-zero imaginary parts. The first part of the paper describes the general considerations to be obeyed for a mathematical model of the HPA axis. In this paper we only include the most widely accepted mechanisms that influence the dynamics of the HPA axis, i.e. a negative feedback from cortisol on CRH and ACTH. Therefore we term our model the minimal model. The minimal model, encompasses a wide class of different realizations, obeying only a few physiologically reasonable demands. The results include the existence of a trapping region guaranteeing that concentrations do not become negative or tend to infinity. Furthermore, this treatment guarantees the existence of a unique fixed point. A change in local stability of the fixed point, from stable to unstable, implies a Hopf bifurcation; thereby, oscillating solutions may emerge from the model. Sufficient criteria for local stability of the fixed point, and an easily applicable sufficient criteria guaranteeing global stability of the fixed point, is formulated. If the latter is fulfilled, ultradian rhythm is an impossible outcome of the minimal model and all realizations thereof. The second part of the paper concerns a specific realization of the minimal model in which feedback functions are built explicitly using receptor dynamics. Using physiologically reasonable parameter values, along with the results of the general case, it is demonstrated that un-physiological values of the parameters are needed in order to achieve local instability of the fixed point. Small changes in physiologically relevant parameters cause the system to be globally stable using the analytical criteria. All simulations show a globally stable fixed point, ruling out periodic solutions even when an investigation of the ‘worst case parameters’ is performed.  相似文献   

Five female transgenic mice were produced by microinjection using a construct made up of a 7.3-kb-5′ flanking region and a 2.0-kb coding region of human α-lactalbumin, as well as a 227-bp 3′-flanking region from bovine growth hormone gene. A founder female expressed human α-lactalbumin as much as 0.3 g per liter of its milk, approximately a 3-fold increase in the total α-lactalbumin concentration of the transgenic mouse milk. Compared with the normal mice, the expression profile of thehα-Lac transgene in the transgenics is different during the lactation, showing low level in the first 3 days and becoming increased from day 4, then gradually reaching and stabilizing at the highest level from day 13. In addition, the milk yielding volume in the transgenics tended to be higher than in normal mice, suggesting higher concentrations of α-lactalbumin might boost more milk output.  相似文献   

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