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Despite continuous efforts since the 1950s and more recent advances in culturing flagellates and nonflagellate cells of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis, a number of different life‐cycle models exist today that appear to apply for P. globosa Scherff. and P. antarctica G. Karst., both spherical colony formers. In one such model, this life cycle consists of three different flagellates and one nonmotile cell stage that is embedded in carbohydrate matrix‐forming colonies of different sizes and forms. Recently, noncolonial aggregates of diploid nonmotile cells attached to surfaces of diatoms were put forward as a new stage in the sexual life cycle of P. antarctica. However, it can be discussed that these “attached aggregates” (AAs) are an intermediate between motile diploid flagellates, with their well‐known tendency to adhere to surfaces, and the young spherical colony with its diploid nonmotile cells, which in nature is commonly found attached to diatoms. A life‐cycle model pertaining to both P. globosa and P. antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

Despite the global importance of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)/dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and their role in climate regulation, little is known about the mechanisms of their production and storage in Phaeocystis sp., a major contributor of DMS in polar areas. Phaeocystis secretes polymer microgels, by regulated exocytosis, remaining in condensed phase while stored in secretory vesicles ( Chin et al. 2004 ). In secretory cells, vesicles also store small molecules, which are released during exocytosis. Here, we demonstrated that DMSP and DMS were stored in the secretory vesicles of Phaeocystis antarctica G. Karst. They were trapped within a polyanionic gel matrix, which prevented an accurate measurement of their concentration in the absence of a chelating agent such as EDTA. Understanding the production and the export mechanisms of DMSP and DMS into seawater is important because of the impact the cellular and extracellular pools of these highly relevant biogeochemical metabolites have on the environment. The pool of total DMSP in the presence of Phaeocystis may be underestimated by as much as half. Obtaining accurate budget measurements is the first step toward gaining a better understanding of key issues related to the DMS ocean–air interaction and the effect of phytoplankton DMS production on climate change.  相似文献   

Filaments ejected by Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel, organized in star-like structures, were observed and analyzed before and after their discharge from cells. Ultrastructural observations obtained after cryofixation and cryosubstitution led to a model for their storage within the cell and for their ejection from the cell. Electron diffraction analysis on the ejected filaments demonstrated their chitinous composition. This technique indicated without ambiguity that each filament was in fact a whisker-like α-chitin crystal, with the axes of the corresponding polymer chains aligned with the filament's axis. X-ray microanalysis of the mats of filaments indicated that the silica content suggested by earlier workers was an artifact resulting from the filtration procedure.  相似文献   

浮游植物所含的不饱和脂肪酸是测定其作为食物质量的指标,并在浮游植物向浮游动物及其它动物能量转化过程中起着关键的作用,必需不饱和脂肪酸的缺乏有利于水华的形成。球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)和铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)分别是常见的海洋和淡水水华藻类,该文分析了它们在不同生长期的脂肪酸组成,探讨了这两种藻类的脂肪酸组成特征。球形棕囊藻和铜绿微囊藻的脂肪酸碳链长为14~20个碳原子,脂肪酸种类组成都比较简单,以饱和脂肪酸为主,未检测到二十碳五烯酸(Eicosapentaenoic acid,EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸 (Docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)等动物的必需脂肪酸。球形棕囊藻的总脂肪酸含量在247.294~735.44 μg·g-1干重之间,在对数期和延滞期含量最高的脂肪酸分别是C14:0和C16:0;而两株铜绿微囊藻的总脂肪酸在1 405.095~6 087.617μg·g-1干重之间,以C16:0含量最高。两株铜绿微囊藻的脂肪酸含量在对数期和延滞期差异明显(p<0.05),但球形棕囊藻的脂肪酸含量在不同生长期差别不大。由于缺乏必需脂肪酸EPA和DHA,球形棕囊藻和铜绿微囊藻不能为高营养级的生物提供必需的不饱和脂肪酸,不是浮游动物等生物的良好食物。因此球形棕囊藻和铜绿微囊藻作为浮游动物的食物质量较低,浮游动物对它们的捕食压力也较小,可能是这两种藻容易暴发水华的重要原因。  相似文献   

Target regions specific for the class Prymnesiophyceae and the genus Phaeocystis (Har.) Lag. were identified from 18S ribosomal RNA coding regions, and two complementary probes were designed (PRYMN01 and PHAEO01). Detection of whole cells hybridized with these probes labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate was difficult using epifluorescence microscopy because autofluorescence of the chlorophylls seriously interfered with the fluorescence of the probes. In contrast, flow cytometry proved very useful to detect and quantify the fluorescence of the hybridized cells. Hybridization conditions were optimized, especially with respect to formamide concentration. Both probes were tested on a large array of both target and nontarget strains. Positive and negative controls were also analyzed. Specificity was tested by adding a competing nonlabeled probe. Whereas probe PHAEO01 seems to have good specificity, probe PRYMN01 appeared less specific and must be used with stringent positive and negative controls.  相似文献   

棕囊藻属(Phaeocystis)的分类与生活史(综述)   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
棕囊藻属Phaeocystis(定鞭藻纲Prymnesiophyceae)的分类问题目前还有争论。其种的分类标准是以初始的群体形态、地理分布、细胞特征等以及分子生物学特征,如染色体倍性,基因组大小等为依据。基于以上各种分类特征,目前比较确定的棕囊藻属藻类有四种:一种是只观察到单细胞形态的凹孔棕囊藻(P.scrobiculata),另外三种是能够形成群体的波切棕囊藻(P.pouchetii)、球形棕囊藻(P.globosa)和南极棕囊藻(P.antarctica)。棕囊藻具有一个复杂的异形生活史,介于几种游离的单细胞(不动的细胞,具有鞭毛的动细胞,小游动孢子以及可能存在的大游动孢子)和群体之间的形态交替。但其生活史中仍有许多不确定的问题。  相似文献   

温度和盐度对球形棕囊藻细胞DMSP产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
球形棕囊藻汕头株(Shantou strain,ST)和香港株(Hongkong,HK)是DMSP与DMS的高产株,在20℃、40盐度的培养条件下,二者DMSP产量分别达到161.3 437.60nmol/106cells.细胞内DMSP的积累与释放到细胞外DMS量受盐度、温度等环境因子的影响:在高盐低温条件下,单位藻细胞的DMSP与DMS产量较高.香港株DMSP/DMS的积累和释放与生长时期有关,稳定期细胞内的DMSP含量高达3898.3nmol/106cells,是指数期的12.3倍.    相似文献   

A virus infecting the haptophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim was isolated from Norwegian coastal waters in May 1995 at the end of a bloom of this phytoplankter. The virus was specific for P. pouchetii because it did not lyse 10 strains of P. globosa Scherffel, Phaeocystis sp., and P. antarctica Karsten. It was a double-stranded DNA virus, and the viral particle was a polyhedron with a diameter of 130–160 nm. The virus had a main polypeptide of about 59 kDa and at least five minor polypeptides between 30 and 50 kDa. The latent period of the virus when propagated in cultures of P. pouchetii was 12–18 h, and the time required for complete lysis of the cultures was about 48 h. The burst size was estimated to be 350–600 viral particles per lysed cell.  相似文献   

The haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica G. Karst. is a dominant phytoplankton species in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and exists as solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies that differ by several orders of magnitude in size. Recent studies with Phaeocystis globosa suggest that colony formation and enlargement are defense mechanisms against small grazers. To test if a similar grazer‐induced morphological response exists in P. antarctica, we conducted incubation experiments during the austral summer using natural P. antarctica and zooplankton assemblages. Dialysis bags that allowed exchange of dissolved chemicals were used to separate P. antarctica and zooplankton during incubations. Geometric mean colony size decreased by 35% in the control, but increased by 30% in the presence of grazers (even without physical contact) over the 15 d incubation. The estimated colonial‐to‐solitary cell carbon ratio was significantly higher in the grazing treatment. These results suggest that P. antarctica colonies would grow larger in the presence of indigenous zooplankton and skew the carbon partitioning significantly toward the colonial phase. While these observations show that the colony size of P. antarctica was affected by a chemical signal related to grazers, the detailed nature and ecological significance of this signal remain unknown.  相似文献   

Two new Phaeocystis species recently discovered in the Mediterranean Sea are described using light and electron microscopy, and their systematic position is discussed on the basis of an analysis of their nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA) sequences. Phaeocystis cordata Zingone et Chrétiennot-Dinet was observed only as flagellated unicells. Cells are heart shaped, with two flagella of slightly unequal length and a short haptonema. The cell body is covered with two layers of thin scales. The outermost layer scales are oval, with a faint radiating pattern, a raised rim, and a modest central knob. The inner-layer scales are smaller and have a faint radiate pattern and an inflexed rim. Cells swim with their flagella close together, obscuring the haptonema, pushing the cell, and causing it to rotate about its longitudinal axis while moving forward. Phaeocystis jahnii Zingone was isolated as a nonmotile colony. It forms loose aggregates of cells embedded in a mucilaginous, presumably polysaccharide matrix without a definite shape or visible external envelope. The flagellated stage has the features typical of other Phaeocystis species. Cells are rounded in shape and slightly larger than P. cordata. The cell body is covered with extremely thin scales of two different sizes with a very faint radiating pattern toward their margin. Swimming behavior is similar to that of P. cordata, with the flagella in a posterior position as the cells swim. The SSU rRNA sequence analysis indicated that both species are distinct from other cultivated Phaeocystis species sequenced to date. Regions previously identified as specific for the genus Phaeocystis are not found in P. jahnii, and new genus-specific regions have been identified. P. cordata is more closely related to the colonial species P. globosa, P. antarctica, and P. pouchetii and has branched prior to the divergence of the warm-water P. globosa species complex from the cold-water species P. antarctica and P. pouchetii. These results are discussed within a framework ofthe available data on the evolution of the world’s oceans.  相似文献   

The effects of iron limitation on photoacclimation to dynamic irradiance were studied in Phaeocystis antarctica G. Karst. and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grunow) W. Krieg. in terms of growth rate, photosynthetic parameters, pigment composition, and fluorescence characteristics. Under dynamic light conditions mimicking vertical mixing below the euphotic zone, P. antarctica displayed higher growth rates than F. cylindrus both under iron (Fe)–replete and Fe‐limiting conditions. Both species showed xanthophyll de‐epoxidation that was accompanied by low levels of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) during the irradiance maximum of the light cycle. The potential for NPQ at light levels corresponding to full sunlight was substantial in both species and increased under Fe limitation in F. cylindrus. Although the decline in Fv/Fm under Fe limitation was similar in both species, the accompanying decrease in the maximum rate of photosynthesis and growth rate was much stronger in F. cylindrus. Analysis of the electron transport rates through PSII and on to carbon (C) fixation revealed a large potential for photoprotective cyclic electron transport (CET) in F. cylindrus, particularly under Fe limitation. Probably, CET aided the photoprotection in F. cylindrus, but it also reduced photosynthetic efficiency at higher light intensities. P. antarctica, on the other hand, was able to efficiently use electrons flowing through PSII for C fixation at all light levels, particularly under Fe limitation. Thus, Fe limitation enhanced the photophysiological differences between P. antarctica and diatoms, supporting field observations where P. antarctica is found to dominate deeply mixed water columns, whereas diatoms dominate shallower mixed layers.  相似文献   

The haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica Karsten is a dominant species within the seasonal bloom in the Ross Sea. One of the unique characteristics of this form is that carbon is partitioned between the cells and the colonial matrix, a relationship that is poorly documented for this region. We combined particulate organic carbon measurements and microscopic analysis of P. antarctica -dominated samples to assess the contribution of single cells, colony-associated cells, and mucilage to the carbon concentrations of waters with P. antarctica. Two cruises to the Ross Sea were completed, one in austral spring 1994 and one in summer 1995–1996. In 1994 the bloom was dominated by colonial P. antarctica that contributed up to 96% of the total autotrophic carbon, whereas in 1995–1996 a mixture of P. antarctica and diatoms occurred. P. antarctica colony volume ( V ) was related to colonial cell number ( N C) by the relationship V = 417 × N C1.67. Total colony carbon (CCOL) was calculated as the sum of cell carbon (CCC) and mucus-related carbon (CM). We found the contribution of mucus carbon to be 213 ng C mm 3 of colony volume. For P. antarctica -dominated assemblages sampled at the peak of the bloom, CM represented a minor fraction (14 ± 4%) of colony carbon, and during early summer conditions CM was at most 33% of CCOL. This organism plays a cardinal role in the carbon cycle of many regions. These results constrain the partitioning of carbon between cellular material and the colony matrix, information that is necessary to accurately describe the biogeochemical cycles influenced by this species.  相似文献   

The activity and subcellular distribution of carbonic anhydrase in a coccolithophorid alga, CCMP 299, was examined. The enzyme could not be detected in crude cell homogenates but was present at high specific activity (27.5 unit·mg?1 protein) in chloroplasts (density, 1.14 g·cm?3) isolated in a sucrose gradient. The carbonic anhydrase activity was sensitive to known inhibitors. Inhibition at 50% (I50) was obtained with concentrations of 4.60 mM and 2.65 mM for acetazolamide and NaN3, respectively. These levels are more consistent with patterns of inhibition previously observed for chloroplastic (as compared to periplasmic) carbonic anhydrase. In this organism, carbonic anhydrase was localized in the chloroplast stroma. These findings are discussed in terms of the relationship among dissolved inorganic carbon interconversions, photosynthesis, and calcification.  相似文献   

We examined cell morphology, ploidy level, cell size, pigment composition, and genome size in 16 cultured strains of Phaeocystis Lagerheim. Two strains originated from the Antarctic, 3 from the tropical Western Atlantic, and 11 from temperate regions (Eastern Atlantic, English Channel, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea). Thirteen strains made colonies morphologically similar to P. glo-bosa Scherffel, whereas three never formed colonies under any circumstances. Five-rayed star-like structures with filaments were observed in 11 strains. In several strains, two ploidy levels were observed, one (haploid) linked to flagellates and one (diploid) linked to colonies. Cell size did not appear to be a very good criterion for distinguishing strains since size distributions overlapped. Pigment analysis by reversed-phase-high-performance liquid chroma-tography allowed the strains to be grouped into three clusters that differed from each other mainly by the relative proportions of three carotenoids: fucoxanthin, 19′-hex-anoyloxyfucoxanthin, and diadinoxanthin. All strains contained low levels of 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin. Differences in genome size measured by flow cytometry delimited at least five groups. On the basis of both pigment composition and genome size, six clusters were defined, one corresponding to an Antarctic species (possibly P. antarc-tica), one to P. globosa, and the rest probably to several yet-undescribed species or subspecies. Two main conclusions emerge from this study. First, the taxonomy of the genus Phaeocystis needs to be clarified through a combination of morphological, biochemical, and molecular studies. Second, sexuality is a prevalent phenomenon in Phaeocystis, but controls of the sexual cycle are most likely strain-dependent.  相似文献   

Cell homogenates of Pleurochrysis sp. (CCMP299) were fractionated by means of sucrose gradients. Ca2+-stimulated ATPase (EC, ATP phosphohydrolase) was associated primarily with the plasma membrane, Golgi, and high density (1.21 g·cm?3) membranous structures. Ca2+-stimulated ATPase was highly enriched in the latter. Based on treatments with Triton X-100 and NBD ceramide, we conclude that the high-density structures were membrane-delimited organelles. These vesicle-like organelles contained complex polysaccharides, a high concentration of calcium, and, upon microscopic examination, structures resembling coccoliths. These findings are consistent with observations on the known composition of coccoliths and the presumed mineralizing function of the sub-cellular coccolith-producing compartment. The high-density vesicles were linked to the Golgi by means of colchicine-sensitive materials, presumably microtubules. These data and prior ultrastructural observations by other investigators indicating vectorial assembly and secretion suggest that the subcellular movement of the newly formed coccoliths may be directed and/or powered by colchicine-sensitive cytoskeletal elements. We interpret the data to mean that the high-density vesicles represent the coccolith-producing compartment previously observed by others in electron micrographs.  相似文献   

The distribution and production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs) were studied quantitatively both in cultures of Phaeocystis antarctica Karsten (Prymnesiophyceae) and in natural phytoplankton assemblages in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. TEP production in culture was a function of growth rate and photosynthetic activity and was strongly influenced by photon flux density. The concentrations of TEP measured during a bloom, dominated by P. antarctica, were higher than those produced by coastal diatom blooms and were correlated with chlorophyll a (Chl a), being low at Chl a levels below 3 μgL?1 but increasing rapidly at greater Chl a concentrations. Because higher chlorophyll hek are dominated 4 larger P. antarctica colonies, this relationship suggests that TEP was produced primarily by sloughing and disintegration of the colonial matrix. TEP concentrations (both absolute and relative to Chl a) increased as the bloom's biomass increased. Vertical distributions of TEP and Chl a showed TEP: chlorophyll maxima at the bottom of the water column at most stations. Because TEP and floc formation are tightly coupled, we suggest that mucous flocs derived from TEP, rather than intact P. antarctica colonies, are the dominant component of aggregates and subsequent organic carbon vertical flux.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of an undescribed species of Chrysochromulina Lackey that bears “eyelash” scales is reconstructed. The transitional region consists of two transitional plates each with an axosome, with no stellate pattern between them. Fine osmiophilic rings lie between the flagellar membrane and the outer doublets in the transitional region. The two jagella and the haptonema are inserted in a subapical depression that is lined ventrally by a spine-like projection formed by one of the parietal chloroplasts. The angles of insertion are similar to those of some other Chrysochromulina species in that both the haptonema and the right basal body lie at an extreme angle to the left basal body. The connectives of the apparatus consist of a striated distal band with a dorsal extension to the R1 and a ventral extension overlying the R2, a striated distal accessory band, an auxiliary connective from the right basal body to the adjacent ventral chloroplast, a well-developed intermediate band, two striated proximal bands, and a striated proximal accessory band. Of the microtubular roots in this Chrysochromulina species, three are associated with the left side of the cell (an R1 of 8+3; a small crystalline compound root, the R1C, associated with the R1; an R2 of three micro-tubules), and two are associated with the right basal body (an R3 of 2/2 microtubules with which the single-stranded R4 converges to form a 2/2+1 and then a 2/3 tiered arrangement). Comparisons are drawn with other species in the genus and related genera, particularly Prymne-sium.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for phytoplankton growth, as it is involved in many metabolic processes. It controls photosynthesis as well as many enzymatic processes. As such, iron affects the cell's energy supply and contributes to the assimilation of carbon and nitrogen. To determine whether iron limitation would result in energy stress or induced nitrogen deficiency, an Antarctic Phaeocystis sp. (Prymnesiophyceae) strain was studied for its biochemical composition, with the main emphasis on intracellular production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). DMSP is suggested to replace nitrogen containing solutes under conditions of nitrogen deficiency. Batch cultures of Antarctic Phaeocystis sp. were grown under iron-rich and iron-poor conditions and simultaneously subjected to high and low light intensities. Iron depletion induced chlorosis and suppressed growth rates as well as the maximum yield of the cultures; these effects were reinforced by low light intensities. Cell volumes were strongly reduced under iron-limited conditions. However, this reduction in cell volume was accompanied by a reduced DMSP content only in cultures experiencing low light intensities. Under high light conditions, no reduction of DMSP was observed; hence, intracellular DMSP concentrations increased. These observations are discussed relative to carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the biosynthetic pathway of DMSP. It is argued that under high light, low iron conditions, the cells were bordering on nitrogen deficiency induced by iron limitation, whereas under low light, low iron conditions, the cells were energy limited resulting in overall suppressed metabolic rates. Between treatments, DMSP to chlorophyll- a ratios varied by a factor of 5, demonstrating the dependence of this parameter on the physiological state of the cell.  相似文献   

In some cultures of the flagellate Chrysochromulina polylepis Manton et Parke, established from cells isolated from the massive bloom in Skagerrak and Kattegat in 1988, we observed, two motile cell types. They were termed authentic and alternate cells and differed with respect to scale morphology. To investigate whether or not the two cell forms were joined in a sexual life cycle, the relative DNA content per cell and relative size of cells of several clonal cultures of C. polylepis were determined by flow cytometry. Percentages of authentic and alternate cells in the cultures were estimated by transmission electron microscopy. Pure authentic cultures (α) contained cells with the lowest level of DNA and were termed haploid. Two pure alternate cultures (β) contained cells with double the DNA content of authentic cells and were termed diploid. Other pure alternate cultures contained haploid cells only, or both haploid and diploid cells. Three cell types were observed, each capable of vegetative propagation: authentic haploid, alternate haploid, and alternate diploid cells. Both the haploid and diploid alternate cells were larger than the haploid authentic cells. Cultures containing diploid cells appeared unstable: cell type ratio and ploidy ratio changed during the experiment where this cell type was present, particularly when grown in continuous light. In contrast, cultures with only haploid cells remained unchanged at all growth conditions tested. Light condition may influence cell type ratio and ploidy ratio. Our attempt to induce syngamy by mixing different authentic haploid clones did not result in mating. Assuming that the authentic and alternate cell types are of the same species, the life cycle of C. polylepis includes three flagellated scale-covered cell forms. Two of the cell types are haploid and may function as gametes, and the third is diploid, possibly being the result of syngamy.  相似文献   

A strain of Phaeocystis sp., isolated in the Southern Ocean, was cultured under iron- and light-limited conditions. The cellular content of chlorophyll a and accessory light-harvesting (LH) pigments increased under low light intensities. Iron limitation resulted in a decrease of all light-harvesting pigments. However, this decrease was greatly compensated for by a decrease in cell volume. Cellular concentrations of the LH pigments were similar for both iron-replete and iron-deplete cells. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were affected only under low light conditions, wherein concentrations were suppressed by iron limitation. Ratios of the LH pigments to chlorophyll a were highest for iron-deplete cells under both light conditions. The photoprotective cycle of diato/diadinoxanthin was activated under high light conditions, and enhanced by iron stress. The ratio of diatoxanthin to diadinoxanthin was highest under high light, low iron conditions.   Iron limitation induced synthesis of 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin and 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin at the cost of fucoxanthin. Fucoxanthin formed the main carotenoid in iron-replete Phaeocystis cells, whereas for iron-deplete cells 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin was found to be the main carotenoid. This shift in carotenoid composition is of importance in view of the marker function of both pigments, especially in areas where Phaeocystis sp. and diatoms occur simultaneously. A hypothesis is presented to explain the transformation of fucoxanthin into 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin and 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin, referring to their roles as a light-harvesting pigment.  相似文献   

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