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A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction sites was used to examine the geographic history of the Cyprinodon nevadensis complex of pupfishes, a group of four species (seven extant subspp.) in two endorheic (closed) basins of the Death Valley System in California and Nevada (Owens River Valley and Ash Meadows-Death Valley). The mtDNA results suggest that the group contains mtDNAs from two divergent clades. One such clade is represented by the mtDNAs of the Owens Valley pupfish (C. radiosus) and the existing species in the Colorado River (C. macularius), while the other includes the mtDNAs of the Ash Meadows-Death Valley species (C. nevadensis, C. salinus, and C. diabolis) and a species located much farther to the east (C. fontinalis from the Guzman Basin, Chihuahua, Mexico). These results, together with evidence from other studies, suggest two separate invasions of the Death Valley System by pupfishes carrying phylogenetically divergent mtDNAs. The C. nevadensis complex apparently is either an artificial group or else it is monophyletic and its genetic history includes loss of the original mtDNA in either Owens Valley or Ash Meadows-Death Valley following genetic introgression after an invasion by a pupfish carrying a divergent mtDNA.  相似文献   

The cyprinid fishes, Notropis cornutus and N. chrysocephalus, hybridize in a long, narrow zone in the midwestern United States. To quantify the extent of introgression of genetic markers outside of this zone, samples were collected along transects starting near the region of contact (as defined by morphological characters), followed by samples progressively more distant. Diagnostic allozymic and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site markers were used to estimate the extent of introgression outside of the zone, while polymorphic allozyme and mtDNA markers were used to evaluate the potential for gene flow among populations within transects. Analysis of populations from the northern transect provided evidence for differentiation of populations for some of the markers; however, on average, enough gene flow has occurred to overcome substantial differentiation. Introgressed mtDNA and allozyme haplotypes were rare and found only in the population closest to the contact zone. The rarity of introgressed alleles in the more northern populations is consistent with the recent origin of these populations after the Wisconsin glaciation (less than 12,000 years bp) and/or selection maintaining the northern boundary of the contact zone. Analysis of populations from the southern transect revealed evidence for population subdivision but no evidence for introgression at the diagnostic allozyme loci; however, nearly all individuals from this transect possessed introgressed mtDNA haplotypes, with samples furthest from the contact zone exhibiting the highest frequencies of introgression. Patterns of variation for one of the polymorphic allozyme markers (Est-A) and introgressed mtDNAs were highly correlated, suggesting that allozymic heterogeneity at this locus is also the result of introgression. The most likely explanation for these data is that these introgressed haplotypes are indicators of a more southern position of the contact zone during the Pleistocene, with the contact zone shifting northward with the recession of the glacial front. Such movement implicates selection in the maintenance of distributional limits of these species, and hence, the width and position of the contact zone.  相似文献   

The high degree of morphological plasticity displayed by species of the brown algal genus Fucus L. is well documented. Such variation is especially pronounced for those estuarine taxa lacking holdfasts (termed ecads) that often bear little resemblance to the attached species from which they are derived. To better understand the systematics of salt marsh fucoids, we developed a suite of four microsatellite‐containing loci capable of distinguishing between F. vesiculosus L. and F. spiralis L. The genetic markers were used to determine the relationships of the fucoid ecads F. vesiculosus ecad volubilis (Hudson) Turner and a muscoides‐like Fucus in the Brave Boat Harbor (ME, USA) estuary. Ecad populations had 2‐ to 3‐fold higher levels of heterozygosity than attached populations of F. vesiculosus and F. spiralis. Further, ecads were “intermediate” between F. vesiculosus and F. spiralis in their allele frequencies and genotype composition. Our data indicate that populations of muscoides‐like Fucus in Brave Boat Harbor mainly consist of F1 hybrids between F. vesiculosus and F. spiralis, whereas F. vesiculosus ecad volubilis may arise through backcrosses between F. vesiculosus and other fertile hybrids. Finally, our data support the hypothesis that introgression has occurred between attached populations of F. vesiculosus and F. spiralis.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal studies of hybrid zones provide an opportunity to test evolutionary hypotheses of hybrid zone maintenance and movement. We conducted a landscape genetics study on a classic hybrid zone of the south‐eastern Australian frogs, Litoria ewingii and Litoria paraewingi. This hybrid zone has been comprehensively studied since the 1960s, providing the unique opportunity to directly assess changes in hybrid zone structure across time. We compared both mtDNA and male advertisement call data from two time periods (present and 1960s). Clinal analysis of the coincidence (same center) and concordance (same width) of these traits indicated that the center of the hybrid zone has shifted 1 km south over the last 40 years, although the width of the zone and the rate of introgression remained unchanged. The low frequency of hybrids, the strong concordance of clines within a time period, and the small but significant movement across the study period despite significant anthropogenic changes through the region, suggest the hybrid zone is a tension zone located within a low‐density trough. Hybrid zone movement has not been considered common in the past but our findings highlight that it should be considered a crucial component to our understanding of evolution.  相似文献   

Underdominance for chromosomal rearrangements is the central assumption of several models of chromosomally based speciation including the cascade model, proposed for the Sceloporus grammicus complex. Several cytotypes of the S. grammicus complex hybridize at localities in central México. A hybrid zone between two of the most chromosomally divergent races (= cytotypes) of S. grammicus (F5, 2n = 34 and FM2, 2n = 44–46) was examined to assess the meiotic effects of heterozygosity at multiple chromosomes. Meiosis was examined in males heterozygous for “simple” Robertsonian fissions at chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 6 and/or a pericentric inversion at chromosome 4. Analysis of synaptonemal complexes and chromosomal configurations at diakinesis showed trivalent formation in fission heterozygotes and heterosynapsis (lack of reverse-loop formation) in an inversion heterozygote. Analysis of metaphase II configurations revealed primarily balanced segregation and low levels of nondisjunction regardless of chromosomal background. The lack of underdominance associated with “simple” fission heterozygosity in this narrow hybrid zone contradicts the key premise of most chromosomally based models of speciation.  相似文献   

We used mtDNA sequence variation to assess the origin, age, and spatial patterns of sequence divergence of triploid hybrid and diploid spontaneous parthenogens from southeastern United States populations of the freshwater snail Campeloma. There was strong support for multiple origins of both parthenogens using likelihood-ratio tests, and we argue that parthenogens are recently derived from sexuals. Atlantic coastal populations of C. limum or C. floridense were the maternal ancestors of Gulf Coast triploid hybrids in the Florida Panhandle. Sequence divergence within monophyletic groups of both parthenogens is similar to within-population divergence found in sympatric sexuals, and monophyletic clades of hybrid and spontaneous parthenogens are geographically widespread throughout the Atlantic and Gulf Coast rivers. These patterns are consistent with higher dispersal rates and recent range expansion of parthenogens, which should reduce the effects of mutation accumulation or parasitism. Range expansion may have occurred through interdrainage transfer during Pleistocene glacial periods.  相似文献   

The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is subdivided into several karyotypic races in Britain. Two of these races meet near Oxford o form the “Oxford-Hermitage” hybrid zone. We present a model which describes this system a; a “tension zone,” i.e., a set of clines maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection against chromosomal heterozygotes. The Oxford and Hermitage races differ by Robertsonian fusions with monobrachial homology (kq, no versus ko), and so Fl hybrids between them would have low fertility. However, the acrocentric karyotype is found at high frequency within the hybrid zone, so that complex Robertsonian heterozygotes (kg no/q ko n) are replaced by more fertile combinations, such as (kg no/k q n o). This suggests that the hybrid zone has been modified so as to increase hybrid fitness. Mathematical analysis and simulation show that, if selection against complex heterozygotes is sufficiently strong relative to selection against simple heterozygotes, acrocentrics increase, and displace the clines for kg and no from the cline for ko. Superimposed on this separation is a tendency for the hybrid zone to move in favor of the Oxford (kg no) race. We compare the model with estimates of linkage disequilibrium and cline shape made from field data.  相似文献   

The filamentous diazotrophic cyanobacterium Nodularia forms water blooms each year in the Baltic Sea. Filaments isolated from such water blooms vary in their trichome width, degree of coiling, and properties of their gas vesicles; previously, these characters have been used to classify individuals to species level. To test the validity of such a phenotypic classification, we determined the nucleotide sequences for a region of the phycocyanin locus that includes a noncoding intergenic spacer (PC-IGS), the IGS between two adjacent copies of the gvpA gene (which encodes the main structural gas vesicle protein) and the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (rDNA-ITS), for 13 clonal Nodularia isolates from the Baltic Sea during August 1994. The complete 16S-rDNA sequence was determined for three isolates and was found to be identical in each of them. Molecular sequences for noncoding regions of the genome were used to assign isolates to three groups on the basis of PC-IGS, two groups on the basis of gvpA -IGS, and three groups on the basis of rDNA-ITS. No consistent correlation was found between genotype and any of the phenotypic features examined, and no link was found between any of these features themselves, indicating that these characters are not useful for placing Nodularia isolates into meaningful taxonomic groups. The PC-IGS, gvpA -IGS, and rDNA-ITS genotypic groupings were not congruent. This might indicate that gene flow occurs between individuals in Nodularia populations.  相似文献   

Abstract The plethodontid salamander Desmognathus orestes, a member of the D. ochrophaeus species complex, is distributed in southwestern Virginia, eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina. Previous allozyme analyses indicate that D. orestes consists of two distinct groups of populations (D. orestes‘B’ and D. orestes‘C’) with extensive intergradation and probable gene flow between these two groups. Spatially varying allele frequencies can reflect historical associations, current gene flow, or a combination of population‐level processes. To differentiate among these processes, we use multiple markers to further characterize divergence among populations of D. orestes and assess the degree of intergradation between D. orestes‘B’ and D. orestes‘C’, specifically investigating variation in allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and reproductive behavior among populations. On a broad scale, the mtDNA genealogies reconstruct haplotype clades that correspond to the species identified from previous allozyme analyses. However, at a finer geographic scale, the distributions of the allozyme and mtDNA markers for D. orestes‘B’ and D. orestes‘C’ are discordant. MtDNA haplotypes corresponding to D. orestes‘B’ are more broadly distributed across western North Carolina than predicted by allozyme data, and the region of intergradation with D. orestes‘C’ indicates asymmetric gene flow of these markers. Asymmetric mating may contribute to observed discordance in nuclear versus cytoplasmic markers. Results support describing D. orestes as a single species and emphasize the importance of using multiple markers to examine fine‐scale patterns and elucidate evolutionary processes affecting gene flow when making species‐level taxonomic decisions.  相似文献   

本文对籽粒苋(Amaranthus cruentus)生长发育与气温、光照、水、肥和土壤含盐量等因子的关系,进行了试验研究,为在生长季节较短的地区(当地无霜期只有100天左右)推广应用于生产提供理论依据和技术措施。R104是一种喜温植物,在日平均温度达到10℃左右,才能出苗,当日平均温上升到20—23℃时,生长最为迅速,当日平均温下降到5℃左右时,生长处于停滞状态。它也是一种喜光的C4植物,在土壤水分不亏缺条件下,光照上升到14万Lx,亦不呈现萎蔫状态,在遮荫条件下,植株生长细弱矮小。适宜的土壤水分和肥力是发挥籽粒苋高产优势的重要条件,在气候温暖、阳光充足的生长季节,适时进行灌溉和施肥,能使它的产量成倍增加,每公顷青饲产量可达100t左右的高产。R104还具有较强的耐盐碱能力,在土壤pH值 8.5,含盐量0.6%以下,仍能正常生长发育,土壤含盐量达到0.8%,生长发育受到影响,产量明显下降。  相似文献   

A fertile putative hybrid of Pelagophycus porra (Lem.)Setch. × Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) was discovered in Big Fisherman Cove, Santa Catalina Island, California, in March 1986. The plant possessed a single, solid primary stipe that bifurcated into two secondary stipes, each with a hooked-shaped pneumatocyst. A total of 15 blades, 14 with sori, were produced on two to three dichotomies above and below each pneumatocyst. Gametophyte development of spores released from sori and the resulting early sporophtes (2–3 mm) were typical of Laminariales. Gametophytes appeared within a day of spore germination, 500-cell stage sporophytts within 3–4 weeks, and 2–3 mm sporophytes within 5–6 weeks. The cultures expired before branching patterns could be determined.  相似文献   

Samples of Luxilus cornutus, Luxilus chrysocephalus, and their hybrids were collected along hypothesized routes of dispersal from Pleistocene refugia to examine the significance of geographic variation in patterns of introgression between these species. Patterns of allozyme and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were generally consistent with those from previous studies. Tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium revealed significant deficiencies of heterozygotes in all samples, indicating some form of reproductive isolation. Mitochondrial DNAs of each species were not equally represented in F1 hybrids; however, this bias was eliminated when the two largest samples were excluded from the analysis. Backcross hybrids exhibited biased mtDNA introgression, as samples from Lake Erie (eastern) and Lake Michigan (western) drainages showed significant excesses of mtDNAs from L. chrysocephalus and L. cornutus, respectively, relative to frequencies of diagnostic allozyme markers. The extent and direction of allozyme and mtDNA introgression was quantified by calculating isolation index values from morphologically “pure” individuals of each species from each locality. Analysis of variance of these measures identified limited introgression of allozyme variants with no geographic pattern, but significant differences in direction of mtDNA introgression between drainages (i.e., postglacial dispersal route). Association between patterns of mtDNA introgression and dispersal route across the latitudinal width of the contact zone is best explained by genetic divergence during past isolation of ancestral populations from these drainages. These results identify a significant role for historical effects in the evolution of reproductive isolation and the process of speciation.  相似文献   

The bony falx (BF) and bony tentorium (BT) of spotted dolphins ( Stenella attenuata ) at different growth stages were observed. The BF and BT were observed to have the shape of the entire falx cerebri (FC) and tentorium cerebelli (TC), respectively, in adults, but were not seen in fetuses at all. Partially formed BF and BT were observed in the young. The BF and BT of spotted dolphins are formed by ossification in the FC and TC in the course of aging. Based on age determination by means of dentinal growth layers of the maxillary teeth, the ossification in the FC and TC of spotted dolphins begins by about 1 yr of age, and is completed, except for the passage of nerves and blood vessels, by about 9 yr of age. The BF and BT of spotted dolphins are formed possibly by continual dietary intake of large amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.  相似文献   

Geographical and temporal variation in gene exchange between two endemic land snail species, Mandarina aureola and Mandarina ponderosa, was studied on Hahajima Island of the Bonin Islands. Allozyme variation in modern samples, and variation in the color and shell morphology of modern and fossil samples, suggest a complex geographical and historical pattern of hybridization. These two species occur in sympatry, and their shell morphologies and protein genotypes are markedly divergent. However, many specimens of M. aureola, collected from the middle region of the island, exhibit intermediate shell morphologies and possess marker alleles of M. ponderosa. Fossil samples of the two species strongly suggest that these intermediates were hybrids with M. ponderosa that were produced since the end of the Pleistocene. Each of these species, in addition, is subdivided into two genetically and morphologically divergent parapatric races. Interspecific hybridization appears to have produced genetical and morphological admixture among these four distinctive groups of populations. The past distribution and geographic variation of M. ponderosa can be traced in the distribution of M. ponderosa-derived genotypes in current populations of M. aureola. Temporal changes of the color pattern in the fossil populations of hybrids suggest that the traits introduced from M. ponderosa to M. aureola have been affected by natural selection and could replace traits of living species when advantageous. Moreover, these introgressed genes appeared to provide novel properties that enabled M. aureola to advance into a new environment. Relatively independent change in shell color and morphology further suggests mosaic evolution following the hybridization events. Connectively, these data reveal how hybridization events may be an important source of evolutionary novelties and make it clear that the phenomenon of reticulate evolution cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

通过昆明海口马房村同一个采坑的化石连续采集和统计,对澄江化石库中两种埋藏相(以事件层泥岩和背景层泥岩所代表)内化石保存和组合特征进行定量研究,结果表明:(1)事件层内化石量并不随单一事件层厚度变化而变化。物种在剖面上不同层位的事件层内分布不均匀,表现为单层富集现象;而背景层内的化石含量与背景层的沉积厚度有关,背景层的沉积厚度越厚,化石数量就越多。(2)事件层与背景层内化石组合和结构存在很大差异。事件层内化石组合与背景层内化石组合相比具有更多的物种组成和更复杂的古群落结构;而背景层内化石组合面貌单调,在剖面上保持稳定。(3)事件层内化石生物体腐烂发生在埋藏之后,绝大多数化石生物是被活埋后保存下来的;而背景层内化石主要表现为外壳和弱矿化有机质生物表皮在海床表面长时间停滞而堆积形成,明显受到时间均衡作用(time-average)的影响。(4)事件层内化石在埋藏前无搬运作用,或发生近原栖息地的快速搬运,埋藏后无生物扰动。背景层内大量壳体相连的双瓣壳节肢动物化石和完整海绵体化石的存在则表明,背景层代表一个低氧、低能并具有有限生物扰动的沉积环境。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the family Rivulidae (order Cyprinodontiformes) are investigated using 1972 aligned base pairs of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for samples representing 66 species. Genes analyzed include those encoding the 12S ribosomal RNA; transfer RNAs for valine, glutamine, methionine, tryptophan, alanine, asparagine, cysteine, and tyrosine; complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit II; and part of cytochrome oxidase I. Parsimony analysis of the aligned mtDNA sequences results in a single most parsimonious tree. The phylogeny reveals two independent origins of developmental diapause within the family Rivulidae. It is unlikely that diapause evolved de novo in each group, suggesting that the presence or absence of diapause is the result of developmental switches between alternative stabilized pathways. Phylogeny of the family Rivulidae shows high concordance with predictions derived from the geological history of South America and Central America. Basal lineages in the rivulid phylogeny are distributed primarily on geologically old areas, whereas more nested lineages occur in geologically younger areas. However, there is little concordance between the molecular phylogeny and currently available morphological hypotheses and existing taxonomies. Based on the mtDNA phylogeny, the genera Pterolebias, Rivulus, Pituna, and Plesiolebias are considered nonmonophyletic and warrant taxonomic reassessment.  相似文献   

The F5 (2n = 34) and FM2 (2n = 44–46) chromosome races of the Sceloporus grammicus complex form a parapatric hybrid zone in the Mexican state of Hidalgo, characterized by steep concordant clines among three diagnostic chromosome markers across a straight-line distance of about 2 km. Here, we show that this zone is actually structured into local patches in which hybridization extends over an extremely irregular front. The distribution of hybrid-index (HI) scores across the transect reveals some hybridization at almost all localities mapped in a central 7 km × 3 km area. Pooling the central samples produces both a strong heterozygote deficit for all diagnostic markers and strong linkage disequilibria between all pairwise combinations of these (unlinked) markers. Moreover, a highly significant association exists between the habitat on which each individual was caught and its karyotype (F5 chromosomes are more likely to be found on oak). Analysis of genotype frequencies over a range of spatial scales shows that there is no significant heterozygote deficit or habitat association within local areas of less than about 200 m; however, there is significant linkage disequilibrium over the smallest scales (R = D (pquv)1/2 = 0.29, support limits, 0.18–0.36) over 100 m. These patterns suggest that lizards mate and choose habitats randomly within local patches. This conclusion is supported by mark-recapture estimates of dispersal (≈ 80 m in a generation) and by inference of matings from embryo and maternal karyotypes. Closer examination of the two-dimensional pattern reveals a convoluted cline for all three markers, with a width of 830 m (support limits 770 m–930 m). This cline width, combined with the strength of local linkage disequilibrium, implies a dispersal rate of σ = 160 m in a generation and an effective selection pressure of 30% on each chromosome marker. The proportion of inviable embryos is greater in females from the center of the hybrid zone; this is caused by effects associated with both karyotype and location. The hybrid zone is likely to be maintained by selection against chromosomal heterozygotes, by other kinds of selection against hybrids, and by selection adapting the chromosome races to different habitats. The structure of the contact may be caused by both random drift and by selection in relation to habitat.  相似文献   

Hybridization was attempted by combining gametophytes between intergeneric pairs among the following taxa in the Lessoniaceae: Macrocystis pyrifera ( L.) C. Agardh , M. integrifolia Bory, M. angustifolia Bory , Pelagophycus porra ( Leman) Setch ., Nereocystis luetkeana ( Mert.) Post & Rupr ., Dictyoneurum californicum Rupr ., and Dictyoneuropsis reticulata ( Saud.) Smith. Hybrid sporophytes were produced in some combinations involving Macrocystis × Pelagophycus and Macrocystis × Dictyoneurum, and in all combinations of Dictyoneuropsis × Dictyoneurum. This is the first report of intergeneric hybrids involving Dictyoneurum. Gametophytes of P. porra had 16–24 chromosomes. Gametophytes from a fertile Macrocystis-Pelagophycus hybrid were crossed with Macrocystis and Pelagophycus gametophytes. Hybrid male gametophytes and Pelagophycus female gametophytes produced sporophyte progeny, but hybrid males with Macrocystis females did not. A single hybrid female gametophyte did not produce gametophytes in combination with hybrid males , Pelagophycus males or Macrocystis males. The hybrid gametophytes had approximately 30 chromosomes. It is hypothesized that the hybrid is an alloploid, containing a complete set of Macrocystis and Pelagophycus chromosomes, which may have allowed meiosis and sporogenesis to proceed normally in the hybrid sporophyte found in the sea. Thus, reproductive isolating mechanisms appear to operate at both pre- and postzygotic stages, and both can be overcome in intergeneric hybrids .  相似文献   

青海可可西里地区鱼类资源及其保护的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
青海可可西里地区是世界上最少研究的地区之一。通过多次零星的鱼类调查(1973-1986)和1990年5至8月间对本区进行的全面水生生物和鱼类考察。本文首次报道其有关的浮游植物、浮游动物和鱼类种类分布及生物学特性等问题。诸如浮游动、植物的水平分布、优势和群和生物量及鱼类食性、年龄、生长、繁殖等。  相似文献   

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