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Multiple-regression techniques for measuring phenotypic selection have been used in a large number of recent field studies. One benefit of this technique is its ability to discern the direct action of selection on traits by removing effects of correlated traits. However, covariation among traits expressed at different stages in an organism's life history is often poorly estimated because individuals that die before reaching adulthood cannot be measured as adults. Accurate estimates of trait covariances are necessary for the correct interpretation of the direct action of selection on a trait. If phenotypic characters expressed at different life-history stages are of interest, and mortality occurs between stages, the components of the selection model will be biased by not including those individuals that died (the “invisible fraction”).  相似文献   

There has been a tremendous advancement of Bayesian methodology in quantitative genetics and evolutionary biology. Still, there are relatively few publications that apply this methodology, probably because the availability of multipurpose and user-friendly software is somewhat limited. It is here described how only a few rows of code of the well-developed and very flexible Bayesian software WinBUGS ( Lunn et al. 2000 ) can be used for inference of the additive polygenic variance and heritabilty in pedigrees of general design. The presented code is illustrated by application to an earlier published dataset of Scots pine.  相似文献   

Recent studies in plant populations have found that environmental heterogeneity and phenotypic selection vary at local spatial scales. In this study, I ask if there is evolutionary change in response to environmental heterogeneity and, if so, whether the response occurs for characters or character plasticities. I used vegetative clones of Mimulus guttatus to create replicate populations of 75 genotypes. These populations were planted into the natural habitat where they differed in mean growth, flowering phenology, and life span. This phenotypic variation was used to define selective environments. There was variation in fitness (flower production) among genotypes across all planting sites and in genotype response to the selective environment. Offspring from each site were grown in the greenhouse in two water treatments. Because each population initially had the same genetic composition, variation in the progeny between selective environments reveals either evolutionary change in response to environmental heterogeneity or environmental maternal effects. Plants from experimental sites that flowered earlier, had shorter life spans and were less productive, produced offspring that had more flowers, on average, and were less plastic in vegetative allocation than offspring of longer-lived plants from high-productivity areas. However, environmental maternal effects masked phenotypic differences in flower production. Therefore, although there was evidence of genetic differentiation in both life-history characters and their plasticities in response to small-scale environmental heterogeneity, environmental maternal effects may slow evolutionary change. Response to local-scale selective regimes suggests that environmental heterogeneity and local variation in phenotypic selection may act to maintain genetic variation.  相似文献   

Life-history traits such as longevity and fecundity often show low heritability. This is usually interpreted in terms of Fisher's fundamental theorem to mean that populations are near evolutionary equilibrium and genetic variance in total fitness is low. We develop the causal relationship between metric traits and life-history traits to show that a life-history trait is expected to have a low heritability whether or not the population is at equilibrium. This is because it is subject to all the environmental variation in the metric traits that affect it plus additional environmental variation. There is no simple prediction regarding levels of additive genetic variance in life-history traits, which may be high at equilibrium. Several other patterns in the inheritance of life-history traits are readily predicted from the causal model. These include the strength of genetic correlations between life-history traits, levels of nonadditive genetic variance, and the inevitability of genotype-environment interaction.  相似文献   

Abstract Genetic variance‐covariance structures (G), describing genetic constraints on microevolutionary changes of populations, have a central role in the current theories of life‐history evolution. However, the evolution of Gs in natural environments has been poorly documented. Resource quality and quantity for many animals and plants vary seasonally, which may shape genetic architectures of their life histories. In the mountain birch‐insect herbivore community, leaf quality of birch for insect herbivores declines profoundly during both leaf growth and senescence, but remains stable during midsummer. Using six sawfly species specialized on the mountain birch foliage, we tested the ways in which the seasonal variation in foliage quality of birch is related to the genetic architectures of larval development time and body size. In the species consuming mature birch leaves of stable quality, that is, without diet‐imposed time constraints for development time, long development led to high body mass. This was revealed by the strongly positive phenotypic and genetic correlations between the traits. In the species consuming growing or senescing leaves, on the other hand, the rapidly deteriorating leaf quality prevented the larvae from gaining high body mass after long development. In these species, the phenotypic and genetic correlations between development time and final mass were negative or zero. In the early‐summer species with strong selection for rapid development, genetic variation in development time was low. These results show that the intuitively obvious positive genetic relationship between development time and final body mass is a probable outcome only when the constraints for long development are relaxed. Our study provides the first example of a modification in guild‐wide patterns in the genetic architectures brought about by seasonal variation in resource quality.  相似文献   

水稻苗期根系性状的数量遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根系不仅是水稻吸水吸肥和支持地上部的重要器官 ,同时也是许多重要生理活性物质的合成器官 ,发达的根系是水稻生长发育和产量形成的基础〔1,2〕。在我国水稻生产中具有重要地位的杂交水稻之所以高产稳产 ,其生理基础之一就是其根系发达 ,吸肥吸水能力强 ,生理代谢旺盛 〔3,4〕。由于对根系的观测很烦琐 ,因此在过去的育种实践中很少将其列入育种计划。今天 ,随着分子标记技术的发展 ,分子标记辅助选择 (marker- assisted selection,MAS)使得育种学家能较简便地对根系性状进行有针对性的选择和改良〔5,6〕。因此 ,有必要进一步加强对水稻…  相似文献   

The mixed-model factorial analysis of variance has been used in many recent studies in evolutionary quantitative genetics. Two competing formulations of the mixed-model ANOVA are commonly used, the “Scheffe” model and the “SAS” model; these models differ in both their assumptions and in the way in which variance components due to the main effect of random factors are defined. The biological meanings of the two variance component definitions have often been unappreciated, however. A full understanding of these meanings leads to the conclusion that the mixed-model ANOVA could have been used to much greater effect by many recent authors. The variance component due to the random main effect under the two-way SAS model is the covariance in true means associated with a level of the random factor (e.g., families) across levels of the fixed factor (e.g., environments). Therefore the SAS model has a natural application for estimating the genetic correlation between a character expressed in different environments and testing whether it differs from zero. The variance component due to the random main effect under the two-way Scheffe model is the variance in marginal means (i.e., means over levels of the fixed factor) among levels of the random factor. Therefore the Scheffe model has a natural application for estimating genetic variances and heritabilities in populations using a defined mixture of environments. Procedures and assumptions necessary for these applications of the models are discussed. While exact significance tests under the SAS model require balanced data and the assumptions that family effects are normally distributed with equal variances in the different environments, the model can be useful even when these conditions are not met (e.g., for providing an unbiased estimate of the across-environment genetic covariance). Contrary to statements in a recent paper, exact significance tests regarding the variance in marginal means as well as unbiased estimates can be readily obtained from unbalanced designs with no restrictive assumptions about the distributions or variance-covariance structure of family effects.  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding depression in wild plants customarily compare the fitness of outcrossed progeny to progeny derived from one generation of self-pollination. We compare levels of inbreeding depression in a greenhouse in two populations of jewelweed using progeny derived from random outcrosses, one generation of self-pollination, and three generations of selling. The progeny have expected inbreeding coefficients of, respectively, 0, 0.5, and 0.875. Seedling survivorship declined linearly with the level of inbreeding in both populations. Inbreeding also increased the variability of emergence date. Maternal family membership affected early seedling performance and often interacted significantly with the level of inbreeding. In contrast, path analyses reveal that inbreeding had both negative linear and positive quadratic direct effects on seed and final plant weight, causing the highly inbred progeny to outperform progeny derived from one generation of selfing. These results suggest either the rapid purging of deleterious alleles or diminishing epistasis among the loci affecting these characters. It is not clear why the loci affecting survival responded differently.  相似文献   

The roles of natural selection and random genetic change in the punctuated phenotypic evolution of eight Miocene-Pliocene tropical American species of the cheilostome bryozoan Metrarabdotos are analyzed by quantitative genetic methods. Trait heritabilities and genetic covariances reconstructed by partitioning within- and among-colony phenotypic variance are similar to those previously obtained for living species of the cheilostome Stylopoma using breeding data. The hypothesis that differences in skeletal morphology between species of Metrarabdotos are entirely due to mutation and genetic drift cannot be rejected for reasonable rates of mutation maintained for periods brief enough to account for the geologically abrupt appearances of these species in the fossil record. Except for one pair of species, separated by the largest morphologic distance, directional selection acting alone would require unrealistically high rates of selective mortality to be maintained for these periods. Thus, directional selection is not strongly implicated in the divergence of Metrarabdotos species. Within species, rates of net phenotypic change are slow enough to require stabilizing selection, but mask large, relatively rapid fluctuations, all of which, however, can be attributed to chance departures from the mean phenotype by mutation and genetic drift, rather than to tracking environmental fluctuation by directional selection. The results are consistent with genetic models involving shifts between multiple adaptive peaks on which phenotypes remain more or less static through long-term stabilizing selection. Regardless of the degree to which directional selection may be involved in peak shifts, phenotypic differentiation is thus related to processes different than the pervasive stabilizing selection acting within species.  相似文献   

To determine the potential for adaptation to a local biotic environment, we examined the magnitude and nature of genetic variation in response to neighboring plants within a natural population of the native California annual, Nemophila menziesii. A total of 22 plants from a natural population were crossed in three reciprocal factorials. The progeny were grown in a greenhouse in nine treatments that varied in conspecific density and in the density of a naturally co-occurring grass species, Bromus diandrus. Increasing the density of each species significantly reduced individual survival, fruit number, and dry weight. Among survivors, we found small to moderate heritability of dry weight within treatments. Additive genetic correlations (rA) of dry weight between competitive regimes were generally large and positive. In no case were they significantly different from 1, as expected under the null hypothesis that the relative performance of the genotypes under consideration is the same in all environments. On the basis of these results, we cannot conclude that the structure of genetic covariation within this population would promote genetic differentiation in response to locally varying conditions of density of these two species. Aspects of the experiment that may have compromised our ability to detect rA differing from 1 are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary trajectory of a trait depends not only on the presence of genetic variation, but also on the pattern of genetic correlations (rg) among traits. Genetic correlations are most easily measured under homogeneous, controlled laboratory conditions, whereas natural populations typically experience a higher degree of environmental variability. The effect of environmental variability on genetic correlations in the cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus, was studied by measuring genetic correlations within and between two environments differing in levels of environmental heterogeneity. Within-environment rg among morphological traits measured in the homogeneous laboratory environment were found to be reliable predictors of rg measured in the experimental field environment. Laboratory measures of rg involving life-history traits, though, were not found to reflect the same correlations measured in the heterogeneous environment. A significant negative genetic correlation between fecundity and developmental time was found in the field environment, yet was not detectable when measured in the laboratory. Phenotypic correlations may be obtained much more easily than genetic correlations, but their usefulness in evolutionary inference depends on the pattern of similarity between the two correlations. A comparison of genetic and phenotypic correlations revealed a close match between the two measures for morphological traits, but revealed only broad similarities when considering life-history traits. Male-female genetic correlations between morphological traits were high (all rg > 0.73) and were consistently higher in the field environment than in the laboratory. The genetic correlations between the sexes in developmental time followed the same trend, but the male-female genetic correlation of gonad weights was low in both environments. Across-environment correlations were found to be strong for morphological traits and for gonad weight, whereas the genetic expression of developmental time was found to be dependent on the environment in which the crickets were raised.  相似文献   

Plant responses to crowding may be mediated by resource availability and/or by a specific environmental cue, the ratio of red:far red wavelengths (R:FR) perceived by phytochrome. This study examined the contribution of phytochrome-mediated photomorphogenesis to genetic variation in plastic responses to density in the annual plant Impatiens capensis. Inbred lines derived from open and woodland populations were grown under low density high density, and high density with selective removal of FR wavelengths to block phytochrome-mediated perception of neighbor proximity. Genetic variation in plasticity to density and to the R:FR cue was detected for several traits Plants grown at high density displayed increased internode elongation; decreased branch, flower, and node production; increased menstem dormancy; and decreased leaf area and specific leaf weight compared to plants grown at low density. Stem elongation responses to density were suppressed when phytochrome perception was blocked at high density. For these phytochrome-mediated traits, a genotype's plasticity to density was strongly correlated with its response to R:FR. Phytochrome-mediated traits were tightly correlated with one another, regardless of the density environment. However, the responses to density of meristem allocation to branching and leaf traits were less strongly phytochrome-mediated. These traits differed in patterns of plasticity, and their genetic correlations often differed across environments. In particular, genetic trade-offs involving meristem allocation to branching were expressed only at low density. The observed density dependence of phenotypic and genetic correlations implies that indirect selection and the potential for correlated response to selection will depend upon the competitive environment. Thus the differential sensitivity of characters to the R:FR cue can influence the evolution of integrated plastic responses to density.  相似文献   

In an effort to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms that determine the genetic architecture of a species, we have analyzed 17 populations of the microcrustacean Daphnia pulex for levels of genetic variation at the level of life-history characters and molecular markers in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. This species is highly subdivided, with approximately 30% of the variation for nuclear molecular markers and 50% of the variation for mitochondrial markers being distributed among populations. The average level of genetic subdivision for quantitative traits is essentially the same as that for nuclear markers, which superficially suggests that the life-history characters are diverging at the neutral rate. However, the existence of a strong correlation between the levels of population subdivision and broadsense heritabilities of individual traits argues against this interpretation, suggesting instead that the among-population divergence of some quantitative traits (most notably body size) is being driven by local adaptation to different environments. The fact that the mean phenotypes of the individual populations are also strongly correlated with local levels of homozygosity indicates that variation in local inbreeding plays a role in population differentiation. Rather than being a passive consequence of local founder effects, levels of homozygosity may be selected for directly for their effects on the phenotype (adaptive inbreeding depression). There is no relationship between the levels of variation within populations for molecular markers and quantitative characters, and this is explained by the fact that the average standing genetic variation for life-history characters in this species is equivalent to only 33 generations of variation generated by mutation.  相似文献   

Estimating quantitative genetic parameters ideally takes place in natural populations, but relatively few studies have overcome the inherent logistical difficulties. For this reason, no estimates currently exist for the genetic basis of life-history traits in natural populations of large marine vertebrates. And yet such estimates are likely to be important given the exposure of this taxon to changing selection pressures, and the relevance of life-history traits to population productivity. We report such estimates from a long-term (1995–2007) study of lemon sharks ( Negaprion brevirostris ) conducted at Bimini, Bahamas. We obtained these estimates by genetically reconstructing a population pedigree (117 dams, 487 sires, and 1351 offspring) and then using an "animal model" approach to estimate quantitative genetic parameters. We find significant additive genetic (co)variance, and hence moderate heritability, for juvenile length and mass. We also find substantial maternal effects for these traits at age-0, but not age-1, confirming that genotype–phenotype interactions between mother and offspring are strongest at birth; although these effects could not be parsed into their genetic and nongenetic components. Our results suggest that human-imposed selection pressures (e.g., size-selective harvesting) might impose noteworthy evolutionary change even in large marine vertebrates. We therefore use our findings to explain how maternal effects may sometimes promote maladaptive juvenile traits, and how lemon sharks at different nursery sites may show "constrained local adaptation." We also show how single-generation pedigrees, and even simple marker-based regression methods, can provide accurate estimates of quantitative genetic parameters in at least some natural systems.  相似文献   

For plants, light availability is an important environmental factor that varies both within and between populations. Although the existence of sun and shade “ecotypes” is controversial, it is often assumed that trade-offs may exist between performance in sun and in shade. This study therefore investigated variation in reaction norms to light availability within and between two neighboring natural populations of the annual Impatiens capensis, one in full sun and the other in a forest understory. Seedlings were collected randomly from both populations and grown to maturity in a greenhouse under two light conditions: full light and 18% of full light. Selfed full-sib seed families were collected from plants from both populations grown in both parental light environments. To characterize family reaction norms, seedlings from each family were divided into the same two light treatments and individuals were scored for a variety of morphological and life-history traits. The maternal light environment had little impact on progeny reaction norms. However, the two study populations differed both qualitatively and quantitatively in plastic response to light availability (indicated by significant population x environment interactions in mixed-model ANCOVA). Much of this difference was attributable to population differences in light sensitivity of axillary meristem allocation patterns, which produced concurrent differences in reaction norms for a suite of developmentally linked traits. Within each population, different sets of traits displayed significant variation in plasticity (indicated by significant family x environment interactions). Thus, the genetic potential for evolutionary response to selection in heterogeneous light environments may differ dramatically between neighboring plant populations. Between-environment genetic correlations were largely positive in the woods population and positive or nonsignificant in the sun population; there was no evidence for performance trade-offs across environments or sun or shade “specialist” genotypes within either population. There was little evidence that population differences represented adaptive differentiation for sun or shade; rather, the results suggested the hypothesis of differential selection on patterns of meristem allocation caused by population differences in timing of mortality and intensity of competition.  相似文献   

Here we test whether the potential exists for the independent evolution of allocation to male, female, and attractive functions within a flower. We employed half-sib and parent-offspring regression methods in the tristylous plant Lythrum salicaria to determine whether there is additive genetic variation for characters important to male and female reproductive success and whether genetic correlations could constrain the independent evolution of male and female function. Although significance levels were not consistent among morph types or between populations, there were significant narrow-sense heritabilities for several traits including stamen mass, pistil mass, perianth mass, petal length, and calyx length. Traits that might be under strong stabilizing selection to promote specific pollen transfer, such as stamen and style lengths, had little heritable variation. In the majority of cases in which heritable variation was present, there were positive genetic correlations among floral traits. A strong positive genetic correlation appeared between stamen and pistil mass in the short-styled morph from one of the populations studied. This suggests that selection might not be able to act independently on biomass allocation to male and female flower parts. No evidence of negative genetic correlations appeared that would suggest trade-offs and that could augment a selection response towards sexual specialization. The observed positive correlations could be explained if we consider the “functional architecture” that underlies the covariance structure. If there is more covariance generated by pleiotropic loci controlling overall flower size than at loci controlling male versus female allocation, it could result in the observed positive covariance. At the phenotypic level, we did find significant negative partial correlations between male and female traits when flower size was controlled, but these trade-offs were among rather than within morphs.  相似文献   

The presence of heritable variation in traits is a prerequisite for evolution. The great majority of heritability (h2) estimates are performed under laboratory conditions that are characterized by low levels of environmental variability. Very little is known about the effect of environmental variability on the estimation of components of quantitative variation, although theoretical extrapolations from lab studies have been attempted. Here we investigate the effects of environmental heterogeneity on variance component estimation using full-sib families of Gryllus pennsylvanicus split between a homogeneous laboratory environment and a more variable field environment. Although large standard errors prevent demonstration of statistically significant differences among h2 of traits measured in the two environments for all but one trait, the values of h2 are, on average, lower in the variable field environment, with a mean reduction of 19%. Developmental time is an exception, exhibiting high levels of additive variance in the field, leading to a higher value of h2 in the variable environment. Underlying the lower field h2 estimates are greater components of environmental variance as expected, as well as lower components of genetic variance. In this study, there is no evidence that the increase in the environmental component of variance in the field is any more important in the reduction of h2 than is the decrease in the additive genetic component. The implications of the relative changes in the two components of variance are discussed.  相似文献   

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