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P D Kingsley  J Palis 《The Plant cell》1994,6(11):1522-1523

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive human disorder characterized by genomic instability and a predisposition to a wide variety of cancers. The gene mutated in BS, BLM, encodes a protein containing three domains: an N-terminal domain whose function remains elusive, a helicase domain characterized by seven ‘signature’ motifs conserved in a wide range of helicases and a C-terminal extension that can be further divided into two sub-domains: RecQ-Ct and HRDC. The RecQ-Ct domain appears essential because two point-mutations altering highly conserved cysteine residues within this domain have been found in BS patients. We report herein that BLM contains a zinc ion. Modelling studies suggest that four conserved cysteine residues within the RecQ-Ct domain coordinate this zinc ion and subsequent mutagenesis studies further confirm this prediction. Biochemical and biophysical studies show that the ATPase, helicase and DNA binding activities of the mutants are severely modified. Structural analysis of both wild-type and mutant proteins reveal that alteration of cysteine residues does not significantly change the overall conformation. The observed defects in ATPase and helicase activities were inferred to result from a compromise of DNA binding. Our results implicate an important role of this zinc binding domain in both DNA binding and protein conformation. They could be pivotal for understanding the molecular basis of BS disease.  相似文献   

Protein engineering was used previously to convert maltose-binding protein (MBP) into a zinc biosensor. Zn(2+) binding by the engineered MBP was thought to require a large conformational change from "open" to "closed", similar to that observed when maltose is bound by the wild-type protein. We show that although this re-designed MBP molecule binds Zn(2+) with high affinity as previously reported, it does not adopt a closed conformation in solution as assessed by small-angle X-ray scattering. High-resolution crystallographic studies of the engineered Zn(2+)-binding MBP molecule demonstrate that Zn(2+) is coordinated by residues on the N-terminal lobe only, and therefore Zn(2+) binding does not require the protein to adopt a fully closed conformation. Additional crystallographic studies indicate that this unexpected Zn(2+) binding site can also coordinate Cu(2+) and Ni(2+) with only subtle changes in the overall conformation of the protein. This work illustrates that the energetic barrier to domain closure, which normally functions to maintain MBP in an open concentration in the absence of ligand, is not easily overcome by protein design. A comparison to the mechanism of maltose-induced domain rearrangement is discussed.  相似文献   

Structural classification of zinc fingers: survey and summary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

AM2 and BM2 proton channels are attractive antiviral drug targets due to their essential roles during influenza virus replication. Although both AM2 and BM2 are proton-selective ion channels, they share little sequence similarity except for the HXXXW sequence, which suggests that their proton conductance properties might differ. To test this hypothesis, we applied two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiological assays to study the specific conductance, leakage current, channel activation, and inhibition of AM2 and BM2 proton channels. It was found that BM2 channel has a higher specific conductance than AM2 channel at pH 5.5. Unlike AM2 channel, whose proton conductance is asymmetric (from viral exterior to interior), BM2 channel is capable of conducting proton in both directions. Moreover, BM2 requires a more acidic pH for channel activation than AM2, as revealed by its lower pKa values. Finally, both AM2 and BM2 can be inhibited by Cu(II) and Cu(I). Overall, the results from this side-by-side comparison of AM2 and BM2 channels reveal the structure-function relationships of these two viroporins, and such information might be important for the designing of novel ion channels.  相似文献   

One of the functions of MutY from Escherchia coli is removal of adenine mispaired with 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a common lesion in oxidatively damaged DNA. MutY is composed of two domains: the larger N-terminal domain (p26) contains the catalytic properties of the enzyme while the C-terminal domain (p13) affects substrate recognition and enzyme turnover. On the basis of sequence analyses, it has been recently suggested that the C-terminal domain is distantly related to MutT, a dNTPase which hydrolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP [Noll et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 6374-6379]. We have studied the solution structure of the C-terminal domain of MutY by NMR and find striking similarity with the reported solution structure of MutT. Despite low sequence identity between the two proteins, they have similar secondary structure and topology. The C-terminal domain of MutY is composed of two alpha-helices and five beta-strands. The NOESY data indicate that the protein has two beta-sheets. MutT is also a mixed alpha/beta protein with two helices and two beta-sheets composed of five strands. The secondary structure elements are similarly arranged in the two proteins.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase (TR) from Drosophila melanogaster (DmTR) is a member of the glutathione reductase (GR) family of pyridine nucleotide disulfide oxidoreductases and catalyzes the reduction of the redox-active disulfide bond of thioredoxin. DmTR is notable for having high catalytic activity without the presence of a selenocysteine (Sec) residue (which is essential for the mammalian thioredoxin reductases). We report here the X-ray crystal structure of DmTR at 2.4 A resolution (Rwork = 19.8%, Rfree = 24.7%) in which the enzyme was truncated to remove the C-terminal tripeptide sequence Cys-Cys-Ser. We also demonstrate that tetrapeptides equivalent to the oxidized C-terminal active sites of both mouse mitochondrial TR (mTR3) and DmTR are substrates for the truncated forms of both enzymes. This truncated enzyme/peptide substrate system examines the kinetics of the ring-opening step that occurs during the enzymatic cycle of TR. The ring-opening step is 300-500-fold slower when Sec is replaced with Cys in mTR3 when using this system. Conversely, when Cys is replaced with Sec in DmTR, the rate of ring opening is only moderately increased (5-36-fold). Structures of these tetrapeptides were oriented in the active site of both enzymes using oxidized glutathione bound to GR as a template. DmTR has a more open tetrapeptide binding pocket than the mouse enzyme and accommodates the peptide Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser(ox) in a cis conformation that allows for the protonation of the leaving-group Cys by His464', which helps to explain why this TR can function without the need for Sec. In contrast, mTR3 shows a narrower pocket. One possible result of this narrower interface is that the mammalian redox-active tetrapeptide Gly-Cys-Sec-Gly may adopt a trans conformation for a better fit. This places the Sec residue farther away from the protonating histidine residue, but the lower pKa of Sec in comparison to that of Cys eliminates the need for Sec to be protonated.  相似文献   

SWIRM is a conserved domain found in several chromatin-associated proteins. Based on their sequences, the SWIRM family members can be classified into three subfamilies, which are represented by Swi3, LSD1, and Ada2. Here we report the SWIRM structure of human MYb-like, Swirm and Mpn domain-containing protein-1 (MYSM1). The MYSM1 SWIRM structure forms a compact HTH-related fold comprising five alpha-helices, which best resembles the Swi3 SWIRM structure, among the known SWIRM structures. The MYSM1 and Swi3 SWIRM structures are more similar to the LSD1 structure than the Ada2alpha structure. The SWIRM domains of MYSM1 and LSD1 lacked DNA binding activity, while those of Ada2alpha and the human Swi3 counterpart, SMARCC2, bound DNA. The dissimilarity in the DNA-binding ability of the MYSM1 and SMARCC2 SWIRM domains might be due to a couple of amino acid differences in the last helix. These results indicate that the SWIRM family has indeed diverged into three structural subfamilies (Swi3/MYSM1, LSD1, and Ada2 types), and that the Swi3/MYSM1-type subfamily has further diverged into two functionally distinct groups. We also solved the structure of the SANT domain of MYSM1, and demonstrated that it bound DNA with a similar mode to that of the c-Myb DNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the major cause of dementia. Amyloid beta peptide (Abeta), generated by proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), is central to AD pathogenesis. APP can function as a metalloprotein and modulate copper (Cu) transport, presumably via its extracellular Cu-binding domain (CuBD). Cu binding to the CuBD reduces Abeta levels, suggesting that a Cu mimetic may have therapeutic potential. We describe here the atomic structures of apo CuBD from three crystal forms and found they have identical Cu-binding sites despite the different crystal lattices. The structure of Cu(2+)-bound CuBD reveals that the metal ligands are His147, His151, Tyr168 and two water molecules, which are arranged in a square pyramidal geometry. The site resembles a Type 2 non-blue Cu center and is supported by electron paramagnetic resonance and extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies. A previous study suggested that Met170 might be a ligand but we suggest that this residue plays a critical role as an electron donor in CuBDs ability to reduce Cu ions. The structure of Cu(+)-bound CuBD is almost identical to the Cu(2+)-bound structure except for the loss of one of the water ligands. The geometry of the site is unfavorable for Cu(+), thus providing a mechanism by which CuBD could readily transfer Cu ions to other proteins.  相似文献   

The recently identified RNF125 [RING (really interesting new gene) finger protein 125], or TRAC-1 (T-cell RING protein in activation 1), is unique among ubiquitin ligases in being a positive regulator of T-cell activation. In addition, TRAC-1 has been shown to down-modulate HIV replication and to inhibit pathogen-induced cytokine production. However, apart from the presence of an N-terminal C3HC4 (Cys(3)-His-Cys(4)) RING domain, the TRAC-1 protein remains uncharacterized. In the present paper, we report novel interactions and modifications for TRAC-1, and elucidate its domain organization. Specifically, we determine that TRAC-1 associates with membranes and is excluded from the nucleus through myristoylation. Our data are further consistent with a crucial role for the C-terminus in TRAC-1 function. In this region, novel domains were recognized through the identification of three closely related proteins: RNF114, RNF138 and RNF166. TRAC-1 and its relatives were found to contain, apart from the RING domain, a C2HC (Cys(2)-His-Cys)- and two C2H2 (Cys(2)-His(2))-type zinc fingers, as well as a UIM (ubiquitin-interacting motif). The UIM of TRAC-1 binds Lys(48)-linked polyubiquitin chains and is, together with the RING domain, required for auto-ubiquitination. As a consequence of auto-ubiquitination, the half-life of TRAC-1 is shorter than 30 min. The identification of these novel modifications, interactions, domains and relatives significantly widens the contexts for investigating TRAC-1 activity and regulation.  相似文献   

Recent identification of the modular CLS motifs responsible for cyclins A and E localization on centrosomes has revealed a tight linkage between the nuclear and centrosomal cycles. These G1/S cyclins must localize on the centrosome in order for DNA replication to occur in the nucleus, whereas essential DNA replication factors also function on the centrosome to prevent centrosome overduplication. Both events are dependent on the presence of an intact CLS within each cyclin. Here we compare the cyclins A and E CLSs at the structural and functional levels and identify a new cyclin A CLS mutant that disrupts all CLS functions and reduces the affinity of cyclin A for Cdk2. Analysis of interactions of the CLS motif within the cyclin molecules highlights the importance of the cyclin CBOX1 region for Cdk2 binding.Key words: cyclin A, cyclin E, Cdk2, centrosome, CLS, PSTAIRE, DNA synthesis  相似文献   

An N-terminal domain of Clostridium pasteurianum hydrogenase I, encompassing 76 residues out of the 574 composing the full-size enzyme, had previously been overproduced in Escherichia coli and shown to form a stable fold around a [2Fe-2S] cluster. This domain displays only marginal sequence similarity with [2Fe-2S] proteins of known structure, and therefore, two-dimensional 1H NMR has been implemented to elucidate features of the polypeptide fold. Despite the perturbing presence of the paramagnetic [2Fe-2S] cluster, 57 spin systems were detected in the TOCSY spectra, 52 of which were sequentially assigned through NOE connectivities. Several secondary structure elements were identified. The N terminus of the protein consists of two antiparallel beta strands followed by an alpha helix contacting both strands. Two additional antiparallel beta strands, one of them at the C terminus of the sequence, form a four-stranded beta sheet together with the two N-terminal strands. The proton resonances that can be attributed to this beta2alphabeta2 structural motif undergo no paramagnetic perturbations, suggesting that it is distant from the [2Fe-2S] cluster. In plant- and mammalian-type ferredoxins, a very similar structural pattern is found in the part of the protein farthest from the [2Fe-2S] cluster. This indicates that the N-terminal domain of C. pasteurianum hydrogenase folds in a manner very similar to those of plant- and mammalian-type ferredoxins over a significant part (ca. 50%) of its structure. Even in the vicinity of the metal site, where 1H NMR data are blurred by paramagnetic interactions, the N-terminal domains of hydrogenase and mammalian- and plant-type ferredoxins most likely display significant structural similarity, as inferred from local sequence alignments and from previously reported circular dichroism and resonance Raman spectra. These data afford structural information on a kind of [2Fe-2S] cluster-containing domain that occurs in a number of redox enzymes and complexes. In addition, together with previously published sequence alignments, they highlight the widespread distribution of the plant-type ferredoxin fold in bioenergetic systems encompassing anaerobic metabolism, photosynthesis, and aerobic respiratory chains.  相似文献   

Insect flight muscles have been classified as either synchronous or asynchronous based on the coupling between excitation and contraction. In the moth Manduca sexta, the flight muscles are synchronous and do not display stretch activation, which is a property of asynchronous muscles. We annotated the M. sexta genes encoding the major myofibrillar proteins and analyzed their isoform pattern and expression. Comparison with the homologous genes in Drosophila melanogaster indicates both difference and similarities. For proteins such as myosin heavy chain, tropomyosin, and troponin I the availability and number of potential variants generated by alternative spicing is mostly conserved between the two insects. The exon usage associated with flight muscles indicates that some exon sets are similarly used in the two insects, whereas others diverge. For actin the number of individual genes is different and there is no evidence for a flight muscle specific isoform. In contrast for troponin C, the number of genes is similar, as well as the isoform composition in flight muscles despite the different calcium regulation. Both troponin I and tropomyosin can include COOH-terminal hydrophobic extensions similar to tropomyosinH and troponinH found in D. melanogaster and the honeybee respectively.  相似文献   

The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, a member of the phylum Apicomplexa that includes Plasmodium spp., is one of the most widespread parasites and the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. Adhesive complexes composed of microneme proteins (MICs) are secreted onto the parasite surface from intracellular stores and fulfil crucial roles in host-cell recognition, attachment and penetration. Here, we report the high-resolution solution structure of a complex between two crucial MICs, TgMIC6 and TgMIC1. Furthermore, we identify two analogous interaction sites within separate epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) domains of TgMIC6-EGF2 and EGF3-and confirm that both interactions are functional for the recognition of host cell receptor in the parasite, using immunofluorescence and invasion assays. The nature of this new mode of recognition of the EGF domain and its abundance in apicomplexan surface proteins suggest a more generalized means of constructing functional assemblies by using EGF domains with highly specific receptor-binding properties.  相似文献   

TheDNA sequences 5′-d(CGC-AC-GCG)-3′ (HPAC), 5′-d(CGC-AA-GCG)-3′ (HPAA), 5′-d(CGC-TC-GCG)-3′ (HPTC), and 5′-d(CGC-CT-GCG)-3′ (HPCT), were studied by means of nmr spectroscopy. At low DNA concentration and no added salt all four molecules adopt a minihairpin structure, containing three Watson–Crick base pairs and a two-residue loop. The structure of the HPAC hairpin is based on quantitative distance restraints, derived by a full relaxation matrix approach (iterative relaxation matrix approach), together with torsion angles obtained from coupling constant analysis. The loop folding is of the H1-family type, characterized by continuous 3′-5′ stacking of the loop bases on the duplex stem. The structure of the HPAA hairpin is similar to that of HPAC, but is more flexible and has a lower thermodynamic stability (Tm 326 K vs 320 K). According to “weakly” distance-constrained simulations in water on the HPAC minihairpin, the typical H1-family loop folding remains intact during the simulation. However, residue-based R factors of simulated nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy spectra, free molecular dynamics simulations in vacuo, and unusual chemical shift profiles indicate partial destacking of the loop bases at temperatures below the overall melting midpoint. The dynamic nature of the loop bases gives insight into the geometrical tolerances of stacking between bases in H1-family minihairpin loops. The HPTC and HPCT minihairpins, both containing a pyrimidine base at the first position in the loop, adopt a H2-family type folding, in which the first loop base is loosely bound in the minor groove and the second loop base is stacked upon the helix stem. The thermal stability for these two hairpins corresponds to 327–329 K, but depends on local base sequence. Preference for the type of folding depends on a single substitution from a pyrimidine (H2 family) to a purine (H1 family) at the first position of the miniloop and is explained by differences in base stacking energies, steric size, and the number of possible candidates for hydrogen bonds in the minor groove. In view of newly collected data, previous models of the H1-family and H2-family hairpins had to be revised and are now compatible with the reported HPTC and HPAC structures. The structural difference between the refined structure of HPAC and HPTC show that a conversion between H1-family and H2-family hairpins is geometrically possible by a simple pivot point rotation of 270° along two torsion angles, thereby swiveling the first loop base from a stacked position in a H1-family folding toward a position in the minor groove in a H2-family folding. The second loop residue subsequently shifts to the position of the first base in a concerted fashion. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 375–393, 1998  相似文献   

Organophosphorus hydrolase detoxifies a broad range of organophosphate pesticides and the chemical warfare agents (CWAs) sarin and VX. Previously, rational genetic engineering produced OPH variants with 30-fold enhancements in the hydrolysis of CWA and their analogs. One interesting variant (H254R) in which the histidine at position 254 was changed to an arginine showed a 4-fold increase in the hydrolysis of demetonS (VX analog), a 14-fold decrease with paraoxon (an insecticide), and a 183-fold decrease with DFP (sarin analog). The three-dimensional structure of this enzyme at 1.9A resolution with the inhibitor, diethyl 4-methylbenzylphosphonate (EBP), revealed that the inhibitor did not bind at the active site, but bound exclusively into a well-defined surface pocket 12 A away from the active site. This structural feature was accompanied by non-competitive inhibition of paraoxon hydrolysis by EBP with H254R, in contrast to the native enzyme, which showed competitive inhibition. These parallel structure-function characteristics identify a functional, allosteric site on the surface of this enzyme.  相似文献   

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