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Mammalian melanins exist in two chemically distinct forms: the brown to black eumelanins and the yellow to reddish-brown pheomelanins. They can be quantified by HPLC analysis of pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA) and aminohydroxyphenylalanine (AHP). We recently developed a spectrophotometric method for assaying the total amount of eu- and pheomelanins by dissolving melanins in Soluene-350 plus water. In this study, we examined whether absorbance at 500 nm (A500) of the Soluene-350 solution reflects the total amount of melanins obtained by the HPLC methods, and whether the ratio of absorbances between 650 and 500 nm reflects the eumelanin/total melanin ratio in mouse hair, sheep wool, and human hair. Our findings were as follows: (1) Total melanin levels calculated from A500 values correlate well with those obtained from PTCA and AHP values by multiplying with the following factors: for mice, PTCA × 45 + AHP × 2.5; for sheep, PTCA × 40 + AHP × 15; and for humans, PTCA × 160 + AHP × 10. (2) The A650/A500 ratios were higher (0.25–0.33) in black to brown hair while they were significantly lower (0.10–0.14) in yellow to red hair. These results indicate that (1) the A500 value can be used to quantify the total combined amount of eu- and pheomelanins, and (2) the A650/A500 ratio can serve as a parameter to estimate the eumelanin/total melanin ratio. The present method provides a convenient way to qualitatively characterize eu- and pheomelanins in melanins produced in follicular melanocytes.  相似文献   

Eighteen hair samples from Karakul newborn lambs with various colors were estimated for eumelanin and pheomelanin contents (Ce and Cp, respectively) by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry and by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Correlation coefficients between the values estimated by the ESR and HPLC methods were 0.96, 0.93, and 0.99 for Ce, Cp, and Ce/Cp, respectively. The high correlation coefficients show that both methods fit well for estimation of relative values of these parameters. The absolute values of Ce and Ce/Cp coincide rather well when Ce is high, but considerable discrepancies appear when Ce is low. The reasons for these discrepancies are discussed. The HPLC method appears to be more sensitive for detection of low concentrations of pheomelanin, while the ESR method fits well for mass selection purposes.  相似文献   

Melanocytes produce two chemically distinct types of melanin pigments, eumelanins and pheomelanins. These pigments can be quantitatively analyzed by acidic KMnO4 oxidation or reductive hydrolysis with hydriodic acid (HI) to form pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA) or aminohydroxyphenylalanine (AHP), respectively. Dark brown melanin-like pigments are also widespread in nature, for example, in the substantia nigra of humans and primates (neuromelanin), in butterfly wings and in the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. To characterize such diverse types of melanins, we have improved the alkaline H2O2 oxidation method of Napolitano et al. (Tetrahedron, 51: 5913–5920, 1995) and re-examined the HI hydrolysis method of Wakamatsu et al. (Neurosci. Lett., 131: 57–60, 1991). The results obtained with H2O2 oxidation show that 1) pyrrole-2,3-dicarboxylic acid (PDCA), a specific marker of 5,6-dihydroxyindole units in melanins, is produced in yields ten times higher than by acidic KMnO4 oxidation, and 2) PTCA is artificially produced from pheomelanins. The results with HI hydrolysis show that dopamine-melanin produces a 1:1 mixture of 3-amino and 4-amino isomers of aminohydroxyphenylethylamine, while the isomer ratio is about 0.2 in melanins prepared from dopamine and cysteine. These results indicate that alkaline H2O2 oxidation is useful in characterizing synthetic and natural eumelanins and that reductive hydrolysis with HI can be applied to analyzing oxidation products of dopamine such as neuromelanin.  相似文献   

Chemical and ultrastructural studies were conducted to define the relationship between type of melanogenesis and fine structures of melanosomes in normal human epidermal melanocytes. Chemical analysis of epidermal melanin demonstrated that the ratio of eumelanin/pheomelanin varied individually, ranging from 1.31 to exclusively eumelanic. Ultrastructural analysis of fine structures of melanosomes revealed that spheroid melanosomes were frequently observed in melanocytes of the epidermis whose eumelanin/pheomelanin ratio was less than 5. Conversely, ellipsoid melanosomes predominated in melanocytes of the epidermis whose ratio was more than 10. On the basis of these findings, it seems reasonable to conclude that 1) normal human epidermal melanocytes synthesize both eumelanin and pheomelanin and 2) pheomelanin synthesis may be characterized by the presence of spheroid melanosomes whereas eumelanin synthesis is ascribed to ellipsoid melanosomes.  相似文献   

The synthesis of melanin intermediates through tyrosinase (TYR) involves the production of cytotoxic free radicals. By using recombinant adenoviruses that express TYR, tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) or DOPAchrome tautomerase (DCT), we analyzed the biological function of these proteins with regard to melanin production and the growth of melanocytes, fibroblasts, melanoma cells and nonmelanoma cancer cells. High-level expression of TYR produced newly synthesized melanin and induced cell death in all of these cells. However, when TYRP1 or DCT was coexpressed with TYR in melanocytes and melanoma cells, TYR-mediated cell death was clearly decreased. This decrease was not observed in nonmelanocytic cells. Western blot analysis and measurement of enzyme activity revealed that the expression of TYRP1 or DCT had little effect on the amount or activity of cointroduced TYR in either the melanocytic or nonmelanocytic cells. In cells expressing both TYR and TYRP1 or TYR and DCT, the total amount of melanin and/or eumelanin increased substantially more than that in cells expressing TYR alone. On the other hand, the level of pheomelanin was similar in these three cell types. These findings suggest that TYRP1 and DCT play an important role in suppressing TYR-mediated cytotoxicity in melanocytic cells without decreasing TYR expression and/or activity. These biological activities of TYRP1 and DCT may work through the interaction with TYR in melanosomal compartment.  相似文献   

The wild‐type agouti‐banding pattern for hair is well characterized in lower mammals such as mice. The switch between eumelanin and pheomelanin in bands in the hair results from the interaction of α‐melanocyte stimulating hormone and agouti signal protein through the melanocortin 1 receptor on melanocytes. However, such banding patterns have not been described to date in higher mammals. We now report such ‘agouti’‐banding patterns that occur in several subspecies of baboons, and characterize those hairs using chemical and immunohistochemical methods. Hair and skin samples were obtained from the dorsa of adult male baboons of different subspecies (Papio cynocephalus hamadryas (PCH) and Papio cynocephalus anubis (PCA)). The hairs were excised with scissors into the gray and the white bands of the PCH subspecies and into the black and the yellow bands of the PCA subspecies, and were analyzed for total melanin, eumelanin, and pheomelanin by spectrophotometric and chemical methods. Hairs in the PCA subspecies oscillate between a eumelanic band (with high melanin content) and a pheomelanic band, while hairs in the PCH subspecies oscillate between a eumelanic band (with low melanin content) and a non‐pigmented band. Those chemical data are consistent with the histological appearance of the hair bulbs stained by the Fontana‐Masson technique. The difference in the melanin content between PCH and PCA subspecies is most likely related to tyrosinase levels, as suggested by the presence of unpigmented muzzle in the PCH subspecies compared with the black muzzle in the PCA subspecies.  相似文献   

Melanin pigments produced in human melanocytes are classified into two categories; black coloured eumelanin and reddish‐yellow pheomelanin. Stimulation of melanocytes with α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (α‐MSH), one of several melanogenic factors, has been reported to enhance eumelanogenesis to a greater degree than pheomelanogenesis, which contributes to hyperpigmentation in skin. Nitric oxide (NO) and histamine are also melanogenesis‐stimulating factors that are released from cells surrounding melanocytes following ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. In this study, the effects of NO and histamine on the ratio of eumelanin and pheomelanin were examined in human melanocytes, and then compared with that of α‐MSH. The amounts of eumelanin and pheomelanin were quantified using high‐performance liquid chromatography analysis after oxidation and hydrolysis of melanin. Melanogenesis was induced by the addition of α‐MSH, NO, or histamine to melanocytes. The amount of eumelanin production significantly increased with independent stimulation by these melanogenic factors, especially histamine, while that of pheomelanin significantly increased with α‐MSH and NO, but only slightly with histamine. As a result, the ratio of eumelanin and pheomelanin increased significantly with the addition of NO or histamine. These results suggest that NO and histamine, as in the case of α‐MSH, may contribute to UV‐induced hyperpigmentation by enhancing eumelanogenesis.  相似文献   

Pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes of animals is influenced by a number of genes that modulate the activity of melanocytes, the intervention of enzymatic controls at different stages of the melanogenic process, and the physico-chemical properties of the final pigment. The results of combined phenotypic, ultrastructural, biochemical, and chemical analyses of hairs of a variety of defined genotypes on a common genetic background performed in this study are consistent with the view that pigmentation of dark to black hairs results from the incorporation of eumelanin pigments whereas that of yellow hairs results from the incorporation of eu- and pheomelanins. It is also clear that relatively minor differences in melanin content can have dramatic effects on visible hair color. A good correlation was found for expression of (and enzyme activities associated with) TRP1 and TRP2 with eumelanin synthesis and eumelanosome production.  相似文献   

The unique photo-thermal energy conversion property of polar bear hairs has long been regarded as an essential element to enable this creature to survive in extremely cold conditions.However,the relevant research was ineffectual to provide sufficient evidence of its solar energy harvesting property.In this paper,the properties of polar bear hairs were analyzed and compared systematically with those of domestic sheep wool through the measurements in the aspects of photo-thermal conversion efficiency,scanning electron microscope,fluorescence spectral and transmission of UV-visible spectra.Moreover,this study was much more focused on exploring ultraviolet utilization property of polar bear hair than previous research.The research results demonstrated that the photo-thermal property of polar bear hair was superior to those of wool fiber,especially in harvesting ultraviolet part.The potential benefits of this research lie in the development of bionic solar energy collective devices,especially in artificial solar energy collection fibers and textile products.  相似文献   

The color of hair, skin, and eyes in animals mainly depends on the quantity, quality, and distribution of the pigment melanin, which occurs in two types: black to brown eumelanin and yellow to reddish pheomelanin. Microanalytical methods to quantify the amounts of eumelanin and pheomelanin in biological materials were developed in 1985. The methods are based on the chemical degradation of eumelanin to pyrrole‐2,3,5‐tricarboxylic acid and of pheomelanin to aminohydroxyphenylalanine isomers, which can be analyzed and quantitated by high performance liquid chromatography. This review summarizes and compares eumelanin and pheomelanin contents in various pigmented tissues obtained from humans, mice, and other animals. These methods have become valuable tools to study the functions of melanin, the control of melanogenesis, and the actions and interactions of pigmentation genes. The methods have also found applications in many clinical studies. High levels of pheomelanin are found only in yellow to red hairs of mammals and in red feathers of birds. It remains an intriguing question why lower vertebrates such as fishes do not synthesize pheomelanin. Detectable levels of pheomelanin are detected in human skin regardless of race, color, and skin type. However, eumelanin is always the major constituent of epidermal melanin, and the skin color appears to be determined by the quantity of melanin produced but not by the quality.  相似文献   

BackgroundMelanoma is one of the highest metastatic cancers and its incidence is rapidly increasing. A great effort has been devoted to determine gene mutations and expression profiles in melanoma cells, but less attention has been given to the possible influence of melanin synthesis in melanocytes on melanomagenesis. SLC7A11 encodes the cystine/glutamate antiporter xCT and its expression increases the antioxidant capacity of cells by providing cysteine that may be used for glutathione (GSH) synthesis. Melanocytes, however, can also use cysteine for pheomelanin synthesis and pigmentation. Therefore, pheomelanin synthesis may lead to chronic oxidative stress. Possible consequences of this for melanomagenesis have never been explored.MethodsWe quantified the expression of SLC7A11 and other genes that are involved in the synthesis of pheomelanin but do not regulate the transport of cysteine from the extracellular medium to the cytosol (CTNS, MC1R, ASIP and SLC45A2) in non-tumorous skin of 45 patients of cutaneous melanoma and 50 healthy individuals. We controlled for the effects of Fitzpatrick skin type, age, gender, body mass, frequency of sun exposure and sunburns and number of melanocytic nevi, as well as for the intrinsic antioxidant capacity as given by the expression of the gene NFE2L2.ResultsThe expression of SLC7A11, but not of the other genes, was significantly higher in melanoma patients than in healthy individuals. This was independent of phenotypic factors and antioxidant capacity, thus supporting an effect of pheomelanin-induced oxidative stress on melanomagenesis.ConclusionOur findings indicate that SLC7A11 downregulation in normal epidermal melanocytes may represent a preventive treatment against melanoma.  相似文献   

The significance of our understanding of the chemistry of melanin and melanogenesis is reviewed. Melanogenesis begins with the production of dopaquinone, a highly reactive o‐quinone. Pulse radiolysis is a powerful tool to study the fates of such highly reactive melanin precursors. Based on pulse radiolysis data reported by Land et al. (J Photochem Photobiol B: Biol 2001;64:123) and our biochemical studies, a pathway for mixed melanogenesis is proposed. Melanogenesis proceeds in three distinctive steps. The initial step is the production of cysteinyldopas by the rapid addition of cysteine to dopaquinone, which continues as long as cysteine is present (1 μM). The second step is the oxidation of cysteinyldopas to give pheomelanin, which continues as long as cysteinyldopas are present (10 μM). The last step is the production of eumelanin, which begins only after most cysteinyldopas are depleted. It thus appears that eumelanin is deposited on the preformed pheomelanin and that the ratio of eu‐ to pheomelanin is determined by the tyrosinase activity and cysteine concentration. In eumelanogenesis, dopachrome is a rather stable molecule and spontaneously decomposes to give mostly 5,6‐dihydroxyindole. Dopachrome tautomerase (Dct) catalyses the tautomerization of dopachrome to give mostly 5,6‐dihydroxyindole‐2‐carboxylic acid (DHICA). Our study confirmed that the role of Dct is to increase the ratio of DHICA in eumelanin and to increase the production of eumelanin. In addition, the cytotoxicity of o‐quinone melanin precursors was found to correlate with binding to proteins through the cysteine residues. Finally, it is still unknown how the availability of cysteine is controlled within the melanosome.  相似文献   

Melanocytes synthesise two types of melanin: the brown-black eumelanin and the red-yellow phaeomelanin. In mice, the relative proportions of these two melanins are regulated by α-MSH, which preferentially increases the synthesis of eumelanin and by the Agouti protein (AP), the expression of which correlates with the growth of yellow phaeomelanin-containing hair. It has been proposed that AP acts by antagonizing the action of α-MSH at the MCI receptor, although it has been suggested that it may also act independently of α-MSH. In the present study we show that AP inhibits melanogenesis in B16F1 melanoma cells in the presence and absence of α-MSH and also causes dose-related decreases in the synthesis of both eumelanin and phaeomelanin. In the presence of α-MSH AP had a greater effect on eumelanin production and this is consistent with an antagonistic action at the MCI receptor. In the absence of α-MSH however, AP produced similar reductions in the synthesis of both melanins. These changes were not seen in B16G4F cells which lack the MCI receptor, suggesting that even in the absence of α-MSH AP acts at the MCI receptor. How this action is mediated at the intracellular level is not yet clear, although it appears to be associated with a decrease in tyrosinase activity.  相似文献   

The proportions in which two eumelanin monomers, namely 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI), compose the eumelanin polymer are believed to determine properties of the pigment including its color. These proportions are, however, not well elucidated for naturally occurring eumelanins, largely because of methodological difficulties. In this study we estimate the content of DHICA-derived units in mammalian eumelanins using a combination of two analytical techniques: 1) quantitation of DHICA-derived eumelanin by measuring the yield of pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA index) and 2) spectrophotometrical quantitation of total (DHI + DHICA) eumelanin at 350 nm (A350 index). The ratio of PTCA/A350 measured for melanins synthesized from DHI and DHICA mixed in various molar proportions correlates well with the content of DHICA in synthetic polymers. Using this relationship as a standard curve we estimated the proportion of DHICA-derived units in mammalian eumelanins from hair and melanoma cells and found it to be much higher in rodent pigments (58.8%-98.3%; two species, mouse and hamster were examined) as compared to human eumelanins (19.2%-41.8%; one Caucasian and one Oriental individual were examined). No relationship between proportion of DHICA-derived units in eumelanin and hair color is found. The latter seems to be determined predominantly by the ratio of pheo- to eumelanin synthesis.  相似文献   

Multiple factors affect skin pigmentation, including those that regulate melanocyte and/or keratinocyte function. Such factors, particularly those that operate at the level of the melanosome, are relatively well characterized in mice, but the expression and function of structural and enzymatic proteins in melanocytes in human skin are not as well known. Some years ago, we generated peptide‐specific antibodies to murine melanosomal proteins that proved to be instrumental in elucidating melanocyte development and differentiation in mice, but cross‐reactivity of those antibodies with the corresponding human proteins often was weak or absent. In an effort to characterize the roles of melanosomal proteins in human skin pigmentation, and to understand the underlying mechanism(s) of abnormal skin pigmentation, we have now generated polyclonal antibodies against the human melanocyte‐specific markers, tyrosinase, tyrosinase‐related protein 1 (TYRP1), Dopachrome tautomerase (DCT) and Pmel17 (SILV, also known as GP100). We used these antibodies to determine the distribution and function of melanosomal proteins in normal human skin (adult and newborn) and in various cutaneous pigmented lesions, such as intradermal nevi, lentigo simplex, solar lentigines and malignant melanomas. We also examined cytokeratin expression in these same samples to assess keratinocyte distribution and function. Immunohistochemical staining reveals distinct patterns of melanocyte distribution and function in normal skin and in various types of cutaneous pigmented lesions. Those differences in the expression patterns of melanocyte markers provide important clues to the roles of melanocytes in normal and in disrupted skin pigmentation.  相似文献   

There are two chemically distinct types of melanin: the red-yellow phaeomelanins and the brown-black eumelanins. While both melanins have been detected in human epidermis and cultured melanocytes, it is unknown how the phaeomelanin/eumelanin ratio in human melanocytes maintained in vitro relates to that in the epidermis from which they were isolated. This study uses high-performance liquid chromatography to quantify the eumelanin and phaeomelanin contents of epidermis and/or cultured melanocytes from 12 Europeans with lightly pigmented skin and 9 non-Europeans with more deeply pigmented skin. Epidermis from non-Europeans contained the highest levels of both eumelanin and phaeomelanin and had the lowest phaeomelanin/eumelanin ratios. In contrast, while cultured melanocytes from non-Europeans also had higher levels of eumelanin and phaeomelanin than melanocytes from Europeans, there was no difference in the phaeomelanin/eumelanin ratios in the two groups. However, the phaeomelanin/eumelanin ratios were higher in the cultured melanocytes than in the corresponding epidermis so that while eumelanin was the predominant melanin in the epidermis, phaeomelanin was the major melanin in the cultured melanocytes. These observations may have important implications for the use of cultured human melanocytes in the study of melanogenesis in man.  相似文献   

凉山半细毛羊微卫星标记与羊毛性状的相关分析   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
王高富  吴登俊 《遗传》2006,28(12):1505-1512
利用微卫星技术对凉山半细毛羊核心育种群206个个体第1、2、3、9号染色体上的18个微卫星位点进行研究, 检测其基因型, 利用SAS 程序下的GLM对18个微卫星位点与羊毛性状的关系进行方差分析和多重比较, 结果发现7个微卫星位点对部分羊毛性状存在显著或极显著影响, 同时, 在这些位点上找到对羊毛性状有利的基因型。  相似文献   

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