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13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to follow the utilization of glucose for the synthesis of carbohydrates in the ectomycorrhizal ascomycete Cenococcum graniforme. The fate of 13C label was analyzed in vivo and in mycelial extracts. The major carbohydrates produced from [1-13C]glucose and [6-13C]glucose were mannitol and trehalose. Mannitol was mainly synthesized via a direct route from glucose. Scrambling of the 13C label was observed to occur in trehalose during glycolysis. From the analysis of the scrambling patterns, it is concluded that the mannitol cycle was operative and that a large part of the carbon of glucose was used to form trehalose after cycling through the mannitol pool. The activities of NAD-mannitol-l-P dehydrogenase (EC and NADP-mannitol dehydrogenase (EC, which participate in the mannitol cycle relative to the activity of glycolytic enzymes, provide evidence that the cycle is important for NADPH production.  相似文献   

Lycopersicon pennellii Corr. (D'Arcy) an insect-resistant, wild tomato possesses high densities of glandular trichomes which exude a mixture of 2,3,4-tri-O-acylated glucose esters that function as a physical impediment and feeding deterrent to small arthropod pests. The acyl moieties are branched C4 and C5 acids, and branched and straight chain C10, C11, and C12 acids. The structure of the branched acyl constituents suggests that the branched chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway participates in their biosynthesis. [14C]Valine and deuterated branched chain amino acids (and their oxo-acid derivatives) were incorporated into branched C4 and C5 acid groups of glucose esters by a process of transamination, oxidative decarboxylation and subsequent acylation. C4 and C5 branched acids were elongated by two carbon units to produce the branched C10-C12 groups. Norvaline, norleucine, allylglycine, and methionine also were processed into acyl moieties and secreted from the trichomes as glucose esters. Changes in the acyl composition of the glucose esters following sulfonylurea herbicide administration support the participation of acetohydroxyacid synthetase and the other enzymes of branched amino acid biosynthesis in the production of glucose esters.  相似文献   

Both concentration and pattern of free amino acids in Tetrahymena pyriformis, as well as utilization, synthesis, and excretion of amino acids, were affected by type of carbohydrate in growth media. With glucose, cell pool concentrations were higher than with dextrin, and alanine and glycine together accounted for an average of 45% of the total pool. These two amino acids accumulated in similar proportions when their synthesis from essential amino acids was a prerequisite, as when they were provided by growth media, but they constituted only 15 to 18% of the free amino acids in cells from media with dextrin. Alanine, glycine, and glutamic acid were excreted into the medium regardless of whether they were provided by starting media; hence, they appear to be end products of the required metabolism of some of the essential amino acids. Both accumulation and excretion of the above non-essential amino acids were nearly twice as extensive in media providing glucose as the only carbohydrate as when the carbohydrate supplied was dextrin or dextrin plus glucose. Thus, the observed differences are not attributable to differences in osmolarity of monosaccharide and polysaccharide media. Free amino acid differences do not appear to be the immediate cause of the different growth-stimulating properties of such carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Accumulating investigations have focused on the severity of central nervous system (CNS) complications in diabetic patients. The effects of the high glucose (HG) probably attribute to the metabolic disturbances in CNS. Astrocytes, with powerful ability of metabolic regulation, play crucial roles in physiological and pathological processes in CNS. Hence, an in-depth analysis as to metabolic alterations of astrocytes exposure to HG would facilitate to explore the underlying pathogenesis. In this study, the 1H NMR-based metabonomic approach was performed to characterize the metabolic variations of intracellular metabolites and corresponding culture media in a time-dependent manner. Our results revealed a significant elevation in lactate production and release. Four amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, methionine and tyrosine, were the most important metabolites for utilization. Also, profound disturbances of several metabolic pathways, including osmoregulation, energy metabolism, and cellular biosynthesis were observed. In that sense, the detailed information of astrocyte metabolism under HG exposure provides us a comprehensive understanding of the intrinsic metabolic disorders in CNS during hyperglycemia or diabetes.  相似文献   

Hexamita sp. is an amitochondriate free-living diplomonad which inhabits O(2)-limited environments, such as the deep waters and sediments of lakes and marine basins. C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals ethanol, lactate, acetate, and alanine as products of glucose fermentation under microaerobic conditions (23 to 34 muM O(2)). Propionic acid and butyric acid were also detected and are believed to be the result of fermentation of alternative substrates. Production of organic acids was greatest under microaerobic conditions (15 muM O(2)) and decreased under anaerobic (<0.25 muM O(2)) and aerobic (200 to 250 muM O(2)) conditions. Microaerobic incubation resulted in the production of high levels of oxidized end products (70% acetate) compared to that produced under anoxic conditions (20% acetate). In addition, data suggest that Hexamita cells contain the arginine dihydrolase pathway, generating energy from the catabolism of arginine to citrulline, ornithine, NH(4), and CO(2). The rate of arginine catabolism was higher under anoxic conditions than under microaerobic conditions. Hexamita cells were able to grow in the absence of a carbohydrate source, albeit with a lower growth rate and yield.  相似文献   

Two strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis were used to determine the influence of lactose and arginine on viability and amino acid use during carbohydrate starvation. Lactose provided energy for logarithmic-phase growth, and amino acids such as arginine provided energy after carbohydrate exhaustion. Survival time, cell numbers, and ATP concentrations increased with the addition of arginine to the basal medium. By the onset of lactose exhaustion, the concentrations of glycine-valine and glutamate had decreased by as much as 67% in L. lactis ML3, whereas the serine concentration increased by 97% during the same period. When no lactose was added, the concentrations of these amino acids remained constant. Similar trends were observed for L. lactis 11454. Without lactose or arginine, L. lactis ML3 was nonculturable on agar but was viable after 2 days, as measured by fluorescent viability stains and intracellular ATP levels. However, L. lactis 11454 without lactose or arginine remained culturable for at least 14 days. These data suggest that lactococci become viable but nonculturable in response to carbohydrate depletion. Additionally, these data indicate that amino acids other than arginine facilitate the survival of L. lactis during carbohydrate starvation.  相似文献   

Decreases in Amino Acid and Acetylcholine Metabolism During Hypoxia   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Abstract: Hypoxia impairs brain function by incompletely defined mechanisms. Mild hypoxia, which impairs memory and judgment, decreases acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis, but not the levels of ATP or the adenylate energy charge. However, the effects of mild hypoxia on the synthesis of the glucosederived amino acids [alanine, aspartate, γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), glutamate, glutamine, and serine] have not been characterized. Thus, we examined the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into these amino acids and ACh during anemic hypoxia (injection of NaNO2), hypoxic hypoxia (15 or 10% O2), and hypoxic hypoxia plus hypercarbia (15 or 10% O2 with 5% CO2). In general, the synthesis of the amino acids and of ACh declined in parallel with each type of hypoxia we studied. For example, anemic hypoxia (75 mg/kg of NaNO2) decreased the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into the amino acids and into ACh similarly. [Percent inhibition: ACh (57.4), alanine (34.4), aspartate (49.2), GABA (61.9). glutamine (59.2), glutamate (51.0), and serine (36.7)]. A comparison of several levels (37.5, 75, 150, 225 mg/kg of NaNO2) of anemic hypoxia showed a parallel decrease in the flux of glucose into ACh and into the amino acids whose synthesis depends on mitochondrial oxidation: GABA (r= 0.98), glutamate (r= 0.99), aspartate (r= 0.96), and glutamine (r= 0.97). The synthesis of the amino acids not dependent on mitochondrial oxidation did not correlate as well with changes in ACh metabolism: serine (r= 0.68) and alanine (r= 0.76). The decreases in glucose incorporation into ACh and into the amino acids with hypoxic hypoxia (15% or 10% O2) or hypoxic hypoxia with 5% CO2 were very similar to those with the two lowest levels of anemic hypoxia. Thus, any explanation of the brain's sensitivity to a decrease in oxygen availability must include the alterations in the metabolism of the amino acid neurotransmitters as well as ACh.  相似文献   

The rate of glucose oxidation was studied by measurement of the 13C concentration in expired air with simultaneous detection of the activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in subjects with obesity and patients with type II diabetes. Intake of small amounts of glucose did not change the rate of glucose oxidation in subjects with obesity as compared to healthy controls. However, intake of large amounts of glucose resulted in a considerable increase in the rate of glucose oxidation without a hypoxic shift. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the rate of glucose oxidation decreased with increasing tissue hypoxia.  相似文献   

Hexamita sp. is an amitochondriate free-living diplomonad which inhabits O2-limited environments, such as the deep waters and sediments of lakes and marine basins. 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals ethanol, lactate, acetate, and alanine as products of glucose fermentation under microaerobic conditions (23 to 34 μM O2). Propionic acid and butyric acid were also detected and are believed to be the result of fermentation of alternative substrates. Production of organic acids was greatest under microaerobic conditions (15 μM O2) and decreased under anaerobic (<0.25 μM O2) and aerobic (200 to 250 μM O2) conditions. Microaerobic incubation resulted in the production of high levels of oxidized end products (70% acetate) compared to that produced under anoxic conditions (20% acetate). In addition, data suggest that Hexamita cells contain the arginine dihydrolase pathway, generating energy from the catabolism of arginine to citrulline, ornithine, NH4+, and CO2. The rate of arginine catabolism was higher under anoxic conditions than under microaerobic conditions. Hexamita cells were able to grow in the absence of a carbohydrate source, albeit with a lower growth rate and yield.  相似文献   

Crustaceans exhibit a remarkable variation in their feeding habits and food type, but most knowledge on carbohydrate digestion and utilization in this group has come from research on few species. The aim of this study was to make an integrative analysis of dietary carbohydrate utilization in the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. We used complementary methodologies such as different assessments of digestibility, activity measurements of digestive and metabolic enzymes, and post-feeding flux of nutrients and metabolites. Several carbohydrates were well digested by the lobster, but maize starch was less digestible than all other starches studied, and its inclusion in diet affected protein digestibility. Most intense hydrolysis of carbohydrates in the gastric chamber of lobster occurred between 2–6 h after ingestion and afterwards free glucose increased in hemolymph. The inclusion of wheat in diet produced a slow clearance of glucose from the gastric fluid and a gradual increase in hemolymph glucose. More intense hydrolysis of protein in the gastric chamber occurred 6–12 h after ingestion and then amino acids tended to increase in hemolymph. Triglyceride concentration in hemolymph rose earlier in wheat-fed lobsters than in lobsters fed other carbohydrates, but it decreased the most 24 h later. Analyses of metabolite levels and activities of different metabolic enzymes revealed that intermolt lobsters had a low capacity to store and use glycogen, although it was slightly higher in wheat-fed lobsters. Lobsters fed maize and rice diets increased amino acid catabolism, while wheat-fed lobsters exhibited higher utilization of fatty acids. Multivariate analysis confirmed that the type of carbohydrate ingested had a profound effect on overall metabolism. Although we found no evidence of a protein-sparing effect of dietary carbohydrate, differences in the kinetics of their digestion and absorption impacted lobster metabolism determining the fate of other nutrients.  相似文献   

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a prediabetic state fueling the rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in adolescents with marked obesity. Given the importance of insulin resistance, the poor β‐cell compensation and the altered fat partitioning as underlying defects associated with this condition, it is crucial to determine the extent to which these underlying abnormalities can be reversed in obese adolescents. We tested, in a pilot study, whether rosiglitazone (ROSI) restores normal glucose tolerance (NGT) in obese adolescents with IGT by improving insulin sensitivity and β‐cell function. In a small randomized, double‐blind, placebo (PLA)‐controlled study, lasting 4 months, 21 obese adolescents with IGT received either ROSI (8 mg daily) (n = 12, 5M/7F, BMI z‐score 2.44 ± 0.11) or PLA (n = 9, 4M/5F, BMI z‐score 2.41 ± 0.09). Before and after treatment, all subjects underwent oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), hyperinsulinemic‐euglycemic clamp, magnetic resonance imaging, and 1H NMR assessment. After ROSI treatment, 58% of the subjects converted to NGT compared to 44% in the PLA group (P = 0.528). Restoration of NGT was associated with a significant increase in insulin sensitivity (P < 0.04) and a doubling in the disposition index (DI) (P < 0.04), whereas in the PLA group, these changes were not significant. The short‐term use of ROSI appears to be safe in obese adolescents with IGT. ROSI restores NGT by increasing peripheral insulin sensitivity and β‐cell function, two principal pathophysiological abnormalities of IGT.  相似文献   

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