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Studied two types of mate-orientation behavior in ♂♂ of the sweat bee, Lasioglossum rohweri: microterritoriality and patrolling. Observations were made in both the laboratory and the field. These ♂♂ behave uniquely for Hymenoptera in that 2–5 of them establish microterritories immediately around the same nest entrance. Some ♂♂ are exclusively patrollers, flying about flowers and nest sites. Rendezvous places (locations where animals are likely to find mates) in bees are: flowers, nesting sites, vegetative parts of plants, nest entrances, air, and nests. Territoriality in male bees may have arisen independently in 7 of the 9 families of bees.  相似文献   


The Australian bee Hyleoides concinna (Fabricius) has recently established itself near Gisborne and Napier on the east coast of the North Island, and is likely to extend its range in future. Nine bee genera and about 49 species are now known from New Zealand.  相似文献   

We studied nest visitation behavior of the ground-nesting beeCrawfordapis luctuosa (Colletidae) at the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. Some females entered many nests, while others consistently entered only one nest. Multiple nest entry was exhibited by bees we called floaters, and those bees that consistently entered only one nest were provisioning bees. Provisioning bees abandoned their old nests after provisioning periods and became nonprovisioning bees that floated over the nesting area. Floating behavior was a nest-searching behavior typified by oscillating flights just above the ground (<15 cm). Floaters investigated available nests and were not observed to interact aggressively with nest owners. Upon establishing a new nest, floaters became provisioning bees.  相似文献   

大分舌蜂营巢生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵延会  丁亮  袁峰  张彦周  图立红  朱朝东 《昆虫学报》2010,53(11):1287-1294
于2009和2010年对广东河源大分舌蜂Colletes gigas的巢穴结构及生物学习性进行了初步研究。对分布在同一区域大分舌蜂的巢穴进行了挖掘, 详细记录了两个巢穴的结构; 挖出的卵、 幼虫及蛹的形态进行了解剖镜和电镜观察, 并做了简要描述。另外, 还通过分子及形态学方法对与大分舌蜂共用筑巢场所的另一种分舌蜂进行了鉴定。研究发现大分舌蜂喜欢在沙土中筑巢, 并且有集中筑巢的习性。大分舌蜂的巢穴由一条主道和几条虫室道组成, 虫室建在主道及各个虫室道的末端。大分舌蜂往年的巢穴可以被翌年羽化的大分舌蜂再次利用, 沿主道重新建造自己的虫室道或扩展原有的虫室道。大分舌蜂在中国南方专性取食山茶科植物尤其是油茶的花粉及花蜜, 蜂粮由于花蜜含量较多而呈液体状。通过进一步比较COI与28S D2区数据, 甄别出同一巢区中还存在另一种分舌蜂属物种, 表明大分舌蜂可以与另一种分舌蜂Colletes sp.共用筑巢场所。  相似文献   

The only bees native to the Hawaiian Islands form a single clade of 60 species in the genus Hylaeus. The group is understudied and relatively poorly known. A data set consisting of 1201 base pairs of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I and II and tRNA‐Leucine, and 14 morphological characters was used to construct a phylogenetic tree for 48 of the 60 known species. Genetic variation was high, including amino acid changes, and a number of species showed evidence of heteroplasmy. Tree support was low due to high levels of homoplasy. Biogeographical analysis using DIVA indicates that early radiation took place on the island of Hawaii. This places an upper age limit of only 0.4–0.7 Myr for the group, an unusually short time for such a large radiation. Moreover, it is an unusual biogeographical pattern among the Hawaiian biota. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

Males frequently interrupt the copulation attempts of other males, and these courtship disruptions may limit the extent to which a few males are able to monopolize mating access to females. Males actively defend sexually receptive females in many species in which females form dense aggregations during the breeding season. Across and within such species there is considerable variation in the mating tactics adopted by males, with males in some cases defending groups of females and in other cases sequentially consorting with individual females. Colonial blackbirds have been central to studying this mating system, and we develop a conceptual model for how courtship disruption may account for variation in male mating tactics in this group. Our model assumes that the frequency of disruptions increases with greater colony size. As a consequence, successful copulations are less likely to occur at large colonies than at small colonies, and males are expected to switch from defending multiple females at the colony to consorting individual females away from it. Results from two species of blackbird support the basic assumptions of this model. In one species, the Montezuma oropendola, disruptions occur rarely and males defend groups of females, whereas in the other species, the yellow-rumped cacique, disruptions are frequent and males defend single females. Moreover, consistent with a key prediction, within each species, males associated with small colonies remain at the colony and defend groups of females, whereas males spend little time defending groups of females at large colonies and rarely attempt copulations there. This model has the potential to explain variation in male mating strategies and female monopolization for other taxa in which females form breeding aggregations.  相似文献   

The biogeography of colletid bees as a whole can be explained by several South American‐Australian trans‐Antarctic interchanges. Within Colletidae, neopasiphaeine bees form a large group that has not been adequately studied, even though they are interesting both from the biogeographical viewpoint for fitting well the austral Gondwanan track and for their associations to host plants. The present paper integrates phylogenetic, biogeographic and paleontological data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Neopasiphaeinae, with special emphasis on the New World taxa, relating the evolution of these bees to changes, such as the Andes uplift and expansion of open vegetation biomes. First, we propose a phylogenetic hypothesis for the Neopasiphaeinae using one mitochondrial and five nuclear loci. Phylogenetic relationships and divergence time estimation were simultaneously inferred in a Bayesian framework, and the tempo of neopasiphaeine diversification was investigated using lineage‐through‐time plots. The historical biogeography of neopasiphaeine bees was investigated in a likelihood framework. The clade represented by Neopasiphaeinae is strongly supported within Colletidae, and the bulk of their genera can be divided into two major sister‐clades that diverged during the Eocene: one endemic to the Australian region and the other to the Neotropical region. Divergence times among most neotropical genera of Neopasiphaeinae indicate that they differentiated and started their diversification during the Miocene. Our results depict a complex process of geographic evolution in the Neotropical clade, which probably relates to important changes in the neotropical climates and biota beginning at the Oligocene and became more marked in the Miocene. We present a scenario of the neotropical Neopasiphaeinae initially associated with areas of open vegetation in subtropical and temperate portions of South America, followed by multiple separations of lineages east and west of the Andes, and more recent occupations of habitats in tropical portions of the continent.  相似文献   

Body size largely determines the outcome of male-male competition in the banksia bee,Hylaeus alcyoneus. Large males invariably perch on and defend banksia flower spikes, whereas smaller males often nonaggressively patrol circuits that take them repeatedly to several flower spikes. Within the population of males perching on banksia spikes, larger individuals tend to monopolize inflorescences that are higher in banksia shrubs, whereas smaller males often occupy spikes closer to the ground. Perches defended by larger males are more quickly occupied by replacements when the original residents are experimentally removed and held in temporary captivity. When released, the original residents invariably return to and displace the smaller replacements that have taken their territories. When territory takeovers do occur, the winner is almost always larger than the previous resident, showing that residency effects are secondary to body size in determining territorial ownership.  相似文献   

Antenna grooming in more than 100 species of bees (Apoidea), representing 34 genera of the 7 major bee families is recorded and quantitatively analysed. Most species of bees fall into one of two groups with respect to repetitive antenna cleaning: “Uniscrapers” predominantly clean their antennae with one stroke, “biscrapers” mostly with two subsequent strokes. Uniscrapers are more consequent in their behaviour than biscrapers. Most biscrapers occasionally clean their antenna with one or three strokes. Individual variation in the ratio of stroke repetition is considerably larger in bi- than in uniscrapers. In several species males and females differ with respect to their antenna cleaning behaviour, females tend to be more uniscraping. Most species of the families Colletidae, Halictidae, and Andrenidae, as well as the species of the genera Ceratina and Nomada (Anthophoridae) are biscrapers. Almost all species of Melittidae, Megachilidae, Apidae, and Anthophoridae (except Ceratina and Nomada) are uniscrapers. Bees with an antenna cleaner with ancestral (plesiomorphic) morphology are mostly, but not always, biscrapers, those with a derived antenna cleaner are always uniscrapers. Bees with a derived antenna cleaner perform on average less cleaning actions and strokes than those with an ancestral antenna cleaner. Uniscrapers with an ancestral strigilis do on average more cleaning actions per minute than biscrapers, thus they compensate partly for the fewer number of strokes. But nevertheless the uniscrapers do fewer strokes than the biscrapers (both with an ancestral strigilis). Females clean their antennae on average more often than males. It is interpreted that the behaviour of uniscraping and a derived morphology of the antenna cleaner result in greater efficiency than the status which is ancestral for Apoidea (biscraping and a plesiomorphic antenna cleaner).  相似文献   

Male behavior and regulation of worker mating were observed in Indonesian Pachycondyla sp. The colonies had some mated workers but only one gamergate (mated and egg-laying workers). Males frequently tried to mate with workers in their natal nests irrespective of worker age and dominance rank, however, workers never accepted mounting of nestmate males. Worker mating occurred only under the gamergateless condition with alien males.  相似文献   

Colletidae comprise approximately 2500 species of bees primarily distributed in the southern continents (only two colletid genera are widely distributed: Colletes and Hylaeus). Previously published studies have failed to resolve phylogenetic relationships on a worldwide basis and this has been a major barrier to the progress of research regarding systematics and evolution of colletid bees. For this study, data from four nuclear gene loci: elongation factor-1alpha (F2 copy), opsin, wingless, and 28S rRNA were analyzed for 122 species of colletid bees, representing all subfamilies and tribes currently recognized; 22 species belonging to three other bee families were used as outgroups. Bayesian, maximum likelihood, and parsimony methods were employed to investigate the phylogenetic relationships within Colletidae and resulted in highly congruent and well-resolved trees. The phylogenetic results show that Colletidae are monophyletic and that all traditionally recognized subfamilies (except Paracolletinae) are also strongly supported as monophyletic. Our phylogenetic hypothesis provides a framework within which broad questions related to the taxonomy, biogeography, morphology, evolution, and ecology of colletid bees can be addressed.  相似文献   

Mating system of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 We report on the mating system of a field population of the parasitic wasp, Bracon hebetor, on a corn pile infested by the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. We demonstrate that the mating system is based upon male scramble competition polygyny with male aggregations on high places on the corn.
  • 2 The sex ratio among adults was greater than 80% males on the surface of the corn, whereas below the surface the sex ratio was less than 45%. Males actively courted females on the surface, but there were no aggressive interactions among males during courtship or mating.
  • 3 Approximately 20% of the females found on the surface of the corn had no sperm in their spermathecae, regardless of age, but the numbers of unmated females decreased later during the day.
  • 4 In laboratory studies we showed that females from this population oviposit a female biassed sex ratio, and that only 14% of females were mated before dispersing from their place of emergence.
  • 5 Thus sib-mating is unlikely in this gregarious parasitoid. This outcrossing mating system probably arose because of severe inbreeding depression that B.hebetor suffers via a sex locus: diploids that are heterozygous at the sex locus develop into females, but homozygous diploids are male and are generally inviable. The female biassed sex ratio may have evolved in B. hebetor in response to males being the more expensive sex, females dispersing more frequently from the population than males, or a fraction of females remaining unmated in the population.

The antenna of Sphecodes bees were investigated as regards the type and distribution of the sensilla. Eleven species originating from Sweden were used. Totally 325 specimens were studied. The distribution of sensilla placodea and sensilla trichodea on the antennal segments were studied in the light stereomicroscope. One to three antennae per species were also examined by SEM. The following types of sensilla were found: s. placodea; pit organs; s. campaniformia; s. basiconica; s. trichodea A, B and CD; and setae. The distribution of sensilla, especially s. placodea and s. trichodea A, was found to be species-specific in the male sex and their diagnostic value in taxonomy is stressed. In the female sex no specific characteristics were found, although two groups could be distinguished.  相似文献   

We discovered the presence of a unique spliceosomal intron in the F1 copy of elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha) restricted to the bee family Colletidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidae). The intron ranges in size from 101 to 1044 bp and shows no positional sliding. Our data also demonstrate the complete absence of this intron from exemplars representing all other bee families, as well as from close hymenopteran relatives. A review of the literature finds that this intron is likewise absent from all other arthropods for which data are available. This provides unambiguous evidence for a relatively recent intron insertion event in the colletid common ancestor and, at least in this specific instance, lends support to the introns-late hypothesis. The comparative distribution of this novel intron also supports the monophyly of Colletidae and the exclusion of the Stenotritidae from this family, providing an example of the potential of some introns to act as robust markers of shared descent.  相似文献   

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