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We have studied the effect of human ovarian follicular fluid on PG production by bovine seminal vesicles and found that hFF contains a factor of high molecular weight (Mr > 30,000) which inhibits PG synthase in a dose-dependent manner. Exposure of this substance to protease activity produced a factor of lower molecular weight (Mr < 1000) which stimulated PG synthase activity. If this is true of ovarian follicles , it is possible that increased follicular protease activity stimulates PG synthesis at the time of ovulation.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of human ovarian follicular fluid on PG production by bovine seminal vesicles in vitro and found that hFF1 contains a factor of high molecular weight (Mr greater than 30,000) which inhibits PG synthase in a dose-dependent manner. Exposure of this substance to protease activity produced a factor of lower molecular weight (Mr less than 1000) which stimulated PG synthase activity. If this is true of ovarian follicles in vivo, it is possible that increased follicular protease activity stimulates PG synthesis at the time of ovulation.  相似文献   

Analysis of prostaglandin F (PGF) in urine is a useful indicator of renal prostaglandin synthesis. A mass fragmentographic method for PGF analysis in human urine was developed using [3,3,4,4-2H4]PGF as an internal standard and carrier. PGF was extracted from urine (20 ml) with chloroform, purified by preparative thin-layer chromatography and converted to the methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether before analysis by gas chromatograph—mass spectrometry. The specificity of the urine analysis was demonstrated by retention time and the use of two pairs of fragments m/e 494/498 and 513/517 with the same results. The coefficient of variation for duplicate analysis averaged 12.6%, n = 17. Urine from recumbent women contained 4.9 ± 2.6 (S.D.) ng/ml or 4.1 ± 1.0 ng PGF per mg creatinine (n = 10) with little diurnal variation. Male urine contained 5.0 ± 2.7 (S.D.) ng/ml or 3.7 ± 2.1 ng/mg creatinine (n = 10). Similar concentrations were found in boys and in girls. These observations indicate that urinary PGF originates from the kidneys with little contribution from the male accessory sexual glands. This method can also be applied to analysis of PGF in rabbit urine.  相似文献   

[3H]Prostaglandin D2 binding to rabbit platelets was increased by about 150% in the presence of β-adrenoceptor agonist, isoproterenol. The isoproterenol-induced potentiation of the [3H]prostaglandin D2 binding gave a bell-shaped dose-response relationship (maximum response at 3·10−8 M) in a stereospecific manner. Similar and moderate potentiation was obtained with terbutaline. On the other hand, β-adrenoceptor antagonists such as alprenolol, propranolol and butoxamine (β2-specific) had no potentiating effect on [3H]prostaglandin D2 binding; rather, they abolished the isoproterenol-induced increase of [3H]prostaglandin D2 binding. The β1-specific antagonist, metoprolol, did not have any effect. Rabbit platelets were found to possess one [3H]prostaglandin D2 binding site (Kd = 6·10−7 M, Bmax = 787 fmol/mg protein). In the presence of isoproterenol at 3·10−8 M, Bmax was increased with unaltering Kd value. Isoproterenol did not increase [3H]prostaglandin E1, [3H]prostaglandin E2 and [3H]prostaglandin F bindings to platelets. The potential effect of isoproterenol was mimicked by forskolin, theophylline, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, prostaglandin E1 and prostaglandin I2, but it was abolished by 2′, 5′-dideoxyadenosine, an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, indicating that elevated level of cyclic AMP may be available for the induction of the increase of [3H]prostaglandin D2 binding. Prostaglandin D2-induced cyclic AMP synthesis and antiaggregation activity were also augmented in the presence of isoproterenol. These results suggest a β2-adrenoceptor-mediated cyclic AMP-dependent mechanism for the regulation of prostaglandin D2 receptor binding in rabbit platelets.  相似文献   

Specialisation of the respiratory portion of human fetal lung commences around 20-24 weeks gestation. In contrast, human fetal lung in vitro has the capacity to self-differentiate from 12 weeks gestation when grown in media devoid of growth factors or hormones, suggesting activation of autocrine or paracrine factors in vitro, or removal of the fetus from in utero inhibitory mechanisms. Prostaglandins play a key role during in vitro human fetal lung development and are synthesised by prostaglandin H synthase-1 (PGHS-1) and inactivated by 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH) with formation of inactive 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandins. We have used quantitative immunohistochemistry to determine expression and localisation of PGHS-1, PGDH, PGE2 and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2 (PGEM) in human fetal lung with in situ hybridisation to localise PGHS-1 and PGDH mRNA. For the catabolic enzyme PGDH, amounts of mRNA, protein and enzyme product PGEM are increased within epithelium of distal as compared to more proximal airways. For PGHS-1, comparable amounts of mRNA, protein and enzyme product PGE2 are found in proximal and distal lung epithelium. Catabolism by PGDH is a sensitive mechanism for regulating bioavailability of prostaglandins and we propose that active catabolism of prostaglandins within human fetal lung epithelium is an inhibitory mechanism retarding epithelial differentiation in utero.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG)E2 9-ketoreductase, which catalyzes the conversion of PGE2 to PGF2, was purified from human brain to apparent homogeneity. The molecular weight, isoelectric point, optimum pH, Km value for PGE2, and turnover number were 34,000, 8.2, 6.5–7.5, 1.0 mM, and 7.6 min–1, respectively. Among PGs tested, the enzyme also catalyzed the reduction of other PGs such as PGA2, PGE1, and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2, but not that of PGD2, 11-PGE2, PGH2, PGJ2, or 12-PGJ2. The reaction product formed from PGE2 was identified as PGF2, by TLC combined with HPLC. This enzyme, as is the case for carbonyl reductase, was NADPH-dependent, preferred carbonyl compounds such as 9,10-phenanthrenequinone and menadione as substrates, and was sensitive to indomethacin, ethacrynic acid, and Cibacron blue 3G-A. The reduction of PGE2 was competitively inhibited by 9,10-phenanthrenequinone, which is a good substrate of this enzyme, indicating that the enzyme catalyzed the reduction of both substrates at the same active site. These results suggest that PGE2 9-ketoreductase, which belongs to the family of carbonyl reductases, contributes to the enzymatic formation of PGF2 in human brain.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Udenfriend.  相似文献   

This study investigated the action of enprostil, a synthetic analog of PGE2, on gastric HCO3 secretion in humans and on duodenal HCO3 secretion in the anesthetized rat. A previously validated 2-component model was used to calculate gastric HCO3 and H+ secretion in 10 human subjects. Compared to placebo, a single 70 μg oral dose of enprostil increased basal gastric HCO3 secretion from 1810 +- 340 to 3190 ± 890 μmol/hr (P < 0.05). In addition, enprostil reduced basal gastric H+ secretion from 5240 ± 1140 to 1680 ± 530 μmol/hr (P < 0.02). Enprostil also increased HCO3 and reduced H+ secretion during intravenous pentagastrin infusion. In the rat, duodenal HCO3 secretion was measured by direct titration in situ using perfused segments of duodenum just distal to the Brunner gland area dn devoid of pancreatic and biliary secretions. Addition of enprostil(10 μg/ml) to the duodenal bathing solution increased duodenal HOC3 secretion from 6.3 ± 1.3 to 15.1 ± 2.0 μmol/cm·hr (P < 0.01, n = 6). The stimulatory action of enprostil on duodenal HCO3 secretion at 10 μg/ml was comparable in magnitude and duration to that of 10 μg/ml natural PGE2. In summary, the PGE2 analog enprostil stimulated gastroduodenal HCO3 secretion, effects which may be beneficial in protection of the gastroduodenal mucosa against luminal acid.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is known to contribute to inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract by promoting recruitment of inflammatory-immune cells such as neutrophils and perhaps by altering neutrophil functional properties. We investigated whether acrolein, a toxic unsaturated aldehyde found in cigarette smoke, could directly affect neutrophil function. Exposure of freshly isolated human neutrophils to acrolein markedly inhibited spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis as indicated by loss of membrane asymmetry and DNA fragmentation and induced increased neutrophil production of the chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8). Acrolein (1--50 microM) was found to induce marked activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and inhibition of p38 MAPK activation by SB-203580 prevented acrolein-induced IL-8 release. However, inhibition of either ERK or p38 MAPK did not affect acrolein-dependent inhibition of apoptosis. Acrolein exposure prevented the activation of caspase-3, a crucial step in the execution of neutrophil apoptosis, presumably by direct inhibition of the enzyme. Our results indicate that acrolein may contribute to smoke-induced inflammatory processes in the lung by increasing neutrophil recruitment and reducing neutrophil clearance by apoptosis.  相似文献   

Ovulation induced by HCG in rabbits was blocked by a single subcutaneous injection of 6 mg/kg indomethacin given 6 h after the insemination and HCG treatment. In addition, a time-dependent inhibition in the fertilization rate after indomethacin treatment was also recorded. This suggests that indomethacin, when given at a critical time and at an appropriate dose level, not only blocks ovulation but also interferes with fertilization.Treatment with graded amounts of prostaglandin-F incorporated in a Silastic-polyvinylpyrrolidone-gel (PVP) had marginal to no effect after intravaginal placement on 4- or 6-day pregnancy. However, 5 mg PGF Silastic-PVP tube when placed intravaginally on Day-7 of pregnancy resulted in termination of pregnancy in 66% of the treated does. This implies that young corpora lutea are resistant to PGF treatment and that pregnancy at the time of ovo-implantation can be terminated by PGF incorporated in a Silastic-PVP tube.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) plays an important role in bone development and metabolism. To interfere therapeutically in the PGE2 pathway, however, knowledge about the involved enzymes (cyclooxygenases) and receptors (PGE2 receptors) is essential. We therefore examined the production of PGE2 in cultured growth plate chondrocytes in vitro and the effects of exogenously added PGE2 on cell proliferation. Furthermore, we analysed the expression and spatial distribution of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 and PGE2 receptor types EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4 in the growth plate in situ and in vitro. PGE2 synthesis was determined by mass spectrometry, cell proliferation by DNA [3H]-thymidine incorporation, mRNA expression of cyclooxygenases and EP receptors by RT-PCR on cultured cells and in homogenized growth plates. To determine cellular expression, frozen sections of rat tibial growth plate and primary chondrocyte cultures were stained using immunohistochemistry with polyclonal antibodies directed towards COX-1, COX-2, EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4. Cultured growth plate chondrocytes transiently secreted PGE2 into the culture medium. Although both enzymes were expressed in chondrocytes in vitro and in vivo, it appears that mainly COX-2 contributed to PGE2-dependent proliferation. Exogenously added PGE2 stimulated DNA synthesis in a dose-dependent fashion and gave a bell-shaped curve with a maximum at 10-8 M. The EP1/EP3 specific agonist sulprostone and the EP1-selective agonist ONO-D1-004 increased DNA synthesis. The effect of PGE2 was suppressed by ONO-8711. The expression of EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4 receptors in situ and in vitro was observed; EP2 was homogenously expressed in all zones of the growth plate in situ, whereas EP1 expression was inhomogenous, with spared cells in the reserve zone. In cultured cells these four receptors were expressed in a subset of cells only. The most intense staining for the EP1 receptor was found in polygonal cells surrounded by matrix. Expression of receptor protein for EP3 and EP4 was observed also in rat growth plates. In cultured chrondrocytes, however, only weak expression of EP3 and EP4 receptor was detected. We suggest that in growth plate chondrocytes, COX-2 is responsible for PGE2 release, which stimulates cell proliferation via the EP1 receptor.  相似文献   

A hypothesis of Gryglewski et al. explains the correlation between increased level of LDL and development of atherosclerosis by inhibition of PGI2 synthesis by increased peroxide content of LDL. The aim of the present paper was to examine this hypothesis. The major results are: 1) Preparation of LDL in the presence of .02 % butylated hydroxytoluene did not reduce the lipid peroxide content of LDL from men and women and not change the inhibition or stimulation of the in vitro biosynthesis of PGI2 by LDL isolated from blood of men or women, respectively. 2) In the LDL and HDL, respectively, of healthy men we found nearly the same lipid peroxide levels (nmole malondialdehyde (MDA)/mg lipoprotein-cholesterol) as in the lipoproteins of male patients with hyperlipidemia type IIa or IV, but the peroxide concentration is three times higher in HDL as in LDL. 3) LDL isolated from healthy men inhibited in dose dependent fashion the generation of PGI2 from PGH2 by aortic microsomes whereas LDL from premopausal women stimulated PGI2 formation even calculated as LDL lipid peroxides (in nM MDA/ml). The results call into question the hypothesis that diminished PGI2 formation by atherosclerotic vessels is related to inhibition of PGI2 synthetase by lipid peroxides present in LDL in the lesions. A new working hypothesis is presented that also the fatty acid pattern and the lipid class composition in the LDL are important for their influence on the PGI2 formation.  相似文献   

In response to replication-blocking lesions, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) can be sequentially ubiquitinated at the K164 residue, leading to two modes of DNA-damage tolerance, namely, translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and error-free lesion bypass. Although the majority of reported data support a model whereby monoubiquitinated PCNA enhances its affinity for TLS polymerases and hence recruits them to the damage sites, this model has also been challenged by several observations. In this study, we expressed the PCNA-164R and ubiquitin (UB) fusion genes in an inducible manner in an attempt to mimic PCNA monoubiquitination in cultured human cells. It was found that expression of both N- and C-terminal PCNA•Ub fusions conferred significant tolerance to ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damage. Surprisingly, depletion of Polη, a TLS polymerase dedicated to bypassing UV-induced pyrimidine dimers, did not alter tolerance conferred by PCNA•Ub. In contrast, depletion of Rev1, another TLS polymerase serving as a scaffold for the assembly of the TLS complex, completely abolished PCNA•Ub-mediated damage tolerance. Similar genetic interactions were confirmed when UV-induced monoubiquitination of endogenous PCNA is abolished by RAD18 deletion. Hence, PCNA•Ub fusions bypass the requirement for PCNA monoubiquitination, and UV damage tolerance conferred by these fusions is dependent on Rev1 but independent of Polη.  相似文献   

Intravenous injection of prostaglandin F (4–15 μg/kg, i.v.) produces an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure in conjunction with reflex bradycardia and hypotension in the anesthetized cat. Meclofenamic acid (30 mg/kg, i.v.) inhibited the bradycardia and the reflex contribution to the systemic hypotension. Neither the PGF-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction nor the direct systemic vasodilator actions of PGF were blocked by meclofenamate. In addition, the reflex responses caused by i.v. veratrine and 5-HT were not inhibited by meclofenamate. These results suggest that meclofenamic acid selectively blocks the afferent mechanism by which PGF induces reflex bradycardia and hypotension in the cat.  相似文献   

Summary In human diploid skin fibroblasts in culture we have shown that nonhydroxylated collagen precursors remain in the cell when proline hydroxylation is inhibited by α, α′-dipyridyl, a chelator of ferrous ions. The inhibition of proline hydroxylation is reversed by addition of fresh medium containing 50 μg per ml of sodium ascorbate, whereupon nonhydroxylated collagen precursors are hydroxylated within the cell and extruded into the medium. Extrusion of collagen already formed within the cell is not appreciably affected by α, α′-dipyridyl inhibition. Under normal conditions collagen is released from the monolayer into the medium within 3 hr of a pulse ofL[14C]proline. In the presence of α, α′-dipyridyl, about 35% of theL[14C]proline incorporated into protein is released into the medium within 8 hr as a proline-rich, hydroxyproline-deficient protein; at the same time, approximately 15% of the protein-boundl-[14C]proline remains in the cell for as long as 12 hr. When proline hydroxylation is restored after 2 and 12 hr of α, α′-dipyridyl inhibition, approximately the same amount of hydroxyproline is formed after each time interval in the monolayer. Therefore, nonhydroxylated collagen precursors retained in the cell are not appreciably degraded during at least 12 hr of inhibition by α, α′-dipyridyl and are extruded into the medium only upon restoration of hydroxylation. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Easter Seal Research Foundation, and by Project 236, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Grant HD-03110 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, an American Cancer Society Institutional Grant (1N 15-J), a General Research Support Award (5-S01-FR-05406) from the National Institutes of Health, a University Research Council Grant, a National Science Foundation Equipment Grant (GB-4577), and a Research Career Development Award (5-K3-AM-5058) from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Disease (G.K.S.).  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out to determine whether inhibition of ovulation in the rabbit by administration of indomethacin can be correlated with any change in ovarian contractility at ovulation time and can be reversed by administration of prostaglandins. Indomethacin was adminstered intra-muscularly using three different schedules in a dose of 5 mg/kg. A reduced number of ruptured follicles following HCG was noted in all groups treated with indomethacin. Infusion of PGF into the aorta (1 μg/kg/min.) could reverse this effect. Less pronounced ovarian contractility was observed after indomethacin treatment, but infusion of PGF immediately enhanced contractility in ovaries from indomethacin treated rabbits. The inhibition of ovulation in the rabbit associated with indomethacin adminstration may be related to suppression of ovarian contractions. These data also suggest that prostaglandins may play a significant role in the mechanism of ovulation through an influence on ovarian contractility.  相似文献   

Aromatic 1-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) is involved in the synthesis of the putative neurotransmitters dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). We report here that the gene expression of AADC can be regulated by interleukin (IL) 1- and prostaglandin (PG) E2 in PC12 cells. The cells were treated with different doses of IL 1- and PGE2 for 3 days. Slot blot hybridization was performed to detect AADC mRNA and Western immunoblot to detect AADC protein. The cDNA probe for rat AADC was generated by the PCR method. IL 1- and PGE2 produced a dose- and time-dependent up-regulation in AADC mRNA levels (up to 200% of the control values) which was followed by a stable increase in AADC protein. The data further support the suggestion that AADC is a regulated enzyme and that the regulation occurs at the level of gene expression. Because IL-1 is synthesized, and acts locally, within the brain to influence neuronal and glial functions, it has been proposed to be a mediator with both beneficial and detrimental responses to inflammation and injury. The regulation of AADC by IL-1 may indicate a possible involvement for AADC in neuronal injury and recovery. Since IL-1 promotes PGE2 formation, its effects may be occurring by increasing level of PGE2.Abbreviations AADC aromatic 1-amino acid decarboxylase - IL-1 interleukin 1 - PGE2 prostaglandin E2 - GITC guanidinium isothiocyanate - DEPC diethyl pyrocarbonate - MOPS 3-(4-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - SSPE 0.18M NaCl, 0.001M sodium phosphate, and 0.001M EDTA Special issue dedicated to Dr. Bernard W. Agranoff.  相似文献   

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