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The ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius meet in a mosaic zone of overlap and hybridization stretching from the East Coast to at least Illinois. To test whether male calling song differences were enhanced in sympatry, we analyzed the songs of crickets from inside and outside the zone of overlap along two transects. No evidence of calling song displacement was found in A. socius males from populations within the zone of overlap. On the other hand, A. fasciatus displayed calling song displacement in three populations. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the selective pressure exerted by the challenge from a related species is frequency dependent. While not a conclusive demonstration, the observed shifts in calling song are strongly suggestive of reproductive character displacement.  相似文献   

Postinsemination barriers to fertilization generally have been ignored by biologists interested in the origin and nature of reproductive isolation among closely related terrestrial animals. Yet evidence presented in this paper indicates that such a barrier bears primary responsibility for the reproductive isolation between the ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and Allonemobius socius. Postinsemination barriers to fertilization may isolate many other terrestrial animals as well, but the design of most laboratory hybridization experiments precludes the detection of these barriers.  相似文献   

The sibling ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius meet along a mosaic hybrid zone at ≈ 40°N latitude in eastern North America. In this paper we report the findings of a genetic analysis of calling-song variation within and among six cricket populations sampled along a transect through the hybrid zone in southern New Jersey. We compared aspects of the calling song of both wild-caught and laboratory-reared crickets to test the hypothesis that population differences in song observed in the wild were genetically based. We found significant, species-level differences in all aspects of the calling song, and these differences persisted even after a generation of common-garden rearing in the laboratory, supporting the hypothesis that interspecific variation observed in the wild largely reflects genetic differentiation between the two taxa. A discriminant function analysis indicated that individual crickets could be assigned to the proper taxon with less than 10% error, supporting the premise that calling song could be used by female crickets as a mechanism for species recognition. One population, collected from within the hybrid zone and containing significant numbers of hybrid individuals, was intermediate in its calling song, presumably reflecting this population's mixed genetic makeup. In this hybrid zone population, song phenotype was highly correlated to a hybrid index score generated using species-specific alleles at four diagnostic allozyme markers, suggesting a multigenic basis to calling-song variation in these crickets as well as linkage disequilibrium between markers and song. Based on an analysis of laboratory-reared full-sib families, broad-sense heritabilities for calling-song characteristics were generally significant in the two A. socius populations, whereas many components of song showed no significant family effects in the three A. fasciatus populations. The genotypically mixed, hybrid zone population showed very high heritabilities for most calling-song components, which likely reflect the influence of interspecific gene flow on genetic variation for quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Conspecific sperm precedence is widespread in animals, appears to evolve rapidly, and is thought to have the potential to prevent hybridization between closely related species. However, to date no study has tested the isolating potential of such a barrier in mixed populations of two taxa under conditions in which other potential barriers to gene flow are controlled for or are prevented from operating. We tested the isolating potential of conspecific sperm precedence in the ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius in population cage experiments in which the frequency of the two species was varied. Despite the observation of abundant interspecific matings, the proportions of hybrid progeny were low and differed statistically from the proportions expected in the absence of conspecific sperm precedence. The results demonstrate that conspecific sperm precedence can severely limit gene flow between closely related species, even when one species is less abundant than the other.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that geographic overlap with different heterospecific assemblages can promote divergence of mate recognition systems among conspecific populations. Divergence occurs when different traits undergo reproductive character displacement across populations within a contact zone. Here, I tested this hypothesis by assessing patterns of acoustic signal divergence in two- and three-species assemblages of chorus frogs ( Pseudacris ), focusing in particular on P. feriarum and P. nigrita . In addition, I tested one criterion for reinforcement, by examining the evolution of female P. feriarum preferences in the contact zone. Patterns of signal evolution indicated that in each of the four sympatric populations studied, only the rarer species displaced substantially ( P. feriarum in three cases and P. nigrita in one instance). Moreover, the three displaced P. feriarum populations diverged in different signal traits across the contact zone, evolving in directions that increased the energetic cost of calling relative to the allopatric call, and in ways that maximized differences from the particular heterospecific assemblage present. Consistent with reinforcement, divergence of female preferences in sympatry was estimated to reduce their propensity to hybridize by 60%. Together, signal and preference data suggest that interactions between species can promote diversification within species, potentially contributing to reproductive isolation among conspecific populations.  相似文献   

Most studies of reinforcement have focused on the evolution of either female choice or male mating cues, following the long-held view in sexual selection theory that mating mistakes are typically more costly for females than for males. However, factors such as conspecific sperm precedence can buffer females against the cost of mating mistakes, suggesting that in some hybrid zones mating mistakes may be more costly for males than for females. Thus, the historical bias in reinforcement research may underestimate its frequency. In this study, we present evidence that reinforcement has driven the evolution of male choice in a hybrid zone between the highly promiscuous leaf beetles Chrysochus cobaltinus and C. auratus, the hybrids of which have extremely low fitness. In addition, there is evidence for male choice in these beetles and that male mating mistakes may be costly, due to reduced opportunities to mate with conspecific females. The present study combines laboratory and field methods to quantify the strength of sexual isolation, test the hypothesis of reproductive character displacement, and assess the link between relative abundance and the strength of selection against hybridization. We document that, while sexual isolation is weak, it is sufficient to produce positive assortative mating. In addition, reproductive character displacement was only detected in the relatively rare species. The strong postzygotic barriers in this system are sufficient to generate the bimodality that characterizes this hybrid zone, but the weak sexual isolation is not, calling into question whether strong prezygotic isolation is necessary for the maintenance of bimodality. Growing evidence that the cost of mating mistakes is sufficient to shape the evolution of male mate choice suggests that the reinforcement of male mate choice may prove to be a widespread occurrence.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that the X chromosome plays a large role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation. The role of the Z chromosome in speciation is much less understood. To explore the role of the Z chromosome in reproductive isolation, we studied nucleotide variation in two closely related bird species, the Thrush Nightingale ( Luscinia luscinia ) and the Common Nightingale ( L. megarhynchos ). These species are isolated by incomplete prezygotic isolation and female hybrid sterility. We sequenced introns of four Z-linked and eight autosomal loci and analyzed patterns of polymorphism and divergence using a divergence-with-gene flow framework. Our results suggest that the nightingale species diverged approximately 1.8 Mya. We found strong evidence of gene flow after divergence in both directions, although more introgression occurred from L. megarhynchos into L. luscinia . Gene flow was significantly higher on the autosomes than on the Z chromosome. Our results support the idea that the Z chromosome plays an important role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation in birds, although it may also contribute to the evolution of prezygotic isolation through sexual selection. This highlights the similarities in the genetic basis of reproductive isolation between organisms with heterogametic males and organisms with heterogametic females during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

In closely related plant species that display strong similarities in phenology and pollinator communities, differences in breeding system and associated shifts in floral traits may have important effects on the magnitude and direction of heterospecific pollen flow and hybridization. Here, we quantified the strength of several pre‐ and postzygotic barriers acting between the facultatively outcrossing Centaurium erythraea and the predominantly selfing C. littorale via a suite of experiments, and estimated the frequency of hybridization in the field using molecular markers. The reproductive barriers primarily responsible for preventing hybridization were essentially prezygotic and these acted asymmetrically. Due to differences in floral display, pollen production, and pollen transfer rates, heterospecific pollen flow occurred predominantly from C. erythraea to C. littorale. In C. littorale, on the other hand, close anther–stigma positioning and resulting higher capacity for autonomous selfing functioned as an efficient barrier to counterbalance the higher risk for hybrid mating. In both species the action of all reproductive barriers resulted in a small opportunity for hybrid establishment, which was confirmed by the occurrence of only ~1% putative hybrids in the field. Our findings confirm that differences in breeding system affect heterospecific pollen transfer patterns and that autonomous selfing may efficiently prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

Reinforcement contact zones, which are secondary contact zones where species are diverging in reproductive behaviors due to selection against hybridization, represent natural laboratories for studying speciation‐in‐action. Here, we examined replicate localities across the entire reinforcement contact zone between North American chorus frogs Pseudacris feriarum and P. nigrita to investigate geographic variation in hybridization frequencies and to assess whether reinforcement may have contributed to increased genetic divergence within species. Previous work indicated these species have undergone reproductive character displacement (RCD) in male acoustic signals and female preferences due to reinforcement. We also examined acoustic signal variation across the contact zone to assess whether signal characteristics reliably predict hybrid index and to elucidate whether the degree of RCD predicts hybridization rate. Using microsatellites, mitochondrial sequences, and acoustic signal information from >1,000 individuals across >50 localities and ten sympatric focal regions, we demonstrate: (1) hybridization occurs and (2) varies substantially across the geographic range of the contact zone, (3) hybridization is asymmetric and in the direction predicted from observed patterns of asymmetric RCD, (4) in one species, genetic distance is higher between conspecific localities where one or both have been reinforced than between nonreinforced localities, after controlling for geographic distance, (5) acoustic signal characters strongly predict hybrid index, and (6) the degree of RCD does not strongly predict admixture levels. By showing that hybridization occurs in all sympatric localities, this study provides the fifth and final line of evidence that reproductive character displacement is due to reinforcement in the chorus frog contact zone. Furthermore, this work suggests that the dual action of cascade reinforcement and partial geographic isolation is promoting genetic diversification within one of the reinforced species.  相似文献   

Within hybrid zones of socially monogamous species, the number of mating opportunities with a conspecific can be limited. As a consequence, individuals may mate with a heterospecific (social) partner despite possible fitness costs to their hybrid offspring. Extra‐pair copulations with a conspecific may thus arise as a possible post hoc strategy to reduce the costs of hybridization. We here assessed the rate of extra‐pair paternity in the hybrid zone between all‐black carrion crows (Corvus (corone) corone) and grey hooded crows (C. (c.) cornix) and tested whether extra‐pair paternity (EPP) was more likely in broods where parents differed in plumage colour. The proportion of broods with at least one extra‐pair offspring and the proportion of extra‐pair offspring were low overall (6.98% and 2.90%, respectively) with no evidence of hybrid broods having higher EPP rates than purebred nests.  相似文献   

Song divergence between closely related taxa may play a critical role in the evolutionary processes of speciation and hybridization. We explored song variation between two Ecuadorian subspecies of the gray‐breasted wood‐wren (Henicorhina leucophrys) and tested the impact of song divergence on response behaviors. Songs were significantly different between the two subspecies, even between two parapatric populations 10 km apart. Playback experiments revealed an asymmetric response pattern to these divergent subspecies specific songs; one subspecies responded more to songs of its own subspecies than to the other subspecies’ songs, whereas the second responded equally strongly to songs of both subspecies. While song parameters revealed a mixed pattern of divergence between allopatric and parapatric populations, the majority of spectral characteristics showed increased divergence in parapatry, suggestive of character displacement. This increased song divergence in parapatry appeared to affect behavioral responses to playback as discriminating responses were most prominent in parapatry and against parapatric songs. The clear behavioral impact of subspecies‐specific song differences supports a potential role for song as an acoustic barrier to gene flow. The asymmetric nature of the responses suggests that song divergence could affect the direction of gene flow and the position of the subspecies‐specific transition.  相似文献   

Divergence of male sexual signals and female preferences for those signals often maintains reproductive boundaries between closely related, co‐occurring species. However, contrasting sources of selection, such as interspecific competition, can lead to weak divergence or even convergence of sexual signals in sympatry. When signals converge, assortative mating can be maintained if the mating preferences of females diverge in sympatry (reproductive character displacement; RCD), but there are few explicit examples. Pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) are sympatric with collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) on the Baltic island of Öland, where males from both species compete over nestboxes, their songs converge, and the two species occasionally hybridize. We compare song discrimination of male and female pied flycatchers on Öland and in an allopatric population on the Swedish mainland. Using field choice trials, we show that male pied flycatchers respond similarly to the songs of both species in sympatry and allopatry, while female pied flycatchers express stronger discrimination against heterospecific songs in sympatry than in allopatry. These results are consistent with RCD of song discrimination of female pied flycatchers where they co‐occur with collared flycatchers, which should maintain species assortative mating despite convergence of male sexual signals.  相似文献   

Sexual isolation between Groups A and B of Closterium ehrenbergii, two closely related species, was studied by a multiple-choice mating method, as well as the nochoice mating method which has been used in previous work on microalgae. Time lapse photomicrographs and the difference in cell shape and size between the two mating groups allowed identification of a given cell in the mixture as either Group A or B, even when certain morphological changes occurred during the several day culture required for sexual induction. When plus and minus mating types of Group A were mixed with those of Group B (multiplechoice mating), no intergroup hybrid zygospores were formed. However, many intragroup zygospores of either Group A or B were formed. When one plus strain of Group A was mixed with one minus strain of Group B or when one plus strain of Group B was mixed with one minus strain of Group A (no-choice mating), intergroup sexual interactions took place resulting in a small number of hybrid zygospores; however, the process took much longer than intragroup sexual interactions. It was also shown that cell size difference itself hardly affects sexual interactions between haploid and autodiploid strains of Group A. It is suggested that sexual isolation between Groups A and B would be complete in nature, although they may interact sexually in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Maladaptive hybridization is hypothesized to be an important force driving the evolution of reproductive isolation between closely related species. Because the magnitude and direction of selection can vary across a life cycle, an accurate understanding of the ubiquity of reinforcement requires fitness to be estimated across the life cycle, but the literature is surprisingly depauperate of such studies. We present fitness estimates of laboratory‐raised hybrids between the chorus frogs Pseudacris feriarum and Pseudacris nigrita—two species that have undergone reproductive character displacement where they come into secondary contact. By studying viability, mating success, and fertility across the life cycle, we find strong support for reinforcement as the force driving displacement in this system. Specifically, we find hybrid fitness is reduced by 44%. This reduction results from both sexual selection against hybrid males and natural selection on male fertility, but not viability selection. Sexual selection against hybrid males is four times stronger than natural selection. Hybrid female fitness is not reduced, however, suggesting that Haldane's rule may be operating in this system if males are heterogametic. We also found higher variation in hybrid male fertilization success relative to P. feriarum males, suggesting that the hybrid incompatibility genes are polymorphic within one or both of the parent species.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of reproductive isolation and how it varies among populations can provide valuable insight into the mechanisms of speciation. Here we investigate how the strength of premating isolation varies between sympatric and allopatric populations of threespine sticklebacks to test a prediction of the hypothesis of reinforcement: that interspecific mate discrimination should be stronger in sympatry than in allopatry. In conducting such tests, it is important to control for ecological character displacement between sympatric species because ecological character divergence may strengthen prezygotic isolation as a by-product. We control for ecological character displacement by comparing mate preferences of females from a sympatric population (benthics) with mate preferences of females from two allopatric populations that most closely resemble the sympatric benthic females in ecology and morphology. No-choice mating trials indicate that sympatric benthic females mate less readily with heterospecific (limnetic) than conspecific (benthic) males, whereas two different populations of allopatric females resembling benthics show no such discrimination. These differences demonstrate reproductive character displacement of benthic female mate choice. Previous studies have established that hybridization between sympatric species occurred in the past in the wild and that hybrid offspring have lower fitness than either parental species, thus providing conditions under which natural selection would favor individuals that do not hybridize. Results are therefore consistent with the hypothesis that female mate preferences have evolved as a response to reduced hybrid fitness (reinforcement), although direct effects of sympatry or a biased extinction process could also produce the pattern. Males of the other sympatric species (limnetics) showed a preference for smaller females, in contrast to the inferred ancestral preference for larger females, suggesting reproductive character displacement of limnetic male mate preferences as well.  相似文献   

Ecological factors that reduce the effectiveness of cross-pollination are likely to play a role in the frequent evolution of routine self-fertilization in flowering plants. However, we lack empirical evidence linking the reproductive assurance value of selfing in poor pollination environments to evolutionary shifts in mating system. Here, we investigated the adaptive significance of prior selfing in the polymorphic annual plant Arenaria uniflora (Caryophyllaceae), in which selfer populations occur only in areas of range overlap with congener A. glabra. To examine the hypothesis that secondary contact between the two species contributed to the evolution and maintenance of selfing, we used field competition experiments and controlled hand-pollinations to measure the female fitness consequences of pollinator-mediated interspecific interactions. Uniformly high fruit set by selfers in the naturally pollinated field arrays confirmed the reproductive assurance value of selfing, whereas substantial reductions in outcrosser fruit set (15%) and total seed production (20–35%) in the presence of A. glabra demonstrated that pollinator-mediated interactions can provide strong selection for self-pollination. Heterospecific pollen transfer, rather than competition for pollinator service, appears to be the primary mechanism of pollinator-mediated competition in Arenaria. Premating barriers to hybridization between outcrossers and A. glabra are extremely weak. The production of a few inviable hybrid seeds after heterospecific pollination and intermediate seed set after mixed pollinations indicates that A. glabra pollen can usurp A. uniflora ovules. Thus, any visit to A. uniflora by shared pollinators carries a potential female fitness cost. Moreover, patterns of fruit set and seed set in the competition arrays relative to controls were consistent with the receipt of mixed pollen loads, rather than a lack of pollinator visits. Competition through pollen transfer favors preemptive self-pollination and may be responsible for the evolution of a highly reduced floral morphology in A. uniflora selfers as well as their current geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The study of speciation in recent populations is essentially a study of the evolution of reproductive isolation mechanisms between sub-groups of a species. Prezygotic isolation can be of central importance to models of speciation, either being a consequence of reinforcement of assortative mating in hybrid zones, or a pleiotropic effect of morphological or behavioral adaptation to different environments. To suggest speciation by reinforcement between incipient species one must at least know that gene flow occurs, or have recently occurred, and that assortative mating has been established in the hybrid zone. In Galician populations of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, two main morphs appear on the same shores, one on the upper-shore barnacle belt and the other in the lower-shore mussel belt. The two morphs overlap in distribution in the midshore where hybrids are found together with pure forms. Allozyme variation indicates that the two parental morphs share a common gene pool, although within shores, gene flow between morphs is less than gene flow within morphs. In this study, we observed mating behavior in the field, and we found that mating was not random in midshore sites, with a deficiency of heterotypic pairs. Habitat selection, assortative mating, and possibly sexual selection among females contributed to the partial reproductive isolation between the pure morphs. Sizes of mates were often positively correlated, in particular, in the upper shore, indicating size-assortative mating too. However, this seemed to be a consequence of nonrandom microdistributions of snails of different sizes. Because we also argue that the hybrid zone is of primary rather than secondary origin, this seems to be an example of sympatric reproductive isolation, either established by means of reinforcement or as a by-product to divergent selection acting on other characters.  相似文献   

Selection against costly reproductive interactions can lead to reproductive character displacement (RCD). We use information from patterns of displacement and inferences about predisplacement character states to investigate causes of RCD in periodical cicadas. The 13-year periodical cicada Magicicada neotredecim exhibits RCD and strong reproductive isolation in sympatry with a closely related 13-year species, Magicicada tredecim. Displacement is asymmetrical, because no corresponding pattern of character displacement exists within M. tredecim. Results from playback and hybridization experiments strongly suggest that sexual interactions between members of these species were possible at initial contact. Given these patterns, we evaluate potential sources of selection for displacement. One possible source is 'acoustical interference', or mate-location inefficiencies caused by the presence of heterospecifics. Acoustical interference combined with the species-specificity of song pitch and preference appears to predict the observed asymmetrical pattern of RCD in Magicicada. However, acoustical interference does not appear to be a complete explanation for displacement in Magicicada, because our experiments suggest a significant potential for direct sexual interactions between these species before displacement. Another possible source of selection for displacement is hybrid failure. We evaluate the attractiveness of inferred hybrid mating signals, and we examine the viability of hybrid eggs. Neither of these shows strong evidence of hybrid inferiority. We conclude by presenting a model of hybrid failure related to life cycle differences in Magicicada.  相似文献   

Behavioral barriers to gene flow often evolve faster than intrinsic incompatibilities and can eliminate the opportunity for hybridization between interfertile species. While acoustic signal divergence is a common driver of premating isolation in birds and insects, its contribution to speciation in mammals is less studied. Here we characterize the incidence of, and potential barriers to, hybridization among three closely related species of grasshopper mice (genus Onychomys). All three species use long‐distance acoustic signals to attract and localize mates; Onychomys arenicola and Onychomys torridus are acoustically similar and morphologically cryptic whereas Onychomys leucogaster is larger and acoustically distinct. We used genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) to test for evidence of introgression in 227 mice from allopatric and sympatric localities in the western United States and northern Mexico. We conducted laboratory mating trials for all species pairs to assess reproductive compatibility, and recorded vocalizations from O. arenicola and O. torridus in sympatry and allopatry to test for evidence of acoustic character displacement. Hybridization was rare in nature and, contrary to prior evidence for O. torridus/O. arenicola hybrids, only involved O. leucogaster and O. arenicola. In contrast, laboratory crosses between O. torridus and O. arenicola produced litters whereas O. leucogaster and O. arenicola crosses did not. Call fundamental frequency in O. torridus and O. arenicola was indistinguishable in allopatry but significantly differentiated in sympatry, a pattern consistent with reproductive character displacement. These results suggest that assortative mating based on a long‐distance signal is an important isolating mechanism between O. torridus and O. arenicola and highlight the importance of behavioral barriers in determining the permeability of species boundaries.  相似文献   

The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is subdivided into several karyotypic races in Britain. Two of these races meet near Oxford o form the “Oxford-Hermitage” hybrid zone. We present a model which describes this system a; a “tension zone,” i.e., a set of clines maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection against chromosomal heterozygotes. The Oxford and Hermitage races differ by Robertsonian fusions with monobrachial homology (kq, no versus ko), and so Fl hybrids between them would have low fertility. However, the acrocentric karyotype is found at high frequency within the hybrid zone, so that complex Robertsonian heterozygotes (kg no/q ko n) are replaced by more fertile combinations, such as (kg no/k q n o). This suggests that the hybrid zone has been modified so as to increase hybrid fitness. Mathematical analysis and simulation show that, if selection against complex heterozygotes is sufficiently strong relative to selection against simple heterozygotes, acrocentrics increase, and displace the clines for kg and no from the cline for ko. Superimposed on this separation is a tendency for the hybrid zone to move in favor of the Oxford (kg no) race. We compare the model with estimates of linkage disequilibrium and cline shape made from field data.  相似文献   

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