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I. D. J. Phillips  A. Hofmann 《Planta》1979,146(5):591-596
Levels of free-abscisic acid and boundabscisic acid (alkaline hydrolyzable abscisic acidesters) in replicated samples of terminal vegetative buds of sycamore trees were measured during natural emergence from winter dormancy by gas chromatographic methods together with isotope dilution estimation of recovery rates. Not until after the buds had been released from true dormancy in January by winter chilling did any clear change occur in either abscisic acid (ABA) fraction, or in total ABA, on any basis of comparison. The percentage of total ABA present as the free acid declined at the end of true dormancy to approximately two-thirds of its value in the earlier winter months. It is concluded that glucosylation of ABA is unlikely to play a major part in the mechanism of release from dormancy in vegetative sycamore buds. At the end of true dormancy there was a large transient increase in what appeared to be phaseic acid, but this was not accompanied by any marked decrease in either free- or bound-ABA.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - TLC thin layer chromatography - GLC gas chromatography  相似文献   

Germination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. 'Grand Rapids') seeds was inhibited at high temperatures (thermoinhibition). Thermoinhibition at 28 degrees C was prevented by the application of fluridone, an inhibitor of abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. At 33 degrees C, the sensitivity of the seeds to ABA increased, and fluridone on its own was no longer effective. However, a combined application of fluridone and gibberellic acid (GA3) was able to restore the germination. Exogenous GA3 lowered endogenous ABA content in the seeds, enhancing catabolism of ABA and export of the catabolites from the intact seeds. The fluridone application also decreased the ABA content. Consequently, the combined application of fluridone and GA3 decreased the ABA content to a sufficiently low level to allow germination at 33 degrees C. There was no significant temperature-dependent change in endogenous GA1 contents. It is concluded that ABA is an important factor in the regulation of thermoinhibition of lettuce seed germination, and that GA affects the temperature responsiveness of the seeds through ABA metabolism.  相似文献   

White light strongly promotes dormancy in freshly harvested cereal grains, whereas dark and after-ripening have the opposite effect. We have analyzed the interaction of light and after-ripening on abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA) metabolism genes and dormancy in barley (Hordeum vulgare 'Betzes'). Analysis of gene expression in imbibed barley grains shows that different ABA metabolism genes are targeted by white light and after-ripening. Of the genes examined, white light promotes the expression of an ABA biosynthetic gene, HvNCED1, in embryos. Consistent with this result, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays show that dormant grains imbibed under white light have higher embryo ABA content than grains imbibed in the dark. After-ripening has no effect on expression of ABA biosynthesis genes, but promotes expression of an ABA catabolism gene (HvABA8'OH1), a GA biosynthetic gene (HvGA3ox2), and a GA catabolic gene (HvGA2ox3) following imbibition. Blue light mimics the effects of white light on germination, ABA levels, and expression of GA and ABA metabolism genes. Red and far-red light have no effect on germination, ABA levels, or HvNCED1. RNA interference experiments in transgenic barley plants support a role of HvABA8'OH1 in dormancy release. Reduced HvABA8'OH1 expression in transgenic HvABA8'OH1 RNAi grains results in higher levels of ABA and increased dormancy compared to nontransgenic grains.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seeds (grains) exhibit dormancyat maturity that is largely due to the presence of the glumellae(hulls) that reduce the availability of oxygen (O2) to the embryo.In addition, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellins (GAS) interactwith O2 to regulate barley seed dormancy. A population-basedthreshold model was applied to quantify the sensitivities ofseeds and excised embryos to O2, ABA, and GA, and to their interactiveeffects. The median O2 requirement for germination of dormantintact barley seeds was 400-fold greater than for excised embryos,indicating that the tissues enclosing the embryo markedly limitO2 penetration. However, embryo O2 thresholds decreased by anotherorder of magnitude following after-ripening. Thus, increasesin both permeability of the hull to O2 and embryo sensitivityto O2 contribute to the improvement in germination capacityduring after-ripening. Both ABA and GA had relatively smalleffects on the sensitivity of germination to O2, but ABA andGA thresholds varied over several orders of magnitude in responseto O2 availability, with sensitivity to ABA increasing and sensitivityto GA decreasing with hypoxia. Simple additive models of O2–ABAand O2–GA interactions required consideration of theseO2 effects on hormone sensitivity to account for actual germinationpatterns. These quantitative and interactive relationships amongO2, ABA, and GA sensitivities provide insight into how dormancyand germination are regulated by a combination of physical (O2diffusion through the hull) and physiological (ABA and GA sensitivities)factors. Key words: Abscisic acid, barley, germination, gibberellin, Hordeum vulgare L., model, oxygen, sensitivity Received 2 August 2007; Revised 14 November 2007 Accepted 19 November 2007  相似文献   

Summary The presence of abscisic and phaseic acid in a purified acidic extract from flowering plants of the long-short-day plant Bryophyllum daigremontianum [(R. Hamet and Perr.) Berg.] was conclusively established by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of their methyl esters. Gibberellin A20 (GA20) was identified by GC-MS of the methyl ester and the trimethylsilyl ether of the methyl ester. The following levels of the 3 compounds per kg fresh weight were estimated: Abscisic acid, 5.5 g; phaseic acid, 9.4g; gibberellin A20, 0.8 g. When GA20 and four other GAs were applied to Bryophyllum under shortday conditions, the order of effectiveness for induction of flower formation was: GA2>GA1>GA5=GA7>GA20. The low biological activity of the native GA20 is discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of acid lipase and the level of gibberellin A4 (GA4) were determined in apple embryos excised from seeds after different time periods of stratification and subsequently cultured in darkness at 4°C or at 25°C. Enzyme activity and GA4 content were higher at 4°C. Exogenous gibberellin stimulated lipase activity, while AMO-1618, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, inhibited, to the same degree, both the enzyme activity and the GA4 accumulation. The involvement of GA4 and lipolytic enzymes in cold-mediated removal of embryonal dormancy has been discussed and compared with the role of these two factors in light-stimulated germination of dormant apple embryos, described earlier (Smoleńska and Lewak 1974).  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism regulating dormancy release in grapevine buds is as yet unclear. It was formerly proposed that dormancy is maintained by abscisic acid (ABA)‐mediated repression of bud–meristem activity and that removal of this repression triggers dormancy release. It was also proposed that such removal of repression may be achieved via natural or artificial up‐regulation of VvA8H‐CYP707A4, which encodes ABA 8′‐hydroxylase, and is the most highly expressed paralog in grapevine buds. The current study further examines these assumptions, and its experiments reveal that (a) hypoxia and ethylene, stimuli of bud dormancy release, enhance expression of VvA8H‐CYP707A4 within grape buds, (b) the VvA8H‐CYP707A4 protein accumulates during the natural transition to the dormancy release stage, and (c) transgenic vines overexpressing VvA8H‐CYP707A4 exhibit increased ABA catabolism and significant enhancement of bud break in controlled and natural environments and longer basal summer laterals. The results suggest that VvA8H‐CYP707A4 functions as an ABA degrading enzyme, and are consistent with a model in which the VvA8H‐CYP707A4 level in the bud is up‐regulated by natural and artificial bud break stimuli, which leads to increased ABA degradation capacity, removal of endogenous ABA‐mediated repression, and enhanced regrowth. Interestingly, it also hints at sharing of regulatory steps between latent and lateral bud outgrowth.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,49(1):23-30
Protoplasts isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Clipper) leaves contained abscisic acid (ABA). The ABA content of these protoplasts did not change when they were incubated for up to 6 h in media of decreasing osmotic potential. There was a substantial, but transient, increase in ABA in barley leaf segments during protoplast isolation. The magnitude of this increase was inversely dependent on the osmotic potential of the isolation medium. Maximum ABA content was recorded after 2 h of exposure to the sorbitol-containing medium. The subsequent decline was due to conversion of ABA to phaseic acid (PA) and to other metabolites.Barley mesophyll protoplasts were not able to metabolise ABA, PA or any of the other metabolites formed from ABA by intact leaf tissue.  相似文献   

High humidity during harvest season often causes pre-harvest sprouting in barley (Hordeum vulgare). Prolonged grain dormancy prevents pre-harvest sprouting; however, extended dormancy can interfere with malt production and uniform germination upon sowing. In this study, we used Cas9-induced targeted mutagenesis to create single and double mutants in QTL FOR SEED DORMANCY 1 (Qsd1) and Qsd2 in the same genetic background. We performed germination assays in independent qsd1 and qsd2 single mutants, as well as in two double mutants, which revealed a strong repression of germination in the mutants. These results demonstrated that normal early grain germination requires both Qsd1 and Qsd2 function. However, germination of qsd1 was promoted by treatment with 3% hydrogen peroxide, supporting the notion that the mutants exhibit delayed germination. Likewise, exposure to cold temperatures largely alleviated the block of germination in the single and double mutants. Notably, qsd1 mutants partially suppress the long dormancy phenotype of qsd2, while qsd2 mutant grains failed to germinate in the light, but not in the dark. Consistent with the delay in germination, abscisic acid accumulated in all mutants relative to the wild type, but abscisic acid levels cannot maintain long-term dormancy and only delay germination. Elucidation of mutant allele interactions, such as those shown in this study, are important for fine-tuning traits that will lead to the design of grain dormancy through combinations of mutant alleles. Thus, these mutants will provide the necessary germplasm to study grain dormancy and germination in barley.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) levels in seeds from three cultivars of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) which have substantially different chilling requirements were investigated by gas chromatography mass-spectrometry selected ion monitoring (GCMS-SIM) during stratification. The ABA content of dormant unchilled seeds was similar in the three cultivars, suggesting no relationship between the chilling requirement of those seeds and their ABA status. That chilling is not related to ABA changes during stratification was confirmed by warm (20°C) and cold (5°C) stratification experiments. ABA content dropped rapidly and nearly identically under both temperature regimes, but only cold stratification promoted germination. The decline in ABA during stratification was due in large part to leaching from the seed coat and nucellar membrane; the ABA content of the embryo remained nearly constant. The radicle in intact seeds stratified at 5°C began growing 20–30 days after the ABA in the seed coat and nucellar membrane had nearly disappeared. Radicle growth did not occur in unchilled seeds, even though ABA had leached from them as well. It is possible that the leaching of ABA from the seed allows certain promotive forces to develop, but if so, these can develop only at chilling temperatures. Studies were also conducted on 2-trans ABA relationships to apple seed dormancy, but no association was evident.Report No. 12, Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science, Cornell University.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitor (PI) accumulation has been described as a plant defense response against insects and pathogens. The induction of PIs is known to be regulated by endogenous chemical factors including phytohormones. We studied the induction of barley chymotrypsin and trypsin inhibitory activities by aphid infestation, mechanical wounding, abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Wounding experiments led to a minimal accumulation of PI activity (16% over controls) compared to that found in barley seedlings infested by aphids, where chymotrypsin inhibitor activity showed a two-fold increment. No systemic induction could be detected in healthy leaves of an infested or mechanically injured plant. Exogenous ABA applied on barley leaves increased the chymotrypsin inhibitory activity, while JA only increased trypsin inhibitory activity locally and systemically when applied exogenously. Our data suggest that two different mechanisms may be regulating the induction of these two types of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Tritiated GA1 and four of its synthetic derivatives were studiedin relation to their biological activity, uptake and metabolismby barley aleurone layers. Incubation was done in the presenceand absence of ABA. Tentative identification of some of themetabolites was made by TLC and GLC radiocounting of the metaboliteand its acid hydrolyzed derivative. Only GA1 promoted -amylase synthesis. Uptake ranged from 20to 42%, varying with the derivative. ABA enhanced uptake of[3H]GA1 and [3H]pseudoGA1 and inhibited uptake of [3H]ketoGA1the Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement product of [3H]GA1 Uptakeof [3H]GA1 methyl ester ([3H]GA1-Me) and [3H]dihydroGA1 wasunaffected by ABA. [3H]GA1 was converted to an amphoteric GA1 derivative ([3H]amphoGA1)and [3H]GA1-glycosyl ester. GA1-Me was metabolized to four products,all of them GA1 derivatives, including an apparent amphotericGA1 derivative. DihydroGA1 was quite stable; only one metabolitewas produced in sufficient yield to analyze. This product didnot cochromatograph with either of the expected acid hydrolyzedepimers of [3H]dihydroGA1. [3H]ketoGA1 was readily metabolizedto one product, probably the glycoside. [3H]pseudoGA1 remainedessentially unmetabolized. Metabolism of all compounds testedwas not dramatically affected by ABA. Surprisingly, no metabolitesfrom hydroxylation at the 2-position were found. 1 Present address: Monsanto Agricultural Co., 800 N. LindberghBlvd., St. Louis, MO 63166, U.S.A. (Received January 31, 1977; )  相似文献   

This study was conducted on barley cv. Ars. caryopses collected at full ripeness and divided into two batches. From one batch (dormant caryopses) polysomes were isolated from embryos immediately after harvesting and after two days of germination. From the other batch (non-dormant caryopses) the same was done after eight months storage in a dry state. A low ionic strength cytoskeleton-stabilizing buffer was used for the isolation of polysomes. Four different fractions of polysomes were examined: free polysomes (FP), membrane-bound polysomes (MBP), cytoskeleton-bound polysomes (CBP) and cytoskeleton-membrane-bound polysomes (CMBP). In germs grown from non-dormant caryopses, the first two fractions (FP + MBP) made up about 78 % of the total ribosomal material, whereas in embryos of dormant, imbibed caryopses, two last fractions (CBP + CMBP) made up about 71 %. The percentage of polysomes after 48 hours of imbibition of dormant caryopses in the FP, MBP and CBP was only about 13 % (i.e., 87 % monosomes), whereas a greater proportion (19.4 %) was found in the CMBP. The highest incorporation of 3H-uridine and 14C-amino acids (after 48 hours of germination and 0.5, 3 and 6 hrs incubation with precursors) took place in trhc CMBP both in dormant and non-dormant caryopses The major amount of the two polysome fractions associated with the cytoskeleton (CBP and CMBP) and the higher activity of CMBP in protein synthesis in embryos of dormant, imbibed triticale caryopses may indicate a significant role for polysomes associated with the cytoskeleton in the control of protein synthesis in dormant and germinating caryopses.  相似文献   

Effects of triazolium compounds (paclobutrazol, uniconazole, and azovit), applied under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, on growth of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L., cvs. Moskovskii 2 and Zazerskii 85) and ABA content in their tissues were studied for the first time. At various application techniques, the retardants suppressed growth of axial organs, promoted thickening and strengthening of lower internodes, and caused a considerable increase in ABA content. These changes were observed already on the next day after spraying plants with retardants and maintained for two weeks after the spraying treatment. At the same time, the retardant action sustained for 42 days when the retardants were applied to soil. The triazoles had positive effects on plant productivity characteristics, such as the number of filled grains in the main spike, total weight of grain per plant (grain collected from the main and lateral spikes), and the weight of 1000 grains. It was concluded that the retardant effect of triazoles on spring barley plants is related to elevated ABA content in plant tissues over a prolonged growth period.Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2005, pp. 108–114.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Chizhova, Pavlova, Prusakova.  相似文献   

Abscisic Acid levels and seed dormancy   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Dormant seeds from Fraxinus species require cold-temperature after-ripening prior to germination. Earlier, we found that abscisic acid (ABA) will inhibit germination of excised nondormant embryos and that this can be reversed with a combination of gibberellic acid and kinetin. Using Milborrow's quantitative “racemate dilution” method the ABA concentration in 3 types of Fraxinus seed and pericarp were determined. While ABA was present in all tissues, the highest concentration was found in the seed and pericarp of dormant F. americana. During the chilling treatment of F. americana the ABA levels decreased 37% in the pericarp and 68% in the seed. The ABA concentration of the seed of the nondormant species, F. ornus, is as low as that found in F. americana seeds after cold treatment. Experiments with exogenously added ABA solutions indicate that it is unlikely that the ABA in the pericarp functions in the regulation of seed dormancy. However, the ABA in the seed does seem to have a regulatory role in germination.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The relationship between ethylene production and both seed dormancy and germination was investigated using red rice (weedy rice) as a model species. METHODS: Both fully dormant and after-ripened (non-dormant) naked caryopses were incubated with or without inhibitors of ethylene synthesis [aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG)] and perception [silver thiosulfate (STS)], or in the presence of the natural ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). The kinetics of ethylene emissions were measured with a sensitive laser-photoacoustic system. KEY RESULTS: Dormant red rice caryopses did not produce ethylene. In non-dormant caryopses, ethylene evolution never preceded the first visible stage of germination (pericarp splitting), and ethylene inhibitors completely blocked ethylene production, but not pericarp splitting. Accordingly, endogenous ACC appeared to be lacking before pericarp splitting. However, early seedling growth (radicle or coleoptile attaining the length of 1 mm) followed ethylene evolution and was delayed by the inhibitors. Wounding the dormant caryopses induced them to germinate and produce ethylene, but their germination was slow and pericarp splitting could be speeded up by ethylene. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that, in red rice, endogenous ethylene stimulates the growth of the nascent seedling, but does not affect seed dormancy or germination inception. Correspondingly, this phytohormone does not play a role in the dormancy breakage induced by wounding, but accelerates germination after such breakage has occurred.  相似文献   

The genomic regions controlling caryopsis dormancy and seedling desiccation tolerance were identified using 152 F4 lines derived from a cross between Mona, a Swedish cultivar, and an Israeli xeric wild barley Hordeum spontaneum genotype collected at Wadi Qilt, Israel. Dormancy, the inability of a viable seed to germinate, and desiccation tolerance, the ability of the desiccated seedlings to revive after rehydration, were characterized by fitting the germination and revival data with growth curves, using three parameters: minimum, maximum, and slope of germination or revival rate derived by the least square method. The genetic map was constructed with 85 genetic markers (SSRs, AFLPs, STSs, and Dhn genes) using the multipoint-mapping algorithm. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping was conducted with the multiqtl package. Ten genomic regions were detected that affected the target traits, seven of which affected both dormancy and desiccation tolerance traits. Both the wild barley genotype and the Swedish cultivar contributed the favorite alleles for caryopsis dormancy, whereas seedling desiccation tolerance was attributed to alleles descending from the cultivar. The results indicate that some barley dormancy genes are lost during domestication and that dormancy QTLs are associated with abiotic stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Germination of lettuce seeds has obvious thermoinhibition, but the mechanism for thermoinhibition of seed germination is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the interactions of nitrate, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin on seed germination at high temperatures to understand further the mechanism for thermoinhibition of seed germination. Our results showed that lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. ‘Jianye Xianfeng No. 1’) seeds exhibited notable thermoinhibiton of germination at ≥17°C in darkness, and at ≥23°C in light, but the thermoinhibited seeds did not exhibit secondary dormancy. Thermoinhibition of seed germination at 23 or 25°C in light was notably decreased by 5 and 10 mM nitrate, and the stimulatory effects were markedly prevented by nitric oxide (NO) scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide. The sensitivity of seed germination to exogenous ABA increased with increasing temperature. Thermoinhibition of seed germination was markedly decreased by fluridone (an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis) and GA3, and was increased by diniconazole (an inhibitor of the ABA-catabolizing enzyme ABA 8′-hydroxylase) and paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthetic pathway). The effect of fluridone in decreasing thermoinhibition of seed germination was obviously antagonized by paclobutrazol, and that of GA3 was notably added to by fluridone, and that of nitrate was antagonized by paclobutrazol, diniconazole and ABA and was added to by GA3 and fluridone. Our data show that thermoinhibition of lettuce seed germination is decreased by nitrate in a NO-dependent manner, which is antagonized by ABA, diniconazole and paclobutrazol and added by fluridone.  相似文献   

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