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Abstract. Variation in vegetation in extra-Andean Patagonia (Argentina) was analyzed using spectral data derived from AVHRR/NOAA satellite. The study of seasonal dynamics of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, i.e. a combined index of the reflection in the red and infrared bands) highlighted similarities in functional aspects between regional vegetation units which are dissimilar in a geographical, physiognomical and/or floristical way, and also suggested that gross primary production is correlated with mean annual rainfall. The first axis in a Principal Component Analysis of NDVI data was correlated (r2 = 0.90) with NDVI as integrated for the study period. The second axis was correlated (r2 = 0.50) with the differences in NDVI during the growing season, reflecting seasonality. Mean annual rainfall accounted for 60% of integrated NDVI variability among vegetation units. Much of the residual variance (62%) was accounted for by the inverse of the distance to the Atlantic Ocean, which is interpreted as an ocean effect on vegetation functioning in the extra-Andean Patagonia.  相似文献   

Abstract. At ca. 40° S in northern Patagonia, Andean rain forests are replaced eastwards by woodlands and shrublands and eventually by steppe. Along this gradient we examined stand dynamics by analyzing tree population age structures and tree growth patterns. We also examined spatial and temporal characteristics of disturbance regimes by dating disturbances and mapping stands of differing disturbance history. From west to east, the ecological importance of earthquake-related disturbance decreases, whereas that of fire, logging, and livestock increases. Abrupt changes in rates of tree growth correspond with earthquakes in 1837, 1939 and 1960. In the mesic western forests earthquakes can result in massive new tree establishment on landslide-affected sites and increased rates of treefall. Fire, however, is the more pervasive disturbance over most of the gradient and creates extensive even-aged patches dominated by the regionally dominant trees, Nothofagus and Austrocedrus. Although some lightning-ignited and aboriginal-set fires occurred in these forests prior to European settlement, much of the present forest structure may be attributed to the massive burning associated with European settlement of this area near the turn of the present century. In contrast to the settlement-related increase in fire frequency in the western forested district, at the woodland/steppe ecotone the demise of the native American population resulted in a decrease in fire frequency. Heavy browsing and grazing following fire can seriously impede post-fire tree regeneration. These preliminary results document the important influences of varying disturbance regimes along a major environmental gradient in creating landscape-scale vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. The germinable seed bank of Festuca spp., Carex patagonica, and other annuals and perennials in a semiarid Patagonian grassland was analyzed every three months. The effects of grazing, topography and microsites with respect to established grass tussocks on the germinable-seed bank were also analyzed. The total germinable-seed bank was larger in summer after seed rain. At this time of the year most of the seeds were from annuals and perennial dicots. Seeds of the dominant Festuca spp. were the main components of the graminoid seed bank, which was homogeneously distributed in patches of bare soil. In spring, i.e. some months after the seed rain, the germinable-seed bank of most of the species was greatly reduced, while the seed bank of Carex patagonica did not change significantly. At this time of the year, the graminoid seed bank was heterogeneously distributed in space, with the seeds accumulating in wind-protected microsites. In the grazing treatments, the seed bank of the perennial grasses was reduced proportionally to the decrease of the plant cover. On the other hand, the germinable-seed bank of C. patagonica increased with the grazing treatments, in relation to the increase of vegetation cover. Topographical position had two types of effect on the seed bank of perennial grasses. One was the increase of the germinable-seed bank, after the seed rain, on the relatively warmer northeast facing slopes, which was related to a higher seed rain in these places. The other was an increased seed loss on slopes. The different seed-bank strategies observed in this grassland are compared and discussed in relation to strategies described for other grasslands.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Festuca gracillima tussock steppe of northern Tierra del Fuego there is a physiognomic pattern at the community scale composed of a matrix of tussocks, scrub patches of Chiliotrichum diffusum and lawn patches. In this paper we compared floristic composition, soils, microclimate and sheep use of these three types. Species composition greatly differed among physiognomic types. Lawn patches showed the highest diversity and maximum cover of exotics, grazing escape growth forms and species of high‐fertility habitats. Soil profiles of tussock steppe and lawn were similar but the A‐horizon of the latter contained more clay and cations. Radiation and temperature during daylight at the soil surface in summer were highest in the lawn patches. Soil impedance, a good indicator of trampling, was highest on the lawn patches. According to dung pellet density, lawn patches received much heavier use than the tussock matrix. Our results suggest that lawn patches supported the highest grazing impact and undergo a eutrophication process favoured by high mineral inputs, high mineralization rates in the soil during the warm season and restricted leaching through the profile. They also support the idea that a feedback mechanism between vegetation heterogeneity and sheep grazing behaviour maintains the patches. Although grazing behaviour suggests that the lawn patches favour animal production, their expansion would result in a system less protected against the impact of water deficits and temperature variations and more vulnerable to erosion and to the loss of important species.  相似文献   

Besides an essential role in optimizing water oxidation in photosystem II (PSII), it has been reported that the spinach PsbO protein binds GTP [C. Spetea, T. Hundal, B. Lundin, M. Heddad, I. Adamska, B. Andersson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 (2004) 1409-1414]. Here we predict four GTP-binding domains in the structure of spinach PsbO, all localized in the β-barrel domain of the protein, as judged from comparison with the 3D-structure of the cyanobacterial counterpart. These domains are not conserved in the sequences of the cyanobacterial or green algae PsbO proteins. MgGTP induces specific changes in the structure of the PsbO protein in solution, as detected by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. Spinach PsbO has a low intrinsic GTPase activity, which is enhanced fifteen-fold when the protein is associated with the PSII complex in its dimeric form. GTP stimulates the dissociation of PsbO from PSII under light conditions known to also release Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions from the oxygen-evolving complex and to induce degradation of the PSII reaction centre D1 protein. We propose the occurrence in higher plants of a PsbO-mediated GTPase activity associated with PSII, which has consequences for the function of the oxygen-evolving complex and D1 protein turnover.  相似文献   

Exposure of 25 °C-grown, seven-day-old rice seedlings to mild heat stress of 40 °C for 24 h in dark did not cause any change in protein or pigment content of the thylakoids, but produced major disorganization of chloroplast ultrastructure. This heat induced disorganization of thylakoid structure/organization caused significant (65 percnt;) loss in PSII activity, slight loss in PSI activity, and brought about a decrease in relative quantum efficiency of PSII. The herbicide 14C atrazine binding assay revealed a decreased number of binding sites of the herbicide and altered the herbicide dissociation constant, suggesting that the heat induced disorganization of the thylakoids affects the acceptor side of PSII. Cation induced Chla fluorescence analyses at room temperature and low temperature indicated thatin vivo heat exposure of rice seedlings altered the extent of energy transfer in favor of PSI. Immunoblotting analysis of several PSII polypeptides such as D1/D2 reaction dimer and Cyt b559 showed no major changes due to mild heat exposure except for the PSII core antenna polypeptide (CP43), which could reflect the reduction in PSII activity observed in light saturation studies. Similarly, haeme staining did not indicate any change in other cytochrome related polypeptides. Our results therefore clearly suggest thatin vivo exposure of rice seedlings to elevated (40 °C) temperature caused thylakoid structural disorganization, and this disorganization of some of the thylakoid complexes resulted in a loss in thylakoid photochemical function.  相似文献   

The skin structure and the plasma cortisol levels of trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were examined during 7 days of exposure to water of pH 5. By day-4 and-7, the thickness of the epidermis was significantly (P<0.05) less in acid exposed fish than in controls, and degenerative cells were common in the upper epidermal layers. Many epidermal cells exhibited signs of necrosis, and by day-7 many apoptotic cells were also present. Secretory vesicles of high electron density were abundant in the filament cells of the 3–4 outermost layers of epidermis, and intercellular spaces had increased. Mitotic figures occureed throughout the epidermis, with the exception of the outermost cell layer. Mucous cells became elongated after day-1, and later, newly differentiating mucous cells could be seen close to the skin surface, and many mucocytes contained mucosomes of high electron density. Rodlet cells were occasionally seen. Chloride cells appeared similar to those of control fish. Many leucocytes, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes, had penetrated the epidermis via the highly undulating basal lamina, and at day-7, numerous apoptotic lymphocytes were found. In the dermis, melanosomes became dispersed in the cytoplasmic extensions of melanocytes which were present in the epidermis of all acid-exposed fish. Iridocytes were rate after day-4, while fibroblasts were abundant and secreted large amounts of collagen. After 1 day of exposure to acidified water, a significant (P<0.05) elevation of the plasma cortisol level had occurred, but this subsequently declined, and had returned to control values by day-7. The changes in skin structure, however, remained throughout the whole exposure period.  相似文献   

Shmuel Malkin  Jim Barber 《BBA》1978,502(3):524-541
1. Using a phosphoroscope, delayed luminescence and prompt chlorophyll fluorescence from isolated chloroplasts have been compared during the induction period.2. Two distinct decay components of delayed luminescence were measured a “fast” component (from ≈1 ms to ≈6 ms) and a “slow” component (at ≈6 ms).3. The fast luminescence component often did not correlate with the fluorescence changes while the slow component significantly changed its intensity during the induction period in a manner which could usually be linearly correlated with variable portion of the fluorescence yield change.4. This correlation was evident after preillumination with far-red light or after allowing a considerable time for dark relaxation.5. The close relationship between the slow luminescence component and variable fluorescence yield was observed with a large range of light intensities and also in the presence of 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea which considerably changes the fluorescence induction kinetics.6. Valinomycin and other antibiotics reduced the amplitude of the 6 ms (slow) luminescence without affecting its relation with the fluorescence induction suggesting possibly that a constant electrical gradient exist in the dark or formed very rapidly in the light, which effects the emission intensity.7. Changes in salt levels of suspending media equally affected the amplitude of both delayed luminescence and variable fluorescence under conditions when the reduction of Q is maximal and constant.8. The results are discussed in terms of several models. It is concluded that the model of independent Photosystem II units together with photosynthetic back reaction concept is incompatible with the data. Other alternative models (the “lake” model and photosynthetic back reaction; recombination of charges in the antenna chlorophyll; the “W” hypothesis) were in closer agreement with the results.  相似文献   

G.A. Volkov 《BBA》1973,314(1):83-92
Transient hyperpolarization of the external cytoplasmatic membrane may be observed on rapid illumination of the Nitella flexilis cell. Several important properties of that response make the latter similar to a considerable degree to the excitation response.The condition for transient hyperpolarization is the normal functioning of the electron transport chain conjugated with non-cyclic photophosphorylation.The value of the membrane potential at the moment of hyperpolarization of the external cytoplasmic membrane, is determined by the difference in the electrochemical potential of HCO3? or H+. This state of the plasmalemma supplements the two other known states: normal and depolarized (excited), when the main ions determining membrane potential are K+ and Cl?.  相似文献   

Abstract Tarsal contact chemoreceptors of the black swallowtail butterfly Papilio polyxenes (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) were stimulated with leaf-surface extracts and ethanolic extracts of whole leaves of a host-plant (Daucus carota) and a non-host (Brassica oleracea). Both leaf extracts evoked large numbers of spikes but stimulated different receptor neurones. It is concluded that a large difference exists between the sensory responses to host and non-host extracts. Two chemicals, luteolin 7-0-(6"-0-malonyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside and trans- chlorogenic acid, known to be present in the host and known oviposi-tion stimulants for P.polyxenes , were also tested and shown to be active. No responses were found to luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucoside or to luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucuronide. These flavonoids occur in D.carota foliage, but do not stimulate oviposition.  相似文献   

Perakine reductase (PR) catalyzes an NADPH-dependent step in a side-branch of the 10-step biosynthetic pathway of the alkaloid ajmaline. The enzyme was cloned by a “reverse-genetic” approach from cell suspension cultures of the plant Rauvolfia serpentina (Apocynaceae) and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli as the N-terminal His6-tagged protein. PR displays a broad substrate acceptance, converting 16 out of 28 tested compounds with reducible carbonyl function which belong to three substrate groups: benzaldehyde, cinnamic aldehyde derivatives and monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. The enzyme has an extraordinary selectivity in the group of alkaloids. Sequence alignments define PR as a new member of the aldo-keto reductase (AKR) super family, exhibiting the conserved catalytic tetrad Asp52, Tyr57, Lys84, His126. Site-directed mutagenesis of each of these functional residues to an alanine residue results in >97.8% loss of enzyme activity, in compounds of each substrate group. PR represents the first example of the large AKR-family which is involved in the biosynthesis of plant monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. In addition to a new esterase, PR significantly extends the Rauvolfia alkaloid network to the novel group of peraksine alkaloids. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. The nucleotide sequences reported in this article have been submitted to the Gene Bank under Accession No: AY766462.  相似文献   

Long‐read sequencing technologies are transforming our ability to assemble highly complex genomes. Realizing their full potential is critically reliant on extracting high‐quality, high‐molecular‐weight (HMW) DNA from the organisms of interest. This is especially the case for the portable MinION sequencer which enables all laboratories to undertake their own genome sequencing projects, due to its low entry cost and minimal spatial footprint. One challenge of the MinION is that each group has to independently establish effective protocols for using the instrument, which can be time‐consuming and costly. Here, we present a workflow and protocols that enabled us to establish MinION sequencing in our own laboratories, based on optimizing DNA extraction from a challenging plant tissue as a case study. Following the workflow illustrated, we were able to reliably and repeatedly obtain >6.5 Gb of long‐read sequencing data with a mean read length of 13 kb and an N50 of 26 kb. Our protocols are open source and can be performed in any laboratory without special equipment. We also illustrate some more elaborate workflows which can increase mean and average read lengths if this is desired. We envision that our workflow for establishing MinION sequencing, including the illustration of potential pitfalls and suggestions of how to adapt it to other tissue types, will be useful to others who plan to establish long‐read sequencing in their own laboratories.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the mechanism responsible for the enhancement of the respiratory and secretory responses to N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) exhibited by human neutrophils suspended in Na+-free, high-K+ buffered solution. The results demonstrate that: (a) the variation of Na+ concentration in the suspending solution induces in human neutrophils a marked modification of the recognition apparatus for the chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe, the lack of or low concentration of this ion increasing the number of the receptors and their specific affinity for the ligand; (b) the greater respiratory burst and secretion induced by fMet-Leu-Phe in human neutrophils suspended in Na+-free, high-K+ medium are due to the increased formation of receptor-ligand complexes at the cell membrane; (c) the greater respiratory response is partially due also to a higher efficiency of these receptor-ligand complexes. The molecular mechanism by which Na+ exerts a regulative role on the properties of the recognition apparatus for the chemotactic peptide and its possible significance are discussed.  相似文献   

Y L Hu  H Ziffer 《Chirality》1991,3(3):196-203
Samples enriched in (-)- and (+)-1,2-benzocyclononen-3-ol were prepared by microbially mediated reactions. An enriched sample of (+)-1,2-benzocyclodecen-3-ol was prepared by fractional crystallization of the diastereoisomeric camphanates, followed by hydrolysis. The absolute stereochemistry of both alcohols was established by chemical transformations. The elution order of their enantiomers from a chiral Pirkle HPLC column [(R)-N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)phenyl glycine ionically bound to gamma-aminopropyl silanized silica] was determined. The information in conjunction with other data was used to formulate a rule to predict the configuration of an enantiomer of an alkylarylcarbinol from its elution order from this column.  相似文献   

In vegetation stands, plants receive red to far‐red ratio (R:FR) signals of varying strength from all directions. However, plant responses to variations in R:FR reflected from below have been largely ignored despite their potential consequences for plant performance. Using a heterogeneous rose canopy, which consists of bent shoots down in the canopy and vertically growing upright shoots, we quantified upward far‐red reflection by bent shoots and its consequences for upright shoot architecture. With a three‐dimensional plant model, we assessed consequences of responses to R:FR from below for plant photosynthesis. Bent shoots reflected substantially more far‐red than red light, causing reduced R:FR in light reflected upwards. Leaf inclination angles increased in upright shoots which received low R:FR reflected from below. The increased leaf angle led to an increase in simulated plant photosynthesis only when this low R:FR was reflected off their own bent shoots and not when it reflected off neighbour bent shoots. We conclude that plant response to R:FR from below is an under‐explored phenomenon which may have contrasting consequences for plant performance depending on the type of vegetation or crop system. The responses are beneficial for performance only when R:FR is reflected by lower foliage of the same plants.  相似文献   

Evaluating changes in the collective behavior of a population can be an indirect method for inferring organismal responses to changing environmental conditions. Apex predators, such as the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), can provide valuable insights into the ecosystem processes of the deep sea, where little direct observation can be made. Sperm whales are often difficult to observe at sea, as they inhabit deep, offshore waters and spend most of their lives beneath the surface. However, sperm whales are extremely amenable to passive acoustic monitoring, as their vocalizations are well-studied, highly distinguishable, produced regularly, and can be detected at relatively long ranges (>10 km). Sperm whales produce distinct clicks in two behavioral contexts (social interaction or foraging/prey capture); thus, we can use acoustic detection of these vocalizations to infer patterns of large-scale, collective behavior, which is similar to studying calling frogs or insects indicating their reproductive phenology. We recorded behaviorally-specific sperm whale vocalizations at three sites in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in July 2010 and 2011. We used these recordings to construct population-level time budgets, an empirical collective metric of behavior, based on the ratio of hours in a day with social clicks to the hours in a day with foraging clicks, and represented this as an “acoustic activity index.” Our index showed significant differences in the proportions of social and foraging behavior across the range of sperm whales in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, and the proportion of social activity increased by more than a factor of two from 2010 to 2011. These differences support previous evidence of differential habitat use by sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico, and suggest possible changes in environmental conditions between years. Thus, the acoustic activity index may provide a powerful way to evaluate changes in behavior and link them to changing ecological conditions. This novel application of bioacoustics to constructing time budgets and creating a behaviorally-based index at the population scale can serve as an indicator of ecological change, and greatly enhance our ability to understand the behavior and ecology of many acoustically active species.  相似文献   

Summary The hair-peg organs of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, are modified hair-sensilla. A small hair shaft (peg) is surrounded by a tuft of solid cuticular bristles (hairs). Each hair-peg organ is innervated by 6 sensory neurons, 2 of which have scolopidial (type-I) dendrites. The outer segments of all dendrites pass through a cuticular canal extending to the articulated hair base in which the 2 type-I dendrites terminate. The other 4 (type-II) dendrites reach the clavate tip of the hair shaft and have access to a terminal pore and a large sickle-shaped aperture. Three inner and 8–12 outer enveloping cells belong to a hair-peg organ. The innermost enveloping cell contains a scolopale, which has desmosomal connections to the ciliary rootlets of the type-I dendrites. An inner and an outer sensillum lymph space are present. The ultrastructural features of the dendrites and the cuticular apparatus indicate that the hair-peg organs are bimodal sensilla, comprising 2 mechano- and 4 chemosensitive sensory neurons. Extracellular recordings from the leg nerve indicate that the chemosensitive neurons of the hair-peg organs respond to changes in seawater concentration in the physiological range of Carcinus maenas.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 45/A1; W. Gnatzy)  相似文献   

Although it is recognized that ATP plays a part in apoptosis, whether and how its level changes en route to apoptosis as well as how ATP is synthesized has not been fully investigated. We have addressed these questions using cultured cerebellar granule cells. In particular, we measured the content of ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, inosine, adenosine and l-lactate in cells undergoing apoptosis during the commitment phase (0-8 h) in the absence or presence of oligomycin or/and of citrate, which can inhibit totally the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and largely the substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis, respectively. In the absence of inhibitors, apoptosis was accompanied by an increase in ATP and a decrease in ADP with 1:1 stoichiometry, with maximum ATP level found at 3 h apoptosis, but with no change in levels of AMP and its breakdown products and with a relatively low level of l-lactate production. Consistently, there was an increase in the cell energy charge and in the ratio ([ATP][AMP])/[ADP]2. When the oxidative phosphorylation was completely blocked by oligomycin, a decrease of the ATP content was found both in control cells and in cells undergoing apoptosis, but nonetheless cells still died by apoptosis, as shown by checking DNA laddering and by death prevention due to actinomycin D. In this case, ATP was provided by anaerobic glycolysis, as suggested by the large increase of l-lactate production. On the other hand, citrate itself caused a small decrease in ATP level together with a huge decrease in l-lactate production, but it had no effect on cell survival. When ATP level was further decreased due to the presence of both oligomycin and citrate, death occurred via necrosis at 8 h, as shown by the lack of DNA laddering and by death prevention found due to the NMDA receptor antagonist MK801. However, at a longer time, when ATP level was further decreased, cells died neither via apoptosis nor via glutamate-dependent necrosis, in a manner similar to something like to energy catastrophe. Our results shows that cellular ATP content increases in cerebellar granule cell apoptosis, that the role of oxidative phosphorylation is facultative, i.e. ATP can also derive from anaerobic glycolysis, and that the type of cell death depends on the ATP availability.  相似文献   

Rémy Beauchemin 《BBA》2007,1767(7):905-912
Polyamines are implicated in plant growth and stress response. However, the polyamines spermine and spermidine were shown to elicit strong inhibitory effects in photosystem II (PSII) submembrane fractions. We have studied the mechanism of this inhibitory action in detail. The inhibition of electron transport in PSII submembrane fractions treated with millimolar concentrations of spermine or spermidine led to the decline of plastoquinone reduction, which was reversed by the artificial electron donor diphenylcarbazide. The above inhibition was due to the loss of the extrinsic polypeptides associated with the oxygen evolving complex. Thermoluminescence measurements revealed that charge recombination between the quinone acceptors of PSII, QA and QB, and the S2 state of the Mn-cluster was abolished. Also, the dark decay of chlorophyll fluorescence after a single turn-over white flash was greatly retarded indicating a slower rate of QA reoxidation.  相似文献   

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