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Summary The ultrastructure of the flame bulbs, protonephridial capillaries and duct of fully developed and regenerating Stenostomum sp. is described. Flame bulbs are formed by a single cell whose nucleus is located basally or laterally to the weir. The weir is formed by a single row of transverse ribs connected by a thin membrane, apparently of extracellular matrix. Internal leptotriches arise from the proximal cytoplasm and extend in a (usually) single row along the weir and into the lumen of the distal cytoplasmic tube. Many or all leptotriches do not fuse with the distal cytoplasm. Two cilia are each anchored in the proximal cytoplasm by a cross-striated vertical and lateral rootlet, the latter bent forward and extending for some distance into one of the two cytoplasmic cords along the weir. Each cord contains the lateral rootlet in its proximal part, as well as many microtubules. The distal cytoplasmic tube contains two (longitudinal) junctions, i.e. lines of contact between cell processes of the same, terminal cell. Occasionally, more than two junctions were seen, apparently due to branches of the terminal cell in contact with each other. Flame bulbs join capillaries lined by several canal cells type I, containing few or no microvilli but lateral flames. Such capillaries join a duct (or ducts?) lined by canal cells type II with many long microvilli. The large protonephridial duct is lined by numerous cells with lateral flames and many long microvilli. In regenerating tissue (10.5 hours after cutting) some flame bulbs were free, i.e. not connected to capillaries, and some capillaries openly communicated with the surrounding intercellular space. In the presence of a single row of ribs in the weir, of internal leptotriches, and of vertical and lateral ciliary rootlets, the flame bulb of Stenostomum sp. resembles that of other Plathelminthes much more closely than hitherto thought. The species differs from non-catenulid plathelminths mainly in the large number of glandular cells lining the large protonephridial ducts, in the transverse orientation of the ribs in the weir and in the presence of only two cilia in the flame.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes, the patterns of body-wall musculature of flatworms were studied using fluorescence microscopy and Alexa-488-labeled phalloidin. Species of the Catenulida have a simple orthogonal gridwork of longitudinal and circular muscles. Members of the Rhabditophora have the same gridwork of musculature, but also have diagonal muscles over their entire body. Although a few species of Acoelomorpha possessed a simple orthogonal grid of musculature, most species typically have distinctly different patterns of dorsal and ventral body-wall musculature that include sets of longitudinal, circular, U-shaped, and several kinds of diagonal muscles. Several distinct patterns of musculature were identified, including 8 patterns in 11 families of acoels. These patterns have proven to be useful in clarifying the phylogeny of the Acoelomorpha, particularly with regard to the higher acoels. Patterns of musculature as well as other morphological characters are used here for revisions of acoel systematics, including the return of Eumecynostomum sanguineum (Mecynostomidae) to the genus Aphanostoma (Convolutidae), the revision of the family Childiidae, and the formation of a new family, Actinoposthiidae.  相似文献   

Summary Light-refracting bodies, possibly photoreceptors, occurring in the posterior lobes of the brain are considered characteristic for most species of catenulid turbellarians of the freshwater genus Stenostomum. In S. virginianum, each of two light-refracting bodies consists of a single cup-shaped granule (3–4 m) situated in the perikaryon of a single nerve cell (the clear vesicle of earlier papers). TEM reveals each granule as an enlarged and folded mitochondrion with a dense matrix inclusion of undetermined composition. Cristae are well-developed and there is a dense granular extramito-chondrial layer of uniform thickness (100 nm) along the posteromedial surface of the mitochondrion. The perikaryon is packed with ribosomes, -glycogen granules and 60–100 nm dense-cored vesicles. A neurite extends from the perikaryon into the neuropile of the brain. Experimental data indicate an absence of phototaxis and photokinesis and an absence of ultrastructural modifications with light- and dark-adaptation. An ultrastructural comparison is made of the light-refracting bodies of S. virginianum with those of a second species. Hypotheses regarding the role of light-refracting bodies as photoperiodic receptors and/or specialized neurosecretory cells are advanced.This study was supported in part by a National Science Foundation grant DEB-7823395 and a Clemson University Faculty Research Grant to E. Ruppert  相似文献   

The first complete mitochondrial genome of a catenulid, Stenostomum leucops, was characterized. Illumina sequencing and 90 813 reads were utilized in the assembly, producing one contig with an average coverage of 1118×. The length of this genome is 15 742 bp with 12 protein‐coding, two rRNA and 22 tRNA genes. Although the atp8 gene is absent in other Platyhelminthes, a highly divergent putative atp8 gene was found in S. leucops. In contrast to other Platyhelminthes, the mitochondrial genes of S. leucops are encoded on both strands. The gene order in the S. leucops mitogenome is very divergent from those observed in other Platyhelminthes, showing only small blocks of synteny. With AAA as the codon for lysine S. leucops shows the probable plesiomorphic condition, whereas Rhabditophora possess the derived GAA. This evolutionary transition is correlated with changes in the respective anticodons in trnK. It remains unclear whether the absence of the D arm and loop in trnS1 is a convergence in Catenulida and Neodermata.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity (IR) obtained by monoclonal antibodies to substance P (SP) was studied in the asexually reproducing microturbellarians Stenostomum leucops and Microstomum lineare. The IR pattern was studied by confocal and ordinary fluorescence microscopy. In both species, IR occurs in the brain in peripheral cells, neuropilar fibres, in longitudinal cords and in the pharyngeal nervous system. The IR patterns reveal neuroanatomical details not observed with other neuroactive substances. In both species, immunopositive cells send fibers to the ciliary pits. In M. lineare, additional fibres run to more frontally located sensory structures. In S. leucops, two pharyngeal nerve rings are visualized. The pharyngeal nerve ring close to the surface associated with symmetrical immunopositive cell pairs is demonstrated for the first time, while the deeper-lying pharyngeal nerve ring has been previously demonstrated by antibodies to the molluscan cardioactive peptide FMRF-amide. Two cells with strong IR are connected by short fibres to the pharyngeal nerve ring in M. lineare. In the developing new individuals, i.e., the zooids of M. lineare, IR to SP is first revealed in nerve fibres growing out from parental lateral nerve cords towards the centre of the worm where the new brain commissure will appear. Immunopositive cells in the brain periphery and close to the developing ciliary pits appear later. Simultaneous staining by antibodies to SP and 5-HT shows that IR to SP appears later than IR to 5-HT.  相似文献   

Summary The 28 major morphological characters of members of the family Zoogonidae are discussed. A key to the subfamilies is given and a detailed revision of the subfamily is presented. Nine genera and 27 species are treated in detail with keys and cladograms to genera and species. The genera and species covered are: Zoogonus rubellus, Z. argentopsi, Z. dextrocirrus, Z. lasius, Z. [=Zoogonoides] mazuri (Korotaeva) n. comb., Z. pagrosomi, Proparvipyrum israelense, Parvipyrum acanthuri, Brevicreadium congeri, Diphterostomum brusinae, D. albulae, D. americanum, D. betencourti, D. indicum, D. magnacetabulum, D. vividum, Pseudozoogonoides subaequiporus, P. ugui, Glaucivermis spinosus, Neozoogonus californicus, N. longicecus, N. malacanthi, Zoogonoides viviparus, Z. acanthogobii, Z. laevis, Z. pyriformis, Z. yamagutii. ac]19851127  相似文献   


The ultrastructure of the uterus in gravid proglottids of Hymenolepis citelli, Vampirolepis nana and Vampirolepis microstoma was examined using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The cellular and subcellular structures were similar in all three species, consisting basically of a syncytial layer attached to a basal extracellular matrix. All nuclei were juxtaluminal and each contained a single large centrally located nucleolus and prominent masses of central and peripheral heterochromatin. The cytoplasm showed evidence suggesting a high level of protein synthesis and secretion. It consisted primarily of granular endoplasmic reticulum with moderately dilated cisternae; most cisternae were completely filled with an electron-lucent flocculent material, but others contained electrondense granules. Free ribosomes and mitochondria were also present. The apical plasma membrane and a small amount of enclosed cytoplasm were folded into long microlamellae that extended into the uterine lumen. Larger epithelial folds and villi consisting of folded portions of the entire epithelium projected into the uterine lumen. The uterine epithelium along with its basul extracellular matrix and underlying cellular parenchyma were folded into the lumen at several points, forming epitheliomesenchymal folds and villi that closely apposed many of the eggs.  相似文献   

Summary A detailed revision of the zoogonid subfamily Lepidophyllinae is presented, using morphological characters discussed in an earlier paper. Twelve genera and 50 species are treated in detail with keys and cladograms to genera and species. The genera and species covered are: Lepidophyllum steenstrupi, L. appyi, L. armatum, L. brachycladium, L. cameroni, L. pleuronectini, L. pyriforme, L. schantaricum, Urinatrema hispidum, U. hirudinacea, Panopula cavernossa, P. bridgeri, P. spinosa, Limnoderetrema minutum (Manter, 1954) [formerly Deretrema] n.g. (in freshwater fishes; genital pore at oral sucker or pharynx level), n. comb., Brachyenteron peristedioni, B. acropomatis, B. campbelli, B. doederleiniae, B. magnibursatum, B. parexocoeti, B. pycnorganum, Steganodermatoides kergeleni, S. agassizi, S. allocytti, S. maceri, Neosteganoderma glandulosum, N. infundibulum, Proctophantastes abyssorum, P. gillissi, Deretrema (Deretrema) fusillus, D. (D.) cholaeum, D. (D.) pacificum, D. (Spinoderetrema) plotosi, D. (S.) acutum, D. (S.) fellis, D. (S.) ovale, D.(S.) sebastodis, D. (Luxitrema) philippinensis, D. plagiorchis, Pseudochetosoma salmonicola, Overstreetia sodwanaensis, Steganoderma (Steganoderma) formosum, S. (S.) atherinae, S. (Lecithostaphylus) retroflexum, S. (L.) depauperati (Yamaguti, 1970) n. comb., S. (L.) hemirhamphi, S. (L.) nitens, S. (L.) parexocoeti, S. macrophallos, S. oviformis. Most zoogonids were found to exhibit some level of predilection for a particular piscine host group, but little general information on the zoogeography of the group was discovered. Ultrastructural evidence is presented suggesting that the membranous egg-capsule of the zoogonines shows vestiges of the three layers of a normal tanned egg-shell.  相似文献   

Supplementary structural and systematic records are given on Thylacorhynchus caudatus, Trapichorhynchus tapes (Schizorhynchidae), Karkinorhynchus primitivus, Cheliplana marcusi, C. setosa and Cheliplanilla caudata (Karkinorhynchidae). Cheliplana vaginalis sp.n. and C. evdonini sp.n. are described. The systematics of the Karkinorhynchidae are reviewed and in part revised.  相似文献   

Digenean parasites of vertebrates usually amplify the surface area of their gut by increasing the size of the absorptive caeca. Some members of the family Gyliauchenidae, however, have relatively small caeca but have a greatly expanded foregut. The morphology of the elongate gut of the digenean Gyliauchen nahaensis, an inhabitant of herbivorous fish of the family Siganidae, was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. The extensive foregut, consisting of a mouth, pharynx, and esophagus, is lined with a syncytial tegument-like lining, which is connected to nucleated cell bodies sunken in the parenchyma. The apical cytoplasm in the mouth and anterior regions of the pharynx resembles that of the general body tegument, although some regional specialization is present. The lining of posterior regions of the pharynx is armed with large apical projections, which are thought to serve as filtration structures. The lining of the anterior and middle esophagus displays a peculiar form of surface amplification involving the formation of elongate flask-shaped invaginations of the apical cytoplasm. The cell bodies associated with these regions are rich in secretory vesicles and it is proposed that these regions of the esophagus are expanded to promote extracellular digestion. The posterior region of the esophagus lacks the invaginations of other esophageal regions, but displays instead large surface projections. The caeca consists of columnar cells lined by extensive apical microlamellae. The peculiar gut morphology of G. nahaensis, coupled with alterations in the arrangement of suckers, is interpreted to be an adaptation to the predominantly herbivorous diets of the definitive hosts.  相似文献   

Summary The entire gut of Cyathura carinata is lined by a cuticle indicating its completely ectodermal origin. By flattening of the epithelial folds and possibly also of reserve-folds of the plasma membrane the intestine is highly dilatable, an adaptation towards a rapid uptake of the food which is sucked in by means of specialized mouthparts, which pierce the body wall of its main prey, the polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Bundles of microtubules within the intestinal cells presumably represent cytoskeletal structures providing protection against mechanical stress. Spirally arranged muscle fibres, which form peculiar contact areas with the gut, can easily follow any dilatation. A few indications of the metabolic functions of the anterior gut epithelium have been found: Basally and apically located labyrinthine structures of the plasma membrane, apically located clear vesicles, positive reactions for lysosomal, mitochondrial and membraneous enzymes, a strikingly thin and loosely arranged cuticle through which food substances of low molecular weight may diffuse. The cells of the gut and also of the digestive caeca are interconnected by desmosomes, extensive pleated septate junctions, and gap junctions. In the pleon the gut is less dilatable and devoid of plasma membrane specializations. In this area tendon cells, particularly rich in microtubules, serve as attachment sites for the dilating muscles of the rectum. The digestive caeca synthetize and secrete digestive enzymes, mix food and enzymes in their lumen, resorb food molecules, store lipids and glycogen. In the glandular epithelium small cells, rich in rough ER, and a majority of large cells, rich in lipid droplets, occur which, however, are interconnected by a series of morphologically intermediate cells. All cells bear an apical brush border, form a basal labyrinth and contain high to medium activities of acid phosphatase, nonspecific esterases, ATPase, and succinic dehydrogenase. The ER-rich cells are far less frequent than in the omnivorous or herbivorous isopods (Sphaeroma, Idothea, Asellidae, Oniscoidea).  相似文献   

The alimentary canal of Daphnia pulex consists of a tube-shaped foregut, a midgut (mesenteron) with an anterior pair of small diverticula, and a short hindgut. The foregut and hindgut are structurally similar. Each is formed by a low cuboidal epithelium 5 mum tall and lined with a chitinous intima. The midgut wall consists of a simple epithelium resting on a thick beaded basal lamina which is surrounded by a spiraling muscularis. Anteriorly the midgut cells are columnar in shape being 30 mum in height each having a basal nucleus, anteriorly concentrated mitochondria and in apical border of long thin microvilli. Posteriorly the midgut cells become progressively shorter so that in the posteriormost region of the midgut the cells are 5 mum tall and cuboidal in shape. The microvilli concomitantly become shorter and thicker. All mesenteron cells contain the usual cytoplasmic organelles. The paired digestive diverticula are simple evaginations of the midgut. The wall of each consists of a simple epithelium of cuboidal cells 25 mum in height, each with a brushed border of long thin microvilli. Enzyme secretion appears to be holocrine in mode and not confined to any one region of the mesenteron though definitely polarized anteriorly. The thin gut muscularis encircles the entire length of the midgut and caeca. Thick and thin filaments appear to be in a 6:1 ratio.  相似文献   

The study was made to determine if enzymatic degradation of chitin occurs in the digestive tract of the cod, Gadus morhua . The method employed corresponds to the end product measurement of Jeuniaux (1966), using 'native' chitin as the substrate. The following results were obtained.
  • (1) 

    Chitinolytic enzyme of high activity is present in enzyme solutions from the stomach contents, gastric mucosa and intestinal contents.

  • (2) 

    Lower chitinase activities are found in samples of the intestinal mucosa and the pyloric caeca.

  • (3) 

    The optimum pH ranges for the action of the enzymes in the stomach and the intestine differ: 4.5–5.1 and 5.1–6.5, respectively.

  • (4) 

    The role of chitin-decomposing bacteria is discussed, based on bacterial numbers and pH conditions in the digestive tract. The existence of two different enzyme systems is indicated.


Spermiogenesis and sperm structure of the primitive acoel Paratomella rubra from the Ligurian Sea, Italy, were investigated by several methods. During spermiogenesis, after flagellar incorporation by formation of two longitudinal lateral grooves, spermatid elongation is characterized in Paratomella by the presence of four membranes encircling each axoneme plus two membranes encircling both the axonemes and the nucleus. These structures were interpreted as being three cytoplasmic canals situated one inside the other. The filiform spermatozoon has two incorporated axonemes of 9+2 type, a nucleus almost as long as the sperm cell itself, a single elongate mitochondrion, and two types of membrane-bound granules, respectively, small and gastrula-shaped, and large. Organelles are highly ordered, the sperm is bilaterally symmetrical with a single long mitochondrion on the ventral side and a regular row of large granules, for some length embedded in the nucleus, on the dorsal side. Immunocytochemical studies and the use of fluorescent nuclear dyes reveal the spatial relationships of the axonemes with the nucleus. The granules were shown by Thiéry, PTA and enzyme digestion tests to contain glycoproteins and/or polysaccharides and very little protein. Glycogen particles were detected in the cytoplasm. Cells containing coiled spermatozoa undergoing resorption were found in the parenchyma. New apomorphies of the taxon Paratomella based on sperm structure are proposed: a very long nucleus, a highly bilaterally symmetrical pattern of organelles, a single long mitochondrion. These characters are not found in other Acoela, and particularly in Hesiolicium , sometimes considered closely related to Paratomella . © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The gut of the mite Acarus siro is characterized on the ultrastructural level. It consists of the foregut (pharynx, esophagus), midgut (ventriculus, caeca, colon, intercolon, postcolonic diverticula, postcolon), and hindgut (anal atrium). The gut wall is formed by a single-layered epithelium; only regenerative cells are located basally and these have no contact with the lumen. Eight cell types form the whole gut: (i) simple epithelial cells forming fore- and hindgut; (ii) cells that probably produce the peritrophic membrane; (iii) regenerative cells occurring in the ventriculus, caeca, colon, and intercolon; (iv) spherite cells and (v) digestive cells forming the ventriculus and caeca; (vi) colonic cells and (vii) intercolonic cells; and (viii) cells forming the walls of postcolonic diverticula and postcolon. Spherite and digestive cells change in structure during secretory cycles, which are described and discussed. The cycle of spherite, colonic, and intercolonic cells is terminated by apoptosis. Ingested food is packed into a food bolus surrounded by a single homogeneous peritrophic membrane formed by addition of lamellae that subsequently fuse together. The postcolonic diverticula serve as a shelter for filamentous bacteria, which also are abundant in the intercolon.  相似文献   

The morphology of the gastrointestinal tract (GI) is a strong indicator of the dietary habits of a species. The goal of this study was to describe the gross and microanatomy of the digestive tract of the neo-tropical opossum (Didelphis marsupialis insularis) and relate them to the animals’ food habits. GI tracts from 12 adult animals were used for this study. Results found the small intestine made up 65.9% of the GI tract, and the stomach was simple with a prominent caecum. Histologically, the oesophageal mucosa was non-keratinized and glands were found throughout the oesophagus. The large intestine showed a great number of goblet cells, the jejunum possessed well-developed villi, and Peyer's patches were absent in the ileum. The absence of keratinization of the epithelial lining of the oesophagus and stomach and a high lymphocytic infiltration throughout the small and large intestine reflected a more carnivorous diet, whereas the presence of a well-developed caecum in the large intestine indicated the ability to digest plant matter. Overall, the morphology of GI tract of D. m. insularis displayed both carnivorous and herbivorous features, allowing us to conclude that it is an omnivorous animal.  相似文献   

Employing a modified technique of acetolysis, which allows almost a complete recovery of constituent sugars from poly(glycosyl)ceramides, the glycolipids were found to contain an excess of N-acetylglucosamine over galactose. On the basis of Smith degradation, methylation study, chromium trioxide degradation and the structures of oligosaccharides released from the glycolipids by partial acid hydrolysis, the presence of two types of sugar sequences has been established in poly(glycosyl)ceramides: a) Galbeta1 leads to 4GlcNAcbeta1 leads to 6Gal3 comes from R1 b) Galbeta1 leads to 4GlcNAcbeta1 leads to 4GlcNAc1 leads to R2. The repeating unit of poly(glycosyl)ceramides seems to be the GlcNAcbeta1 leads to 3Gal sequence. The specificity of one anti-I serum (Woj) is directed against the non-reducing ending of the first kind of chain. Three other anti-I sera reacted with inner portions of the oligosaccharide chains of the glycolipids.  相似文献   

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