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The use of molecular markers to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) has the potential to enhance the efficiency of trait selection in plant breeding. The purpose of the present study was to identify additional QTLs for plant height, lodging, and maturity in a soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., population segregating for growth habit. In this study, 153 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and one morphological marker (Dt1) were used to identify QTLs associated with plant height, lodging, and maturity in 111 F2-derived lines from a cross of PI 97100 and Coker 237. The F2-derived lines and two parents were grown at Athens, Ga., and Blackville, S.C., in 1994 and evaluated for phenotypic traits. The genetic linkage map of these 143 loci covered about 1600 cM and converged into 23 linkage groups. Eleven markers remained unlinked. Using interval-mapping analysis for linked markers and single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), loci were tested for association with phenotypic data taken at each location as well as mean values over the two locations. In the combined analysis over locations, the major locus associated with plant height was identified as Dt1 on linkage group (LG) L. The Dt1 locus was also associated with lodging. This locus explained 67.7% of the total variation for plant height, and 56.4% for lodging. In addition, two QTLs for plant height (K007 on LG H and A516b on LG N) and one QTL for lodging (cr517 on LG J) were identified. For maturity, two independent QTLs were identified in intervals between R051 and N100, and between B032 and CpTI, on LG K. These QTLs explained 31.2% and 26.2% of the total variation for maturity, respectively. The same QTLs were identified for all traits at each location. This consistency of QTLs may be related to a few QTLs with large effects conditioning plant height, lodging, and maturity in this population.  相似文献   

Resistance of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] to cyst nematode (SCN) (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe), one of the most destructive pathogens affecting soybean, involves a complex genetic system. The identification of QTLs associated with SCN resistance may contribute to the understanding of such system. The objective of this work was to identify and map QTLs for resistance to SCN Race 14 with the aid of molecular markers. BC3F2:3 and F2:3 populations, both derived from an original cross between resistant cv. Hartwig and the susceptible line BR-92–31983 were screened for resistance to SCN Race 14. Four microsatellite (Satt082, Sat_001, Satt574 and Satt301) and four RAPD markers (OPAA-11795, OPAE-08837, OPR-07548 and OPY-072030) were identified in the BC3F2:3 population using the bulked segregant analysis (BSA) technique. These markers were amplified in 183 F2:3 families and mapped to a locus that accounts for more than 40% of the resistance to SCN Race 14. Selection efficiency based on these markers was similar to that obtained with the conventional method. In the case of the microsalellite markers, which identify homozygous resistant genotypes, the efficiency was even higher. This new QTL has been mapped to the soybean linkage group D2 and, in conjunction with other QTLs already identified for SCN resistance, will certainly contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of resistance of this important disease in soybean. Received: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

 There are both economic and environmental reasons for reducing the use of herbicides for weed control in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] fields. Optimizing crop competitiveness can reduce reliance on chemical weed control. Fast and vigorous early growth and rapid canopy development can be effective in suppressing weed infestation of crop plants. The purposes of this study were to identify and molecularly map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conditioning soybean plant height and canopy width during the early vegetative stages of soybean growth. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage map was created using 142 markers and 116 F2-derived lines from a cross of ‘S100’בTokyo’. The parents and the 116 F2-derived lines were evaluated in the greenhouse and in the field at Athens, Ga., in 1996 and 1997. Combined over environments, Tokyo averaged 41 and 17% taller plants than S100 at the V7 and V10 stages of development. Transgressive segregation was observed among the progeny at both stages. Based on single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), three and four independent RFLP loci were associated with plant height at the V7 and V10 stages, respectively. All three loci detected [on linkage groups (LGs) C2 and F, and unlinked] at the V7 stage were also detected at the V10 stage along with one additional independent locus on LG E. The Tokyo allele contributed to increased plant height at all loci except at the unlinked locus. Three QTLs (on LGs C2, E, and F) were consistent across environments, three (on LGs C2 and F, and unlinked) were consistent across stages of plant development, and two (on LGs C2 and F) were consistent both across environments and stages of plant development. Within each stage of development, there was no interaction among the independent loci, and the respective loci together explained most of the variation in the traits. Three independent RFLP loci were associated with canopy width at the V10 stage, of which one was unique to the trait, while the remaining loci (on LGs C2 and F) were in common with the independent loci for plant height. Canopy width had a strong correlation (r=0.87) with plant height at the V10 stage. However, mature plant height, lodging, or seed weight had no phenotypic or QTL association with early plant height or canopy width. Received: 10 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 July 1998  相似文献   

Allele-specific hybridization markers for soybean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the world’s most important crop plants due to extensive genetic improvements using traditional breeding approaches. Recently, marker-assisted selection has enhanced the ability of traditional breeding programs to improve soybeans. Most methods of assessing molecular markers involve electrophoretic techniques that constrain the ability to perform high-throughput analyses on breeding populations and germplasm. In order to develop a high-capacity system, we have developed allele-specific hybridization (ASH) markers for soybean. As one example, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) locus A519-1 (linkage group B) was converted into an ASH marker by (1) sequencing the pA519 cloned insert, (2) designing locus-specific PCR amplification primers, (3) comparative sequencing of A519-1 amplicons from important soybean ancestors, and (4) designing allele-specific oligonucleotide probes around single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among soybean genotypes. Two SNPs were identified within approximately 400 bp of the sequence. Allele-specific probes generated a 100-fold greater signal to target amplicons than to targets that differed by only a single nucleotide. The A519-1 ASH marker is shown to cosegregate with the A519-1 RFLP locus. In order to determine ASH usefulness, we genotyped 570 soybean lines from the Pioneer Hi-Bred soybean improvement using both A519-1 SNPs. Combined haplotype diversity (D) was 0.43 in this adapted germplasm set. These results demonstrate that ASH markers can allow for high-throughput screening of germplasm and breeding populations, greatly enhancing breeders’ capabilities to do marker-assisted selection. Received: 10 August 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1998  相似文献   

 Selection for high specific leaf weight (SLW) in soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] may increase apparent photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area (AP), which in turn may improve seed yield. In general, the SLW and leaf size are negatively correlated in soybean. To maximize total photosynthetic performance, and perhaps the seed yield, of a soybean cultivar, it would be necessary to establish a large leaf area rapidly while maintaining a high SLW. The objective of the present study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conditioning SLW and leaf size in soybean. One hundred and twenty F4-derived lines from a ‘Young’×PI416937 population were evaluated using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The genetic map consisted of 155 loci on 33 linkage groups (LGs) covering 973 cM of map distance. The phenotypic data were collected from two different environments – a greenhouse at Athens, Ga. and a field site at Windblow, N.C. The SLW and leaf-size measurements were made on leaves from the 8th and 9th node of soybean plants at the V12 stage of development. Combined over environments, six putative independent RFLP markers were associated with SLW, and four of these loci were consistent across environments. Individually, the six markers each explained between 8 and 18% of the phenotypic variation among lines for SLW. The Young alleles contributed to a greater SLW at four of the six independent marker loci, and transgressive segregation occurred among the progeny for SLW. Three putative independent RFLP markers were associated with leaf size, each explaining between 6 to 11% of the phenotypic variation in the trait, and one of these markers was identified in both environments. There was no correlation between SLW and leaf size in this population. Similarly, none of the six QTLs conditioning SLW were linked to any of the three QTLs for leaf size. In this soybean population, it is possible to select for progeny lines with greater SLW than either parent perhaps without affecting the leaf size. It is feasible to pyramid all of the desirable alleles for greater SLW and large leaf size in a single genetic background. Received: 16 August 1997 / Accepted: 20 October 1997  相似文献   

An experimental test is described for linkages between RFLP markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL). Two hundred and eighty-four F7-derived recombinant inbred lines (RIL) obtained from crossing the soybean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merr.) Minsoy and Noir 1 were evaluated for maturity, plant height, lodging, and seed yield. RIL exhibiting an extreme phenotype for each trait (earliest and latest plants for maturity, etc.) were selected, and two bulked DNA samples were prepared for each trait. A Southern transfer of the digested bulked DNA was hybridized with restriction fragement length polymorphism (RFLP) probes, and linkages with QTL were established by quantitating the amount of radioactive probe that bound to fragments defining alternative parental RFLP alleles. When an RFLP marker was linked to a QTL, one parental allele predominated in the bulked DNA from a particular phenotype; the other allele was associated with the opposite phenotype. When linkage was absent, radioactivity was associated equally with both alleles for a given phenotype (or with both phenotypes for a given allele). These results confirmed RFLP-QTL associations previously discovered by interval mapping on a smaller segregating population from the same cross. New linkages to QTL were also verified.  相似文献   

 Resistance loci for seedling-stage resistance to net blotch disease (Drechslera teres) in barley were mapped with molecular markers in an F2 population derived from a cross between the susceptible barley cultivar ‘Arena’ and the resistant Ethiopian landrace ‘Hor 9088’. Disease reactions were scored with first and second leaves of 2-week-old plants 7 and 9 days after inoculation with a single spore-derived isolate. For linkage analysis, 22 RFLP markers and 284 AFLP markers were used. The seven linkage groups covered 1153.3 cM with an average marker interval of 3.76 cM. The resistance was determined to be inherited in a quantitative manner. Altogether, 12 QTLs were mapped with positions depending on the leaf used for testing and the time period after infection. Heritability in the broad sense ranged between 0.21 and 0.37. Received: 26 May 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1998  相似文献   

 A common problem in mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) is that marker data are often incomplete. This includes missing data, dominant markers, and partially informative markers, arising in outbred populations. Here we briefly present an iteratively re-weighted least square method (IRWLS) to incorporate dominant and missing markers for mapping QTLs in four-way crosses under a heterogeneous variance model. The algorithm uses information from all markers in a linkage group to infer the QTL genotype. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that with half dominant markers, QTL detection is almost as efficient as with all co-dominant markers. However, the precision of the estimated QTL parameters generally decreases as more markers become missing or dominant. Notable differences are observed on the standard deviation of the estimated QTL position for varying levels of marker information content. The method is relatively simple so that more complex models including multiple QTLs or fixed effects can be fitted. Finally, the method can be readily extended to QTL mapping in full-sib families. Received: 16 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were mapped in segregating progeny from a cross between two soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars: Minsoy (PI 27.890) and Noir 1 (PI 290.136). The 15 traits analyzed included reproductive, morphological, and seed traits, seed yield and carbon isotope discrimination ratios (13C/12C). Genetic variation was detected for all of the traits, and transgressive segregation was a common phenomenon. One hundred and thirty-two linked genetic markers and 24 additional unlinked markers were used to locate QTL by interval mapping and one-way analysis of variance, respectively. Quantitative trait loci controlling 11 of the 15 traits studied were localized to intervals in 6 linkage groups. Quantitative trait loci for developmental and morphological traits (R1, R5, R8, plant height, canopy height, leaf area, etc.) tended to be clustered in three intervals, two of which were also associated with seed yield. Quantitative trait loci for seed oil were separated from all the other QTL. Major QTL for maturity and plant height were linked to RFLP markers R79 (31% variation) and G173 (53% variation). Quantitative trait loci associated with unlinked markers included possible loci for seed protein and weight. Linkage between QTL is discussed in relation to the heritability and genetic correlation of the traits.  相似文献   

 In soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] heterosis has been reported for seed yield. Molecular markers may be useful to select diverse parents for the expression of heterosis and yield improvement. The objective of this study was to determine if molecular markers could be used to predict yield heterosis in soybean. From each Maturity Group (MG) II and III, 21 genotypes were selected on the basis of high yield (HY), different geographic origin (GO), and isozyme loci (ISO) and for diversity in restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), and crosses were made within MGs and selection criteria groups to obtain 6 F1 hybrids per group. The 21 parents and the 24 F1 hybrids of each MG were evaluated for yield in replicated tests at two locations in 2 years, and midparent heterosis (MPH) and high-parent heterosis (HPH) estimates were calculated. On the basis of hybrid performance during the first year, 12 parents (3 per selection criteria group) were chosen in each MG to conduct a second RFLP analysis using 129 probes. Genetic distances (GDM) for pairs of the 12 genotypes were calculated with this RFLP information and correlated with MPH and HPH estimates. Significant MPH averages for seed yield were observed in the combined analysis of variance in each of the four selection criteria groups of MG II, and in the HY, ISO, and GO of MG III. Significant HPH averages were observed only in the ISO and GO groups of MG II. The greatest frequency of F1 hybrids with significant MPH was observed in the ISO and GO groups of both MGs. For HPH, the greatest frequency was observed in the ISO group of both MGs. In both MGs, the ISO group had the largest absolute MPH value; the RFLP group had generally the smallest. The observations indicated that the expression of heterosis in seed yield might be associated with diversity in the isozyme loci present in the parents. For the genotypes included in the second RFLP analysis, correlations of GDMs with MPH and HPH values on an entry-mean basis were low and not significant, indicating that heterosis in yield may not be associated with genetic diversity at the molecular level as determined by RFLPs. The results suggest that in soybean, parent selection on the basis of RFLPs and isozyme loci to exploit heterosis in seed yield may not be feasible. There was no association between genetic distance estimated by the RFLP analysis and seed yield heterosis, and in spite of the observed relationship between isozyme loci and heterosis for yield, the practicality of using the isozyme markers to select parents may be limited because of the reduced number of assayable isozyme loci in soybean. Received: 8 March 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

Norin-PL8 is a cold-tolerant variety of rice (Oryza sativa L.) that was developed by introgressing chromosomal segments from a cold-tolerant javanica variety, Silewah. We previously detected quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for cold tolerance of Norin-PL8 in the introgressions on chromosomes 3 and 4. We provide fine mapping of the QTLs on chromosome 4 and the association between the QTLs and anther length, which has been reported to be a major component of cold tolerance. Interval mapping using a segregating population derived from an advanced backcross progeny indicated that a QTL for cold tolerance is probably located from the center to the proximal end of the introgression. For fine mapping, we developed a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) from recombinants in the segregating population. Comparison of cold tolerance between the NILs indicated that either the proximal end or the center of the introgression is necessary for cold tolerance. From these results, we concluded that there are at least two QTLs for cold tolerance, tentatively designated as Ctb-1 and Ctb-2, in the introgression on chromosome 4. The map distance between Ctb-1 and Ctb-2 is estimated to be 4.7–17.2 cM. In order to investigate the mechanism underlying cold tolerance by the QTLs, we compared anther lengths of the NILs. The results indicate that both Ctb-1 and Ctb-2 are associated with anther length. Received: 17 July 2000 / Accepted: 1 February 2001  相似文献   

Sucrose is a primary constituent of soybean (Glycine max) seed; however, little information concerning the inheritance of seed sucrose in soybean is available. The objective of this research was to use molecular markers to identify genomic regions significantly associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling sucrose content in a segregating F2 population. DNA samples from 149 F2 individuals were analyzed with 178 polymorphic genetic markers, including RFLPs, SSRs, and RAPDs. Sucrose content was measured on seed harvested from each of 149 F2:3 lines from replicated field experiments in 1993 and 1995. Seventeen marker loci, mapping to seven different genomic regions, were significantly associated with sucrose variation at P<0.01. Individually, these markers explained from 6.1% to 12.4% of the total phenotypic variation for sucrose content in this population. In a combined analysis these genomic regions; explained 53% of total variation for sucrose content. No significant evidence of epistasis among QTLs was observed. Comparison of our QTL mapping results for sucrose content and those previously reported for protein and oil content (the other major seed constituents in soybean), suggests that seed quality traits are inherited as clusters of linked loci or that `major' QTLs with pleiotropic effects may control all three traits. Of the seven genomic regions having significant effects on sucrose content, three were associated with significant variation for protein content and three were significantly associated with oil content.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting fall and spring cold-hardiness were identified in a three-generation outbred pedigree of coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga meniziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii]. Eleven QTLs controlling fall cold-hardiness were detected on four linkage groups, and 15 QTLs controlling spring cold-hardiness were detected on four linkage groups. Only one linkage group contained QTLs for both spring and fall cold-hardiness, and these QTLs tended to map in close proximity to one another. Several QTLs were associated with hardiness in all three shoot tissues assayed in the spring, supporting previous reports that there is synchronization of plant tissues during de-acclimatization. For fall cold-hardiness, co-location of QTLs was not observed for the different tissues assayed, which is consistent with previous reports of less synchronization of hardening in the fall. In several cases, QTLs for spring or fall cold-hardiness mapped to the same location as QTLs controlling spring bud flush. QTL estimations, relative magnitudes of heritabilities, and genetic correlations based on clonal data in this single full-sib family, supports conclusions about the genetic control and relationships among cold-hardiness traits observed in population samples of Douglas-fir in previous studies. Received: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

A segregating population of F1-derived doubled haploid (DH) lines of Brassica oleracea was used to detect and locate QTLs controlling 27 morphological and developmental traits, including leaf, flowering, axillary bud and stem characters. The population resulted from a cross between two very different B. oleracea crop types, an annual cauliflower and a biennial Brussels sprout. A principal component analysis (PCA), based on line means, allowed all the traits to be grouped into distinct categories according to the first five Principal Components. These were: leaf traits (PC1), flowering traits (PC2), axillary bud traits (PC3 and 5) and stem traits (PC4). Between zero and four putative QTL were located per trait, which individually explained between 6% and 43% of the additive genetic variation, using the multiple-marker regression approach to QTL mapping. For lamina width, bare petiole length and stem length two QTL with opposite effects were detected on the same linkage groups. Intra- and inter-specific comparative mapping using RFLP markers identified a QTL on linkage group O8 accounting for variation in vernalisation, which is probably synonymous with a QTL detected on linkage group N19 of Brassica napus. In addition, a QTL for petiole length detected on O3 of this study appeared to be homologous to a QTL detected on another B. oleracea genetic map (Camargo et al. 1995). Received: 28 March 2001 / Accepted: 25 June 2001  相似文献   

Seed quality QTLs identified in a molecular map of early maturing soybean   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
This study identified QTLs influencing seed quality characters in a cross of two early maturing soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cultivars (Ma.Belle and Proto) adapted to the short growing seasons of Central Europe. A molecular linkage map was constructed by using 113 SSR, 6 RAPD and 1 RFLP markers segregating in 82 individuals of an F2 population. The map consists of 23 linkage groups and corresponds wellto previously published soybean maps. Using phenotypic data of the F2-derived lines grown in five environments, four markers for protein content, three for oil content and eight for seed weight were identified. Four from fifteen seed quality QTL-regions identified in the present study were also found by other authors. Markers associated with seed weight QTLs were consistent across all environments and proved to have effects large enough to be useful in a marker-assisted breeding program, whereas protein and oil QTLs showed environmental interactions. Received: 9 October 2000 / Accepted: 26 February 2001  相似文献   

QTL analysis for resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was performed in an intraspecific Capsicum annuum population. A total of 180 F3 families were derived from a cross between the susceptible bell-type cultivar Maor and the resistant small-fruited Indian line Perennial and inoculated with CMV in three experiments carried out in the USA and Israel using two virus isolates. Mostly RFLP and AFLP markers were used to construct the genetic map, and interval analysis was used for QTL detection. Four QTL were significantly associated with resistance to CMV. Two digenic interactions involving markers with and without an individual effect on CMV resistance were also detected. The QTL controlling the largest percentage (16–33%) of the observed phenotypic variation (cmv11.1) was detected in all three experiments and was also involved in one of the digenic interactions. This QTL is linked to the L locus that confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), confirming earlier anecdotal observations of an association between resistance to CMV and susceptibility to TMV in Perennial. An advanced backcross breeding line from an unrelated population, 3990, selected for resistance to CMV was analyzed for markers covering the genome, allowing the identification of genomic regions introgressed from Perennial. Four of these introgressions included regions associated with QTL for CMV resistance. Markers in two genomic regions that were identified as linked to QTL for CMV resistance were also linked to QTL for fruit weight, confirming additional breeding observations of an association between resistance to CMV originating from Perennial and small fruit weight. Received: 17 July 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

Resistance to the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is difficult to evaluate in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] breeding. PI 437.654 has resistance to more SCN race isolates than any other known soybean. We screened 298 F67 recombinant-inbred lines from a cross between PI 437.654 and BSR101 for SCN race-3 resistance, genetically mapped 355 RFLP markers and the I locus, and tested these markers for association with resistance loci. The Rhg 4 resistance locus was within 1 cM of the I locus on linkage group A. Two additional QTLs associated with SCN resistance were located within 3cM of markers on groups G and M. These two loci were not independent because 91 of 96 lines that had a resistant-parent marker type on group G also had a resistant-parent marker type on group M. Rhg 4 and the QTL on G showed a significant interaction by together providing complete resistance to SCN race-3. Individually, the QTL on G had greater effect on resistance than did Rhg 4, but neither locus alone provided a degree of resistance much different from the susceptible parent. The nearest markers to the mapped QTLs on groups A and G had allele frequencies from the resistant parent indicating 52 resistant lines in this population, a number not significantly different from the 55 resistant lines found. Therefore, no QTLs from PI 437.654 other than those mapped here are expected to be required for resistance to SCN race-3. All 50 lines that had the PI 437.654 marker type at the nearest marker to each of the QTLs on groups A and G were resistant to SCN race-3. We believe markers near to these QTLs can be used effectively to select for SCN race-3 resistance, thereby improving the ability to breed SCN-resistant soybean varieties.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism and isoenzyme markers were used to investigate quantitative trait loci involved in sunflower resistance to mycelial extension of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on leaves and capitula. Seed weight, oil content and flowering data were also evaluated. Four quantitative trait loci were demonstrated for leaf resistance and two for capitulum resistance. One of these zones appears involved in resistance to both types of S. sclerotiorum attack while the others appear specific for resistance of one part of the plant. Two quantitative trait loci were detected for seed weight, three for oil content and three for flowering date. Individual quantitative trait loci explained 9% to 48% of the phenotypic variability, confirming the polygenic basis of the quantitative traits studied. Overall, the quantitative trait loci explain 60% of the genetic variation for leaf resistance and 38% for capitulum resistance to S. sclerotiorum. One linkage group is particularly interesting since it includes quantitative trait loci for all the five quantitative traits measured. Hypotheses for linkage versus pleiotropy and consequences of all the results in resistance breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

 In tomato, Bulked Segregant Analysis was used to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to a quantitative trait locus (QTL) involved in the resistance to the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus. F4 lines were distributed into two pools, each consisting of the most resistant and of the most susceptible individuals, respectively. Both pools were screened using 600 random primers. Four RAPD markers were found to be linked to a QTL responsible for up to 27.7% of the resistance. These markers, localized in the same linkage group within a distance of 17.3 cM, were mapped to chromosome 6 on the tomato RFLP map. Received: 21 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

 Soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., genotypes are known to differ in chlorimuron ethyl sensitivity (CS). Earlier we have reported two putatively independent marker loci linked to two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling CS in a soybean population derived from a cross of PI97100 (sensitive to chlorimuron ethyl) and ‘Coker 237’ (tolerant to chlorimuron ethyl). The objective of the present study was to quantify the association of the two marker loci with seed yield and related traits in this soybean population following application of chlorimuron ethyl. Phenotypic data were collected for 111 F2-derived lines of the cross grown in replicated plots at Athens, G.A., in 1994 and 1995, and at Blackville, S.C., in 1995. The two CS marker loci explained as much as 50% of the genetic variation in seed yield and seed number m-2, but had no association with seed weight, plant height, lodging, seed protein, and seed oil. There were no epistatic interactions between the two marker loci for any of the traits. The marker locus (cr168-1 on USDA linkage group E) linked to the major CS QTL explained between 13 and 23% of the variation in seed yield. The Coker 237 allele at this locus was associated with decreased CS and increased seed yield. The marker locus (Blt015-2 on an unknown linkage group) linked to the minor CS QTL accounted for a maximum of 11% of the variation in seed yield. The Coker 237 allele at this locus was associated with an increase in CS and a decrease in seed yield. The association of the two marker loci with seed number m-2 strongly resembled their association with seed yield. Seed yield had a strong positive correlation (r=0.74 – 0.94) with seed number m-2, and the effect of chlorimuron ethyl on seed yield was due mainly to its effect on seed number m-2 rather than seed weight. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 28 February 1997  相似文献   

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