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The hybrid zone between eastern and western grass snakes, which has been independently hypothesized to be due to secondary contact, is investigated using univariate and multivariate analysis of a large number of independent, quantitative characters. Investigation of the patterns of geographic variation show that 5 out of 6 character systems show a congruent pattern of “stepped clinal” change across the zone. Insofar as this case is concerned, secondary contact ‘hybrid’ zones are associated with concordant changes in many character systems and “speciation” involves the origin of a large number of small differences in most character systems rather than the major reorganisation of a single system.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic analyses of the fauna of the Australian wet tropics rainforest have provided strong evidence for long-term isolation of populations among allopatric refugia, yet typically there is no corresponding divergence in morphology. This system provides an opportunity to examine the consequences of geographic isolation, independent of morphological divergence, and thus to assess the broader significance of historical subdivisions revealed through mitochondrial DNA phylogeography. We have located and characterized a zone of secondary contact between two long isolated (mtDNA divergence > 15%) lineages of the skink Carlia rubrigularis using one mitochondrial and eight nuclear (two intron, six microsatellite) markers. This revealed a remarkably narrow (width < 3 km) hybrid zone with substantial linkage disequilibrium and strong deficits of heterozygotes at two of three nuclear loci with diagnostic alleles. Cline centers were coincident across loci. Using a novel form of likelihood analysis, we were unable to distinguish between sigmoidal and stepped cline shapes except at one nuclear locus for which the latter was inferred. Given estimated dispersal rates of 90-133 m x gen(-1/2) and assuming equilibrium, the observed cline widths suggest effective selection against heterozygotes of at least 22-49% and possibly as high as 70%. These observations reveal substantial postmating isolation, although the absence of consistent deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at diagnostic loci suggests that there is little accompanying premating isolation. The tight geographic correspondence between transitions in mtDNA and those for nuclear genes and corresponding evidence for selection against hybrids indicates that these morphologically cryptic phylogroups could be considered as incipient species. Nonetheless, we caution against the use of mtDNA phylogeography as a sole criterion for defining species boundaries.  相似文献   

The Moscow and Seliger chromosomal races of the common shrew differ by Robertsonian fusions and possibly whole‐arm reciprocal translocations (WARTs) such that their F1 hybrids produce a chain‐of‐eleven configuration at meiosis I and are expected to suffer substantial infertility. Of numerous hybrid zones that have been described in the common shrew, those between the Moscow and Seliger races involve the greatest chromosomal difference. We collected 211 individuals from this zone to generate a total dataset of 298 individuals from 187 unique global positioning system (GPS) locations within the vicinity of interracial contact. We used a geographic information system (GIS) to map the location of the hybrid zone, which follows a direct route between two lakes, as would be anticipated from tension zone theory. Even within the central area of the hybrid zone, there is a much higher frequency of pure race individuals than hybrid, making this a clear example of a bimodal zone in the sense of Jiggins & Mallet (2000) . The zone runs through good habitat for common shrews, but nevertheless it is very narrow (standard cline widths: 3–4 km), as would be anticipated from low hybrid fitness. There is clear potential for an interruption to gene flow and build‐up of reproductive isolation. As found in some other hybrid zones, there is a high frequency of novel genetic variants, in this case, new chromosomal rearrangements. Here, we report a de novo Robertsonian fission and a de novo reciprocal translocation, both for the first time in the common shrew. There is an extraordinarily high frequency of de novo mutations recorded in F1 hybrids in the zone and we discuss how chromosomal instability may be associated with such hybrids. The occurrence of a de novo Robertsonian fission is of considerable significance because it provides missing evidence that fissions are the basis of the novel acrocentric forms found and apparently selected for in certain common shrew hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Cerion's exuberant morphological diversity (600 described 'species') combined with the extreme rarity of reproductive isolation among morphotypes (only one unambiguous case of sympatry in the Bahamas) has long made this genus an object of fascination for evolutionists and of frustration for taxonomists. We have pursued an integrated approach of genetic and morphometric study based on field investigations of ecology and biogeography in the Bahamas. Cerion's morphotypes are not distributed haphazardly, but show definite patterns of correlation with habitat and geography. Although all morphotypes interbreed, hybrid zones tend to be narrow and characterized by highly local genetic anomalies–unique alleles present in neither parental population. Different patterns of covariance in ontogeny, and habitat preferences, also indicate mat the morphotypes are distinctive, non-amalgamating entities (despite little difference in the frequencies of structural genes among them) that may be called species once a definition based on strict reproductive isolation is abandoned. Variation in structural genes, anatomy and morphology is non-concordant, but orderly for each criterion. Similar morphologies are often polyphyletic and evolved repeatedly as one possible ontogenetic route within a developmental program common to all Cerion. Although we cannot always distinguish among competing causes for observed patterns, we can establish genetic, morphological, anatomical, and biogeographic criteria for decisions when adequate evidence is available. The species of Cerion will be reduced by more than an order of magnitude from a list currently described.  相似文献   

Aim Spatial evolutionary and ecological vicariance analysis (SEEVA) is a simple analytical method that evaluates environmental or ecological divergence associated with evolutionary splits. It integrates evolutionary hypotheses, phylogenetic data, and spatial, temporal, environmental and geographical information to elucidate patterns. Using a phylogeny of Prepusa Mart. and Senaea Taub. (Angiospermae: Gentianaceae), SEEVA is used to describe the radiation and ecological patterns of this basal gentian group across south‐eastern Brazil. Location Latin America, global. Methods Environmental data for 151 geolocated botanical collections, associated with specimens from seven species, were compiled with Arc GIS, and were matched with geolocated base layers of eight climatological variables, as well as one each of geological, soil type, elevational and vegetation variables. Sister groups were defined on the basis of the six nested nodes that defined the phylogenetic tree of these two genera. A (0, 1)‐scaled divergence index (D) was defined and tested for each of 12 environmental and for each of the six phylogenetic nodes, by means of contingency analyses. We contrast divergence indices of nested clades, allopatric and sympatric sister clades. Results The level of ecological divergence between sister clades/species, defined in terms of D measures, was substantial for five of six nodes, with 21 of 72 environmental comparisons having D > 0.75. Soil types and geological age of bedrock were strongly divergent only for basal nodes in the phylogeny, by contrast with temperature and precipitation, which exhibited strong divergence at all nodes. There has been strong divergence and progressive occupation of wetter and colder habitats throughout the history of Prepusa. Nodes separating allopatric sister clades exhibited larger niche divergence than did those separating sympatric sister clades. Main conclusions SEEVA provides a multi‐source, direct analysis method for correlating field collections, phylogenetic hypotheses, species distributions and georeferenced environmental data. Using SEEVA, it was possible to quantify and test the divergence between sister lineages, illustrating both niche conservatism and ecological specialization. SEEVA permits elucidation of historical and ecological vicariance for evolutionary lineages, and is amenable to wide application, taxonomically, geographically and ecologically.  相似文献   

The growth of flue-cured tobacco is sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Excellent tobacco leaf production is strictly restricted by regional cultivated lands. For the purpose of reasonable utilization and scientific management of Sanmenxia tobacco fields, it is meaningful to evaluate the soil fertility suitability of tobacco crops quantitatively and objectively. In this study, the global positioning system (GPS) technology was used to obtain sample point information automatically. Based on the analysis of fertility properties of soil samples collected from the Sanmenxia tobacco planting regions in Henan Province, we present the index system of soil fertility suitability for tobacco crops. The integrated evaluation of soil fertility suitability was studied with six indices, including organic matter, pH value, available nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P), available potassium (K), and chlorine (Cl-1) content of surface soil. The subjective grade value was calculated according to S-type and parabola-type functions of the effect of evaluation factors on tobacco crops. Further, the weight value of soil fertility suitability indices was calculated by the method of Hiberarchy analysis. The soil fertility suitability level was evaluated and classified. The suitability map of the Sanmenxia tobacco planting regions in Henan Province was then drawn with the geographic information system (GIS) software mapGIS. It was found that highly suitable fields were mainly distributed in the high mountains in the Southwestern part of the investigated regions where soil pH value and the contents of organic matter were medium, but the contents of available P and available K were higher, accounting for 79.36% of the whole area. Suitable fields were 17% of the whole area, mainly distributed in the middle part of the investigated regions where soil pH value was higher. Unsuitable fields existed in the northern-east and middle part of the Sanmenxia where the contents of soil C1- was very high, accounting for 3.51% of the whole regions.  相似文献   

Aim Three common patterns have emerged in comparative phylogeographic analyses at many barriers: (1) a potential geographic pseudocongruence of lineage divergences; (2) a disconnect between the inference of temporally clustered, relatively recent timing for observed speciation events, and dates spanning a broader, apparently random time‐scale; and (3) an apparent prevalence of speciation with recent or continuing gene flow. It is unclear if there is a unifying explanation for these phenomena. We argue that the interaction between geographic barriers to dispersal and ecological limits on the distribution of species can explain these patterns. We suggest that these patterns can be explained by the presence of a continuum between two underlying processes, here termed ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ allopatric divergence, which result from the interplay between organismal ecology and the physioecological nature of geographic barriers. Location Examples from North America. Methods We examine comparative phylogeographic divergences in 18 groups of terrestrial vertebrates at two major biogeographic features in North America – the Mississippi River Embayment and the Cochise Filter Barrier – to test predictions made by this hypothesis. Results We find support for the two distinct processes of hard and soft allopatry, and note several examples exhibiting characteristics of both. Hard allopatry is caused by physical barriers promoting divergence as a function of consistent geographic isolation. Soft allopatry is caused by ecological processes that isolate populations geographically in allopatric refugia through niche conservatism, or across ecological transition zones through niche divergence, but which may be periodic or inconsistent through time. Main conclusions Viewing geographic speciation as a continuum between hard and soft allopatry can explain all three patterns as a consequence of the physical and ecological mechanisms that isolate populations, and provides an alternative perspective on the impact of ecological factors and physical barriers on lineage formation.  相似文献   

Homoploid hybrid speciation occurs through stabilization of a hybrid segregate (or segregates) isolated by premating and/or postmating barriers from parent taxa. Theory predicts that ecological and spatial isolation are of critical importance during homoploid hybrid speciation, and all confirmed homoploid hybrid species are ecologically isolated from their parents. Until recently, such species have been identified long after they originated, and consequently it has not been possible to determine the relative importance of spatial and ecological isolation during their origin. Here we present evidence for the recent origin (within the past 300 years) of a new homoploid hybrid species, Senecio squalidus (Asteraceae), in the British Isles, following long-distance dispersal of hybrid material from a hybrid zone between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius on Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy. Historical records show that such hybrid material from Sicily was introduced to the Oxford Botanic Garden in Britain in the early part of the 18th century and that S. squalidus began to spread from there after approximately 90 years. A survey of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA/intersimple sequence repeats (RAPD/ISSR) marker variation demonstrated that S. squalidus is a diploid hybrid derivative of S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius that grow at high and low altitudes, respectively, on Mount Etna and that form a hybrid zone at intermediate altitudes. Senecio squalidus contained 11 of 13 RAPD/ISSR markers that were recorded at high frequency in S. chrysanthemifolius but were absent or occurred at low frequency in S. aethnensis, and 10 of 13 markers for which the reverse was true. Bayesian admixture analysis showed that all individuals of S. squalidus surveyed were of mixed ancestry with relatively high mean proportions of ancestry derived from both S. chrysanthemifolius and S. aethnensis (0.644 and 0.356, respectively). We argue that long-distance isolation of hybrid material from its parents on Mount Etna would have helped favor the origin and establishment of S. squalidus in the British Isles, regardless of whether the initial hybrid material introduced to Britain was preadapted to local conditions.  相似文献   

The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is a threatened subspecies and the California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) is a subspecies of special concern in the western United States. Concern for their continued viability has arisen because of habitat loss caused by timber harvesting. The taxonomic status of the northern subspecies has been the subject of continuing controversy. We investigated the phylogeographical and population genetic structure of northern and California spotted owls with special reference to their region of contact. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences confirmed the existence of two well-differentiated lineages connected by a narrow hybrid zone in a region of low population density in north central California. Maximum-likelihood estimates indicated bidirectional gene flow between the lineages but limited introgression outside the region of contact. The lengths of both the mtDNA hybrid zone and the reduced density patch were similar and slightly exceeded estimates of natal dispersal distances. This suggests that the two subspecies were in secondary contact in a hybrid zone trapped by a population density trough. Consequently, the zone of interaction is expected to be geographically stable. We discovered a third, rare clade of haplotypes, which we interpreted to be a result of incomplete lineage sorting; those haplotypes result in a paraphyletic northern spotted owl with respect to the California spotted owl. A congeneric species, the barred owl (Strix varia), occasionally hybridizes with spotted owls; our results indicated an upper bound for the frequency of barred owl mtDNA haplotypes in northern spotted owl populations of 3%.  相似文献   

Characterizing patterns of evolution of genetic and phenotypic divergence between incipient species is essential to understand how evolution of reproductive isolation proceeds. Hybrid zones are excellent for studying such processes, as they provide opportunities to assess trait variation in individuals with mixed genetic background and to quantify gene flow across different genomic regions. Here, we combine plumage, song, mtDNA and whole‐genome sequence data and analyze variation across a sympatric zone between the European and the Siberian chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita abietinus/tristis) to study how gene exchange between the lineages affects trait variation. Our results show that chiffchaff within the sympatric region show more extensive trait variation than allopatric birds, with a large proportion of individuals exhibiting intermediate phenotypic characters. The genomic differentiation between the subspecies is lower in sympatry than in allopatry and sympatric birds have a mix of genetic ancestry indicating extensive ongoing and past gene flow. Patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation also vary between regions within the hybrid zone, potentially reflecting differences in population densities, age of secondary contact, or differences in mate recognition or mate preference. The genomic data support the presence of two distinct genetic clades corresponding to allopatric abietinus and tristis and that genetic admixture is the force underlying trait variation in the sympatric region—the previously described subspecies (“fulvescens”) from the region is therefore not likely a distinct taxon. In addition, we conclude that subspecies identification based on appearance is uncertain as an individual with an apparently distinct phenotype can have a considerable proportion of the genome composed of mixed alleles, or even a major part of the genome introgressed from the other subspecies. Our results provide insights into the dynamics of admixture across subspecies boundaries and have implications for understanding speciation processes and for the identification of specific chiffchaff individuals based on phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

Chromosomal races of the common shrew differ in sets of metacentric chromosomes and on contact may produce hybrids with extraordinarily complex configurations at meiosis I that are associated with reduced fertility. There is an expectation that these may be some of the most extreme tension zones available for study and therefore are of interest as potential sites for reproductive isolation. Here, we analyse one of these zones, between the Novosibirsk race (characterized by metacentrics go, hn, ik, jl, mp and qr) and the Tomsk race (metacentrics gk, hi, jl and mn and acrocentrics o, p, q and r), which form hybrids with a chain-of-nine (CIX) and a chain-of-three (CIII) configuration at meiosis I. At the Novosibirsk-Tomsk hybrid zone, the CIX chromosomes form clines of 8.53 km standardized width on average, whereas the cline for the CIII chromosomes was 52.83 km wide. The difference in these cline widths fits with the difference in meiotic errors expected with the CIX and CIII configuration, and we produce estimates of selection against hybrids with these types of configurations, which we relate to dispersal and age of the hybrid zone. The hybrid zone is located at the isocline at 200 m altitude above sea level; this relationship between the races and altitude is suggested at both coarse and fine scales. This indicates adaptive differences between the races that may in turn have been promoted by the chromosome differences. Thus, the extreme chromosomal divergence between the Novosibirsk and Tomsk may be associated with genic differentiation, but it is still striking that, despite the large chromosomal differences, reproductive isolation between the Novosibirsk and Tomsk races has not occurred.  相似文献   

Step clinal transitions in inherited character(s) between genetically distinct populations are usually referred to as hybrid zones. An example is found in the population of the intertidal snail Littorina saxatilis in Galicia (NW Spain). We studied the shape of the overall fitness surface for sexual selection in this hybrid zone, and the position of hybrids and pure morphs on this surface. We found that sexual divergent selection acted on a combination of phenotypic traits separating the pure morphs, and therefore that sexual selection contributed to morph differentiation. The average fitness of hybrids as a group was not significantly different from that of the pure morphs, but they did show divergent sexual selection in some traits. These results are in agreement with a model of divergent selection favouring both the pure morph as well as those hybrids most resembling each morph. The finding of divergent selection is remarkable because quadratic selection gradients are usually weak in nature.  相似文献   

Most meiofaunal species are known to have a broad distribution with no apparent barriers to their dispersion. However, different morphological and/or molecular methods supported patterns of diversity and distribution that may be different among taxa while also conflicting within the same group. We accurately assessed the patterns of geographic distribution in actual genetic species of a marine meiofaunal animal model: Ototyphlonemertes. Specimens were collected from several sites around Europe, Northern and Central America, Southern America, Pacific Islands and Asia. We sequenced regions of two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes. Using single‐gene, a concatenated data set, multilocus approaches and different DNA taxonomy methods, we disentangled the actual diversity and the spatial structures of haplotypes and tested the possible correlation between genetic diversity and geographic distance. The results show (i) the importance of using several genes to uncover both diversity and highlight phylogeographic relationships among species and that (ii) independent genetic evolutionary entities have a narrower distribution than morphological species. Moreover, (iii) a Mantel test supported a positive correlation between genetic and geographical distance. By sampling from the two sides of Isthmus of Panama, we were additionally able to identify lineage divergence times that are concordant with vicariance mechanisms caused by the geological closure of the seaway across the Isthmus. We therefore propose that in addition to distance, other geological and ecological conditions are also barriers to the dispersion of and gene flow in marine meiofaunal organisms.  相似文献   

Many understory birds and other groups form genetically differentiated subspecies or closely related species on opposite sides of major rivers of Amazonia, but are proposed to come into geographic contact in headwater regions where narrower river widths may present less of a dispersal barrier. Whether such forms hybridize in headwater regions is generally unknown, but has important implications to our understanding of the role of rivers as drivers of speciation. We used a dataset of several thousand single nucleotide polymorphisms to show that seven taxon pairs that differentiate across a major Amazonian river come into geographic contact and hybridize in headwater regions. All taxon pairs possessed hybrids with low numbers of loci in which alleles were inherited from both parental species, suggesting they are backcrossed with parentals, and indicating gene flow between parental populations. Ongoing gene flow challenges rivers as the sole cause of in situ speciation, but is compatible with the view that the wide river courses in the heart of Amazonia may have driven interfluvial divergence during episodes of wet forest retraction away from headwater regions. Taxa as old as 4 Ma in our Amazonian dataset continue to hybridize at contact zones, suggesting reproductive isolation evolves at a slow pace.  相似文献   

Measuring the diffusion of genes between diverging taxa through zones of secondary contact is an essential step to understand the extent and nature of the reproductive isolation that has been achieved. Previous studies have shown that the ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida Daudin, 1802) has endured repeated range fragmentation associated with the climatic oscillations of the Plio‐Pleistocene that promoted diversification of many different evolutionary units within the species. However, the oldest divergence within the group is estimated to have occurred much earlier, during the Miocene, around 9 Ma and corresponds to the split between the subspecies Lacerta lepida nevadensis Buchholz (1963) and Lacerta lepida lepida Daudin (1802). Although these two evolutionary units have documented genetic and morphological differentiation, most probably accumulated during periods of allopatry, little is known about patterns of gene flow between them. In this study, we performed a population genetic analysis of a putative area of secondary contact between these two taxa, using mtDNA and microsatellite data. We assessed levels of gene flow across the contact zone to clarify to what extent gene flow may be occurring. Hybridization between the subspecies was observed by the presence of genetically introgressed individuals. However, the overall coincidence of mitochondrial and multilocus nuclear clines and generally steep clines support the idea that this contact zone is acting as a barrier to gene flow. Taken together, these results suggest that L. l. lepida and L. l. nevadensis are in independent evolutionary trajectories and should be considered as two different species.  相似文献   

Despite examples of homoploid hybrid species, theoretical work describing when, where, and how we expect homoploid hybrid speciation to occur remains relatively rare. Here, I explore the probability of homoploid hybrid speciation due to “symmetrical incompatibilities” under different selective and genetic scenarios. Through simulation, I test how genetic architecture and selection acting on traits that do not themselves generate incompatibilities interact to affect the probability that hybrids evolve symmetrical incompatibilities with their parent species. Unsurprisingly, selection against admixture at “adaptive” loci that are linked to loci that generate incompatibilities tends to reduce the probability of evolving symmetrical incompatibilities. By contrast, selection that favors admixed genotypes at adaptive loci can promote the evolution of symmetrical incompatibilities. The magnitude of these outcomes is affected by the strength of selection, aspects of genetic architecture such as linkage relationships and the linear arrangement of loci along a chromosome, and the amount of hybridization following the formation of a hybrid zone. These results highlight how understanding the nature of selection, aspects of the genetics of traits affecting fitness, and the strength of reproductive isolation between hybridizing taxa can all be used to inform when we expect to observe homoploid hybrid speciation due to symmetrical incompatibilities.  相似文献   

There has been considerable debate in the study of hybrid zones as to whether hybrids may be superior to parental types within the area of contact (bounded hybrid superiority). In birds, naturally occurring hybridization is relatively common, and hybridization within this group always involves mate choice. If hybrids are superior, females choosing heterospecific mates should be expected to show higher fitness under the conditions prevalent in the hybrid zone. Hybrid superiority under these circumstances would reduce reinforcement and thereby help to maintain the hybrid zone. To examine this issue, we studied reproductive performances of hybrids and parental species of gulls (Larus occidentalis and Larus glaucescens) at two colonies within a linear hybrid zone along the west coast of the United States. This hybrid zone contains predominantly gulls of intermediate phenotype. Previous studies indicated that hybrids were superior to one or both parental types, but provided no data on possible mechanisms that underlie this hybrid superiority. Using a hybrid index designed specifically for these species, we identified to phenotype more than 300 individuals associated with nests, including both individual males and females within 73 pairs in the central portion of the hybrid zone and 74 pairs in the northern portion of the hybrid zone. There was little evidence of assortative mating, and what little there was resulted solely because of pairings within intergrades. In the central hybrid zone, females paired with hybrid males produced larger clutches and hatched and fledged more chicks compared with females paired to western gull males. This was a result of heavy predation on eggs in sand habitat, where male western gulls established territories. In contrast, many hybrid males established territories in vegetated cover that was less vulnerable to predation. In the northern part of the hybrid zone, clutch size did not differ among pair categories, however, there were differences in hatching and fledging success, with females paired to hybrid males showing better success compared to females paired to glaucous-winged gull males. Hybrids showed better hatching and fledging success in the north because hybrids are more like western gulls than glaucous-winged gulls in foraging behavior, taking a higher percentage of fish in their diet, which enhances chick growth and survival. This is believed to be the first documentation of bounded hybrid superiority that delineates the mechanisms that underlie hybrid superiority.  相似文献   

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