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Akinetes of a clonal culture of Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst from Mt. Bold reservoir (eutrophic), South Australia, were isolated and the effects of light, phosphorus, and nitrogen availability on their germination were investigated. Light was required but there was no significant difference in percentage of germination after 72 h if akinetes were incubated in ASM-1 medium at irradiances of 15, 30, or 50 μmol.m-2.s-1. Maximum akinete germination occurred by 48 h. Nitrogen was not required, as 88% of akinetes germinated in the flasks without combined nitrogen added to the medium and without N2 in the air. NH4+-N at 28 mg N.L-1 completely suppressed germination, whereas 28 mg NO3 N.L-1 had no effect relative to the controls without nitrogen. Phosphorus was required, and at 48 h percentage of germination in the flasks with 0.6 mg P.L-1 added (78%) was significantly greater than in the flasks with 0.06 P.L-1 (58%) and 0 mgP.L-1 (24%) added. Germlings in the 0 mg P.L-1 flasks were only 2–4 cells long and stunted in appearance, whereas germlings at all other P concentrations were 8–16 cells long. It is likely that the isolation process exposed some akinetes to intracellular phosphorus released from lysing vegetative cells, but this was insufficient to allow normal development in the 0 mg P.L-1 flasks. The plot of percentage of germination vs. initial phosphorus concentration, in the medium showed a relationship analogous to Michaelis-Menten nutrient uptake kinetics, suggesting that a specific membrane-bound enzyme system(s) is involved, with phosphorus as the substrate. The half saturation value (KS) for germination was 50 μg P.L-1.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, light intensity and nutrient depletion on akinete formation in seven strains of planktonic Anabaena spp.: A. mucosa TAC426; A. crassa TAC436; A. spiroides TAC443 and TAC444; A. flosaquae TAC446; and A. ucrainica TAC448 and TAC449 were examined. A Marked Pfft of temperature on akinete formation was observed at 40 μmol photons·m?2·sec?1 and nutrient-sufficient conditions. At 20° C, akinetes did not develop in A. mucosa TAC426, A. crassa TAC436, A. spiroides TAC443, A. flos-aquae TAC446, or A. ucrainica TAC449 but were formed at frequencies of a little over 11% (ratio of filaments with akinetes to total filaments) in A. spiroides TAC444 and A. ucrainica TAC448. None of the strains fmd akinetes or heterocysts at 30° C and 35° C. At lower temperature (10° C and 15° C), akinetes developed in all the strains at maximum frequencies of 13.4–77.4% during the late exponential phase or late exponential to stationary phases of growth. With only one exception, low light or nutrient deletion did not lead to the induction of akinete diferentiation at 20° C. Only akinete formation in A. flosaquae TAC446 was induced by nitrogen deletion with a frequency of 12.1%, similar to that induced by low temperature, but the initiation of akinete formation in the strain was delayed compared to treatment with low temperature. These results show that temperature was the most important environmental factor triggering akinete formation in these species. In A. crassa TAC436 and A. spiroides TAC443 and TAC444, akinetes developed during the late exponential growth phase even though heterocysts were formed at a 100% frequency (ratio of filaments with heterocysts to total filaments) throughout the entire growth phase. In A. mucosa TAC426, A. flos-aquae TAC446, and A. ucrainica TAC448 and TAC449, there was a positive correlation between heterocyst and akinete formation, suggesting that the presence of a heterocyst may play a role in akinete formation.  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) were detected in 24 of 31 bloom samples dominated by the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst, collected from across Austraia. The ability to produce PSPs has been maintained in everal non-axenic strains of A. circinalis kept in culture, whereas strains that were non-toxin-producing when isolated have remained as such. PSPs were detected and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the structures were confirmed by electrospray mass spectroscopy. The concentration of toxins in PSP positive samples ranged from 50 to 3400 μg.g-1 dry weight. Toxin profiles were always dominated by the N-sulfocarbamoyl-11-hydroxysulfate C toxins, C1 and C2 (44–85 mol%), with the remainder consisting of gonyautoxins-2, −3, and −5, decarbamoylgonyautoxins-2 and −3, saxitoxin, and decarbamoylraxitoxin. N1--hydroxy PSPs, commonly found in marine dinoflagellates, were absent, suggesting that A. circinalis lacks the enzyme responsible for N1--hydroxylation. On a dry weight basis, the amount of toxin in cultured Anabaena circinalis (strain ACMB06)rose significantly (P < 0.05)over time from 570 to 3400 μg.g.-1 cells in late stationary phase. However, there was no significant trend in cellular toxin quota (toxin per cell) over the life of the culture; this may be explained by variation in cell mass. On average, batch cultures of Anabaena circinalis contained 19% extracellular toxin, which increased slightly over the growth cycle and had a composition similar to that of the intracellular toxins. As cultures aged, the formation of decarbamoyl toxins and increases in theα-/β-epimer ratios of C toxins and gonyautoxins were observed. The variation in these components during stationary phase in culture was sufficient to explain the variation in relative PSP composition observed among natural bloom samples. Because decarbamoylgonyautoxins are much more toxic than C toxins on a molar basis, these transformations also lead to an increase in toxicity of the sample or bloom over time. The transformations of PSPs, which occur during aging and sample storage, render the comparison of PSPs by HPLC unreliable for phenotyping Anabaena circinalis, unless strains are cultured, harvested, and analyzed under standard conditions.  相似文献   

Cultures of Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyng.) Breb. Were used to determine changes in nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) after external concentrations of phosphorus were lowered. Two days following immersion in phosphorus-free medium, nitrogenase activity (NA) had doubled and required 8 days to return to time zero levels. Subsequent long-term experiments showed that concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) released from the algae transferred into the –P medium reached maximum levels by day 3 and returned to initial low values by days 7–10. NA was always highest during this SRP release-reassimilation phase but steadily decreased after reassimilation was complete. Day 56 NA was 5–14% of initial activity. The data support the hypothesis that heterocyst and vegetative cell ATP pools are discrete and suggest that the short-term effects of phosphorus removal as an aquatic restoration technique need further study.  相似文献   

The effects of the triazine herbicide, simazine, on photosynthetic oxygen evolution and growth rate in photoacclimated populations of Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst were investigated. Chemostat populations were acclimated to photon flux densities (PFDs) of 50, 130, and 230 μmol·m?2·s?1 of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), Decreases in chlorophyll a (Chl a). c-phycocyanin (CPC), and total carotenoid (TCar) contents and CPC: Chl a and CPC: TCar ratios of populations coincided with increasing PFD, Polynomial regression models that characterize inhibition of photosynthesis for populations acclimated to 50 and 130 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 PAR were distinct from the model for populations acclimated to 230 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 PAR. Simazine concentrations that, depressed oxygen evolution 50% compared to controls decreased with increasing PFD. Increases and decreases in both biomass and growth rate coincided with increasing PFD and simazine concentration, respectively. Simazine concentrations that depressed growth rate 50% compared to controls increased with decreasing PFD. The differences in photosynthetic and growth inhibition among photoacclimated populations indicate that sensitivity to photosystem II inhibitors is affected by alterations in pigment contents.  相似文献   

The growth response of a nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium, Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyng) Bréb., to sodium and nitrate was examined in batch culture under controlled laboratory conditions. Sodium (range 0-12 mg Na+· L-1) enhanced growth of the cyanobacterium under nitrate-sufficient (5.7 mg NO3-N · L-1) but not nitrate-limited (0.49 mg NO3- N · L-1) conditions. The magnitude of the growth response was related to the nutritional history of the culture. No significant effect of sodium on nitrate utilization was observed. The increase in ambient sodium levels in many lakes may provide a competitive advantage to cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Under conditions of starvation for fixed nitrogen, cells of the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis Kütz, degrade much of their protein prior to heterocyst differentiation. Cells starved for a source of fixed nitrogen initially degraded about 2% of their protein per hour; by 24 h after nitrogen stepdown about 40% of the protein was degraded. Most of the acid-soluble radiolabeled material was excreted into the medium. Proteolysis was completely inhibited by chloramphenicol, by cyanide, or in the dark, hut was only partially inhibited in the presence of dichlorophenyl dimethylurea. Methionine sulfoximine (MSX) (an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase) in the presence of ammonia caused heterocysts to form. MSX treated cells degraded protein; however, the amount of protein degraded was much less than in cells starved for ammonia. Glutamine, which can serve as a nitrogen source for this strain, did not prevent starvation-induced proteolysis and did not prevent the differentiation of heterocysts.  相似文献   

A strong biomass increase of two Anabaena species was observed in natural plankton community enclosed into nine large mesocosms (51 m3) and manipulated with mineral nutrients and an organic carbon source during a 3‐week period in the coastal Baltic Sea. The water column and settled material from the bottom of the mesocosms were sampled at 2‐day intervals. Planktonic populations of Anabaena lemmermannii Richter and A. cylindrica Lemmermann and sedimentation rates of akinetes to the bottom were quantified. Comparing mesocosms with artificially induced nitrogen and phosphorus limitation, we found that during the third week of the experiment, the population size of A. lemmermannii was clearly higher in nitrogen‐limited units (by a factor of 2.4), whereas the production rate of akinetes was higher in the phosphorus‐limited units (by a factor of 2.5). Input of freshly produced A. lemmermannii akinetes to the benthos was on average 15 × 106 and 6 × 106 cells· m?2·d?1 in the P? and N? limited mesocosms, respectively. Our estimates of specific akinete production rate of A. lemmermannii in P? and N? limited mesocosms revealed an even larger divergence (a factor of 5.5), being on average 2.4 and 0.4 akinetes·10?3 vegetative cells?1·d?1, respectively. The phosphorus addition effectively reduced akinete production of A. lemmermannii. Differences in the nutrient manipulation had no apparent effect on the biomass and akinete production of A. cylindrica. The akinete production pattern of A. cylindrica revealed a 1‐week delay compared with the vegetative population peak, whereas such a delay was not obvious in A. lemmermannii.  相似文献   

Recruitment of Anabaena and Aphanizomenon from the sediments to the water column was investigated in shallow (1–2 m) and deep (6–7 m) areas of Lake Limmaren, central Sweden. Recruitment traps attached to the bottom were sampled weekly throughout the summer season (June through September). A comparison between the two sites shows that the largest part of the recruited cells originated from the shallow site, although recruitment occurred at all depths in the lake. There were also differences between the species, regarding the site as well as the timing of the recruitment. The contribution of the inoculum to the pelagic population was calculated to vary between 0.003% and 0.05% for the different species. From these results we conclude that shallow sediments are more important than deep ones for the recruitment and that the inoculum in Lake Limmaren is small but may still be an important factor in the population dynamics.  相似文献   

分离了有固氮活性的异形胞,它的可溶部分和膜部分的吸收光谱与营养细胞明显不同。SDS凝胶电泳图谱表明,营养细胞中存在的可溶蛋白,在异形胞中有一半左右被降解,最明显的是藻蓝蛋白。异形孢具有与营养细胞共同的肽带,但也合成了一些新的多肽。异形胞可溶蛋白有五条最主要的肽带,表观分子量约为73K,54K,48K,4lK和34K。膜蛋白中至少有2个多肽带(4lK,35K)在营养细胞膜蛋白中是缺少的。  相似文献   

P accumulation and metabolic pathway in N2-fixing Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb were investigated in P-sufficient (20 μMP) and P-limited (2 μMP) turbidostats in combined N-free medium. The cyanobacterium grew at its maximum rate (μmax, 1.13 d?1) at the high P concentration and at 65% of μmax under P limitation, with total cell P concentrations (QP) at steady states of 12.0 and 5.2 fmol·cell?1, respectively. At steady state, polyphosphates (PPi) accounted for only 3% of QP (0.4 fmol·cell?1) in P-rich cells. Its concentration in P-limited cells was 5.8% (0.3 fmol·cell?1). On the other hand, sugar P was very high at 22% of QP in P-rich cells and was undetectable in P-limited cells. Pulse chase experiments with 32P showed that P-rich cells initially incorporated the labeled P into the acid-soluble PPi fraction within the first few minutes and to a lesser extent into nucleotide P. Radioactivity in the PPi then declined rapidly with concomitant increases in sugar P and nucleotide P fractions. In contrast, in P-limited cells, no radiolabel was detected in acid-soluble PPi, and 32P was initially incorporated into nucleotide P, sugar P, and ortho P fractions. The latter two fractions then subsequently declined. Therefore, under N2-fixing conditions the cyanobacteria appeared to store P as sugar P and also utilize P through different pathways under P-rich and -limited conditions. When nitrate was supplied as the N source under P-sufficient conditions, PPi accounted for about 15% of steady-state QP, but no sugar P was detected. Therefore, the same organism stored P in different cell P fractions depending on its N sources.  相似文献   

Biological factors have been found which can cause variable toxicity of colony and clonal isolates of Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) de Bréb. when cultured in the laboratory. These factors help to explain some of the variable toxicity of and animal susceptibility to A. flos-aquae blooms in nature. Two bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae isolated from a toxic waterbloom, depressed toxin production in selected bacteria-free toxic clones of A. flos-aquae. These toxin-depressing bacteria decreased culture toxicity 3-fold from 80 to 240 mg/kg (intra-peritoneal in male mice). Many colony isolates from a toxic bloom had minimum lethal dosages (LDmin) greater than 240 mg/kg. This was because they were composed of mixtures of toxic and nontoxic filaments. The oral LDmin of the toxin from A. flos-aquae clonal isolate NRC-44-1 varied significantly for 6 different animal species. Using these oral LDmin it is estimated that a surface-concentrated bloom of toxic A. flos-aquae, having a biomass density of 20 mg/ml dry weight, would cause death of ducks or calves when 20 ml/kg was consumed whereas a monogastric animal such as a rat would require 80 ml/kg.  相似文献   

Iron availability may limit carbon and nitrogen fixation in the oceans. The freshwater cyanobacterium, Anabaena, was used as a laboratory model for the biochemical and physiological effects of iron. Increased iron nutrition, in the range of 10?8 M to 10?6 M resulted in increases of approximately four fold in carbon and nitrogen fixation rates. Chlorophyll concentration increased, and the relative amount of in vivo fluorescence was reduced with more iron. Natural samples of Trichodesmium, collected off Barbados and incubated with increased iron for two days, showed similar effects. Trichodesmium responded to iron additions indicating that it may be Fe limited in its natural environment. These responses to iron are consistent with the biochemical roles of iron in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. The results are discussed in the geochemical context of the sporadic total iron input to tropical oceans and possible implications to spatial and temporal patterns of productivity.  相似文献   

The production and extracellular release of cyclic adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate (cAMP) by the blue-green alga Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Breb. varied greatly within and between active growth phase and stationary phase and under differing nutrient regimes. Enhanced cellular cAMP production was found in actively growing Anabaena inoculated into media deficient in nitrate or phosphate, or into fresh media containing non-limiting nutrient concentrations. In stationary phase Anabaena, but not actively growing cells, the concentrations of intra-cellular cAMP present in cells grown under a variety of nutrient regimes could be significantly correlated to [14C]-bicarbonate uptake by an exponential relationship.  相似文献   

This study aimed to isolate quercetin (for the first time) from Anabaena aequalis Borge, which inhabits soil surface of Wadi El‐Alaqui Protectorate located in Aswan city, Egypt. The isolated compound showed significant antibacterial activity against the gram‐positive bacteria Sarcina maxima and Micrococcus kristinae, the gram‐negative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae, as well as against the filamentous fungus Aspergillus flavus. The isolated compound was identified as quercetin using the structure elucidation based on UV, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS), 1H and 13C NMR, proton–proton correlation spectroscopy (1H‐1H COSY), distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer (DEPT), heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC), and heteronuclear multiple bond correlations spectrum (HMBC). Medium lethal dose (LD50) of the isolated compound and its side effects against hyperlipidemia induced by ethanol intake in albino rats were carried out. No deaths were reported in rats within 72 h, which suggests that the isolated compound plays a beneficial role as an antihyperlipidemic agent in the treatment of alcohol‐induced hepatic tissue damage, which can be described as one of the therapeutic values.  相似文献   

Occurrences of rare cyanobacteria Anabaena reniformis Lemmerm. and Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides (Forti) Horecká et Komárek were recently detected at several localities in the Czech Republic. Two monoclonal strains of An. reniformis and one strain of Aph. aphanizomenoides were isolated from distant localities and different sampling years. They were characterized by a combination of morphological, genetic, and biochemical approaches. For the first time, partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained for these morphospecies. Based on this gene, all of these strains clustered separately from other planktonic Anabaena and Aphanizomenon strains. They appeared in a cluster with Cylindrospermopsis Seenaya et Subba Raju and Raphidiopsis F. E. Fritsch et M. F. Rich, clustered closely together with two An. kisseleviana Elenkin strains available from GenBank. A new generic entity was defined (Sphaerospermum gen. nov., with the type species S. reniforme, based on the traditional species An. reniformis). These results contribute significantly to the knowledge base about genetic heterogeneity among planktonic Anabaena–like and Aphanizomenon–like morphospecies. Accordingly, the subgenus Dolichospermum, previously proposed for the group of planktonic Anabaena, should be revaluated. Secondary metabolite profiles of the An. reniformis and Aph. aphanizomenoides strains differed considerably from 17 other planktonic Anabaena strains of eight morphospecies isolated from Czech water bodies. Production of puwainaphycin A was found in both of the An. reniformis strains. Despite the relatively short phylogenetic distance from Cylidrospermopsis, the production of cylindrospermopsin was not detected in any of our strains.  相似文献   

Abundance of Pithophora oedogonia akinetes displayed seasonal changes, being greatest in winter and lowest in summer. Akinete abundance showed significant (P < 0.001) negative correlations with photoperiod(r = -0.53) and water temperature (r= -0.75) during the period February 1978 through June 1979. Experiments in which akinete germination was studied in response to manipulations of nutrients (NO3-N and PO4-P), photoperiod and temperature indicated that temperature was the primary factor regulating the timing of the vernal flush of akinete germination observed in Surrey Lake.  相似文献   

The polysaccharides from the envelopes of heterocysts of Cylindrospermum licheniforme Kütz., and of heterocysts and spores of Anabaena variabilis Kütz., like those from the differentiated cells of Anabaena cylindrica Lemm., have a 1,3-linked backbone consisting of glucosyl and mannosyl residues in a molar ratio of approximately 3:1. As is the case with A. cylindrica the polysaccharides from A. variabilis and from the heterocysts of C. licheniforme have terminal xylosyl and galactosyl residues as side branches. In addition, the polysaccharide from C. licheniforme resembles that from A. cylindrica in having terminal mannosyl residues as side branches (absent from A. variabilis). The polysaccharides from A. variabilis resemble that from A. cylindrica in having glucose-containing side branches (absent from the heterocyst polysaccharide from C. licheniforme), but in contrast to the polysaccharides from the other two species they also have terminal arabinosyl residues as side branches. All of the polysaccharides mentioned appear to be structurally related; we present tentative structures for those not previously investigated. In contrast, the envelope of spores of C. licheniforme contains only a largely 4-linked galactan. The bulk of this envelope is not polysaccharide in nature, and contains aromatic groups.  相似文献   

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