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Twinflower, Linnaea borealis L., is a creeping, woody, clonal perennial nationally scarce in the UK, with its distribution confined to discrete patches in Scotland. Translocation of twinflower from natural patches into either existing patches, with a view to increasing genetic variation and outcrossing rates, or to unoccupied habitat, with a view to increasing its overall prevalence, could effectively increase the species' viability. In a small pilot experiment 38 shoots were moved from a vigorous patch in the Scottish Borders into two overtly hospitable clearings within the same woodland. Two years later 18 shoots (47%) survived and three years later four shoots (10.5%) remained, with die-back occurring irregularly over shoots of different initial lengths. No measured character of the original shoots explained which survived at each time interval. The most likely cause of the high mortality was competition from established grasses (Deschampsia flexuosa) which prevented growth and the formation of new roots along stolons. The study should help focus future efforts to determine best methods of increasing establishment of twinflower in Scotland.  相似文献   

Abstract. The demography of the long-lived clonal dwarf-shrub Linnaea borealis was studied during four years in a coniferous forest in central Sweden. The main object was to infer patterns of temporal variation in population dynamics of this species. The shoot population is organized in fragments, i.e. physically connected systems of shoots partly covered by the moss carpet. The age and size structure of the fragment population is described, but shoots are more convenient units for a study of population dynamics. A stochastic model of shoot population dynamics was constructed, and simulations indicated a considerable temporal variation in population size and flowering. Hence, variability as such is an essential aspect of the dynamics of established populations of Linnaea. Simulations of extinction risks revealed that small-sized shoot populations (ca. 250 shoots) are likely to be long-lived when experiencing environmentally induced demographic variation of the range observed. Mortality agents for established genets, such as large-scale disturbances, were not incorporated in the models. Some implications of variable population growth rates in clonal plants in woodlands are discussed.  相似文献   

Ove Eriksson 《Ecography》1988,11(4):259-266
This study was based on two years of field observations of a Linnaea borealis population in a coniferous forest in Sweden. Detailed information on performance and survivorship of shoots were gathered from consecutively made drawings of 90 individually marked shoot systems of Linnaea distributed among 15 plots in the forest. Branching of the shoot systems was correlated to growth of the main shoot. Increasing light flux negatively affected growth of Linnaea . A tendency for a competitive effect on Linnaea of Vaccinium spp. was also found. In contrast, the surrounding mosses, and intraspecific density of Linnaea had no significant effect on the shoot systems. The growth rate of the shoot population was analysed by matrix models. Population growth rate was most dependent on survivorship and growth of main shoots in Linnaea , while the survivorship of lateral shoots was of less importance. In spite of an average decrease in the population size as revealed by the matrix model simulation, the incorporation of the observed spatial variation in shoot growth increment, branching and shoot survivorship, yielded varying population growth rates. Parts of the population increased in size. The importance of choice of spatial scale in population analyses of forest understory plants is emphasized.  相似文献   

A new genus and species is described to accommodate a newly discovered fungus pathogenic to Linnaea borealis. The fungus forms true sclerotia on stems and leaves of its host and apothecia arise singly or gregariously on the surface of ripe sclerotia. The new fungus was collected together with a stromatic conidiomal fungus that occurred on the same host. A putative teleomorph-anamorph connection of the observed taxa was ruled out by sequence comparison of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer DNA sequences (ITS rDNA). Based on morphology and pathogenicity, the new fungus belongs in the family Sclerotiniaceae, Helotiales, Ascomycota. A phylogenetic analysis of ITS rDNA sequences from 26 taxa of the family Sclerotiniaceae was performed to conclude on the systematic position of the new fungus. The small tuberoid sclerotia, brownish subsessile to substipitate apothecia, four-spored asci, ellipsoid to isthmoid ascospores, inability to grow on PDA culture media and a number of ITS rDNA sequence autapomorphies characterize and distinguish the fungus from other taxa of the Sclerotiniaceae.  相似文献   


Populations of rare clonally spreading species are increasingly being shown to be composed of one or a few genotypes. Clones have potentially unlimited life but two factors, genetic erosion due to random events and increasing accumulation of genetic load in older genotypes, combine to expose them to sexual failure and loss of fertility. Non-breeding clonal populations are at risk of extinction because they lack the ability to adapt or escape from changing environments.

Twinflower (Linnaea borealis L.) has been lost from nearly 50 % of its pre-1970 sites. It is a clonal self-incompatible plant and sexual failure has been reported from Canada, Britain and Scandinavia. Sexual failure is due to high levels of within-clone pollination by flies. Seed set occurs naturally in Scottish populations which have some genetic diversity. A non-breeding population in Scotland has been restored to viability by experimental cross-pollination with pollen from a distant source. Conservation action for this species should therefore be directed to the prevention of loss of habitat and restoration of population viability by translocation of compatible mates.

Translocating plants into extant, but non-breeding, populations are still a matter of debate and are frequently opposed. However, experimental translocations must now be performed to establish whether intervention can secure the long-term survival of rare clonal plants without the constant need for re-introduction.  相似文献   

药用民族植物学及其研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
药用民族植物学是研究传统医药或民间医药中植物药及其相关内容的一门由多学科组成的交叉学科。随着科学界对传统医药知识认识的不断加深 ,药用民族植物学已经受到了世界范围内的普遍关注。本文从传统医药的概念、引起科学界对传统医药知识产生兴趣的原因、民族传统药物的特点、药用民族植物学在发达国家和发展中国家的研究状况等方面对药用民族植物学的研究进展作了综合评述。  相似文献   

‘Beauty bush’ and ‘twin flower’ are common names attributed to two well‐recognizable species belonging to the genus Linnaea (16 spp.) – L. amabilis and L. borealis – long admired by botanists and gardeners for their perfumed paired bell‐shaped flowers. In the present study, we investigated their floral scent compositions through gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) analysis of dynamic headspace samples. Because the flowers of L. borealis in wild populations are fragrant both during the day and in the evening, circadian variation of scent emission was also assessed for this species. In total, 26 chemical compounds comprise the floral scent bouquets of L. amabilis and L. borealis, identified as monoterpenes (14), benzenoids and phenylpropanoids (5), aliphatics (3), sesquiterpenes (3) and irregular terpenes (1). Whereas monoterpenes, notably (‐)‐α‐ and β‐pinene, dominated the scent of L. amabilis (over 82% relative abundance), benzene derivates: 1,4 dimethoxybenzene, anisaldehyde, 2‐phenylethanol, benzaldehyde and nicotinaldehyde were exclusive to analysed headspace samples of L. borealis, accounting for 52% to 100% of their relative compositions, in three Swedish populations. A southwestern Finnish population was characterized by the four first mentioned benzenoid compounds and large amounts of (‐)‐α‐ and β‐pinenes plus two aliphatic substances. The scent compounds identified for both species are ubiquitous and may serve as generalist attractants/stimulants for a broad assortment of anthophilous insects. The basic work on the flower scent of L. amabilis and L. borealis should inspire studies of their pollination biology, primarily the behaviour‐guiding roles of the characteristic emitted volatiles.  相似文献   

Reported economic uses of Clitoria (Leguminosae) are summarized based upon literature reports and label data obtained from examination of over 8000 herbarium vouchers. Reports are categorized by economic use. Most reports are for an African species,C. tematea, presently distributed throughout the tropics. Economic data for 23 species are reported, many for the first time.  相似文献   

Surveys of genetic diversity patterns of self‐incompatible clonal polyploid plant species are still scarcer than those of diploid plant species. Therefore, I studied the phylogeographical history of Linnaea borealis subsp. borealis to shed light on the colonization history of this clonal self‐incompatible polyploid plant in Eurasia using selected regions of plastid DNA and genetic diversity patterns of 22 populations of this species employing AFLP markers. I also addressed the question of whether the genetic diversity patterns in L. borealis subsp. borealis in Eurasia are similar to those of earlier published studies of clonal self‐incompatible diploid or polyploid plants. This survey revealed that the shallow phylogeographical history (six plastid haplotypes forming one haplogroup, 100% bootstrap support) and moderate genome‐wide diversity estimated using AFLP markers (Fragpoly = 10.8–38.9%, I = 0.060–0.180, FST = 0.289) were general characteristics of L. borealis subsp. borealis in its Eurasian range. The sampling strategy, in most cases at 1–2‐m or even 3–5‐m intervals, showed that a balance between vegetative and sexual reproduction and limited pollen dispersal among compatible mates can be important for genetic diversity patterns in populations of this taxon. Despite the fact that one‐half of the investigated populations were strongly isolated, they still preserved similar levels of genetic diversity across the geographical range. I found no support for the hypothesis that a bottleneck and/or inbreeding had accompanied habitat fragmentation as factors shaping genetic diversity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 64–76.  相似文献   

葫芦的民族植物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葫芦(Lagenaria siceraria(Molina)Standl.)系葫芦科植物,在我国有着悠久的应用的历史,在古代人民的经济生活和医疗活动中均有重要的地位,而且在民俗文化方面更有丰富的内容,和宗教、植物崇拜有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

Lynn Bohs 《Economic botany》1989,43(2):143-163
Plants of the genusCyphomandra (Solanaceae) have long been utilized for their edible fruits in their native Latin America. The best-known species is the domesticated tree tomato or tamarillo,Cyphomandra betacea. This species, popular as a raw or cooked fruit, is widely cultivated in Andean South America and is now dispersed worldwide in subtropical areas. Its origin and wild relatives are still unknown, but there are tentative reports of wild populations ofC. betacea in southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. Wild species ofCyphomandra such asC. hartwegii, C. sibundoyensis, andC. cajanumensis also produce edible fruits. Other species ofCyphomandra are used in medicinal preparations and as dyes. This group of plants is of increasing economic importance and may have considerable potential for future exploitation.  相似文献   

蜡梅的民族植物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)是特产我国且栽培历史悠久的名贵花木,在我国栽培广泛。从民族植物学的角度对蜡梅的名称溯源、文化内涵、观赏价值及经济价值等进行了分析。阐述其色、香、姿、韵的园林美学价值和不畏严寒的文化价值以及蜡梅属植物的药用、食用、工业用等经济价值。并且对蜡梅这一重要的绿化树种在我国园林中的应用进行了分析,探讨其在园林应用中应注意的原则以及蜡梅专类园栽植和混植、群植、盆景等多种应用形式。  相似文献   

应用民族植物学的基本原理和方法,选择中国云南和山东为试点,兼顾其他省区,开展芋[Colocasia esculenta(L.)Schott]的民族植物学研究.结果表明:在云南传统栽种芋的菜园和农地被高附加值的经济作物所代替,芋在不同民族家庭中的地位也从传统作为主食变成蔬菜或杂粮;在山东已形成芋的产业化、标准化生产的格局,芋在汉族农家经济中的地位得到提升.在云南分布有芋的野生近缘种、半栽培种、栽培品种,种质资源丰富;在山东未发现芋的野生类型,以旱芋类型的多子芋栽培品种为主.由于经济的发展和主流文化的影响,民间对芋的植物崇拜及植物崇拜文化丢失的速度大大加剧.在古朴的传统食芋文化中,蕴含着丰富的关于芋植物资源利用和保护的传统知识和朴素的科学内涵,需要进行深入的挖掘和探讨.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Small populations of rare plant species are increasingly reported to have high levels of reproductive failure. The objective of this study was to understand the principal constraints on sexual reproduction in small fragmented populations of a rare clonal self-incompatible plant.


The pollinator spectrum, diversity of flower colour, natural pollination and fruit-set levels of L. borealis were examined in Scotland. Artificially crossed seed production was compared within and between different flower colour types and patches.

Key Results

Linnaea borealis was pollinated by a diverse spectrum of insect species and the principal pollinators were muscid, syrphid and empid flies which mostly moved only small distances (<0·25 m) between flowers when foraging. Natural pollination levels were high, indicating high pollinator effectiveness, but fruit set was very low in most patches. Flower colour diversity was low in most patches and only those with a diversity of flower colour types had high fruiting success. Pollination experiments showed L. borealis to be highly self-incompatible and artificial crosses within and between patches and flower colour types confirmed that low fruit success was the result of a lack of compatible mates and limited pollen movement between them. Evidence of isolation from pollen exchange was apparent at as little as 6 m and severe at 30 m and beyond.


Limited mate availability and isolation from pollen exchange compromise the reproductive success of fragmented populations of L. borealis in Scotland. A diversity of compatible mates situated within close proximity (<6 m) is the key requirement to ensure high natural fruiting success. This study emphasizes that an understanding of the breeding system, pollinator spectrum and potential for interconnectivity via pollinator movement are fundamental to identify isolation distances and to establish when conservation intervention is necessary for rare species.Key words: Linnaea borealis, clonal, self-incompatible, reproductive failure, fragmented populations, isolation, pollination  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):41-49

The reproduction of Pohlia nutans (Hedw.) Lindb. and Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. were compared in the surroundings of copper smelters at Harjavalta, Finland. Samples of both species were collected from 16 sample plots, which were situated on a 12-km transect at intervals of half a kilometre from the smelters. As a result of pollution the production of gametangia decreased in P. schreberi, and near the smelters most of the shoots were sterile. The biomass of shoots seems to have an effect on the production of perichaetia; reproducing females were always the largest ones in the colonies. The reproductive strategy of Pohlia nutans also varied. While, in moderately clean areas, colonies reproduced sexually and formed sporophytes, in the vicinity of the smelters caducous shoot apices were produced. The numbers of sporophytes in colonies were highest in moderately polluted areas and decreased further away from the smelters. The numbers of spores per capsule in P. nutans decreased at polluted sites and the proportion of aborted spores increased.  相似文献   

紫堇属藏药的药用民族植物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫堇属植物在藏药中具有较悠久的历史,而且随着历史的发展藏医所使用的该属药用植物的种类也在不断增加.本文采用药用民族植物学研究中的文献研究法,对文献中有关藏医用该属药用植物资源的利用情况进行了整理和分析.结果发现,藏医对该属植物的命名具有一定的规律,但目前还没有人对此进行系统研究;不同地区的藏医在使用该属药用植物资源中存在着一定程度的差异,这可能与不同地区该属的种类分布不同有关;该属藏药植物中藏医主要用于治疗止血、肝胆疾病和流感等疾病.与丰富的该属植物种类相比,并结合藏医的利用情况,从该属植物中寻找新的药用资源具有一定的潜力.  相似文献   

Mangrove plants are closely connected with folk customs of Jing ethnic group, and it is one of the symbols of Jing people as marine people. However, rapid economic development and globalization have brought about critical challenges to the cultural traditions of Jing people, and traditional knowledge of mangroves is being lost among Jing ethnic group. To protect folk customs on mangroves of Jing people, we have conducted a series of surveys on mangrove plants which have been used for folk customs of Jing people via ethnobotanical and taxonomical methods. The results showed that there were 14 mangrove plant species used in Jing people’s traditional folk customs. Four species of mangrove plants were used for religious belief, 11 species used in social customs and 7 species for material customs. Avicennia marina, Acanthus ilicifolius and Rhizophora stylosa are with the highest relationship with folk customs for Jing people. Our research can provide more comprehensive interpretation for characteristic on marine culture of Jing people, and improve the knowledge on ethnobotany of mangroves.  相似文献   

A bacteriological survey of the Maine shrimp industry was conducted to investigate the conditions associated with the production of frozen, raw, peeled shrimp. In-plant samples and finished product units were collected from seven plants. The most probable number of Escherichia coli, coliforms, and coagulase-positive staphylococci, as well as aerobic plate counts (APC), were determined. Freshly harvested shrimp collected from fishing vessels had an APC geometric mean of 510/g, and E. coli, coliforms, and coagulase-positive staphylococci were absent. Subsequent storage and insanitary practices during processing increased the APC and introduced coliforms. However, the low air temperatures (18 to 45 F) in the plants and the large volumes of cold water (34 F) used during processing inhibited significant bacterial buildup in the finished product.  相似文献   

Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Uncaria (Rubiaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Uncaria genus is an important source of medicinal natural products, particularly alkaloids and triterpenes. The collected information is an attempt to cover the more recent developments in the ethnobotany, pharmacology and phytochemistry of this genus. During the past 20 years, alkaloids, terpenes, quinovic acid glycosides, flavonoids and coumarins have been isolated from Uncaria. Fifty-three novel structures are reported in this review. The species in which the largest number of compounds has been identified is the Peruvian Uncaria tomentosa or 'cat's claw.' Pharmacological studies are described according to cytotoxicity, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulation, antioxidant, CNS-related response, vascular, hypotensive, mutagenicity and antibacterial properties. The potential for development of leads from Uncaria continues to grow, particularly in the area of immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and vascular-related conditions. The information summarized here is intended to serve as a reference tool to practitioners in the fields of ethnopharmacology and natural products chemistry.  相似文献   

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