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线粒体DNA和人类进化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
线粒体DNA(mtDNA)由于自身比较独特的遗传特性(母系遗传、缺乏重组和进化速率高)而被广泛地应用于人类群体的起源和演化研究。通过对其全序列的限制性酶切和D-环高变区序列数据的分析,mtDNA较好地阐明了人类学中诸如现代人类起源、人群过去动态的估计以及单个人群的区域性微分化和人口历史学等问题。综述了近年来世界各人群mtDNA的研究进展、研究方法的改进、mtDNA与核基因标记结果的异同、mtDNA  相似文献   

本实验用ApeⅠ,AvaⅠ,BamHⅠ,BclⅠ,BglⅠ,ClaⅠ,EcoRⅠ,EcoRV,HpaⅠ,PstⅠ,PvuⅡ,ScaⅠ,XbaⅠ等13种限制性内切酶分析树鼠(Chiromyscuschiropes)的mtDNA限制性片段长度多态性,并用双酶解法构建了其中8种酶的限制性内切酶图谱。根据限制性片段差异法和分子钟,计算并讨论树鼠和小家鼠(Musmusculus)、褐家鼠(Rattusnorvegicus)的mtDNA遗传距离和亲缘关系。结果表明树鼠与褐家鼠的关系较接近,两者的分歧时间在距今1500─2000万年前,即处于中新世早中期。  相似文献   

对沙鳅亚科鱼类3属14个代表种的线粒体DNA控制区序列的结构进行了分析。通过与鲤形目鱼类的控制区序列进行比较,将沙鳅亚科鱼类的控制区分为终止序列区、中央保守区和保守序列区三个区域。同时识别了沙鳅亚科中一系列保守序列,并给出了它们的一般形式。以胭脂鱼为外类群,对比条鳅亚科、花鳅亚科、以及平鳍鳅科的代表性种类,采用NJ、MP和ML法构建沙鳅亚科的分子系统树。分子系统发育分析表明,沙鳅亚科为一单系,包括3个属:沙鳅属、副沙鳅属和薄鳅属,各属均构成单系。根据分子系统学、形态学的结果及地理分布推断,沙鳅亚科中沙鳅属可能为最为原始的属,副沙鳅属其次,而薄鳅属最特化。    相似文献   

军曹鱼线粒体DNA全序列与鲹鱼宗系的系统进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过长距PCR法测得军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)全长16758 bp的mtDNA基因组全序列(GenBank登录号:FJ154956和NC011219),结构组成与其他硬骨鱼类基本一致。Blast获取GenBank数据库的高相似度(score=10055—30213)全序列数据,运用最大简约法、邻位连接法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了军曹鱼与其他鱼类的系统发育关系,并采样用松散分子钟(Uncorrected relaxed lognormal clock)对军曹鱼的起源时间进行了估算,结果表明:(1)军曹鱼与鲯鳅科的亲缘关系较参与分析的其他鱼类更为密切(后验概率为0.997),推测军曹鱼大约起源于56百万年(Million years ago,Ma)前的古新世塔内特阶(Thanetian)时期;(2)军曹鱼科、鲯鳅科和印鱼科聚为一支,但其置信度较低(后验概率为0.593),且丝帆鱼科、鲹科分别与鲭科和鲀科鱼类聚为不同分支,因此不支持鲹鱼宗系(Carangoid lineage)为单系群。  相似文献   

猪獾和黄鼬mtDNA物理图谱及位点变异性初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰宏  陈志平 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):263-268
本实验用ApaⅠ,BglⅠ,BglⅡ,ClaⅠ,EcoRⅠ,EcoRⅤ,HindⅢ,HpeⅠ,PstⅠ,PvuⅠⅡ,SacⅠ,SalⅠ等12种限制性内切酶分析猪獾和黄鼬的mtDNA限制性片段,并用双酶解法构建限制性内切酶图谱。结合以往积累的资料,我们对哺乳动物mtDNA限制性位点在远缘物种间的保守性和变异性进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

Within the genus Cnemidophorus, parthenogenesis has arisen by hybridization several times. This provides the opportunity to investigate general features of hybridization events that result in the formation of parthenogenetic lineages. The relationships of mtDNA from all bisexual species of Cnemidophorus known to be parents of parthenogens were investigated to evaluate phylogenetic constraints on the hybrid-origin of parthenogenesis. No phylogenetic clustering of the parental species, either maternal or paternal, was apparent. However, the combination of bisexual species that have resulted in parthenogenetic lineages are generally distantly related or genetically divergent. This contrasts with the expectation if parthenogenesis in hybrids is due to the action of a single rare allele, but is consistent with the hypothesis that some minimal level of divergence is necessary to stimulate parthenogenetic reproduction in hybrids.  相似文献   

洞庭青鲫与其他六个鲫鱼品系线粒体DNA控制区的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用PCR扩增、克隆、测序等技术,在获得洞庭青鲫和彭泽鲫线粒体DNA控制区全序列的基础上,对洞庭青鲫、彭泽鲫、普通鲫、红鲫、白鲫、A系和D系银鲫等7个鲫鱼品系线粒体DNA控制区的碱基组成、变异情况、序列结构和系统进化进行了比较分析。结果表明,7个鲫鱼品系线粒体DNA控制区碱基的平均组成为A:(32.7±0.16)%,C:(20.4±0.37)%,G:(14.1±0.08)%,T:(32.8±0.36)%,序列分歧率为0—5.7%,其中红鲫和白鲫的分歧率最大(5.7%),彭泽鲫、A系和D系银鲫之间最小(0)。洞庭青鲫与白鲫的分歧率为5.6%,与彭泽鲫、A系和D系银鲫为2.2%,与红鲫和普通鲫分别为0.8%和0.7%。对比哺乳动物线粒体DNA控制区结构,并参照其他鱼类序列,将7个鲫鱼品系的控制区分为终止序列区、中央保守区和保守序列区三个区域。同时识别了7个鲫鱼品系中一系列保守序列,并给出了它们的一般形式。序列差异和系统进化分析表明,在7个鲫鱼品系中,洞庭青鲫与普通鲫和红鲫的亲缘关系最近,与彭泽鲫、A系和D系银鲫亲缘关系次之,与白鲫的亲缘关系最远,而彭泽鲫、A系和D系银鲫三者在线粒体DNA控制区的相似性和分歧率上则表现为是同一个鲫鱼品系。    相似文献   

To clarify phylogenetic relationships of Bryde's whales, we examined the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b gene in 33 animals: 12 from offshore waters of the western North Pacific, five from off the Solomon Islands, and 16 from the East China Sea and coastal waters of Kochi in southwestern Japan. For reference purposes, homologous sequences from four Balaenoptera species including four Bryde's whales collected in the eastern Indian Ocean were added. We found whales from the three sampling areas to be genetically distinct. The control region sequences suggested that the whales from the three areas separate at higher than the populational level from one another. The cytochrome b data indicated that genetic differences between whales off the Solomon Islands and animals in the other two areas are equivalent to values found among recognized Balaenoptera species, although such a relationship was not observed between the other two areas. We conclude that whales in the East China Sea and coastal waters of Kochi separate from Bryde's whales in offshore waters of the western North Pacific at higher than the populational level but lower than the specific level (i. e., at the subspecific level) and that whales off the Solomon Islands do not belong genetically to the Bryde's whale as previously recognized.  相似文献   

Extraction of nucleic acids from red algae is complicated by the presence of phycocolloids. For this reason, methods used for nucleic acid isolation from other organisms are not always amenable to use with red algal preparations; modifications in some cases lead to protocols that are time consuming and complicated, often requiring large amounts of algal tissue for starting material. Here we describe the isolation of both RNA and DNA followed by fractionation and identification of nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial DNAs from a single preparation of Polysiphonia boldii Wynne and Edwards using a simple method that yielded approximately 100 μg of total RNA and 20 μg of total DNA from 1 g of frozen powdered algae. The potent protein denaturant guanidinium thiocyanate and the detergent sarkosyl were used to gently lyse the cells and organelles and immediately inhibit nuclease activity in the extract. The nucleic acids were isolated by ultracentrifugation into a dense solution of CsCl; the RNA was recovered as a pellet and the DNA as a band within the CsCl solution. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the total RNA showed discrete ribosomal RNA bands, indicating little nonspecific degradation. The nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial DNAs were fractionated by density gradient ultracentrifugation in the presence of the DNA binding dye, bisbenzimide H (Hoechst 33258), which binds preferentially to DNA with a high A + T:G + C ratio, thus altering its density to a greater degree than it does that of DNA with a lower nucleotide ratio. The three fractions were identified by Southern blot analysis using heterologous gene probes specific for the different genomes. The protocol should be applicable to different types of algae. The simple nucleic acid isolation step can be performed on multiple samples simultaneously without subsequent fractionation of DNA, allowing comparison of DNA from different individuals, populations, or species.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial genomes in the green algal phylum Chlorophyta are AT‐rich, circular‐mapping DNA molecules. However, mitochondrial genomes from the Reinhardtii clade of the Chlorophyceae lineage are linear and sometimes fragmented into subgenomic forms. Moreover, Polytomella capuana, from the Reinhardtii clade, has an elevated GC content (57.2%). In the present study, we examined mitochondrial genome conformation and GC bias in the Oogamochlamys clade of the Chlorophyceae, which phylogenetic data suggest is closely related to the Reinhardtii clade. Total DNA from selected Oogamochlamys taxa, including four Lobochlamys culleus (H. Ettl) Pröschold, B. Marin, U. G. Schlöss. et Melkonian strains, Lobochlamys segnis (H. Ettl) Pröschold, B. Marin, U. G. Schlöss. et Melkonian, and Oogamochlamys gigantea (O. Dill) Pröschold, B. Marin, U. G. Schlöss. et Melkonian, was subjected to Southern blot analyses with cob and cox1 probes, and the results suggest that the mitochondrial genome of these taxa is represented by multiple‐sized linear DNA fragments with overlapping homologies. On the basis of these data, we propose that linear mitochondrial DNA with a propensity to become fragmented arose in an ancestor common to the Reinhardtii and Oogamochlamys clades or even earlier in the evolutionary history of the Chlorophyceae. Analyses of partial cob and cox1 sequences from these Oogamochlamys taxa revealed an unusually high GC content (49.9%–65.1%) and provided evidence for the accumulation of cob and cox1 pseudogenes and truncated sequences in the mitochondrial genome of all L. culleus strains examined.  相似文献   

Although a large body of work investigating tests of correlated evolution of two continuous characters exists, hypotheses such as character displacement are really tests of whether substantial evolutionary change has occurred on a particular branch or branches of the phylogenetic tree. In this study, we present a methodology for testing such a hypothesis using ancestral character state reconstruction and simulation. Furthermore, we suggest how to investigate the robustness of the hypothesis test by varying the reconstruction methods or simulation parameters. As a case study, we tested a hypothesis of character displacement in body size of Caribbean Anolis lizards. We compared squared-change, weighted squared-change, and linear parsimony reconstruction methods, gradual Brownian motion and speciational models of evolution, and several resolution methods for linear parsimony. We used ancestor reconstruction methods to infer the amount of body size evolution, and tested whether evolutionary change in body size was greater on branches of the phylogenetic tree in which a transition from occupying a single-species island to a two-species island occurred. Simulations were used to generate null distributions of reconstructed body size change. The hypothesis of character displacement was tested using Wilcoxon Rank-Sums. When tested against simulated null distributions, all of the reconstruction methods resulted in more significant P-values than when standard statistical tables were used. These results confirm that P-values for tests using ancestor reconstruction methods should be assessed via simulation rather than from standard statistical tables. Linear parsimony can produce an infinite number of most parsimonious reconstructions in continuous characters. We present an example of assessing the robustness of our statistical test by exploring the sample space of possible resolutions. We compare ACCTRAN and DELTRAN resolutions of ambiguous character reconstructions in linear parsimony to the most and least conservative resolutions for our particular hypothesis.  相似文献   

A simplified approach for the extraction of DNA from red algae in presented. Procedures are simple and fast, requiring a minimum of reagents and apparatus. The method involves an initial lysis step followed by an optional phenol/chloroform extraction. The final gel-purification step removes polymerase chain reaction-inhibiting polysaccharides from the DNA preparation. DNA is extracted as easily from dried algae as it is from snap-frozen, fresh material, thus greatly facilitating the collection and transport of algal samples.  相似文献   

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