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This article describes the effect of various environmental conditions on the speed of freshwater diatoms. The diatoms display a wide distribution of cell speeds, from 0 to > 20 μm·s?l, as indicated by both the distribution of speeds within a cell population as well as the distribution of 1-s interval speeds of individual cells. Cell length has little or no effect on cell speed, as the speed of large postconjugal populations of Craticula and smaller preconjugal cell populations were not significantly different. The diatoms showed a broad pH tolerance, with Craticula spp. and Nitzschia spp. displaying active motility between pH 3 and 12 and pH 4 and 10, respectively, with velocity maxima for both species at approximately pH 7. In contrast to previous reports on marine diatoms, these freshwater diatoms do not require millimolar levels of external calcium for motility, as both Craticula spp. and Nitzschia spp. showed significant motility in distilled water (<0.5 μM calcium) for up to 5 h. Although addition of ≥500 μM of EGTA inhibited motility, this inhibition did not appear to be due to calcium chelation, as EGTA solutions preincubated with up to 20-fold excess calcium, magnesium, or both still inhibited motility with the same dose-dependent response as EGTA alone. Moreover, significant motility was restored by rinsing EGTA-treated cells in distilled water, Ca-free medium, or regular diatom medium. The calcium channel inhibitors lanthanum and ruthenium red also inhibited motility in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that regulation of internal calcium stores may be important in motility. Craticula motility also declines rapidly in medium ≥50 mOsM while the isotonic concentration appears to be 100–120 mOsM, suggesting that movement may require the plasma membrane to be exerting a force ≥50–70 mOsM osmotic pressure (1–1.5 atm) against the cell wall. 相似文献
Eileen J. Cox 《Journal of phycology》1999,35(6):1297-1312
Scanning electron microscopic studies of silica valve formation in naviculoid diatoms representing six different genera revealed that the precise sequence of depositional events varied among genera. Valve deposition begins with the formation of the raphe sternum, from which virgae (lateral outgrowths) extend. Areolae (pores) are formed between the virgae by the fusion of cross-extensions (vimines). In most of the species studied ( Craticula ambigua (Kützing) D. G. Mann, Frustulia vulgaris (Thwaites) De Toni, Craspedostauros australis E. J. Cox, and Gomphonema truncatum Ehrenberg), areola (pore) formation began near the raphe sternum before completion of the valve margin, but in Pinnularia gibba Ehrenberg the valve margin fused before the areolae were formed. Silica deposition in all these taxa was mainly distal to proximal (with respect to the cytoplasm), but in Haslea sp. it was mainly proximal to distal. Haslea also differed in that areolae were defined as the valve margin was completed. These data have also contributed to the interpretation of taxonomically important features, such as raphe endings. In P. gibba the internal central raphe fissures were laterally deflected but subsequently obscured by additional silicification of the valve, whereas in G. truncatum they were initially straight, becoming laterally deflected as valves mature. External raphe fissures in Frustulia became Y-shaped only just before maturity; in immature valves they were dotlike, as in Amphipleura Kützing. The comparison of developmental pathways in diatoms is a useful adjunct to morphological and other approaches in diatom systematics and warrants renewed attention. 相似文献
Jeremy Pickett-Heaps 《Journal of phycology》1983,19(3):269-281
The relationship of cell organelles to valve morphogenesis was investigated in three species of Nitzschia. One, N. sigmoidea (Nitzsch) W. Sm., showed consistent ability to generate both nitzschioid and hantzschioid symmetry in daughter cells following cytokinesis; the other two maintained nitzschioid symmetry stably. From previous work with Hantzschia, a certain sequence of events could be anticipated in the cytoplasm. In two significant areas–the behavior of the Microtubule Center (MC) and its microtubule (MT) system, and the central origin of the silicalemma–not only were the results unexpected, but the three species showed fundamental differences among themselves. In N. sigmoidea, the silicalemma (and the future raphe region) arises centrally on the cleavage furrow, and after some lateral expansion, the silicalemmas and their associated organelles move in opposite directions in daughter cells, so that the raphe and the raphe canals end up along the girdle side of the cell as expected. However, the MCs never become associated with their silicalemma, remaining throughout near the girdle bands. In N. sigma (Kütz) W. Sm., the silicalemmas arise centrally and after lateral growth, move in opposite directions to generate nitzschioid symmetry. In this case, the MCs move to the vicinity of but never close to the silicalemmas, and follow them distantly during their lateral movement. In N. tryblionella Hantzsch, the new silicalemmas arise opposite one another, on one side of the daughter cells; each MC soon moves very close to its silicalemma, and remains thus through most of valve morphogenesis. Later, only one silicalemma/MC complex moves laterally, establishing the nitzschioid symmetry in both daughter cells. In all three species, as in Hantzschia, linear arrays of mitochondria aligned along MTs occupy the forming raphe canal, and microfilaments line the outer edge of the expanding silicalemma. The fibulae (the wall struts arching across the raphe canal) in Hantzschia always grow from the valve surface to the girdle surface of the forming valves. In these three Nitzschiae, this invariably happens in only one daughter cell of any pair; in the other, all the fibulae grow from the girdle surface to the valve surface. An explanation of these variations is proposed: that the morphogenetic machinery of Nitzschia and Hantzschia have a common origin, with present Nitzschiae having undergone considerable diversification at the intracellular level, causing the unstable cell symmetry exhibited by several modern species. Perhaps a taxonomic distinction between Hantzschia and Nitzschia lies in whether the morphogenetic machinery associated with valve morphogenesis moves laterally in the same or in opposite directions. 相似文献
Electron microscope investigations of the siliceous frustule show that the diatom described by Hustedt as Stephanodiscus subsalsus (A. Cleve) Hust. is not Skeletonema subsalsum (A. Cleve) Bethge (Melosira subsalsa A. Cleve) but is Microsiphona potamos Weber. This species is so similar to Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve and Skeletonema subsalsum that the combination Skeletonema potamos (Weber) Hasle is suggested. Present records classify Skeletonema potamos as a freshwater species of lakes and rivers. In Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie (U.S.A.) and in River Wümme, a tributary of the River Weser (Germany) it grows with Skeletonema subsalsum. In nature, and when grown in cultures at a salinity of 0%, the processes are extremely short; when grown at salinities of 2% or more, the processes are much longer. 相似文献
Toshiyuki Hayakawa Sakae Kudoh Yoshihiro Suzuki Masayuki Takahashi 《Journal of phycology》1994,30(6):955-964
Changes in colony size (cell number per colony) of Asterionella Formosa Hass. were experimentally evaluated in relation to water temperature using two types of clones having colony sizes of four or eight cells. The clones were isolated from two different temperate freshwater lakes. Both clones showed the same general trend with changing temperature. Most of the colonies were normal in size at low temperatures, but colony size was twice as large at high temperatures. Variable colony sizes were present at low percentages. Colony separation occurred at the oldest connection within the colony after cell division. Culture experiments showed that the rates of specific growth and colony separation were balanced except for a rather short period of time when the temperature was changed. Optical and scanning electron micrography did not show any distinctive morphological structure at the point of connection except for porelli and mucilage pads. Seasonal changes in colony size of A. formosa observed in a freshwater lake are discussed based on these temperature results. 相似文献
Diatoms are unicellular organisms encased by silica-based cell walls that display species-specific structures. Morphogenesis of diatom cell walls is believed to be controlled by a polysaccharide/protein-matrix that remains associated with mature cell walls. Recently, a family of calcium-binding glycoproteins, the frustulins, has been identified as major diatom cell wall component. Here we describe a transformation-based approach to investigate intracellular targeting and function of frustulins. When ε-frustulin from the diatom Navicula pelliculosa is expressed in Cylindrotheca fusiformis, it is correctly targeted into the cell wall. Furthermore, the unique N-terminus of ε-frustulin was properly modified, indicating that C. fusiformis and N. pelliculosa contain homologous frustulin-processing proteases. In a different transformation experiment, a modified version of the Chlorella kessleri hexose/H+ symporter bearing a bacterial biotinyl-acceptor domain was expressed in C. fusiformis. The transporter became biotinylated in vivo and was functionally incorporated into the plasma membrane, allowing C. fusiformis to take up 14 C-glucose and 14 C-glucosamine. Stage-specific radioactive labeling with this transformant revealed that secretion of frustulins is strongly enhanced during cell wall development. The data presented in this study demonstrate for the first time functional expression of a membrane protein and correct targeting of a cell wall protein heterologously expressed in a diatom cell. 相似文献
Limnological gradients of small, oligotrophic, and low conductance lakes in northern New England were defined by principal components analysis; relationships of sedimented diatom species to the gradients were investigated by correlation analysis. Diatom distributions were most strongly related to the gradient of pH and alkalinity and the covarying variables, conductance, Mg, Ca, total Al, and exchangeable Al. Weaker relationships to lake morphology, dissolved organic carbon and water color, altitude and marine aerosol inputs, and the distinctive water chemistry of some New Hampshire lakes were also present. Results for 16 taxa of importance in our studies of lake acidity are given in detail and are compared to results from other regions of eastern North America. Planktonic taxa were absent below pH 5.5, with the exception of the long form of Asterionella ralfsii var. americana Korn. The two forms of this taxon differed ecologically: the long form (>45μm) had an abundance weighted mean (AWM) pH 4.90 and occurred mostly in lakes that were deep relative to transparency; the short form (<45μm)had an AWM pH and occurred on lakes that were shallow relative to transparency. The ecological advantage of a “splitter” approach to diatom taxonomy was demonstrated by examination of other taxa as well, including Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kütz. These results have important implications for paleolimnological interpretations. 相似文献
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is an auxiliary protein for polymerase-δ and therefore is essential for cellular DNA synthesis. The synthesis and abundance of PCNA in the cell are cell-cycle-dependent, both increasing markedly during the S phase. Such a protein could be a useful cell cycle marker, which is required for estimating algal species-specific growth rates via the cell cycle approach. By using commercially available monoclonal anti-rat-PCNA antibody and an enhanced chemiluminescence technique, PCNA-like proteins were detected in four species of marine phytoplankton. The strong single band detected on western blots of Isochrysis galbana Parke, Thalassiosira weissflogii Cleve, and Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher had an apparent molecular weight of 33–36 kDa. This molecular weight is within the range as observed for PCNA in a wide phylogenetic array of organisms (33–36 kDa). In the diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve, the PCNA antibody detected a major band of about 19 kDa as well as a minor band of 38 kDa. The detected proteins were specifically recognized by the monoclonal anti-rat-PCNA antibody. The PCNA-like proteins in I. galbana, T. weissflogii, and D. tertiolecta were more abundant in the exponential growth stage and then decreased and became undetectable in the late stationary stage. Our results show that the detected antigens appear to be algal analogs of PCNA. 相似文献
The effects of nitrogen starvation in the presence or absence of sodium in the culture medium were monitored in batch cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. During nitrogen starvation in the presence of sodium, cell nitrogen and chlorophyll a decreased, mainly as a consequence of continued cell division. These decreases were accompanied by decreases in the rates of photosynthesis and respiration. There was no change in either cell volume or carbohydrate, but both carbon and lipid increased. During nitrogen starvation in the absence of sodium, cell division ceased. Cell nitrogen and chlorophyll a remained constant, and respiration did not decrease, but the changes in the photosynthetic rate and the lipid content per cell were similar to cultures that were nitrogen-starved in the presence of sodium. The carbon-to-nitrogen ratio increased in both cultures. Nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, and sodium were resupplied to cultures that had been preconditioned in nitrogen- and sodium-deficient medium for 5 d. Control cultures to which neither nitrate or sodium were added remained in a static state with respect to cell number, volume, and carbohydrate but showed slight increases in lipid. Cells in cultures to which 10 mM nitrate alone was added showed a similar response to cultures where no additions were made. Cells in cultures to which 50 mM sodium alone was added divided for 2 d, with concomitant small decreases in all measured constituents. Cell division resumed in cultures to which both sodium and nitrate were added. The lipid content fell dramatically in these cells and was correlated to metabolic oxidation via measured increases in the activity of the glyoxylate cycle enzyme, isocitrate lyase. We conclude that lipids are stored as a function of decreased growth rate and are metabolized to a small extent when cell division resumes. However, much higher rates of metabolism occur if cell division resumes in the presence of a nitrogen source. 相似文献
Paul G. Roessler 《Journal of phycology》1987,23(3):494-498
UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase activity was detected in cell-free extracts of the diatom Cyclotella cryptica TI3L Reimann, Lewin and Guillard. When assayed in the direction of UDPglucose formation, the enzyme had maximal activity at pH 7.8 and was stimulated by Mg2+and Mn2+ions. 3-Phosphoglycerate and inorganic phosphate had little effect on enzymatic activity, and the enzyme was relatively insensitive to feedback inhibition from UDPglucose (K, > I millimolar). A glucan was formed from UDP-[14C]glucose in cell-free extracts of C. cryptica. This glucan had a median molecular weight of 4600 (as determined by gel filtration chromatograbhy) and could be hydrolyzed by laminarinase. Partial acid hydrolysis of the glucan resulted in the formation of glucose and laminaribiose. but not cellobiose. These results suggest that the synthesis of chrysolaminarin (the major storage carbohydrate of diatoms) occurs via the activity of UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase. followed by glucosyl transfer from UDPglucose to the growing β-(1–3)-linked glucan. 相似文献
Paul G. Roessler 《Journal of phycology》1988,24(3):394-400
The effects of silicon deficiency on the metabolism and composition of lipids in Cyclotella cryptica T13L Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard were examined. Silicon-deficient cells had higher levels of neutral lipids (primarily triacylglycerols) and higher proportions of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids than silicon-replete cells. After 4 h of silicon deficiency, the percentage of newly assimilated NaH14CO3 partitioned into lipids increased from 27.6% to 54.1%, whereas the percentage partitioned into chrysolaminarin decreased from 21.6% to 10.6%. In addition, pulse-chase experiments with NaH14CO3 indicated that the amount of 14C in the total cellular lipid fraction increased by 32% after 12 h of silicon deficiency despite the absence of additional photoassimilable 14C. Therefore, the accumulation of lipids in response to silicon deficiency appears to be due to two distinct processes: (a) an increase in the proportion of newly assimilated carbon partioned into lipids, and (2) a slow conversion of previously assimilated carbon from non-lipid compounds into lipids 相似文献
Protein synthesis in the diatom Nitzschia alba Lewin and Lewin was drastically altered when the cells were incubated at a supraoptimal temperaeture. Quantitatively, the overall protein synthesis was greatly suppressed as indicated by teh rate of [35S] methionine incorporation. The extent of suppression of protein synthesis was proportional to the severity of the heat-shock treatment which was a combination of elevated temperature and treatment duration. The in viro synthesized proteins were also qualitativelty anlayzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Dependeing on the treatment condition, a set of heat-shock proteins (HSPs) were induced. They were best detected when the cells were subjected to shocks of 35°C for 60 min or 40°C for 10 min followed by a 60 min labelling at 30°C. The results revealed 16 HSps which had moluecular weights ranging from 24–94 kD and isoelectric points ranging from 5.50–7.10. Some of the HSps were identical in molelcular weights but with differeentr isoelectric points. The induction and accumulation of HSPs in Nitzschia alba were transitory. Prologned heat-shock treatments resulted in a complete cessation of protein syntehsis and no further induction of HSPs. In all aspects, the heat shock response of diatoms was similar to that in higher plants such as soybean, maize and tobacco but differenet from most animal systems. 相似文献
四种鱼类外周血红细胞细胞周期及DNA含量 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过流式细胞仪测量了兴国红鲤(Cyprinus carpio Var. Singuonensis)、奥利亚罗非鱼(Sarotherodon aurea)、 鳙(Aristichthys nobilis R.)和团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala Yin.)红细胞的DNA含量,四种鱼与鸡红细胞DNA含量的比值分别为1·65、0.96、0.91、1·15,以鸡红细胞DNA含量2.3pg/N计算,四种鱼二倍体体细胞的 DNA含量分别为3.80 pg/N, 2. 22pg/N、2. 08pg/N、 2. 66pg/N。另外,四种鱼外周血红细胞分别有26%、 26%、 23%、 24%的细胞处于 DNA合成期(S),DNA合成后期(G2)和分裂期(M),这表明这四种鱼类的外周血红细胞并非失去分裂能力的特化细胞群,它们表现了较强的细胞周期现象。这有可能是这几种硬骨鱼类外周血仍具有造血功能的缘故。 相似文献
Carmelo R. Tomas 《Journal of phycology》1978,14(3):309-313
The effect of salinity and temperature on Olisthodiscus luteus Carter has been examined to across the relative importance of these factory on dynamics of natural population. A salinity range 2–50% was observed with increased tolerance to low salinity (<5%.) at higher temperature (20–30°C). Slinities at 4–5%. Had densities of 103 cells/ml?1, and growth >0.5 division day?1 at temperature of 15–30°C higher salinities (5–50%.) variable but distinct optima for density, growth and motility were observed 5, 10 and 30°C. Density and motility showed no clear optima from 10–10%.15–25°C where maximum growth rates >1.0 division/day?1 were common. Temperature increased from (0.5–1.9 division. Day?1) and increases of three orders of magnitude (102?103) for maximum densities. Temperature optima 20°C for growth 5–35%. And 25°C for >40%. were observed. The implications of these findings to natural populations of O. luleus are discussed. 相似文献
清醒大鼠下丘脑外侧区注射胃泌素对胃运动的影响及胃泌素免疫反应性细胞的定位 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在大鼠下丘脑外侧区(LHA)微量注入五肽胃泌素(G-5)0.01/μg和0.05μg可明显增强胃窦的运动。达一反应可被切断迷走神经所阻断。提示在LHA存在的胃泌素可参与胃运动的调节,并可能通过迷走神经起作用。用免疫组化PAP方法可显示出LHA有含阳性颗粒的大型胃泌素免疫反应性细胞和神经纤维网,这些胃泌素免疫反应性细胞和神经纤维网,这些胃泌素神经细胞可能在调节胃运动功能中起重要作用。 相似文献
Durvasula V. Subba Rao Frdric Partensky Gary Wohlgeschaffen William K. W. Li 《Journal of phycology》1991,27(1):21-26
The domoic acid-producing diatom Nitzschia pungens Grunow f. multiseries Hasle, which is responsible for amnesic shellfish poisonings in Prince Edward Island, Canada, underwent gametogenesis when senescent cells (i.e. in stationary growth phase for more than 290 days) were subcultured into fresh FE medium and light intensity was increased from 33 to 530 μE · m?2· s?1. The number of gametes produced varied with the salinity of the medium, with a maximum at 23.5‰. Cells in the exponential growth phase (0.8 div · d?1) did not produce gametes, nor did senescent cells when transferred without change in light intensity. Anisogamous gametes, probably haploid, were isolated by combining conventional microscopy with flow cytometry. Zygotes resulting from syngamy yielded cigar-shaped naviculoid cells, morphologically different from parent cells (heteromorphism). These cells, with a division rate of 1.9 div · d?1, could serve as a seed population and explain the origin and rapid progression of the toxic blooms of red-water proportions that have been a public health problem in Eastern Canada. Production of domoic acid by postexponential and moribund cells but not by gametes, zygotes, or immediately resulting cells, provides an insight into the dependence of toxicity on the developmental history of this diatom. 相似文献
Christopher G. Peterson Tom L. Dudley Kyle D. Hoagland Lisa M. Johnson 《Journal of phycology》1993,29(4):442-452
We describe effect of a pathogen that spread through a dense, rapidly growing, benthic diatom community during two infection periods (February and mid-April 1991) in Sycamore Creek, Arizona. Infected areas appeared as gray rings within a matrix of healthy diatom growth and spread rapidly, eventually covering all benthic substrata and causing algal sloughing (within 2 wk in February and 1 wk in April). Examination of algal material with transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of invasive bacteria within diatom cells from infected areas, suggesting a pathogenic bacterium as the most probable cause of this phenomenon. Infected area supported lower chlorophyll a concentrations and contained higher percentages of diatom cells with fragmented or reduced chloroplasts than uninfected areas. Spread of the pathogen appeared to be linked most strongly with diatom densities. The infection spread most rapidly in April, when cell densities were highest, and decimated all diatom species populations. The February infection was more species-specific in its action, affecting large motile and rosetteforming taxa more strongly than small, adnate diatoms. This latter group likely resided at the base of communities and may have been buffered from pathogen transfer by mucilage and/or dentrital particles. Consequently, relative abundance of small, adnate diatom taxa increased in algal communities as a result of the February infection. Pathogen-induced alteration of diatom species composition and abundance should influence primary production in this ecosystem and affect the dynamics of organisms that exploit algae as a resource. 相似文献
The centric diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii Grun., can be induced to undergo spermatogenesis by exposing cells maintained at saturating levels of continuous light to either dim light or darkness. Using flow cytometry to determine the relative DNA and chlorophyll content per cell, the number of cells within a population that responded to and induction signal was measured. From 0 to over 90% of a population differentiated into male gametes depending upon both the induction trigger and the population examined, regardless of the average cell size of the population. Through the use of synchromized cultures, we demonstrated that responsiveness to an induction trigger was a function of cell cycle stage; cells in early G1 were not yet committed to complete mitosis and were induced to form male gametes, whereas cells further along in their cell cycle were unresponsive to these same cues. A simple model combining the influence of light on the mitotic cell cycle and on the induction of spermatogenesis is proposed to explain the observed diversity in population responses to changes in light conditions. 相似文献
A field study to assess resting spore importance in long-and short-term population dynamics of Leptocylindrus danicus ( Ehr.) Gran was carried out, based on the observation that germinating spores produce only vegelative cells of maximum diameter. From May through November 1978 . L. danicus was present in lower Narragansett Bay, but resting spores were not found. May and June bioassays suggest that Bay water could not support sexuality (hence spore formation) in L. danicus during this period. Mean valve diameter decreased abruptly in early June. as did cell number. When mean valve diameter increased abruptly in August, with no resting spores seen, 70 additional clonal isolates showed that one clone had the normal sexual and spore-forming life cycle while 69 clones had an alternate life cycle lacking sperm and spore formation. Valvar fine structure of the two types differed with respect to the presence or absence of a subcentral valvar pore, and a new subspecific taxon is here distinguished: variety apora. Examination of the early June data indicates the replacement of one population by another. Populations of L. danicus may be sporadically introduced into Narragansett Bay from Gulf Stream rings . 相似文献
The sterols of seven unicellular algae widely used in mariculture and belonging to different classes (Prasinophyceae, Haptophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, and Diatomophyceae) were examined for free and combined forms. Under standard culture conditions, all synthesized free sterols and combined forms (steryl esters, acyl steryl glycosides, and steryl glycosides). Free sterols were dominant in five of the species. In contrast, sterols were mostly esterified in the eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis oculata (Droop) Hibberd and the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal, whereas in another diatom, Chaetoceros calcitrans (Paulsen) Takano, glycosylated forms represented over 60% of total sterols. The pennate diatom Haslea ostrearia (Gaillon) Simonsen synthesized large amounts of steryl glycosides consisting mainly of an unusual sterol, 23,24-dimethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol, occurring in some dinoflagellates. 相似文献