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The neotropical butterflies Heliconius melpomene and H. erato are Müllerian mimics that display the same warningly colored wing patterns in local populations, yet pattern diversity between geographic regions. Linkage mapping has previously shown convergent red wing phenotypes in these species are controlled by loci on homologous chromosomes. Here, AFLP bulk segregant analysis using H. melpomene crosses identified genetic markers tightly linked to two red wing-patterning loci. These markers were used to screen a H. melpomene BAC library and a tile path was assembled spanning one locus completely and part of the second. Concurrently, a similar strategy was used to identify a BAC clone tightly linked to the locus controlling the mimetic red wing phenotypes in H. erato. A methionine rich storage protein (MRSP) gene was identified within this BAC clone, and comparative genetic mapping shows red wing color loci are in homologous regions of the genome of H. erato and H. melpomene. Subtle differences in these convergent phenotypes imply they evolved independently using somewhat different developmental routes, but are nonetheless regulated by the same switch locus. Genetic mapping of MRSP in a third related species, the “tiger” patterned H. numata, has no association with wing patterning and shows no evidence for genomic translocation of wing-patterning loci.  相似文献   

In a related paper, we demonstrated that mimetic Heliconius butterflies have converged in wing-beat frequency and degree of asymmetry in the wing motion, whereas sister species are dissimilar in these same traits. Warning signals of sympatric, distasteful species converge in evolutionary models in order to educate their predators more efficiently that the signal is associated with unprofitable prey. Barring other constraints, the behaviours of the different co-mimetic pairs should ultimately converge on that behaviour which minimizes the energetic cost of flight. We estimated the energetic cost of each mimic''s flight behaviour in order to predict the difference in height of each fitness peak and the direction of convergent selection qualitatively. Following adjustments for body mass, mimetic Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius erato required more aerodynamic power than Heliconius cydno and Heliconius sapho. This difference was attributed to the slower flight speeds and higher wing-beat frequencies of H. melpomene and H. erato. Consequently, H. melpomene and H. erato expended more energy per unit distance per unit body mass than H. cydno and H. sapho. However, differences in body mass may equalize energy budgets and stabilize the sympatric coexistence of the two pairs of co-mimics.  相似文献   

Multilocus clines between Müllerian mimetic races of Heliconius butterflies provide a classic example of the maintenance of hybrid zones and their importance in speciation. Concordant hybrid zones in the mimics Heliconius erato and H. melpomene in northern Peru were carefully documented in the 1980s, and this prior work now permits a historical analysis of the movement or stasis of the zones. Previous work predicted that these zones might be moving toward the Andes due to selective asymmetry. Extensive deforestation and climate change might also be expected to affect the positions and widths of the hybrid zones. We show that the positions and shapes of these hybrid zones have instead remained remarkably stable between 1985 and 2012. The stability of this interaction strongly implicates continued selection, rather than neutral mixing following secondary contact. The stability of cline widths and strong linkage disequilibria (gametic correlation coefficients Rmax = 0.35–0.56 among unlinked loci) over 25 years suggest that mimetic selection pressures on each color pattern locus have remained approximately constant (s ≈ 0.13–0.40 per locus in both species). Exceptionally high levels of precipitation at the edge of the easternmost Andes may act as a population density trough for butterflies, trapping the hybrid zones at the foot of the mountains, and preventing movement. As such, our results falsify one prediction of the Pleistocene Refugium theory: That the ranges of divergent species or subspecies should be centered on regions characterized by maxima of rainfall, with hybrid zones falling in more arid regions between them.  相似文献   

The butterflies in the genus Heliconius offer an exceptional opportunity for the study of the ecology and genetics of an adaptive radiation due to their extensive intra‐ and interspecific variation in wing colour patterns and mimetic associations. Here, we characterize 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Heliconius melpomene that have been shown to be useful for linkage mapping and population studies in this and other species. Levels of variation were high, although heterozygosity deficiencies were found in most loci, probably due to null alleles. The loci showed broad amplification success on six other species across the genus.  相似文献   

1. Communal roosting behaviour has been documented among a wide range of taxa, particularly among groups of butterflies that display warning colourations. These aggregations of conspecifics and/or other species that share mimetic warning colour patterns can have a large impact on predator learning, and thus the survival of an aposematic form. Yet there has been limited investigation of communal roosting within areas where new and diverse warning colour forms are generated, such as hybrid zones. 2. Here, roosting behaviour was examined in a Heliconius erato hybrid zone in French Guiana between races with divergent warning colourations on their wings. In this hybrid zone, native individuals with nine distinct warning colourations, as well as individuals with altered forms that are not native in the French Guiana population, were marked and observed to determine if divergently coloured individuals participated in communal roosting, and if the proportions of colour pattern forms at roosts differed from the proportions that are found in the population. 3. The results demonstrated that divergently coloured individuals of the same species, including altered, non‐native forms, will readily and repeatedly participate in nocturnal communal roosting, often with extreme fidelity to specific perch locations. 4. These findings suggest that roosts composed of polymorphic warning patterns may be common in phenotypic transition zones, which could have major implications on predator training and selection dynamics in hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones, where distinct populations meet and interbreed, give insight into how differences between populations are maintained despite gene flow. Studying clines in genetic loci and adaptive traits across hybrid zones is a powerful method for understanding how selection drives differentiation within a single species, but can also be used to compare parallel divergence in different species responding to a common selective pressure. Here, we study parallel divergence of wing colouration in the butterflies Heliconius erato and H. melpomene, which are distantly related Müllerian mimics which show parallel geographic variation in both discrete variation in pigmentation, and quantitative variation in structural colour. Using geographic cline analysis, we show that clines in these traits are positioned in roughly the same geographic region for both species, which is consistent with direct selection for mimicry. However, the width of the clines varies markedly between species. This difference is explained in part by variation in the strength of selection acting on colour traits within each species, but may also be influenced by differences in the dispersal rate and total strength of selection against hybrids between the species. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing also revealed weaker population structure in H. melpomene, suggesting the hybrid zones may have evolved differently in each species, which may also contribute to the patterns of phenotypic divergence in this system. Overall, we conclude that multiple factors are needed to explain patterns of clinal variation within and between these species, although mimicry has probably played a central role.  相似文献   

Despite rampant colour pattern diversity in South America, Heliconius erato exhibits a ‘postman’ wing pattern throughout most of Central America. We examined genetic variation across the range of H. erato, including dense sampling in Central America, and discovered a deep genetic break, centred on the mountain range that runs through Costa Rica. This break is characterized by a novel mitochondrial lineage, which is nearly fixed in northern Central America, that branches basal to all previously described mitochondrial diversity in the species. Strong genetic differentiation also appears in Z‐linked and autosomal markers, and it is further associated with a distinct, but subtle, shift in wing pattern phenotype. Comparison of clines in wing phenotype, mtDNA and nuclear markers indicate they are all centred on the mountains dividing Costa Rica, but that cline width differs among data sets. Phylogeographical analyses, accounting for this new diversity, rewrite our understanding of mimicry evolution in this system. For instance, these results suggest that H. erato originated west of the Andes, perhaps in Central America, and as many as 1 million years before its co‐mimic, H. melpomene. Overall our data indicate that neutral genetic markers and colour pattern loci are congruent and converge on the same hypothesis—H. erato originated in northwest South America or Central America with a ‘postman’ phenotype and then radiated into the wealth of colour patterns present today.  相似文献   

Understanding the production, response, and genetics of signals used in mate choice can inform our understanding of the evolution of both intraspecific mate choice and reproductive isolation. Sex pheromones are important for courtship and mate choice in many insects, but we know relatively little of their role in butterflies. The butterfly Heliconius melpomene uses a complex blend of wing androconial compounds during courtship. Electroantennography in H. melpomene and its close relative Heliconius cydno showed that responses to androconial extracts were not species specific. Females of both species responded equally strongly to extracts of both species, suggesting conservation of peripheral nervous system elements across the two species. Individual blend components provoked little to no response, with the exception of octadecanal, a major component of the H. melpomene blend. Supplementing octadecanal on the wings of octadecanal-rich H. melpomene males led to an increase in the time until mating, demonstrating the bioactivity of octadecanal in Heliconius. Using quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, we identified a single locus on chromosome 20 responsible for 41% of the parental species’ difference in octadecanal production. This QTL does not overlap with any of the major wing color or mate choice loci, nor does it overlap with known regions of elevated or reduced FST. A set of 16 candidate fatty acid biosynthesis genes lies underneath the QTL. Pheromones in Heliconius carry information relevant for mate choice and are under simple genetic control, suggesting they could be important during speciation.  相似文献   

The origins of the extraordinary diversity within the Neotropics have long fascinated biologists and naturalists. Yet, the underlying factors that have given rise to this diversity remain controversial. To test the relative importance of Quaternary climatic change and Neogene tectonic and paleogeographic reorganizations in the generation of biodiversity, we examine intraspecific variation across the Heliconius cydno radiation and compare this variation to that within the closely related Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius timareta radiations. Our data, which consist of both mtDNA and genome‐scan data from nearly 2250 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) loci, reveal a complex history of differentiation and admixture at different geographic scales. Both mtDNA and AFLP phylogenies suggest that H. timareta and H. cydno are probably geographic extremes of the same radiation that probably diverged from H. melpomene prior to the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary, consistent with hypotheses of diversification that rely on geological events in the Pliocene. The mtDNA suggests that this radiation originated in Central America or the northwestern region of South America, with a subsequent colonization of the eastern and western slopes of the Andes. Our genome‐scan data indicate significant admixture among sympatric H. cydno/H. timareta and H. melpomene populations across the extensive geographic ranges of the two radiations. Within H. cydno, both mtDNA and AFLP data indicate significant population structure at local scales, with strong genetic differences even among adjacent H. cydno colour pattern races. These genetic patterns highlight the importance of past geoclimatic events, intraspecific gene flow, and local population differentiation in the origin and establishment of new adaptive forms.  相似文献   

Heliconius butterflies provide good examples of both homoploid hybrid speciation and ecological speciation. In particular, examples of adaptive introgression have been detected among the subspecies of Heliconius timareta, which acquired red color pattern elements from H. melpomene. We tested whether the introgression of red wing pattern elements into H. timareta florencia might also be associated with incipient reproductive isolation (RI) from its close relative, H. timareta subsp. nov., found in the eastern Andes. No choice experiments show a 50% reduction in mating between females of H. t. subsp. nov. and males of H .t. florencia, but not in the reciprocal direction. In choice experiments using wing models, males of H. timareta subsp. nov. approach and court red phenotypes less than their own, whereas males of H. t. florencia prefer models with a red phenotype. Intrinsic postzygotic isolation was not detected in crosses between these H. timareta races. These results suggest that a color pattern trait gained by introgression is triggering RI between H. timareta subsp. nov. and H. t. florencia.  相似文献   

The Neotropical butterfly Heliconius numata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) is known for its striking diversity of wing color patterns driven by the Müllerian mimicry of multiple local models and controlled by a single supergene locus. Such fine‐scale variation of traits under strong selection offers a unique opportunity for the study of the ecology and genetics of adaptation. However, little is still known of the population processes driving geographical variation in wing‐pattern phenotypes. We report the characterization of 26 microsatellite markers for the butterfly H. numata, including six located inside the wing color‐pattern supergene region. All markers are polymorphic, with allele numbers ranging from 2 to 21 per locus, an observed heterozygosity of 0.111 to 0.848 and an expected heterozygosity of 0.126 to 0.942. A subset of 18 of these markers was tested on five closely related sympatric Heliconius species with an amplification success ranging from 88% to 94%. The obtained set of microsatellite markers provides a new and useful set of tools to investigate patterns of differentiation and selection in populations of mimetic Heliconius butterflies. Moreover, markers developed within the color‐pattern supergene will facilitate characterization of the association between the genetic architecture and the functional diversity of wing patterns. Finally, the cross‐species amplification success of the described markers extends their utility to also encompass comparative population genetic studies of closely related species within a clade of rapidly diversifying species.  相似文献   

The behavior and physiology of two parapatric sibling species, i Heliconius erato cyrbia Godt. and H. himera Hew., were investigated to assess if environmental adaptation enabled stable morphological, genetic, and ecological differences to exist in the face of hybridization. Morning and evening activity, egg production, and larval development time of H. himera and H. erato in insectaries were recorded; individuals were collected in allopatry and in sympatry from a hybrid zone in which the species overlapped. Studies were performed at ambient conditions within the natural range of H. himera. H. himera was considerably more active than H, erato flying earlier in the morning and later in the evening, even when both species were collected in sympatry. Similarly, H. himera laid more eggs, and the hatched larvae developed more rapidly. The results suggest that physiological constraints are an important selective force that may have been important in speciation and counteracts hybridization in the maintenance of the H. himeral H. erato contact zone. Ecological selection, arising from adaptation to low temperatures, may help explain the competitive exclusion of H. erato by H. himera in the drier, cooler montane habitat favored by the latter species.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that relatively few genomic regions are repeatedly involved in the evolution of Heliconius butterfly wing patterns. Although this work demonstrates a number of cases where homologous loci underlie both convergent and divergent wing pattern change among different Heliconius species, it is still unclear exactly how many loci underlie pattern variation across the genus. To address this question for Heliconius erato, we created fifteen independent crosses utilizing the four most distinct color pattern races and analyzed color pattern segregation across a total of 1271 F2 and backcross offspring. Additionally, we used the most variable brood, an F2 cross between H. himera and the east Ecuadorian H. erato notabilis, to perform a quantitative genetic analysis of color pattern variation and produce a detailed map of the loci likely involved in the H. erato color pattern radiation. Using AFLP and gene based markers, we show that fewer major genes than previously envisioned control the color pattern variation in H. erato. We describe for the first time the genetic architecture of H. erato wing color pattern by assessing quantitative variation in addition to traditional linkage mapping. In particular, our data suggest three genomic intervals modulate the bulk of the observed variation in color. Furthermore, we also identify several modifier loci of moderate effect size that contribute to the quantitative wing pattern variation. Our results are consistent with the two-step model for the evolution of mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius and support a growing body of empirical data demonstrating the importance of major effect loci in adaptive change.  相似文献   

Field-collected Heliconius cydno Doubleday females were observed producing audible wing clicks during encounters between conspecifics in greenhouses in a large insectary during the day and at roosting time. Occasionally, these females also were observed producing sounds in aggressive encounters with females of a close relative, H. erato (L). However, the wing-clicks were not observed subsequently from first-generation adults born in the greenhouses. The sounds were produced in short trains of 3–10 wing-clicks at the rate of 10 clicks/s. The individual clicks had a mean duration of 1.48 ms and a broad frequency spectrum, with a peak near 1075 Hz. This peak lies near the 1200-Hz frequency of maximal sensitivity measured previously for auditory neurons of H. erato. The production of these previously unreported sounds suggests that wing clicks may play a role in both intra- and interspecific communication among Heliconius species.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes have different evolutionary properties compared to autosomes due to their hemizygous nature. In particular, recessive mutations are more readily exposed to selection, which can lead to faster rates of molecular evolution. Here, we report patterns of gene expression and molecular evolution for a group of butterflies. First, we improve the completeness of the Heliconius melpomene reference annotation, a neotropical butterfly with a ZW sex determination system. Then, we analyse RNA from male and female whole abdomens and sequence female ovary and gut tissue to identify sex‐ and tissue‐specific gene expression profiles in H. melpomene. Using these expression profiles, we compare (a) sequence divergence and polymorphism; (b) the strength of positive and negative selection; and (c) rates of adaptive evolution, for Z and autosomal genes between two species of Heliconius butterflies, H. melpomene and H. erato. We show that the rate of adaptive substitutions is higher for Z than autosomal genes, but contrary to expectation, it is also higher for male‐biased than female‐biased genes. Additionally, we find no significant increase in the rate of adaptive evolution or purifying selection on genes expressed in ovary tissue, a heterogametic‐specific tissue. Our results contribute to a growing body of literature from other ZW systems that also provide mixed evidence for a fast‐Z effect where hemizygosity influences the rate of adaptive substitutions.  相似文献   

Heliconius butterflies have become a model for the study of speciation with gene flow. For adaptive introgression to take place, there must be incomplete barriers to gene exchange that allow interspecific hybridization and multiple generations of backcrossing. The recent publication of estimates of individual components of reproductive isolation between several species of butterflies in the Heliconius melpomeneH. cydno clade allowed us to calculate total reproductive isolation estimates for these species. According to these estimates, the butterflies are not as promiscuous as has been implied. Differences between species are maintained by intrinsic mechanisms, while reproductive isolation of geographical races within species is mainly due to allopatry. We discuss the implications of this strong isolation for basic aspects of the hybrid speciation with introgression hypothesis.  相似文献   

The horns of a dilemma are usually on the same bull–Spanish proverb. A plague o' both your houses–Veronese imprecation. Although some hypotheses explain the world better than others, making ‘pluralism’ an untenable position, it is the case that scientists frequently set up as alternative hypotheses, one of which must be rejected, models which are merely compatible aspects of some other valid hypothesis that embraces them both. For example, Miillerian mimicry was once supposed to evolve either by a single large change or by gradual convergence (the assumption of gradualism is such that the second alternative has usually been regarded as correct). Yet our genetical research with Heliconius indicates that both processes take place, one after the other, when Miillerian mimicry evolves. A reconstruction of the most plausible route, through time and space, for the evolution of mimicry in Heliconius erato and H. melpomene is used to suggest that two currently popular controversies are similarly futile: the allopatric and parapatric models of race formation are considered to be the extremes of what in nature is a continuum of populations showing varying degrees of partial isolation (ecological change rather than stoppage of gene flow being the driving force in race formation); and it is shown that jerky evolution of the type now interpreted as evidence for ‘punctuated equilibria’ and ‘hopeful monsters’ can be produced by changes in the frequencies of major but ordinary gene mutations in response to changing ecological conditions, a phenomenon well accounted for in neo-Darwinian theory.  相似文献   

In Heliconius butterflies, it has been proposed that speciation occurs through a combination of divergence in ecological habitat preferences and mimetic colour patterns. Here we test this hypothesis by investigating a parapatric form of the widespread species Heliconius erato. Mendelian (colour patterns) and molecular genetic data permit us to address hypotheses about introgression and genetic differentiation between different populations. Combined analysis of colour pattern, microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA showed that Heliconius erato venus and Heliconius erato chestertonii form a bimodal hybrid zone implying partial reproductive isolation. In a sample of 121 individuals collected in sympatry, 25% were hybrids representing a significant deficit of heterozygotes compared to the Hardy-Weinberg expectation. Seven microsatellite loci, analysed for a subset of these individuals, showed marked differentiation between the parental taxa, and unambiguously identified two genotypic clusters concordant with our phenotypic classification of individuals. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed H. erato venus as a monophyletic group well differentiated from H. erato chestertonii, implying a lack of historical introgression between the populations. Heliconius erato chestertonii is therefore an incipient species that maintains its integrity despite high levels of hybridization. Moreover, H. erato chestertonii is found at higher altitudes than other races of H. erato and has a distinct colour pattern and mimetic relationship. Hence, there are now two examples of parapatric incipient species related to H. erato, H. himera and H. erato chestertonii, both of which are associated with higher altitudes, more arid habitats and distinct mimetic relationships. This implies that parapatric habitat adaptation is a likely cause of speciation in this group.  相似文献   

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