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We sequenced the nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) of Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Nordst.) Klebahn, a microscopic freshwater epiphytic chlorophyte, to assess its phylogenetic affinities in the Chlorophyta. A phylogenetic analysis of a broad sampling of green algal taxa and Chaetosphaeridium confirmed that this alga is a member of the Charophyceae (Streptophyta) as earlier microscopical studies had suggested. However, more detailed phylogenetic analyses of the streptophyte lineage showed that contrary to expectations based on the ultrastructure of the zoospores, the presence of a unique type of setae, the oogamous mode of reproduction, and the occurrence of oscillatory rotations of the cytoplasm, Chaetosphaeridium and Coleochaete are not closely related and do not form a monophyletic clade. Instead, Chaetosphaeridium represents an early branch in the streptophyte lineage that had a near-simultaneous origin as the Charalean clade and a clade formed by all remaining streptophytes examined ( Klebsormidium, Coleochaete, Chlorokybus, Zygnematales, and bryophytes). All phylogenetic inference methods used (neighbor-joining analysis of Kimura distances, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony) resulted in essentially the same tree topology. No Group I introns were found in the 18S rDNA coding region of Chaetosphaeridium. Our molecular phylogenetic analysis of Chaetosphaeridium supports a recent cladistic classification of the Streptobionta by Kenrick and Crane in which Chaetosphaeridium is placed in a monotypic division and class, Chaetosphaeridiophyta and Chaetosphaeridiophyceae, respectively.  相似文献   

The complete 18S rRNA gene sequences of three Oocystis A. Braun species (Oocystaceae) and three other chlorococcal algae, Tetrachlorella alternans (G. M. Smith) Korš. (Scenedesmaceae), Makinoella tosaensis Okada (Scenedesmaceae), and Amphikrikos cf. nanus (Fott & Heynig) Hind. (Chlorellaceae) were determined and subjected to four different phylogenetic analysis algorithms. Independent of the reconstruction method, these taxa clustered together as a monophyletic group (Oocystaceae) within the Trebouxiophyceae. This result was supported by high bootstrap values. A comparison of morphological data with the phylogenetic reconstructions indicated that the evolution of Oocystaceae was accompanied by a reduction in the number of plastids. This study fully supports the taxonomic assignment of the Oocystaceae as a distinct family. The diacritic criterion that the cell walls are composed of several cellulose layers with perpendicular fibril orientations is in accordance with the molecular data.  相似文献   

The nuclear Rrn18 gene coding for small-subunit ribosomal RNA was amplified from Chlamydomonas humicola and C. dysosmos. The sequences were identical, in agreement with the combination of these two species under the name C. applanata on morphological and physiological grounds by Ettl and Schlösser (1992).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from parsimony and distance analyses of nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences taken from 14 species representing 8 of the 11 extant genera in the Dasycladales. Of 1733 aligned positions, 412 (23.8%) were variable and 251 (61%) of those were phylogenetically informative within the Dasycladales. Secondary structure was analyzed and taken into account during all phases of data analysis. Robustness of the trees was assessed using bootstrap analysis and g1 statistics of tree-length decay. Strongly supported branches were robust to all methods of analysis regardless of weighting schemes used. The secondary structure of the 18S within the Dasycladales agrees with that of other green algae with the exception of a shared deletion in stemloop E10-1 (ca. 13 nucleotides long), which provides additional support for the uniqueness of this monophyletic group. A molecular clock was calibrated from the dasyclad fossil record and suggests a radiation of the Acetabulariaceae at 120 ± 30 million years (Ma) ago and the Dasycladaceae 215 ± 40 Ma ago. The split of the two lineages from a shared ancestor is estimated at 265 ± 50 Ma ago. Within the Dasycladaceae, Neomeris and Cymopolia are sister taxa, as are Batophora and Chlorocladus. Bornetella groups with the Neomeris and Cymopolia clade in 78% of the bootstrap replicates. Relationships among the Acetabulariaceae show that Acetabularia and Polyphysa do not form monophyletic groups as presently circumscribed. No evidence indicates that Acicularia is the oldest genus. Halicoryne, Chalmasia, and Dasycladus were not included in the analysis. Molecular data provide afresh background perspective from which to discuss the evolution of one of the most ancient lineages of green plants.  相似文献   

Eight complete nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene sequences were determined for four genera of the Microthamniales (Pleurastrophyceae) and for Gloeotilopsis planctonica Iyengar & Philipose (Ulvophyceae, Ulotrichales) to investigate evolutionary relationships within the Microthamniales and the taxonomic position of this order within the green algae. Phylogenies inferred from these data revealed specific relationships at the level of genera and species that disagree with those inferred from vegetative cell morphology but agree with those inferred from motile cell characters. The rRNA phylogenies provide even better resolution than that gained from morphology alone. The coccoid lichen alga Trebouxia spp. is specifically related to other coccoid lichen and soil algae (i.e. Myrmecia biatorellae Boye-Petersen and Friedmannia israelensis Chantanachat & Bold), forming the “Lichen Algae Group,” an evolutionarily distinct lineage within the Microthamniales. Trebouxia is a paraphyletic and Pleurastrum a polyphyletic genus in rRNA phylogenies. In contrast to previous hypotheses based on morphology, Pleurastrum terrestre Fritsch & John is not closely related to Trebouxia but occupies an isolated position within the Microthamniales. The filamentous alga Microthamnion kuetzingianum is not ancestral to coccoid members of the Microthamniales but is closely related with the coccoid Fusochloris perforata (Lee & Bold) Floyd, Watanabe & Deason. The Microthamniales are inferred to be an array of independent lineages that radiate nearly simultaneously and may also include some autosporic coccoid taxa previously classified in the Chlorophyceae. Monophyly of the Microthamniales could not be demonstrated unequivocally. In contrast to a hypothesis based on ultrastructure, the Microthamniales are evolutionarily distinct from the Ulotrichales. The latter are ancestral to the radiation of the Microthamniales and the Chlorophyceae in the rRNA phylogenies.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of Koliella , a chlorophyte characterized by Klebsormidium type cell division, was inferred from analyses of partial 18S rDNA and partial 16S rDNA. Parsimony and distance analyses of separate and combined data sets indicated that the members of Koliella belonged to Trebouxiophyceae, and high decay indices and bootstrap values supported this affinity. However, the genus appeared to be polyphyletic. Koliella spiculiformis , the nomenclatural type of the genus, was allied with Nannochloris eucaryota and the "true" chlorellas ( Chlorella vulgaris , C. lobophora , C. sorokiniana , and C. kessleri ). The close relatives of Koliella longiseta (≡ Raphidonema longiseta ) and Koliella sempervirens appeared to be Stichococcus bacillaris and some species traditionally classified in Chlorella that were characterized by the production of secondary carotenoids under nitrogen-deficient conditions. This clade was also supported by the presence of a relatively phylogenetically stable group I intron (1506) in the 18S rRNA gene. Because of the presence of Klebsormidium type cell division, some authors regarded the members of Koliella as closely related to charophytes. Molecular analyses, however, did not confirm this affinity and suggested that a Klebsormidium type cell division is homoplastic in green plants.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudochlorodesmis (Bryopsidales) is composed of diminutive siphons of extreme morphological simplicity. The discovery of Pseudochlorodesmis‐like juveniles in more complex Bryopsidales (e.g., the Halimeda microthallus stage) jeopardized the recognition of this genus. Confronted with this uncertainty, taxonomists transferred many simple siphons into a new genus, Siphonogramen. In this study, we used a multimarker approach to clarify the phylogenetic and taxonomic affinities of the Pseudochlorodesmis‐Siphonogramen (PS) complex within the more morphologically complex bryopsidalean taxa. Our analyses reveal a new layer of diversity largely distinct from the lineages containing the structurally complex genera. The PS complex shows profound cryptic diversity exceeding the family level. We discuss a potential link between thallus complexity and the prevalence and profundity of cryptic diversity. For taxonomic simplicity and as a first step toward clarifying the taxonomy of these simple siphons, we propose to maintain Pseudochlorodesmis as a form genus and subsume Siphonogramen and Botryodesmis therein.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic relationships within the Chlorophyta have relied heavily on rRNA data. These data have revolutionized our insight in green algal evolution, yet some class relationships have never been well resolved. A commonly used class within the Chlorophyta is the Ulvophyceae, although there is not much support for its monophyly. The relationships among the Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, and Chlorophyceae are also contentious. In recent years, chloroplast genome data have shown their utility in resolving relationships between the main green algal clades, but such studies have never included marine macroalgae. We provide partial chloroplast genome data (~30,000 bp, 23 genes) of the ulvophycean macroalga Caulerpa filiformis (Suhr) K. Herig. We show gene order conservation for some gene combinations and rearrangements in other regions compared to closely related taxa. Our data also revealed a pseudogene (ycf62) in Caulerpa species. Our phylogenetic results, based on analyses of a 23‐gene alignment, suggest that neither Ulvophyceae nor Trebouxiophyceae are monophyletic, with Caulerpa being more closely related to the trebouxiophyte Chlorella than to Oltmannsiellopsis and Pseudendoclonium.  相似文献   

An extensive phylogenetic analysis of the biflagellate genera, Chlamydomonas Ehrenberg and Chloromonas Gobi emend. Wille, was undertaken using 18S rDNA and rbcL gene sequence analysis. Emphasis was placed on 21 cold‐tolerant taxa of which 10 are from snow. These taxa occurred in four distinct clades each in the 18S rDNA and rbcL phylogenies, and when taken together suggest at least five distinct origins in cold habitats. Most of these taxa occur in a single clade (A), and all snow species occurred in this clade. In the rbcL and combined rbcL–18S rDNA analyses, the snow taxa fell into three groups. Two groups occurred in subclade 1: Chlamydomonas augustae Skuja CU, Chlamydomonas augustae UTEX, and Chlamydomonas sp.‐A and Chloromonas clathrata Korshikov, Chloromonas rosae Ettl CU, and Chloromonas rosae v. psychrophila var. nov. The third snow group, subclade 2, included three species with unique cell divisions, Chloromonas brevispina (Fritsch) Hoham, Roemer et Mullet, Chloromonas pichinchae (Lagerheim) Wille, and Chloromonas sp.‐D, and the basal Chloromonas nivalis (Chodat) Hoham et Mullet with normal cell divisions. This suggests that the snow habitat has been colonized at least twice and possibly three times in the history of these biflagellates. In the 18S rDNA tree, one cold‐tolerant Chloromonas species fell outside clade A: Chloromonas subdivisa (Pascher et Jahoda) Gerloff et Ettl. In the rbcL tree, three cold‐tolerant Chloromonas species fell outside clade A: Chloromonas subdivisa, Chloromonas sp.‐ANT1, and Chloromonas sp.‐ANT3. These results support previous findings that pyrenoids have been gained and lost several times within this complex.  相似文献   

Comparative specificity of sporangial wall autolysins (i.e. vegetative lytic enzymes [VLE]) derived from sporulating cultures has been used to group Chlamydomonas taxa into 15 different VLE types. The VLE-14 group, including isolates of C. geitleri, C. noctigama, C. monoica, C. pinicola, C. terricoia, and C. hindakii, is one of the largest of these VLE groups. Genetic studies have shown that a number of the VLE-14 taxa are interfertile, albeit with little or reduced viability of progeny. A reevaluation of the VLE-14 group suggested that all members should be regarded as distinct isolates of C. noctigama. The present investigation tests the phylogenetic implications of the VLE evidence and examines the validity of the taxonomic reevaluation in a phylogenetic context by analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequence data. Results from analyses of the sequence data are consistent with an interpretation of the VLE evidence as indicative of monophyletic taxa. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence data are also consistent with the taxonomic reevaluation and reidentification of the group. However, at least some of the VLE-14 isolates studied in this investigation fit criteria for distinct biologic or phylogenetic species. It is concluded that the VLE-14 taxa represent a very closely allied group that includes some isolates that are in the early stages of speciation ly reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Coccoid green algae of the Selenastraceae were investigated by means of light microscopy, TEM, and 18S rRNA analyses to evaluate the generic concept in this family. Phylogenetic trees inferred from the 18S rRNA gene sequences showed that the studied species of autosporic Selenastraceae formed a well-resolved monophyletic clade within the DO group of Chlorophyceae. Several morphological characteristics that are traditionally used as generic features were investigated, especially the arrangement of autospores in the mother cells, colony formation, and pyrenoid structure. The parallel arrangement of autospores was confirmed for the genera Ankistrodesmus , Podohedriella , and Quadrigula. In mother cells of Monoraphidium and Kirchneriella , the autospores were arranged serially. Colony formation was either stable ( Quadrigula ) or variable ( Ankistrodesmus , Podohedriella ) within genera. All strains studied possessed naked or starch-covered pyrenoids within the chloroplast. The pyrenoid matrix was homogenous or penetrated by thylakoids. In contrast to considerations of traditional systematics, the present study showed that the presence and structure of pyrenoids are unsuitable for differentiation of genera in Selenastraceae. Furthermore, the molecular analyses showed that any morphological criterion considered so far is not significant for the systematics of the Selenastraceae on the generic level. Species assigned to different genera such as Ankistrodesmus and Monoraphidium were not monophyletic and therefore not distinguishable as separate genera. Species of Monoraphidium appeared in four different lineages of the Selenastraceae. Our phylogenetic analyses support earlier discussions to abandon the common practice of conceiving "small" genera (i.e. genera that are differentiated from other genera by only a few diacritic characteristics and that contain only a small number of species) and to reestablish "large" genera of Selenastraceae such as Ankistrodesmus.  相似文献   

基于78种直翅目昆虫的18S rRNA基因全序列构建了直翅目各主要类群间的系统发育关系。本研究的结果支持直翅目的单系性,但不支持蝗亚目和螽亚目各自的单系性;直翅目下除蜢总科和蝗总科外各总科的划分多数与Otte系统相一致;蜢总科的单系性得不到支持;蝗总科的剑角蝗科、斑腿蝗科、斑翅蝗科、网翅蝗科和槌角蝗科5科均不是单系群,各物种间的遗传距离差异不大,应合并为一科,即蝗科;本研究支持将Otte系统中蚱总科和螽蟖总科下各亚科级阶元提升为科级阶元;18S rRNA基因全序列可以作为划分科级阶元的工具,当位于同一分支上互成姐妹群的类群间的遗传距离超过1%时,这几个类群属于不同的科;但由于其在进化上的保守性,18S rRNA基因只能用于纲目等高级阶元间关系的研究,而由其获得的总科以下阶元间的关系并不可靠。  相似文献   

The chloroplast-encoded atp B gene was sequenced from 33 strains representing 28 species of the colonial Volvocales (the Volvocaceae and its relatives) to reexamine phylogenetic relationships as previously deduced by morphological data and rbc L gene sequence data.1128 base pairs in the coding regions of the atp B gene were analyzed by MP, NJ, and ML analyses. Although supported with relatively low bootstrap values (75% and 65% in the NJ and ML analyses, respectively), three anisogamous/oogamous volvocacean genera— Eudorina, Pleodorina, and Volvox, excluding the section Volvox (= Euvolvox, illegitimate name), constituted a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group). Outside the Eudorina group, a robust lineage composed of three species of Volvox sect. Volvox was resolved as in the rbc L gene trees, rejecting the hypothesis of the previous cladistic analysis based on morphological data that the genus Volvox is monophyletic. In addition, the NJ and ML trees suggested that Eudorina is a nonmonophyletic genus as inferred from the morphological data and rbc L gene sequences. Although phylogenetic status of the genus Gonium is ambiguous in the rbc L gene trees and the paraphyly of this genus is resolved in the cladistic analysis based on morphological data, the atp B gene sequence data suggest monophyly of Gonium with relatively low bootstrap values (56–61%) in the NJ and ML trees. On the basis of the combined sequence data (2256 base pairs) from atp B and rbc L genes, Gonium was resolved as a robust monophyletic genus in the NJ and ML trees (with 68–86% bootstrap values), and Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg represented a paraphyletic species positioned most basally within the Eudorina group. However, phylogenetic status and relationships of the families of the colonial Volvocales were still almost ambiguous even in the combined analysis.  相似文献   

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Ostreococcus tauri Courties et Chrétiennot-Dinet is the smallest described autotrophic eukaryote dominating the phytoplanktonic assemblage of the marine Mediterranean Thau lagoon (France). Its taxonomic position was partly elucidated from ultrastructure and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HLPC) pigment analysis. The sequence analysis of the 18S rDNA gene of O. tauri measured here is available in EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (accession number: Y15814) and allowed to clarify its phylogenetic position. O. tauri belongs to the Prasinophyceae and appears very close to Mantoniella, a typical scaly Prasinophyceae, morphologically very different from the naked and coccoid Ostreococcus. An electrophoretic analysis of O. tauri shows that the nucleus contains 10.20 mbp. This small genome, fragmented into 14 chromosomes ranging in size from 300 to 1500 kbp, confirms the minimalist characteristics of Ostreococcus tauri.  相似文献   

对隶属于3亚目、5次目、20科、23属共25个种类的唇口目(裸唇纲)苔藓虫18S rRNA基因部分序列进行了序列测定.结合从GenBank中获得的该类群其它7个种类的18S rRNA基因同源序列,以序列分析软件对其序列组成和变异进行了比较分析;同时,以羽苔虫(被唇纲)和管孔苔虫(窄唇纲)为外类群,以邻接法和最大简约法重建了它们的系统发生树,分析了该目主要类群系统发生关系.序列分析结果显示:经比对后序列长度为884 bp,其中保守位点241个,可变位点643个,简约信息位点357个;A,T,C和G 4碱基平均含量分别为23.8%、22.8%、24.4%和28.9%.分子系统树表明:本研究所有有囊类构成1个单系群,其中檐胞次目的几种苔虫位于皮壳次目内部;无囊类形成1个多系群,其中的亚目级(新唇口亚目)和次目级分类阶元(枝室次目、假软壁次目和隐壁次目)也都为多系发生,这些结果与前人的分子系统学研究结果大体一致,而与传统的形态分类体系间存在明显的冲突.  相似文献   

Complete nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) coding sequences were determined for the coccoid green algae Dictyochloropsis reticulata (Tschermak-Woess) Tschermak-Woess , Myrmecia astigmatica Vinatzer, and M. bisecta Reisigl, to investigate the taxonomic position of Dictyochloropsis Geitler and of the genus Myrmecia Printz. Phylogenies inferred from these data revealed a sister-group relationship between D. reticulata and certain coccoid green algae that lack motile stages (autosporic coccoids) within the order Microthamniales. The monophyletic origin of the Microthamniales, including autosporic coccoids previously classified in the Chlorophyceae, is clearly resolved by the rRNA sequence data. This finding. shows the considerable taxonomic breadth of that order, whose taxonomic position has been unclear so far. A new class, Trebouxiophyceae, is proposed for this group of green algae. Phylogenetic inferences from the rRNA sequences show paraphyly of the genus Myrmecia. The 18S rRNA sequence data suggest that, among taxa that share similar vegetative cell morphologies, the zoospore characters resolve better the actual genus and species boundaries. Within identical zoospore types, the rRNA data allow further resolution of taxonomic relationships. On the basis of the.se findings, I propose that the genus Friedmannia Chantanachat ± Bold be merged into Myrmecia and that only those species be left in the genus Myrmecia that are identical in particular zoospore characters (i.e. those described in detail for M. israeliensis ( Chantanachat ± Bold) comb, nov.), namely M. astigmatica, M. biatorellae (Tschermak-Woess ± Ptesst) Petersen, and M. israeliensis. Myrmecia bisecta has to be excluded from Myrmecia; its taxonomic position within the Trebouxiophyceae is unclear .  相似文献   

Four axenic strains of snow algae were examined for optimum pH under laboratory conditions using M-1 growth medium. Growth was measured using cell counts, cell measurements and absorbance readings at 440 nm. Strains C204 and C479A of Chloromonas sp. from the Adirondack Mountains, New York, grew optimally at pH 4.0 to 5.0. Strains C381F and C381G, Chloromonas polyptera (Fritsch) Hoh., Mull. & Roem. from the White Mountains, Arizona, grew optimally at pH 4.5 to 5.0. Growth was significantly higher at pH 4.0 in the northeastern species (Chloromonas sp.), but no significant difference was observed in final growth at pH 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5 between species. It is postulated that the more acidic precipitation in the northeastern United States may be selecting for strains of snow algae with greater tolerance to acidity than in strains from the southwestern United States or that the different pH optima reported are simply species differences. New York strain C204 was also grown in heavily buffered AM medium where it had an optimum pH of 5.0, but cells became irregularly shaped and tended to clump at pH 6.0 to 7.0. Growth of C204 in AM medium was significantly lower than in M-1 medium for snow algae. These findings justify the use of M-1 medium for this type of experimentation.  相似文献   

The cell division mechanisms of seven strains from six species of Nannochloris Naumann were analyzed and compared with those of three species of Chlorella Beijerinck and Trebouxia erici Ahmadjian using differential interference microscopy and fluorescence microscopy. Nannochloris bacillaris Naumann divides by binary fission and N. coccoides Naumann divides by budding. Distinct triangular spaces or mother cell walls were found in the dividing autosporangia of the other five strains from four species of Nannochloris, three species of Chlorella, and T. erici. In an attempt to infer an evolutionary relationship between nonautosporic and autosporic species of Nannochloris, we constructed a phylogenetic tree of the actin genes using seven strains from six species of Nannochloris, three species of Chlorella, and T. erici. Nannochloris species were polyphyletic in the Trebouxiophyceae group. Two nonautosporic species of N. bacillaris and N. coccoides were monophyletic and positioned distally. Moreover, to determine their phylogenetic position within the Trebouxiophyceae, we constructed phylogenetic tree of 18S rRNA genes adding other species of Trebouxiophyceae. Nannochloris species were polyphyletic in the Trebouxiophyceae and appeared in two different lineages, a Chlorella–Nannochloris group and a Trebouxia–Choricystis group. The nonautosporic species, N. bacillaris and N. coccoides, and three autosporic species of Nannochloris belonged to the Chlorella–Nannochloris group. Nannochloris bacillaris and N. coccoides were also monophyletic and positioned distally in the phylogenetic tree of 18S rRNA genes. These results suggest that autosporulation is the ancestral mode of cell division in Nannochloris and that nonautosporulative mechanisms, such as binary fission and budding, evolved secondarily.  相似文献   

Conflicting classifications for the Corallinales were tested by analyzing partial sequences for the nuclear small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU) gene of 35 species of coralline algae. Parsimony and likelihood analyses of these data yielded congruent hypotheses that are inconsistent with classifications for the group that include as many as eight subfamilies. Four major clades are resolved within the order, including the early-diverging Sporolithaceae as well as the Melobesioideae and Corallinoideae. The fourth clade, which is supported robustly, includes both nongeniculate and geniculate species classified in the subfamilies Mastophoroideae, Metagoniolithoideae, Lithophylloideae, and Amphiroideae. Molecular and morphological data support the proposal that the latter two subfamilies are sister taxa. Although relationships among some genera are not resolved clearly, the order of branching of taxa among and within the four principal lineages is concordant with paleontological evidence for the group. Relationships inferred among genera within each of the clades is discussed. Seven morphological characters delimiting higher taxonomic groups within the order were combined with the sequence data, analyzed, and optimized onto the resulting tree(s). Except for the presence or absence of genicula, all other characters were found to be phylogenetically informative. Genicula are nonhomologous structures that evolved independently in the Amphiroideae, Corallinoideae, and Metagoniolithoideae. The phenetic practice of separating coralline algae into two categories solely on the basis of the presence or absence of genicula does not accurately reflect the evolutionary history of the group.  相似文献   

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