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New Books     
Richelle , M. N. 1993: B. F. Skinner: a reappraisal. Lawrence Erlbaum Wade , N. 1995: Psychologists in word and image. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, London. Kolb B. 1995: Brain plasticity and behavior. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ. Anderson , J. R., Herrenschmidt , N., Roeder , J. J. & Thierry Sommer , V. 1996: Heilige Egoisten— Die Soziobiologie indischer Tempelaffen. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München. Wiessner , P. & Schiefenhövel , W. (eds) 1996: Food and the status quest—an interdisciplinary perspective. Salter , F. K. 1995: Emotions in command. A naturalistic study of institutional dominance. Sternberg , R. J. (ed.) 1994: Thinking and problem solving.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Eisner, N., & D. W. Richter, eds. (1992): Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks (Rhythmogenese in Neuronen und Netzwerken). Thompson, R. F. (1990): Das Gehirn. Von den Nervenzellen zur Verhaltenssteuerung (The brain). Reichert, H. (1992): Introduction to neurobiology (Neurobiologie. Rowell, C. H. F. (1992): Locust neurobiology: a bibliography, 1871–1991 (Neurobiologie der Wanderheuschrecke: Eine Bibliographie). Green, B. G., J. R. Mason, & M. R. Kare, eds. (1990): Chemical senses; Vol. 2: Irritation (Chemische Sinne Bd. 2: Irritierende Reize). Webster, D. B., R. R. Fay & A. N. Popper, eds. (1992): The evolutionary biology of hearing (Evolutionsbiologie des Gehörs). Carpenter, G. A., & S. Grossberg, eds. (1992): Neural networks for vision and image processing (Neurale Netzwerke für Sehen und Bildwahrnehmung). Barlow, H., C. Blakemore, & M. Weston-Smith, eds. (1990): Images and understanding (Bilder und Verstehen). Mellor, D. H., ed. (1990): Ways of communicating (Formen der Verständigung). Dusenbery, D. B. (1992): Sensory ecology. How organisms acquire and respond to information (Sinnesökologie. Heinrich, B. (1993): Hot-blooded insects. Strategies and mechanisms of thermoregulation (Heißblütige Insekten. Strategien und Mechanismen der Thermoregulation). Krebs, J. R., & N. B. Davies, eds. (1991): Behavioural ecology; an evolutionary approach (Verhaltensökologie; ein evolutionärer Ansatz). Maynard Smith, J. (1992): Evolutionsgenetik (Evolutionary genetics. Oxford University Press, 1989. Stearns, S. C. (1992): The evolution of life histories (Evolution von Lebensabläufen). Gottlieb, G. (1992): Individual development and evolution. Archer, J. (1992): Ethology and human development (Ethologie und Entwicklungspsychologie). Sudhaus, W., & K. Rehfeld (1992): Einführung in die Phylogenetik und Systematik (Phylogenetics and systematics — an introductory textbook). Schmidt-Kittler, N., & K. Vogel, eds. (1991): Constructional morphology and evolution (Konstruktionsmorphologie und Evolution). Vogel, K. (1991): Konstruktionsmorphologie — Ein Schlüssel zum Verständnis der biologischen Evolution (Constructional morphology - a key to understanding biological evolution). Barth, F. G. (1992): “Technische” Perfektion in der belebten Natur (“Technical” perfection in living nature). del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, & J. Sargatal, eds. (1992): Handbook of the birds of the world. Lebreton, J.-D., & Ph. M. North, eds. (1993): Marked individuals in the study of bird population (Individuelle Kennzeichnung von Vögeln für Populationsstudien). Bibby, C. J., N. D. Burgess, & D. A. Hill (1992): Bird census techniques (Methoden der Vogelzählung). The Observer 3.0, a software package for behavioural observations.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Larsson, P. & Weider , L. J. (eds.) 1995: Cladocera as model organisms in biology. Poncin, P., Berrebi, J., Philippart, C. & Ruwet , J.-Cl. eds, 1993: Biologie des Barbus européens, africains et asiatiques. Birkhead , T. 1993: Great Auk Islands. A field biologist in the Arctic. Expert-Center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI) (ed.) 1994: Birds of Europe. Packer , C. 1994: Into Africa Norton, B. G., Hutchins, M., Stevens, E. F., Maple, T. L. & Wuichet , J. (eds.) 1995: Ethics on the ark.  相似文献   

Books: Andrews , I.J. 1995. The Birds of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Barrows , E.M. 1995. Animal Behavior Desk Reference Briffett , C. & Supari , Sutari bin Catchpole , C.K. & Slater , P.J.B. 1995. Bird Song: Biological themes and variations Clement , P. 1994. The Chiffchaff Collar , N.J., Crosby , M.I. & Stattersfield , A.J. 1994. Birds to Watch 2: The world list of threatened birds Flade , M. 1994. Die Brutvogelgemeinschaften Mittel- und Nord-deutschlands Gehlbach . F.R. 1994. The Eastern Screech Owl: Life history, ecology and behavior in the suburbs and countryside Gill , F.B. 1995. Ornithology. 2nd edition Holz , R. 1994. Bibliographie ornithologischer Artikel aus Zeit-schriften und Periodika der DDR Hora , J., Kanuch , P. et al. 1992. Important Bird Areas in Europe Czechoslovakia Howell , S.N.G. & Webb , S. 1995. A Guide to the Birds of Mexia and Northern Central America Jackson , C. 1994. Bird Painting: The eighteenth century Krattiger , A.F., Mc Neely , J.A., Lesser , W.H., Miller , K.R., ST. Hill , Y. & Senanayake , R. (eds) Love , J.A. 1994. Penguins Reilly , P. 1994. Penguins of the World Lutwack , L. 1994. Birds in Literature Miller , R.I., ed. 1994, Mapping the Diversity of Nature Nechaev , V.A. 1995. Game- and Protected Birds of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (in Russian) Nettleship , D.N., Burger , J. & Gochfeld , M. 1994. Seabirds on Islands: Threats, case studies and action plans Olsen , K.M. & Larsson , H. 1995. Terns of Europe and North America Ridley . M. 1995. Animal Behavior Searcy , W.A. & Yasukawa , K. 1995. Polygyny and Sexual Selection in Red-winged Blackbirds Small , A. 1994. California Birds: Their status and distribution Summers , R.W. & Mc Adam , J.H. 1993. The Upland Goose: A study of the interaction between geese, sheep and man in the Falkland Islands Sutherland , W.J. & Hill , D.A. (eds). 1995. Managing Habitats for Conservation Walters , M. 1994. Birds' Eggs Wheeler , B.K. & Clark , W.S. 1995. A Photographic Guide to North American Raptors Also Received: Cabot , D. 1995. Irish Birds Chandler , D. & Langman , M. 1995. Bird Habitats and Conservation Chebez , J.C. & Bertonatti , C.C. 1994. La Avifauna de la Isla de los Estados, Mas de Aflo Nuevo y Mar circundante Tierra de Fuego, Argentina Dawson , L. & Langman , M. 1995. Bird Behaviour Dekker , R.W.R.J., Mc Gowan , P.J.K. & WPA/Birdlife /Species Survival Commission Megapode Specialist Group Granlund , J., Mc Peck , G.A. & Adams , R.J. 1995. The Birds of Michigan Geligan , J., Smith , M., Rogers , D. & Contreras , A. (eds). 1994 Green , I. & Moorhouse , N. 1995. A Birdwatchers' Guide to Turkey Hayman , P., Arlott , N. & Tarboton , W. 1994. Birds of Southern Africa: The SASOL Plates Collection Hustings , F. & van Dijk , K. 1994. Bird Census in the Kizilirmak Delta, Turkey, in Spring 1992 Inskipp , C. & Inskipp , T. 1994. An Introduction to Birdwatching in Bhutan Jenkins , D. (ed.). 1995. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Grouse, 20–24 September 1993, Udine, Italy Kivit , H., Nijmeijer , H. & Ovaa , A. (eds). 1994. Wader and Waterfowl Migration in the Cukurova Deltas, South Turkey, Spring 1990 Kutac . E.A. & CARAN, C. 1994. Birds and Other Wildlife of South Central Texas: A handbook Monroe , B.L., JR. 1995. The Birds of Kentucky Noble , W.T. de (ed.). 1995. Birds of the Messolonghi Wetlands, Eastern Mediterranean Wader Project, Spring 1990 Olney , P.J.S., Ellis , P. & Fisken , F.A. (eds) Olsen , J. 1994. Some Time with Eagles and Falcons Palmer , M. 1994. A Birdwatching Guide to the Costa Blanca. Revised edition Piper , S.E. 1994. Mathematical Demography of the Cape Vulture Rogers , D.W. 1994. Site Guides: Costa Rica, a guide to the best birding locations. Pp. 90. McMinnville, Oregon: Cinclus Rogers , D.W. 1994. Site Guides: La Ruta Maya, a guide to the best birding locations of the Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador Rogers , D.W. 1993. Site Guides: Venezuela, a guide to the best birding locations SKARPHÉØINSSON, K.H., PÉTURSSON. G. & HEMARSSON, J.Ó. 1994. Uatbreisla varpfugla à Suvesturlandi: Könnum 1987–1992 [Atlas of Breeding Birds in Southwestern Iceland: A survey 1987–19921 Speight , G. 1995. Finding Birds in Britain: A site guide Stone , C.J., et al. 1995. An Atlas of Seabird Distribution in Northwest European Waters Sueur , F. & Commecy , X. 1990. Guide des Oiseaux de la Baie de Somme Thomson , T. 1994. Birding in Ohio. 2nd edition Walters , M. 1995. The Pocket Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe Zink , G. & Bairletn , F. 1995. Der Zug europäischer Singvögel: Ein Atlas der Wiedefunde beringter Vögel  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Real , L. A. (ed.) 1994: Behavioral mechanisms in evolutionary ecology. Luczkovich, J. J., Motta, P. J., Norton, S. F. & Liem , F. (eds) 1995: Ecomorphology of fishes. Nentwig , W. 1995: Humanökologie. Fakten—Argumente—Ausblicke.  相似文献   

New Books     
Book reviewed in this article: Vygotsky, L. S. & Luria , A. R. 1993: Studies on the History of Behavior: Ape, Primitive, and Child, edited and translated by V. I. Golod & J. E. Knox. Mitchell , R. W., Thompson , N. S. & Miles , R. W. (eds) 1996: Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. Günther , R. (ed.) 1996: Die Amphibien und Reptilien Deutschlands.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Neuweiler, G. 1993: Biologie der Fledermäuse. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York. Vitt, L. J. & Pianka, E. R. (eds) 1994: Lizard ecology. Historical and experimental perspectives. Zeigler, H. P. & Bischof, H.-J. (eds) 1993: Vision, brain, and behavior in birds. MIT Press, Cambridge. Springer, S. P. & Deutsch, G. (Hrsg.) 1995: Linkes-Rechtes Gehirn. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford. Chinery, M. 1993: Pareys Buch der Insekten—Ein Feldführer der europäischen Insekten. 2. Aufl., übersetzt und bearbeitet von Dr. Irmgard Jung und Dr. Dieter Jung.  相似文献   

Bailey, W. J., & J. Ridsdill-Smith, eds. (1991): Reproductive behaviour of insects: Individuals and populations (Fortpflanzungsverhatten von Insekten: Individuen und Populationen). Hughes, R. N., (ed.) (1993): Diet selection: an interdisciplinary approach to foraging behaviour (Ergebnisse zur Theorie des optimalen Futtersuchverhaltens). Charnov, E. L. (1993): Life history invariants. Some explorations of symmetry in evolutionary ecology (Konstanten des Lebenszyklus. Krebs, J. R., & N. B. Davies (1993): An introduction to behavioural ecology (Eine Einführung in die Verhaltensökologie). Walossek, D. (1993): The upper Cambrian Rehbachiella and the phylogeny of Brachiopoda and Crustacea (Rehbachiella aus dem oberen Kambrium und die Stammesgeschichte der Brachiopoda und Crustacea) Fossils and Strata Scandinavian University Press, Toyen. McGrew, W. C. (1992): Chimpanzee material culture. Implications for human evolution (Materielle Kultur der Schimpansen und Folgerungen für die Evolution des Menschen). Kämpfe, L., Hrsg. (1992): Evolution und Stammesgeschichte der Organismen (Evolution and phylogenesis of organisms). Heiligenberg, W. (1991): Neural nets in electric fish (Neuronale Netzwerke bei elektrischen Fischen). Estes, R. D. (1993): The safari companion: a guide to watching African mammals (Der Safari-Begleiter: ein Feldführer zur Beobachtung afrikanischer Säugetiere).  相似文献   

New Books     
Book reviewed in this article: Rosenblatt, J. S. & Snowdon , C. T. (eds.) 1996: Parental Care: Evolution, Mechanisms, and Adaptive Significance. Lehner , P. N. 1996: Handbook of Ethological Methods, 2nd Ed. Denoël , M. 1996: Etude comparée du comportement de cour de deux sousespèces du triton alpestre (A Comparative Study of Courtship Behaviour of Triturus alpestris alpestris Goldschmidt , T. 1996: Darwin's Dreampond. Drama in Lake Victoria. König, B. & Linsenmair , K. (eds.) 1996: Biologische Vielfalt (Beiträge aus Spektrum der Wissenschaft). Bruce V., Green P.G. & Georgeson M.A., 1996: Visual Perception. Physiology, Psychology, and Ecology. Roth, G. & Prinz , W. (eds.) 1996: Kopf-Arbeit. Ricklefs, R. E. & Finch , C. E. 1996: Altern: Evolutionsbiologie und medizinische Forschung. Hausser , J. (ed.) 1995: Säugetiere der Schweiz/Mammifères de la Suisse/Mammiferi della Svizzera — Verbreitung, Biologie, Ökologie/Répartition, Biologie, Ecologie/Distribuzione, Biologia, Ecologia. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Adar , M. (ed.). 1993. Bird Sounds (in Hebrew) Baumel , J.J., King , AS., Breazile , J.E., Evans , H.E. & Van den Berge Bergman , H.-H. 1993. Der Buchfink. Born , E.G. & Flores , D. 1993. The Mississippi Kite. Bhushan , B., Fry , G., Hibi , A., Mundkur , T., Prawiradilaga , D.M., Sonobe , K. & Usui , S. 1993. Clement , P., Harris , A. & Davis , J. 1993. Finches & Sparrows. An identification guide. Crawley , M.J. 1993. GLIM for Ecologists. Methods in ecology series. Dowsett , R.J. & Forbes -Watson , A. 1993. Checklist of Birds of the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions. Dowsett , R.J. & Dowsett -Lemaire , F. 1993. A Contribution to the Distribution and Taxonomy of Afrotropical and Malagasy Birds. Dvorak , M., Ranner . A. & Berg . H.-M. 1993. Atlas der Brutvögel Österreichs Glutz von Blotzheim , U.N. & Bauer , K.M. 1991. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas. Band 12/I and II: Passeriformes (3. Teil). Sylviidae. Harrison , C. & Greensmth , A. 1993. Birds of the World. Eyewitness Handbooks Hume , R. & Pearson , B. Seabirds. Martin , B. P. & Proud , A. 1993. Wildfowl of the British Isles and North-west Europe. Maclean , G.L. (ed.). 1993. Robert's Birds of Southern Africa. Mc Ferran , J.B. & Mc Nulty , M.S. (eds). Mc Gregor , P.K. (ed.). Mc Nicholl , K.M. & Cranmer -Byng , J.L. (eds). 1994. Ornithology in Ontario. Muñiz , A.M. & Rosello , E. (eds). 1993. Archaeornithology: Birds and the archaeological record. Archaeofauna (Revista de la Asociacion Española de Arqueozoología): 2. Norman , D. 1994. The Fieldfare. Ogilvie , M. & Pearson , B. 1994. Wildfowl Osing , H. 1993. Der Flußregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius). Redig , P.T., Cooper , J.E., Remple , J.D. & Hunter Ryabitsev , V.K. 1993. Territorial Relationships and Bird Community Dynamics in the Subarctic (In Russian, English contents.) Schepers , F.J. & Marteijn , C.L. (eds). 1993. Coastal Waterbirds in Gabon. Smley , C.G. & Monroe , B.L., Jr . 1993. A Supplement to Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Monroe , B.L., Jr . & Sibley , C.G. 1993. A World Checklist of Buds. Whylde , A. 1993. Threatened Mammals, Birds, Amphibians and Fish in Ireland. Irish Red Data Book 2: Vertebrates. Alderton , D. 1993. The Handbook of Cage and Aviary Birds. Boutin , J. 1993. Les Oiseaux de Camargue. Bransbury , J. 1992. Where to Find Birds in Australia. Camphuysen , C.J., Ensor , K., Furness , R.W., Garthe , S., Hüppop , O., Leaper , G., Offringer , H. & Tasker , M.L. 1993. Seabirds Feeding on Discards in Winter in the North Sea: Final report to the European Commission. Castroviejo , J. 1993. Mappa del Parque nacional de Doñana. Davis , S.M. & Ogden . J.C. (eds). 1994. Everglades: The ecosystem and its restoration. Department of the Environment . 1994. Biodiversity: The UK action plan. Epple , W. 1993. Eulen: Die geheimnisvollen Vagel der Nacht. Ken-nenlernen, erleben, schützen. Fernández -Cordeiro , A. & Dominguez , J. (eds). 1991. Actas do Pri-meiro Congreso Galego de Ornitoloxía. Cursos e Congressos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela no. Finlayson , C.M., Chuikov , Y.S., Prentice , R.C. & Fischer , W. (eds). 1993. Biogeography of the Lower Volga. Russia: An overview. Fisher , C. & Jones , P. (eds). 1993. Papers from the History of Ornithology Conference Gales , R. 1993. Co-operative Mechanisms for the Conservation of Albatross. Garcia , E. & Paterson , A. 1994. Where to Watch Buds in Southern Spain, Andalucía. Extremadura and Gibraltar. Grishchenko , V.N. & Skil's‘kii , I.V. (eds). 1994. Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists Ukraine, March 46.1994, Lutsk (in Russian). Library of journal “Berkut” 1. Holden , P. & Langman , M. 1994. Migrants and Migration. Kaufman , J. & Meng , H. 1992. Falcons Return. Keller , C.E. & Keller , T.C. 1993. Birds of Indianapolis: A guide to the region. Mc Eneaney , T. 1993. The Birder's Guide to Montana. Merritt , J.F. & Hannakan , C.J. (eds). 1992. Guide to Biological Field Stations: Directory of members Meschini , E. & Frugis , S. (eds). 1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Supplemento alle Ricerche di Biologia deb Selvaggina. Nethercoat , I. & Langman , M. 1994. Bird Identification and Field Craft. Hamlyn Young Ornithologists' Guides Oman Bird Records Commitee . 1994. Oman Bird List. The official list of the birds of the Sultanate of Oman. Renno , K.O. (compiler). 1993. Eesti Linnutatlas: Eesti haudelindude levikuatlas. Sen -Hsiong Wu & Hsiou Yin Yang . 1991. A guide to the birds of Taiwan (in Chinese). Simpson , K. & Day , N. 1994. Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. The most complete one-volume book of identification. Thalmann , G. (ed.). 1994. Thorburn's Atlas of European Birds. Tomer , J.S. & Brodhead , M.J. (eds). 1992. A Naturalist in Indian Territory. The journals of S.W. Woodhouse, 1849–50. Watkins , D. 1993. A National Plan for Shorebird Conservation in Australia. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network . 1993. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site profiles. World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cambridge Wynne , G. 1994. Biodiversity Challenge: An agenda for conservation action in the UK.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Edmunds , L. N. (1988): Cellular and molecular bases of biological clocks. Models and mechanisms for circadian timekeeping (Zelluläre und molekulare Grundlagen biologischer Uhren. Modelle und Mechanismen circadianer Zeitregelung). Stetson , M. H., ed. (1987): Processing of environmental information in vertebrates (Die Wirkung von Umwelteinflüssen auf Wirbeltiere). Poncin , P. (1988): Le contrôle environnemental et hormonal de la reproduction du barbeau, Barbus barbus (L.) et du chevaine, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) (Pisces Cyprinidae), en captivité (Die exogene und hormonelle Kontrolle der Fortpflanzung in Gefangenschaft bei Barbe und Döbel). Miura , T., ed. (1987): Seasonality of birth. Progress in biometeorology Vol. 6 (Die Saisonalität der Geburt. Fortschritte der Biometeorologie Bd. 6). Thorndyke , M. C., & G. J. Goldsworthy, eds. (1988): Neurohormones in invertebrates (Neurohormone bei Wirbellosen). Society for Experimental Biology. Descoins , C., & B. Frerot, eds. (1988): Médiateurs chimiques: comportement et systématique des Lépidoptères. Applications en agronomie (Chemical mediators: behaviour and systematics of Lepidoptera. Applications in agriculture). Fritzsch , B., M. J. Ryan , W. Wilczynski, T. E. Hetherington , & W. Walkowiak, eds. (1988): The evolution of the amphibian auditory system (Evolution des Gehörsystems der Amphibien). Akoev , G. N., N. P. Alekseev , & B. V. Krylov (1988): Mechanoreceptors. Their functional organization (Mechanorezeptoren und ihre Wirkungsweise). Seelen , W. v., G. Shaw , & U. M. Leinhos, eds. (1988): Organization of neural networks; structures and models (Analysen und Modelle zur Gehirnfunktion). Geschwind , N., & A. M. Galaburda, eds. (1984): Cerebral dominance. The biological foundations (Biologische Grundlagen der Hemisphärendominanz). Pöldinger , W., ed. (1987): Aspekte menschlichen Befindens und Verhaltens (Aspects of human feeling and behaviour). Wolf , G., ed. (1989): Fachlexikon ABC Neurobiologie (Dictionary of neurobiology).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Evolution and Classification: The Reformation of Cladism .—Mark Ridley.
Phylogenetic Systematics of the Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae) .—M. C. Roos.
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology: Volume 1 .—Richard Dawkins and Mark Ridley (eds.).
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology, Volume 2 .—R. Dawkins and M. Ridley (eds.) 1985.
An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa .—John J. Lee, Seymour H. Hutner, and Eugene Bovee (eds.).
Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes .—H. G. Moser, W. J. Richards, D. M. Cohen, M. P. Fahay, A. W. Kendall, Jr., and S. L. Richardson (eds.).
Morphometrics in Evolutionary Biology .—F. Bookstein, B. Chernoff, R. Elder, J. Humphries, G. Smith, and R. Strauss.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Journal of Biogeography》1997,24(1):119-125
Book reviewed in this article:
Turner, R.M., Bowers, J.E. and Burgess, T.L. (1995) Sonoran desert plants. An ecological atlas . Phoenix: The University of Arizona Press.
Mori, S.A. and Lepsch-Cunha, N. (1995) The Lecythidaceae of a Central Amazonian moist forest . Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Volume 75. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Mill, P.J. and McQuaid, C.D. (eds) (1995) Development in hydrobiology. Advances in littorinid biology . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nogrady, T., Pourriot, R. and Segers, H. (1995) Rotifera Volume 3: The Notommatidae and The Scaridiiae. Guides to the identification of the microinvertebrates of the continental waters of the world . Coordinating editor H.J.F. Dumont. Amsterdam: SPB Academic Publishing.
Chapman, G.P. & Thompson, M. (eds) (1994) Water and the quest for sustainable development in the Ganges Valley . Mansell, London.
Begon, M., Harper, J.L. and Townsend, C.R. (1996) Ecology. Individuals, populations and communities . 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Revista Geografica de America Central No. 27 . 1993. Heredia, Costa Rica: University National. 224pp., figs, tables. Paperback: Price unknown.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bakker, T. C. M., & K. Kortmulder, eds. (1990): Essays in honour of Piet Sevenster (Festschrift für Piet Sevenster). Bateson, P., ed. (1991): The development and integration of behaviour: Essays in honour of Robert Hinde (Verhaltensentwicklung. Baerends, G., C. Beer, & A. Manning, eds. (1976): Function and evolution in behaviour: Essays in honour of Professor Niko Tinbergen (Verhaltensanpassung. van der Dennen, J., & V. Falger, eds. (1990): Sociobiology and conflict. Evolutionary perspectives on competition, cooperation, violence and warfare (Soziobiologie und Konflikt. Vogel, C. (1989): Vom Töten zum Mord; das wirklich Böse in der Evolutionsgeschichte (From killing to murder; the real evil in evolution). Harcourt, A. H., & F. B. M. de Waal, eds. (1992): Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals (Bündnisse bei Menschen und anderen Tieren). Barnett, S. A. (1988): Biology and freedom. An essay on the implications of human ethology (Biologie und Freiheit. Mayr, E. (1991): One long argument. Charles Darwin and the genesis of modern evolutionary thought (Eine einzige lange Beweisführung. Harwood, J. (1993): Styles of scientific thought. The German genetics community 1900–1933 (Denkweisen der Wissenschaft. Deichmann, U. (1992): Biologen unter Hitler (Biologists in Germany, 1933–1945). Elgar, M. A., & B. J. Crespi, eds. (1992): Cannibalism. Ecology and evolution among diverse taxa (Kannibalismus. Foelix, R. F. (1992): Biologie der Spinnen (Biology of spiders. Moritz, R. F. A., & E. E. Southwick (1992): Bees as superorganisms. Baras, E. (1992): Étude des stratégies d'occupation du temps et de l'espace chez le barbeau fluviatile, Barbus barbus (L.). Lundberg, A., & R. V. Alatalo (1992): The pied flycatcher (Der Trauerschnäpper). Gaston, A. J. (1992): The ancient murrelet: a natural history in the Queen Charlotte Islands (Naturgeschichte der Silberalken auf den Queen Charlotte-Inseln). Epple, W. (1993): Schleiereulen (Barn owls). Schassburger, R. M. (1993): Vocal communication in the timber wolf, Canis lupus, Linnaeus. Haller, H. (1992): Zur Ökologie des Luchses Lynx lynx im Verlauf seiner Wiederansiedlung in den Walliser Alpen (Ecology of the lynx during its re-introduction in the Valais, Swiss Alps). Clutton-Brock, T. H., & S. D. Albon (1989): Red deer in the highlands (Rothirsche im Hochland). König, A. (1992): Untersuchungen zum Scanning-Verhalten beim Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus Erxleben 1777) (Scanning behaviour in marmosets). Ceska, V., H.-U. Hoffmann, & K.-H. Winkelsträter, eds. (1992): Lemuren im Zoo. Kummer, H. (1992): Weiße Affen am Roten Meer. Das soziale Leben der Wüstenpaviane (White monkeys at the Red Sea. Französische Ausgabe (1993): Vies de singes. M?urs et structures sociales des babouins hamadryas. Traduction autorisée par O. Mannoni; Ed. Estes, R. (1991): The behavior guide to African mammals (Feldführer zum Verhalten afrikanischer Säugetiere).  相似文献   

A lstrom , P., C olston , P. & L ewington , I. 1991, A Field Guide to the Rare Birds of Britain and Europe
A mos , E.J.R. 1991. A Guide to The Birds of Bermuda
B enito -E spinal .E. 1990. OiseauxdesPetites Antilles. Birds of the West Indies
D owner , A. & S utton , R. 1990. Birds of Jamaica: Field guide
B irkhead , T.R. & M øller , A.P. 1992. Sperm Competition in Birds: Evolutionary causes and consequences
B rooke , M. & B irkhead , T. (eds) 1991. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ornithology
F orshaw J. (ed.) 1991. Encyclopedia of Animals: Birds
D eeming , D.C. & F erguson , M.W.J, (eds) 1991. Egg Incubation: its effects on embryonic development in birds and reptiles
D owner , A. & S utton , R. 1990. Birds of Jamaica: Field guide
F ehr , H. 1991. Die Vögel in Norden des Kreises Aachen
F inlayson , M. & M oser . M. (EDS) 1991. Wetlands
F orshaw . J. (ED) 1991. Encyclopedia of Animals: Birds
H epper . P.G. (ed.) 1991. Kin Recognition
H eches R.N. (ed.) 1990. Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection
J obling , J.A. 1991. A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names
J ohnsgard , P. 1991 Crane Music. A natural history of American cranes
L ohmann , M. & R utschke , E. 1991. Vogelparadiese: 170 Biotope in Deutschland. Band 3: Ost- und Mitteldeutschland
L ongmore , W. 1991. Honeyeaters and their Allies of Australia
M aclean . G. L. 1990. Ornithology for Africa
Pinowski. J. K avanagh , B.P. & G orski . W. (eds) 1991. Nestling Mortality of Granivorous Birds due to Microorganisms and Toxic Substances
S ibley . C.G. & M onroe . B.L., Jr. 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World
V oisin , C, 1991. The Herons of Europe  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
A ndrle , R.F. & C arroll , J.R. (eds) 1988. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State.
B ergerud , A.T. & G ratson , M.W. (eds) 1988. Adaptive Strategies and Population Ecology of Northern Grouse.
C ooper , M.E. 1987. An Introduction to Animal Law.
G oriup , P.D. (ed.) 1988. Ecology and Conservation of Grassland Birds.
H udson , P.J. & R ands , M.R. 1988. Ecology and Management of Gamebirds.
J anssen , R.B. 1987. Birds in Minnesota.
J ones , P.H. 1988. The Natural History of Bardsey.
K ondratiev , A. YA. (ed.) 1988. Bulletin of the Working Group on Waders.
L ardelli , R. 1988. Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti net Mendrisiotto.
M arle , J.G. van & V oous , K.H. 1988. The Birds of Sumatra. B.O.U. Check-list No. 10.
P almer , R.S. (ed.) 1988. Handbook of North American Birds; Volumes 4 & 5: Diurnal Raptors.
R ose , M.R. 1987. Quantitative Ecological Theory: an Introduction to Basic Models.
S chleidt , V.M. (ed.) 1988. Der Kreis urn Konrad Lorenz.
S ick , H. 1985. Ornitologia Brasileira. 3rd edition. Vols I and II.
S ummers -S mith , J.D. 1988. The Sparrows.
S iokhin , V.D., C hernichko , I.I., A rdamatskaya , T.B. et al. 1988. Colonial Waterbirds in the Southern Ukraine: Charadriiformes.
T emple , S.A. & C ary , J.R. 1987. Wisconsin Birds: A Seasonal and Geographical Guide.
T rounson , D. & T rounson , M. 1987. Australia Land of Birds.
W oods , R.W. 1988. Guide to Birds of the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
B aker . K. 1993. Identification Guide to European Non-passerines.
B arnard . C., G ilbert , F. & M c G regor
B askett , T.S., S ayre . M.W., T omlinson , R.E. & M irarchi .
B ezzel . E. 1993. Kompendium der Vögel Mitteleuropas.
B right , M. 1993. The Private Life of Birds.
C ook , M. 1992. The Birds of Moray and Nairn.
D avison . G.W.H. 1992. Birds of Mount Kinabalu. Borneo.
E rritzoe . J. 1993. The Buds of CITES and How to Identify Them.
F arner , D.S., K ing , J.R. & P arkes , K.C.
G ibbons , D.W., R eid , J.B. & C hapman . R.A. (eds). 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland.
H illman , J.C.
H uxley . E.
J ackson . C.E. 1993. Great Bird Paintings of the World.
J ohnsgard . P.A. 1993. Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World.
M adge . S. & B urn , H. 1994. Crows and Jays. A Guide to the Crows, Jays and Magpies of the World.
N icolai . B. (ed.).
P ower , D.M. (ed.).
P riklonskiy . S.G. (ed.).
R alph . R. 1993. William MacGillivray.
R obinson , D. & C hapman , A.
S harp . P.J. 1993. Avian Endocrinology.
S mith , K.W., D fe , C.W., F earnside . J.D., F letcher , E.W. & S mith , R.N.
S olomon . D. & W illiams , J.
S ørensen , S., B loch . D. & L angvad . S.
Z immerman , J.L.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
BEAMAN, M. 1994. Palearctic Birds: A checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia north of the foothills of the Himalayas
COOKE, F., ROCKWELL, R. F. & LANK, D. B. 1995. The Snow Geese of La Perouse Bay: Natural selection in the wild
CRAMP. S. & PERRINS, C.M. (eds). 1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The birds of the western palearctic. Volume VIII: Crows to Finches
DAVIES, M.N.O. & GREEN. P.R.(eds). 1994. Perception and Motor Control in Birds: An ecological approach
DAZLEY, R. A. & TRODD, P. 1994. An Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Bedfordshire 1988–92
DEL HOYO. J., ELLIOTT. A. & SARGATAL, J. (eds). 1994. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl
EVANS, M.I. 1994. Important Bird Areas in the Middle East
KEMP, A. 1995. The Hornbills
LEIBAK, E., LILLELEHT. V. & VEROMANN, H. (eds). 1994. Birds of Estonia.
LEVER, C. 1994. Naturalized Animals
NIGHTINGALE, T. & HILL. M. 1993. Birds of Bahrain
PAULSON, D. 1993. Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest
POOLE, A.F. & GILL, F.B. (eds). 1994. The Birds of North America: Life histories for the 21st century. Nos 81–120
POONSWAD, P. & KEMP, A. (eds). 1993. Manual to the Conservation of Asian Hornbills
KEMP, A. 1995. The Hornbills
SILVA, T. 1993. A Monograph of Macaws and Conures
TUCKER, G.M. & HEATH, M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: Their conservation status
WEINER, J. 1994. The Beak of the Finch—Evolution in real time
WILLIAMS, T.D. 1995. The Penguins: Spheniscidae
WINKLER, H. CHRISTIE, D.A. & NURNEY, D. 1995. Woodpeckers: A guide to the woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks of the world  相似文献   

Aspinwall , D.R. & Beel , C. A Field Guide to Zambian Birds not Found in Southern Africa. Beaman , M. & MADGE, S. The Handbook of Bird Identification for Europe and the Western Palearctic. Beletsky , L. The Ecotraveller's Guide to Belize and Northern Guatemala. Bellairs , R. & Osmond , M. The Atlas of Chick Development. 323 + xii pages, 63 figures, 8 tables, 2 appendices. London: Academic Press, 1998. Bibby , C, Jones , M. & Marsden , S. Expedition Field Techniques: Bird Surveys. Byrkjedal , I. & Thompson , D.B.A. Tundra Plovers: the Eurasian, Pacific and American Golden Plovers and Grey Plover. Devort , M. (ed.) The Snipe: Elements of an Action Plan. Erritzoe , J. & Erritzoe , H.B. Pittas of the World. A Monograph on the Pitta Family. Feare , C. & Craig , A. Starlings and Mynas. Frith , C.B. & Beehler , B.M. The Birds of Paradise. Knobil , E. & Neill , J.D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Reproduction. Mc Cullough , D.R. (ed.) Metapopulations and Wildlife Conservation. Meyburg , B.U., Chancellor , R.D. & Ferrero , J.J. (eds) Holarctic Birds of Prey: Proceedings of an International Conference. Mock , D.W. & Parker , G.A. The Evolution of Sibling Rivalry. Morris , P. & Hawkins , F. Birds of Madagascar: a Photographic Guide. Sinclair , I. & Langrand , O. Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands. Murrey , R.D., Holling , M., Dott , H.E.M. & Vandome , P. (eds) The Breeding Birds of South-east Scotland. A Tetrad Atlas 1988–1994. Oatley , T. & Arnott , G. Robins of Africa. Osborne , J. The Ruby-throated Hummingbird. DE LA Peña M.R. & Rumboll , R. Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica. Polhill , R. & Wiens , D. Mistletoes of Africa. Rothstein , S.I. & Robinson , S.K. (eds) Parasitic Birds and Their Hosts: Studies in Coevolution. Schmid , H., Luder , R., Naef -Daenzer , B., Graf , R. & Zbinden . N. Schweizer Brutvogelatlas: Verbreitung der Brutvögel in der Schweiz und im Fürstentum Liechtenstein 1993–1996. Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de Suisse: Distribution des Oiseaux Nicheurs en Suisse et au Liechtenstein en 1993–1996. Strads , M. Latvian Countryside Birds. Tennekes , H. The Simple Science of Flight: from Insects to Jumbo Jets. Vaughan , R. Seabird City: a Guide to the Breeding Seabirds of the Flamborough Headlands. Woods , R.W. & Woods , A. Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Falkland Islands. Blokhin , YU.YU. & Mazin , L.N. (eds) Problems of Conservation of Poorly-studied Fauna of the North, Parts 1–2 (in Russian, with English summaries). Bocca , M. & Maffei , G. Gli Uccelli della Valle d'Aosta: Indagine Bibliografica e Dati Inediti. 307 pages, 75 color photos, few black-and-white illustrations and tables. Aosta: Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta, 1997 Girard , O. Echassiers, Canards et Limicoles de I'Ouest Africain. [Waterbirds of West Africa]. 136 pages, 22 colour plates, many illustrations, figures, maps. Le Château d'Olonne: Castel Editions, 1998 Ca. Low, R. Hancock House Encyclopedia of the Lories. 432 pages, 140 colour photographs. Surrey, BC: Stagg , A. & Hearl , G. A Birdwatching Guide to Cyprus. 85 pages, colour photographs, maps. Chelmsford: Arlequin, 1998 van Wetten , J.C.J. & Spierenburg , P. (eds) Waders and Waterfowl in the Floodplains of the Logone, Cameroun, January, 1993 . 76 pages, tables, maps. WIWO Report No. 67. Zeist: Working Group International Waterbird & Wetland Research,  相似文献   

New Books     
Factor , J. R. (ed) 1995: Biology of the lobster Homarus americanus. Hölldobler, B. & Wilson, E. O. 1995: Ameisen. Terman , M. R. 1996: Messages from an owl. Williams , T. D. 1995: The penguins. With contributions by R. P. Wilson , P. D. Boersma & D. L. Stokes . Leyhausen , P. 1996: Katzenseele. Wesen und Sozialverhalten. Alterman, L., Doyle, G. A. & Izard , M. K. (eds) Heymer, A. 1995: Die Pygmäen. Menschenforschung im afrikanischen Regenwald.  相似文献   

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