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Pharynx and intestine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The alimentary canal of polychaetes consists of a foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The alimentary canal shows different specializations even in homonomously segmented polychaetes. The foregut gives rise to the buccal cavity, pharnyx and oesophagus, the midgut may be divided into a stomach and the intestine proper. Since polychaetes use a wide spectrum of food sources, structures involved in feeding vary as well and show numerous specializations. In the foregut these specializations may be classified as one of the following types: dorsolateral folds, ventral pharynx, axial muscular pharynx, axial non-muscular proboscis and dorsal pharynx. The latter, typical of oligochaetous Clitellata, occurs rarely in polychaetes. The structure, evolution and phylogenetic importance of these different types are described and discussed. Axial muscular and ventral pharynges may be armed with jaws, sclerotized parts of the pharyngeal cuticle. Terminology, structure, occurrence and development of the jaws are briefly reviewed. Special attention has been paid to the jaws of Eunicida including extinct and extant forms. Conflicting theories about the evolution of the jaws in Eunicida are discussed. The epithelia of the intestine may form a pseudostratified epithelium composed of glandular cells, absorptive cells and ciliated cells or only one cell type having similar functions. A conspicuous feature in the intestine of certain polychaetes is the occurrence of unicellular tubular structures, called enteronephridia. So far these enteronephridia are only known in a few meiofauna species.  相似文献   

Polychaetes possess a wide range of sensory structures. These form sense organs of several kinds, including the appendages of the head region (palps, antennae, tentacular cirri), the appendages of the trunk region and pygidium (parapodial and pygidial cirri), the nuchal organs, the dorsal organs, the lateral organs, the eyes, the photoreceptor-like sense organs, the statocysts, various kinds of pharyngeal papillae as well as structurally peculiar sensory organs of still unknown function and the apical organs of trochophore larvae. Moreover, isolated or clustered sensory cells not obviously associated with other cell types are distributed all over the body. Whereas nuchal organs are typical for polychaetes and are lacking only in a few species, all other kinds of sensory organs are restricted to certain groups of taxa or species. Some have only been described in single species till now. Sensory cells are generally bipolar sensory cells and their cell bodies are either located peripherally within the epidermis or within the central nervous system. These sensory cells are usually ciliated and different types can be disinguished. Structure, function and phylogenetic importance of the sensory structures observed in polychaetes so far are reviewed. For evaluation of the relationships of the higher taxa in Annelida palps, nuchal organs and pigmented ocelli appear to be of special importance.  相似文献   

Secretory end-feet (or SEF) systems are present in Limnodrilus and Stylodrilus but are less highly organized than those of polychaetes. SEF contain secretory vesicles and abundant mitochondria. Typical neurosecretory terminals are not found within the brain although "neurosecretory" perikarya are present in all four species studied. In Limnodrilus, Stylodrilus and Enchytraeus extracerebral cells, of probable neurosecretory function, are invested by the pericapsular epithelium. Characteristically such cells bear several cilia. In these species and in Stylaria a pair of sensory cell groups is located anteriorly within the brain. These cells are ciliated but lack associated supporting cells.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that ciliated sensory structures on the feeding palps of spionid polychaetes may function as chemoreceptors to modulate deposit-feeding activity. To investigate the probable sensory nature of these ciliated cells, we used immunohistochemistry, epi-fluorescence, and confocal laser scanning microscopy to label and image sensory cells, nerves, and their organization relative to the anterior central nervous system in several spionid polychaete species. Antibodies directed against acetylated alphatubulin were used to label the nervous system and detail the innervation of palp sensory cells in all species. In addition, the distribution of serotonin (5-HT) and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was compared in the spionid polychaetes Dipolydora quadrilobata and Pygospio elegans. The distribution of serotonin immunoreactivity was also examined in the palps of Polydora cornuta and Streblospio benedicti. Serotonin immunoreactivity was concentrated in cells underlying the food groove of the palps, in the palp nerves, and in the cerebral ganglion. FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was associated with the cerebral ganglia, nuchal organs and palp nerves, and also with the perikarya of ciliated sensory cells on the palps.  相似文献   

A new microscopic aschelminth-like animal, Limnognathia maerski nov. gen. et sp., is described from a cold spring at Disko Island, West Greenland, and assigned to Micrognathozoa nov. class. It has a complex of jaws in its pharynx, and the ultrastructure of the main jaws is similar to that of the jaws of advanced scleroperalian gnathostomulids. However, other jaw elements appear also to have characteristics of the trophi of Rotifera. Jaw-like structures are found in other protostome taxa as well-for instance, in proboscises of kalyptorhynch platyhelminths, in dorvilleid polychaetes and aplacophoran mollusks-but studies of their ultrastructure show that none of these jaws is homologous with jaws found in Gnathostomulida, Rotifera, and Micrognathozoa. The latter three groups have recently been joined into the monophylum Gnathifera Ahlrichs, 1995, an interpretation supported by the presence of jaw elements with cuticular rods with osmiophilic cores in all three groups. Such tubular structures are found in the fulcrum of all Rotifera and in several cuticular sclerites of both Gnathostomulida and Micrognathozoa. The gross morphology of the pharyngeal apparatus is similar in the three groups. It consists of a ventral pharyngeal bulb and a dorsal pharyngeal lumen. The absence of pharyngeal ciliation cannot be used as an autapomorphy in the ground pattern of the Gnathifera because the Micrognathozoa has the plesiomorphic alternative with a ciliated pharyngeal epithelium. The body of Limnognathia maerski nov. gen. et sp. consists of a head, thorax, and abdomen. The dorsal and lateral epidermis have plates formed by an intracellular matrix, as in Rotifera and Acanthocephala; however, the epidermis is not syncytial. The ventral epidermis lacks internal plates, but has a cuticular oral plate without ciliary structures. Two ventral rows of multiciliated cells form a locomotory organ. These ciliated cells resemble the ciliophores present in some interstitial annelids. An adhesive ciliated pad is located ventrally close to a caudal plate. As in many marine interstitial animals-e.g., gnathostomulids, gastrotrichs, and polychaetes-a special form of tactile bristles or sensoria is found on the body. Two pairs of protonephridia with unicellular terminal cells are found in the trunk; this unicellular condition may be the plesiomorphic condition in Bilateria. Only specimens with the female reproductive system have been found, indicating that all adult animals are parthenogenetic females. We suggest that 1) jaws of Gnathostomulida, Rotifera, and the new taxon, Micrognathozoa, are homologous structures; 2) Rotifera (including Acanthocephala) and the new group might be sister groups, while Gnathostomulida could be the sister-group to this assemblage; and 3) the similarities to certain gastrotrichs and interstitial polychaetes are convergent.  相似文献   

The evolution of lecithotrophic (non-feeding) development in sea urchins is associated with reduction or loss of structures found in the planktotrophic (feeding) echinopluteus larvae. Reductions or losses of larval feeding structures include pluteal arms, their supporting skeleton and the ciliated band that borders them. The barrel-shaped lecithotrophic larva of Heliocidaris erythrogramma has, at its posterior end, two or three ciliated band segments comprised of densely packed, elongate cilia. These cilia may be expressions of the epaulettes that would have been present in an ancestral larval form, represented today by the feeding echinopluteus of H. tuberculata . We compared the development and cellular organization of the larval ciliary structures of both Heliocidaris species to assess whether the ciliary bands of H. erythrogramma are expressions of the feeding ciliated band or epaulettes of an echinopluteus. Epaulette development in feeding larvae of H. tuberculata involves separation of specific parts of the ciliated band from the rest of the feeding ciliated band, hyperplastic addition of ciliated cells and hypertrophic growth of the cilia. Like epaulettes, the ciliated bands of H. erythrogramma are composed of long spindle-shaped cells arranged in a cup-shaped collection that bulges into the blastocoel; and these cells have elongated cilia. In their developmental origin and topological arrangement however, the ciliated bands of H. erythrogramma correspond more closely with parts of the pluteal feeding ciliated band than with epaulettes. The larvae of this echinoid appear to develop epaulette-like bands from parts of the original (but reduced) feeding ciliated band. The evolution of development in H. erythrogramma has thus involved both conservation and change in echinopluteal ciliary structures.  相似文献   

Sipuncula is a small taxon of worm-like marine organisms of still uncertain phylogenetic position. Sipunculans are characterized by an unsegmented body composed of a trunk into which the anterior part, the introvert, can be withdrawn. The group has been placed at various positions within Metazoa; currently, it is either seen as sister group of a clade comprising Mollusca and Annelida or as sister to each of these. An in-group position in either Mollusca or Annelida has usually been precluded till now due to the lack of so-called annelid or molluscan “key-characters” such as segmentation and chaetae or the radula. In the development of certain taxa the trochophore stage is followed by a planktonic larva, the pelagosphera, which might exhibit phylogenetically important structures. Among these is the buccal organ, which has been considered homologous either to the ventral pharyngeal organ present in many sedentary polychaetes or to the radular apparatus of molluscs. In the present paper, the ventral pharynx of the pelagosphera larva of Phascolosoma agassizii is investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The pharynx comprises dorsolateral ciliary folds, a muscle bulb formed by transverse muscle fibres with large intercellular spaces, and an investing muscle. A tongue-like organ is lacking. These results show great structural correspondences to the ventral pharynx of polychaetes, especially to that of the flabelligerid Diplocirrus longisetosus. In contrast, there are no signs of structural similarities to the corresponding structures of molluscs. Thus evidence increases that Sipuncula are closely related to annelids; moreover, an in-group position of Sipuncula within Annelida, as suggested by recent molecular studies, is not precluded by the present data. Instead these studies find additional support. Hence the lack of segmentation and chitinous chaetae in Sipuncula would be a secondary rather than a primary situation, as has recently been shown for Echiura and Pogonophora.  相似文献   

Summary The prostomial appendages and the central nervous system have been investigated by electron microscopy in Protodriloides chaetifer, P. symbioticus, Protodrilus haurakiensis, P. oculifer, P. ciliatus, P. helgolandicus, P. adhaerens, Saccocirrus krusadensis and S. papillocereus. The tentacles are highly developed, mobile sensory structures and consist of cuticle, epidermis, a different number of intraepithelial nerves, a small blind-ending blood vessel and a bundle of longitudinal muscle fibres. An internal canal is only present in Protodrilus and Saccocirrus species. On the tentacles seven types of sensory cells have been found including different multiciliated and uniciliated sensory cells with cilia penetrating the cuticle, sensory cells with non-penetrative cilia, phaosomes and basal ciliated sensory cells. The latter are described for the first time in polychaetes. From the specific pattern of innervation by up to five nerves originating close to the brain from the dorsal and ventral roots of the circumoesophageal connectives it is evident that the prostomial appendages represent palps. In the palps the nerve fibres form neuroneuronal, myoneuronal and epithelioneuronal synapses. The brain also gives rise to the stomatogastric nerves and various dorsal nerves. The palp canals are separated from the surrounding tissue by a prominent extracellular matrix. The wall is formed by muscle cells. The centre is usually completely filled with the cell bodies of these muscle fibres and large coelenchyme-like cells. These cells move freely in the canals and they are very likely the structural basis for the hydroskeletal function of the canals. The canals are completely separated from other body cavities and fluid is probably driven into the canals from the blood vascular system via podocytes located in a specific zone in the prostomium. In particular, the structure of the central nervous system with its nerves, the pattern of innervation of the palps and the palp canal system are compared with those of other polychaetes with special emphasis to the Spionida, the taxon presumed to include the sister group of the Protodrilida.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the nuchal organs of adults of the nereidid polychaete Platynereis dumerilii by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The most prominent features of the nuchal organs are paired ciliary bands located dorsolaterally at the posterior margin of the prostomium. They are composed of primary sensory cells and multiciliated supporting cells, both covered by a thin cuticle. The supporting cells have motile cilia that penetrate the cuticle and are responsible for the movement of water. Subapically, they have a narrowed neck region; the spaces between the neck regions of these supporting cells comprise the olfactory chamber. The dendrites of the sensory cells give rise to a single modified cilium that crosses the olfactory chamber; numerous thin microvillus-like processes, presumably extending from the sensory cells, also traverse the olfactory chamber. At the periphery of the ciliated epithelium runs a large nervous process between the ciliated supporting cells. It consists of smaller bundles of sensory dendrites that unite to form the nuchal nerve, which leaves the ciliated epithelium basally and runs toward the posterior part of the brain, where the perikarya of the sensory cells are located in clusters. The ciliated epithelium of the nuchal organs is surrounded by non-ciliated, peripheral epidermal cells. Those immediately adjacent to the ciliated supporting cells have a granular cuticle; those further away have a smooth cuticle. The nuchal organs of epitokous individuals of P. dumerilii are similar to those described previously in other species of polychaetes and are a useful model for understanding the development of nuchal organs in polychaetes.  相似文献   

Many species of Naididae possess a pair of pigmented eyes. Within Clitellata, eyes are generally present in Hirudinea, whereas Naididae are the only oligochaete taxon having these sense organs. The eyes of Naididae are epidermal structures and consist of a multicellular pigment cup in which a single row of five to six photoreceptor cells is embedded. The sensory cells are typical phaosomes: the photoreceptive structures (microvilli) project into a cavity formed by the sensory cell itself. In Stylaria lacustris this cavity opens to the exterior, clearly documenting that it represents an invagination of the apical cell membrane. The density of sensory microvilli is comparatively low and a central vitreous body is lacking. Similar phaosomous photoreceptors, not associated with either pigmented or unpigmented supporting cells, occur in the epidermis of the anterior end. These photoreceptors correspond to those found in other Clitellata, confirming that phaosomes are the only known type of photoreceptor cell occurring in this taxon. As a result of their simple structure they have been regarded as plesiomorphic for Annelida. However, an out‐group comparison with eyes and photoreceptors occurring in polychaetes and other spiralians reveals that they, in fact, are a rather specialized type of photoreceptor. Despite the simple structure, they most likely represent an autapomorphy of Clitellata. It follows that in all probability, these phaosomes are a secondarily evolved type of photoreceptor, which arose within the oligochaete clade after the primary photoreceptors present in the out‐groups had been lost. This loss might have occurred during evolution of a burrowing life style within the sediment and subsequent invasion of the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

Summary An antigen common to purported centriolar and basal body regions of a variety of cell types was previously visualized by immuno-fluorescence microscopy. The present study demonstrates the localization of the antigen relative to the defined basal body structures of ciliated tracheal cells at the electron-microscopic level. After ethyldimethylaminopropyl carbodiimide-glutaraldehyde-saponin (EGS) fixation and permeabilization, immunoferritin labeling is consistently found associated with amorphous electron-opaque material in proximity to basal bodies and their ciliary rootlets, but not with basal body microtubules themselves. This distribution pattern is distinct from that of other proteins found in the apical region of ciliated cells, such as calmodulin. It is proposed that the dense material may be analogous to pericentriolar material of centrosomes.  相似文献   

The process and regulation of ciliogenesis in human epithelia is little understood and many components of the cilium and associated structures have not been characterised. We have identified a monoclonal antibody, LhS28, which recognises a 44,000–45,000Mr protein specifically associated with human ciliated epithelial cells. Immunoperoxidase labelling of formalin-fixed paraffin wax-embedded human tissues showed that LhS28 was expressed in the sub-apical zone of ciliated epithelial cells of the Fallopian tube and upper respiratory tract, but not ciliated ependyma, non-ciliated epithelia or testis containing developing spermatozoa. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that the antigen recognised by LhS28 was associated with the basal body structure of the cilium and specifically with the 9+0 microtubule arrays. LhS28 should be a useful tool in the identification of ciliated cells in pathological specimens and for investigating mechanisms of ciliogenesis.  相似文献   

Ciliated and microvillar olfactory receptor cells have been reported in many fish species, including teleosts and elasmobranchs. Morphological studies have suggested that microvillar cells are the only olfactory receptor cells in the elasmobranchs; however, there is no direct evidence for this hypothesis. Here we used a cat shark (Scyliorhinus torazame) to determine the cell type of the olfactory receptor cells in elasmobranchs. Retrograde labeling with a fluorescent dye, Dil, labeled only cells in the second layer from the surface of the olfactory epithelium, suggesting that ciliated cells located in the surface layer are not olfactory receptor cells. In addition, electron microscopic observation revealed that the labeled cells in the second layer have a thin dendritic knob extending from the cell body to the free surface of the epithelium. A part of the dendritic knob facing the mucous layer did not have ciliary structures. These results provide evidence that the aciliate cells are the only olfactory receptor cells in the cat shark olfactory organ.  相似文献   

Lateral organs are sense organs visible as densely ciliated pits or papillae between the noto‐ and the neuropodia in certain taxa of sedentary polychaetes. Ultrastructural studies in about 10 species of the following taxa Maldanidae, Opheliidae, Orbiniidae, Paraonidae, Magelonidae, Spionidae, Poecilochaetidae and Terebellidae have been designed to evaluate whether these organs are homologous among polychaetes. In spite of great external diversity, the investigations revealed an overall ultrastructural similarity. Differences between species investigated mainly concern the size of the organs as well as the number and arrangement of cells. The organs comprise supportive cells and uniciliated penetrative sensory cells. Their dendrites are closely arranged and thus their cilia may resemble multiciliated cells. There are two types of sensory cells: one type possesses no or mainly thin microvilli of which usually only a few reach the cuticular surface, and in the other type the cilium is consistently surrounded by 10 strong microvilli, which form a pore‐like opening in the cuticle. Further differences occur in the structure of the rootlet system. Basally, a retractor muscle attaches to the organ. The systematic significance of these organs within Annelida is discussed with respect to the conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses explaining the relationships of annelid taxa.  相似文献   

The evolution of photoreceptor cells and eyes in Metazoa is far from being resolved, although recent developmental and structural studies have provided strong evidence for a common origin of photoreceptor cells and existence of sister cell types already in early metazoans. These sister cell types are ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells, depending on which part of each cell is involved in photoreception proper. However, a crucial point in eye evolution is how the enormous structural diversity of photoreceptor cells and visual systems developed, given the general molecular conservation of the photoreceptor cells. One example of this diversity can be observed in Annelida. Within the polychaetes the errant forms, taxon Aciculata, constitute the only group possessing true multicellular eyes in the adult stage. Thus far these organs have been investigated only in taxa of Phyllodocida, a subgroup of Aciculata. Data on Eunicida and Amphinomida as well as certain phyllodocidan taxa had been lacking. The ultrastructure of these adult eyes was investigated in various species of errant polychaetes, belonging to Amphinomidae, Eunicidae and Hesionidae, to elucidate whether they provide any phylogenetic clues regarding either the evolution of visual systems in Annelida or lophotrochozoan phylogeny in general. These eyes are composed of numerous supportive pigment cells and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells and sometimes additional cell types. As a rule the pigment and rhabdomeric cell types form a continuous epithelium in which the two types intermingle. Presence of granules with shading pigment in sensory cells is a common feature but is apparently restricted to a taxon comprising Phyllodocida and Eunicida s. str. Very likely a lens-like structure does not belong to the ground pattern of annelid eyes, despite its presence in Phyllodocida. These lens-like structures are formed by secretions or cellular processes of the pigment cells. In many species the eye cup communicates with the exterior via a small cuticularized canal. This canal is interpreted as a rudiment due to the mode of formation in the epidermis. With respect to current phylogenetic hypotheses, these multicellular eyes have either been developed in the stem species of a taxon Aciculata nested within the polychaetes or have been evolved in the stem lineage of Annelida. Similarities to gastropod eyes are interpreted as convergent and not as indication of common origin. Except for the photoreceptor cells proper, the structure of the adult eyes in polychaetes most likely does not help to resolve lophotrochozoan phylogeny.  相似文献   

The organization of the oesophagus in the budding styelid ascidian, Polyandrocarpa misakiensis, is described. The oesophagus consists of external and internal epithelium, and there are loose connective tissue, blood sinuses, and a muscular layer between them. The internal epithelium is simple columnar, except for the bottom of three folds. The external epithelium is simple squamous. The internal epithelium contains four cell types, i.e., ciliated mucous cells, band cells, endocrine cells, and undifferentiated cells. The ciliated mucous cells have apical cilia and microvilli, and two types of mucous vesicle. The band cells also have apical cilia and electron-dense granules in the apical cytoplasm. The endocrine cells are bottle-shaped, and have electron-dense granules both above and below the nucleus. The undifferentiated cells form pseudostratified epithelium at the bottom of each fold, and they have nuclei with prominent nucleoli. One type of coelomic cell, which has retractile cytoplasm, often migrates in the internal epithelium. Near the stomach, there are many darkly stained round cells clustered around the posterior end of the oesophagus. These two types of coelomic cells may be involved in the defense mechanism against the invasion of foreign organisms. The basic organization of the oesophagus of P. misakiensis is similar to those of other ascidians. However, the presence of three folds is a characteristic of a solitary species, rather than of a colonial species. Although ascidians are chordate invertebrates, the organization of their oesophagus is not very complex, which might reflect their life style.  相似文献   

The genital shields which form the walls of the bursal slits in Ophiura texturata are covered by a precisely orientated arrangement of ciliated ridges and non-ciliated grooves. An electron microscopic examination has revealed many mucous cells associated with this structure and a catecholamine-containing nerve plexus underlying it. An examination of the currents produced by this ciliated structure suggest that it is associated with suspension feeding and preliminary results indicate that the secretion of mucus is under neurol control. Specialized structures of this type have not been previously described in ophiuroids and are only present in the members of certaln families. The interest in these structures is not just in relation to feeding mechanisms in ophiuroids but they also provide a useful specialized preparation for the study of some aspects of the function of the subepidermal nerves in echinoderms.  相似文献   

The surface syncytial epithelium of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, contains numerous ciliated or unciliated, bulb-shaped sensory receptors. At the ultrastructure level, sensory receptors with similar topographic and morphological structures have been found in the epithelial surface layers of all known species of schistosomes and other species of flatworm parasites. Although many studies have focused on the syncytial cytoskeleton of schistosomes, while some other studies have examined the fine structures of the syncytial sensory receptors, no-one has demonstrated the association of cytoskeletal elements with the surface sensory cells except the well-known microtubules associated with ciliated structures. The present study, using confocal laser scanning microscopy combined with scanning and transmission electron microscopies, demonstrates the association of ring-shaped F-actin within the epithelial sensory receptors. The F-actin rings can be characterized into two types according to their size, density, and distribution. The actin rings found in the syncytia of both the male and female schistosomes appear to be more dense and larger in size than the actin rings located only at the central regions of the tuberculated structures of the male dorsal syncytium. Our observation of F-actin rings associated with the spine-bearing tubercles, combined with the results obtained from other ultrastructural investigations, also indicate the presence of the unciliated sensory receptors in each tuberculated structure of the male dorsal surface syncytium, which have not been reported in other studies on schistosome epithelial sensory cells.  相似文献   

The structure of the trachea and lung of Siphonops annulatus was studied in ten specimens of routinely fed animals. The trachea is constituted mainly by incomplete cartilage rings lined by a respiratory epithelium (ciliated and mucous cells) with variable morphology according to the region observed. A rich vascularization of this organ suggests its participation in blood-air gas exchange. The right lung in this species is developed and the left one is atrophied. This organ is constituted mainly by longitudinal septa formed by connective tissue, smooth muscle cells and blood capillaries. These structures are covered by pneumocytes of one type only, which present cytoplasmic particles that have been related with surfactant activity described in the lung of Gymnophiona.  相似文献   

Many animals generate new body segments sequentially from a posterior growth zone, and this is generally thought to be the case for the annelids. Most annelids, including polychaetes, have an indirect life cycle and generate their earliest segments during larval life. We have characterized the nature of the growth zone in two polychaetes, Hydroides elegans and Capitella sp. I, during both larval and juvenile stages of segment formation by examining cell division patterns with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation. Cell division patterns show commonalities between the two species, even though they have distinct body plans and life history characteristics. In both polychaetes, larval segments arise from a field of dividing cells located in lateral regions of the body, rather than from a localized posterior growth zone. Circumferential expansion of the forming segmental tissue is particularly pronounced in Capitella sp. I. Post-metamorphic segments, in contrast, originate from a classical posterior growth zone, with the exception of four posterior thoracic segments of H. elegans, which appear to arise from an area in the middle of the body, indicating plasticity of segment-generating mechanisms present in different annelid life histories. The distinct nature of larval versus juvenile growth zones in H. elegans and Capitella sp. I raises the question of the mechanistic relationship between these two growth zones. The results of this study increase our understanding of the cellular origins of segments in annelids, and serve as a basis for interpretation of molecular expression patterns associated with segment formation in polychaetes.  相似文献   

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