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方芳 《动物分类学报》2000,25(2):214-227
中国Dan属鱼类共有7种,分布于云南南部和西南部的三大流域中。其中半线Dan Daio interrubtus,红蚌Dna D.kakhienensis,缺须Dan D.apogon和珍珠Dan D.albolineatus分布地伊洛瓦底江流域的大盈江和龙川江水系,布良Dan D.browni和撞邦Dan.D.shanensis分布于萨尔温江上游的怒江水系,金线Dan D.chrysotaenia  相似文献   

记述了首次发现于柴达木盆地早渐新世晚期至晚渐新世早期(距今27~29 Ma)的鲤科鱼类化石。材料包括咽骨、咽齿、匙骨、腹鳍骨及一些零散的鳍条。咽骨及咽齿化石与原始鲃亚科鱼类及裂腹鱼亚科裂腹鱼属鱼类的相似;腹鳍骨化石与原始鲃亚科鱼类的更相似。鲃亚科鱼类现今分布于北纬35°以南的亚洲、欧洲南部及非洲北部;裂腹鱼属鱼类分布局限于青藏高原东、南、西面的边缘区域,在柴达木盆地没有分布。柴达木盆地水系现生鱼类仅见适于高寒环境的高度特化等级的裂腹鱼亚科鱼类及鳅科高原鳅属鱼类,鱼类组成与早渐新世晚期至晚渐新世早期的不尽相同。  相似文献   

Life history should relate to gene flow (Nm) through its influence on dispersal and effective population size. Comparative studies designed to elucidate this relationship must contend with historical events that can yield misleading estimates of gene flow and statistical problems associated with inclusion of life-history traits correlated with phylogeny. We studied the relationships of life-history characters and gene flow in 15 species of darters, a monophyletic group of stream fishes. Populations of coexisting species were sampled in three geographic regions with different Pleistocene glaciation histories. Gene flow was estimated indirectly from allozymes using two methods, 8 and private alleles. Isolation-by-distance was also tested using regression of pairwise estimates of gene flow (M?) on distance. Theta and private-alleles methods produced congruent estimates of Nm, except in a study region hypothesized to have been historically fragmented and then united following Pleistocene glaciation. A relatively weak association between life-history traits and Nm (based on θ) was observed when species from the historically fragmented region were included in stepwise regression analysis, because Nm was low despite life-history differences among taxa in this region. Excluding observations from this region produced stronger associations between clutch size and Nm (r2 = 0.57), and between female size, egg size, and Nm (r2 = 0.95). Additional analyses that corrected for female body size and phylogenetic nonindependence agreed that darters with high fecundity and small eggs exhibited high gene flow, whereas darters with small clutches and large eggs had low gene flow. The latter combination of life-history traits primarily is exhibited in species from headwater habitats where parental investment presumably confers survivorship on offspring. Reduced gene flow and genetic divergence among demes appear to be evolutionary consequences of this strategy.  相似文献   

广西鱼类一新属三新种:鲤形目:鲤科,鳅科   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在广西河池地区鱼类资源调查中,我们发现鲤科鱼类一新属二新种和鳅科鱼类一新种。描述如下:  相似文献   

Abstract The extent and impact of introgressive hybridization was examined in the Gila robusta complex of cyprinid fishes using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. Lower Colorado River basin populations of G. robusta, G. elegans, and G. cypha exhibited distinct mtDNAs, with only limited introgression of G. elegans into G. cypha. The impact of hybridization was significant in upper Colorado River basin populations; most upper basin fishes sampled exhibited only G. cypha mtDNA haplotypes, with some individuals exhibiting mtDNA from G. elegans. The complete absence of G. robusta mtDNA, even in populations of morphologically pure G. robusta, indicates extensive introgression that predates human influence. Analysis of the geographic distribution of variation identified two distinctive G. elegans lineages; however, the small number of individuals and localities sampled precluded a comprehensive analysis. Analysis of haplotype and population networks for G. cypha mtDNAs from 15 localities revealed low divergence among haplotypes; however, significant frequency differences among populations within and among drainages were found, largely attributable to samples in the Little Colorado River region. This structure was not associated with G. cypha and G. robusta, as morphotypes from the same location are more similar than conspecific forms in other locations. This indicates that morphological and mtDNA variation are affected by different evolutionary forces in Colorado River Gila and illustrates how both hybridization and local adaptation can play important roles in evolution.  相似文献   

本文应用分支系统学原理对鳅(鱼它)鱼类的鳔囊、鳔及相关结构进行了特征分圻,并以(鱼句)亚科作为外类群。解剖结果表明,鳅(鱼它)鱼类的鳔分四种类型;分析结果进一步证实鳅(鱼它)鱼类是一个单源群,作为一亚科可分为异鳔鳅(鱼它)属和鳅(鱼它)属,后者又分为原鳅(鱼它)和鳅(鱼它)二个亚属。  相似文献   

使用分子生物学的方法对Dan亚科鱼类的单系性进行了探讨。通过PCR方法,获得了13种鲤科鱼类S7核糖体蛋白基因第1内含子序列,其中包括6种Dan亚科鱼类。使用MEGA软件中的Neighbor-Joining法和Most-Parsimony法分别构建分支系统图。研究结果显示目前所确认的Dan亚科鱼类实际上没有形成单系类群。其中Dan属、波鱼属和低线Lie属位于系统树基部,显示出原始性,而由细鲫属、马口鱼属和Lie属构成的类群相对于Dan亚科中的原始种类起源较晚,可能和较晚起源的东亚鲤科类群之间有更为密切的关系。  相似文献   

Studies on north temperate fish species indicate that new habitat availability following the last ice sheet retreat has promoted ecological speciation in postglacial lakes. Extensive ecophenotypic polymorphisms observed among the North American Great Lakes ciscoes suggest that this fish group has radiated through trophic adaptation and reproductive isolation. This study aims at relating the ecomorphological and genetic polymorphisms expressed by the Lake Nipigon ciscoes to evaluate the likelihood of an intralacustrine divergence driven by the exploitation of alternative resources. Morphological variation and trophic and spatial niches are characterized and contrasted among 203 individuals. Genetic variation at six microsatellite loci is also analyzed to appraise the extent of genetic differentiation among these morphotypes. Ecomorphological data confirm the existence of four distinct morphotypes displaying various levels of trophic and depth niche overlap and specialization. However, ecological and morphological variations were not coupled as expected, suggesting that trophic morphology is not always predictive of ecology. Although extensive genetic variability was observed, little genetic differentiation was found among morphotypes, with only one morph being slightly but significantly differentiated. Contrasting patterns of morphological, ecological, and genetic polymorphisms did not support the hypothesis of ecological speciation: the most ecologically different forms were morphologically most similar, while the only genetically differentiated morph was the least ecologically specialized. The low levels of genetic differentiation and the congruence between θ and φ estimates altogether suggest a recent (most likely postglacial) process of divergence and/or high gene flow among morphs A, C, and D, whereas higher φ estimates for comparison involving morph B suggest that this morph may be derived from another colonizing lineage exchanging little genes with the other morphs. Patterns of ecophenotypic and genetic diversity are also compatible with a more complex evolutionary history involving hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

1980年,我们在青衣江采得裂腹鱼属(Schizothorax)鱼类的一个新种。现记述如下。 异唇裂腹鱼(新种)Schizothorax heterochilus,sp,nov.(图1) 地方名 假重口 正模标本编号6—0539,体长285毫米,♀,1980年11月5日采自雅安草坝,海拔高度600米左右;配模标本编号6—0414,体长为360毫米,(?),1980年9月13日采自雅安周公河,海拔高度约600米;副模标本6尾,编号:6—0001,6—0188,6—0404,  相似文献   

本文报道1980年6月采自江苏省吴江县的鲤科鱼类一新种,小口小鳔Micrco-physogobiomicrostomussp.nov.新种的口唇和鳔囊结构等性状与凌河小鳔M.linghensisXie相近似,而又以其口唇的发达程度、胸腹部裸露区的大小和位置、尾柄长与高之比以及体色斑纹的差异等与后者相区别。  相似文献   

中国似鮈属鱼类的形态变异及地理分化研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对似鮈属鱼类进行了形态测量和主成分分析。结果表明区别似鮈和桂林似鮈的重要特征胸鳍末端是否超过腹鳍起点与尾柄高同尾柄长的比例相互之间有一定的相关性,但是在研究的样本中没有截然的界限,而是有较大的重叠,难以区分。其他的特征则没有相关性。从地理分布看,同一地点的样本在上述特征上有一定的区别,但是没有发现明显的南北或东西地理变化的规律。因此似鮈属鱼类应该只划分为一个种,桂林似鮈为似鮈的同物异名。  相似文献   

本文记述采自云南澜沧江水系的鲤科(鱼丹)亚科鱼类一新属新种。新属裸(鱼丹)属Gymnodanio gen.nov.在侧线、臀鳍条数目等特征上近似于低线(?)属Barilius,但以其除侧线鳞外体裸露无鳞,具不完全之腹棱等而与其及(鱼丹)亚科现有各属相区别。新种命名为条纹裸(鱼丹)G.strigatus sp.nov.。  相似文献   

本文通过对日本黄脊蝗Patangajapoinca(I.Bd),短角直斑腿蝗StenocatantopsmistshenkoiWill和霍山蹦蝗SinopodismahoushanaHuang精子的比较,发现了它们的精子的线粒体衍生体和中心粒侧体的超微形态结构十分相似,在精子发生过程中7、8两期精细胞线粒体衍生体周围微管的排数相一致,这3个种精子间的差异主要反映在外形头和尾的长度,线粒体衍生体的大  相似文献   

Genetic variation was assessed in the tiger beetle, Cicindela dorsalis, by sequencing of three regions of the mtDNA genome. Populations of four morphologically distinguishable subspecies were sampled from 28 representative locations covering almost the entire geographic range of the species in coastal North America. In 78 individuals analyzed for 656 base pairs from four different genes, 17 different haplotypes could be distinguished. A cladistic analysis grouped the haplotype sequences into two main lineages, one from the Atlantic Ocean and one from the Gulf of Mexico. Haplotypes within the two clades were very similar to each other. Most of the characters that distinguished these closely related haplotypes were homoplastic. The geographic distribution of haplotypes did not coincide with the distribution of morphological subspecies, but no evidence for hybridization between two subspecies could be inferred from this observation. The implications of these findings for the evolution of gene sequences at and below the species level are discussed.  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was surveyed to analyze population dynamics in Liriodendron tulipifera L., a woody angiosperm found in eastern North America. Two cpDNA haplotypes, differing by the presence or absence of five restriction site changes (nucleotide sequence divergence estimated as approximately 0.15%) are geographically structured; 61 widespread populations possess the “northern” haplotype and three isolated populations of central Florida possess the “southern” haplotype. This geographic break in cpDNA distribution corresponds to patterns of geographic distribution revealed by a previous survey of allozyme variation, with the exception that analyses of allozyme data further divided the populations containing the northern cpDNA haplotype into two groups, a widespread upland group and a coastal intermediate group. Analyses of these two independent data sets together support the hypothesis that L. tulipifera survived the glacial advances of the Pleistocene in two distinct refugia, possibly as different taxa, and the intermediate coastal group was putatively formed from recent hybridizations between these entities.  相似文献   

本文记述采自江西的鲤科鱼类一新种。新种命名为江西鳅Gobiobotiajiangxiensis,sp.nov,以胸腹部裸露区止于肛门;须短小;胸鳍条不延长,不达腹鳍起点;腹鳍起点至胸鳍起点距离大于至臀鳍起点距离;肛门位于腹鳍起点和臀鳍起点的中点等特征与本属其它种类相区别。  相似文献   

The selection pressures imposed by mate choice for species identity should impose strong stabilizing selection on traits that confer species identity to mates. Thus, we expect that such traits should show nonoverlapping distributions among closely related species, but show little to no variance among populations within a species. We tested these predictions by comparing levels of population differentiation in the sizes and shapes of male cerci (i.e., the clasper structures used for species identity during mating) of six Enallagma damselfly species. Cerci shapes were nonoverlapping among Enallagma species, and five of six Enallagma species showed no population variation across their entire species ranges. In contrast, cerci sizes overlapped among species and varied substantially among populations within species. These results, taken with previous studies, suggest that cerci shape is a primary feature used in species recognition used to discriminate conspecific from heterospecifics during mating.  相似文献   

The rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), is an osmerid fish that exhibits extensive life-history diversity throughout watersheds of northeastern North America. There are both ???sea-run (anadromous) and lake-resident (lacustrine) populations and the latter have diversified further into “dwarf-” and “normal-sized” life-history types. Anadromous and lacustrine smelt may inhabit the same watershed and there are several instances where dwarf and normal populations reside within the same lake. We assayed variation among smelt for morphological traits linked to feeding performance in fishes to see if trophic ecology might promote life-history diversity in Osmerus. We also examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site variation among forms to assess their evolutionary interrelationships. Dwarf smelt had significantly more gill rakers, larger eyes, but shorter upper jaws than normal lake and anadromous smelt. The populations clustered into two trophic “morphotypes”; an anadromous/normal lake group of populations and a group consisting only of dwarf smelt. The mtDNAs of 444 smelt from 16 populations were digested with 12 restriction enzymes revealing 93 composite mtDNA genotypes that clustered (UPGMA) into two major phylogenetic groups differing by 0.78% in sequence. Both genetic groups were present in dwarf and normal smelt as well as in anadromous fish. Further, geographic proximity, rather than trophic morphotype, appeared to be the major determinant of genetic affinities among populations. In two lakes, however, dwarf and normal smelt populations had significantly different mtDNA genotype frequency distributions indicating that the forms are reproductively isolated within both lakes. A clustering analysis of population affinities suggested that the divergence of sympatric dwarf and normal populations had occurred independently in the two lakes. We concluded (1) that trophic ecology is an important factor promoting differentiation in smelt life histories; (2) that smelt ecotypes are polyphyletic and there have been multiple, independent divergences of Osmerus life-history types throughout northeastern North America; and (3) that the biological and mtDNA differences between coexisting dwarf and normal lake smelt argue strongly that their genetic isolation may have developed sympatrically.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting complicate the inference of phylogeny, and available species‐tree methods do not simultaneously account for these processes. Both hybridization and ancestral polymorphism have been invoked to explain divergent phylogenies inferred from different datasets for Stigmacerca, a clade of 11 North American darter species. Species of Stigmacerca are characterized by a mating system involving parental care with males guarding nesting territories and fertilized eggs. Males of four species of Stigmacerca develop egg‐mimic nuptial structures on their second dorsal fins during the breeding season. Previous phylogenies suggest contrasting scenarios for the evolution of this nuptial trait. Using a combination of coalescent‐based methods, we analyzed a dataset comprising a mitochondrial gene and 15 nuclear loci to estimate relationships and simultaneously test for introgressive hybridization. Our analyses identified several instances of interspecific gene flow involving both cytoplamsmic haplotypes and nuclear alleles. The new phylogeny was used to infer a single origin and recent loss of egg‐mimic structures in Stigmacerca and led to the discovery of a phylogenetically distinct species. Our results highlight the limited strategies available to account for introgressive hybridization in the inference of species relationships and the likely effects of this process on reconstructing trait evolution.  相似文献   

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