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Estrogen has been suggested to influence the cell cycle of haploid yeast cells in the early G1 phase of mitosis, its effect possibly being mediated by control of the level of cAMP (TANAKA, S. et al. (1989). Cell, 57: 675-681). Therefore, we were interested in whether estrogen also affects the meiotic phase of diploid yeast cells. Accordingly, we measured the amounts of adenylate cyclase mRNA and intracellular cAMP, the proportions of dividing cells and 4n cells and the doubling times of diploid yeast cells during the presporulation stage in the presence and absence of estrogen. The amount of adenylate cyclase mRNA was found to decrease rapidly within 24 hours after inoculation of cells onto sporulation-promoting plates (YPA plates). The cAMP level of these cells also decreased rapidly. Mitotic cell division continued for 18 hours after cell inoculation, but about 24 hours after inoculation, the amount of cAMP per cell had decreased to a minimum and the cells began to enter meiosis. By contrast, when the cells were inoculated onto YPA plates in the presence of estrogen, their intracellular cAMP and adenylate cyclase mRNA levels became higher than those in control cultures without estrogen and cell division continued for 24 hours. But after 30 hours their intracellular cAMP level decreased to a minimum and they began to enter meiosis. These results show that estrogen delayed the entry of diploid yeast cells into meiosis on sporulation-promoting plates and suggest that its effect may be mediated by control of the level of cAMP.  相似文献   

J R Maddock  J Roy    J L Woolford  Jr 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(6):1037-1044
We have identified six new genes whose products are necessary for the splicing of nuclear pre-mRNA in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A collection of 426 temperature-sensitive yeast strains was generated by EMS mutagenesis. These mutants were screened for pre-mRNA splicing defects by an RNA gel blot assay, using the intron- containing CRY1 and ACT1 genes as hybridization probes. We identified 20 temperature-sensitive mutants defective in pre-mRNA splicing. Twelve appear to be allelic to the previously identified prp2, prp3, prp6, prp16/prp23, prp18, prp19 or prp26 mutations that cause defects in spliceosome assembly or the first or second step of splicing. One is allelic to SNR14 encoding U4 snRNA. Six new complementation groups, prp29-prp34, were identified. Each of these mutants accumulates unspliced pre-mRNA at 37 degrees C and thus is blocked in spliceosome assembly or early steps of pre-mRNA splicing before the first cleavage and ligation reaction. The prp29 mutation is suppressed by multicopy PRP2 and displays incomplete patterns of complementation with prp2 alleles, suggesting that the PRP29 gene product may interact with that of PRP2. There are now at least 42 different gene products, including the five spliceosomal snRNAs and 37 different proteins that are necessary for pre-mRNA splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the number of yeast genes identifiable by this approach has not yet been exhausted.  相似文献   

Recombinationless meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:27,自引:11,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
We have utilized the single equational meiotic division conferred by the spo13-1 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. Klapholtz and R. E. Esposito, Genetics 96:589-611, 1980) as a technique to study the genetic control of meiotic recombination and to analyze the meiotic effects of several radiation-sensitive mutations (rad6-1, rad50-1, and rad52-1) which have been reported to reduce meiotic recombination (Game et al., Genetics 94:51-68, 1980); Prakash et al., Genetics 94:31-50, 1980). The spo13-1 mutation eliminates the meiosis I reductional segregation, but does not significantly affect other meiotic events (including recombination). Because of the unique meiosis it confers, the spo13-1 mutation provides an opportunity to recover viable meiotic products in a Rec- background. In contrast to the single rad50-1 mutant, we found that the double rad50-1 spo13-1 mutant produced viable ascospores after meiosis and sporulation. These spores were nonrecombinant: meiotic crossing-over was reduced at least 150-fold, and no increase in meiotic gene conversion was observed over mitotic background levels. The rad50-1 mutation did not, however, confer a Rec- phenotype in mitosis; rather, it increased both spontaneous crossing-over and gene conversion. The spore inviability conferred by the single rad6-1 and rad52-1 mutations was not eliminated by the presence of the spo13-1 mutation. Thus, only the rad50 gene has been unambiguously identified by analysis of viable meiotic ascospores as a component of the meiotic recombination system.  相似文献   

G Simchen  Y Kassir 《Génome》1989,31(1):95-99
Normally, meiosis and sporulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae occur only in diploid strains and only when the cells are exposed to starvation conditions. Diploidy is determined by the mating-type system (the genes MAT, RME1, IME1), whereas the starvation signal is transmitted through the adenylate cyclase - protein kinase pathway (the genes CDC25, RAS2, CDC35 (CYR1), BCY1, TPK1, TPK2, TPK3). The two regulatory pathways converge at the gene IME1, which is a positive regulator of meiosis and whose early expression in sporulating cells correlates with the initiation of meiosis. Sites upstream (5') of IME1 appear to mediate in the repression of the gene by repressors originating from both the mating-type and the cyclase--kinase pathways.  相似文献   

P James  B D Hall  S Whelen  E A Craig 《Gene》1992,122(1):101-110
In higher eukaryotic organisms, the regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation is known to play a major role in the control of cell division. Recently, a wide variety of protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase)-encoding genes (PTPs) have been identified to accompany the many tyrosine kinases previously studied. However, in the yeasts, where the cell cycle has been most extensively studied, identification of the genes involved in the direct regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation has been difficult. We have identified a pair of genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which we call PTP1 and PTP2, whose products are highly homologous to PTPases identified in other systems. Both genes are poorly expressed, and contain sequence elements consistent with low-abundance proteins. We have carried out an extensive genetic analysis of PTP1 and PTP2, and found that they are not essential either singly or in combination. Neither deletion nor overexpression results in any strong phenotypes in a number of assays. Deletions also do not affect the mitotic blockage caused by deletion of the MIH1 gene (encoding a positive regulator of mitosis) and induction of the heterologous Schizosaccharomyces pombe wee1+ gene (encoding a negative regulator of mitosis). Molecular analysis has shown that PTP1 and PTP2 are quite different structurally and are not especially well conserved at the amino acid sequence level. Low-stringency Southern blots indicate that yeast may contain a family of PTPase-encoding genes. These results suggest that yeast may contain other PTPase-encoding genes that overlap functionally with PTP1 and PTP2.  相似文献   

A complete nucleotide sequence of two ras-related yeast genes (c- rassc -1 and c- rassc -2) isolated from the yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae is reported. They encode predicted polypeptides of 40,000 and 41,000 daltons, respectively. The N-terminal 170 amino acids from both genes show extensive amino acid homology to other ras genes from vertebrates, whereas their C-termini have diverged. These genes should be useful in the elucidation of a normal biological function of ras-related genes in a simple system like yeast.  相似文献   

Two genes, MF alpha 1 and MF alpha 2, coding for the alpha-factor in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified by in situ colony hybridization of synthetic probes to a yeast genomic library. The probes were designed on the basis of the known amino acid sequence of the tridecapeptide alpha-pheromone. The nucleotide sequence revealed that the two genes, though similar in their overall structure, differ from each other in several striking ways. MF alpha 1 gene contains 4 copies of the coding sequence for the alpha-factor, which are separated by 24 nucleotides encoding the octapeptide Lys-Arg-Glu-Ala-Glu(or Asp)-Ala-Glu-Ala. The first alpha-factor coding block is preceded by a sequence for the hexapeptide Lys-Arg-Glu-Ala and 83 additional amino acids. MF alpha 2 gene contains coding sequences for two copies of the alpha-factor that differ from each other and from alpha-factor encoded by MF alpha 1 gene by a Gln leads to Asn and a Lys leads to Arg substitution. The first copy of the alpha-factor is preceded by a sequence coding for 87 amino acids which ends with Lys-Arg-Glu-Ala-Val-Ala-Asp-Ala. The coding blocks of the two copies of the pheromone are separated by the sequence for Lys-Arg-Glu-Ala-Asn-Ala-Asp-Ala. Thus, the alpha-factor can be derived from 2 different precursor proteins of 165 and 120 amino acids containing, respectively, 4 and 2 copies of the pheromone.  相似文献   

Partial denaturation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomal DNA was found to occur spontaneously during meiosis. Short regions of strand separation (300 base pairs long) were seen in DNA molecules prepared for electron microscopy by the aqueous spreading technique. These regions were clustered along the DNA. The time course of their appearance indicated that the denatured regions were present during the periods of premeiotic DNA replication and recombination. A similar pattern of denaturation was also detected in the DNA from vegetatively grown cells of a conditional cdc8 mutant, which is defective in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Sporulation of the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a response to nutrient depletion that allows a single diploid cell to give rise to four stress-resistant haploid spores. The formation of these spores requires a coordinated reorganization of cellular architecture. The construction of the spores can be broadly divided into two phases. The first is the generation of new membrane compartments within the cell cytoplasm that ultimately give rise to the spore plasma membranes. Proper assembly and growth of these membranes require modification of aspects of the constitutive secretory pathway and cytoskeleton by sporulation-specific functions. In the second phase, each immature spore becomes surrounded by a multilaminar spore wall that provides resistance to environmental stresses. This review focuses on our current understanding of the cellular rearrangements and the genes required in each of these phases to give rise to a wild-type spore.  相似文献   

Stationary phase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Growth and proliferation of microorganisms such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are controlled in part by the availability of nutrients. When proliferating yeast cells exhaust available nutrients, they enter a stationary phase characterized by cell cycle arrest and specific physiological, biochemical, and morphological changes. These changes include thickening of the cell wall, accumulation of reserve carbohydrates, and acquisition of thermotolerance. Recent characterization of mutant cells that are conditionally defective only for the resumption of proliferation from stationary phase provides evidence that stationary phase is a unique developmental state. Strains with mutations affecting entry into and survival during stationary phase have also been isolated, and the mutations have been shown to affect at least seven different cellular processes: (i) signal transduction, (ii) protein synthesis, (iii) protein N-terminal acetylation, (iv) protein turnover, (v) protein secretion, (vi) membrane biosynthesis, and (vii) cell polarity. The exact nature of the relationship between these processes and survival during stationary phase remains to be elucidated. We propose that cell cycle arrest coordinated with the ability to remain viable in the absence of additional nutrients provides a good operational definition of starvation-induced stationary phase.  相似文献   

The SSA1 and SSA2 genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

Most of the ribosomal RNA genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are about 9 kilobases (kb) in size and encode both the 35S rRNA (processed to produce the 25S, 18S, and 5.8S species) and 5S rRNA. These genes are arranged in a single tandem array of 100 repeats. Below, we present evidence that at the centromere-distal end of this array is a tandem arrangement of a different type of rRNA gene. Each of these repeats is 3.6 kb in length and encodes a single 5S rRNA. The coding sequence of this gene is different from that of the "normal" 5S gene in three positions located at the 3' end of the gene.  相似文献   

To further our studies of protein sorting and biogenesis of the lysosome-like vacuole in yeast, we have isolated spontaneous mutations in 11 new VPL complementation groups, as well as additional alleles of the eight previously described VPL genes. These mutants were identified by selecting for cells that mislocalize vacuolar proteins to the cell surface. Morphological examination of the vpl mutants indicated that most contain vacuoles of normal appearance; however, some of the mutants generally lack a large vacuole, and instead accumulate smaller organelles. Of the 19 VPL complementation groups, 12 were found to be identical to 12 of 33 VPT complementation groups identified in a separate study. Moreover, the end1 mutant and all of the previously reported pep mutants, with the exception of pep4, were found to exhibit a profound vacuolar protein sorting defect, and complementation tests between the PEP, VPL VPT and END1 groups demonstrated that there are extensive overlaps between these groups. Collectively, mutants in these four collections define 49 complementation groups required to deliver or retain soluble vacuolar enzymes, including carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) and proteinase A. We have also isolated 462 new mutants that lack normal levels of vacuolar CPY activity. Among these latter mutants, only pep4 mutants were found to be specifically defective in vacuolar zymogen activation. We conclude that there is a large number of gene products required for sorting or retention of vacuolar proteins in yeast, and only a single gene, PEP4, that is essential for activation of CPY and other vacuolar zymogens.  相似文献   

The previously described CLB1 and CLB2 genes encode a closely related pair of B-type cyclins. Here we present the sequences of another related pair of B-type cyclin genes, which we term CLB3 and CLB4. Although CLB1 and CLB2 mRNAs rise in abundance at the time of nuclear division, CLB3 and CLB4 are turned on earlier, rising early in S phase and declining near the end of nuclear division. When all possible single and multiple deletion mutants were constructed, some multiple mutations were lethal, whereas all single mutants were viable. All lethal combinations included the clb2 deletion, whereas the clb1 clb3 clb4 triple mutant was viable, suggesting a key role for CLB2. The inviable multiple clb mutants appeared to have a defect in mitosis. Conditional clb mutants arrested as large budded cells with a G2 DNA content but without any mitotic spindle. Electron microscopy showed that the spindle pole bodies had duplicated but not separated, and no spindle had formed. This suggests that the Clb/Cdc28 kinase may have a relatively direct role in spindle formation. The two groups of Clbs may have distinct roles in spindle formation and elongation.  相似文献   

Two alpha-tubulin genes from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified and cloned by cross-species DNA homology. Nucleotide sequencing studies revealed that the two genes, named TUB1 and TUB3, encoded gene products of 447 and 445 amino acids, respectively, that are highly homologous to alpha-tubulins from other species. Comparison of the sequences of the two genes revealed a 19% divergence between the nucleotide sequences and a 10% divergence between the amino acid sequences. Each gene had a single intervening sequence, located at an identical position in codon 9. Cell fractionation studies showed that both gene products were present in yeast microtubules. These two genes, along with the TUB2 beta-tubulin gene, probably encode the entire complement of tubulin in budding yeast cells.  相似文献   

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