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Tethered walking imagines of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor wave their heads in random fashion. If a periodic pattern of vertical black and white stripes is rotated around the animal a regular nystagmic head movement is superimposed upon the random waving, the frequency of the latter equals the contrast frequency within large ranges of the angular velocity of the pattern. The nystagmus is inverted: After a short period of tracking, during which the angular velocity of the head is the same as that of the panorama, the head returns slowly toward its normal position according to an exponential-like function. Resting animals do not wave their heads. However, if the above panorama is rotated, the beetle turns its head in the direction of the movement of the panorama and holds it in a side-way position, as long as the rotation is maintained. The angular position reached depends in the same manner on the angular velocity of the panorama as the turning tendency of walking animals established in open loop experiments using the spherical Y-maze method.  相似文献   

Cuticular colour in the mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) is a quantitative trait, varying from tan to black. Population level variation in cuticular colour has been linked to pathogen resistance in this species and in several other insects: darker individuals are more resistant to pathogens. Given that cuticular colour has a heritable component, we have taken an experimental evolution approach: we selected 10 lines for black and 10 lines for tan adult cuticular phenotypes over at least six generations and measured the correlated responses to selection in a range of immune effector systems. Our results show that two immune parameters related to resistance (haemocyte density and pre-immune challenge activity of phenoloxidase (PO)) were significantly higher in selection lines of black beetles compared to tan lines. This may help to explain increased resistance to pathogens in darker individuals. Cuticular colour is dependent upon melanin production, which requires the enzyme PO that is present in its inactive form inside haemocytes. Thus, the observed correlated response to selection upon cuticular colour and immune variables probably results from these traits' shared dependence on melanin production.  相似文献   

The visual fixation response of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor, elicited by black stripes upon a bright background is studied in an arena and by means of the Y-maze technique. In the arena the distribution n() of the beetle's angular position is measured at different distances from the centre, which is also the starting point. If the black stripe is narrow, the maximum of n() coincides with the centre of the stripe (centre-fixation Figure 1a). If one half of the panorama is black, the distribution n() has two maxima, which are near the borders between the black and white regions (edge-fixation Figure 1b). In the Y-maze experiments the beetle is tethered, but its head is free to move. The black stripes elicit turning tendencies F(), the strength of which depends upon the angular distance between the centre of the stripe and the animal's body axis. If the black stripe is narrow, the stable zero crossing of F() lies at =0, in agreement with the centre fixation in the arena (Fig. 3). If the stripe is 180° wide, two stable zero crossings are obtained near the border lines between the black and white regions, provided that the panorama is rotated around the animal with an angular velocity w larger than about 0.08°/s (Fig. 4). Below this value of w only one stable zero crossing at =0 exists (Fig. 6). Thus the tethered beetle's response underlies a transition between centre resp. edge fixation at a critical angular velocity of the drum. Some implications of this surprising phenomenon with respect to the mechanism of fixation and negative phototaxis are discussed but at present it is considered primarily a challenge for further investigation.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   


Two neuropeptides (NPs), hydra head activator (HHA), and the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), were used to study their effects on the development of the larvae of the grain beetle Tenebrio molitor (mealworms). The larvae received the NPs in the course of development at the beginning or at the end of instar. The LHRH given at the beginning of the instar stimulated molting and pupation in larvae; it did not affect molting in the late period of the instar. The C-end fragment of LHRH(9–10) produced fewer molts and increased the duration of the instar period. The effect of this fragment was weak when it was injected at the initial period of the instar; it was considerably stronger in the end of the instar. It inhibited development when administered during the last instar. On the contrary, the N-end fragment of the LHRH(1–2) stimulated growth and development of larvae. The action of these NPs can be connected to the function of the hormones of metamorphosis. The HHA administrated to the larvae at different days of the instar stimulated molting but in the last instar it delayed pupation. The C-end of the HHA(7–11) stimulated molting when injected during the whole period of the instar. The other C-end fragments, the HHA(8–11) and HHA(9–11) had inhibitory effects on the molting. The injection of the N-end fragment of the HHA(1–5) had no effect. The action of HHA and its fragments did not correlate with the function of the hormones of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The level of antioxidant protection and lipid peroxidation (LP) intensity in the darkling beetle Tenebrio molitor on different developmental stages were assessed. Each stage was shown to be characterized by its own peculiarities of prooxidant-antioxidant balance. Thus, maximal intensity of oxidative processes estimated by LP intermediate product (diene conjugates and ketodiens) accumulation is attributable to pupae, and minimal intensity--to the 3rd-5th instar larvae. Superoxide dismutase activity increases gradually during the life cycle. A decline in catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities occurred on the stage of pupae. CAT activity in imago was equal to the larva values, and GR activity in imago even exceeded the larva values. At the same time GR activity in T. molitor was detected only at 37 degrees C under our experimental conditions. No statistically significant changes in glutathione reduced content were observed in the insects during the life cycle.  相似文献   

黄粉虫幼虫体壁硬化过程中酚氧化酶活性的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为研究酚氧化酶(PO)在昆虫蜕皮过程中的功能和作用, 采用微量测定法研究了黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor体壁硬化过程中血淋巴和表皮中的PO活性变化。结果表明:初蜕皮幼虫血淋巴中PO活性较高, 但随着体壁的不断黑化与硬化, 其活性呈现下降趋势, 在3~4 h内达到最低点, 而后PO活性逐渐上升, 7 h左右活性上升至最高, 并接近于正常幼虫的水平;在刚蜕完皮后的1 h内, 体壁中 PO活性基本无变化, 但随后即开始下降, 3 h左右降到最低点, 然后开始回升, 6~7 h左右恢复到正常水平, 并趋于稳定;以L-DOPA为底物, 通过双倒数曲线作图法求得黄粉虫血淋巴PO的Km=1.176 mmol/L, 体壁PO的Km=0.881 mmol/L, 表明体壁PO与底物L-DOPA的亲和力要高于血淋巴PO。研究表明两种来源的酚氧化酶均参与了黄粉虫幼虫的体壁硬化过程, 但在作用方式及与底物的亲和力方面存在差异。  相似文献   

Biological activities of crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP; PFCNAFTGCa) and leucomyosuppressin (Lem-MS; pQDVDHVFLRFa) were studied in heterologous bioassays in the larvae and adults of Tenebrio molitor. CCAP exerted a reversible and dose-dependent cardio-stimulatory effect on the semi-isolated heart of the experimental beetles at a concentration of >10(-7) M and induced an effect similar to the endogenic cardio-stimulatory peptide, proctolin. Injections of CCAP (10(-9)-10(-3) M) into 4-day-old adult reproductive females increased the concentration of soluble proteins in hemolymph in comparison to the saline injected controls. Electrophoretic analyses indicated significant increase in the level of two proteins 130 and 170 kDa, and a partial increase of the level of 67-kDa protein. The studies indicated that CCAP increased also free hemolymph sugar concentration in young larvae and adults of the mealworm beetle. The cardio-inhibitory peptide Lem-MS exerted the opposite effect: at concentration 10(-7)-10(-6) M, it significantly decreased the heartbeat frequency. The induced changes were dose-dependent and reversible, but at higher concentrations (>10(-5) M) the stimulatory effect disappeared. Injections of the Lem-MS into young larvae at concentrations 10(-9)-10(-3) M, also increased the free hemolymph sugar level similarly to the CCAP. This work demonstrates the pleiotropic effects of CCAP and Lem-MS in Tenebrio molitor.  相似文献   

The physiological processes that occur during the aging of insects are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to describe the changes in contractile activity and hemodynamic parameters of the heart that take place as the coleopteran beetle, Tenebrio molitor, ages. The frequency of heart contractions in beetles that had just undergone metamorphosis (median 24.7 beats/min) was significantly lower than the frequency of heart contractions in older beetles. In 56% of beetles that were < 1 week of age, a pattern of contractile activity with alternating periods of higher and lower contraction frequency was detected, suggesting that some posteclosion developmental processes occur during the first week of adulthood. All beetles that were 1 week of age showed a regular rhythm of heart contractions (median 72 beats/min). In older beetles, abnormalities such as heart arrhythmias or heart arrest were observed. The incidence of arrhythmia as well as the arrhythmicity index was highest in beetles that were 8–18 weeks old. The calculated stroke volume (SV) was also found to increase from eclosion to 12 weeks of age, and then decreased as adults aged further. Interestingly, cardiac output increased gradually, but the ejection fraction did not change significantly with age.  相似文献   

The mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, contains an unusually abundant and homogeneous satellite DNA which constitutes up to 60% of its genome. The satellite DNA is shown to be present in all of the chromosomes by in situ hybridization. 18 dimers of the repeat unit were cloned and sequenced. The consensus sequence is 142 nt long and lacks any internal repeat structure. Monomers of the sequence are very similar, showing on average a 2% divergence from the calculated consensus. Variant nucleotides are scattered randomly throughout the sequence although some variants are more common than others. Neighboring repeat units are no more alike than randomly chosen ones. The results suggest that some mechanism, perhaps gene conversion, is acting to maintain the homogeneity of the satellite DNA despite its abundance and distribution on all of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary The neuroarchitecture of the central complex, a prominent neuropil in the midbrain of the holometabolan, Tenebrio molitor, is described throughout larval development. The analysis is based on classical silver impregnations and on fate-mapping of identified neurons using antisera against serotonin and FMRF-amide. In T. molitor, the central body is present in the first larval instar, and is formed by side branches of contralaterally projecting neurons. Glial cells surround eight neuropil compartments in the first larval instar. These subdivisions in the organization of the fan-shaped body are maintained throughout development. Intrinsic interneurons are found from the 5th larval instar onwards. In the last larval stage, the central complex consists of the fan-shaped body, the protocerebral bridge, and the anlage of the ellipsoid body. The cellular architecture of the fan-shaped body of the last larval instar resembles the basic structural characteristics of the adult. Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons and FMRF-amide immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain of the first larval instar show the basic structural features of the respective imaginal cells. The structural organizations of larval and adult midbrain are compared.Abbreviations a Anterior - AGT antenno-glomerular tract - aL -lobus - AL antennal lobe - AP anterior protocerebrum - bL -lobe - BSN bilateral symmetrical - FMRF amide-immunopositive neurons - CA calyx - CL1-CL4 serotonin-immunopositive neurons cluster 1–4 - d dorsal - DAB diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - DC dorsal commissure - DCFB dorsal commissure of the fan-shaped body - DHT dorsal horizontal tract - DLTR dorsal lateral triangle - DMLP dorsal medial lateral protocerebrum - DN serotonin-immunopositive deuterocerebral neuron - EB ellipsoid body - en1, en2 extrinsic neurons connecting two FB-subcompartments - esn extrinsic subcompartmental neuron - l lateral - FB fan-shaped body - FN serotonin-immunopositive fan-shaped neuron - fs1, fs2 fanshaped neurons of type 1 and 2 - GC great commissure - HF horizontal fibres - in intrinsic neuron connecting two FB-subcompartments - isn intrinsic subcompartmental neuron - IT isthmus tract - LF large-field neurons - LFASC lateral fascicle - LMFASC lateral median fascicle - MB median bundles - MLP medial lateral protocerebrum - p posterior - P pedunculus - PB protocerebral bridge - pb-fb protocerebral bridge-fan-shaped body connection - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PDC posterio-dorsal commissure - PTX phosphate-buffered saline containing Triton X-100 - SU suboesophageal ganglion - SVT small ventral triangles - TN 1,2 tritocerebral serotonin-immunoreactive neuron 1,2 - v ventral - VB ventral body - VBC ventral body commissure - VCBC ventral central body commissure - VCFB ventral commissure of the fan-shaped body  相似文献   

To study the sequential expression of insect epidermal cells during metamorphosis, a library of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) was prepared against the water-soluble proteins from preecdysial pupal cuticle of Tenebrio molitor. Six selected MABs recognizing only larval and pupal cuticular proteins (CPs) in immunoblot analysis were classified into three types. Type 1 recognized a 21.5 and a 22 kDa polypeptide, type 2, a 26 kDa polypeptide, and type 3, three polypeptides of 18.5, 19.5 and 21.5 kDa. They did not immunoreact with any protein of fat bodies or haemolymph from pharate pupae, suggesting that the antigens originate from the epidermis. The stage-specificity was confirmed by electron microscopic immunogold labelling. Type 1 and 3 MABs recognized antigens characterizing larval and pupal preecdysial sclerotized cuticles, while the antigens recognized by type 2 were localized in the first few lamellae of unsclerotized postecdysial cuticle. When the expression of the adult programme was inhibited by application of a juvenile hormone analogue, the larval-/pupal-specific CPs were detected in the supernumerary pupal cuticle. These results suggest that the genes encoding these proteins are juvenile hormone dependent. These MABs should be useful tools to isolate pupal-specific genes whose regulation sems to be different from that of the adult-specific ones.  相似文献   

The yellow mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, contains a family of small Cys-rich and Thr-rich thermal hysteresis proteins that depress the hemolymph freezing point below the melting point by as much as 5. 5 degrees C (DeltaT = thermal hysteresis). Thermal hysteresis protein expression was evaluated throughout development and after exposure to altered environmental conditions. Under favorable growth conditions, small larvae (11-13 mg) had only low levels of thermal hysteresis proteins or thermal hysteresis protein message, but these levels increased 10-fold and 18-fold, respectively, by the final larval instar (> 190 mg), resulting in thermal hysteresis > 3 degrees C. Exposure of small larvae (11-13 mg) to 4 weeks of cold (4 degrees C) caused an approximately 20-fold increase in thermal hysteresis protein concentration, well in excess of the less than threefold developmental increase seen after 4 weeks at 22 degrees C. Exposure of large larvae (100-120 mg) to cold caused 12-fold and sixfold increases in thermal hysteresis protein message and protein levels, respectively, approximately double the maximum levels they would have attained in the final larval instar at 22 degrees C. Thus, thermal hysteresis increased to similar levels (> 4 degrees C) in the cold, irrespective of the size of the larvae (the overwintering stage). At pupation, thermal hysteresis protein message levels decreased > 20-fold and remained low thereafter, but thermal hysteresis activity decreased much more slowly. Exposure to cold did not reverse this decline. Desiccation or starvation of larvae had comparable effects to cold exposure, but surprisingly, short daylength photoperiod or total darkness had no effect on either thermal hysteresis or message levels. As all environmental conditions that caused increased thermal hysteresis also inhibited growth, we postulate that developmental arrest is a primary factor in the regulation of T. molitor thermal hysteresis proteins.  相似文献   

Voltage-clamp analysis of single cuticle-attached epidermal cells dissected from the newly-ecdysed mealworm revealed the presence of a large inwardly-rectifying anion (i.e. outwardly-going) current. In many cells this current formed spontaneously on breaking into the cell with the patch pipette when the bath solution was isoosmotic with the pipette solution (415 mosmol/l). The current was evoked rapidly by electrical stimulation or by bathing the cells in hyposmotic saline (335 mosmol/l). The reversal potential of the activated current shifted in agreement with the Nernst prediction for Cl(-) when the transmembrane chloride gradient was altered by partially substituting bath or patch pipette Cl(-) with gluconate(-). Substitution of Na(+) with choline(+) or K(+) with TEA and Ba(+) in the bath or pipette solutions did not alter the reversal potential. Addition of 200 &mgr;mol/l cyclic AMP or 1 mmol/l cyclic GMP to the pipette solution increased the initial current strength and reduced the time taken to reach half peak amplitude from 117 sec to 49 sec and 41 sec, respectively. Cyclic AMP also raised the threshold at which the current developed under hyperosmotic conditions by about 20 mosmol/l. Addition of the Cl(-) channel blockers diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (200 &mgr;mmol/l) and diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (250 &mgr;mol/l) to the bath solution reduced the inwardly-rectifying anion current by 50%. This current was barely detectable in cells prepared from the mid-instar integument. This non-constitutive pattern of expression suggests that cellular Cl(-) efflux (and that of other anions) may be required during moult-cycle specific processes such as moulting fluid formation and cell volume regulation. As the strength of the epidermal anion current could be raised by the exogenous application of cytosolic cyclic nucleotides, the activity of the anion channels responsible for this current may normally be regulated by yet-to-be-identified hormone(s) or neuropeptide(s) acting on this tissue.  相似文献   

Summary InTenebrio molitor, male adults transfer sperm to the female via a spermatophore or sperm sac. The spermatophore is formed from secretions of the bean-shaped accessory glands (BAGs) and the tubular accessory glands (TAGs) of the male beetle. Trehalase is found in the adult BAGs. During the pupal stage, the activity in the BAGs was very low. After adult ecdysis, the total activity increased 100-fold from 0 days to 6 days and reached maximum levels at 9 days. The specific activity increased 20-fold from the time of ecdysis to 6 days thereafter. In the 10 day adult, trehalase levels in testes, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, TAGs, or ejaculatory ducts, were lower by two orders of magnitude than in the BAGs. However, the specific activity in the spermatophore was similar to that in the BAGs. Trehalases in the BAGs and the spermatophores showed very similar properties (soluble, optimum pH of 5.75 andK m value of 5.4 mM for trehalose). Thus trehalase appears to be secreted from the BAGs and becomes incorporated into the spermatophores.Abbreviations BAG bean-shaped accessory gland - TAG tubular accessory gland  相似文献   

Summary (1) It has been shown in earlier experiments that during the visually guided orientation response of the mealworm beetle,Tenebrio molitor, edge fixation and skototaxis interact. Under certain stimulus conditions these two effects act against each other and relative movement between the retina and the surroundings shifts the balance in favour of edge fixation. In this paper, three further parameters are described which change the contribution of the two mechanisms to the turning tendency of the animals. (2) When the centre of a broad black stripe lies on one side and one of the edges on the other side of the animal (Fig. 1B, C) then motion of an edge from front to back (progressive movement) more effectively increases the relative weight of edge fixation than do regressive movements (motion of an edge from back to front). (3) In the same situation temporal modulation of the overall illumination weakens skototaxis, dimming more than brightening (Fig. 2 A). From this it was predicted — and confirmed — that the dependence on the direction of motion will be reversed if both the centre and the edge closest to the midline of a broad black stripe lie on the same side of the animal (Fig. 2 B). (4) Animals with one eye blinded can fixate an edge (Fig. 3). Furthermore, edge fixation is mediated mainly by the ventral part of the eyes and skototaxis by the dorsal (Fig. 5). (5) The possible significance of the results for the animal's natural behaviour and for the underlying neural circuitry is discussed.  相似文献   

The sclerotization of both larval and adult cuticle from the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, has been studied by measuring the incorporation of radioactive dopamine and N-acetyldopamine into the cuticle. The results are compared with the degree of sclerotization of the cuticle and the amount of sclerotizing enzyme present. The various parts of the cuticle differ considerably with respect to the degree of sclerotization: in adult locusts the mandibles and the dorsal mesothoracic cuticle contain about twenty times as much cross-linking material per mg cuticle than is present in the abdominal tergites and sclerites.The degree of sclerotization in the various types of cuticle is apparently not determined by the amounts of sclerotizing enzyme present, and the rate at which radioactive dopamine or N-acetyldopamine is incorporated into the cuticle appears also to be unrelated to the amount of enzyme.The degree of sclerotization of the various parts of the cuticle from fifth instar larvae corresponds with the amounts of labelled dopamine which are incorporated during the first day after ecdysis, whereas there is no correlation between sclerotization and the amounts of labelled dopamine which are incorporated in older larvae. The degree of sclerotization of adult cuticle after 1 day corresponds to the incorporation of dopamine during the first day. When older animals are compared only little correlation is observed. The relative rates of sclerotization in the various parts of the cuticle must therefore change as the adult insect grows older.The changes in the incorporation pattern during the development of the locust are discussed in relation to the physiological control of the sclerotization process.  相似文献   

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