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Shallow lakes, the most abundant lake type in the world, are very sensitive to climatic changes. The structure and functioning of shallow lakes are greatly impacted by submerged plants, and these may be affected by climate warming in various, contrasting, ways. Following a space‐for‐time substitution approach, we aimed to analyse the role of aquatic (submerged and free‐floating) plants in shallow lakes under warm climates. We introduced artificial submerged and free‐floating plant beds in five comparable lakes located in the temperate zone (Denmark, 55–57 °N) and in the subtropical zone (Uruguay, 30–35 °S), with the aim to study the structure and dynamics of the main associated communities. Regardless of differences in environmental variables, such as area, water transparency and nutrient status, we found consistent patterns in littoral community dynamics and structure (i.e. densities and composition of fish, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, and periphyton) within, but substantial differences between, the two regions. Subtropical fish communities within the macrophyte beds exhibited higher diversity, higher density, smaller size, lower relative abundance of potentially piscivores, and a preference for submerged plants, compared with otherwise similar temperate lakes. By contrast, macroinvertebrates and cladocerans had higher taxon richness and densities, and periphyton higher biomass, in the temperate lakes. Several indicators suggest that the fish predation pressure was much stronger among the plants in the subtropical lakes. The antipredator behaviour of cladocerans also differed significantly between climate zones. Submerged and free‐floating plants exerted different effects on the spatial distribution of the main communities, the effects differing between the climate zones. In the temperate lakes, submerged plants promoted trophic interactions with potentially positive cascading effects on water transparency, in contrast to the free‐floating plants, and in strong contrast to the findings in the subtropical lakes. The higher impact of fish may result in higher sensitivity of warm lakes to external changes (e.g. increase in nutrient loading or water level changes). The current process of warming, particularly in temperate lakes, may entail an increased sensitivity to eutrophication, and a threat to the high diversity, clear water state.  相似文献   

1. Structural complexity may stabilise predator–prey interactions and affect the outcome of trophic cascades by providing prey refuges. In deep lakes, vulnerable zooplankton move vertically to avoid fish predation. In contrast, submerged plants often provide a diel refuge against fish predation for large‐bodied zooplankton in shallow temperate lakes, with consequences for the whole ecosystem. 2. To test the extent to which macrophytes serve as refuges for zooplankton in temperate and subtropical lakes, we introduced artificial plant beds into the littoral area of five pairs of shallow lakes in Uruguay (30°–35°S) and Denmark (55°–57°N). We used plants of different architecture (submerged and free‐floating) along a gradient of turbidity over which the lakes were paired. 3. We found remarkable differences in the structure (taxon‐richness at the genus level, composition and density) of the zooplankton communities in the littoral area between climate zones. Richer communities of larger‐bodied taxa (frequently including Daphnia spp.) occurred in the temperate lakes, whereas small‐bodied taxa characterised the subtropical lakes. More genera and a higher density of benthic/plant‐associated cladocerans also occurred in the temperate lakes. The density of all crustaceans, except calanoid copepods, was significantly higher in the temperate lakes (c. 5.5‐fold higher). 4. Fish and shrimps (genus Palaemonetes) seemed to exert a stronger predation pressure on zooplankton in the plant beds in the subtropical lakes, while the pelagic invertebrate Chaoborus sp. was slightly more abundant than in the temperate lakes. In contrast, plant‐associated predatory macroinvertebrates were eight times more abundant in the temperate than in the subtropical lakes. 5. The artificial submerged plants hosted significantly more cladocerans than the free‐floating plants, which were particularly avoided in the subtropical lakes. Patterns indicating diel horizontal migration were frequently observed for both overall zooplankton density and individual taxa in the temperate, but not the subtropical, lakes. In contrast, patterns of diel vertical migration prevailed for both the overall zooplankton and for most individual taxa in the subtropics, irrespective of water turbidity. 6. Higher fish predation probably shapes the general structure and dynamics of cladoceran communities in the subtropical lakes. Our results support the hypothesis that horizontal migration is less prevalent in the subtropics than in temperate lakes, and that no predator‐avoidance behaviour effectively counteracts predation pressure in the subtropics. Positive effects of aquatic plants on water transparency, via their acting as a refuge for zooplankton, may be generally weak or rare in warm lakes.  相似文献   

1. Positive effects of fish on algal biomass have variously been attributed to cascading top‐down effects and to nutrient enrichment by fish excretion. 2. Here, we used a combination of field and laboratory approaches to test an additional hypothesis, namely that the physical resuspension of settled algal cells by fish enhances algal biomass and alters community composition. 3. A multi‐lake survey showed that phytoplankton biomass and the fraction of motile algae increased with the concentration of inorganic suspended solids. This correlation could not be explained by wind‐induced resuspension because of the small size of the lakes. 4. In an enclosure experiment, chlorophyll‐a concentration, phytoplankton abundance and inorganic suspended solids increased significantly in the presence of Cyprinus carpio (common carp), but only if the fish had access to the sediment. No such effects were seen when a net prevented carp reaching the sediment. 5. The effects of enhanced nutrients and reduced zooplankton grazing as a result of fish feeding could not (fully) explain these observations, suggesting that the resuspension by carp of settled algae from a surface film on the sediment was the major factor in the outcome of the experiment. 6. An increase in diatoms and green algae (organisms with a relatively large sedimentation velocity) only in enclosures where carp could reach the sediment supported this view. 7. Several lines of evidence indicate that fish‐induced resuspension of algal cells from the sediment is an important mechanism that affects phytoplankton biomass and community composition in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The general model of seasonal phytoplankton succession in temperate lakes suggests that winter phytoplankton growth is minimal under ice-cover. However, some studies have found diverse phytoplankton communities during winter. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the species composition and the changes in the winter phytoplankton community structure under the ice. For 2 consecutive winters, phytoplankton samples were collected under ice-cover at 4 sites on 3 lakes in Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), near Pingree, North Dakota. Ninety taxa were identified and enumerated. Densities of several of these taxa frequently exceeded 106 cells l–1. The winter phytoplankton communities in these lakes were dominated by flagellates, principally cryptomonads, a synurophyte (Synura uvella), small chrysophytes (Chrysococcus spp., Kephyrion spp.) and a dinoflagellate (Peridinium aciculiferum), as well as non-flagellate microchlorophytes (Monoraphidium spp., Ankistrodesmus spp., and Pseudodictyosphaerium sp.), a cyanobacterium (Gloeocapsa aeruginosa) and centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus minutulus, S. parvus and Cyclotella meneghiniana).  相似文献   

It has been suggested that shallow lakes in warm climates have a higher probability of being turbid, rather than macrophyte dominated, compared with lakes in cooler climates, but little field evidence exists to evaluate this hypothesis. We analyzed data from 782 lake years in different climate zones in North America, South America, and Europe. We tested if systematic differences exist in the relationship between the abundance of submerged macrophytes and environmental factors such as lake depth and nutrient levels. In the pooled dataset the proportion of lakes with substantial submerged macrophyte coverage (> 30% of the lake area) decreased in a sigmoidal way with increasing total phosphorus (TP) concentration, falling most steeply between 0.05 and 0.2 mg L−1. Substantial submerged macrophyte coverage was also rare in lakes with total nitrogen (TN) concentrations above 1–2 mg L−1, except for lakes with very low TP concentrations where macrophytes remain abundant until higher TN concentrations. The deviance reduction of logistic regression models predicting macrophyte coverage from nutrients and water depth was generally low, and notably lowest in tropical and subtropical regions (Brazil, Uruguay, and Florida), suggesting that macrophyte coverage was strongly influenced by other factors. The maximum TP concentration allowing substantial submerged macrophyte coverage was clearly higher in cold regions with more frost days. This is in agreement with other studies which found a large influence of ice cover duration on shallow lakes' ecology through partial fish kills that may improve light conditions for submerged macrophytes by cascading effects on periphyton and phytoplankton. Our findings suggest that, in regions where climatic warming is projected to lead to fewer frost days, macrophyte cover will decrease unless the nutrient levels are lowered.  相似文献   

1. Climate warming is expected to change respiration in shallow lakes but to an extent that depends on nutrient state. 2. We measured sediment respiration (SR) over the season in the dark on intact sediment cores taken from a series of flow‐through, heated and unheated, nutrient‐enriched and unenriched mesocosms. The natural seasonal temperature cycle ranged from 2 to 20 °C in the unheated mesocosms. In the heated mesocosms, the temperature was raised 4–6 °C above ambient temperatures, depending on season, following the A2 climate change scenario downscaled to the local position of the mesocosms, but enlarged by 50%. We further measured ecosystem respiration (ER) in the mesocosms based on semi‐continuous oxygen measurements. 3. SR changed over the season and was approximately ten times higher in summer than in winter. SR showed no clear response to warming in the nutrient‐enriched treatment, while it increased with warming in the unenriched mesocosms which also had lower fish densities. 4. ER was not affected by artificial warming or nutrient enrichment, but it was ten times higher in summer than in winter. 5. SR contributed 24–32% to ER. The SR:ER ratio was generally stimulated by warming and was higher in winter than in summer, especially in the nutrient‐enriched mesocosms. 6. Our results indicate that climate warming may lead to higher SR, especially in clear, macrophyte‐dominated systems. Moreover, the contribution of SR to ER will increase with higher temperatures, but decrease as the winters get shorter.  相似文献   



Many freshwater fishes are migrating poleward to more thermally suitable habitats in response to warming climates. In this study, we aimed to identify which freshwater fishes are most sensitive to climatic changes and asked: (i) how fast are lakes warming? (ii) how fast are fishes moving? and (iii) are freshwater fishes tracking climate?


Ontario, Canada.


We assembled a database containing time series data on climate and species occurrence data from 10,732 lakes between 1986 and 2017. We calculated the rate of lake warming and climate velocity for these lakes. Climate velocities were compared with biotic velocities, specifically the rate at which the northernmost extent of each species shifted north.


Lakes in Ontario warmed by 0.2°C decade−1 on average, at a climate velocity of 9.4 km decade−1 between 1986 and 2017. In response, some freshwater fishes have shifted their northern range boundaries with considerable interspecific variation ranging from species moving southwards at a rate of −58.9 km decade−1 to species ranges moving northwards at a rate of 83.6 km decade−1 over the same time period. More freshwater fish species are moving into northern lakes in Ontario than those being lost. Generally, predators are moving their range edges northwards, whereas prey fishes are being lost from northern lakes.

Main Conclusions

The concurrent loss of cooler refugia, combined with antagonistic competitive and predatory interactions with the range expanding species, has resulted in many commercially important predators moving their range edges northwards, whereas prey species have contracted their northern range edge boundaries. Trophic partitioning of range shifts highlights a previously undocumented observation of the loss of freshwater fishes from lower trophic levels in response to climate-driven migrations.  相似文献   

The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

1. For 13 years the response of the plankton and fish community to a decline in external phosphorus loading was studied in eight lakes with a mean depth <5 m. We conducted chi‐square analyses of sign of slope (positive or negative) of bimonthly averages of plankton variables for the eight lakes versus time. For fish, we compared results from two periods, i.e. 1989–1994 versus 1994–2001 as less data were available. 2. Fish community structure tended to respond to the lowered concentration of total phosphorus (TP), although not all changes were significant. While catch per unit effort (multi‐mesh sized gill nets) of cyprinids (especially bream, Abramis brama and roach, Rutilus rutilus) was highest in the first 5‐year period, the quantitative importance particularly of perch (Perca fluviatilis), pike (Esox lucius) and rudd (Scardinius erythropthalmus), a littoral species, increased significantly after 1994. 3. No changes occurred in zooplankton biomass, except for an increase in November and December. Biomass of small cladocerans, however, declined during summer and autumn, and the proportion of Daphnia to cladoceran biomass also increased. Average body weight of Daphnia and that of all cladocerans increased. The proportion of calanoids among copepods decreased in summer and the average body weight of cyclopoids and calanoids decreased during summer and autumn/early winter. 4. Total biovolume of phytoplankton declined significantly in March to June and tended to decline in November and December as well, while no significant changes were observed during summer and autumn. Non‐heterocystous cyanobacteria showed a decreasing trend during summer and autumn, while heterocystous cyanobacteria increased significantly in late summer. An increase in late summer was also evident for cryptophytes and chrysophytes, while diatoms tended to decline during most seasons. 5. We conclude that phytoplankton, and probably also fish, responded rapidly to reduced loading, whereas the effect on zooplankton was less pronounced. However, increases in body weight of cladocerans and the zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratio during summer indicate reduced top‐down control on zooplankton and enhanced grazing on phytoplankton. This conclusion is supported by a tendency for fish biomass to decline and a shift towards greater dominance by piscivores and, thus, an increased likelihood of predator control of zooplanktivorous cyprinids.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to negatively impact many freshwater environments due to reductions in stream‐flow and increases in temperature. These conditions, however, can already be found today in areas experiencing significant drought; current observations of species' responses to droughts can be used to make predictions about their future responses to climate change. Using otolith analysis, we recreated golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) growth chronologies from two temperate lake populations in southeastern Australia over a 15‐year period pre‐ and during a supraseasonal drought. We related interannual growth variation to landscape‐scale changes in temperature and hydrological regimes: fish growth declined as water levels in the lakes dropped during the drought, but this effect was offset by increased growth in warmer years. We hypothesize that golden perch are responding to fluctuations in food availability and intraspecific competition related to water level and to an optimization of physiological growth conditions related to increases in growing season length. Based on our analyses, we made predictions of future growth under a number of climate change scenarios that incorporate forecast deviations in stream‐flows and air temperature. Despite climatic models predicting significant declines in future water availability, fish growth may increase due to a disproportionate lengthening of the growing season. As the two lakes are at the limit of the southerly range of golden perch, our results are consistent with previous findings of climate‐change driven latitudinal range shifts in a poleward direction. We discuss assumptions concerning the constancy of ecological interactions into the future that warrant further study. Our research provides a novel application of biochronological analysis that could be used elsewhere to further our knowledge of species responses to changing environments.  相似文献   

The shallow lakes of Eastern England have been subject to intense anthropogenic pressures including nutrient enrichment and fish stocking. We sought to determine the relationships between fish community structure and other ecosystem characteristics in 28 of these lakes through classification of fish species into piscivorous, zooplanktivorous and benthivorous feeding guilds according to the literature. Canonical correspondence analysis produced clear associations between fish and ecosystem characteristics that generally agreed with other theoretical (e.g. the alternative stable states hypothesis) and empirical studies, but with some important differences. There was a striking lack of relationships between nutrients and other variables, indicating the importance of top-down rather than bottom-up processes as a structuring force in the generally eutrophic study lakes. The presence of submerged (and shoreline) vegetation was associated with a diverse assemblage of apparently co-existing piscivorous (principally pike Esox lucius) and zooplanktivorous species. Perch Perca fluviatilis, a significant predator in other studies, was unimportant and argued to be limited by water quality in the extremely shallow lakes. In contrast, the benthivorous fish guild (principally carp Cyprinus carpio, bream Abramis brama and tench Tinca tinca) essentially represented the inverse of the potential pelagic associations between piscivores/zooplanktivores and vegetation. The introduction of large benthivores to many study lakes could have precipitated a loss of submerged vegetation through direct uprooting during foraging, with the effect of simplifying the fish community being most acute where littoral vegetation was limited by other anthropogenic factors. It is implied that attempts to promote or restore submerged vegetation in these lakes would best target benthivorous species.  相似文献   

Jeppesen  E.  Jensen  J. P.  Kristensen  P.  Søndergaard  M.  Mortensen  E.  Sortkjær  O.  Olrik  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):219-227
In order to evaluate short-term and long-term effects of fish manipulation in shallow, eutrophic lakes, empirical studies on relationships between lake water concentration of total phosphorus (P) and the occurrence of phytoplankton, submerged macrophytes and fish in Danish lakes are combined with results from three whole-lake fish manipulation experiments. After removal of less than 80 per cent of the planktivorous fish stock a short-term trophic cascade was obtained in the nutrient regimes, where large cyanobacteria were not strongly dominant and persistent. In shallow Danish lakes cyanobacteria were the most often dominating phytoplankton class in the P-range between 200 and 1 000μg P l−1. Long-term effects are suggested to be closely related to the ability of the lake to establish a permanent and wide distribution of submerged macrophytes and to create self-perpetuating increases in the ratio of piscivorous to planktivorous fish. The maximum depth at which submerged macrophytes occurred, decreased exponentially with increasing P concentration. Submerged macrophytes were absent in lakes>10 ha and with P levels above 250–300μg P l−1, but still abundant in some lakes<3 ha at 650μg P l−1. Lakes with high cover of submerged macrophytes showed higher transparencies than lakes with low cover aboveca. 50μg P l−1. These results support the alternative stable state hypothesis (clear or turbid water stages). Planktivorous fish>10 cm numerically contributed more than 80 per cent of the total planktivorous and piscivorous fish (>10 cm) in the pelagical of lakes with concentrations above 100μg P l−1. Below this threshold level the proportion of planktivores decreased markedly toca. 50 per cent at 22μg P l−1. The extent of the shift in depth colonization of submerged macrophytes and fish stock composition in the three whole-lake fish manipulations follows closely the predictions from the relationships derived from the empirical study. We conclude that a long-term effect of a reduction in the density of planktivorous fish can be expected only when the external phosphorus loading is reduced to below 0.5–2.0 g m−2 y−1. This loading is equivalent to an in-lake summer concentration below 80–150μg P l−1. Furthermore, fish manipulation as a restoration tool seems most efficient in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

This study analyses the temporal and spatial changes in abundance and distribution of the warm water species round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the western Mediterranean over the last decades in relation to sea water temperature. In the western Mediterranean basin (1950–2003), a significant positive relationship was found between round sardinella landings and temperature anomalies. Along a latitudinal gradient off the Mediterranean Iberian coast (1989–2004), a gradual increase in species abundance was observed from south to north, with a certain time lag going northwards, associated with the increase in sea water temperature. The abundance of round sardinella in the two warmest and southernmost areas was positively and significantly correlated with sea surface temperature registered during the start of gonad maturation the previous year. In addition, the positive relationship established between water temperature and abundance of round sardinella in the coldest and northernmost study area demonstrates that there is a temperature limit for the distribution of this species in the western Mediterranean. In addition, this study analyses round sardinella larvae distribution and abundance in the summers of 2003 and 2004, and conducts a comparison with the situation 20 years ago (summer 1983). Results show a marked increase in larval abundance during the last decades and the present appearance of larvae in the northernmost study areas, where they did not occur 20 years ago. This indicates the successful reproduction of round sardinella in the northern part of the Mediterranean, where the species has expanded, confirming its establishment in the area.  相似文献   

  1. The littoral zone of lakes is used as spawning, shelter, or feeding habitat for many fish species and hence is of key importance for overall lake functioning. Despite this, hardly any studies exist examining the long-term dynamics and response of the littoral fish community, composed mostly of juvenile fish, to environmental change. Here, we study the response of total catch per unit effort (CPUE) and individual species CPUE of such a community to 17 years of oligotrophication and examine whether the species responses can be characterised as synchronous or asynchronous.
  2. We analyse a data set of beach seine catches carried out during morning and twilight, late spring and late summer at three sites in large and deep Lake Constance from 1997 to 2014. Generalised additive mixed models were used to explore changes in CPUE of the overall community and of the most frequently occurring species, and Kendall's W test was applied to examine whether the dynamics of fish species were synchronous or asynchronous.
  3. Species-specific and total CPUE strongly differed between morning and twilight and between spring and summer indicating an important role of behavioural and life cycle adaptations of species for CPUE. In addition, also the CPUE of some species seeking shelter behind larger stones was lower at sites without these.
  4. Total CPUE did not decline suggesting the overall abundance of littoral fish was resilient to declining nutrients. In contrast, fish community composition changed strongly during the study period due to increases in some species (dace, loach, perch) and decreases in others (bream, burbot, chub, ruffe), indicating response diversity of fish to oligotrophication. The type of community dynamics was scale-dependent, whereby significantly synchronous dynamics according to Kendall's W were observed when taking seasonal variability into account. In contrast, significantly asynchronous species dynamics were observed when only the low-frequency variability of species dynamics was considered separately for spring and summer time series.
  5. Resilience of littoral fish total CPUE to oligotrophication might have important consequences for ecosystem dynamics and ecosystem services beyond the littoral zone. As small fish often impose strong predation pressure on zooplankton, their resilience might sustain a high top-down control on zooplankton resulting in a further reduction of zooplankton biomass. This could contribute to delayed food web responses and reduced growth of fish with oligotrophication.

SUMMARY 1. Piscivores (annual stocking of 1000 individuals ha?1 of 0+ pike and a single stocking of 30 kg ha?1 of large 20–30 cm perch) were stocked in seven consecutive years in a shallow eutrophic lake in Denmark. The stocking programme aimed at changing food‐web structure by reducing zooplanktivorous and benthivorous fish, with resultant effects on lower trophic levels and ultimately water quality. 2. The fish community and water quality parameters (Secchi depth, concentrations of total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and suspended solids) were monitored between 1996 and 2000 and relationships were evaluated between predatory fish and potential prey and between zooplanktivorous or benthivorous fish and water quality parameters. In addition, potential consumption of piscivorous fishes was calculated. 3. The density of fish feeding on larger zooplankton or benthos (roach >15 cm, crucian carp >15 cm) declined distinctly during the study period. This effect was attributed to predation by large (>50 cm) pike. Based on scale readings, we cautiously suggest that the stocking of 0+ pike boosted the adult pike population to produce an unexpected impact in later years. Conversely, no direct impact of stocked 0+ pike was detected on 0+ roach. 4. A major decline in the recruitment strength of 0+ roach was observed in 2000. A combination of (i) the indirect effect of large pike preying on adult roach, with negative effect on roach reproduction and (ii) the direct predation effect of 0+ pike and/or 1+ and 2+ perch recruited in the lake, provides the most likely explanation of this phenomenon. 5. A marked increase in Secchi depth in 2000 and declining trends in suspended solids, chlorophyll‐a and total phosphorus concentrations were observed. These changes may also be attributable to changes in the fish community, although the relationships were not straightforward. 6. This 7‐year study indicates that piscivorous fish may be a significant structuring force in shallow eutrophic lakes, suggesting that stocking piscivores can increase predation pressure on cyprinids. However, the general lack of impact of 0+ pike points to the need of refining current stocking practices in several countries across Europe.  相似文献   

Worldwide, there have been few comparative studies on rotifer communities in subtropical lakes. We studied changes in rotifer community structure over 1 year and its relationship to several physicochemical variables in five subtropical shallow lakes in East China, covering a nutrient gradient from mesotrophy to moderate eutrophy. In these lakes, the genera Brachionus, Lecane, and Trichocerca dominated the rotifer species composition, and Polyarthra dolichoptera, Keratella cochlearis, Filinia longiseta, T. pusilla, and Anuraeopsis fissa were the dominant species. With increased nutrient loading, total rotifer abundance and species dominance increased, indicating that rotifer abundance might be a more sensitive indicator of trophic state than species composition. Comparative analyses of the six rotifer community indices calculated in this study and redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that the two slightly eutrophic lakes and the other two moderately eutrophic lakes exhibited a high degree similarity in community structure. This suggests that the trophic state of a lake determines the rotifer community structure. In contrast, in the two moderately eutrophic lakes, the mass ratios of TN:TP and the contents of TP suggested N-limitation and cyanobacteria dominance in phytoplankton communities might be possible. In these lakes TN played a more important role in shaping the rotifer community according to stepwise multiple regression and RDA. RDA analysis also suggested that rotifer species distribution was strongly associated with trophic state and water temperature, with water temperature being the most important factor in determining seasonality.  相似文献   

The loss of submerged macrophytes during eutrophication of shallow lakes is a commonly observed phenomenon. The proximate reason for this decline is a reduction of available light due to increasing phytoplankton and/or epiphyton biomass. Here we argue that the ultimate cause for the transition from a macrophyte-dominated state to a phytoplankton-dominated state is a change in fish community structure. A catastrophic disturbance event (e.g. winterkill) acting selectively on piscivores, cascades down food chains, eventually reducing macrophyte growth through shading by epiphyton, an effect that is reinforced by increasing phytoplankton biomass. The transition back from the phytoplankton to the macrophyte state depends on an increase in piscivore standing stock and a reduction of planktivores. A conceptual model of these mechanisms is presented and supported by literature data and preliminary observations from a field experiment.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lakes in the Boreal Transition Zone (BTZ) in Alberta, Canada are naturally productive systems that provide important breeding and moulting habitat for many waterfowl (Anseriformes). To examine the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors on waterfowl population densities, species richness and community composition, we surveyed 30 shallow lakes and evaluated the relationships among fish communities, lake characteristics and waterfowl in both breeding and moulting habitat. Shallow lakes were either fishless (n = 15), contained only small‐bodied fishes (n = 10) or contained large‐bodied, mostly predatory, fish in addition to small‐bodied fish (n = 5). 2. Environmental factors, including water colour, submerged aquatic vegetation, lake area and potassium, explained 24.3% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities. Fish assemblage contributed independently to a small but significant proportion (13.4%) of the variation, while 13.8% of the explained variation was shared between environmental factors and fish assemblage. In total, 51.5% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities was explained. 3. Overall, 55.5% of the total variation in moulting waterfowl communities was explained. Environment alone [especially total phosphorus, lake area, maximum depth and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] and variation shared by fish and environment similarly accounted for most of the explained variation in moulting waterfowl communities (21.7% and 25.7% respectively), while fish assemblage was only one‐third as important (8.1%). 4. Both breeding and moulting waterfowl densities increased with lake productivity, even in eutrophic and hypereutrophic lakes. Breeding waterfowl density was also twice as great in fishless lakes than in lakes with fish, after accounting for lake area. 5. Certain waterfowl taxa were linked to fishless lakes, especially in the moulting season. Canvasback and moulting ring‐necked ducks were linked to small‐bodied fish lakes, whereas moulting common goldeneye were indicators of large‐bodied fish lakes. Knowledge of fish presence and species composition can therefore help guide conservation and management of waterfowl habitat in western Canada. Our results suggest that management efforts to maintain the most productive waterfowl habitat in the BTZ should focus on smaller, shallow, fishless lakes, particularly given that larger fish‐bearing systems have greater regulatory protection.  相似文献   

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