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This is the first report of a Ulva species reproducing asexually solely by quadriflagellate swarmers. Ulva spinulosa Okamura et Segawa specimens were collected from Ukibuchi on the Pacific coast of Kochi Prefecture, southern Japan. Quadriflagellate swarmers were released from these specimens. The swarmers showed negative phototaxis before settlement. Thalli cultured from these swarmers also released quadriflagellate swarmers in culture. Microspectrophotometric studies demonstrated equivalent DNA in nuclei of vegetative cells in thalli of U. spinulosa and in sporo‐phytes of the other Ulva species with sexual life history (U. fasciata Delile). Furthermore, the quadriflagellate swarmers of U. spinulosa had the same DNA value, demonstrating that the quadriflagellate swarmers are produced without meiosis.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic and morphological study of green algae resembling Ulva conglobata from Japan was undertaken, along with morphological observations of the original material of U. conglobata Kjellman. The samples resembling U. conglobata included five genetically distinct species: U. fasciata, U. pertusa, U. tanneri, Ulva sp. 1 and Ulva sp. 2. The discovery of marginal denticulations in some of the original material of U. conglobata, made it possible to distinguish those species without denticulations: U. pertusa, U. tanneri and Ulva sp. 2. The morphological characteristics of Ulva sp. 1 matched those of U. conglobata, but Ulva sp. 1 was not clearly identified as U. conglobata owing to the lack of DNA sequence data of the original material. Ulva sp. 2 had lobes adhering to each other by rhizoids. This morphological feature is stable in Ulva sp. 2 and unique among Ulva species. In conjunction with the molecular data, Ulva sp. 2 was described as a new species, U. adhaerens sp. nov. This species features rhizoidal extensions in regions other than the base and an elaborate arrangement of the extensions used for adhesion. It thereby expands our knowledge of the morphogenesis of the morphologically simple genus Ulva.  相似文献   

Ulva limnetica Ichihara et Shimada, sp. nov. (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae) is described from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and is characterized by thalli that are: (i) branched, tubular, fragile and wrinkled; (ii) up to 80 cm in height and up to 2 cm in diameter; (iii) light to yellowish green in color; and (iv) having an asexual reproduction by means of quadriflagellate swarmers. Rhizoidal cells bear tubular extensions on the outside of the cell layer in the stipe. Ulva limnetica is distinguished from species with similar thalli by chloroplast disposition, branching pattern, number of pyrenoids per cell and gross morphology. It is also distinguished by sequences of the nuclear-encoded 18S ribosomal RNA gene, internal transcribed spacer 2 region and the plastid-encoded large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene ( rbc L). Ulva limnetica was clustered with other Ulva species in an early diverging lineage within the genus.  相似文献   

Ulva ohnoi Hiraoka et Shimada sp. nov. (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae) is described from southern and western Japan and is characterized by the following combination of features: (i) the large, fragile, easily torn thalli, which are 30–55 μm thick in the upper and middle regions and often have microscopic marginal teeth; (ii) the production of zoids in the upper marginal region; (iii) a regular alternation of dioecious gametophytes and a sporophyte; (iv) the production of free‐floating thalli from torn‐off attached thalli, which reproduce vegetatively by fragmentation and form green tides in summer to autumn; (v) disorderly arranged cells that are polygonal or quadrangular in the upper and middle regions; and (vi) the chloroplast covering the outer face of cell, with 1–3 pyrenoids. Ulva ohnoi differs from U. armohcana Dion et al., U. fasciata Delile, U. reticulata Forsskal, U. scandinavica Eliding and U. spiulosaOkamura et Segawa, which all possess microscopic marginal serrations, in thallus shape, cell shape or life history pattern. It is also distinguished from morphologically similar species by sequences of the nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose‐l,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene. Furthermore, crossing tests demonstrate that there is a reproductive boundary between U. ohnoi and the most closely related species, U. fasciata and U. reticulata.  相似文献   

Synchronous zooid formation in Ulva pertusa Kjellman was induced in excised disks maintained in sterilized seawater at 20°C, 12:12 h L:D cycle and fluorescent light at 100 μmol photons m 2s 1. Zooids were reieased from mature disk tissue on the morning of the second or the third day after excision. The degree of zooid formation was found to be dependent on disk size and the region of the mother thalius from which the disk tissue was excised. Zooid formation was induced in more than 90% of small disks (0.9 mm in diameter) which were taken from the margins of the Ulva thalli. When disks were incubated together with a perforated mother thalius, the disks remained sterile. The presence of maturation inhibitors in vegetative thalli is suggested.  相似文献   

The morphology, life history, and the geographical distribution of Spongomorpha spiralis Sakai in Hokkaido, Japan, was studied. The thallus is characterized by its digitate tufts (bundles) of slender filaments with hooked branchlets. The diameter of the filaments is usually 20-50 μm in the basal portion, 50-130 (70-110) μm in the middle portion of main axes, and 30-150 μm in the upper portion. The diameter of the middle portion of the main axes varies from locality to locality. At Muroran, for example, the range is 70-130 μm (average approximately 100 μm), while at other localities it is 50–100 μm (average approximately 70 μm). The diameter of filaments in the upper portion decreases toward the end of the growing season. The cells are multinucleate with four chromosomes in each nucleus of the haploid plant. The manner of cell division is identical to the process reported previously for the Spongomorpha-Acrosiphonia complex. Sexual reproduction is isogamous with anteriorly biflagellate gametes. Plants are unisexual. The life history involves an alternation of heteromorphic generations: the gametophytic phase is a macroscopic, filamentous thallus and the sporophytic phase is a microscopic, ellipsoidal or club-shaped cell. Optimal culture condition for growth and reproduction of both stages was 5°C and long daylength. The gametophyte developed abnormally at 15°C. The sporophyte developed normally at 15°C, but did not produce zoospores.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the species composition of free‐floating Ulva that cause green tide in several bays in Japan, and to clarify the generic status of Ulva and Enteromorpha (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae), the nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region including the 5.8S gene and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose‐1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxgenase (rbcL) gene sequences for 15 species were determined. Both ITS and rbcL analyses indicate that free‐floating Ulva samples are divided into four different lineages that correspond to Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman, U. armoricana Dion etal. and U. fasciata Delile. These four species are distinguished by cell morphology including the arrangement of cells, the shape and size of cells and the position of chloroplasts. Molecular data also indicated that Ulva and Enteromorpha are not separated as respective monophyletic groups within a large monophyletic clade and congeneric as shown by previous molecular studies using the ITS sequences alone. This strongly suggests that these genera are congeneric and Enteromorpha should be reduced to the synonym of Ulva.  相似文献   

To further understand the trends in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes or mtDNAs) in the Ulvophyceae, the mitogenomes of two separate thalli of Ulva pertusa were sequenced. Two U. pertusa mitogenomes (Up1 and Up2) were 69,333 bp and 64,602 bp in length. These mitogenomes shared two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 28 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 29 protein‐coding genes, and 12 open reading frames. The 4.7 kb difference in size was attributed to variation in intron content and tandem repeat regions. A total of six introns were present in the smaller U. pertusa mtDNA (Up2), while the larger mtDNA (Up1) had eight. The larger mtDNA had two additional group II introns in two genes (cox1 and cox2) and tandem duplication mutations in noncoding regions. Our results showed the first case of intraspecific variation in chlorophytan mitogenomes and provided further genomic data for the undersampled Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Species diversity of Ulva in Vietnam was investigated using three commonly used genetic markers, the nuclear encoded rDNA ITS region and the plastid encoded rbcL and tufA genes. Single locus species delimitation methods, complemented with morphological and ecological information resulted in the delimitation of 19 species. This diversity is largely incongruent with the traditional understanding of Ulva diversity in Vietnam. Only four species identified in this study, U. lactuca, U. reticulata, U. spinulosa, and U. flexuosa, have been previously reported, and seven species, U. ohnoi, U. tepida, U. chaugulii, U. kraftiorum, U. meridionalis, U. limnetica, and U. aragoënsis, are recorded for the first time from Vietnam. Seven genetic clusters could not be associated with species names with certainty. A new species, U. vietnamensis, is described from marine to brackish coastal areas from southern Vietnam based on its morphological and molecular distinctiveness from the currently known Ulva species. A comparison with recent molecular-based studies of Ulva diversity showed that species composition in Vietnam is similar to that of adjacent countries, including Japan, China, as well as Australia. Our study emphasizes the importance of molecular data in the assessment of Ulva diversity, and indicates that a lot of diversity may still remain to be discovered, especially in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Systematic hypotheses for the Ulvaceae were tested using phylogenetic analysis of sequences for the gene encoding the large subunit of RUBISCO, small subunit rDNA and a combined data matrix. Representatives of eight putative ulvaceous genera and twelve additional taxa from the Ulvophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae were included in analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. Molecular data supported hypotheses for the Ulvaceae that are based on the early development of vegetative thalli and motile cell ultrastructure. Ulvaceae sensu Floyd and O'Kelly, including Percursaria Bory de Saint‐Vincent, Ulvaria Ruprecht and a complex of closely related species of Chloropelta Tanner, Enteromorpha Link and Ulva L. was supported; however, monophyly of Enteromorpha and Ulva was not supported. The Ulvales and Ulotrichales sensu Floyd and O'Kelly were monophyletic. Blidingia Kylin and Kornmannia Bliding were allied with the former and Capsosiphon Gobi with the latter, although relationships among these and other taxa in these orders remain uncertain. The Ulvales are characterized by an isomorphic life history pattern, gametangia and sporangia that are identical in structure and development, motile cells with bilobed terminal caps and proximal sheaths consisting of two equal subunits. Method of motile cell release and the gross morphology of vegetative thalli are not systematically reliable characters.  相似文献   

rbcL gene have been reported to date. Four new cases from Caulerpales, Ulvophyceae are described here. In the genus Caulerpa, the presence of an intron was unstable even in the infraspecific taxa. Based on comprehensive comparisons of the inserted positions, lengths of introns and so on, the presence of at least three kinds of introns, which probably have independent origins, was suggested in Caulerpales. Received 12 May 2000/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2000  相似文献   

The life history of Cladophora surera sp. Nov., described from the south of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was found to be diplobiontic and isomorphic with haploid gametophytic (n= 24) and sporophytic (2n= 48) plants. Other freshwater species, namely C, suhriana Kutz, and C. callicoma Kütz. have also been reported to be diplobiontic and isomorphic but differing from C. surera by their ploidy level. Plants exhibit great morphological variation, as the number of branches/mm2 tends to increase with higher water velocity, thus adopting morphotypes that resemble very different species, that is, C. vagabunda (L.) Hoek, C. glomerata (L.) Kutz., C, laetevirens (Dillw.) Kutz., C. brasiliana Martens, C. dalmatica Kütz., C. vadorum (Aresch.) Kütz. and C. rivularis (L.) Hoek., but clearly differing from them by other morphological parameters; apical cell diameters, The ploidy level 24/48 has not been established for a species of Cladophora. Autogamy is the normal conjugation method and can take place even inside the gametangia before the gametes are released. Isogametes conjugate in a slow behavioral anisogamy, in which the contents of one migrate to the other. Tetra-flagellate zoospores result from meiosis.  相似文献   

Organellar DNA was isolated from Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot (Codiaceae, Codiales, Ulvophyceae) by CsCI-buoyant density centrifugation in the presence of Hoechst dye 33258. Three bands were formed by ultracentrifugation and each fraction of DNA was identified by Southern hybridization. The uppermost fraction was identified as chloroplast DNA, the middle fraction was nuclear DNA and the bottom fraction was mitochondrial DNA. Nuclear rDNA was isolated in the same fraction as mitochondrial DNA. The estimated genome size of mitochondrial DNA by analysis with restriction endonucleases was more than 141.6 kb, which was larger than that of microalgae but smaller than land plants. Restriction endonuclease analysis of the chloroplast DNA showed no difference with that known of C. fragile in New York.  相似文献   

Cosmopolitan species of the genus Ulva (Ulvaceae; Chlorophyta) that populate the littoral zone of marine habitats constitute a staple diet for a variety of organisms, particularly snails, shellfish, polychaetes, and birds. Occurrence of Ulva species (e.g., U. flexuosa and U . prolifera) has also been observed in freshwater inland ecosystems that have no contact with saline water. However, the influence of the development of macroalgal mats of Ulva on indigenous organisms in limnic ecosystems has not been established. This study investigates the trophic relationships between Ulva flexuosa and one species of snail from freshwater habitats in central Europe. During the summer, the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) consumed Ulva as a source of nutrition even when other algae and plants were available. Lymnaea stagnalis consumed an average of 100 mg of Ulva thalli per day. This level of biomass exceeded the consumption of an alternative food source, the shoots of Elodea canadensis. Ulva thalli are more actively consumed by great pond snails than Elodea shoots, and this is expressed in terms of the differences of biomass consumption. It was also observed that the interior of the monostromatic tubular thalli of Ulva flexuosa serves as a protective shelter for juvenile great pond snails.  相似文献   

Stalked‐Ulva has been recognized as an ecologic form of Ulva pertusa Kjellman with narrow and extensive stipes that grows on rocky shores with strong wave action. However, it is possible that stalked‐Ulva includes more than two taxa, because it has been shown previously that some isolates of stalked‐Ulva did not cross with U. pertusa. Therefore, further crossing tests, observations of swarmer behavior, culture studies and comparison of DNA sequences were made to clarify whether or not all stalked‐Ulva are included within U. pertusa. Crossing tests showed that stalked‐Ulva contained two different types, one that crossed with U. pertusa (Up strain) and one (N strain) that did not. The biflagellate swarmers of N strains showed negative phototaxis and were slightly larger than male and female gametes of Up strains. Thalli cultured from the swarmers of N strains released the same type of swarmers again. The N strains have an asexual life history, reproducing solely by biflagellate swarmers. Internal transcriber spacer sequence analysis indicated that these two entities are U. pertusa (Up strain) and U. fasciata Delile (N strain). In culture both strains differ morphologically from wild thalli with stipes; it seems that the two different taxa both show a petiolate morphology when growing under the same environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the biflagellate gametes of Collinsiella cava (Yendo) Printz was investigated in detail to clarify the species's taxonomic and phylo‐genetic position. Gametes are covered by small square scales with no distinct substructure. The chloroplast of the gamete includes an eyespot comprised of two layers of globules, and a pyrenoid that is traversed by one or a few thylakoids. Basal bodies overlap at their proximal ends and are offset in a counterclockwise orientation. Each basal body has a small bipartite terminal cap, a prominent proximal sheath comprised of two unequal subunits and a circular element situated at the cartwheel portion. A distal fibre, a connecting fibre and linkage between proximal sheaths connect the two basal bodies. Microtubular roots are comprised of two dexter (d) roots, subtended by the system I fibre, and two sinister (s) roots. Gametes have a single rhizoplast which extends parallel to one of the two d roots and extends to the mating structure. The ultrastructure of Collinsiella gametes is very similar to that of Mono‐stroma and other members of the Ulotrichales, Ulvophyceae, and we concluded that the genus Collinsiella should be treated as a member of the Monostromat‐aceae. The planozygote has four basal bodies, eight microtubular roots and two eyespots always situated at the same face of the cell. From observations of the planozygotes, the position of the mating structure relative to the flagellar apparatus is not consistent, but converse, between two mating types. A comparison of the location of the mating structure in Chlamydomonas and other green algae is presented.  相似文献   

The macroalgal species Ulva limnetica Ichihara et Shimada was investigated to understand the molecular mechanism of its tolerance or adaptation to freshwater. We detected a 19 kDa protein by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which accumulated in greater amounts in freshwater conditions compared with marine conditions. The band was excised and the partial amino acid sequence was determined by Edoman degradation. Based on the sequences, we isolated the corresponding cDNA by the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The constructed, full-length cDNA was 1272 bp in length, consisting of 198 bp 5'-non-coding region, an open reading frame of 840 bp (279 amino acids), 233 bp 3'-non-coding region and poly (A) tail. The protein encoded by the cDNA showed 30% identity and 45% similarity to lectin isolated from Ulva pertusa Kjellman, and we named this gene ULL (encoding Ulva limnetica lectin-like protein). Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the expression level of the ULL in the freshwater-cultured sample was higher than in the seawater-cultured sample.  相似文献   

Mitosis in vegetative cells of the siphonocladalean algaBoergesenia forbesii (Harvey) Feldmann was investigated mainly by electron microscopy. The mitotic spindle was centric and closed. The interphase nucleus contained a spherical nucleolus. The nucleolus was slightly dispersed at prophase, but nucleolar materials remained during nearly all stages of mitosis. Kinetochores were evident on chromosomes. The polar regions of nuclear envelope had no fenestrae during mitosis. Anaphase separation of the chromosomes was asynchronous. Elongation of interzonal spindle at telophase separated the two daughter nuclei widely. The ultrastructural features of mitosis inB. forbesii revealed by the present investigation are compared with those of other siphonous and siphonocladous algae in the Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Species of Ulva (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) are relatively common macroalgae in most coastal areas. In this paper, we examine Ulva in inland aquatic ecosystems to determine relationships between the chemical parameters of the water and the Ulva taxa present. Two groups of samples of freshwater Ulva were selected from: (i) habitats with high salinity levels, and (ii) habitats with fresh or slightly saline waters. We showed that these two groups of Ulva, which occupy distinct habitats, represent two separate taxa. The first group represents Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Kützing) M.J. Wynne, which is very common and regularly encountered in fresh waters, but is equally well represented in slightly saline waters. The second is U. flexuosa subsp. paradoxa (C. Agardh) M.J. Wynne, which is less common, preferring mainly salt-wedge saline waters. We did not find both Ulva flexuosa subspecies together at any of the research sites.

There were significant morphological differences between the Ulva flexuosa subspecies. Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera had longer and wider thalli and wider cells than those of subsp. paradoxa. Ulva flexuosa subsp. paradoxa cells were longer and of greater circumference than those of subsp. pilifera. Analyses of the rRNA ITS region and partial rbcL gene sequences demonstrated minor sequence variation within the two subspecies. The results of this study provide detailed information on the characteristics of limnic Ulva habitats and indicate the niches where such populations are likely to occur.  相似文献   

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