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The microfilamentous green alga Uronema curvatum is widely distributed along the western and eastern coasts of the north Atlantic Ocean where it typically grows on crustose red algae and on haptera of kelps in subtidal habitats. The placement of this marine species in a genus of freshwater Chlorophyceae had been questioned. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of nuclear-encoded small and large subunit rDNA sequences reveal that U. curvatum is closely related to the ulvophycean order Cladophorales, with which it shares a number of morphological features, including a siphonocladous level of organization and zoidangial development. The divergent phylogenetic position of U. curvatum, sister to the rest of the Cladophorales, along with a combination of distinctive morphological features, such as the absence of pyrenoids, the diminutive size of the unbranched filaments and the discoid holdfast, warrants the recognition of a separate genus, Okellya, within a new family of Cladophorales, Okellyaceae. The epiphytic Urospora microscopica from Norway, which has been allied with U. curvatum, is revealed as a member of the cladophoralean genus Chaetomorpha and is herein transferred to that genus as C. norvegica nom. nov.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of two unicellular green algae, Ignatius tetrasporus Bold et MacEntee and Pseudocharacium americanum Lee et Bold were investigated by ultrastructural and molecular methods. The zoospores from both species were covered neither by scales nor cell walls. The flagellar apparatus of the zoospores commonly included these features: the upper basal bodies were displaced counterclockwise in half to two‐thirds of the basal body diameter and did not overlap with each other; the lower basal bodies were directly opposed or slightly displaced clockwise; the distal fiber had gently sigmoid central striations; terminal caps were absent from the ends of the basal bodies; a V‐shaped proximal sheath extended from the upper basal bodies; a posterior fiber lay between the opposite lower basal bodies; and the coarsely striated band linked the sinister rootlet to the lower basal body. The suite of these features was not identical to that of any other quadriflagellate swimming cells, but some features including the lower basal body orientation, the striated distal fiber, and the coarsely striated fiber resemble those of the several organisms of the Siphonocladales sensu Floyd and O’Kelly. Phylogenetic analysis using 18S rDNA sequence data revealed that I. tetrasporus and P. americanum formed a monophyletic clade within the clade of Ulvophyceae sensu López‐Bautista and Chapman, but was not nested within any of the orders of the class that were examined.  相似文献   

Japanese species of the genus Dichrogaster are revised. Four species are recognized. Two species, D. imperialis n. sp. and D. parva n. sp., are described. Dichrogaster liostylus (Thomson) and D. kichijoi (Uchida) are redescribed. A key to the Japanese species is provided.  相似文献   

The life history of Cladophora surera sp. Nov., described from the south of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was found to be diplobiontic and isomorphic with haploid gametophytic (n= 24) and sporophytic (2n= 48) plants. Other freshwater species, namely C, suhriana Kutz, and C. callicoma Kütz. have also been reported to be diplobiontic and isomorphic but differing from C. surera by their ploidy level. Plants exhibit great morphological variation, as the number of branches/mm2 tends to increase with higher water velocity, thus adopting morphotypes that resemble very different species, that is, C. vagabunda (L.) Hoek, C. glomerata (L.) Kutz., C, laetevirens (Dillw.) Kutz., C. brasiliana Martens, C. dalmatica Kütz., C. vadorum (Aresch.) Kütz. and C. rivularis (L.) Hoek., but clearly differing from them by other morphological parameters; apical cell diameters, The ploidy level 24/48 has not been established for a species of Cladophora. Autogamy is the normal conjugation method and can take place even inside the gametangia before the gametes are released. Isogametes conjugate in a slow behavioral anisogamy, in which the contents of one migrate to the other. Tetra-flagellate zoospores result from meiosis.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the biflagellate gametes of Collinsiella cava (Yendo) Printz was investigated in detail to clarify the species's taxonomic and phylo‐genetic position. Gametes are covered by small square scales with no distinct substructure. The chloroplast of the gamete includes an eyespot comprised of two layers of globules, and a pyrenoid that is traversed by one or a few thylakoids. Basal bodies overlap at their proximal ends and are offset in a counterclockwise orientation. Each basal body has a small bipartite terminal cap, a prominent proximal sheath comprised of two unequal subunits and a circular element situated at the cartwheel portion. A distal fibre, a connecting fibre and linkage between proximal sheaths connect the two basal bodies. Microtubular roots are comprised of two dexter (d) roots, subtended by the system I fibre, and two sinister (s) roots. Gametes have a single rhizoplast which extends parallel to one of the two d roots and extends to the mating structure. The ultrastructure of Collinsiella gametes is very similar to that of Mono‐stroma and other members of the Ulotrichales, Ulvophyceae, and we concluded that the genus Collinsiella should be treated as a member of the Monostromat‐aceae. The planozygote has four basal bodies, eight microtubular roots and two eyespots always situated at the same face of the cell. From observations of the planozygotes, the position of the mating structure relative to the flagellar apparatus is not consistent, but converse, between two mating types. A comparison of the location of the mating structure in Chlamydomonas and other green algae is presented.  相似文献   

Thirty-two differential characters are numerically analysed for the six existing taxa of the genus Vella L. The closely related monotypic genus Boleum Desv. is also included for comparison. Most of the characters used are morphological, but cariological, ecological and biogeographical aspects have also been studied. The results indicate that four distinct species, one ( V. pseudocytisus L.) with three sub-species, should be distinguished. The new combination V. anremerica (Lit. et Maire) Gómez-Campo (basionym: V. pseudocytisus L. subsp. anremerica Lit. et Maire) and the new name V. pseudocytisus L. subsp. paui Gómez-Campo for V. pseudocytisus L. var. glabrescens Willk., nornen nudum are presented. A key is given to aid identification of these taxa. Their conservation status is also discussed.  相似文献   

Plants of the stalked, net-forming green alga Struvea plumosa Sender, the type species of the genus Struvea, divide segregatively at every stage of their multicellular differentiation. The segregative process results in virtually simultaneous internal cleavage of the cytoplasts of parent axes or laterals into uniseriate series of nearly identically sized daughter cells m which intercalary cross-wall formation never takes place. Several branch orders result through a repeated process by which each daughter cell produces a pair of opposite protrusions at its distal end; the protruded arms subsequently undergo segregative divisions themselves after reaching a sufficient length. Struvea elegans Børgesen is seemingly the only other member of the genus in which the thallus divides by this segregative process. The remaining species appear to lack segregative cell division, their septation resulting from non-synchronous, centripetal wall ingrowths that divide parent cells into more or less equal halves. Intercalary cell divisions are common, this process being easily seen in the most widely distributed member of the genus, Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Pice, et Grunov ex Pice. Phyllodictyon J. E. Gray, based on Phyllodictyon putcherrimum. is currently considered a synonym of Struvea but should be reinstated to accommodate those former species of Struvea that have Cladophoratype. as opposed to segregative, cell division. Although the two genera thus differ substantially in their modes of cytokinesis and are assumed to represent independent developmental lines, both Struvea and Phyllodictyon are assigned to the Cladophorales on the basis of molecular studies by others showing that recognition of the separate order Siphonocladales renders the Cladophorales paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Morphology of field material and life history in culture were studied in Scytosiphon canaliculatus (Setchell et Gardner) comb. nov. from northern Japan. Erect gametophytes of S. canaliculatus are cylindrical, tubular, up to 7 mm wide and 40 cm long, and without regular constrictions. S. canaliculatus has pronounced anisogamy and ascocysts accompanied with plurilocular gametangia. The life history of S. canaliculatus showed an alternation between erect gametophytes and crustose prostrate sporophytes bearing unilocular sporangia. Since field sporophytes of S. canaliculatus were found to be identical with Hapterophycus canaliculatus Setchell et Gardner (Ralfsiaceae, Phaeophyceae), it is proposed to transfer H. canaliculatus to the genus Scytosiphon. In the field, gametophytes with plurilocular gametangia appeared in spring and disappeared in summer. Sporophytes with unilocular sporangia were collected in late autumn and winter. Unilocular sporangia were produced at 15°C in short-day culture conditions and unispores developed into erect gametophytes at 5–15°C. It is suggested that the seasonal Occurrence of gametophytes in the field is due to the seasonal formation of unilocular sporangia, which is regulated by temperature and photoperiod.  相似文献   

The aeroterrestrial, unicellular green alga Spongiochrysis hawaiiensis had been included in the ulvophycean order Cladophorales based on small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequence data, and represents so far the only fully terrestrial member of this order. Other characteristics of S. hawaiiensis that are atypical for Cladophorales include the presence of large amounts of carotenoids and a budding‐like mode of cell division. As the position of this terrestrial, unicellular alga in an order of aquatic, multicellular green algae is unusual, we re‐evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of this enigmatic organism based on supplementary SSU rDNA sequences as well as novel large ribosomal subunit (LSU) rDNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS rDNA) sequences. Additionally, we examined several morphological characters of S. hawaiiensis, as well as low molecular weight carbohydrate (LMWC) patterns of S. hawaiiensis and members of the Cladophorales and Trentepohliales as potential chemotaxonomic markers. We found S. hawaiiensis to be uninucleate. The analysis of the LMWC content detected the presence of the polyol erythritol in S. hawaiiensis and in the Trentepohliales, while this compound was missing in the Cladophorales. The phylogenetic analyses of the novel sequences placed S. hawaiiensis in the terrestrial Trentepohliales. This placement is supported by the aeroterrestrial habitat, the presence of large amounts of carotenoids, the uninucleate cells, and the presence of the polyol erythritol as a protective compound against water loss.  相似文献   

rbcL gene have been reported to date. Four new cases from Caulerpales, Ulvophyceae are described here. In the genus Caulerpa, the presence of an intron was unstable even in the infraspecific taxa. Based on comprehensive comparisons of the inserted positions, lengths of introns and so on, the presence of at least three kinds of introns, which probably have independent origins, was suggested in Caulerpales. Received 12 May 2000/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2000  相似文献   

To further understand the trends in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes or mtDNAs) in the Ulvophyceae, the mitogenomes of two separate thalli of Ulva pertusa were sequenced. Two U. pertusa mitogenomes (Up1 and Up2) were 69,333 bp and 64,602 bp in length. These mitogenomes shared two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 28 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 29 protein‐coding genes, and 12 open reading frames. The 4.7 kb difference in size was attributed to variation in intron content and tandem repeat regions. A total of six introns were present in the smaller U. pertusa mtDNA (Up2), while the larger mtDNA (Up1) had eight. The larger mtDNA had two additional group II introns in two genes (cox1 and cox2) and tandem duplication mutations in noncoding regions. Our results showed the first case of intraspecific variation in chlorophytan mitogenomes and provided further genomic data for the undersampled Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Species diversity of Ulva in Vietnam was investigated using three commonly used genetic markers, the nuclear encoded rDNA ITS region and the plastid encoded rbcL and tufA genes. Single locus species delimitation methods, complemented with morphological and ecological information resulted in the delimitation of 19 species. This diversity is largely incongruent with the traditional understanding of Ulva diversity in Vietnam. Only four species identified in this study, U. lactuca, U. reticulata, U. spinulosa, and U. flexuosa, have been previously reported, and seven species, U. ohnoi, U. tepida, U. chaugulii, U. kraftiorum, U. meridionalis, U. limnetica, and U. aragoënsis, are recorded for the first time from Vietnam. Seven genetic clusters could not be associated with species names with certainty. A new species, U. vietnamensis, is described from marine to brackish coastal areas from southern Vietnam based on its morphological and molecular distinctiveness from the currently known Ulva species. A comparison with recent molecular-based studies of Ulva diversity showed that species composition in Vietnam is similar to that of adjacent countries, including Japan, China, as well as Australia. Our study emphasizes the importance of molecular data in the assessment of Ulva diversity, and indicates that a lot of diversity may still remain to be discovered, especially in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Current taxonomy of the Bryopsidales recognizes eight families; most of which are further categorized into two suborders, the Bryopsidineae and Halimedineae. This concept was supported by early molecular phylogenetic analyses based on rRNA sequence data, but subsequent cladistic analyses of morphological characters inferred monophyly in only the Halimedineae. These conflicting results prompted the current analysis of 32 taxa from this diverse group of green algae based on plastid‐encoded RUBISCO large subunit (rbcL) gene sequences. Results of these analyses suggested that the Halimedineae and Bryopsidineae are distinct monophyletic lineages. The families Bryopsidaceae, Caulerpaceae, Codiaceae, Derbesiaceae, and Halimediaceae were inferred as monophyletic, however the Udoteaceae was inferred as non‐monophyletic. The phylogenetic position of two taxa with uncertain subordinal affinity, Dichotomosiphon tuberosus Lawson and Pseudocodium floridanum Dawes & Mathieson, were also inferred. Pseudocodium was consistently placed within the halimedinean clade suggesting its inclusion into this suborder, however familial affinity was not resolved. D. tuberosus was the inferred sister taxon of the Halimedineae based on analyses of rbcL sequence data and thus a possible member of this suborder.  相似文献   

In the present paper 29 species ofCaulerpa from Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea are listed, with reference to their distribution and occurrence of ecological phenotypes (ecads). Other names ofCaulerpa taxa recorded for Malesia in literature are dealt with in the paragraph on excluded and changed names. The variability and nomenclature of mainly the species recorded from Indonesia are discussed, especially regarding the implications of the recognition of ecads in several species. The ecads in the sectionSedoideae are discussed as an example of use of the designation ecad for a number of growth forms. Biogeography of the genusCaulerpa is discussed with focus on areas of high biodiversity, both inside and outside Malesia, followed by a discussion on biodiversity assessment. It is suggested that the genusCaulerpa is a good indicator for the quantitative assessment of biodiversity. The need for a modern world-monograph of this genus is stressed. Such a monograph can be a stimulus for ecosystem studies ofCaulerpa stands.  相似文献   

The Turkish Crataegus taxa were investigated using morphological, palynological, and anatomical characters. A new series ( Crataegus Section Crataegus Series Peshmenia ), two new species ( Crataegus peshmenii and Crataegus christensenii ), and one variety ( Crataegus rhipidophylla var. kutahyaensis ) are described. Furthermore, Crataegus  ×  browicziana has been assigned to Crataegus rhipidophylla with a new status. Illustrations of the described taxa and their distribution map are also given. The lectotype for Crataegus yaltirikii is designated here.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 231–240.  相似文献   

Representatives of the fish genus Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from the Middle East and North Africa were previously placed in 14 different genus-group taxa (Barbellion, Barbus, Barynotus, Capoeta, Carasobarbus, Cyclocheilichthys, Kosswigobarbus, Labeobarbus, Luciobarbus, Pseudotor, Puntius, Systomus, Tor and Varicorhinus). The generic assignment of several species changed frequently, necessitating a re-evaluation of their taxonomic status. In this study, the genus Carasobarbus is revised based on comparative morphological examinations of about 1300 preserved specimens from collections of several museums and freshly collected material. The species Carasobarbus apoensis, Carasobarbus canis, Carasobarbus chantrei, Carasobarbus exulatus, Carasobarbus fritschii, Carasobarbus harterti, Carasobarbus kosswigi, Carasobarbus luteus and Carasobarbus sublimus form a monophyletic group that shares the following combination of characters: medium-sized barbels with a smooth last unbranched dorsal-fin ray, nine or 10 branched dorsal-fin rays and six branched anal fin-rays; scales large, shield-shaped, with many parallel radii; the lateral line containing 25 to 39 scales; the pharyngeal teeth hooked, 2.3.5-5.3.2 or 2.3.4-4.3.2; one or two pairs of barbels. The species are described in detail, their taxonomic status is re-evaluated and an identification key is provided. A lectotype of Systomus luteus Heckel, 1843 is designated. Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971, Kosswigobarbus Karaman, 1971, and Pseudotor Karaman, 1971 are subjective synonyms, and acting as First Reviser we gave precedence to the name Carasobarbus.  相似文献   

The green seaweedMonostroma nitidum Wittrock is cultivated in brackish waters of southern Japan and an ecological survey of its cultivation was carried out in the estuary of R. Shimanto over three years. Artificial seed culture began by collecting many gametes in April. The zygotes adhered to a plastic settlement board (20–30 cm long and 10 cm wide). The cultivated zygotes in the indoor tank increased gradually in size from 8 to 40m till early September. Maturation of the zygote was promoted by providing dark conditions for 2–3 weeks. The production of a concentrated zoospore solution was achieved by adding freshwater 2–3°C above that of the zygote culture tank and a photon flux density of 100mol m–2 s–1).The culture nets were set our horizontally at a level exposed for 4 h and were harvested 3–4 times till March. The total production was approximately 6–10 kg dry weight per net during culture periods. The total production of nets harvested 3–4 times per year was greater than that of nets harvested only once.  相似文献   

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