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ABSTRACT. The diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens causes major problems in aquaculture of ornamental fish, resulting in severe economic losses in the fish farming industry. The strain of S. vortens studied here was isolated from an angelfish and grown in Keister's modified TY‐I‐S33 medium. A membrane‐inlet mass spectrometer was employed to monitor, in a closed system, O2, CO2, and H2. When introduced into air‐saturated buffer, S. vortens rapidly consumed O2 at the average rate of 62±4 nmol/min/107 cells and CO2 was produced at 75±11 nmol/min/107 cells. Hydrogen production began under microaerophilic conditions ([O2]=33.±15 μM) at a rate of 77±7 nmol/min/107 cells. Hydrogen production was inhibited by 62% immediately after adding 150 μM KCN to the reaction vessel, and by 50% at 0.24 μM CO, suggesting that an Fe‐only hydrogenase is responsible for H2 production. Metronidazole (1 mM) inhibited H2 production by 50%, while CO2 production was not affected. This suggests that metronidazole may be reduced by an enzyme of the H2 pathway, thus competing for electrons with H+.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity, evolutionary history, and unusual cell organization of diplomonads are well known, particularly for Giardia and Spironucleus; however, behavior of these aerotolerant anaerobes is largely unknown. Addressing this deficit, we studied behavior of the piscine diplomonad Spironucleus vortens (ATCC 50386) in in vitro culture. Spironucleus vortens trophozoites from Angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, were maintained axenically in modified liver digest, yeast extract, and iron (LYI) medium, at 22 °C in the dark, and subcultured weekly. Cultures were monitored every 1–2 d, by removing an aliquot, and loading cells into a hemocytometer chamber, or onto a regular microscope slide. We observed three distinct swimming behaviors: (i) spontaneous formation of swarms, reaching 200 μm in diameter, persisting for up to several min in situ, (ii) directional movement of the swarm, via collective motility, and (iii) independent swimming of trophozoites to form a band (aggregation), presumably at the location of optimal environmental conditions. These behaviors have not previously been reported in Spironucleus. The observation that flagellate motility can change, from individual self‐propulsion to complex collective swarming motility, prompts us to advocate S. vortens as a new model for study of group behavioral dynamics, complementing emerging studies of collective swimming in flagellated bacteria.  相似文献   

There are two genotypes of the diplomonad Spironucleus barkhanus. Based on sequence data from the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene the conspecificity of these two genotypes has been questioned. Therefore, we have sampled Spironucleus from 27 fish, representing 14 populations, five species, and four genera. Partial nucleotide sequences from the three genes; small subunit ribosomal DNA, glutamate dehydrogenase 1 and alpha-tubulin were compared. The pathogenic isolates of S. barkhanus, which causes systemic spironucleosis in Atlantic salmon, Chinook salmon, and Arctic charr, all farmed in sea water, were genetically very different from the commensal isolate found in wild freshwater populations of Arctic charr and grayling. The genetic distances between the genotypes were of the same magnitude as those separating species of Giardia. Based on these genetic and ecological data, the pathogenic genotype from farmed salmonids is described as a new species, Spironucleus salmonicida n. sp. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed no specific morphological or ultrastructural features distinguishing S. salmonicida n. sp. from S. barkhanus. The present study clearly demonstrates the value of applying genetics in identification of Spironucleus species. Phylogenetic analyses that included the isolates of S. salmonicida n. sp. did not change the phylogenetic relationship within the genus Spironucleus.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a subset of cancer cells that play key roles in metastasis and cancer relapse. The elimination of CSCs is very important during cancer therapy. To develop drugs that target CSCs, the isolation and identification of putative CSCs are required. Some of the characteristics of CSCs are assessed by cell survival assays. In such experiments, the density of the cells seeded on the plates may affect the experimental results, leading to potentially inaccurate conclusions. In this study, a new assay to facilitate the characterization of CSCs has been developed by stable transfection of GFP, using the A549 lung cancer cell line as a model. A putative CSC line, A549 sphere cells, was obtained by culturing A549 cells in ultra-low dishes in serum-free medium. To ensure that the putative CSCs were grown under the same conditions as the A549–GFP cells and were not affected by the number of cells seeded, A549 sphere cells were mixed with GFP stably transfected A549 (A549–GFP) cells. The mixture was subjected to flow cytometry assay and inverted fluorescence microscopy to detect changes in the proportion of GFP-positive cells after treatment. A549 sphere cells had a slower proliferation rate and an improved chemoresistance. They also showed differentiation ability. This work suggests that mixing GFP stably transfected cancer cells with putative CSCs may facilitate the identification of CSCs, making it convenient for studies of targeted CSCs.  相似文献   



Craniosynostosis, the premature fusion of calvarial sutures, is a common craniofacial abnormality. Causative mutations in more than 10 genes have been identified, involving fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor beta, and Eph/ephrin signalling pathways. Mutations affect each human calvarial suture (coronal, sagittal, metopic, and lambdoid) differently, suggesting different gene expression patterns exist in each human suture. To better understand the molecular control of human suture morphogenesis we used microarray analysis to identify genes differentially expressed during suture fusion in children with craniosynostosis. Expression differences were also analysed between each unfused suture type, between sutures from syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis patients, and between unfused sutures from individuals with and without craniosynostosis.


We identified genes with increased expression in unfused sutures compared to fusing/fused sutures that may be pivotal to the maintenance of suture patency or in controlling early osteoblast differentiation (i.e. RBP4, GPC3, C1QTNF3, IL11RA, PTN, POSTN). In addition, we have identified genes with increased expression in fusing/fused suture tissue that we suggest could have a role in premature suture fusion (i.e. WIF1, ANXA3, CYFIP2). Proteins of two of these genes, glypican 3 and retinol binding protein 4, were investigated by immunohistochemistry and localised to the suture mesenchyme and osteogenic fronts of developing human calvaria, respectively, suggesting novel roles for these proteins in the maintenance of suture patency or in controlling early osteoblast differentiation. We show that there is limited difference in whole genome expression between sutures isolated from patients with syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis and confirmed this by quantitative RT-PCR. Furthermore, distinct expression profiles for each unfused suture type were noted, with the metopic suture being most disparate. Finally, although calvarial bones are generally thought to grow without a cartilage precursor, we show histologically and by identification of cartilage-specific gene expression that cartilage may be involved in the morphogenesis of lambdoid and posterior sagittal sutures.


This study has provided further insight into the complex signalling network which controls human calvarial suture morphogenesis and craniosynostosis. Identified genes are candidates for targeted therapeutic development and to screen for craniosynostosis-causing mutations.  相似文献   

Spironucleus salmonicida is a diplomonad flagellate known to cause systemic infections in farmed salmonids. In northern Norway, outbreaks of spironucleosis in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar have been a recurring problem. Common to all these outbreaks was the origin of smolts: all came from the same farm. In the present study, wild Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta were sampled from the lakes used as a water source for the smolt supplier. In addition, smolt and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus were sampled from the smolt farm. Bile and intestinal contents from the sampled fish were examined by light microscopy and PCR. Spironucleus salmonicida was identified in both wild Arctic char and brown trout from the lakes used as water sources by the smolt farm, suggesting that the farmed fish were exposed to this pathogen before transfer to the sea. Spironucleus barkhanus and Spironucleus salmonis were also identified in the sampled fish. The present study also demonstrated that infections with multiple Spironucleus species are present in wild salmonids. No indications of disease related to diplomonad infections were observed in the wild fish, suggesting that wild salmonids are reservoir hosts of Spironucleus salmonicida.  相似文献   



Advancements have been made in the genetic manipulation of apicomplexan parasites. Both the in vitro transient and in vivo stable transfection of Eimeria tenella have been developed successfully. Herein, we report the transient and stable transfection of Eimeria mitis.

Methods and Findings

Sporozoites of E. mitis transfected with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) expression plasmid were inoculated into chickens via the cloacal route. The recovered fluorescent oocysts were sorted by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) and then passaged 6 generations successively in chickens. The resulting population was analyzed by genome walking and Western blot. The endogenous development of the transgenic E. mitis was observed and its reproduction potential was tested. The stable transfection of E. mitis was developed. Genome walking confirmed the random integration of plasmid DNA into the genome; while Western blot analysis demonstrated the expression of foreign proteins. Constitutive expression of EYFP was observed in all stages of merogony, gametogony and sporogony. The peak of the transgenic oocyst output was delayed by 24 h and the total oocyst reproduction was reduced by 7-fold when compared to the parental strain.


Stable transfection of E. mitis was successfully developed. The expression of foreign antigens in the transgenic parasites will facilitate the development of transgenic E. mitis as a vaccine vector.  相似文献   

目的观察正常人胚肺成纤维细胞(HELF)在稳定转染Dicer基因后增殖能力及迁移能力的变化。方法应用脂质体介导方法转染Dicer基因表达载体于HELF细胞,G418筛选,PCR检测整合情况,RT-PCR检测表达情况,Western-blot检测蛋白表达水平,确定稳定转染细胞株,MTT方法检测细胞增值能力,Transwell方法检测细胞迁移能力。结果Dicer基因稳定转染HELF细胞系建立,用RT-PCR和Western-blot方法检测到Dicer基因mRNA和蛋白表达水平都明显增强。与转染空载体的HELF细胞相比,转染Dicer基因的HELF细胞48、72、96h的MTT光吸收值明显升高(P〈0.05),并且穿过人工重构基底膜的细胞数明显增多。结论Dicer基因稳定转染HELF细胞后,HELF细胞增殖能力和迁移能力都明显增强。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In vitro excystation of Spironucleus muris cysts, purified by sequential sucrose and Percoll gradients from mouse feces, was studied. Three in vitro excystation procedures, used for Giardia , were assessed to determine the most useful method. Excystation was monitored by light microscopy and subsequently characterized by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Spironucleus muris excysted routinely at a level greater than 90% when induced in Hanks' balanced salt solution containing sodium bicarbonate at pH 2.0 and transferred to Tyrodes' salt solution as an excystation medium. Similarly, high rates of excystation were recorded after induction of S. muris cysts in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) with sodium bicarbonate and excystation in trypticase-yeast extract-iron medium (TYI medium) or phosphate-buffered saline. A lower rate and percentage of excystation were observed after induction of S. muris cysts in an aqueous hydrochloric acid solution (pH 2.0) followed by excystation in TYI medium. All excystation methods produced extremely active S. muris trophozoites with normal morphology. Nonexcysting S. muris cysts have a wall composed of an outer fibrous and an inner membranous portion. Following induction, numerous vesicles appeared in the peritrophic space. Excystation began by the cyst wall opening at one pole, and the anterior part of the trophozoite protruding from the cyst wall. The trophozoite emerged progressively from the cyst wall and the empty cyst wall appeared to collapse. Excysted trophozoites exhibited normal morphological features of S. muris trophozoites isolated from the mouse intestine.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The free-living anaerobic flagellate Hexamita sp. was observed to actively consume O2 with a Km O2 of 13 μM. Oxygen consumption increased lineraly with O2 tension up to a threshold level of 100 μM, above which it was inhibited. Oxygen uptake was supported by a number of substrates but probably not coupled to energy conservation as cytochromes could not be detected spectro-photometrically. In addition, inhibitors specific for respiratory chain components did not significantly affect O2 uptake. Respiration was however, partially inhibited by flavoprotein and iron-sulfur protein inhibitors. NAD(P)H supported O2 consumption was measured in both particulate and soluble fractions; this activity was partially inhibited by quinacrine. A chemosensory response was observed in cells exposed to air, however no response was observed in the presence of superoxide dismutase plus catalase. Catalase and nonspecific peroxidase activity could not be detected, but superoxide dismutase activity was present. Superoxide dismutase was sensitive to NaN3 and H2O2 but not KCN, suggesting a Fe prosthetic group. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that thiol levels in live cells were depleted in the presence of t-butyl H2O2. The observed NADPH-driven glutathione reductase activity is believed to recycle oxidized thiols in order to re-establish reduced thiol levels in the cell. The corresponding thiol cycling enzyme glutathione peroxidase could not be detected. The ability to withstand high O2 tensions (100 μM) would enable Hexamita to spend short periods in a wider range of habitats. Prologed exposure to O2 tensions higher than 100 μM leads to irreversible damage and cell death.  相似文献   

The metabolism of Spironucleus vortens, a parasitic, diplomonad flagellate related to Giardia intestinalis, was investigated using a combination of membrane inlet mass spectrometry, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, bioscreen continuous growth monitoring, and ion exchange chromatography. The products of glucose-fuelled and endogenous metabolism were identified by 1H NMR and 13C NMR as ethanol, acetate, alanine and lactate. Mass spectrometric monitoring of gas metabolism in buffered cell suspensions showed that glucose and ethanol could be used by S. vortens as energy-generating substrates, but bioscreen automated monitoring of growth in culture medium, as well as NMR analyses, suggested that neither of these compounds are the substrates of choice for this organism. Ion-exchange chromatographic analyses of free amino-acid and amino-acid hydrolysate of growth medium revealed that, despite the availability of large pools of free amino-acids in the medium, S. vortens hydrolysed large amounts of proteins during growth. The organism produced alanine and aspartate, and utilised lysine, arginine, leucine, cysteine and urea. However, mass spectrometric and bioscreen investigations showed that addition of the utilised amino acids to diluted culture medium did not induce any significant increase in metabolic or growth rates. Moreover, as no significant amounts of ornithine were produced, and addition of arginine under aerobic conditions did not generate NO production, there was no evidence of the presence of an energy-generating, arginine dihydrolase pathway in S. vortens under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

目的:用磷酸钙细胞转染法稳定高效地转染293T细胞.方法:利用磷酸钙转染法将MSCV-GFP质粒导入293T细胞,在混合DNA-CaCl2溶液和2×HBS缓冲液以形成沉淀物时,对混悬方式和时间这两个至关重要的因素进行了调整.并将该法与常用磷酸钙细胞转染法进行了比较.结果:在调整了混悬方式和时间后,得到了85%以上的转染率.在对比实验中,常用磷酸钙细胞转染法得到85%以上转染率所占比率为50%,而利用该文方法比率则为100%.结论:利用此磷酸钙细胞转染法可稳定高效地转染293T细胞.  相似文献   

Parasite virulence evolution is shaped by both within-host and population-level processes yet the link between these differing scales of infection is often neglected. Population structure and heterogeneity in both parasites and hosts will affect how hosts are exploited by pathogens and the intensity of infection. Here, it is shown how the degree of relatedness among parasites together with epidemiological parameters such as pathogen yield and longevity influence the evolution of virulence. Furthermore, the role of kin competition and the degree of cheating within highly structured parasite populations also influences parasite fitness and infectivity patterns. Understanding how the effects of within-host processes scale up to affect the epidemiology has importance for understanding host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

The core oligosaccharide structure of the in vivo derived rough phenotype of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was investigated by a combination of compositional, methylation, CE-MS and one- and two-dimensional NMR analyses and established as the following: [carbohydrate: see text] where R=alpha-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-GalpNAc-(1--> or alpha-D-Galp-(1--> (approx. ratio 4:3). Comparative CE-MS analysis of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida core oligosaccharides from strains A449, 80204-1 and an in vivo rough isolate confirmed that the structure of the core oligosaccharide was conserved among different isolates of A. salmonicida.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is an important pathogen in salmonid aquaculture and is responsible for the typical furunculosis. The type-three secretion system (T3SS) is a major virulence system. In this work, we review structure and function of this highly sophisticated nanosyringe in A. salmonicida. Based on the literature as well as personal experimental observations, we document the genetic (re)organization, expression regulation, anatomy, putative functional origin and roles in the infectious process of this T3SS. We propose a model of pathogenesis where A. salmonicida induces a temporary immunosuppression state in fish in order to acquire free access to host tissues. Finally, we highlight putative important therapeutic and vaccine strategies to prevent furunculosis of salmonid fish.  相似文献   

小鼠miR-499基因包含在心肌重链肌球蛋白Myh7b基因的第19内含子中,并且在心肌细胞中特异表达,然而其在心肌细胞中表达的生物学功能和意义尚不清楚.利用可体外分化为心肌细胞的P19CL6细胞建立稳定表达miR-499的细胞株对研究miR-499的生物学功能具有重要意义.根据小鼠miR-499基因序列,设计PCR引物...  相似文献   

A total of 133 strains of Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida, isolated from a wide variety of sources, were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. Sixteen profiles were demonstrated, with one profile being predominant in samples from all the countries and species of fish. Our results suggest a clonal distribution of this subspecies, with a predominant clone being responsible for most of the outbreaks worldwide.  相似文献   

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