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红原鸡与家鸡的亲缘关系研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
程光潮  刘如笋 《遗传学报》1996,23(2):96-104
对中国红原鸡滇地亚种和海南亚种与我国茶花鸡,泰和鸡和寿光鸡等地方鸡种以及芦花鸡,洛岛红等外国鸡种进行了血型(3个位点,13个等位基因),蛋白质(酶)多态(5个位点,11个等位基因)和DNA指纹分析,结果表明,红原鸡与茶花鸡(原始型品种)的亲缘关系较近;与泰和鸡,寿光鸡,芦花鸡,洛岛红(进化型品种)的亲缘关系较远,呈红原鸡-茶花鸡-泰和鸡,寿光鸡或芦花鸡,洛岛红这样一个进化阶梯,以上结果与国外资料(  相似文献   

We investigated 793 bird combs [645 chickens and 148 fighting cocks (Shamo)] to determine the prevalence of dermatophytes and their related fungal species. The targeted fungal species were recovered from 195 of the 793 examined birds (24.6 %). Prevalence ratios were compared in temperate (the mainland) and subtropical (Nansei Islands) areas, genders, strains, breeding scale (individual and farm), and housing system (in cage and free ranging). The frequency of the fungal species in the mainland, males, fighting cocks, breeding scale by individual nursing, and free-range housing system exhibited significantly higher positive ratios than that in the other groups. A total of 224 dermatophytes and related species were isolated, including 101 Arthroderma (Ar.) multifidum, 83 Aphanoascus (Ap.) terreus, five Uncinocarpus queenslandicus, two U. reesii, two Ap. pinarensis, one Amauroascus kuehnii, one Ar. simii, one Gymnoascus petalosporus, one Microsporum gallinae, and 28 Chrysosporium-like (Chrysosporium spp.) isolates, which were identified using internal transcribed spacer regions of ribosomal RNA gene sequences. The predominant fungal species in the mainland was Ap. terreus and that in the Nansei Islands was Ar. multifidum. Pathogenic fungal species to humans and animals were limited to M. gallinae and Ar. simii, which corresponded to 0.025 % of the isolates in this study.  相似文献   

The oral aversion behaviour of the chicken (head shaking, beakwiping and tongue/beak movements) was measured following oralstimulation with 0.1 M quinine hydrochloride, 40% sucrose, 3M sodium chloride, 5 M acetic acid and pure methyl anthranilate.Section of the lingual and laryngolingual nerves did not affectthe oral aversion behaviour and therefore demonstrates the presenceof functional extra-lingual chemoreceptors. The results arediscussed in relation to previous anatomical findings.  相似文献   



Rabies is a fatal encephalitis caused by viruses belonging to the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae. It is a viral disease primarily affecting mammals, though all warm blooded animals are susceptible. Experimental rabies virus infection in birds has been reported, but naturally occurring infection of birds has been documented very rarely.

Principal Findings

The carcass of a domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus), which had been bitten by a stray dog one month back, was brought to the rabies diagnostic laboratory. A necropsy was performed and the brain tissue obtained was subjected to laboratory tests for rabies. The brain tissue was positive for rabies viral antigens by fluorescent antibody test (FAT) confirming a diagnosis of rabies. Phylogenetic analysis based on nucleoprotein gene sequencing revealed that the rabies virus strain from the domestic fowl belonged to a distinct and relatively rare Indian subcontinent lineage.


This case of naturally acquired rabies infection in a bird species, Gallus domesticus, being reported for the first time in India, was identified from an area which has a significant stray dog population and is highly endemic for canine rabies. It indicates that spill over of infection even to an unusual host is possible in highly endemic areas. Lack of any clinical signs, and fewer opportunities for diagnostic laboratory testing of suspected rabies in birds, may be the reason for disease in these species being undiagnosed and probably under-reported. Butchering and handling of rabies virus- infected poultry may pose a potential exposure risk.  相似文献   

1. Physiological and behavioural parameters were examined in the hen in response to a noxious and non-noxious stimulus. 2. Two distinct patterns emerged depending on the type of stimulus (noxious----crouching, non-noxious----wingflapping). 3. The responses seen in the hen to the two different types of stimuli appear to be similar to those occurring in mammals.  相似文献   

In the chick (Gallus domesticus) embryo, otoconium formation started first over the macula sacculi around the 4th day of incubation, and a day later over the macula utriculi. It was determined that each otoconium formed as a result of the segmentation of the immature otolithic membrane, and that the calcium responsible for otoconium calcification was incorporated into the organic matrix of each otoconium in the form of small electron-dense granules (20-150 nm in diameter). The presence of calcium in these granules was confirmed by histochemical staining with osmic-potassium pyroantimonate, by EDTA chelation, and by X-ray microanalysis under the electron microscope.  相似文献   

Chickens are precocial birds, capable of moving independently from within a few hours of hatching, and thus provide a useful model to investigate the development of magnetoreception in young birds. Chicks show some sharply-timed behavioural changes at around 11 days of age that may be indicative of improvements in navigation ability around this age. We trained Young (<10 days, n = 7) and Old (11 days or older, n = 6) chicks to find a hidden imprinting stimulus behind one of four screens in a square arena. Once criterion was reached, the directional choices of chicks were recorded in unrewarded tests in the geomagnetic field and in an experimental field shifted by 90° clockwise. These tests were separated with rewarded training trials to avoid extinction. In the first, and the first 3 tests, no indication was found that chicks chose the correct unimodal magnetic direction. Instead, in all tests, Old chicks preferred the screens in the same magnetic axis as the training direction in tests in the geomagnetic and shifted experimental fields significantly more than Young chicks (P < 0.05). Choices of Young chicks were no different to chance in tests, whereas choices by Old chicks were significantly different from chance (P < 0.05). Our findings support the hypothesis that magnetoreception appears in the second week of life in the chicken. It is, however, unclear when a truly directional magnetic response (i.e. an unimodal, rather than axial, response in our test) develops that could be used by the chicks for accurate navigation.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between prostaglandins (PG) and vasotocin (AVT) in the oviposition of the domestic hen was investigated. Single or combined injections of indomethacin (IND), an inhibitor of PG synthesis, and AVT gave delay or induction of oviposition. Injection (i.m.) of IND (5 mg/kg) 5 h before oviposition resulted in 15.1 h (+/- 0.93) delay of oviposition. Injection (i.v.) of AVT (0.1 microgram/kg) 2.5 h before oviposition caused premature oviposition within a few minutes (3.1 +/- 0.2). Combined injection of IND and AVT at 5 h and 2.5 h, respectively, before oviposition caused the delay of oviposition (15.8 h +/- 0.8). The results indicate that IND blocked the induction of oviposition by AVT.  相似文献   

The distribution of three amblyceran (Menacanthus stramineus, Menacanthus cornutus, Menopon gallinae) and five ischnoceran species (Lipeurus lawrensis tropicalis, Lipeurus caponis. Goniocotes gallinae, Goniodes gigas, Goniodes dissimilis) on poultry was determined. The preferred sites of these species on the host body were recorded.  相似文献   

1. Neurogenic inflammation has been studied in the anaesthetized adult hen using a variety of different stimuli.2. Plasma extravasation was produced following antidromic stimulation of the external mandibular ramus of the trigeminal nerve which innervates the skin at the angle of the jaw and the anterior part of the wattle.3. Stimulation of the wattle by external application of mustard oil, thermal and mechanical stimuli, as well as intradermal injection of substance P and bradykinin, all produced plasma extravasation.4. These results demonstrate that, in contrast to previous findings in the pigeon, at least in the trigeminal of the chicken peripheral C-fibre nociceptors have similar physiological characteristics in relation to the neurogenic inflammatory mechanism to those seen in mammals.  相似文献   

The daily injection of the anti-androgen, cyproterone acetate, into regularly laying hens failed to prevent ovulation immediately. The delayed response suggested that testosterone is not part of the ovarian positive feedback stimulus resulting from the presence of an ovulable follicle and leading to ovulation. Ovarian changes in treated birds, and their unimpaired response to LH-RH, suggested that the drug might be acting by altering ovarian steroid metabolism.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of plasma calcium and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] in the regulation of the concentration of kidney calcium-binding protein (CaBP) was investigated. Chicks were fed diets varying in Ca2+ and P, with or without vitamin D. CaBP and 1,25(OH)2D3 were determined by competitive binding assays. A significant correlation between plasma and kidney 1,25(OH)2D3 was found, the linear regression equation of best-fit was plasma 1,25(OH)2D3 = 0.14 + 1.56 kidney 1,25(OH)2D3. In the vitamin D-fed chicks, kidney CaBP varied independently of the circulating or organ level of 1,25(OH)2D3 (P greater than 0.05), but was lower in the vitamin D-deficient than in the vitamin D-fed birds. A significant correlation was observed between kidney CaBP and plasma calcium (Cap). The regression equations were CaBP = Cap/(85.57-4.00 Cap) (R = 0.845) and CaBP = 0.0558 + 0.0404 Cap (R = 0.749), for vitamin D-treated and vitamin D-deficient chicks, respectively. The results suggest that the concentration of kidney CaBP is modulated by plasma calcium, but one or more of the vitamin D metabolites may be required for its synthesis.  相似文献   

Chickens weighing approx. 1500 g were fasted 64 hr and then continuously infused with [6-3H]glucose to determine effects of ethanol on plasma glucose concentrations and on rates of glucose turnover. Ethanol infusions (222 or 444 mumol/min X kg-1 body weight) did not cause hypoglycemia although the high dose infusion slightly decreased the rate of glucose turnover. Metabolite ratios measured in livers of chickens infused with the high dose of ethanol indicated that the hepatic cytosolic redox state was relatively unchanged. Chickens have an unusual resistance to ethanol-induced hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

The histotopography of the silvery-white glistening carotid body and the branchial derivates in the cranial thoracic inlets as well as the histocytology of the particular organ were revealed by various microtechniques. Three types of randomly distributed epithelioid cells, many capillaries, and small and large sinuses are observable. Myelinated fibres are sparsely distributed. 25 clinically healthy white leghorn males were used for this investigation.  相似文献   

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