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Edwards, N., I. Wilcox, O. J. Polo, and C. E. Sullivan.Hypercapnic blood pressure response is greater during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(5): 2142-2146, 1996.We investigatedthe cardiovascular responses to acute hypercapnia during the menstrualcycle. Eleven female subjects with regular menstrual cycles performedhypercapnic rebreathing tests during the follicular and luteal phasesof their menstrual cycles. Ventilatory and cardiovascular variableswere recorded breath by breath. Serum progesterone and estradiol weremeasured on each occasion. Serum progesterone was higher during theluteal [50.4 ± 9.6 (SE) nmol/l] than during thefollicular phase (2.1 ± 0.7 nmol/l;P < 0.001), but serum estradiol didnot differ (follicular phase, 324 ± 101 pmol/l; luteal phase, 162 ± 71 pmol/l; P = 0.61). Thesystolic blood pressure responses during hypercapnia were 2.0 ± 0.3 and 4.0 ± 0.5 mmHg/Torr (1 Torr = 1 mmHg rise inend-tidal PCO2) during the follicularand luteal phases, respectively, of the menstrual cycle(P < 0.01). The diastolic bloodpressure responses were 1.1 ± 0.2 and 2.1 ± 0.3 mmHg/Torrduring the follicular and luteal phases, respectively(P < 0.002). Heart rate responses did not differ during the luteal (1.7 ± 0.3 beats · min1 · Torr1)and follicular phases (1.4 ± 0.3 beats · min1 · Torr1;P = 0.59). These data demonstrate agreater pressor response during the luteal phase of the menstrual cyclethat may be related to higher serum progesterone concentrations.


We have investigated the pituitary and luteal responses to LH-RH and their related changes. 11 normal women were studied during the luteal phase (day +4/+11). Blood samples were collected every 15 min for a basal period of 180 and 120 min after the intravenous administration of 25 micrograms of LH-RH. Progesterone (P) and LH were assayed by radioimmunoassay. Data were analyzed as maximum peak and its percent increase (delta max), integrated secretory area (ISA) and percent increase of ISA (delta A) in respect to basal values for both P and LH. LH-RH elicited a secretory response of both hormones in all cases. ISA of LH was significantly greater after LH-RH administration in respect to basal values (p less than 0.001) and delta max accounted to 475 +/- (SE) 36% of the basal concentration. Luteal responsiveness varied from about 115-130% to more marked increments. ISA of P differed from basal to stimulated conditions (p less than 0.05) and delta max was 166 +/- (SE) 14%. The analysis of temporal relationship between P and LH secretion showed that LH promptly rose after LH-RH, while the enhancement of P plasma levels occurred within 31 +/- 19 min after LH rise. Then P levels reached a plateau, values of which were statistically different from those observed before LH-RH administration. In two cases where luteal function was blunted or absent, in spite of marked increments of LH, P secretion did not occur. These data are consistent with the presence of close relationships between hypothalamic, pituitary and luteal functions and strengthen the contention about the usefulness of LH-RH during luteal phase for the lifespan and maintenance of corpus luteum.  相似文献   

alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) immunoreactivity (IR) was measured in the blood of 22 healthy women with normal ovulatory process in the early and late follicular (near to ovulation) phases and in the early luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Plasma alpha-MSH IR ranged from undetectable values to 81.3 pg/ml, the highest levels being found in the late follicular phase (15.52 +/- 4.16 pg/ml). In contrast, plasma ACTH IR was always detectable (range: 18.5-63.2 pg/ml), but its concentration did not differ significantly between the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle. High-pressure liquid chromatography fractionation of Sep pak C18-purified alpha-MSH IR revealed in all 3 phases the presence of 3 major peaks of alpha-MSH IR, coeluting with desacetyl-alpha-MSH, alpha-MSH and diacetyl-alpha-MSH, respectively. The most abundant peak always coeluted with authentic desacetyl-alpha-MSH, and the ratio between this deacetylated and the other 2 acetylated forms was similar in the 2 follicular phases (1:1.25 and 1:1.16 in the early and late phase, respectively), but significantly different in the luteal phase (1:0.48). The fluctuations in plasma concentration of the above MSH-related peptides suggest that different rates of alpha-MSH acetylation and release take place in the pituitary gland depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

The concentrations of LH, FSH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone in serum were measured daily during the menstrual cycle of 100 normal Chinese women. The cyclic changes in LH, FSH, oestradiol and progesterone were typical of ovulatory cycles in women of other ethnic groups as reported in the literature. The geometric mean of the LH midcycle peak value was 51 X 64 i.u./l, the FSH mid-cycle peak value was 11 X 52 i.u./l, the preovulatory oestradiol peak was 1229 X 12 pmol/l, and the progesterone luteal maximum was 53 X 27 nmol/l. The cyclic changes of prolactin concentrations were irregular: the value at mid-cycle was significantly higher than that at the follicular or luteal phases. A correlation between the length of the cycle and mean concentrations of LH and oestradiol at different stages throughout the cycle was shown.  相似文献   

During a laparoscopy that was performed between Day -6 and Day +9 of the cycle as related to the day of the LH peak (Day 0), the peritoneal fluid of 100 healthy female volunteers of proven fertility was collected and analysed. Peritoneal fluid volume and concentrations of total protein, albumin, alpha 1-, alpha 2-, beta- and gamma-globulins, IgA, IgG, IgM, haptoglobulin, acid-alpha 1-glycoprotein, alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, C3-, C4- and C-reactive protein were determined. The peritoneal fluid volume and the concentrations of most proteins analysed showed an increase during the post-ovulatory phase of the period investigated. The peritoneal fluid:serum ratio of each individual protein showed a significant inverse correlation with its molecular weight. This confirms the assumption that peritoneal fluid is mainly an exudation product, most probably of ovarian origin.  相似文献   

We determined the serum levels of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) in plasma of six healthy, apparently ovulatory women during the mid-follicular and mid-luteal phases of their ovarian cycles; and we evaluated the effect of dexamethasone (1 mg by mouth) on the concentrations of DOC and cortisol in serum at times when plasma progesterone levels were high or low. The serum levels of DOC, unlike those of cortisol, did not vary significantly in single blood samples obtained in the morning (8-10 a.m.) and afternoon (3-5 p.m.); and serum DOC levels in women were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) during the mid-luteal phase than during the mid-follicular phase of the cycle. There were unmistakable diurnal variations in serum levels of cortisol, and cortisol concentrations were reduced to less than 20% of pretreatment levels after the ingestion of 1 mg dexamethasone during the mid-follicular or mid-luteal phase. The serum concentrations of DOC were reduced only to approx 70% of pretreatment levels after dexamethasone ingestion during the follicular phase. The serum levels of DOC did not decline significantly after administration of dexamethasone during the mid-luteal phase, when progesterone levels in serum are high (14-16 ng/ml). Blood samples also were obtained at hourly intervals during the 24 h before and after dexamethasone administration in one woman during the follicular phase and in another woman the during the early luteal phase (progesterone levels = 1-3 ng/ml) of the ovarian cycle. DOC levels (pre-dexamethasone) fluctuated in synchrony with those of cortisol in the woman studied during the follicular phase but not in the woman studied during the early luteal phase of the cycle. In the post-dexamethasone period, plasma cortisol levels were suppressed for at least 24 h in both women whereas DOC levels were decreased only partially. We conclude that plasma DOC is derived from both adrenal secretion and from extraadrenal 21-hydroxylation of progesterone--the latter source of DOC is not affected by dexamethasone suppression of ACTH secretion.  相似文献   

Body temperature and sleep change in association with increased progesterone in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in young women. The mechanism by which progesterone raises body temperature is not known but may involve prostaglandins, inducing a thermoregulatory adjustment similar to that of fever. Prostaglandins also are involved in sleep regulation and potentially could mediate changes in sleep during the menstrual cycle. We investigated the possible role of central prostaglandins in mediating menstrual-associated 24-h temperature and sleep changes by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis with a therapeutic dose of the centrally acting cyclooxygenase inhibitor acetaminophen in the luteal and follicular phases of the menstrual cycle in young women. Body temperature was raised, and nocturnal amplitude was blunted, in the luteal phase compared with the follicular phase. Acetaminophen had no effect on the body temperature profile in either menstrual cycle phase. Prostaglandins, therefore, are unlikely to mediate the upward shift of body temperature in the luteal phase. Sleep changed during the menstrual cycle: on the placebo night in the luteal phase the women had less rapid eye movement sleep and more slow-wave sleep than in the follicular phase. Acetaminophen did not alter sleep architecture or subjective sleep quality. Prostaglandin inhibition with acetaminophen, therefore, had no effect on the increase in body temperature or on sleep in the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle in young women, making it unlikely that central prostaglandin synthesis underlies these luteal events.  相似文献   

Because the ovarian steroid hormones, progesterone and estrogen, have higher blood levels in the luteal (L) than in the follicular (F) phase of the menstrual cycle, and because of their known effects on ventilation and hematopoiesis, we hypothesized that less hypoxemia and less erythropoiesis would occur in the L than the F phase of the cycle after arrival at altitude. We examined erythropoiesis with menstrual cycle phase in 16 women (age 22.6 +/- 0.6 yr). At sea level, 11 of 16 women were studied during both menstrual cycle phases, and, where comparison within women was available, cycle phase did not alter erythropoietin (n = 5), reticulocyte count (n = 10), and red cell volume (n = 9). When all 16 women were taken for 11 days to 4,300-m altitude (barometric pressure = 462 mmHg), paired comparisons within women showed no differences in ovarian hormone concentrations at sea level vs. altitude on menstrual cycle day 3 or 10 for either the F (n = 11) or the L (n = 5) phase groups. Arterial oxygen saturation did not differ between the F and L groups at altitude. There were no differences by cycle phase on day 11 at 4,300 m for erythropoietin [22.9 +/- 4.7 (L) vs. 18.8 +/- 3.4 mU/ml (F)], percent reticulocytes [1.9 +/- 0.1 (L) vs. 2.1 +/- 0.3% (F)], hemoglobin [13.5 +/- 0.3 (L) vs. 13.7 +/- 0.3 g/100 ml (F)], percent hematocrit [40.6 +/- 1.4 (L) vs. 40.7 +/- 1.0% (F)], red cell volume [31.1 +/- 3.6 (L) vs. 33.0 +/- 1.6 ml/kg (F)], and blood ferritin [8.9 +/- 1.7 (L) vs. 10.2 +/- 0.9 microg/l (F)]. Blood level of erythropoietin was related (r = 0.77) to arterial oxygen saturation but not to the levels of progesterone or estradiol. We conclude that erythropoiesis was not altered by menstrual cycle phase during the first days at 4,300-m altitude.  相似文献   

The responses of plasma aldosterone (A) and plasma renin activity (PRA) to orthostatism have been evaluated in 47 women during the follicular and/or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Three postmenopausal women and 51 men were also studied for control. Fourteen cycling women and 11 men were studied on a low sodium diet (20 mEq/day) while the rest of the subjects were on normal sodium intake. In addition, 18 women (including those postmenopausal) and 17 men were studied after intravenous administration of 20 mg frusemide. The response of A to orthostatism in women during luteal phase on normal sodium diet with or without frusemide was much greater than in men or women during follicular phase (p less than 0.01) or menopuase (p less than 0.05). However, no differences between groups could be observed in A response while on a low sodium diet. PRA response was similar during follicular of luteal phase fo the cycle as well as in men either on low or normal sodium intake with or without frusemide.  相似文献   

Daily plasma concentrations of FSH, LH, oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone were compared for 12 cycles with a short luteal phase and 19 cycles with a luteal phase of normal length (i.e. cycles in which the luteal phase lasted 12 or more days). FSH and LH concentrations were suppressed in short luteal-phase cycles in the early follicular phase and the length of the follicular phase was prolonged (median duration, 14.5 days, range 13-21 days: compared with 12 days, range 9-17, in control cycles; P less than 0.025). Preovulatory oestradiol-17 beta values and the mid-cycle concentrations of FSH and LH were similar in both groups. Plasma progesterone values in the luteal phase were similar in both groups over the 2nd to 5th days inclusive after the midcycle LH peak but declined in the short luteal phases thereafter. In short luteal-phase cycles, menstruation occurred in the presence of higher levels of oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone than in cycles of normal length and the rise of gonadotrophin in the late luteal phase of the cycle was delayed. These findings suggest that in cycles with a short luteal phase there is a lack of synchrony between the ovarian and menstrual events.  相似文献   

In Exp. I infusions of prolactin (0.5 mg in 2 ml sterile saline) were repeated every 2 h for 36 h on Days 12-13 of the cycle. In Exp. II infusions of prolactin were administered from Days 17 to 19 (60 h) at 2-h intervals. Control gilts were given 2 ml sterile saline at similar intervals during the same period. Basal prolactin concentrations before initiation of infusions ranged from 1.3 +/- 0.1 to 5.6 +/- 2.2 ng/ml in both experiments. By 5 min after a prolactin infusion, mean plasma prolactin concentration ranged from 74.9 +/- 5.8 to 113.0 +/- 9.5 ng/ml, but then declined to approximately equal to 10 ng/ml just before the next infusion of prolactin. Administration of prolactin during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle of the gilts had no effect on basal levels of progesterone, oestradiol or LH. During the follicular phase there were no differences (P greater than 0.05) between control and prolactin-treated gilt progesterone and LH concentrations, but oestradiol plasma values were decreased (P less than 0.05) on the 2nd and 3rd day of prolactin treatment. Our results would indicate that prolactin does not play a major role in the regulation of the oestrous cycle of the pig.  相似文献   

Pulsatile secretion of progesterone has been observed during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in the rhesus monkey and human. As the luteal phase progresses in each of these species, there is a pattern of decreased frequency and increased amplitude of progesterone pulses. The present study was designed to determine the pattern of progesterone secretion during the late luteal phase (Days 10-16) of the normal ovine estrous cycle. Five unanesthetized ewes, each bearing an indwelling cannula in the utero-ovarian vein, were bled every 15 min from 0800 h on Day 10 through 0800 h on Day 16 of the estrous cycle. With the computer program PULSAR, it was determined that progesterone secretion was episodic, with pulsations observed on all days. Analysis of variance was used to determine differences in frequency, amplitude, and interpeak interval (IPI) of progesterone pulses among ewes and days. The ewes averaged 8.0 +/- 0.63 pulses of progesterone per 24 h. Mean frequency of pulses was not different between days but showed differences between ewes. Mean amplitude of progesterone pulses was 7.0 +/- 0.27 ng/ml, with no differences observed either between days or between ewes. Mean IPI was 197 +/- 7.1 min, and, like frequency, the IPI was not different between days, but varied between ewes. No consistent temporal relationship was found between progesterone pulses and luteinizing hormone (LH), as determined by bioassay and radioimmunoassay, on Day 14 of the cycle in one ewe. The results indicate that progesterone secretion is episodic during the luteal phase of the ovine estrous cycle and is independent of LH pulses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study examined the specific physiological responses of women with primary dysmenorrhea during the severely painful menstrual (days 1-2 of menstruation) and the non-painful follicular phases (days 5-8 after the onset of menstruation). Subjects consisted of 10 severe primary dysmenorrheic (Group P) and 10 non-dysmenorrheic women (Group C) with regular menstrual cycles. However, only 9 out of 10 and 8 out of 10 subjects of Groups P and C participated during the follicular phase. Physiological measures were taken in a resting state for 60 min. In the menstrual phase, the pain ratings and secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) concentrations of Group P were significantly higher than those of Group C, with relatively significant decreases in the leg-skin temperature in the former as well. In addition, the systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) at 45 min after rest in Group P were significantly higher than those found in Group C. These reactions strongly suggest activation of the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary axis (SAM axis) by painful stress. Furthermore, the low-frequency (LF) component of the SBP variability (SBPV) was significantly higher in Group P than Group C, even during the follicular phase. These findings imply that Group P may well have elevated activities of the SAM axis throughout the whole menstrual cycle. As such, it suggests that dysmenorrheic women may be affected by certain stressors other than pain per se and pain-derived emotions throughout the whole menstrual cycle. The findings also indicate that women with dysmenorrhea have more sensitive responses to the SAM system than non-dysmenorrheic women during stress. Moreover, the high-frequency (HF) component of heart rate variability (HRV), or the index for the vagus nerve activity, displayed a consistently higher value in Group P than C. It is postulated that the human body may have responded to pain in an attempt to maintain the homeostatic state by enhancing vagus nerve activity.  相似文献   

Cellular characteristics of nipple aspiration fluid during the menstrual cycle in healthy premenopausal women Fifteen healthy premenopausal female volunteers underwent weekly nipple aspiration of ductal fluid from both breasts during two menstrual cycles to investigate the variability of the cellular profile of the ductal fluid. Ductal fluid was successfully obtained using breast massage and nipple-areolar suction from 247/280 (89%) breasts. 83% of samples available for cytological analysis were cellular and 30% of cellular aspirates contained ductal epithelial cells identified using standard morphological criteria. No significant variation in cell number or cell type was identified during the menstrual cycle. All samples tested had an 'H' score of zero for oestrogen receptor. Seven out of 14 women expressed the proliferation marker Mcm-2 in the cells of at least one of the specimens, with no evidence of a menstrual cycle influence on expression. In conclusion, the cellular profile of breast ductal fluid did not vary consistently during the menstrual cycle, permitting future breast cancer screening studies incorporating serial nipple aspirations to be performed independent of the phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

Study I: Choice reaction times were measured in 12 normally menstruating women using a numerals-keys serial response task with three set sizes (two, four, and eight). Testing was carried out at four successive phases of the menstrual cycle corresponding with different states of neuroendocrine activity. They were, respectively: (i) 2nd day of flow; (ii) 4th day after cessation of flow (preovulation); (iii) 12th day after flow (postovulation); and (iv) 3rd day before next (estimated) flow. No consistent relationship between performance and phase of the cycle could be demonstrated. The only significant effect was an increase in reaction time with increasing set size. The study provides no support for the theory that variations in estrogen and progesterone levels may cause behaviorally relevant changes in central nervous system functioning. Study II: Four women suffering from premenstrual tension were examined thrice weekly on the same task for 4 consecutive weeks. Three hours prior to testing, a blood sample was drawn and assayed for estrogen, progesterone, and gonadotropin (LH). Performance on the serial choice response task bore no consistent relationship to blood levels of any of the three hormones. Performance before ovulation (as determined by peak LH level) did not differ significantly from that after ovulation. These results concur with those of Study I: there was no reliable relationship between hormonal status and performance.  相似文献   

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