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Synopsis A study was made of the food habits and foraging behaviour of coexisting benthivorous cichlid fishes along the rocky northwestern coast of Lake Tanganyika. The five group-foraging species regularly found in the study area,Gnathochromis pfefferi, Lamprologus callipterus, Altolamprologus compressiceps, Lepidiolamprologus elongatus andLobochilotes labiatus, have different foraging techniques, although all eat shrimps (family Atyidae). Individuals of each species allow potential food-competitors to forage within its foraging area, increasing its own chances of finding shrimps disturbed by the foraging action of such competitors. In these five shrimp-eating species, group foraging thus occurs in a mutualistic context. A super-abundance of shrimps may allow the coexistence of shrimp-eaters with different foraging techniques, and furthermore, their coexistence itself may promote cooperative group-foraging among them. Three benthivorous cichlids,Neolamprologus mondabu, N. tretocephalus andN. leleupi, were indifferent to, or excluded, the group foraging species because these three individual-foraging species exploit different food items or employ similar foraging techniques to the group-foraging species.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of four coexisting odonate larvae; Coenagrion hastulatum (Charp.) Zygoptera, Aeshna juncea (L.) Anisoptera, Cordulia aenea (L.) Anisoptera and Leucorrhinia dubia (v d Lind.) Anisoptera was analysed under various conditions of prey type and abundance. Coenagrion and Aeshna used a sit and wait mode when the prey density was high and when the prey was evasive. When the prey abundance was low an active mode was used. In Aeshna an active mode was also used when prey was sedentary. Cordulia exhibited a sit and wait mode and Leucorrhinia an active mode under all prey treatments performed. The results indicate that a niche differentiation in foraging behaviour may be one of several ways to reduce food competition between these coexisting species. However a literature study on prey selectivity did not reveal any support for this suggestion. Interference from Aeshna altered the foraging behaviour of Coenagrion whereas that of Leucorrhinia remained unchanged. Further, Aeshna preyed heavily on Leucorrhinia and to a lesser extent on Coenagrion during interference trials. A field study did not show any negative correlation in abundance between Aeshna and Leucorrhinia or Coenagrion larvae. The results indicate interference competition may be more important than exploitation competition in the shaping of odonate larval communities.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation modifies ecological patterns and processes through changes in species richness and abundance. In the coastal Maulino forest, central Chile, both species richness and abundance of insectivorous birds increases in forest fragments compared to continuous forest. Through a field experiment, we examined larvae predation in fragmented forests. Higher richness and abundance of birds foraging at forest fragments translated into more insect larvae preyed upon in forest fragments than in continuous forest. The assessed level of insectivory in forest fragments agrees with lower herbivory levels in forest fragments. This pattern strongly suggests the strengthening of food interactions web in forest fragments of coastal Maulino forest.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The following results on the behavior decision making of the antLasius niger toward two species of myrmecophilous aphidsLachnus tropicalis andMyzocallis kuricola on chestnut trees have been found. (1) An individual worker consistently attended only one aphid species, even if her nestmates attended other aphid species on the same tree. (2) The ants preyed less on the aphid species which they attended than on other myrmecophilous aphid species. (3) The ants preyed less on the aphids which had been attended by their nestmates, even if both aphids were the same species. (4) The ants preyed less on aphids which had provided honeydew to their nestmates. (5) The increased aphid density per ant led to an increase in the rate of predation on the introduced aphids by the ants. These results suggest that each worker ofL. niger chooses aphid species to attend from her experience. In addition, the workers can recognize whether an aphid has been attended by their nestmates and whether an aphid has given their nestmates honeydew. Through these processes, each worker decides to attend or to prey on the aphid. As a result, they may realize efficient collective foraging dependent on aphid density per worker.  相似文献   

Aphidophagous predators compete for the same prey species. During their foraging activity they frequently encounter heterospecific aphid predators. These situations can lead to intraguild predation and may disrupt biological control efforts against aphids where more than one predator species is present. We investigated the behavior of larvae of the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus de Geer and its interaction with three other aphid predators: the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata L., the lacewing Chrysoperla carnea Stephens, and the gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani). Interspecific interactions between predators were examined in arenas of different sizes and in the presence of extraguild prey. The outcome of interactions between E. balteatus larvae and the other predators depended predominantly on the relative body size of the competitors. Relatively large individuals acted as intraguild predators, while relatively smaller individuals became intraguild prey. Eggs and first- as well as second-instar larvae of E. balteatus were highly susceptible to predation by all other predators, whereas pupae of E. balteatus were preyed upon only by the larvae of C. carnea. Interactions between A. aphidimyza and E. balteatus were asymmetric and always favored the latter. Eggs and first- as well as second-instar larvae of E. balteatus sustained intraguild predation irrespective of the size of the arena or the presence of extraguild prey. However, the frequency of predation on third-instar larvae of E. balteatus was significantly reduced. This study indicated that the same species can be both intraguild predator and intraguild prey. It is suggested that combinations of predators must be carefully chosen for success in biological control of aphids.  相似文献   

We compared dietary patterns within a temperate estuarine fish assemblage (Suisun Marsh, CA, U.S.A.) during a period of high mysid shrimp abundance and after a major decline in mysid abundance caused by the invasion of the overbite clam Potamocorbula amurensis. Prior to the invasion, high dietary overlap, high stomach fullness, and low niche breadth occurred among the fishes in spring when mysid populations were high. Dietary overlaps decreased and niche breadth increased for all species but the endemic splittail Pogonichthys macrolepidotus in fall when mysid populations were low. Eight native species exhibited lower overall collective overlaps and fuller stomachs than five alien species, suggesting more efficient resource partitioning. After mysid abundance declined, only alien striped bass Morone saxatilis preyed upon mysids in greater than trace amounts. An alien mysid became an important prey for small striped bass, but striped bass also switched to piscivory at a smaller size than when mysids were abundant. Eight of 13 species exhibited significant declines in abundance during the study period, which were concordant with the original importance of mysids in their diets. Our results suggest that altered lower food web dynamics in the San Francisco Estuary caused by the invasion of the overbite clam changed fish diets and have contributed to declines in fish abundance.  相似文献   

Two species of Labeotropheus are currently recognized, but an earlier study of aquarium specimens caused doubt to be cast upon their specific distinctness. This doubt was removed by a field and laboratory study which showed that L. fuelleborni differed from L. trewavasae morphologically, in coloration, in geographic distribution, preferred habitat and ability to penetrate depth. The two species practise assortative mating.
Labeotropheus fuelleborni feeds predominantly from upper surfaces of rocks while L. trewavasae favours under surfaces. Although both species are specialized to crop epilithic algae they also feed secondarily on other food resources (e.g. plankton, insects) when these are available.
Gene flow between many populations of rock-frequenting cichlids is restricted by their sedentary nature and apparent inability to cross open water between rocky areas. Consequently, numerous geographic races, incipient species and species are found in the lake. This suggests that intralacustrine allopatric speciation may account for much of the species diversity of cichlids of rocky zones.
It is recommended that biologists working on cichlids from Lake Malawi should ascertain the precise location at which their specimens were caught and avoid using aquarium reared fish.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 112 bycaught harbor porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena ) collected between 1989 and 1996 in the Kattegat and Skagerrak seas were analyzed to describe diet composition and estimate prey size, to examine sample size requirements, and to compare juvenile and adult diets. Although porpoises preyed on a variety of species, only a few contributed substantially to the diet. Atlantic herring ( Clupea harengus ) was the dominating prey species for both juveniles and adults. Our results, in combination with those from previous studies, suggest that where herring is a dominant food source, porpoises prey primarily on size classes containing mature or maturing individuals. Further, we also show that Atlantic hagfish ( Myxine glutinosa ) may be an important food resource, at least for adult porpoises. Examination of sample size requirement showed that, depending on the taxonomic level used to describe the diet, a minimum of 35–71 stomachs are needed to be confident that all common prey species will be found.  相似文献   

Gastric lavage was used to investigate the effects of temperature, prey type and prey size on gastric evacuation in small cod Gadus morhua and whiting Merlangius merlangus . The fish were fed to satiation and subsequently the stomach contents were sampled to determine the rate at which food was evacuated. Satiation meal size was positively related to temperature and differed between prey types. The gastric evacuation rate (GER) also tended to increase with temperature and varied with prey type. GER at temperatures of 11.3–12.7° C averaged 1.5–1.7 times higher than at 6–9.5° C. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the evacuation of lugworm Arenicola marina , sandeel Ammodytes spp., and herring Clupea harengus , but the GER of brown shrimp Crangon vulgaris was much slower (P<0.05). No significant changes in GER were observed when fish were fed on three different size groups of either herring or brown shrimp. In whiting, there was no significant difference in the GER of individual herring or brown shrimp when they were fed as single species meals or incorporated in meals containing a mixture of prey species.  相似文献   

Multiple predator effects in an intertidal food web   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We examined the effects of multiple predators from an intertidal boulder food web to test whether and how three different predator species affected the survival of a small amphipod species. 2. Predators were chosen because they differ in their foraging mode, two feeding at the bottom and in benthic refuges (nemertean and shrimp) and one in the water-column (juveniles of a fish). 3. Mortality of amphipods was not affected by nemerteans, but was high in the presence of shrimp or fish. Highest mortalities were observed in predator-combinations that contained both shrimp and fish. Amphipods responded to shrimp by escaping into the water column, while they avoided fish by remaining in the refuge. We conclude that predator-specific defence causes conflicts for prey when both shrimp and fish are present. 4. Comparing observed effects of multiple predators with expected effects revealed risk enhancement for the shrimp + fish combination. A comparison of different predictive models revealed that the multiplicative model was most appropriate, although additive models may work well under certain conditions. 5. Based on known consumption-ranges of the predators used, we conclude that nemerteans were saturated with prey while fish were far from their saturation point. A predator's functional response curve (prey consumption in relation to prey abundance) determines its impact on prey populations. This knowledge appears essential in order to predict whether prey organisms face risk enhancement, risk reduction or additive effects of multiple predators.  相似文献   

This study investigated diel variations in zooplankton composition and abundance, and the species composition, density, size structure, feeding activity, diet composition and prey selection of larval and 0+ year juvenile fishes in the littoral of a man‐made floodplain waterbody over five 24 h periods within a 57 day period. There was a significant difference in the species composition of diurnal and nocturnal catches, with most species consistently peaking in abundance either during daylight or at night, reflecting their main activity period. There were no consistent diel patterns in assemblage structure or the abundance of some species, however, most likely, respectively, due to the phenology of fish hatching and ontogenetic shifts in diel behaviour or habitat use. There were few clear diel patterns in the diet composition or prey selection of larval and 0+ year juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus and perch Perca fluviatilis, with most taxa consistently selected or avoided irrespective of the time of day or night, and no obvious shift between planktonic and benthic food sources, but dietary overlap suggested that interspecific interactions were probably strongest at night. It is essential that sampling programmes account for the diel ecology of the target species, as diurnal surveys alone could produce inaccurate assessments of resource use. The relative lack of consistent diel patterns in this study suggests that multiple 24 h surveys are required in late spring and early summer to provide accurate assessments of 0+ year fish assemblage structure and foraging ecology.  相似文献   

Food availability can strongly affect predator-prey dynamics. When change in habitat condition reduces the availability of one prey type, predators often search for other prey, perhaps in a different habitat. Interactions between behavioural and morphological traits of different prey may influence foraging success of visual predators through trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs), such as prey activity and body coloration. We tested the hypothesis that foraging success of stream-dwelling cutthroat trout (Onchorhyncus clarki) on cryptically coloured, less-active benthic prey (larval mayfly; Paraleptophebia sp.) can be enhanced by the presence of distinctly coloured, active prey (larval stonefly shredder; Despaxia augusta). Cutthroat trout preyed on benthic insects when drifting invertebrates were unavailable. When stonefly larvae were present, the trout ate most of the stoneflies and also consumed a higher proportion of mayflies than under mayfly only treatment. The putative mechanism is that active stonefly larvae supplied visual cues to the predator that alerted trout to the mayfly larvae. Foraging success of visual predators on cryptic prey can be enhanced by distinctly coloured, active benthic taxa through unidirectional facilitation to the predators, which is a functional change of interspecific interaction caused by a third species. This study suggests that prey-predator facilitation through TMIIs can modify species interactions, affecting community dynamics.  相似文献   

Most skinks are opportunistic predators, taking available prey from the environment as it is encountered. Variation in their diet composition is thought to reflect differences in prey abundance in the environment. We studied diet composition and prey selection in a community of three sympatric skink species (genus Carlia) in northern Australia by comparing contents of skink stomachs with arthropod prey available in their habitat. Carlia were entirely carnivorous and fed on a range of arthropod prey. We found high overlap in diet and prey size among the three species and between the wet and dry seasons, but found that skinks generally focused their foraging efforts on prey types and prey sizes that were not abundant in the habitat. Spiders (Aranea), orthopterans, blattarians, isopods and termites (Isoptera) were important prey of skinks, but these arthropods were rarely trapped in the environment. Skinks also frequently consumed large‐bodied prey, despite the higher relative abundance of small prey in the environment. Skinks were more selective in their foraging and diet than previously assumed. Selection of prey by consumers is a fundamental ecological process, important to consumers for maintaining energy requirements to grow and reproduce, but equally important to the community dynamics of the prey consumed.  相似文献   

Sex-specific niche segregation is often used to explain sexual size dimorphism (SSD). However, whether food niche partitioning between sexes occurs as a case of sexual size dimorphism or by other mechanisms, such as behavioural dimorphism or habitat segregation, remains poorly understood. To evaluate the nature and extent of food-niche differentiation between sexes in a solitary predator I examined variation in the diet of male and female pine martensMartes martes Linnaeus, 1758 in years of high and low rodent abundance. Small mammals were the most important prey for pine martens in years of both low and high rodent abundance (occurring in more than 49% of scats). Birds, invertebrates and plant material were relatively common food items in summer diet, whereas ungulate carcasses were often consumed in autumn—winter. In general, males consumed more ungulate carcasses, plant material, amphibians and reptiles than did females, whereas females preyed more on squirrels and birds than males. There was significant seasonally dependent, between-sex variation in the occurrence of shrews, small rodents, other mammals, birds and invertebrates in marten diet. Whereas the occurrence of bank vole, birds, carcasses and plant material changed between sexes, seasons and years with various rodent abundances, both sexes consumed larger prey and had increased food niche breadth in years of low compared with high rodent abundance. Neither prey size nor food niche breadth were significantly different between males and females. The food-niche overlap between sexes was consistently lower in spring and in years of low rodent abundance. A wider geographical comparison of different marten populations showed that the diet of males and females varied significantly between locations. Females consistently preyed on squirrels and birds, whereas males fed more often on ungulate carcasses and plant material. Local and geographical comparison of male and female diets suggest that food-niche partitioning between male and female pine martens changes across different habitat and food conditions, and is not related to sexual size dimorphism, but rather to behavioural differences between sexes.  相似文献   

1. Functional responses -- the relationship between resource intake rate and resource abundance -- are widely used in explaining predator-prey interactions yet many studies indicate that resource availability is crucial in dictating intake rates. 2. For time-stressed migrant birds refuelling at passage sites, correct decisions concerning patch use are crucial as they determine fattening rates and an individual's future survival and reproduction. Measuring availability alongside abundance is essential if spatial and temporal patterns of foraging are to be explained. 3. A suite of shorebird species stage in Delaware Bay where they consume horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus eggs. Several factors including spawning activity and weather give rise to marked spatial and temporal variation in the abundance and availability of eggs. We undertook field experiments to determine and contrast the intake rates of shorebird species pecking for surface and probing for buried eggs. 4. Whether eggs were presented on the sand surface or buried, we demonstrate strong aggregative responses and rapid depletion (up to 80%). Depletion was greater at deeper depths when more eggs were present. No consistent give-up densities were found. Type II functional responses were found for surface eggs and buried eggs, with peck success twice as high in the former. Maximum intake rates of surface eggs were up to 83% higher than those of buried eggs. 5. Caution is needed when applying functional responses predicted on the basis of morphology. Our expectation of a positive relationship between body size and intake rate was not fully supported. The smallest species, semipalmated sandpiper, had the lowest intake rate but the largest species, red knot, achieved only the same intake rate as the mid-sized dunlin. 6. These functional responses indicate that probing is rarely more profitable than pecking. Currently, few beaches provide egg densities sufficient for efficient probing. Areas where eggs are deposited on the sand surface are critical for successful foraging and ongoing migration. This may be especially true for red knot, which have higher energetic demands owing to their larger body size yet appear to have depressed intake rates because they consume smaller prey than their body size should permit.  相似文献   

1. Communities of different species are often structured according to niche differentiation associated with competitive interactions. We show that similar principles may apply on an ecological time-scale when individuals of a species having a wide size variation compete for resources, using the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Lobochilotes labiatus (5-30 cm). This species has a mouth especially adapted to suck up invertebrates from rock crevices. 2. Individuals defended feeding territories against similar-sized conspecifics, but not against different-sized ones. Thus, territories of similar-sized fish rarely overlapped, but up to a total of seven individuals (of seven size-ranks) had broadly overlapping territories with dissimilar-sized individuals. Comparison with expectation from the null model demonstrated clearly that observed size ratios between adjacent size rank were determined non-randomly regardless of sexual combinations. 3. Larger individuals took larger prey types of larger average size, but more importantly used wider rock crevices from which to suck food than smaller individuals. We calculated pairwise values of Schoener's index of diet overlap C(d) and the values of Levin's index of diet breadth B(d) (prey type and prey size) and the same for the width of the rock crevices used for foraging (C(r) and B(r)). C(d) remained high among all combinations of the seven ranks. In contrast, C(r) declined strongly in combinations of adjacent ranks (to 0.27), and was low or zero among further different size ranks. This shows that fish with overlapping territories divided the food resources largely through foraging site partitioning. Accordingly, B(d) did not depend on the size difference to the nearest two coinhabiting fish, whereas B(r) did. 4. We conclude that this L. labiatus community is structured non-randomly: body size-dependent effects on foraging site usage result in competition with, and territorial exclusion of, similar-sized individuals, but not of dissimilar-sized individuals that were accepted as coinhabitants. Accordingly, mean body size ratios (large/small) between two adjacent ranks were consistently approximately 1.28 [standard deviation (SD) = 0.07, n = 104], while approximately 1.34 from the null model (SD = 0.34, n = 10 400 simulations). We discuss our results as an example of Hutchinson's rule, applied originally to size ratios of different species.  相似文献   

Samples of Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.) were collected for stomach analysis from trawl catches conducted in the Mwanza Gulf from September 1986 to September 1988. Initially haplochromine cichlids formed the main food item for the Nile perch. Despite their decline, haplochromines still formed the major part of its diet in 1986. After the virtually complete disappearance of the haplochromines in 1987 and 1988, the benthic shrimp Caridina nilotica, the pelagic cyprinid, Rastrineobola argentea and juvenile Nile perch became the main food of Nile perch. Twenty-four trawl sessions were conducted to determine the relative quantities of respective prey taken. When present, Caridina is the major prey, mainly taken by day. If absent, juvenile Nile perch constitute the main part of the diet. Seasonal differences in diet composition probably reflect seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of the main prey species.  相似文献   

The lesser kestrel Falco naumanni experienced a marked decline during the second half of the 20th century due to changes in land use that influenced breeding success by reducing the abundance and quality of prey. However, the factors governing spatial and temporal variation of prey abundance around lesser kestrel colonies has not yet been investigated. We sampled Orthoptera abundance in the main crop types and edge habitats surrounding six lesser kestrel colonies in southern Spain. Samplings focused on Orthoptera because they constitute the main prey during the nestling period. Only those Orthoptera species that are known to be preyed by lesser kestrels were considered in this study. We found differences in prey density among localities, and crop types. Semi-natural habitats such as grasslands, fallow land, and field margins held the highest densities. However, prey abundance showed a complex pattern that was not possible to explain solely on the basis of crop composition around colonies. Factors determining productivity in individual fields like soil type and productivity or biocide input, and mean size of agricultural fields contributed to explain this complex pattern of prey abundance. Our results highlight the key role of semi-natural and edge habitats in farmed landscapes as prey reservoirs and corridors. Higher conservation priorities for these habitats are suggested to benefit foraging lesser kestrels, but many other farmland species that also experienced steep population declines due to decreasing food supply resulting from modern agriculture.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory suggests that avian parents should prefer the most energetically efficient (largest) prey items when delivering food to offspring at a central place. However, during periods of high demand, selectivity of prey may decline, leading to the delivery of smaller and/or less nutritious items. We compared foraging trade‐offs between great tits (Parus major) which had a wider feeding niche than blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). We also compared the foraging efficiency of cross‐fostered young, which had learned the spatial foraging niche and prey size of the foreign species, to that of control conspecifics. Mean delivery rates did not differ between control and cross‐fostered parents of either species but as delivery rates increased, prey size declined for both species and both treatment groups. However, across the range of increasing delivery rates, parents were able to increase the total biomass of prey delivered. Cross‐fostering did not alter the proportion of different prey taxa in the diet, but cross‐fostered birds shifted the size of the prey taken to that of their foster species. Consistent with their broader feeding niche, great tits, but not blue tits, incorporated more unpalatable items (flies) as delivery rates increased. Although great tits foraged less efficiently in the blue tit niche, paradoxically, blue tits seem to deliver more prey biomass when foraging in the great tit niche.  相似文献   

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