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Habitat enhancement for birds is frequently implemented during mine site restoration. Cliff‐nesting birds often colonize anthropogenic environments such as mining areas (aggregate sites and quarries for aggregate and cement production). Mining activity can compromise breeding success, causing cliff‐nesting birds to depend on the management and restoration of mining areas. The objective of our study is to assess the importance of mine site habitats for Sand Martin conservation and reconcile mining activity with breeding success in Mediterranean environments. We studied Sand Martin breeding habitat preferences in mining areas at three spatial scales. At the mining site scale, we compared 10 mining sites with Sand Martin burrows with 19 mining sites without burrows. At the colony scale (vertical structures with colonies), we evaluated the relationships between the number of breeding pairs, number of burrows, and colony characteristics within 30 distinct Sand Martin colonies. At the burrow scale, we compared the characteristics of the available vertical structure with the areas used by Sand Martins. At the mining site scale, Sand Martins preferred more surface of water bodies, shorter distances to flowing water, older sites, and mining sites which produce aggregates instead of cement. At the colony scale, Sand Martins preferred southwest orientations and stockpiles to vertical extraction faces. At the burrow scale, birds preferred the most vertical areas of the face. Our results support the need for effective habitat restoration and improved management for more effective Sand Martin conservation within mining areas. Simple interventions can enhance habitat quality and conservation of cliff‐nesting birds.  相似文献   

Colonial breeding is characteristic of seabirds but nesting at high density has both advantages and disadvantages and may reduce survival and fecundity. African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) initiated breeding at Robben Island, South Africa in 1983. The breeding population on the island increased in the late 1990s and early 2000s before decreasing rapidly until 2010. Before the number breeding peaked, local nest density in the areas where the colony was initiated plateaued, suggesting that preferred nests sites were mostly occupied, and the area used by breeding birds expanded. However, it did not contract again as the population decreased, so that nesting density varied substantially. Breeding success was related positively to the prey available to the breeding birds and negatively to local nest density, particularly during the chick-rearing period, suggesting a density-dependence operating through social interactions in the colony, possibly exacerbated by poor prey availability when the breeding population was large. Although nest density at Robben Island was not high, nesting burrows, which probably reduce the incidence of aggressive encounters in the colony, are scarce and our results suggest that habitat alteration has modified the strength of density-dependent relationships for African penguins. Gaining a better understanding of how density dependence affects fecundity and population growth rates in colonial breeders is important for informing conservation management of the African penguin and other threatened taxa.  相似文献   

Re‐occupation of existing nesting burrows in the European bee‐eater Merops apiaster has only rarely – and if so mostly anecdotically – been documented in the literature record, although such behavior would substantially save time and energy. In this study, we quantify burrow re‐occupation in a German colony over a period of eleven years and identify ecological variables determining reuse probability. Of 179 recorded broods, 54% took place in a reused burrow and the overall probability that one of 75 individually recognized burrows would be reused in a given subsequent year was estimated as 26.4%. This indicates that between‐year burrow reuse is a common behavior in the study colony which contrasts with findings from studies in other colonies. Furthermore, burrow re‐occupation probability declined highly significantly with increasing age of the breeding wall. Statistical separation of within‐ and between‐burrow effects of the age of the breeding wall revealed that a decline in re‐occupation probability with individual burrow age was responsible for this and not a selective disappearance of burrows with high re‐occupation probability over time. Limited duty cycles of individual burrows may be caused by accumulating detritus or decreasing stability with increasing burrow age. Alternatively, burrow fidelity may presuppose pair fidelity which may also explain the observed restricted burrow reuse duty cycles. A consequent next step would be to extend our within‐colony approach to other colonies and compare the ecological circumstances under which bee‐eaters reuse breeding burrows.  相似文献   

Many organizations have installed artificial burrows to help bolster local Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) populations. However, occupancy probability and reproductive success in artificial burrows varies within and among burrow installations. We evaluated the possibility that depth below ground might explain differences in occupancy probability and reproductive success by affecting the temperature of artificial burrows. We measured burrow temperatures from March to July 2010 in 27 artificial burrows in southern California that were buried 15–76 cm below the surface (measured between the surface and the top of the burrow chamber). Burrow depth was one of several characteristics that affected burrow temperature. Burrow temperature decreased by 0.03°C per cm of soil on top of the burrow. The percentage of time that artificial burrows provided a thermal refuge from above‐ground temperature decreased with burrow depth and ranged between 50% and 58% among burrows. The percentage of time that burrow temperature was optimal for incubating females also decreased with burrow depth and ranged between 27% and 100% among burrows. However, the percentage of time that burrow temperature was optimal for unattended eggs increased with burrow depth and ranged between 11% and 95% among burrows. We found no effect of burrow depth on reproductive success across 21 nesting attempts. However, occupancy probability had a non‐linear relationship with burrow depth. The shallowest burrows (15 cm) had a moderate probability of being occupied (0.46), burrows between 28 and 40 cm had the highest probability of being occupied (>0.80), and burrows >53 cm had the lowest probability of being occupied (<0.43). Burrowing Owls may prefer burrows at moderate depths because these burrows provide a thermal refuge from above‐ground temperatures, and are often cool enough to allow females to leave eggs unattended before the onset of full‐time incubation, but not too cool for incubating females that spend most of their time in the burrow during incubation. Our results suggest that depth is an important consideration when installing artificial burrows for Burrowing Owls. However, additional study is needed to determine the possible effects of burrow depth on reproductive success and on possible tradeoffs between the effects of burrow depth on optimal temperature and other factors, such as minimizing the risk of nest predation.  相似文献   

DIANHUA KE  & XIN LU 《Ibis》2009,151(2):321-331
The Tibetan Ground Tit Pseudopodoces humilis is a high-altitude passerine endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. A 4-year study in alpine meadows in Northern Tibet at 4300 m asl demonstrated that rather than using Pika Ochotona spp. holes as previously reported, the birds excavated one nest burrow themselves in spring and another after breeding, which they used for roosting in winter. Both the nesting and winter-roosting burrows comprised a straight tunnel leading to an ellipsoid chamber. There were no significant differences in placement or structural characteristics between the two types of burrows, except that winter-roosting burrows had a significantly smaller entrance diameter. Most burrows were 100–160 cm long and their chambers 20–40 cm deep. Tibetan Ground Tits tended to maximize the thermal benefits of their burrows by adjusting their spatial and structural characteristics in response to local solar radiation and wind regimes. Burrows tended to be oriented towards the sun and away from prevailing winds, presumably to maintain burrow temperature. Longer tunnels could function to save heat from solar radiation or reduce wind-disturbance, while shorter tunnels allow chambers to be warmed sooner in situations where wind potentially reduced soil temperatures. The thermal benefits to the birds of burrow architecture are likely to play a crucial role throughout the year in these extreme alpine environments.  相似文献   

This paper describes the breeding population, breeding habitats and reproductive variables of Little Terns Sterna albifrons in natural (sandy beaches) and alternative (salinas) habitats. Studies of nesting success conducted between 1998 and 2002 in these two types of habitat were combined with a literature review of census work from the past 30 years in order to assess whether salinas are suitable alternative breeding habitat for Little Terns. Most of the Portuguese Little Tern population now breeds in salinas. Census data from the last 30 years show that this is a recent breeding behaviour, because until the 1990s most colonies were located on sandy beaches. Destruction and disturbance of the natural habitat has caused this habitat shift. Despite this shift, the Portuguese Little Tern breeding population did not decline during this period and no significant differences were found in nesting success between natural and alternative habitats. This might indicate that salinas are a suitable alternative breeding habitat for Little Terns, but differences in laying period, clutch size and egg size were recorded between birds nesting on sandy beaches and in salinas in the same area. Birds nested earlier on sandy beaches and laid larger clutches and eggs than in salinas. These data suggest that, when both habitats are available, older and/or higher quality birds prefer sandy beaches for breeding, presumably trying to re-nest in salinas when first breeding attempts failed. We discuss conservation priorities and management actions for both habitats.  相似文献   

R. K. Schmidt 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):155-158
Earlé R. A. &; Herholdt, J. J. 1988. Breeding and moult of the Anteating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora. Ostrich 59: 155–161.

The general breeding biology and moult of the Anteating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora was studied in open grassveld over a two-year period. During the winter (July), groups were significantly smaller than during summer (December) (1,81 ± 0,50 versus 2,85 ± 1,35 birds per group). There was a large turnover of individuals in the study area but the total population stayed the same. The breeding season in the study area lasted from September to February but analysis of nest record cards from a larger area gave a breeding season of August-April. Two types of nests were used: 90,6% were burrows in sand banks or other excavations, but 9,4%were in the mud pellet nests of Greater Striped Swallows Hirundo cucullata (n = 53). Consecutive breeding attempts were never made in the same burrow. Clutches consisted of three, four or five eggs ([Xbar] = 3,73 ± 0,67). Incubation lasted 14–14,5-15 days. The nestling period lasted 15–18 days. Fledgling/egg breeding success was 41,8% with 48,2% of all eggs not reaching the hatching stage. Juveniles showed an unequal sex ratio of 0,57 ♂ ♂: 1,0 ♀ ♀ but adults had a nearly equal ratio (0,9 ♂ ♂: 1,0 ♀ ♀). There was a significant positive correlation between the primary moult score and the week of the seven months in which moult was recorded. Juveniles underwent a complete body moult and partial primary moult 3–4 months after fledging.  相似文献   

T C Grubb 《Animal behaviour》1974,22(1):192-202
Visual, auditory, and olfactory navigation in the homing behaviour of Leach's petrel to the nesting burrow were investigated. Petrels returning to their burrows at night hovered above the thick spruce-fir canopy in the vicinity of the burrow before plummeting to the forest floor a few metres downwind of their burrows. They then walked upwind to their burrows. Birds landed closer to, and followed more circuitous routes to, their burrows in still air than in a wind. They failed to avoid obstacles in the path to burrows, often failed to locate accurately burrow entrances on first trial, and vocalized only after entering the burrow. In a Y-maze olfactorium, captive breeding petrels chose an air current coming from their own nest material in preference to one from similar materials collected on the forest floor. In the same apparatus, birds did not respond positively to air currents from their own stomach oil or preen gland oil. Petrels taken from burrows and released that same night did not return within a week if their external nares were plugged or if their olfactory nerves were transected. They did return if not operated on or if only subjected to sham operations. These results support an olfactory guidance system in burrow location and argue against visual or auditory guidance.  相似文献   

Magenta Petrels Pterodroma magentae were caught at light-attraction stations on southwest Chatham Island, New Zealand, and most were fitted with transmitters. Of 52 captured since 1993, 71% were males, and all 36 tracked adequately proved to be non-breeders in the breeding season of capture. Our data indicated no sex bias in their probability of being captured at lights. Males provided 86% of trackings, and 87% of trackings of birds flying over the breeding area were males. Males landed 118 times; females 13 times. Only males were found on the ground, by night and day, apparently unassociated with burrows (three with and ten without transmitters), but subsequently digging burrows ( n  = 8). Of 19 birds banded as fledglings up to 2000, males were first recaptured nearing 4 years old (at lights and on the ground) and a female nearing 6 years old (in burrow). Among 37 fledglings, the sex ratio was even. Nine tracked males occupied burrows, as did two females, but the latter were older recaptures (10+ and 25+ years old). It appears that only males claimed existing, or dug new, burrows. They then attracted a mate to the burrow by means unknown, but from among females frequenting an inshore courtship area near the colony, or occasionally flying over the colony, at night. Females established in burrows, but then losing their mate, were able to re-mate there, by calling from near the burrow or by attracting a mate in flight or from the postulated inshore courtship area. Both sexes sometimes took years to pair or re-mate, possibly reflecting the dearth of available mates.  相似文献   

Colonial island‐breeding birds can be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance, which can adversely affect their nesting success. We studied Sooty Falcons Falco concolor breeding on 10 ground‐predator‐free islands in the Sea of Oman during 2007–2014 and evaluated spatio‐temporal trends in the number of breeding pairs occurring on the islands and the factors influencing nesting success. The number of breeding pairs on the islands declined during the study, due mostly to the decline on accessible islands; the rate of decline on islands accessible to humans was double that on inaccessible ones. The number of nests with one or more eggs declined during the study period, and the percentage of nests with eggs that produced one or more chicks showed an increasing trend over time. Sooty Falcon nests located farther away from beaches experienced a significantly higher probability of nesting success than those located closer to beaches. Our results suggest that the number of breeding Sooty Falcons on the islands of northern Oman is declining and that human disturbance may be a contributing factor; this probably mirrors the situation in other parts of the breeding range of this species.  相似文献   

The ability of Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) to locate their nesting burrows at night was investigated using observation and experiments. Shearwaters walking to their burrows did so at random with respect to the wind direction, and did not vocalize, suggesting that visual cues are important to successful burrow homing. Experiments to test whether vision, audition or olfaction functioned in guiding birds back to burrows supported this conclusion.  相似文献   

Egg predation is a major cause of reproductive failure among birds, and can compromise the viability of affected populations. Some egg predators aggregate near colonially breeding birds to exploit the seasonal increase of prey resources. We investigated spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of an egg predator (little raven Corvus mellori; Corvidae) to identify whether ravens aggregate spatially or temporally to coincide with any of three potential prey species: burrow‐nesting little penguin (Eudyptula minor; Spheniscidae), short‐tailed shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris; Procellariidae), and surface‐nesting silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae; Laridae). We derived spatially explicit density estimates of little ravens using distance sampling along line transects throughout a calendar year, which encompassed little penguin, short‐tailed shearwater and silver gull breeding and non‐breeding seasons. High raven abundance coincided temporally with penguin and gull egg laying periods but not with that of shearwaters. The spatial distribution of raven density corresponded with the little penguin colony but not with shearwater or gull colonies. Thus, the presence of little penguin eggs in burrows correlated strongly with little raven activity, and this implies that little ravens may have learnt to exploit the plentiful subsurface food resource of little penguin eggs. Corvid management may be required to maintain the viability of this socially and economically important penguin colony.  相似文献   

We used GPS data‐loggers, video‐recordings and dummy eggs to assess whether foraging needs may force the low incubation attentiveness (< 55%) of the Crab Plover Dromas ardeola, a crab‐eating wader of the Indian Ocean that nests colonially in burrows. The tidal cycle was the major determinant of the time budget and some foraging trips were more distant from the colony than previously known (up to 26 km away and lasting up to 45 h). The longest trips were mostly made by off‐duty parents, but on‐duty parents also frequently left the nest unattended while foraging for 1–7 h. However, the time spent at the colony area (47%) and the time spent roosting on the foraging grounds (16%) would have allowed almost continuous incubation, as in other species with shared incubation. Therefore, the low incubation attentiveness is not explained by the need for long foraging trips but is largely dependent on a high intermittent rhythm of incubation with many short recesses (5.8 ± 2.6 recesses/h) that were not spent foraging but just outside the burrow or thermoregulating at the seashore. As a result, the eggs were warmed on average only 1.7 °C above burrow temperature, slightly more during high tide periods and when burrow temperature was lower between 20:00 and 10:00 h, only partly counteracting the temperature fluctuations of the incubation chamber. These results suggest that low incubation attentiveness is due to the favourable thermal conditions provided by safe nesting burrows and by the hot tropical breeding season, a combination that allows simultaneous foraging by parents and the exploitation of distant foraging grounds. Why Crab Plovers engage in many short recesses from incubation still remains to be clarified but the need to thermoregulate at the seashore and to watch for predators may play a role.  相似文献   


A study of the nesting habits and breeding biology of blue penguin Eudyptula minor was undertaken over the 1995–96 and 1996–97 breeding seasons on Matiu‐Somes Island, Wellington, New Zealand. Male and female blue penguins tended to be faithful to both mates and nest sites, although there was insufficient evidence to detect any association between a bird's breeding success in 1995 and a subsequent change of mate or nest in 1996. Over the 1995 and 1996 seasons the recorded hatching success (0.51 ±0.11 and 0.63 ± 0.10 respectively), fledging success (0.81 ±0.12 and 0.85 ±0.10 respectively) and reproductive success (0.41 + 0.11 and 0.54 ± 0.11 respectively) were similar each season. There was no significant difference between the proportion of eggs laid, or eggs hatched and chicks fledged, between the two seasons. The mean number of chicks raised over the two seasons was 0.94 ± 0.05 per nest. Replacement clutches were laid by 11 per cent of failed breeders in each season, but only in 1996 were they successful in fledging chicks.

No significant difference was found between the breeding success of the Matiu‐Somes Island blue penguin colony recorded during this study and a previous study undertaken on the island 40 years ago.  相似文献   

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) monitoring was undertaken in the United Arab Emirates from 2003 to 2015 at 36 permanent sites to find key wintering and breeding sites. Bul Syayeef Marine Protected Area with monthly mean of 6553 (±3594) flamingos followed by Al Wathba Wetland Reserve with 1228 (±1190) flamingos topped the list. In addition, Shahama Wetland and Al Aryam Mudflats in Abu Dhabi Emirate form a complex of four nearby sites that hold the majority of nearly 15,000–20,000 birds wintering in the country. Lagoons (Khors) in the northern emirates are the other key wintering sites, that suffer habitat destruction and high disturbance. Breeding has been sporadic and infrequent since the first breeding attempt in 1993. Greater Flamingos have bred successfully only in the Abu Dhabi Emirate on 10 occasions at three sites with the highest eight breeding attempts at Al Wathba and one each at Shahama and Bul Syayeef. A total of 1,972 young have fledged with a high overall breeding success of 43%. The highest number of 801 young fledged at Bul Syayeef in 2009 followed by 420 at Al Wathba in 2015 and 350 at Shahama in 2007. Successful breeding occurred both in summer and winter seasons, breeding attempts were more (58%) in summer compared to winter. Flamingos have bred regularly at Al Wathba Wetland Reserve since 2011, this was made possible due to the provision of an artificial island to aid nesting and better control of predators. Breeding is successful at sites that maintain higher bird numbers and are free from disturbance.  相似文献   

Patterns of nest site selection exhibited at the scale of a population should result from initial preferences of individuals occupying nest sites as well as preferences exhibited by individuals moving between nest sites. We tested whether nest‐site preferences measured at the population scale were predictive of patterns of burrow switching by Leach's Storm‐Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), a long‐lived seabird that nests in underground burrows. Breeding pairs generally choose from the pool of available existing burrows rather than constructing new burrows, and a portion of the burrows in a colony remains unused in any breeding season. We quantified burrow preference at a colony on Kent Island, New Brunswick, over four breeding seasons. We used a classification and regression tree analysis to build a predictive model of nest‐site selection. Preferentially occupied burrows were drier, longer, had larger nest chambers, and were in areas of higher burrow density. To measure preferences during burrow switching, we tracked individuals that switched burrows, comparing characteristics of the burrows in which these birds were originally found to those they inhabited at the end of the study period. Characteristics preferred by switching individuals were a subset of those observed at the scale of the population; individuals moved to burrows that were drier, longer, and had larger nest chambers. Our results show how preferences of individuals that move between nest sites contribute to nest site preferences exhibited at the population scales commonly tested.  相似文献   

Burrowing is a widespread nesting behaviour, found in vertebrates and invertebrates. It is particularly common in small procellariiform seabirds such as blue petrels (Halobaena caerulea) and Antarctic prions (Pachyptila desolata), two closely related petrel species. However, digging a burrow is costly and alternative strategies may evolve. Accordingly, blue petrel males can adopt two alternative nesting strategies: digging a new burrow or squatting in an empty one. Importantly, a blue petrel squatter arriving at the colony to breed is more likely to find empty Antarctic prion burrows than empty blue petrel burrows, since the former species only start breeding a month later. However, squatting in a prion’s burrow is risky for blue petrels as the legitimate owner very often returns and claims the burrow back, thus ruining the squatter’s breeding attempt. We present here results of a survey of two sympatric colonies of blue petrels and Antarctic prions on Kerguelen Island. Our data show that blue petrel squatters preferentially occupy blue petrel empty burrows. To investigate potential underlying mechanisms behind this preference, we used a simple Y‐maze design to show that blue petrels can discriminate and prefer their specific odour over the prion odour. Our results confirm the existence of alternative burrowing strategies in blue petrels and suggest that squatters could use olfaction to avoid the less suitable Antarctic prion burrows.  相似文献   

Crawfish frogs (Lithobates areolatus) have experienced declines across large portions of their former range. These declines are out of proportion to syntopic wetland-breeding amphibian species, suggesting losses are resulting from unfavorable aspects of non-breeding upland habitat. Crawfish frogs get their common name from their affinity for crayfish burrows, although the strength of this relationship has never been formally assessed. We used radiotelemetry to address 4 questions related to upland burrow dwelling in crawfish frogs: 1) what burrow types are used and how do they function to affect crawfish frog survivorship; 2) what are the physical characteristics and habitat associations of crawfish frog burrows; 3) what are the home range sizes of crawfish frogs when burrow dwelling; and 4) where are crawfish frog burrows situated with respect to breeding wetlands? We tracked crawfish frogs to 34 burrows, discovered another 7 occupied burrows, and therefore report on 41 burrows. Crawfish frogs exclusively occupied crayfish burrows as primary burrows, which they inhabited for an average of 10.5 months of the year. With one exception, crawfish frogs also used crayfish burrows as secondary burrows—temporary retreats occupied while exhibiting breeding migrations or ranging forays. Burrows were exclusively located in grassland habitats, although crawfish frogs migrated through narrow woodlands and across gravel roads to reach distant grassland primary burrow sites. Home range estimates while inhabiting burrows were 0.05 m2 (the area of the burrow entrance plus the associated feeding platform) or 0.01 m3 (the estimated volume of their burrow). Crawfish frog burrows were located at distances up to 1,020 m from their breeding wetlands. To protect crawfish frog populations, we recommend a buffer (core habitat plus terrestrial buffer) of at least 1.2 km around each breeding wetland. Within this buffer, at least 3 critical habitat elements must be present: 1) extensive grasslands maintained by prescribed burning and/or logging, 2) an adequate number of upland crayfish burrows, and 3) no soil disturbance of the sort that would destroy crayfish burrow integrity. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A short study was made of the nesting habits of a species of megapode, Megapodius freycinet on the island of Komodo. The birds were found to build giant nesting mounds (0.95 × 7.15 m) in scrub and woodland close to the seashore or alongside river beds; 23 active and 19 abandoned mounds were located in an area of 250 ha.
The mounds were apparently added to from year to year, and consisted of dry sand and soil, plus leaves and sticks in most cases. The upper parts of the mounds were invariably exposed to the direct rays of the sun; the temperature within the active mounds was 33–37° C and slightly less in mounds not in use by the birds. According to the local people the nesting season of the megapodes extended from late August to November, and the chicks were hatched before the arrival of the rains in December. Up to four eggs had been recovered from a single mound.
The active mounds were all spaced apart by at least a 100 m, and the closest ones were usually separated by a river bed. This pattern suggested the species was territorial. One or two birds were often seen scraping at a mound or feeding close by, and their behaviour was recorded.
The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis , was a frequent visitor to the nesting mounds of the megapodes, and was able to burrow into them and steal the eggs.  相似文献   

The Moluccan Megapode Megapodius wallacei uses heat generated by the sun to incubate its eggs. It buries the eggs deep in the sand of sun-exposed beaches and open sandy areas on islands in the Moluccas, Indonesia. The eggs are laid at night and left to incubate for two to three months without parental care. We present evidence that the Moluccan Megapode exhibits lunar synchrony in the timing of egg-laying, its spatial distribution of egg burrows and in its behaviour at communal nesting grounds. More Moluccan Megapodes visit the nesting grounds on bright nights than during the new moon. Data collected on the spatial distribution and depth of egg burrows also exhibit lunar periodicity. On moonlit nights, the birds excavate burrows in communal groups and spend longer at the nesting ground digging deeper burrows. Lunaphilia and lunar periodicity of reproduction are rarely documented in birds. We discuss possible explanations for these behaviours in the Moluccan Megapode.  相似文献   

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