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Foraging for pollen is an important behavior of the honey bee because pollen is their sole source of protein. Through nurse bees, larvae are the principal consumers of pollen. Fatty acid esters extractable from the surface of larvae, called brood pheromone, release multiple colony-level and individual foraging behaviors increasing pollen intake. In this study pollen forager turnaround time was measured in observation hives supplemented with brood pheromone versus a blank control treatment. Treatment with brood pheromone significantly decreased pollen forager turnaround time in the hive between foraging bouts by approximately 72%. Concurrently, brood pheromone increased the ratio of pollen to non-pollen foragers entering colonies. Brood pheromone has been shown to release most of the mechanisms known to increase pollen intake by colonies acting as an important regulator of colony foraging decisions and growth.  相似文献   

Effects of perceived danger on flower choice by bees   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Studies on animal–flower interactions have mostly neglected the third trophic level of pollinators' predators, even though antipredatory behaviour of pollinators may affect patterns of pollinator visitation, pollen transfer and floral traits. In three experiments, it was found that honeybees showed sensitivity to perceived danger at flowers by preferring apparently safe flowers over equally rewarding alternatives harbouring either a dead bee or a spider, and avoiding revisitation of a site where the bees had escaped a simulated predation attempt. These results suggest that bees, like other animals, take antipredatory measures, which may have far reaching effects on animal–flower interactions.  相似文献   

The ecology and evolution of pollen odors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The literature is reviewed and new evidence presented that pollen produces odors, which serve multiple functions in pollination and defense. Pollen odor, which originates from pollenkitt, comprises volatiles that belong to the same chemical classes found in flower scents, that are in species-specific mixtures, and that contrast with odors of other floral parts. Pollen can also take up volatiles from surrounding floral odors, but this adsorption is selective and varies among species. Pollen odors are more pronounced in insect- than bird- or wind-pollinated plants, suggesting that volatile emission evolved in part under selection to attract pollinators. Pollen-feeding insects can perceive pollen odor and use it to discriminate between different pollen types and host plants. Pollen odor influences bee foraging, including the location of pollen sources, discrimination of flowers with different amounts of pollen, and hostplant recognition by pollen-specialist species. In the few wind-pollinated plants studied, odors of male flowers or pollen are comparatively high in -methyl alcohols and ketones; these volatiles may serve in pollen defense, with some known to repel insects. Pollen odor often includes chemicals with documented defense activity, which is probably aimed mainly at nonpollinator pollen-feeding insects and pathogens; an involvement in pollen allelopathy is also possible. Pollen volatiles comprise chemically diverse compounds that may play multiple roles, and their emission in pollen odor undoubtedly evolved under the principle, and often conflicting, selective pressures to both protect the male gametophyte and increase its dispersal by animals.  相似文献   

Honeybee pollen (HBP) is a mixture of floral pollen collected by honeybees near the hive. It is characterized by a composition rich in phenolic compounds, carotenoids and vitamins that act as free radicals scavengers, conferring antioxidant and antibacterial capacity to the matrix. These bioactive properties are related to the botanical origin of the honeybee pollen. Honeybee pollen samples were collected from different geographical locations in central Chile, and their total carotenoid content, polyphenols profile by HPLC/MS/MS, DPPH radical scavenging capacity, and antimicrobial capacity against S. pyogenes, E. coli, S. aureus, and P. auriginosa strains were evaluated. Our results showed a good carotenoids content and polyphenols composition, while antioxidant capacity presented values between 0–95 % for the scavenging effect related to the botanical origin of the samples. Inhibition diameter for the different strains presented less variability among the samples, Furthermore, binary mixtures representing the two most abundant species in each HBP were prepared to assess the synergy effect of the floral pollen (FP) present in the samples. Data shows an antagonist effect was observed when assessing the carotenoid content, and a synergy effect often presents for antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity for bee pollen samples. The bioactive capacities of the honeybee pollen and their synergy effect could apply to develop new functional ingredients for the food industry.  相似文献   

Determining how pollinators visit plants vs. how they carry and transfer pollen is an ongoing project in pollination ecology. The current tools for identifying the pollens that bees carry have different strengths and weaknesses when used for ecological inference. In this study we use three methods to better understand a system of congeneric, coflowering plants in the genus Clarkia and their bee pollinators: observations of plant–pollinator contact in the field, and two different molecular methods to estimate the relative abundance of each Clarkia pollen in samples collected from pollinators. We use these methods to investigate if observations of plant–pollinator contact in the field correspond to the pollen bees carry; if individual bees carry Clarkia pollens in predictable ways, based on previous knowledge of their foraging behaviors; and how the three approaches differ for understanding plant–pollinator interactions. We find that observations of plant–pollinator contact are generally predictive of the pollens that bees carry while foraging, and network topologies using the three different methods are statistically indistinguishable from each other. Results from molecular pollen analysis also show that while bees can carry multiple species of Clarkia at the same time, they often carry one species of pollen. Our work contributes to the growing body of literature aimed at resolving how pollinators use floral resources. We suggest our novel relative amplicon quantification method as another tool in the developing molecular ecology and pollination biology toolbox.  相似文献   

The buzzing foraging behavior of female bees for pollen harvesting called the attention of early pollination biologists. Flower types that demand this buzzing behavior comprise about 20,000 species of different and phylogenetically unrelated plant taxa, suggesting that it had independently evolved many times among the flowering plants. Between the late 1970s and early 1980s, theoretical papers had modeled the energetics of buzz pollination, but, up to this moment, no hypothesis was experimentally tested concerning the theoretical basis of the energetics of buzz pollination. We present a cost‐effective and simple apparatus, including a digital and highly accurate frequency generator, and a device for the transference of buzz‐frequency energy to the receptive floral unity. The receptive floral unities may comprise the entire or partial androecium, or the tubular corolla, or, in some cases, the whole flower. This apparatus can be easily used in both laboratory and field conditions of research, as natural air currents are avoided, and the response of pollen liberation can be quantitatively measured by pollen grain counts that can be captured by adhesion in slide poured with an isosmotic lactate–glycerol media. The maximum displacement of the hardwire beam/claw system was 0.1170 ± 0.0006 mm @ 150 Hz; 0.021 ± 0.003 mm @ 250 Hz; 0.010 ± 0.001 mm @ 350 Hz; 0.0058 ± 0.0001 mm @ 450 Hz; and 0.0082 ± 0.0005 mm @ 550 Hz. Hypothesis contrasting frequency emission and pollen liberation measured as pollen grain counts may be tested in a species flower type by simple linear regression if pollen counts are normally distributed, or ordinal logistic regression, with non‐normal counts. The comparison among different flower‐type requirements can be tested through appropriate statistical methods for both normally and non‐normally distributed pollen grain counts.  相似文献   

Pollen dynamics of bumble-bee visitation on Echium vulgare   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1. We quantified pollen deposition on the stigma, pollen removal from the anthers and pollen losses in Echium vulgare , visited by workers of Bombus terrestris under controlled conditions. We used dye as a pollen analogue. Bumble-bees were trained to visit a sequence of non-emasculated flowers to estimate pollen carryover and to visit individual flowers to estimate pollen loss.
2. Carryover of pollen grains and dye particles between flowers was similar, which justifies using dye as a pollen analogue. On average 93·8% of the dye particles on the bee were carried over to the next flower. Only a small fraction of the pollen grains was deposited on the stigma (0·15%). A much larger fraction (6·1%) was lost in another way: passively during flight, through grooming or on floral parts other than the stigma. The bees removed 44% of the pollen grains from a fresh flower and 50·3% of this removed pollen adhered to the bee.
3. We predict that, using the parameters mentioned above, during a single visit to a newly opened flower, a bee collects an amount of pollen grains which will bring about 60% geitonogamous self-pollination in the next flower visited. The expected percentage of self-pollination is considerably less if bees visit flowers that have been visited before.  相似文献   

The genus Viola is represented by four related species in Brazil belonging to section Leptidium, one of the most primitive sections in the genus. Floral biology and pollination by bees were studied in Viola cerasifolia and V. subdimidiata in high-altitude areas in south-eastern Brazil. Flowers are zygomorphic and spurred. The five stamens are arranged in a cuff around the ovary, and pollen is released by means of apical connective projections, which form a cone surrounding the base of the style. The connective projections of the inferior stamens are elongated and curved to form a hook-shaped structure. Nectar-secreting tissue can occur in the basal connective appendages of the inferior stamens, which project into the spur. Flowers of V. subdimidiata secreted a mean volume of 0.14 micro l nectar over a 24-h period; approx. 40 % of flowers did not secrete any nectar. The main pollinators of these Viola species are female bees belonging to the genus Anthrenoides (Andrenidae), which search mainly for pollen. These bees seem to be oligolectic and obtain large amounts of pollen from Viola by vibrating the flowers or by moving the hook repeatedly back and forth. Males of Anthrenoides patrol Viola clusters and also feed on nectar, acting as secondary pollinators. The basic floral structure in the genus Viola fits that of 'nectar flowers'. The uncommon hook-shaped projections, scanty nectar production, and behaviour of pollinators suggest that V. cerasifolia and V. subdimidiata are shifting their reward for pollinators from nectar to pollen. Based on floral morphology, this shift may be widespread in Viola sect. Leptidium.  相似文献   

Abstract: The pollination and reproductive biology of Rauvolfia grandiflora were studied in natural populations in the forest of the Recife Botanical Garden. R. grandiflora is a shrubby species (2 to 5 m), the flowers are hermaphrodite and salverform. The corolla tube is white and the five free lobes of the corolla are flushed with violet. The five stamens are attached to the corolla tube; the anthers are introrse and form a cone situated immediately above the stigmatic head. There is a space between the anthers and the stigmatic head, where the pollen is deposited. The stigmatic head has three functional regions: a) an upper sterile region; b) a median region that produces a sticky substance and c) a lower receptive region, which is located beneath a basal collar. The secondary pollen presentation and the herkogamy mechanisms are discussed. Sugar concentration in nectar was, on average, 31.7%. The pollen viability was 97.4%. R. grandiflora is melittophilous and in the study area was found to be pollinated by only one species of long-tongued bee, Exaerete smaragdina. R. grandiflora was found to be self-incompatible, and the percentage of fruit set under natural conditions was low.  相似文献   

本文研究了芦丁、槲皮素、山萘酚、异鼠李素四种黄酮类化合物在毛细管区带电泳中的迁移行为,考察了缓冲溶液pH值、其离子浓度、有机添加剂、电压、温度等对分离的影响。结果发现在35mmol/L硼砂缓冲溶液,pH8.4,10%乙腈作为添加剂,20℃,25kV条件下,四种黄酮在14min内实现了基线分离。利用该方法测定青海产油菜蜂花粉中黄酮苷元含量,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

Our understanding of pollination in conifers has advanced rapidly in recent years, but it still lags behind our knowledge of this process in angiosperms. In part this is because conifers are not considered to be high priority crops and, unlike many cultivated flowers, conifer seed cones are generally neither large nor colorful. The use of genetics to improve tree growth has primarily been through selection and asexual propagation rather than breeding, and because incompatibility is not thought to occur in conifer pollination systems, concern about pollination has primarily been with regard to seed production. Here we examine the ancestral wind-pollination mechanism in conifers and discuss how the process may have evolved to improve pollination success.  相似文献   

Pollen volume varies among angiosperm species over five orders of magnitude, presumably because the functional advantages of pollen size depend on each species' particular pollination and fertilization conditions. This paper reports two studies that assess whether animal-pollinated species with different pollination systems differ correspondingly in pollen size, as would be expected if pollen size affected pollen transport. Analysis of nine Pedicularis species detected significant interspecific variation in pollen size; however, the overall mean pollen volume of species pollinated primarily by nectar-collecting bees did not differ significantly from that of species pollinated by pollen-collecting bees. Similarly, comparison of bee- and bird-pollinated congeners in 16 genera (nine families) from Australia and North America found considerable variation in pollen diameter within and between genera, but this variation was not associated consistency with differences in primary pollinator type (bee>bird for three genera, bee > bird for five genera, bee相似文献   

We compared pollen removal and deposition by hummingbirds and bumblebees visiting bird-syndrome Penstemon barbatus and bee-syndrome P. strictus flowers. One model for evolutionary shifts from bee pollination to bird pollination has assumed that, mostly due to grooming, pollen on bee bodies quickly becomes unavailable for transfer to stigmas, whereas pollen on hummingbirds has greater carryover. Comparing bumblebees and hummingbirds seeking nectar in P. strictus, we confirmed that bees had a steeper pollen carryover curve than birds but, surprisingly, bees and birds removed similar amounts of pollen and had similar per-visit pollen transfer efficiencies. Comparing P. barbatus and P. strictus visited by hummingbirds, the bird-syndrome flowers had more pollen removed, more pollen deposited, and a higher transfer efficiency than the bee-syndrome flowers. In addition, P. barbatus flowers have evolved such that their anthers and stigmas would not easily come into contact with bumblebees if they were to forage on them. We discuss the role that differences in pollination efficiency between bees and hummingbirds may have played in the repeated evolution of hummingbird pollination in Penstemon.  相似文献   

Les insectes butineurs de Cucumis sativus L. (Cucurbitaceae) ont été étudiés durant les floraisons de 2001 et de 2002 dans la région de Constantine (est algérien). Les observations ont montré que la majorité des visiteurs de la plante sont des hyménoptères apoïdes. Apis mellifera L., Ceratina cucurbitina Rossi, Megachile leachella Curtis et M. pilidens Alfken sont les espèces les plus fréquentes sur les fleurs. Les proportions de visites des abeilles sont plus élevées sur les fleurs staminées que sur les fleurs pistilées. En moyenne, les quatre espèces ont visité entre 6 et 8 fleurs par minute et leurs durées de visite sur les fleurs pistilées sont significativement plus lentes en comparaison avec les fleurs staminées.  相似文献   

We tested two predictions of the hypothesis that competition between self-pollen may mitigate negative genetic effects of inbreeding in plants: (1) intense competition among self-pollen increases offspring fitness; and (2) pollen competition reduces the measured strength of inbreeding depression. We used Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae), an annual with a mixed mating system, to perform controlled crosses in which we varied both the size of the pollen load and the source of pollen (self vs. outcross). Fitness of selfed offspring was higher in the high pollen-load treatment. Our second prediction was also upheld: inbreeding depression was, on average, lower when large pollen loads were applied (11%) relative to the low pollen-load treatment (28%). The reduction was significant for two fitness components relatively late in the life-cycle: number of surviving seedlings and pollen-tube growth rate in vitro. These findings suggest that intermittent inbreeding, which leads to self-fertilization in plants with genetic loads, may select for traits that enhance pollen competition.  相似文献   

花粉管引导是指显花植物在受精过程中,雌蕊组织与花粉管相互作用使花粉管定向生长并最终到达胚囊的过程,其机制颇为复杂。该文基于调控花粉管生长的孢子体引导和配子体细胞引导两个主要过程,阐述雌蕊中不同蛋白分子和其它小分子物质的浓度梯度在花粉管的孢子体组织引导中的作用,以及胚囊中不同类型的细胞及其相关基因与蛋白在花粉管的配子体细胞引导中的作用。同时,该文也对精细胞在花粉管引导中的作用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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