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Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa were incubated in artificial sperm motility inhibiting saline solution (SMIS), in SMIS containing seminal plasma proteins or in pure seminal plasma. In SMIS containing the total seminal plasma protein fraction or the <50 kDa protein fraction or in pure seminal plasma, significantly higher motility rates and swimming velocities could be activated than in SMIS without seminal plasma proteins and in SMIS containing the >50 kDa protein fraction. These preliminary results indicated that seminal plasma proteins have physiological functions in prolongation and stabilization of sperm viability when using sperm motility as viability index.  相似文献   

A prospective longitudinal survey for sleeping disease (SD) was carried out over a 20 wk period on a caged freshwater population of farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mkyiss. Pancreas, heart and red and white skeletal muscle were examined histologically and the presence and severity of lesions recorded. Sera were tested for viraemia with Salmonid Alphavirus (SAV) and for virus neutralizing (VN) antibodies. Viraemia was detected for 4 wk, beginning at Week 6 and with a peak prevalence of 57.9% at Week 7. Clinical signs and mortalities appeared at Week 8. Total mortality in the study cage from Week 6 onward was 6.3 %, but other cages at the site had mortality levels of up to 47.2%. VN antibodies were first detected at Week 9, with seroprevalence increasing to 80% by the end of the study (Week 20). Geometric mean antibody titres peaked at 1/89.4 at Week 17. Histological lesions were first detected at Week 7 (pancreas only), before increasing in prevalence and severity to peak at Weeks 9 and 10. The majority of lesions were resolved by Week 15.  相似文献   

A major problem for the fish farming industry is to find reliable indicators of bone condition that could help to prevent vertebral abnormalities. Here, we summarize the main results of two recent studies aiming to assess the variation of two vertebral bone variables (bone mineralization and vertebral total bone area) during rainbow trout grow‐out in several French farms. We provide evidence for a wide range of variation for these parameters and for the occurrence of vertebral bone abnormalities, and new data on vertebral structure in trout reared either in various fish farms (influence of rearing conditions) or at different temperatures (influence of various growth rates). Although further experiments are needed to understand bone metabolism in trout, these findings increase our knowledge on growth and modelling of vertebrae, and provide valuable data that will enable comparisons in the future.  相似文献   

To date, there is scarce information on the metabolic and biochemical repercussions of Zn-deficiency in fish. In this work, the effect of dietary Zn-deficiency on the diet utilization and the metabolism of activated oxygen species in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has been studied. Fish were randomly separated in different lots according to their Zn-starvation and diet intake. In crude extracts of liver, gut and muscle, total and isoenzymatic superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were analysed. Lipid peroxidation was also determined in the same tissues. Western blotting was performed using antibodies against manganese- and copperzinc-containing superoxide dismutase. Lots fed on the Zn-deficient diet and with low intake showed significantly lower weight gain and feed-conversion efficiency indexes than control trouts. However, these parameters returned to control values when trouts were recovered by feeding them a control diet ad libitum. In control trouts, three independent copperzinc superoxide dismutase isozymes were detected in liver, whereas only one isozyme was present in the other lots. However, by Western blotting analysis the presence of a manganese superoxide dismutase was found in liver from all lots except in control trouts. Catalase activity and lipid peroxidation values were mainly detected in liver and gut, respectively, and both parameters increased in all lots with respect to the control group. Our results thus suggest that in rainbow trout an oxidative stress appears to occur as a consequence of Zn-deficiency.  相似文献   

In the present study, the pattern of immuno-reactive ladderlectin and intelectin in healthy rainbow trout is compared to rainbow trout infected with a variety of infectious agents. In healthy rainbow trout, both proteins were localized to individual epithelial cells of the gill and intestine and both proteins were clearly demonstrated within cytoplasmic granules of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages/monocytes found in blood vessels, hepatic sinusoids, renal interstitium, mucosal epithelium and submucosa of normal intestine. In tissue from infected rainbow trout, there was an overall relative increase in both lectins compared to healthy fish and both proteins were detected in extra-cellular spaces surrounding bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Increased distribution and density of both RTLL and RTInt was demonstrated along mucosal surfaces and within inflammatory leucocytes in infected tissues and immune related organs. These findings represent one of the few examples of in vivo association of defence lectins and infectious agents.  相似文献   

A cell mediated immune (CMI) response was measured in vitro to heat-killed and to paraformaldehyde fixed Renibacterium salmoninarum (Rs) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) experimentally challenged with live Rs. The mitogenic response to the T lymphocyte mitogen Concanavalin A (Con A) was reduced during samplings 4 to 6 weeks after immersion, but no effect of the response to the B lymphocyte mitogen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was detected. The subpopulation of lymphocytes, detected by the monoclonal antibody 1C2, was decreased from the 4th week to the 5th week of infection, and remained at the decreased level up to 10 weeks post immersion. The proportion of Immunoglobulin (Ig) bearing lymphocytes was not affected during the Rs infection period. The humoral antibody level to heat-stable Rs-antigens was increased up to 10 weeks after immersion but after 27 weeks was reduced to a level similar to that of the non-challenged fish. An anamnestic response was demonstrated in challenged fish, as intraperitoneal injection of heat-treated Rs bacteria into Rs challenged fish elicited a stronger humoral antibody response compared with injection into non-challenged fish.  相似文献   

Newly fertilised eggs of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were nanoinjected with Flavobacterium psychrophilum in order to mimic vertical transmission. Two bacterial isolates with different elastin-degrading capacity were used. All infected groups (10, 100 and 1000 colony forming units egg(-1)) showed significantly higher cumulative mortalities than the control groups at the end of the experiment, 70 d post-hatching. The total mortalities in the control groups were below 2.5%. In the high-dose groups, 95 to 100% of the eggs died during the eyed stage. In the intermediate group infected with the elastin-negative isolate, the major mortality occurred during the eyed stage of the egg, with a total cumulative mortality of 83% at the end of the experiment. In the intermediate group infected with the elastin-positive isolate, a total mortality of 63% was recorded. In this group, diseased fry showed clinical signs of disease and morphological changes similar to those described in connection with rainbow trout fry syndrome (RTFS) shortly after the beginning of feeding. In the low dose groups, the mortality in the elastin-negative group was 14% and in the elastin-positive group 11%. The bacterium was isolated from dead eggs and fry in infected groups and demonstrated in internal organs of dead and moribund fry by immunohistochemistry. The nanoinjection method used in this study may be a useful method to study pathogens, like F. psychrophilum, that can be vertically transmitted.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, acclimated to 33% sea water (12 mg·ml-1 salinity) experienced significant (10 meq·1-1) increases in plasma [Na+] and [Cl-] within 5 h of exposure to 6.3 mol copper·1-1 indicating severe impairment of branchial ionoregulatory capacity. All plasma ion levels subsequently stabilised once the transbranchial [Na+] gradient was reduced to zero. The similar ionic strength of the external medium and their body fluids appeared to protect trout maintained in 33% sea water from further ionoregulatory stress and any secondary physiological disturbances during exposure to copper. Despite three- and fourfold greater transbranchial [Na+] and [Cl-] gradients, trout acclimated to full-strength sea water (35 mg·ml-1 salinity) suffered no major changes in plasma Na+, Cl-, K+, or Ca2+, blood gases or haematology during 24 h exposure to 6.3 mol copper·1-1. This reduction in toxicity in full strength sea water cannot be explained by differences in copper speciation. We suggest that during acute exposure to waterborne copper, active NaCl extrusion is unaffected due to the basolateral location of the gill Na+/K+-ATPase, but that ionoregulatory disturbances can occur due to gill permeability changes secondary to the displacement of surface-bound Ca2+. However, in full strength sea water the three-fold higher ambient [Ca2+] and [Mg2+] appear to be sufficient to prevent any detrimental permeability changes in the presence of 6.3 mol copper·1-1. Plasma [NH + 4 ] and [HCO - 3 ] were both significantly elevated during exposure to copper, indicating that some aspects of gill ion transport (specifically the apical Na+/NH + 4 and Cl-/HCO - 3 exchanges involved in acid/base regulation and nitrogenous waste excretion) are vulnerable to inhibition in the presence of waterborne copper.Abbreviations C aO2 arterial oxygen content - Hb haemoglobin - Hct haematocrit - MABP mean arterial blood pressure - MCHC mean cell haemoglobin content - MO2 rate of oxygen consumption - P a CO2 arterial carbon dioxide tension - P aO2 arterial oxygen partial pressure - S salinity - SW sea water - T Amm total ammonia (=NH3+NH + 4 ) - T CO 2 total carbon dioxide - TEP transepithelial potential - TOC total organic carbon - %Hb-O2 percentage of haemoglobin saturated with oxygen  相似文献   

This study presents data on myosin Va localization in the central nervous system of rainbow trout. We demonstrate, via immunoblots and immunocytochemistry, the expression of myosin Va in several neuronal populations of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord. The neuronal populations that express myosin Va in trout constitute a very diverse group that do not seem to have many specific similarities such as neurotransmitters used, cellular size or length of their processes. The intensity of the immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive cells differ from region to region. Although there is a broad distribution of myosin Va, it is not present in all neuronal populations. This result is in agreement with a previous report, which indicated that myosin Va is approximately as abundant as conventional myosin II and kinesin, and it is broadly involved in neuronal motility events such as axoplasmatic transport. Furthermore, this distribution pattern is in accordance with what was shown in rats and mice; it indicates phylogenetic maintenance of the myosin Va main functions.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The present study was undertaken in order to define the distribution of canthaxanthin between the lipoprotein fractions in serum of immature rainbow trout fed a diet supplemented with synthetic canthaxanthin (80 mg/kg).
  • 2.2. Lipoproteins were separated by density-gradient ultracentrifugation.
  • 3.3. Canthaxanthin was found in all lipoprotein fractions, in different amounts according to the density of the lipoprotein fraction: VLDL, 13.9%; LDL, 15.2% or LDL, 29.1% since the density of the first fraction was 1.006 g/ml; HDL, 60.4% and VHDL, 10.5%.

Residues of maternal nuclear DNA in the form of chromosome fragments were observed in the healthy and morphologically normal androgenetic rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A hypothetical model for formation of chromosome re‐arrangements caused by the incomplete maternal nuclear DNA inactivation in the androgenetic rainbow trout was proposed in the present paper.  相似文献   

Macrophage aggregates (MAs) occur in various organs of fishes, especially the kidney, liver and spleen, and contain melanin, ceroid/lipofuscin and hemosiderin pigments. They have been used as indicators of a number of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Macrophage aggregates occur in salmonids but are poorly organized, irregularly shaped, and are generally smaller than those in derived teleosts. These features complicate quantification, and thus these fishes have seldom been used in studies correlating MAs with environmental stressors. To alleviate these complications, we developed color filtering algorithms for use with the software package ImagePro Plus (Media Cybernetics) that select and quantify pigmented area (i.e. colors ranging from gold to brown to black) in tissue sections. Image analysis results compared well with subjective scoring when tested on brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss captured from high-elevation lakes or hatcheries. Macrophage aggregate pigments correlated positively with age and negatively with condition factor. Within individual fish, pigmentation correlated positively among organs, suggesting that the kidney, liver or spleen are suitable indicator organs. In age-matched fishes, MA pigments were not different between hatcheries and lakes in the organs examined. Between lakes, differences in pigments were observed in the kidney and spleen, but were not explained by age, condition factor, sex or maturation state. Our results indicate that quantification of the area occupied by MA pigments is an efficient and accurate means of evaluating MAs in salmonid organs and that organ pigmentation correlates with age and condition factor, as seen in studies with more derived fishes.  相似文献   

Poor water quality is discussed as a major factor causing a decline of brown trout populations in Swiss rivers. For our study we have chosen a river in the Swiss midlands, where the brown trout population has decreased dramatically during the last 10 yr and where feral fish have shown distinctive pathological alterations. The objective of our study was to investigate whether river water may be responsible for impaired fish health leading to an increased mortality in the river. In an active monitoring program, groups of brown and rainbow trout were exposed to polluted river water for 24 mo. Fish held in tap water served as a reference. Mortality, macroscopic and histopathologic changes, and infectious agents were investigated. Compared with the reference group, high mortality rates and severe pathological alterations of the inner organs were observed in fish held in river water. Especially gills, liver and kidney of these fish showed significantly higher changes than fish from tap water. These changes were dominated by degenerative and inflammatory reactions. Additionally, several infectious agents were diagnosed in fish exposed to river water. The most important findings were furunculosis and proliferative kidney disease. Brown trout seemed to be more sensitive than rainbow trout to environmental stress and infectious agents.  相似文献   

This report describes the cloning and characterisation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) interleukin (IL)-22, and presents studies of the functional activity of its recombinant protein for the first time in a non-mammalian species. The predicted IL-22 coding region consists of 522 nucleotides which translates into a 173 amino acid protein, that contains an IL-10 family signature which is reasonably well conserved with other vertebrate IL-22 molecules. Expression analysis in tissues from healthy fish revealed a higher constitutive expression of IL-22 in mucosal tissues, suggesting a potentially important role in mucosal immunity. In vitro studies demonstrated that IL-22 expression was induced significantly by PHA and PMA in splenocyte primary cultures 4h post-stimulation. Expression was also induced in the spleen upon infection of fish with the Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia ruckeri, suggesting a potential role of IL-22 in vivo in defence against bacterial diseases. The Escherichia coli produced recombinant IL-22 enhanced the expression of a number of antimicrobial peptides, promoting host innate immunity against microbes and revealing a biological similarity with its mammalian counterpart.  相似文献   

Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , were exposed to water from the Rhine for 24 days and their skin examined by light and electron microscopy. Relative to control fish mitotic figures were common and seen throughout the epidermis. Pavement cells in fish exposed to Rhine water contained significantly more secretory vesicles than control fish. Necrotic pavement cells were apparent after 24 h, and apoptotic cells from day 4 on. Mucous secretion was intense and the differentiation of mucous cells was stimulated. Some of these cells synthesized mucus of high electron density, probably of a serous composition. Leucocytes invaded the dermis and epidermis, and towards the end of the experiment many apoptotic and necrotic lymphocytes were found. In the dermis fibroblasts were abundant and actively producing collagen. Pigment containing cytoplasmic extensions of melanocytes penetrated into the epidermis. After 14 and 24 days of exposure many pigment cells, melanocytes, iridocytes and xanthocytes became apoptotic. Most of these changes are known from fish exposed to heavy metals, acid water or other stressful treatments, indicating that exposure to Rhine water is a stressful experience for trout.  相似文献   

Retinoids (vitamin A) are known to be involved in many key biological functions in mammals, such as embryonic development, reproduction or vision. Besides standard vitamin A forms, freshwater fish tissues contain high levels of didehydroretinoids or vitamin A2 forms. However, the tissue distribution, metabolism and function of both standard and particularly the didehydroretinoids are still poorly known in fish. In this study, we have quantified the levels of retinoids, including retinol, retinaldehyde, retinyl palmitate and their corresponding didehydro forms, as well as the levels of the active polar retinoids all-trans-, 9-cis- and 13-cis-retinoic acid in distinct tissues of juvenile rainbow trout. Our results indicate that the liver is clearly the main retinoid storage tissue in juvenile rainbow trout. Didehydroretinoids were dominant over retinoids in all analyzed tissues with the exception of plasma. Additionally, significant differences among tissues were observed between retinoids and didehydroretinoids, such as differences in the ester profiles and the proportions between free and esterified forms, suggesting that mechanisms that favor the utilization or storage of one of the other groups of compounds might exist in fish. Our data also show the presence of polar retinoids in different tissues of fish at the fmol/g scale. Overall, this study clearly demonstrates the presence of tissue-specific patterns of accumulation of both polar and nonpolar retinoids in fish tissues. The biological relevance of these findings should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

Patterns of transgene inheritance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been very few studies of the inheritance of introduced genes (transgenes) in fish. We have followed the inheritance of the mammalian fusion gene MTrGH from founder generation transgenics (originating from eggs microinjected with the MTrGH DNA) to offspring in crosses with control fish. Initial screening of the founder generation transgenics was by analysing DNA from blood samples. Only three out of six fish which carried the novel gene in blood DNA transmitted it to their offspring, despite the presence of the gene in DNA extracted from the sperm of all four male fish in this group. The frequency of transgenics in the progeny groups from the three fish which transmitted the gene varied widely: in one of these groups more than one type of MTrGH restriction pattern was found. These results suggest widespread mosaicism in founder generation transgenics.  相似文献   

Using a novel methodology, natural ejaculate volumes of 14 male rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were compared when males were housed with one female (absence of a rival male) or with another male and one female (rival male present). Contrary to theoretical predictions, male ejaculate expenditure was not influenced by the presence of a rival male. Male gape duration was positively correlated with the volume of sperm ejaculated. Release of sperm by the male always preceded release of eggs by the female. Analysis of the timing and duration of ejaculation suggests that males may rely on the timing and proximity of gamete release to enhance fertilization success. These results are discussed in the context of sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

The estrogenic effect of propylparaben was investigated in a rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss test system. Propylparaben was administered orally to sexually immature rainbow trout every second day for up to 10 days in doses between 7 and 1830 mg kg(-1) 2 d(-1) and in the water at 50 and 225 microg l(-1) for 12 days. Plasma vitellogenin was measured before and during the exposures and the concentrations of propylparaben in liver and muscle were determined at the end of experiments. Increases in average plasma vitellogenin levels were seen at oral exposure to 33 mg propylparabenkg(-1) 2 d(-1); the most sensitive fish responded to 7 mg kg(-1). The ED(50) values for increase in vitellogenin synthesis were 35, 31 and 22 mg kg(-1) 2 d(-1) at day 3, 6 and 11, respectively. Exposure to 225 microg propylparabenl(-1) increased vitellogenin synthesis, but exposure to 50 microg l(-1) did not. Propylparaben showed little tendency to bioaccumulation in rainbow trout; less than 1 per thousand of the total amount of propylparaben administered orally at 1830 mg kg(-1) 2 d(-1) over the 10-d experimental period was retained in muscle and liver 24 h after the end of the experiment. Exposure to 225 microg propylparabenl(-1) for 12 d led to concentrations of 6700 and 870 microg propylparabenkg(-1) liver and muscle, respectively. Half lives for propylparaben were 8.6 h in liver and 1.5 h in muscle.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopic studies were conducted on rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the first 60 min after their exposure to the triactinomyxon spores of Myxobolus cerebralis. The results demonstrated that as early as 1 min post exposure the whole process, from the attachment of the triactinomyxon spores to the complete penetration of their sporoplasm germs, had occurred. The triactinomyxon spores sought out the secretory openings of mucous cells of the epidermis, the respiratory epithelium and the buccal cavity of trout and used them as portals of entry. Exposure experiments of the triactinomyxon spores of M. cerebralis to non-salmonid fish, such as goldfish Carassius auratus, carp Cyprinus carpio, nose Chondrostoma nasus, medaka Oryzias latipes, guppy Poecilia reticulata and also the amphibian tadpole Rana pipiens as well as to rainbow trout fry indicated a specificity for salmonids. Attempts to activate the triactinomyxon spores by exposure to mucus prepared from cyprinid and salmonid fish showed no significant differences from those conducted in tap water. The results suggest that the simultaneous presence of both mechano- and chemotactic stimuli was required for finding the salmonid fish host.  相似文献   

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