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Despite continuous efforts since the 1950s and more recent advances in culturing flagellates and nonflagellate cells of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis, a number of different life‐cycle models exist today that appear to apply for P. globosa Scherff. and P. antarctica G. Karst., both spherical colony formers. In one such model, this life cycle consists of three different flagellates and one nonmotile cell stage that is embedded in carbohydrate matrix‐forming colonies of different sizes and forms. Recently, noncolonial aggregates of diploid nonmotile cells attached to surfaces of diatoms were put forward as a new stage in the sexual life cycle of P. antarctica. However, it can be discussed that these “attached aggregates” (AAs) are an intermediate between motile diploid flagellates, with their well‐known tendency to adhere to surfaces, and the young spherical colony with its diploid nonmotile cells, which in nature is commonly found attached to diatoms. A life‐cycle model pertaining to both P. globosa and P. antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

Two morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann 1902) Hay et al. 1967, types A and B, known to be unequally distributed in the oceans, were grown in dilution cultures at a range of photon flux densities (PFDs) (1.5–155 μmol photons·m?2·s?1) and two temperatures (10° and 15° C). Calcite carbon and organic carbon content of the cells as well as instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties clearly depended on growth conditions and differed considerably for the two morphotypes. The ratio between calcite carbon and organic carbon production showed an optimum of 0.65 in E. huxleyi type A cells at PFD = 17.5. The ratio increased slightly with a temperature increase from 10° to 15°C but remained < 1.0 at both temperatures in light-limited cells. In contrast, calcite carbon production exceeded organic carbon production (ratio: 1.4–2.2) in phosphate-deprived cultures. Emiliania huxleyi type B generally showed a higher calcite carbon/organic carbon ratio than E. huxleyi type A, but the relation with PFD was similar. The content of calcite carbon and organic carbon as well as the instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties showed large diel variations that were closely related to the division cycle. Our results show the importance of mapping the structure of any sampled cell population with respect to the phase in the cell division cycle, as this largely determines the outcome of not only “per cell” measurements but also short time (less than 24 h) flux measurements. For instance, dark production of calcite by E. huxleyi was negatively affected by cell division. Slowly growing (phosphate-stressed) cultures produced calcite in the light and in the dark. In contrast, rapidly growing cultures at 10°C produced calcite only in the light, whereas in the dark there was a significant loss of calcite due to dissolution.  相似文献   

Filaments ejected by Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel, organized in star-like structures, were observed and analyzed before and after their discharge from cells. Ultrastructural observations obtained after cryofixation and cryosubstitution led to a model for their storage within the cell and for their ejection from the cell. Electron diffraction analysis on the ejected filaments demonstrated their chitinous composition. This technique indicated without ambiguity that each filament was in fact a whisker-like α-chitin crystal, with the axes of the corresponding polymer chains aligned with the filament's axis. X-ray microanalysis of the mats of filaments indicated that the silica content suggested by earlier workers was an artifact resulting from the filtration procedure.  相似文献   

Cell characteristics of two axenic marine phytoplankton species, Micromonas pusilla (Butscher) Manton et Parke and Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim, were followed during viral infection using flow cytometry. Distinct differences between noninfected and infected cultures were detected in the forward scatter intensities for both algal species. Changes in side scatter signals on viral infection were found only for P. pouchetii. Chlorophyll red fluorescence intensity per cell decreased gradually over time in the infected cultures. DNA analyses were performed using the nucleic acid–specific fluorescent dye SYBR Green I. Shortly after infection the fraction of algal cells with more than one genome equivalent increased for both species because of the replication of viral DNA in the infected cells. Over time, a population of algal cells with low red autofluorescence and low DNA fluorescence developed, likely representing algal cells just prior to viral lysis. The present study provides insight into basic virus–algal host cell interactions. It shows that flow cytometry can be a useful tool to discriminate between virus infected and noninfected phytoplankton cells.  相似文献   

We examined cell morphology, ploidy level, cell size, pigment composition, and genome size in 16 cultured strains of Phaeocystis Lagerheim. Two strains originated from the Antarctic, 3 from the tropical Western Atlantic, and 11 from temperate regions (Eastern Atlantic, English Channel, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea). Thirteen strains made colonies morphologically similar to P. glo-bosa Scherffel, whereas three never formed colonies under any circumstances. Five-rayed star-like structures with filaments were observed in 11 strains. In several strains, two ploidy levels were observed, one (haploid) linked to flagellates and one (diploid) linked to colonies. Cell size did not appear to be a very good criterion for distinguishing strains since size distributions overlapped. Pigment analysis by reversed-phase-high-performance liquid chroma-tography allowed the strains to be grouped into three clusters that differed from each other mainly by the relative proportions of three carotenoids: fucoxanthin, 19′-hex-anoyloxyfucoxanthin, and diadinoxanthin. All strains contained low levels of 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin. Differences in genome size measured by flow cytometry delimited at least five groups. On the basis of both pigment composition and genome size, six clusters were defined, one corresponding to an Antarctic species (possibly P. antarc-tica), one to P. globosa, and the rest probably to several yet-undescribed species or subspecies. Two main conclusions emerge from this study. First, the taxonomy of the genus Phaeocystis needs to be clarified through a combination of morphological, biochemical, and molecular studies. Second, sexuality is a prevalent phenomenon in Phaeocystis, but controls of the sexual cycle are most likely strain-dependent.  相似文献   

Two different fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugates were used to analyze the effect of labeling intensity on the flow cytometric appearance of marine dinoflagellates labeled with antibodies that specifically recognized the outer cell wall. Location of the labeling was revealed by epifluorescence and real-time confocal laser scanning microscopy using an anti-rabbit IgG/FITC-conjugated secondary antiserum. Flow cytometric measurements showed that cells of Prorocentrum species labeled this way could not always be distinguished from unlabeled cells. The labeling intensity increased several times when a biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG secondary antiserum was used in combination with a streptavidin/FITC conjugate. Flow cytometry indicated that the labeling intensity had increased 50%, which resulted in an improved separation of clusters of labeled and unlabeled cells.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community structure of a hypertrophic lake was quantitatively determined with the aid of flow cytometry. The flow cytometry signals were calibrated to obtain cell‐specific information, such as the chl a content and the biovolume per cell. The reliability of this method was tested with laboratory cultures. The results of the phytoplankton structure in a hypertrophic lake with respect to chl distribution in the different algal groups obtained by flow cytometry were compared with the results from HPLC pigment fingerprinting. Both methods yield the percentage contribution of the different algal groups to total chl a. The chl a specific absorption coefficient of the phytoplankton (a*Phy) was determined via visible (VIS) spectroscopy of samples taken from a hypertrophic lake (Auensee) in 2003. The results indicated that a*Phy of the total cell suspension is dependent on the phytoplankton structure as well as on environmental factors. The linear relationship between a*Phy at 675 nm and the product of the chl a content per cell and the biovolume offered the possibility to normalize phytoplankton absorption spectra to acquire the taxon‐specific a*Phy. The estimated a*Phy (675 nm) values were used to normalize single cell absorption spectra at this wavelength to obtain the a*Phy between 400 and 750 nm for representatives of the major algal groups. Our measurements show that the absorption coefficient for the whole phytoplankton community varies within the season. Finally, we used the a*Phy and the chl a distribution to calculate the light absorption of each algal group in the hypertrophic lake.  相似文献   

The toxic marine dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebor) Balech and A. catenella (Whedon and Kofoid) Taylor have been mainly responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning in Japan. Rapid and precise identification of these algae has been difficult because this genus contains many morphologically similar toxic and nontoxic species. Here, we report a rapid, precise, and quantitative identification method using three fluorescent, rRNA‐targeted, oligonucleotide probes for A. tamarense (Atm1), A. catenella (Act1), and the nontoxic A. affine (Inoue et Fukuyo; Aaf1). Each probe was species specific when applied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). None of the probes reacted with three other Alexandrium spp., A. lusitanicum Balech, A. ostenfeldii (Paulsen) Balech & Tangen, and A. insuetum Balech, or with eight other microalgae, including Gymnodinium mikimotoi Miyake et Kominami ex Oda and Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hara et Chihara, suggesting that the species specificity of each probe was very high. Cells labeled with fluorescein 5‐isothiocyanate–conjugated probes showed strong green fluorescence throughout the whole cell except for the nucleus. FISH could be completed within 1 h and largely eliminated the need for identifying species based on key morphological criteria. More than 80% of targeted cells of both species could be identified by microscopy and quantified during growth up to the early stationary phase; more than 70% of cells could be detected in the late stationary phase. The established FISH protocol was found to be a specific, rapid, precise, and quantitative method that might prove to be a useful tool to distinguish and quantify Alexandrium cells collected from Japanese coastal waters.  相似文献   

Culture strains of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann 1902) Hay et al. 1967 were placed into two groups designated E. huxleyi type A and type B on the basis of coccolith morphology and immunological properties of the coccolith polysaccharide. We studied the distribution of these types in the North Atlantic region using an indirect immunofluorescence assay with antisera directed against the coccolith polysaccharide of E. huxleyi type A and type B and epifluorescence microscopy. In field samples taken in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, E. huxleyi type A was found exclusively. In contrast, type B was dominant in the North Sea. Scanning electron microscopy of the samples revealed the same unequal distribution of the two types as found with the immunofluorescent-labelling assay.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton can be physically associated. Such association has recently been hypothesized to be involved in the toxicity of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium. However, the methods, which have been used so far to identify, localize, and quantify bacteria associated with phytoplankton, are either destructive, time consuming, or lack precision. In the present study we combined tyramide signal amplification–fluorescent in situ hybridization (TSA‐FISH) with confocal microscopy to determine the physical association of dinoflagellate cells with bacteria. Dinoflagellate attached microflora was successfully identified with TSA‐FISH, whereas FISH using monolabeled probes failed to detect bacteria, because of the dinoflagellate autofluorescence. Bacteria attached to entire dinoflagellates were further localized and distinguished from those attached to empty theca, by using calcofluor and DAPI, two fluorochromes that stain dinoflagellate theca and DNA, respectively. The contribution of specific bacterial taxa of attached microflora was assessed by double hybridization. Endocytoplasmic and endonuclear bacteria were successfully identified in the nonthecate dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum. In contrast, intracellular bacteria were not observed in either toxic or nontoxic strains of Alexandrium spp. Finally, the method was successfully tested on natural phytoplankton assemblages, suggesting that this combination of techniques could prove a useful tool for the simultaneous identification, localization, and quantification of bacteria physically associated with dinoflagellates and more generally with phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Phosphate acquisition in algae is an important process in ecosystem development. To explore exogenous alkaline phosphatase activity, a laboratory culture of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard was investigated by fluorometric and cytometric techniques. Two fluorogenic substrates, 4‐methyl‐umbelliferone‐phosphate (MUP) and 3,6‐fluorescein‐diphosphate, were applied to examine induction of phosphorus regeneration as well as enzyme dynamics in P‐starved cells. Fluorometric analysis revealed the absence of constitutive or secretory phosphatases but traced the induction of surface‐bound exogenous phosphatases with a cellular Km of 52 μM MUP. In cytometric assays, single‐cell phosphate acquisition was examined. Exogenous phosphatase activity was detectable from cell halos and recorded continuously as the slope on fluorescence increase and cellular steady state of fluorochrome production. An experimental time course on P‐starvation indicated the induction of a phosphatase system after 4 days. The use of flow cytometry in combination with specific fluorogenic substrates is a valuable tool for fine‐tuned single‐cell analysis of phosphatase activity in algal communities.  相似文献   

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