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The discovery of anthocyanins (and no betalains) along with S-type sieve-element plastids in Theligonum cynocrambe supports the exclusion of this taxon from the order Centrospermae.  相似文献   

Abstract We assess the phylogenetic information in trnK intron at the ordinal level using the Caryophyllales and compare it with that derived from matK. The trnK gene is split into two exons by an intron that includes the matK gene. The plastid trnK is a tRNA gene encoding Lysine(UUU), whereas the matK gene is a putative group II intron maturase. The two regions are usually coamplified, and trnK intron is partially sequenced but its sequences are often excluded from phylogenetic reconstruction at deep historic levels. This study shows that the two regions are comparable in proportion of variable sites, possess a comparable pattern of substitution rates per site, and display similar phylogenetic informativeness profiles and per‐site informativeness. Phylogenetic analyses show strong congruence between phylogenetic trees based on matK and trnK intron partitioned datasets from 45 genera representing 30 of the 34 recognized Caryophyllales families. The trnK intron alone provides a relatively well‐resolved topology for the order. Combining the trnK intron with matK sequence data resulted in six most parsimonious trees, differing only in the placement of Claytonia (Portulacaceae) within the noncore group. A well‐supported major basal split in the order into core and noncore Caryophyllales with Rhabdodendraceae, Simmondsiaceae, and Asteropeiaceae as sister to remaining core lineages is evident in partitioned and combined analyses. The placement of these three families has been disputable, impacting the overall backbone topology of the Caryophyllales. This study demonstrates the cost effectiveness of using the trnK intron along with matK (both substitutions and insertions/deletions) at deeper phylogenetic level.  相似文献   

An acyltransferase from cell cultures of Chenopodium rubrum was purified 515-fold with a 2.5 % recovery. This enzyme catalyzes the transfer of hydroxycinnamic acids from 1–0-hydroxycinnamoyl-/β-glucose to the C-2 hydroxy group of glucuronic acid of amaranthin (betanidin 5-O-glucuronosylglucose). The invivo products formed are celosianin I (4-coumaroylama-ranthin) and celosianin II (feruloylamaranthin). The enzyme can be classified as l-0-hydroxycinnamoyl-β-glucose: amaranthin O-hydroxycinnamoyl-transferase (EC 2.3.1.-). Its molecular weight was determined by gel filtration column chromatography to be ca. 69.5 kDa. Maximal rate of product formation was found to be at pH 5.6. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was at pH 4.7. The reaction temperature maximum was at 37 °C and the apparent energy of activation was calculated to be 44.5kJ mor?1. The enzyme showed a Vmax of 910pkat (mg protein)?1 with amaranthin as acceptor and feruloylglucose as acyl donor. The ratios of Vmax/Km values for sinapoyl-, feruloyl, caffeoyl- and 4-coumaroylglucoses were found to be 100:56:56:40. Donor competition experiments support the conclusion that one single enzyme is responsible for the ester formation with the different hydroxycinnamic acids. From the possible acceptors tested, only amaranthin (15S configuration) and isoamaranthin (15R) were esterified with Km values of 280 and 800 μM, respectively. Catalytic effectivity (Vmix/Km) was found at a relative ratio 15S:15R of 100:42. Betanin (betanidin 5-O-glucoside) and gomphrenin I (betanidin 6-O-glucoside) were not accepted. Some other acylated betacyanin-containing members of four families of the Caryophyllales were investigated and showed the same type of hydroxycinnamoyltransferase activity with 1-O-hydroxycinnamoylglucose as acyl donor, but with different acceptor molecule specificities.  相似文献   

  • C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) have evolved in the order Caryophyllales many times but neither C4 nor CAM have been recorded for the Basellaceae, a small family in the CAM‐rich sub‐order Portulacineae.
  • 24 h gas exchange and day–night changes in titratable acidity were measured in leaves of Anredera baselloides exposed to wet–dry–wet cycles.
  • While net CO2 uptake was restricted to the light period in well‐watered plants, net CO2 fixation in the dark, accompanied by significant nocturnal increases in leaf acidity, developed in droughted plants. Plants reverted to solely C3 photosynthesis upon rewatering.
  • The reversible induction of nocturnal net CO2 uptake by drought stress indicates that this species is able to exhibit CAM in a facultative manner. This is the first report of CAM in a member of the Basellaceae.

Betalains, comprising violet betacyanins and yellow betaxanthins, are pigments found in plants belonging to the order Caryophyllales. In this study, we induced the accumulation of betalains in ornamental lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) by genetic engineering. Three betalain biosynthetic genes encoding CYP76AD1, dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) 4,5-dioxygenase (DOD), and cyclo-DOPA 5-O-glucosyltransferase (5GT) were expressed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter in lisianthus, in which anthocyanin pigments are responsible for the pink flower color. During the selection process on hygromycin-containing media, some shoots with red leaves were obtained. However, most red-colored shoots were suppressed root induction and incapable of further growth. Only clone #1 successfully acclimatized and bloomed, producing pinkish-red flowers, with a slightly greater intensity of red color than that in wild-type flowers. T1 plants derived from clone #1 segregated into five typical flower color phenotypes: wine red, bright pink, pale pink, pale yellow, and salmon pink. Among these, line #1-1 showed high expression levels of all three transgenes and exhibited a novel wine-red flower color. In the flower petals of line #1-1, abundant betacyanins and low-level betaxanthins were coexistent with anthocyanins. In other lines, differences in the relative accumulation of betalain and anthocyanin pigments resulted in flower color variations, as described above. Thus, this study is the first to successfully produce novel flower color varieties in ornamental plants by controlling betalain accumulation through genetic engineering.  相似文献   

植物花青素生物合成相关基因的研究及应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
花青素是决定植物花色的主要色素,使大多数花呈现从红到蓝的系列变化,是花色研究和开发的重点,并具有重要的营养和药用作用。目前花青素生物合成途径已日益清楚,并已分离到大量的相关酶和基因,并获得了一批具有商业价值的转基因植物新品种。本文重点介绍了花青素合成途径中关键基因的研究成果,并概述了国内外花青素基因在植物基因工程中的应用研究进展情况,同时对花青素基因的研究应用前景和发展趋势作一展望。  相似文献   

Previous analyses ofAsteropeia andPhysena have not compared the wood anatomy of these genera to those of Caryophyllales s.l. Molecular evidence shows that the two genera from a clade that is a sister group of the core Caryophyllales. Synapomorphies of theAsteropeia-Physena clade include small circular alternate pits on vessels, presence of vasicentric tracheids plus fiber-tracheids, presence of abaxial-confluent plus diffuse axial parenchyma, and presence of predominantly uniseriate rays. These features are analyzed with respect to habit and ecology of the two genera. Solitary vessels, present in both genera, are related to the presence of vasicentric tracheids. Autapomorphies in the two genera seem related to adaptations byPhysena as a shrub of moderately dry habitats (e.g., narrower vessel elements, abundant vasicentric tracheids, square to erect cells in rays) as compared to alternate character expressions that seem related to the arboreal habit and humid forest ecology ofAsteropeia. The functional significance of vasicentric tracheids and fiber-tracheids in dicotyledons is briefly reviewed in the light of wood anatomy of the two genera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the angiosperm order Caryophyllales were investigated by comparative sequencing of two portions of the highly conserved inverted repeat (totaling some 1100 base pairs) coinciding with the region occupied by ORF2280 in Nicotiana, the largest gene in the plastid genomes of most land plants. Data were obtained for 33 species in 11 families within the order and for one species each of Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, and Nepenthaceae. These data, when analyzed along with previously published ORF (open reading frame) sequences from Nicotiana. Spinacia. Epifagus, and Pelargonium using parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood methods, reveal that: (1) Amaranthus, Celosia, and Froelichia (all Amaranthaceae) do not comprise a monophyletic group; (2) Amaranthus may be nested within a paraphyletic Chenopodiaceae; (3) Sarcobatus (Chenopodiaceae) is allied with Nyctaginaceae + Phytolaccaceae (the latter family excluding Stegnosperma but including Petiveria); and (4) Caryophyllaceae (with Corrigiola basal within the clade) are sister group to Chenopodiaceae + Amaranthaceae. Basal relations within the order remain obscure. Sequence divergence values in pairwise comparisons across all Caryophyllales taxa ranged from 0.1 to 5% of nucleotides. However, despite these low values, 23 insertion and deletion events were apparent, of which five were informative phylogenetically and bolstered several of the relationships listed above. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) survey for ORF homolog length variants in representatives from 70 additional angiosperm families revealed major deletions, of 100 to 1400 base pairs, in 19 of these families. Although the ORF is located within the mutationally retarded inverted repeat region of most angiosperm chloroplast DNAs, this gene appears particularly prone to length mutation.  相似文献   

In basal angiosperms (including ANITA grade, magnoliids, Choranthaceae, Ceratophyllaceae) almost all bisexual flowers are dichogamous (with male and female functions more or less separated in time), and nearly 100 per cent of those are protogynous (with female function before male function). Movements of floral parts and differential early abscission of stamens in the male phase are variously associated with protogyny. Evolution of synchronous dichogamy based on the day/night rhythm and anthesis lasting 2 days is common. In a few clades in Magnoliales and Laurales heterodichogamy has also evolved. Beetles, flies and thrips are the major pollinators, with various degrees of specialization up to large beetles and special flies in some large-flowered Nymphaeaceae, Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae and Aristolochiaceae. Unusual structural specializations are involved in floral biological adaptations (calyptras, inner staminodes, synandria and food bodies, and secretory structures on tepals, stamens and staminodes). Numerous specializations that are common in monocots and eudicots are absent in basal angiosperms. Several families are poorly known in their floral biology.  相似文献   

COX, P. A. & HUMPHRIES, C. J. 1992. Hydrophilous pollination and breeding system evolution in seagrasses: a phylogenetic approach to the evolutionary ecology of the Cymodoceaceae. A phylogenetic analysis of seagrasses of the Cymodoceaceae shows the Cymodoceaceae to be monophyletic and Posidoniaceae to be their sister group. Information on the pollination ecologies and breeding systems of the various genera of the Cymodoceaceae were plotted onto the consensus tree obtained for the group. From this analysis, it is suggested that the clade composed of the Zosteraceae, Posidoniaceae and Cymodoceaceae evolved from a freshwater hydrophilous ancestor that developed submarine pollination and filiform pollen in association with invasion of the marine environment. Dioecism and surface pollination appear to have evolved in the progenitor of the Cymodoceaceae, and hence the seagrasses of the Cymodoceaceae are dioecious due to common descent rather than to convergent evolutionary processes in extant genera.  相似文献   

Pollination biology studies of the endangered orchid Cypripedium japonicum were conducted in its natural habitat using pollinator observation and hand‐pollination experiments. The observed fruit set was as follows: artificial outcross‐pollinated, 100%; artificial self‐pollinated, 100%; pollinator‐excluded, 0%; and emasculated flowers, 0%. These results show that this species, although self‐compatible, is neither autogamous nor agamospermous. The fruit set for open‐pollinated flowers was 14.9%, which suggests that the study population was subject to pollinator limitation. The nectarless flowers of C. japonicum were exclusively visited and pollinated by the queens of two bumblebee species (Bombus ardens and B. diversus diversus). It is probable that the nectarless flowers of C. japonicum attract pollinators through a generalized food deceptive system.  相似文献   

Crane flies and microlepidoptera have been recorded as pollinators in unrelated orchid groups, but these insects have never been recorded in Epidendroideae, the most species‐rich orchid subfamily, which includes one of the most diverse genera among Orchidaceae, Epidendrum. Based on data on phenology, floral morpho‐anatomy, pollinators, pollination mechanisms and breeding system, the reproductive biology of E. avicula was studied in south‐eastern Brazil. Epidendrum avicula possess osmophores that produce a citric fragrance at night. The flowers attract Tipulidae flies and several families of microlepidoptera that drink the nectar produced in a tube formed by the adnation of the labellum and column. As is common in Epidendrum, after removing the pollinarium, both crane flies and micro‐moths get trapped by the proboscis, which frightens the insects and inhibits any possible intent to immediately visit another flower. The behavior of the pollinators on flowers, plus the retention of the anther cap by the pollinarium, results in a reduction in the occurrence of geitonogamy. Because E. avicula is self‐incompatible, the consequence of pollinator behavior and the floral mechanisms tend to reduce the pollen loss. As far as we know, this is the first study to report the reproductive biology of a species of Epidendroideae pollinated by crane flies and microlepidoptera. Based on more recent concepts of plant–pollinator interactions, although E. avicula is pollinated by several species belonging to two distinct orders, suggesting an unspecialized pollination system is involved, nectar‐seeking microlepidoptera and Tipulidae flies can be recognized as a single functional group.  相似文献   

Natural selection has directed the evolution of floral traits so that pollinator visits are manipulated to maximize the fitness of individual plants by directing which other individual sires its seeds. In some plants, flowers change color over time and may have the ability to direct pollinators to rewarding flowers. In addition, by varying when pollen is available and when stigmas are receptive, protandrous plants can show variation in selfing rates. In this study, the association between color change and gender transition in flowers of Saponaria officinalis was examined. Anthocyanins were extracted from flowers of each gender stage to measure color using spectrophotometry. Female‐phase flowers were found to have significantly higher anthocyanin concentration than male‐phase flowers in both natural populations and experimental plots. This color change corresponded to a decrease in male sexual function, which was measured by the percentage of pollen grains stained as viable by lactophenol aniline blue and germinated on Brewbaker–Kwack media. Color change was phenotypically plastic. Plants grown in full sun had a more extensive color change than those grown in shaded experimental plots, and this effect was reversed the following year when the shading was removed. Pollinator observations documented both diurnal and nocturnal insect visitation. Fruit and seed set were equivalent on inflorescences bagged during daylight versus night, indicating that both diurnal and nocturnal insects are effective pollinators. If pollinators discriminate based on color, this could potentially reduce within‐plant floral visits and also geitonogamy. This study is the first to document flower color change and moth pollination in Saponaria officinalis.  相似文献   

What rules determine whether bumble bees continue exploitingplants of the species just visited or switch to another species?To tackle this question, we recorded handling times and flighttimes from bees foraging in a natural meadow containing fiveplant species. Inter- and intra-specific plant distances werequantified. The bee-subjective colors of the five species weredetermined; two of these species had similar colors and structures,while three species were distinct from all others. The followingrules were identified: (1) The decision to switch species wascorrelated with previous flower handling time, which we assumeis a function of the reward amount received at the flower. Aftershort handling times, the probability of switching to anotherspecies increased, whereas it decreased after long handlingtimes. This difference became even greater if the bee had hada run of several short or several long handling times. (2) Constantflights (those between flowers of the same species) and transitionflights (those between flowers of different species) followedstereotyped temporal patterns independent of the distances betweenflowers. Constant flights within five plant species consistentlyhad median durations of about 2 seconds, whereas median transitiontimes between species took 3–6 seconds. (3) This temporalrule broke down, however, if the flowers of two species hadsimilar colors, in which case transition flights had equal dynamicsas constant flights. (4) Bees switched more frequently fromrare than from common species but even more frequently betweensimilar species. We conclude that the bees' choices were determinedby a set of rules that guided them to stay with the currentplant species as long as flowers were rewarding and availablewithin close distance but to switch to another species if flowersoffered low rewards or were not encountered at close range  相似文献   

Cypripedium macranthos sensu lato typically has purple‐pink flowers with no nectar and harvestable pollen. On Rebun Island, Hokkaido, Japan, purple‐pink‐flowered C. macranthos var. macranthos individuals rarely grow among numerous pale‐cream‐flowered C. macranthos var. rebunense plants. In both varieties, flower size is similar, their flowering periods completely overlap, and they share the same pollinator (Bombus pseudobaicalensis). However, in only one of 12 years from 2001 to 2012 did var. macranthos attain an annual fruit‐set ratio (an estimate of pollination success) higher than that of sympatric var. rebunense plants. These findings strongly suggest that in C. macranthos on Rebun Island, flower color results in the differential pollination success, because the pollinator prefers pale‐cream Cypripedium flowers and/or avoids purple‐pink ones, thereby producing pollinator‐mediated selection favoring pale‐cream flowers.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure of plants to high fluxes of solar radiation as well as to other environmental stressors disturbs the balance between absorbed light energy and capacity of its photochemical utilization resulting in photoinhibition of and eventually in damage to plants. Under such circumstances, the limiting of the light absorption by the photosynthetic apparatus efficiently augments the general photoprotective mechanisms of the plant cell, such as reparation of macromolecules, elimination of reactive oxygen species, and thermal dissipation of the excessive light energy absorbed. Under stressful conditions, plants accumulate, in different cell compartments and tissue structures, pigments capable of attenuation of the radiation in the UV and visible parts of the spectrum. To the date, four principle key groups of photoprotective pigments are known: mycosporine-like amino acids, phenolic compounds (including phenolic acids, flavonols, and anthocyanins), alkaloids (betalains), and carotenoids. The accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds (mycosporine-like amino acids and phenolics in lower and higher plants, respectively) is a ubiquitous mechanism of adaptation to and protection from the damage by high fluxes of solar radiation developed by photoautotrophic organisms at the early stages of their evolution. Extrathylakoid carotenoids, betalains, and anthocyanins play an important role in long-term adaptation to the illumination conditions and in protection of plants against photodamage. A prominent feature of certain plant taxa lacking some classes of photoprotective pigments (such as anthocyanins) is their substitution by other compounds (e.g. keto-carotenoids or betalains) disparate in terms of chemical structure and subcellular localization but possessing close spectral properties.  相似文献   

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