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Electron microscopy (EM) of whole mounted mouse chromosomes, light microscopy (LM), and agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA were used to investigate the cytological effect on chromosomes of digestion with the restriction endonucleases (REs) AluI, HinfI, HaeIII and HpaII. Treatment with AluI produces C-banding as seen by LM, cuts DNA into small fragments, and reduces the density of centromeres and disperses the chromatin of the arms as determined by EM. Treatment with HinfI produces C-banding, cuts DNA into slightly larger fragments than does AluI and increases the density of centromeres and disperses the fibres in the chromosomal arms. Exposure to HaeIII produces G- + C-banding, cuts the DNA into large fragments, and results in greater density of centromeres and reduced density of arms. Finally HpaII digestion produces G-like bands, cuts the DNA into the largest fragments found and results in greater density of centromeres and the best preservation of chromosomal arms detected by EM. These results provide evidence for: (1) REs producing identical effects in the LM (AluI and HinfI) produce different effects in the EM. (2) All enzymes appear to affect C-bands but while REs such as AluI reduce the density of these regions, other enzymes such as HpaII, HaeIII or HinfI increase their density. Conformational changes in the chromatin could explain this phenomenon. (3) The appearance of chromosomes in the EM is related to the action of REs on isolated DNA. The more the DNA is cut by the enzyme, the greater the alteration of the chromosomal ultrastructure.  相似文献   

The irradiation of metaphase spreads of human cells with ultraviolet (UV) light blocked the chromosome banding induced by Alu I, Mbo I, Dde I, Hinf I, Hae III, and Rsa I restriction endonucleases. At 13 J/m2 there was moderate inhibition of the nuclease action, which was detected as an increase in the stain intensity of chromosomes (Alu I, Mbo I, Dde I, Rsa I) or as a change in the banding pattern (Hinf I, Hae III). At 70–300 J/m2 the UV-induced blockage was complete; the chromosomes showed no banding, and stain intensity was similar to that of control slides incubated with buffer. — BrdU substitution and the irradiation of BrdU-substituted chromosomes with 313 nm light at 1800–15000 J/m2 did not block the action of restriction nucleases. On the other hand, UV irradiation of BrdU-substituted chromosomes inhibited the action of restriction enzymes at the same fluences that blocked the nuclease action in unsubstituted chromosomes. The data indicate that DNA-protein crosslinkage is the factor inhibiting DNA extraction and chromosome banding.  相似文献   

Human metaphase chromosomes were treated with HaeIII, HindIII, EcoRI, and AluI restriction endonucleases and subsequently stained with either Giemsa or ethidium bromide. The results obtained seemed to suggest that the structural organization of specific chromosome regions can play a primary role in determining the cytological effect after digestion with specific restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

The authors report on the activity of Hinf I restriction endonuclease on human fixed metaphase chromosomes. Experiments performed by digesting chromosomes just after harvesting or after ageing in methanol-acetic acid displayed a different pattern of digestion on metaphases, since only aged preparations showed gaps on heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 and C-like bands on other chromosomes. In this view, the authors suggest that structural modifications of the DNA, induced by acid fixation, can influence Hinf I activity on fixed metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Whole mounted chromosomes from the L929 mouse cell line were digested on grids with HinfI and AluI restriction endonucleases and studied by electron microscopy. Results show differences in the pattern of bands obtained in a marker chromosome when compared with those previously reported by light microscopy with the same restriction endonucleases. These differences suggest that the accessibility of restriction sites on chromosomes may be modulated by preparatory methods for chromosome analysis.  相似文献   

Extensive digestion of Chinese hamster metaphase chromosomes with Alu I, Hae III and Hinf I released up to 40 distinct chromosomal proteins. Some of the proteins released by Hae III or Hinf I were enriched in the protein moiety liberated by Alu I but several proteins released by Hae III were not released by Alu I digestion. The amount of chromosomal protein released by deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) was comparable to that liberated by the three restriction enzymes so far tested, while only four abundant protein species were detectable in the protein moiety released by DNase I. Two of them with molecular weights of 58,000 and 50,000 were also released by the three restriction enzymes and are similar in size to those found previously in the core-like structure of histone-depleted chromosomes.  相似文献   

Patterns of differential staining of Drosophila, mouse, rat, cattle and pig chromosomes were examined after the treatment with nucleases (DNAase I, DNAase II) and restriction enzymes (AluI, HpaII, MspI, BpE, EcoRI). The above effects depend on the species used, on the enzymes and substitution of thymine for bromodeoxyuridine in the chromosomal DNA. It is supposed that such a phenomenon may not only result from the irregular distribution of specific restriction sites along chromosomes but also depend on the specificity of supramolecular organization of the chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Ten phenotypically normal human individuals have been analysed by in situ treatments with restriction endonucleases in order to obtain a better characterization of some cryptic variants of acrocentric chromosomes. Treatments with AluI, NdeII and Sau 3AI confirm the existence of two cryptic amplified regions on the short arms of both one chromosome 15 and one chromosome 22, in one female. These amplifications seem to be of different origin involving the nucleolar organizer region of chromosome 15 and the satellite of chromosome 22.  相似文献   

Human metaphase chromosomes were treated with the restriction endonuclease MseI, which cuts DNA at TTAA sequences. This enzyme preferentially cuts and extracts DNA from G-bands and thus is the first restriction endonuclease allowing direct R-band visualization. Specific patterns ranging from R+C-like to C-like banding can be induced, depending on the concentration of the enzyme. At intermediate concentrations, only a subset of R-bands are produced, corresponding to GC-rich bands that are especially resistant to heat denaturation (so-called T-bands). These results suggest that compositional differences between chromosomal regions determine the different rates of cleavage by MseI, not only between R- and G-bands but also among different R-bands.  相似文献   

Alterations induced in mouse chromosomes by restriction endonucleases   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fixed chromosomes of mouse have been treated with Alu I, Eco RII, Hind III or Bam HI restriction endonucleases and subsequently stained with either Giemsa, Ethidium Bromide or Acridine Orange. The results obtained have been discussed in the light of preferential or non-preferential extraction of DNA from specific chromosome areas following enzyme digestion. The possible involvement of a particular structural organization of some classes of heterochromatin has been hypothesized to account for the findings after Alu I or Eco RII treatment. The meaning of the Giemsa banding observed after Hind III or Bam HI digestion has also been considered, in comparison to the different stain responses obtained by using a DNA-specific dye such as Ethidium Bromide.  相似文献   

Human metaphase chromosomes, fixed on slides, have beent treated with 8 different restriction endonucleases and 29 combinations of 2 restriction enzymes prior to staining with Giemsa. The endonucleases AluI and DdeI and the combinations AluI + DdeI, AluI + HaeIII, AluI + HinfI, and AluI + MboI have then been used to digest metaphase chromosomes of nine individuals with C-band variants of chromosomes 1 or 9, obtained by the CBG technique. The restriction enzyme resistant chromatin of the paracentromeric regions of chromosomes 1 and 9 has been measured and compared with the corresponding CBG-bands. The size of the enzyme resistant chromatin regions depend upon the type of enzyme(s) used. Treatment with AluI + MboI was the only digestion that acted differently on different chromosome pairs. However, within one pair of homologous chromosomes, all digestions revealed the same variations as conventional C-banding.  相似文献   

The mechanism of chromosome banding induced by restriction endonucleases was analyzed by measuring the amount of radioactivity extracted from [14C]thymidine-labeled chromosomes digested first with restriction enzymes and subsequently with proteinase K and DNase I. Restriction enzymes with a high frequency of recognition sites in the DNA produced a large number of short DNA fragments, which were extracted from chromosomes during incubation with the enzyme. This loss of DNA resulted in decreased chromosomal staining, which did not occur in regions resistant to restriction enzyme digestion and thus led to banding. Subsequent digestion of chromosomes with proteinase K produced a further loss of DNA, which probably corresponded to long fragments retained in the chromosome by the proteins of fixed chromatin. Restriction enzymes induce chromatin digestion and banding in G1 and metaphase chromosomes, and they induce digestion and the appearance of chromocenters in interphase nuclei. This suggests that the spatial organization and folding of the chromatin fibril plays little or no role in the mechanism of chromosome banding.It was confirmed that the pattern of chromosome banding induced by AluI, MboI, HaeIII, DdeI, RsaI, and HinfI is characteristic for each endonuclease. Moreover, several restriction banding polymorphisms that were not found by conventional C-banding were detected, indicating that there may be a range of variability in the frequency and distribution of restriction sites in homologous chromosome regions.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease in situ digestion of metaphase chromosomes gives an opportunity to reveal strips with different structure within GC-rich pericentric heterochromatin of the domestic horse and the wild Przewalski horse. Blocks of heterochromatin, which are insensitive to HaeIII and brightly stained with chromomycin A3 after restriction enzyme digestion, are localized on the border with euchromatin in the majority of chromosomes of Equus caballus and E. przewalskii. In contrast to chromosome 5 of E. caballus, acrocentric chromosomes of E. prezewalskii which are homologous to this chromosome have RE-CMA-blocks. We discuss a possible nature of the specific heterochromatin, which is insensitive to restriction enzyme digestion, and its role in the karyotype evolution.  相似文献   

The influence of incubation buffers and glycerol on the enzyme activity of naked DNA of lambda phage and mouse, and of mouse chromosomal DNA was investigated. The results obtained varied in part from previously known data, but confirmed the importance of these factors in determining the patterns of in situ restriction enzyme digestion so far attributed exclusively to endonuclease activity.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):289-292

The age of gametophytic tissues, de-starching, inclusion of PVP in the extraction medium, and column purification of isolated DNA have little or no effect upon the restriction of total DNA of Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch, Schimp. & W.Gümbel. The relative longevity of restriction enzymes also appears unimportant. However, the extent of digestion of moss DNA by a given restriction endonuclease appears to correlate inversely with the number of cytosine residues in its recognition sequence that are susceptible to methylation in plant cells. Inclusion of spermidine in the restriction buffer slightly enhances restriction by a few specific endonucleases. This knowledge has practical significance when designing experiments in which it is desirable that restriction of isolated DNA samples is taken to completion.  相似文献   

The data from earlier cytochemical studies, in which the metachromatic fluorochrome acridine orange (AO) was used to differentially stain single vs double-stranded DNA, suggested that DNA in situ in intact metaphase chromosomes or in condensed chromatin of G0 cells is more sensitive to denaturation, induced by heat or acid, than DNA in decondensed chromatin of interphase nuclei. Present studies show that, indeed, DNA in permeabilized metaphase cells, in contrast to cells in interphase, when exposed to buffers of low pH (1.5-2.8) becomes digestible with the single-strand-specific S1 or mung bean nucleases. A variety of extraction procedures and enzymatic treatments provided evidence that the presence of histones, HMG proteins, and S-S bonds in chromatin, as well as phosphorylation or poly(ADP)ribosylation of chromatin proteins, can be excluded as a factor responsible for the differential sensitivity of metaphase vs interphase DNA to denaturation. Cell treatment with NaCl at a concentration of 1.2 N and above abolished the difference between interphase and mitotic cells, rendering DNA in mitotic cells less sensitive to denaturation; such treatment also resulted in decondensation of chromatin visible by microscopy. The present data indicate that structural proteins extractable with greater than or equal to 1.2 N NaCl may be involved in anchoring DNA to the nuclear matrix or chromosome scaffold and may be responsible for maintaining a high degree of chromatin compaction in situ, such as that observed in metaphase chromosomes or in G0 cells. Following dissociation of histones, the high spatial density of the charged DNA polymer may induce topological strain on the double helix, thus decreasing its local stability; this can be detected by metachromatic staining of DNA with AO or digestion with single-strand-specific nucleases.  相似文献   

Summary The association pattern was studied in 2715 mitoses of 90 meningiomas with different numbers of acrocentric chromosomes. In cells with monosomy 22, a significant increase of mitoses with associations was observed in comparison to cells with a normal karyotype. The number of associating acrocentric chromosomes was highly significantly increased. This surplus was not only caused by a highly significant increase of associating G chromosomes but also of D chromosomes. The loss of further acrocentric chromosomes had no significant influence on the number of mitoses with associations or the number of associating chromosomes. Based on the well-known correlations between the nucleolus organization and the association pattern, the results seem to indicate a compensation mechanism among the nucleoles organizing regions (NOR's) which keeps the supply of nucleolar material constant and simultaneously causes a higher association tendency between the remaining acrocentric chromosomes. The increase of associations in the 22 monosomic cells was interpreted as a overcompensation after the loss of only one NOR.  相似文献   

Proteome analysis of human metaphase chromosomes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
DNA is packaged as chromatin in the interphase nucleus. During mitosis, chromatin fibers are highly condensed to form metaphase chromosomes, which ensure equal segregation of replicated chromosomal DNA into the daughter cells. Despite >1 century of research on metaphase chromosomes, information regarding the higher order structure of metaphase chromosomes is limited, and it is still not clear which proteins are involved in further folding of the chromatin fiber into metaphase chromosomes. To obtain a global view of the chromosomal proteins, we performed proteome analyses on three types of isolated human metaphase chromosomes. We first show the results from comparative proteome analyses of two types of isolated human metaphase chromosomes that have been frequently used in biochemical and morphological analyses. 209 proteins were quantitatively identified and classified into six groups on the basis of their known interphase localization. Furthermore, a list of 107 proteins was obtained from the proteome analyses of highly purified metaphase chromosomes, the majority of which are essential for chromosome structure and function. Based on the information obtained on these proteins and on their localizations during mitosis as assessed by immunostaining, we present a four-layer model of metaphase chromosomes. According to this model, the chromosomal proteins have been newly classified into each of four groups: chromosome coating proteins, chromosome peripheral proteins, chromosome structural proteins, and chromosome fibrous proteins. This analysis represents the first compositional view of human metaphase chromosomes and provides a protein framework for future research on this topic.  相似文献   

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