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In amphibians, the cortical rotation, a translocation of the egg cortex relative to the cytoplasm, specifies the dorsoventral axis. The cortical rotation involves an array of subcortical microtubules whose alignment is mediated by Kinesin-related proteins (KRPs), and stops as M-phase promoting factor (MPF) activation propagates across the egg. To dissect the role of different motor proteins in the cortical rotation and to analyse their regulation, we have developed an open cell assay system involving reactivation of microtubule movement on isolated cortices. Microtubule movements were dependent on ATP and consisted mainly of wriggling and flailing without net displacement, consistent with a tethering of microtubules to the cortex. Reactivated movements were inhibited by anti-KRP and anti-dynein antibodies perfused together but not separately, the KRP antibody alone becoming fixed to the cortex. Neither antibody could inhibit movement in the presence of MPF, indicating that arrest of the cortical rotation is not due to MPF-dependent inhibition of motor molecules. In contrast, D(2)O treatment of live eggs to protect microtubules from progressive depolymerisation prolonged the cortical rotation. We conclude that the cortical rotation probably involves cytoplasmic dynein as well as cortical KRPs and terminates as a result of local MPF-dependent microtubule depolymerisation.  相似文献   

Eg5 is a plus end directed kinesin related motor protein (KRP) previously shown to be involved in the assembly and maintenance of the mitotic spindle. KRPs are molecular motors capable of generating forces upon microtubules (MTs) in dividing cells and driving structural rearrangements necessary in the developing spindle. In vitro experiments demonstrate that loss of Eg5 results in cell cycle arrest and defective centrosome separation resulting in the development of monopolar spindles. Here we describe mice with a genetrap insertion in Eg5. Heterozygous mutant mice appear phenotypically normal. In contrast, embryos homozygous for the Eg5 null allele recovered at embryonic days 2.5-3.5 display signs of a proliferation defect as reduced cell numbers and failure of compaction and progression to the blastocyst stage was observed. These data, in conjunction with previous in vitro data, suggest that loss of Eg5 results in abnormal spindle structure, cell cycle arrest and thereby reduced cell proliferation of early cleavage pre-implantation embryos. These observations further support the conclusion that Eg5 is essential for cell division early in mouse development, and that maternal contribution may sustain the embryo through the maternal to zygotic transition at which point supplies of functional Eg5 are exhausted, preventing further cell cleavage.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive array of microtubules has been shown to exist in the cortex of Xenopus laevis oocytes both at the prophase I and metaphase II stages. The cortical microtubules were visualized after the oocyte cortex was squashed and immunostained using anti-tubulin antibody. They are cold- and nocodazole-sensitive; their stability to both treatments decreases after meiotic maturation. Biochemical extraction of manually isolated oocyte cortices, in a microtubule-stabilizing buffer, confirms these cytological observations.  相似文献   

Developing neurons express a motor protein called kinesin-5 (also called kif11 or Eg5) which acts as a 'brake' on the advance of the microtubule array during axonal growth. Pharmacological inhibition of kinesin-5 causes the developing axon to grow at a faster rate, retract less and grow past cues that would otherwise cause it to turn. Here we demonstrate that kinesin-5 is also expressed in adult neurons, albeit at lower levels than during development. We hypothesized that inhibiting kinesin-5 might enable adult axons to regenerate better and to overcome repulsive molecules associated with injury. Using adult mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons, we found that anti-kinesin-5 drugs cause axons to grow faster and to cross with higher frequency onto inhibitory chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. These effects may be due in part to changes in the efficiency of microtubule transport along the axonal shaft as well as enhanced microtubule entry into the distal tip of the axon. Effects observed with the drugs are further enhanced in some cases when they are used in combination with other treatments known to enhance axonal regeneration. Collectively, these results indicate that anti-kinesin-5 drugs may be a useful addition to the arsenal of tools used to treat nerve injury.  相似文献   

The glycoproteins of the Xenopus laevis egg envelope function in fertilization and development. As the unfertilizable coelomic egg transits the pars recta region of the oviduct, it is converted to a fertilizable egg by limited proteolysis of the envelope glycoprotein gp43 to gp41. This conversion is caused by an oviductally secreted serine active site protease, oviductin. We cloned a cDNA for gp43 from an oocyte cDNA library. The cDNA encoded a 454 amino acid protein homologous to the ZPC family of glycoproteins previously shown to be present in mammalian and fish egg envelopes. Conserved ZPC domains and motifs present in the Xenopus sequence included a signal peptide sequence, an N-linked glycosylation site, and 12 aligned Cys residues. In mammalian and Xenopus sequences, a furin-like (convertase) site and a C-terminal transmembrane domain were present reflecting the biosynthesis of ZPC in these species via the secretory glycoprotein pathway. However, fish envelope glycoproteins lack these sequences since they are synthesized via a different route (in the liver, transported to the ovary, and assembled into the egg envelope surrounding the oocyte). Consensus amino acid residues were identified by sequence comparisons of seven ZPC family members; 19% of the amino acid residues were invariant and 48% of the residues were identical in at least four of the seven sequences. The consensus sequence was used to make structure-fertilization function predictions for this phylogenetically conserved family of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Anti-keratin monoclonal antibody AF5 was introduced into fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis.,and its effects on embryonic development were studied.Survival rate of the antikeratin-injected embryos was much lower(only 35.67% at gastrula)than that of the control(74.85% at gastrula),in which embryos were injected with mouse IgG.Most of survivors in the experimental series showed aberrant external appearance.On the other hand,in cleavage stage,ie 2-7h after fertilization,immunohistochemical staining of embryos showed that the expermental embryos were mostly keratin negative,while embryos of the control ones were keratin positive.When introducing this antikeratin into one cell of a 2-cell embryo,only the uninjected half of the embryo continued its development while the other half could not develop at all.These results suggested that intact keratin cytoskeleton in early embryos is indispensable to the embryonic development of Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

We have used Xenopus egg extracts to investigate the effects of the antitumor drug daunomycin on DNA replication in vitro. Xenopus sperm nuclei replicated nearly synchronously in our egg extracts, thereby allowing us to determine the effects of the drug on both replication initiation and elongation. Titration experiments demonstrated that daunomycin effectively inhibited replication in the extract, with 50% inhibition at a total drug concentration of 2.7 μM. However, a high concentration of daunomycin 150 μM) also inhibited nuclear envelope assembly, a prerequisite for the initiation of replication in this system. Therefore, to bypass the effects of daunomycin on nuclear envelope assembly, sperm nuclei were preassembled in extract prior to drug addition. Initiation of replication in preassembled nuclei was also inhibited by daunomycin, with 50% inhibition at a drug concentration of 3.6 μM. At low drug concentrations, where replication did occur, the synchrony of initiations within individual nuclei was lost. This drug-induced disruption of initiation events may provide important clues regarding the mechanism(s) by which these events are coordinated in eukaryotic cells. Daunomycin also inhibited replication elongation in preassembled, preinitiated nuclei. However, the concentration of drug required for 50% inhibition of elongation was nearly fourfold higher than that required for inhibition of initiation. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Xenopus egg extract can be used to investigate the effects of DNA-binding antitumor drugs on a number of interrelated cellular processes, many of which are less tractable in whole cell systems. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:476–491. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Humans and non-human primates have several motor areas. Exactly how many is a matter of current debate. A proper parcellation of motor areas must be based on correlated structural and functional differences. Recent studies indicate that the primary motor cortex may be, in reality, two areas (4a and 4p). Similarly, there are undoubtedly two or more cingulate motor areas and perhaps two supplementary motor areas. The homologies between human and monkey brains are striking in some cases, making monkey models of human motor cortices attractive. The doctrine of a strict ‘homuncular’ somatotopical organization of motor areas will have to be abandoned. The engagement of motor areas in different types of voluntary seems merely a matter of degree of activation rather than exclusive specific contributions.  相似文献   

The entry into, and exit from, mitosis are controlled by a universal M-phase promoting factor (MPF) composed of at least p34cdc2 and a cyclin. Embryonic systems are convenient for studying the association and dissociation of the active MPF complex because oocytes and eggs are naturally arrested at a specific point of the cell cycle until progression to the next point is triggered by a hormonal signal or sperm. In amphibians, eggs prior to fertilization are arrested at metaphase 2 of meiosis due to the presence of a stabilized MPF complex. Fertilization (egg activation) produces a transient increase in intracellular free Ca2+, a propagating Ca2+ wave, that specifically triggers the destruction of cyclin, leading to MPF inactivation and entry into the first embryonic inter-phase. We have recently shown that intracellular pH (pHi) variations in amphibian eggs, a large increase at fertilization and small oscillations during the embryonic cell cycle, were temporally and functionally related to the corresponding changes in MPF activity. In addition, the recent finding that the pHi increase at fertilization in Xenopus eggs is a propagating, Ca(2+)-dependent pH wave which closely follows the Ca2+ wave, together with the absence in the egg plasma membrane of pHi-regulating systems responsible for that pHi increase, suggest the existence of cortical or subcortical vesicles acidifying in the wake of the Ca2+ wave, thus producing the pH wave.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

As part of our continuing program to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling the synthesis of sperm-specific nuclear proteins (SPs1–6) during spermatogenesis in Xenopus, we report here on the isolation of a cDNA clone for SP5, the partial sequencing of the amino acids in the SPs, and the expression of the mRNA for SP5. A cDNA clone (pXSP633) was isolated from a cDNA library, previously prepared from poly (A)+ mRNA obtained from Xenopus round spermatids. Determination of the amino acid sequence of the N-terminal regions of all the SPs(1–6) suggested that pXSP633 encodes SP5, whereas SPs3, 4, and 6 are derived from a second mRNA species, and SPs1 and 2 from a third mRNA species. Thus it seems likely that the six SPs are derived from three different mRNA species. Northern blot analyses of RNA, extracted from primary spermatocytes and round spermatids, was performed with oligonucleotide probes specific for SPs4 and 5 mRNAs. The results showed that whereas both SPs4 and 5 mRNAs are expressed in primary spermatocytes, the amount of SP5 mRNA is only about one-fifth of that of SP4 mRNA. However, both mRNA species undergo a similar size change in the length of their poly (A) tracts during spermatogenesis: the size of the mRNA in cultured round spermatids on day 0 was longer than that in primary spermatocytes, but the size of the mRNA in round spermatids on day 6 was shorter than that in round spermatids on day 0. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-thiazolone hybrids 5av were designed, synthesized, characterized, and evaluated against the basal and the microtubule (MT)-stimulated ATPase activity of Eg5. From the evaluated derivatives, 5h displayed the highest inhibition with an IC50 value of 13.2?µM against the MT-stimulated Eg5 ATPase activity. Similarly, compounds 5f and 5i also presented encouraging inhibition with IC50 of 17.2?µM and 20.2?µM, respectively. A brief structure–activity relationship (SAR) analysis indicated that 2-chloro and 4-nitro substituents on the phenyl ring of the thiazolone motif contributed significantly to enzyme inhibition. An in silico molecular docking study using the crystal structure of Eg5 further supported the SAR and reasoned the importance of crucial molecular protein–ligand interactions in influencing the inhibition of the ATPase activity of Eg5. The magnitude of the electron-withdrawing functionalities over the hybrids and the critical molecular interactions contributed towards higher in vitro potency of the compounds. The drug-like properties of the synthesized compounds 5av were also calculated based on the Lipinski’s rule of five and in silico computation of key pharmacokinetic parameters (ADME). Thus, the present work unveils these hybrid molecules as novel Eg5 inhibitors with promising drug-like properties for future development.  相似文献   

Metabolic activation following egg fertilization corresponds to an increase in protein synthesis and the initiation of DNA synthesis, which lead to cell division and development of the embryo. Since in several biological systems protein synthesis is regulated by intracellular pH (pHi), we have decided to investigate the situation during Xenopus egg activation. We confirmed that egg activation is accompanied by a pHi rise of 0.3 pH unit. Measurements of the rates of protein synthesis is unactivated and activated eggs, after microinjection of 3H-leucine, demonstrated that activation was followed by a 2.5-fold increase. Treatment of unactivated eggs with weak bases also increased pHi, but did not result in an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. Moreover, in vitro translation in cytoplasmic extracts was found to be pH-independent, at least between 6.8 and 8.2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Protein kinase pEg3 belongs to the evolutionarily conserved KIN1/PAR-1/MARK family, whose members are involved in a variety of functions, including cell polarity, microtubule stability, intracellular signalling and the cell cycle. Activity and phosphorylation of pEg3 are cell-cycle dependent and rise to maximum levels during mitosis. pEg3 was shown to interact with and phosphorylate phosphatase CDC25B, and to potentially control cell-cycle progression. Subcellular localization of pEg3 was investigated in Xenopus and human cultured cells. RESULTS: By expression of GFP (green fluorescent protein)-tagged pEg3 and indirect immunofluorescence with specific antibodies, pEg3 was found to be localized in the cytoplasm and the nucleus in interphase cells. During mitosis pEg3 was also found in the cytoplasm. From anaphase to telophase, a proportion of the protein was detected at the cell cortex. The cortical distribution in mitotic cells was dependent on F-actin, because the actin-depolymerization-inducing drugs cytochalasin D or latrunculin A prevented pEg3 cortical localization. The protein lacking the conserved C-terminal domain was not detected at the cell cortex, whereas the C-terminal domain was targeted to the cell periphery. In contrast with full-length pEg3, the cortical localization of the C-terminal domain and construct lacking the N-terminal domain was cell-cycle independent, and these constructs were found at the cell periphery in interphase cells. CONCLUSIONS: pEg3 is localized at the cell periphery specifically during mitosis. The C-terminal domain is the only pEg3 domain found to be necessary and sufficient for cortical targeting. Cortical distribution of pEg3 also requires the F-actin cytoskeleton. The cell-cycle-independent cortical localization of the pEg3 C-terminal domain and a construct lacking the N-terminal domain indicates that a negative control mechanism involving the pEg3 catalytic N-terminal domain probably acts to prevent pEg3 cortical distribution during interphase. These results suggest that pEg3 might play a role at the cell cortex during mitosis.  相似文献   

Eg5 is a mitotic kinesin that plays a crucial role in the formation of bipolar mitotic spindles, by hydrolyzing ATP to push apart anti-parallel microtubules. Dimethylenastron is potent specific small molecule inhibitor of Eg5. The mechanism by which dimethylenastron inhibits Eg5 function remains unclear. By comparing with enastron, here we report that dimethylenastron prevents the growth of pancreatic and lung cancer cells more effectively, by halting mitotic progression and triggering apoptosis. We analyze their interactions with ADP-bound Eg5 crystal structure, and find that dimethylenastron binds Eg5 motor domain with higher affinity. In addition, dimethylenastron allosterically blocks the conformational change of the “sandwich”-like ADP-binding pocket more effectively. We subsequently use biochemical approach to reveal that dimethylenastron slows ADP release more significantly than enastron. These data thus provide biological, structural and mechanistic insights into the potent inhibitory activity of dimethylenastron.  相似文献   

Members of the kinesin superfamily of molecular motors differ in several key structural domains, which probably allows these molecular motors to serve the different physiologies required of them. One of the most variable of these is a stem-loop motif referred to as L5. This loop is longest in the mitotic kinesin Eg5, and previous structural studies have shown that it can assume different conformations in different nucleotide states. However, enzymatic domains often consist of a mixture of conformations whose distribution shifts in response to substrate binding or product release, and this information is not available from the “static” images that structural studies provide. We have addressed this issue in the case of Eg5 by attaching a fluorescent probe to L5 and examining its fluorescence, using both steady state and time-resolved methods. This reveals that L5 assumes an equilibrium mixture of three orientations that differ in their local environment and segmental mobility. Combining these studies with transient state kinetics demonstrates that there is a major shift in this distribution during transitions that interconvert weak and strong microtubule binding states. Finally, in conjunction with previous cryo-EM reconstructions of Eg5·microtubule complexes, these fluorescence studies suggest a model in which L5 regulates both nucleotide and microtubule binding through a set of reversible interactions with helix α3. We propose that these features facilitate the production of sustained opposing force by Eg5, which underlies its role in supporting formation of a bipolar spindle in mitosis.  相似文献   

Rat eggs treated with the calcium ionophore A23187 and subjected to long-term observation by phase microscopy were found to undergo many developmental changes that are normally associated with fertilization. These included cortical granule exocytosis and the abstriction of the second polar body. In addition, time-lapse video microscopy revealed that, unlike untreated eggs, whose surfaces remained relatively immotile, the ionophore-treated eggs underwent a lengthy period of surface undulatory activity. Since all of these events were remarkably similar in timing and morphology to those seen in fertilized eggs, we conclude that A23187 is capable of activating rat eggs. Using NBD-phallacidin, the distribution of F-actin in ionophore-activated eggs was determined. During most of the postactivation period the eggs possessed an uninterrupted, uniform band of polymerized actin encompassing the entire cortex of the egg. However, during a discrete 1.5-h period after the formation of the second polar body, an area adjacent to the region of polar body abstriction exhibited more intense staining than the rest of the cortex. Cytochalasin B treatment caused a dramatic reduction and/or rearrangement in cortical NBD-phallacidin staining in activated eggs as compared to activated controls not exposed to the drug. We observed that all the developmental changes described above could be produced in the absence of exogenous calcium, suggesting that the rat egg possesses internal stores of calcium sufficient to elicit an activational response. We conclude that the ionophore-induced release of free calcium ions into the cytosol stimulates many of the developmental changes that are normally seen during fertilization. These results indicate that calcium influx and cytoskeletal activity are correlated during the activation of this animal egg.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of diet supplementation of laying hens with Enterococcus faecalis (EF) on egg production, egg quality and caecal microbiota. A total of 360 Hy-Line Brown laying hens (72 weeks old) were divided into three groups with four replicates of 30 birds each. The laying hens were fed with the basal diet (Control), the basal diet + 3.75 · 108 cfu EF/kg (Group I) or the basal diet + 7.5 · 108 cfu EF/kg (Group II). The experiment lasted for 45 d. Eggs and caecal samples were collected at the end of the experiment. Results showed that dietary supplementation with EF did not affect the average daily egg weight, cracked egg rate, mortality and egg quality. However, EF supplementation caused a significantly increased laying rate and decreased feed/egg ratio (p < 0.05). The differences in caecal microbiota between Group II and the Control were significant. The relative abundance of Verrucomicrobia and Cyanobacteria at the phylum level, Rikenellaceae, Christensenellaceae and Veillonellaceae at the family level, and the Faecalibacterium, Christensenellaceae R-7 group and Eubacterium coprostanoligenes group at the genus level changed significantly in Group II compared with the Control (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the tested dietary supplementations with EF improved product performance and affected the caecal microbial community structure of laying hens during the late laying period.  相似文献   

D-serine in mammalian brains has been suggested to be an endogenous co-agonist of the NMDA-type glutamate receptor. We have explored the molecules regulating D-serine uptake and release from the rat neocortex cDNA library using a Xenopus oocyte expression system, and isolated a cDNA clone designated as dsm-1 (D-serine modulator-1) encoding a protein that reduces the accumulation of D-serine to the oocyte. dsm-1 is the rat orthologue of the human 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate transporter 1 (PAPST1) gene. The hydropathy analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of the Dsm-1 protein predicts the 10 transmembrane domains with a long hydrophobic stretch in the C-terminal like some amino acid transporters. The dsm-1 mRNA is predominantly expressed in the forebrain areas that are enriched with D-serine and NMDA receptors, and in the liver. The transient expression of dsm-1 in COS-7 cells demonstrates a partially Golgi apparatus-related punctuate distribution throughout the cytoplasm with a concentration near the nucleus. dsm-1-expressing oocytes diminishes the sodium-dependent and -independent accumulation of D-serine and the basal levels of the intrinsic D-serine and increases the rate of release of the pre-loaded D-serine. These findings indicate that dsm-1 may, at least in part, be involved in the D-serine translocation across the vesicular or plasma membranes in the brain, and thereby control the extra- and intracellular contents of D-serine.  相似文献   

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