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A fine structure of cell wall lamellae in a coenocytic green algaBoergesenia forbesii was examined by electron microscopy. The wall has a polylamellate structure containing cellulose microfibrils 25 to 30 nm in diameter. The outer surface of the cell was covered by a thin structureless lamella, underneath which existed a lamella containing randomly-oriented microfibrils. The major part of the wall consisted of two types of lamellae, multifibrillar lamella and a transitional, matrix-rich one. In the former, microfibrils were densely arranged more or less parallel with each other. In the transitional lamella, existing between the multifibrillar ones, the microfibril orientation shifted about 30° within the layer. The fibril orientation also shifted 30° between adjacent transitional and multifibrillar layers, and consequently the microfibril orientation in the neighboring multifibrillar layers shifted 90°. It was concluded that the orientation rotated counterclockwise when observed from inside the cell. Each lamella in the thallus wall become thinner with cell expansion, but no reorientation of microfibrils in the outer old layers was observed. In the rhizoid, the outer lamellae sloughed off with the tip growth.  相似文献   

Beutlich  A.  Borstelmann  B.  Reddemann  R.  Speckenbach  K.  Schnetter  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):425-434
Life history studies were carried out with isolates of Boergesenia forbesii (from Western Australia), Valonia fastigiata (Hawaii) and V. utricularis (Canary Islands, Mediterranean Sea) cultivated under laboratory conditions. Ploidy levels of nuclei were identified by micro spectrophotometric DNA content measurements after Feulgen staining. Fundamentally, the life history in both genera is diplohaplontic. Autodiploidization phenomena have been observed favoring the diploid generation. In contrast to other genera of the Siphonocladales s. str. producing biflagellate diploid zoospores (e.g. Ernodesmis, Boodlea), Valonia develops haploid and diploid zoospores with four flagella. No diploid zoospores were observed in Boergesenia.  相似文献   

Summary Microfibrillar textures and orientation of cellulose microfibrils (MFs) in the coenocytic green alga,Boergesenia forbesii, were investigated by fluorescence and electron microscopy. Newly formed aplanosporic spherical cells inBoergesenia start to form cellulose MFs on their surfaces after 2 h of culture at 25°C. Microfibrillar orientation becomes random, fountain-shaped, and helicoidal after 2, 4, and 5 h, respectively. The fountain orientation of MFs is usually apparent prior to helicoidal MF orientation and thus may be considered to initiate helicoid formation. Microfibrils continue to take on the helicoidal arrangement during the growth ofBoergesenia thallus. The helicoidal orientation of MFs occurs through gradual counterclockwise change in MF deposition by terminal complexes (TCs) viewed from inside the cell. On the dorsal side of curving TC impressions in helicoidal texture formation on a freeze-fractured plasma membrane, the aggregation of intramembranous particles (IMPs) occurs. Membrane flow may thus possibly affect the regulation of helicoidal orientation inBoergesenia. Following treatment with 3 M amiprophos-methyl (APM) or 1 mM colchicine, cortical microtubules (MTs) completely disappear within 24 h but helicoidal textures formation is not affected. With 15 M cytochalasin B or 30 M phalloidin, however, the helicoidal orientation of MFs becomes random. Treatment with CaCl2 (10 mM) causes the helicoidal MF orientation of cells to become random, but co-treatment with N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide (W-7) (100 mM) prevents this effect, though W-7 has no effect on the helicoidal MF formation. It thus follows that MF orientation inBoergesenia possibly involves actin whose action may be regulated by calmodulin.Abbreviations APM amiprophos-methyl - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - IMP intramembranous particle - MF microfibril - MT microtubule - TC terminal complex; W-7 N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide  相似文献   

Mitosis in vegetative cells of the siphonocladalean algaBoergesenia forbesii (Harvey) Feldmann was investigated mainly by electron microscopy. The mitotic spindle was centric and closed. The interphase nucleus contained a spherical nucleolus. The nucleolus was slightly dispersed at prophase, but nucleolar materials remained during nearly all stages of mitosis. Kinetochores were evident on chromosomes. The polar regions of nuclear envelope had no fenestrae during mitosis. Anaphase separation of the chromosomes was asynchronous. Elongation of interzonal spindle at telophase separated the two daughter nuclei widely. The ultrastructural features of mitosis inB. forbesii revealed by the present investigation are compared with those of other siphonous and siphonocladous algae in the Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Phyllosiphon arisari Kühn (Phyllosiphonaceae, Chlorophyta) commonly occurs in Arisarum leaves in coastal Mediterranean areas of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic islands. The genus Phyllosiphon was first considered to be a member of the Xanthophyceae but was later transferred to the chlorophytes. However, there are few data about its morphology, ultrastructure, ecology or phylogenetic affinities. In this paper we describe the morphology of Phyllosiphon, as studied in field material and in culture; the fine structure, analysed by transmission electron microscopy; and phylogenetic relationships, inferred from DNA sequences. The siphonous filaments were seen to divide and penetrate leaf tissues. The cytoplasm divided into spherical or subspherical sporocysts producing autospores inside. Cytoplasmic remains could be observed between autospores or on their cell walls. Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA and 16S rDNA sequences showed that the closest relatives of Phyllosiphon are subaerial strains of Heterochlorella, Heveochlorella and Kalinella, demonstrating that Phyllosiphon should be transferred to Trebouxiophyceae. An evolution from unicells to a siphonous thallus, and from aerophytic to endophytic and parasitic habits, is proposed for Trebouxiophyceae.  相似文献   

The behaviors of nuclei and microtubules (MT) in Acrosiphonia duriuscula (Ruprecht) Collins were observed in detail using fluorescence and electron microscopy. Numerous nuclei exist in cells of A. duriuscula (multinucleate cells). Cortical MT radiate from the apex of the tip cell and run parallel to its long axis. Between 30 and 40% of nuclei in the upper part of cytoplasm migrate downward to the region where cytokinesis will take place, and these numerous nuclei form a ‘nuclear ring’ before mitosis. The parallel array of the cortical MT changes to a transverse orientation at the region where cytokinesis will take place, and finally forms a characteristic circumferential band. Mitosis starts from the nuclei in the ring. Cortical MT disappear in the region of the nuclear ring and many mitotic spindles form. The band-shaped array of MT remains. Mitosis spreads in an apparent wave to the other nuclei. After mitosis, daughter nuclei that formed a nuclear ring migrate apically and repopulate the apical daughter cell. When the numerous daughter nuclei have relocated, a rearrangement of the cortical MT occurs. They are randomly arranged at first, but finally become parallel to the long axis of the cell. Cytokinesis occurs by furrowing of the cell, and the band-shaped array of MT could be detected at the leading edge of the furrow.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the Polo-like kinase (Plk) family are active in the pathways controlling mitosis in several species. We have cloned cDNA fragments of the porcine homologues of Plk1, Plk2, and Plk3 employing fetal fibroblasts as source. All three partial cDNAs showed high sequence homology with their mouse and human counterparts and contained the Polo box, a domain characteristic for all Polo kinases. The expression levels of Plk1 mRNA at various points of the cell cycle in synchronized porcine fetal fibroblasts were analyzed by both RT-PCR and the ribonuclease protection assay. Plk1 mRNA was barely detectable in G0 and G1, increased during S phase and peaked after the G2/M transition. A monoclonal antibody was generated against an in vitro expressed porcine Plk1-protein fragment and used to detect changes in Plk1 expression at the protein level. Plk1 protein was first detected by immunoblotting at the beginning of S phase and was highest after the G2/M transition. In summary, the Plk1 expression pattern in the pig is similar to that reported for other species. The absence of Plk1 mRNA and protein appears to be a good marker for G0/G1 and thus for the selection of donor cells for nuclear transfer based somatic cloning.  相似文献   

Summary Chinese hamster ovary cells were synchronized into purified populations of viable G1-, S-, G2-, and M-phase cells by a combination of methods, including growth arrest, aphidicolin block, cell cycle progression, mitotic shake-off, and centrifugal elutriation. The DNA content and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) labeling index were measured in each purified fraction by dual-parameter flow cytometry. The cell cycle distributions determined from the DNA measurements alone (single parameter) were compared with those calculated from both DNA and BrdUrd data (dual parameter). The results show that highly purified cells can be obtained using these methods, but the assessed purity depends on the method of cell cycle analysis. Using the single versus dual parameter measurement to determine cell cycle distributions gave similar results for most phases of the cell cycle, except for cells near the transition from G1- to S-phase and S- to G2-phase. There the BrdUrd labeling index determined by flow cytometry was more sensitive for detecting small amounts of DNA synthesis. As an alternative to flow cytometry, a simple method of measuring BrdUrd labeling index on cell smears was used and gave the same result as flow cytometry. Measuring both DNA content and DNA synthesis improves characterization of synchronized cell populations, especially at the transitions in and out of S-phase, when cells are undergoing dramatic shifts in biochemical activity.  相似文献   

Cyclin‐dependent kinases, the most notable of which is cdc2, are key regulators of the cell cycle and are highly conserved in evolution. We have cloned and analyzed one cDNA containing an open reading frame of 337 amino acids from a multinucleate, multicellular green alga, Acrosiphonia duriuscula (Ruprecht) Collins. The deduced protein, named Adcdc2‐1, showed 51% and 54% amino acid sequence identity to yeast cdc2/cdc28 and human cdc2, respectively. Several domains that characterize the cdc2‐related kinases were identified from this sequence, although the PSTAIRE motif was replaced with PPTTIRE. Furthermore, this protein has conserved Tyr and Thr residues that are sites of phosphorylation in cdc2‐related kinases and are important for regulating kinase activity. The present results suggest that the universal cdc2 is conserved in algae with unique structural characteristics.  相似文献   

The cell cycle has been extensively studied in various organisms, and the recent access to an overwhelming amount of genomic data has given birth to a new integrated approach called comparative genomics. Comparing the cell cycle across species shows that its regulation is evolutionarily conserved; the best-known example is the pivotal role of cyclin-dependent kinases in all the eukaryotic lineages hitherto investigated. Interestingly, the molecular network associated with the activity of the CDK-cyclin complexes is also evolutionarily conserved, thus, defining a core cell cycle set of genes together with lineage-specific adaptations. In this paper, we describe the core cell cycle genes of Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest free-living eukaryotic cell having a minimal cellular organization with a nucleus, a single chloroplast, and only one mitochondrion. This unicellular marine green alga, which has diverged at the base of the green lineage, shows the minimal yet complete set of core cell cycle genes described to date. It has only one homolog of CDKA, CDKB, CDKD, cyclin A, cyclin B, cyclin D, cyclin H, Cks, Rb, E2F, DP, DEL, Cdc25, and Wee1. We have also added the APC and SCF E3 ligases to the core cell cycle gene set. We discuss the potential of genome-wide analysis in the identification of divergent orthologs of cell cycle genes in different lineages by mining the genomes of evolutionarily important and strategic organisms.  相似文献   

Female gametogenesis was studied in the dioecious siphonous green alga Codium fragile subsp. novae‐zelandiae (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva using light and electron microscopy. Early during gametogenesis the protoplasm was uniform; then it separated in portions, while fusiform chloroplasts and nuclei increased in numbers. Some features of the nuclear divisions were similar to those of other Bryopsidophyceae. They were acentric and semi‐open. Pairs of parallel electron‐dense lines resembling synaptonemic complexes were observed in several prophase nuclei indicating meioses. In metaphase the nuclear envelope showed polar fenestrae from which the spindle emerged. No spindle microtubule nucleating material was visible and chromosome kinetochores were evident. Mature female gametes were pyriform with a hyaline anterior end from which the two flagella emerged. Mature gametes had a spherical nucleus surrounded by a mitochondrion and numerous discoid chloroplasts. Female gametes germinated parthenogenetically in culture and also inside gametangia, involving loss of flagella, rounding and lengthening of cells, multiplication of chloroplasts with well developed thylakoid systems, vacuolization and synthesis of a fibrillar cell wall.  相似文献   

Disassembly and reassembly of cortical microtubules (MT) during and after segregative cell division (SCO) in Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (Forssk.) Børgesen were observed using fluorescence microscopy. Parallel cortical MT in a mother cell were intact just after the initiation of SCD, but soon circular, MT-free patches appeared. Protoplasmic contraction enlarged the patches, and in these areas, the protoplasm eventually became perforated. Long and undulating cortical MT were arranged densely in the reticulate protoplasm. During further protoplasmic contraction, cortical MT appeared to be random and decreased in density. Finally, short and random cortical MT were present in the segregated protoplasts. Parallel cortical MT reassembled in the expanding daughter cells. After the daughter cells came in contact with one another, a radial system of cortical MT was constructed at the side that faced the inside of the mother cell wall. A microtubule inhibitor (amiprophos methyl, APM) had no effect on SCO. Segregative cell division was not induced directly by mechanical wounding. A comparison between SCO and wound-induced protoplasmic contraction was made.  相似文献   

The green microalga Apatococcus lobatus is widely distributed in terrestrial habitats throughout many climatic zones. It dominates green biofilms on natural and artificial substrata in temperate latitudes and is regarded as a key genus of obligate terrestrial consortia. Until now, its isolation, cultivation and application as a terrestrial model organism has been hampered by slow growth rates and low growth capacities. A mixotrophic culturing approach clearly enhanced the accumulation of biomass, thereby permitting the future application of A. lobatus in different types of bio‐assays necessary for material and biofilm research. The ability of A. lobatus to grow mixotrophically is assumed as a competitive advantage in terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

In the course of the cell cycles of synchronous cultures of the chlorococcal alga Scenedesmus quadricauda, the following were monitored: total protein and RNA accumulation as a measure of growth processes, the timing of the commitment points at which the cells trigger the sequence of reproductive processes (DNA replication, nuclear and cellular division) and the course of the reproductive processes. The synchronous cultures were grown either under various lighting regimes, or in the temporary presence of specific inhibitors of either proteosynthesis (cycloheximide) or DNA replication (5-fluorodeoxyuridine). By adjusting the length of the light period, the cell cycle could be manipulated. Cell cycle patterns could be altered to give different numbers of sequences of reproductive processes. The extent of their mutual overlap could be influenced and the number of daughter cells produced could be altered. Schematic illustrations of various cell cycle patterns and comparisons with those of higher plants and other algal species are presented.  相似文献   

M. Sano  K. Ueda 《Protoplasma》1981,107(1-2):149-159
Summary Cells of a green alga,Pleurotaenium nodosum, were tied off with thin fibers, after which development of daughter semicells from the small tied mother semicells was examined with a light microscope. Semicells slightly shortened due to tying mostly developed normal sized daughter semicells with four nodes. However, semicells shorter than 1/2 the normal size developed small daughter semicells with fewer nodes. This was interpreted that the daughter semicells of shortened semicells had not enlarged sufficiently to allow formation of four nodes on the cell surface at the initial stage of node formation. The initiation of node formation was recognized as taking place in the contact region between the plasma membrane and the cell wall in plasmolyzed cells. The distance between two neighbouring contact regions was consistent at about 6 m.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the DNA ofAmphidinium carterae in synchronized cultures has been analyzed by nucleic acid separation and CsCl centrifugation. The phases of the cell cycle are well defined In spite of an unusual characteristic: superimposed on the S phase, synchronous for nuclear and plastidal DNA's, a residual incorporation is observed whenever a labelling pulse is given. The corresponding continuous DNA replication is insensitive to ethidium bromide.Abbreviations BET ethidium bromide - CPM radioactive counts per minute - HAP hydroxylapatite - J1, J2, ..., J9: 1st 2d, ... 9th day of a culture - L, D Light, Dark periods - mM milli-moles - pM picomoles - MF macromolecular fractionation - PB phosphate buffer - SSC standard saline citrate (0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M Na citrate, pH 7).  相似文献   

The green seaweedMonostroma nitidum Wittrock is cultivated in brackish waters of southern Japan and an ecological survey of its cultivation was carried out in the estuary of R. Shimanto over three years. Artificial seed culture began by collecting many gametes in April. The zygotes adhered to a plastic settlement board (20–30 cm long and 10 cm wide). The cultivated zygotes in the indoor tank increased gradually in size from 8 to 40m till early September. Maturation of the zygote was promoted by providing dark conditions for 2–3 weeks. The production of a concentrated zoospore solution was achieved by adding freshwater 2–3°C above that of the zygote culture tank and a photon flux density of 100mol m–2 s–1).The culture nets were set our horizontally at a level exposed for 4 h and were harvested 3–4 times till March. The total production was approximately 6–10 kg dry weight per net during culture periods. The total production of nets harvested 3–4 times per year was greater than that of nets harvested only once.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate (Pi)-limited chemostat cultures of the green alga Selenastrum minutum were employed to investigate interactions between Pi assimilation, respiration and photosynthetic processes. Changes in net and gross gas exchange rates indicated that O2 evolution decreases during photosynthetic Pi assimilation. Room temperature and 77K Chi a fluorescence measurements revealed that this photosynthetic suppression is correlated with a transition from state 1 to state 2. Substantial photosynthetic Pi uptake rates occur in the presence of DCMU and KCN. Additionally, the cellular ratio of ATP:NADPH increases following Pi enrichment, suggesting that the ratio of cyclic to linear electron flow is enhanced in response to the high energy requirements of Pi uptake. Net starch degradation was observed during photosynthetic Pi assimilation and the cellular pool size of 3-phosphoglycerate increased; however, gross gas exchange parameters and cellular metabolite pool sizes indicated that mitochondrial respiration plays a smaller role during Pi assimilation in the light than it does in the dark. These observations were used to formulate a model depicting possible interactions between photosynthetic electron flow, photosynthetic and respiratory carbon metabolism and metabolite exchange between the chloroplast, cytosol and mitochondrion during photosynthetic Pi assimilation.  相似文献   

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