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Animals that occupy temperate and polar regions have specialized traits that help them survive in harsh, highly seasonal environments. One particularly important adaptation is seasonal coat colour (SCC) moulting. Over 20 species of birds and mammals distributed across the northern hemisphere undergo complete, biannual colour change from brown in the summer to completely white in the winter. But as climate change decreases duration of snow cover, seasonally winter white species (including the snowshoe hare Lepus americanus, Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus and willow ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus) become highly contrasted against dark snowless backgrounds. The negative consequences of camouflage mismatch and adaptive potential is of high interest for conservation. Here we provide the first comprehensive review across birds and mammals of the adaptive value and mechanisms underpinning SCC moulting. We found that across species, the main function of SCC moults is seasonal camouflage against snow, and photoperiod is the main driver of the moult phenology. Next, although many underlying mechanisms remain unclear, mammalian species share similarities in some aspects of hair growth, neuroendocrine control, and the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on moult phenology. The underlying basis of SCC moults in birds is less understood and differs from mammals in several aspects. Lastly, our synthesis suggests that due to limited plasticity in SCC moulting, evolutionary adaptation will be necessary to mediate future camouflage mismatch and a detailed understanding of the SCC moulting will be needed to manage populations effectively under climate change.  相似文献   

The brown hare (Lepus europaeus) expanded its Swedish distribution since the 1980s northwards and locally to new areas within its former range. Of 115 brown hare populations within the former range reported in a hunter enquiry, those established after 1980 were situated higher above the sea level than older ones and higher than neighbouring (<50 km) older populations. Reports on increased use of forest habitats by brown hares were equally frequent among recent and older populations, suggesting a process promoted solely by less harsh winters. Supposed hare hybrids were more often reported from hunting grounds with recent brown hare establishment, i.e. where the species expands in time and in space. In a 27-year dataset on brown hare observations, the recent increased use of forest habitats was supported in that maximum distances to agricultural land for brown hare sightings were higher in mild winters, whereas the proportions of the annual observations made during winter were lower. In 40-year bag records from two Swedish counties, the dynamics of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) responded positively to snow parameters, whereas brown hares responded negatively. We suggest that the state of mountain hare populations primarily depends on winter conditions and predation pressure, whereas possible effects of hybridization are unclear. If winter conditions remain as in the last 15 years, mountain hare numbers are not likely to increase in southern Sweden, whereas the brown hare may expand even further. In either case, hybrids will occur in sympatric areas in frequencies probably related to the density of the respective true species.  相似文献   

We studied habitat choice, diet, food consumption and somatic growth of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) during the ice-covered winter period of a subarctic lake in northern Norway. Both Arctic charr and brown trout predominantly used the littoral zone during winter time. Despite very cold winter conditions (water temperature <1°C) and poor light conditions, both fish species fed continuously during the ice-covered period, although at a much lower rate than during the summer season. No somatic growth could be detected during the ice-covered winter period and the condition factor of both species significantly declined, suggesting that the winter feeding rates were similar to or below the maintenance requirements. Also, the species richness and diversity of ingested prey largely decreased from summer to winter for both fish species. The winter diet of Arctic charr <20 cm was dominated by benthic insect larvae, chironomids in particular, and Gammarus lacustris, but zooplankton was also important in December. G. lacustris was the dominant prey of charr >20 cm. The winter diet of brown trout <20 cm was dominated by insect larvae, whereas large-sized trout mainly was piscivorous, feeding on juvenile Arctic charr. Piscivorous feeding behaviour of trout was in contrast rarely seen during the summer months when their encounter with potential fish prey was rare as the small-sized charr mainly inhabited the profundal. The study demonstrated large differences in the ecology and interactions of Arctic charr and brown trout between the winter and summer seasons.  相似文献   

Information on reproductive biology of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in different environmental and landscape conditions comprises part of fundamental knowledge regarding species’ adaptive responses as well as many aspects of its biology. Most of the studies conducted on European hare reproduction are confined to midlatitude and northern populations, whereas no data exist on the indigenous southern populations. Here, we present information on reproductive characteristics of European hares inhabiting Mediterranean ecosystems on the island of Crete, Greece for two successive hunting seasons. Although the annual reproductive cycle of the species is well known, with an autumn sexual inactivity, the duration of this period is subjected to fluctuations in different years and for different areas. According to our data, hare populations of Crete present an autumn–early winter reproductive activity with high proportions of pregnant females observed in all the months of the study. Furthermore, the estimated mean litter size (1.54 SE ± 0.07) while signed to the lowest values ever observed for European hares is similar to values obtained in continuous breeding species of the same genus, Lepus granatensis, Lepus corsicanus, Lepus (capensis) mediterraneus, and Lepus capensis also inhabiting warm climates. In conclusion, our results suggest that Cretan European hare populations exhibit a reproductively active period during autumn–early winter where proportions of pregnant females and litter size give a strong indication of a continuous reproduction throughout the year.  相似文献   

Control of red fox Vulpes vulpes populations is a fundamental game management tool used by hunters interested in increasing prey populations. In Italy, a popular method to control fox populations is hunting with small hound packs. The effects of this hunting technique on non-target species such as the brown hare Lepus europaeus, are unknown. In this study, we analysed for the first time the effects of fox hunting with hound packs on brown hares tagged with VHF collars. Our results showed that hunting with four trained hounds did not significantly modify the spatial behaviour of the brown hare.  相似文献   

In northern Italy, the native European hare (Lepus europaeus) and the introduced Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) can occur together at a local scale, as a result of cottontail introduction and expansion into the European hare range. Hare populations are limited in Italy by habitat loss, diseases, and most important by overhunting, and many areas within hare range in northern Italy are undergoing increasing anthropogenic impact. Therefore, quantitative studies on resource selection and exploitation by both species will be of great interest to evaluate the degree of habitat overlap and to search for exploitation competition evidences. We studied habitat selection during resting time by both species in two areas where they occur alone and in one area where they occur together. Habitat selection by the two species was examined at micro- and macro-habitat scales during autumn–winter and spring–summer. Both species selected ecotonal zones between arboriculture stands and crops and between arboriculture stands and spontaneous vegetation (i.e., herbaceous, bush, and woody permanent species), which were the less available in the area of sympatry. No habitat shifts were evident at macro-habitat level because the two species showed a differential micro-habitat use within patches. On the whole, it seems that habitat heterogeneity promoted daytime segregation between the two species. In particular, edges between crops and canopy habitats should be improved, thus reducing chance of intra- and inter-specific encounters.  相似文献   

Summary On islands off the west coast of Sweden the density of mountain hares (Lepus timidus L.) is very high. One of the main predators on hares, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.), is only present during short periods. Data on hare density and predation by red fox and eagle owl (Bubo bubo (L.)) has been analyzed from five islands over several years. Winter mortality in years with low predation pressure was independent of hare density. But when red fox or eagle owl were present on islands (i.e., high predation pressure) winter mortality became density dependent. Thus, at low density, winter mortality did not increase through red fox predation. But at densities up to two hares/ha, predation pressure was increasing and could be limiting for these populations. At still higher hare density predation pressure became less intensive. The functional response for foxes preying on hares showed a type II or a sigmoid type III response pattern. In normal summers, the population increase due to reproduction was at least two-fold. When a fox was present there was instead a sharp decrease in hare numbers. Fox predation had a stronger effect in summer than in winter. By switching between islands and mainland areas from winter to summer, a fox can stabilize fluctuations in hare numbers on the islands. This is dependent on how often the ice permits a fox to reach an island and the lack of numerical response by predators.  相似文献   

We report results of a project aimed at analysing genetic diversification in Lepus corsicanus (italian hare), carried out at the INFS as part of an ongoing project on the biology of L. corsicanus. Samples of Italian hare were collected in different localities in central-southern Italy and Sicily. Moreover samples of L. europaeus (brown hare), as well as other species of the genus Lepus, were collected in Italy and Europe in order to define the phylogenetic relationships of the Italian hare. Results show a clear genetic distinction of the Italian hare. Consequently the status of true species is warranted at the molecular level. Phylogenetic relationships among species suggest the presence of two distinct groups, the Italian hare belonging to an evolutionary lineage including species which probably originated in a glacial refugia in southern Europe before colonization by the brown hare. On the other hand the brown hare belongs to a different lineage including species of African origins.  相似文献   

Summary We examined variation in diet choice by marten (Martes americana) among seasons and between sexes and ages from 1980–1985. During this period prey populations crashed simultaneously, except for ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) which was common at the beginning and end of the study, and masked shrews (Sorex cinereus) which were abundant in 1983. Marten were catholic in selection of prey and made use of most available mammalian prey, ruffed grouse, passerine birds, berries, and insects. Diet niche was widest during the latter three years when prey was scare, particularly in late winter. Diet niche breadth was negatively correlated with abundance of all common prey species. Proportion of small prey species in the diet was correlated with absolute abundance of those species, but proportion of some large prey was related to their relative abundance. Diet choice varied among years and among seasons. Berries and insects were common in summer diets while large prey, particularly varying hare (Lepus americanus), were more frequent in winter diet than in summer diet. We found little evidence that any small mammal species was a preferred prey. Sexual size dimorphism between the sexes did not affect prey choice, nor did age. Reduced foraging effort in winter resulted in a wider diet niche only when prey was scarce. The only prediction of optimal foraging models fully supported by our data was a wider diet niche with reduced prey abundance. However, among the three most profitable prey species choice was dependent on the absolute abundance of the most profitable type (varying hare). We suggest that marten primarily forage for large prey but employ a strategy which results in encounters with small prey as well. These small prey are eaten as they provide energy at minimal cost, between captures of large prey.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The roles that diet and prey abundance play in habitat selection of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in the contiguous United States is poorly understood. From 1998–2002, we back-tracked radiocollared lynx (6 F, 9 M) for a distance of 582 km and we located 86 kills in northwestern Montana, USA. Lynx preyed on 7 species that included blue grouse (Dendragapus obscurus), spruce grouse (Canachites canadensis), northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), least weasel (Mustela nivalis), and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Snowshoe hares (69 kills) accounted for 96% (4-yr average, range = 94–99%) of prey biomass during the sample period. Red squirrels were the second-most-common prey (11 kills), but they only provided 2% biomass of the winter diet. Red squirrels contributed little to the lynx diet despite low hare densities. A logistic regression model of snowshoe hare, red squirrel, and grouse abundance, as indexed by the number of track crossings of use and available lynx back-tracks, was a significant (Wald statistic = 19.03, df = 3, P < 0.001) predictor of habitat use. As we expected, lynx (P < 0.001) selected use-areas with higher snowshoe hare abundance compared to random expectation. However, the red squirrel index had a weak (P = 0.087) negative relationship to lynx use, and grouse was nonsignificant (P = 0.432). Our results indicate that lynx in western Montana prey almost exclusively on snowshoe hares during the winter with little use of alternative prey. Thus, reductions in horizontal cover for hares would degrade lynx habitat.  相似文献   

The mountain hare (Lepus timidus) is a year-round active herbivore adapted to survive the boreal winter. Captive mountain hares (N = 4) were implanted with intraabdominal thermosensitive loggers to record their core body temperature (Tb) for a year and during food deprivation (8–48 h) in summer and winter. The average Tb was 38.7 ± 0.01 °C in summer and 38.3 ± 0.01 °C in winter. The yearly Tb correlated positively with the ambient temperature. The 24-h Tb was the highest from late scotophase to early photophase in summer and winter and the lowest during middle-late photophase in summer or during early-middle scotophase in winter. The range of the 24-h oscillations in Tb increased in three animals in winter. Food deprivation did not induce hypothermia in summer or winter. These preliminary data suggest that the mountain hare can spare a modest amount of energy with the wintertime reduction in Tb.  相似文献   

In dimorphic species, sexual habitat segregation is generally explained by the differences in nutritional needs or by a trade‐off between fulfilling food requirements and avoiding predation. However, it remains unclear whether predation risk is strong enough to drive the differences in habitat use between sexes as predicted by the predation sensitivity hypothesis. Here we test in a monomorphic species, the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), the prediction that abundance of the gender more sensitive to predation is higher in safer habitat. We used data on 1645 individually marked hares in western Poland during autumn–winter seasons of 1966/1967–1978/1979 to estimate sex‐specific annual survival rates. We analyzed the stomach contents of 134 foxes shot in 1965/1966–1994/1995 to evaluate fox predation on hares. Finally, we employed data on 26 790 hares live‐trapped in 1965/1966–1994/1995 to analyze hare sex ratio across habitats. We found that male annual survival rate was lower than that of females and that the predation risk by foxes on hares was lower in agricultural than forest habitat. Our finding, that males were more often trapped by nets in agricultural than the forest habitat, provides indirect evidence for the predation sensitivity hypothesis. We conclude that predation risk can be a driving force for habitat‐specific sex ratio in a monomorphic species such as the brown hare.  相似文献   

Six genetic polymorphisms for the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) and four for the brown hare (L. europaeus) are newly described. The genetic variation of peptidases B (PEPB) and C (PEPC), hemoglobin CHKCHK chain (HBA), hemopexin (HPX), vitamin D binding protein (GC), and properdin factor B (BF) was assessed by conventional electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in carrier ampholytes and hybrid pH gradients. Six alleles were detected in PEPB, three in PEPC, four in HBA, six in GC, five in HPX, and six in BF. At least one allele was shared between species at all loci except HBA. The allelic overlap between the two species was medium to high in PEPB, GC, and HPX and small in PEPC and BF.  相似文献   

It is well known that there is heterogeneity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) within and among natural populations of same species. The polymorphism level of particular regions of mtDNA gives valuable results in detection of population genetic structure. The aim of this paper was to detect polymorphism of three mtDNA regions: cytochrome oxidase I (COI), Control region, and 12S/16S rRNA, by the mtDNA RFLP-PCR method, in three Lepus europaeus populations from Vojvodina province (Serbia and Montenegro). Polymorphism was detected within the two regions, COI and Control region, while 12S/16S rRNA region was monomorphic in all 77 individuals. Eight haplotypes were detected in the brown hare population in Vojvodina, and three were unique for the Srem brown hare population.  相似文献   

Since the European Mink Mustela lutreola and the introduced American Mink M. vison are now sympatric in some parts of the former's native range, and since the two species are similar in appearance, ecology, and behaviour, a need has arisen for a simple way of discriminating live specimens of the two species in the field. Many publications, particularly field guides, have recommended diagnosis on the basis of the presence of white hair on the upper lip of the European species, and its absence in the American species. This is a mistaken suggestion, which should be avoided by authors. American Mink seldom if ever show the large white moustachial bands seen in some European Mink, and may indeed have no white hairs on the upper lip; but white patches of lesser size are common enough to be a possible cause of confusion.  相似文献   

A genetic polymorphism of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH; EC for two allozymes is demonstrated in the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) by means of horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Segregation analysis was performed in a sample of four matings with 12 offspring and confirmed the genetic hypothesis: two alleles at an autosomal locus. The calculated gene frequencies in the brown hare breed studied areSdh a =0.712 andSdh b =0.288. The distribution of the polymorphism in free-ranging brown hare populations from Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland is described.This research was supported by a grant from the Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Austria (project P6767B).  相似文献   

Capsule Many birds are known to incorporate mammal hair into their nest lining, but the frequency with which they use hair from different mammals is unknown. We performed one of the first detailed examinations of mammalian hair from 54 Great Tit nests. We identified 5317 hairs belonging to 21 mammal species. Almost all of the examined nests contained hair from Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), but hair from Wild Boars (Sus scrofa), European Hares (Lepus europaeus) and Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) was also common.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) was studied through microhistological pellet analysis in two areas from a mountain ecosystem in Central Portugal. Fecal pellets were collected monthly in 24 plots spatially distributed throughout the two study areas. For each period, a sample of 15 to 20 pellets was milled and 400 epidermal fragments were identified, by comparison with a reference collection. A wide range of plant species was observed in hare’s diet. Grasses represent the basis of the Iberian hare diet, with frequencies always higher than 50% in both study areas (annual average = 69.98%). Most of the 35 species of grasses assembled for the reference collection (91.43%) were identified in the pellets. Nevertheless, only six of these were consumed in proportions greater than 5%, being Anthoxanthum odoratum, Secale cereale and Agrostis spp. the species ingested in higher frequencies. The rate of grasses consumption reached 80.69% in winter but decreased in summer to around 55%. In this season, a concurrent rise in the ingestion of other plant groups, like herbs and shrubs, and of plant inflorescences was observed. This work provides the first results on the Iberian hare’s diet on mountain ecosystems, and suggests that the Iberian hare diet in a mountain ecosystem is similar to the observed in L. europaeus and L. timidus.  相似文献   

Hybridization occurs among many species, and may have implications for conservation as well as for evolution. Interspecific gene flow between brown hares Lepus europaeus and mountain hares L. timidus has been documented in Sweden and in continental Europe, and has probably to some extent occurred throughout history in sympatric areas. What local factors or ecological relationships that correlate with or trigger hybridization between these species has however been unclear. We studied spatial distribution of hybrids between brown hares and mountain hares in Sweden in relation to characteristics of the sampled localities (hunting grounds). In a sample of 70 brown hares collected from 39 populations in south‐central Sweden during 2003–2005, 11 (16%) showed introgressed mtDNA from mountain hares. Among the brown hares from their northern range, i.e. in general the most recent establishments, the corresponding figure was 75% (9/12). The frequency of samples with hybrid ancestry increased significantly with latitude, altitude and hilliness, and were higher (p<0.1) in recently established populations and/or where the proportion of arable land was low. Several site‐specific parameters were correlated, e.g. latitude as expected to hilliness, and no parameter explained the occurrence of hybrids exclusively. Instead, the appearance of mountain hare mtDNA among brown hares was associated with a conglomerate of parameters reflecting landscapes atypical for the brown hare, e.g. forest dominated and steep areas where the species quite recently was established. We suggest that these abiotic factors mirror the main aspect influencing hybridization frequency, namely the density or relative frequency of the two species. In atypical brown hare landscapes with recent establishment, mountain hares are probably relatively more common. When one species dominate in numbers, or when both species display low densities, increased frequency of hybridization is expected due to low availability of conspecific partners, a phenomenon referred to as Hubbs’ principle.  相似文献   

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