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Six floating 4-m3 cages stocked with 40 silver carp per cage (three cages) and 40 bighead carp per cage (three cages) were placed in each of the three subtropical Lakes Phewa, Begnas, and Rupa. The fish were cultured, without supplying artificial feed, from August 1994 to December 1995. Fish growth was positively correlated with water temperature, and a slight loss in weight occurred in January when water temperature fell below 16°C in all the lakes. Fish growth was better in Lake Phewa than in Lakes Begnas and Rupa, where food might not have been sufficient or of a quality to sustain fish growth. The fish fed on mostly indigestible phytoplankton, Microcystis aeruginosa in Lake Begnas and on Tabellaria fenestrata and Microcystis aeruginosa in Lake Rupa, which can lead to poor fish growth. The maximum growth rate of silver carp (5.8 g day−1) and bighead carp (4.7 g day−1) occurred in Lake Phewa when Ceratium hirundinella and Peridinium spp. were abundant from August through October. The food particles found in the gut were mostly similar in silver and bighead carp, though Cladocerans (Bosmina longirostris) were observed sparsely in the gut contents of bighead carp only. Received: May 21, 1999 / Accepted: September 28, 1999  相似文献   

Monthly zooplankton samples taken during the period February, 1977 to February, 1978 in the deepest portion in two shallow sub-tropical Lakes, Begnas and Rupa in the Pokhara Valley, Nepal were studied. Four peaks of zooplankton abundance were noted. Adult and copepodid Copepoda were numerically dominant in both lakes with 56% Copepoda, 24% Cladocera and 20% nauplii in Lake Begnas and 48% Copepoda, 36% Cladocera and 16% nauplii in Lake Rupa. Other forms like Chaoborus larvae occurred sporadically in both lakes. An occurrence of the rare Limnocnida nepalensis (Coelenterata: Limnomedusae) in Lake Rupa was also noted during April and May, 1977. Although both of these lakes had already been ranked as eutrophic, the absence of calanoids, relative abundance of Bosmina longirostris and higher gross primary production in Lake Rupa is an indication of a higher trophic condition than that of Lake Begnas.  相似文献   

Four subtropical mountain lakes in western Nepal were investigated for their plankton content and hydrographical conditions. Phytoplankton species composition, vertical distribution and seasonal variations were studied, and physical (temperature, visibility, electrical conductivity) and chemical (pH-value, alkalinity) properties of the lakes measured. The lakes rank among the subtropical monomictic type with thermal stratification and have a very low electrical conductivity. The phytoplankton (made up of diatom-desmid and dinoflagellate associations) comprised a mixture of species from tropical, Indo-Malayan and temperate regions; species from temperate regions, however, predominated.  相似文献   

Monthly sampling of zooplankton in Lake Phewa, Nepal revealed 18 species of zooplankton excluding protozoans. The seasonality and fecundity of the largest common cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi Sars was studied. Two distinct peaks of abundance were noted. No active stages were found during May and June. Egg ratio varied from zero to 0.88 in mature females. From the presence of only helmeted individuals of this species it is concluded that the predation pressure by fish was high.  相似文献   

Limnological reconnaissance of waterbodies in central and southern Nepal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ionic composition of waterbodies in central and southern Nepal sampled in spring 1985 differed from that normally found in freshwater. Distinguishing characteristics were: 1) predominance of bicarbonate among the anions — accounting for > 90% of the negative equivalents in two-thirds of the waterbodies, 2) the near absence of sulfates — accounting for < 1 % of the anions in half the samples so that chloride exceeded sulfate (as meq/L) in three-fourths of the waters tested and 3) calcium was the dominant cation, although in certain waters the relative proportion of either magnesium or the monovalent cations was much higher than the world average. Regional patterns in water chemistry were apparent and are largely explained by differences in local geology, inputs from artesian wells or extensive use by humans. Most ionic salinity values were <400 mg/L. Using conventional criteria to assess trophic state, most water-bodies were eutrophic or hypereutrophic when judged by total phosphorus and chlorophyll content but as a whole the lakes sampled were low in nitrogen. Nitrogen: phosphorus ratios (generally < 10) and a significant empirical relation for chlorophyll-nitrogen provide evidence that nitrogen limited algal biomass. Secchi transparency values indicate light regimes were affected by nonalgal materials. Contribution of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 10503. Contribution of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 10503.  相似文献   

The prevalence of infestation with head lice and body lice, Pediculus spp. (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) and pubic (crab) lice Pthirus pubis (L.) (Phthiraptera: Pthiridae), was recorded from 484 people in Nepal. The prevalence of head lice varied from 16% in a sample of people aged 10-39 years of age, to 59% in street children. Simultaneous infestations with head and body lice (double infestations) varied from 18% in slum children to 59% in street children.  相似文献   

Due to an abundance and diversity of vultures, Nepal is one of the most important countries for vulture conservation. Within Nepal, the Pokhara Valley is especially significant. We examine the distribution of vultures within the Pokhara Valley by conducting counts at 11 potential feeding or roosting sites using point count method. We further surveyed people of the valley regarding their perception of vulture ecology and conservation, knowledge of diclofenac use within the valley, and burial of livestock carcasses. We detected eight species of vultures, four of which are currently threatened with extinction. White‐rumped vulture Gyps bengalensis, Egyptian vulture Nephron percnopterus, and Himalayan vulture G. himalayensis were the most abundant. Almost all respondents (98%) had sighted the vultures in the wild. Formally educated respondents reported seeing vultures’ slightly more than nonformally educated respondents. Fifty‐eight percent respondents suspected habitat loss was the major threat for the vulture population decline in Pokhara Valley, and 97% respondents were not aware of any diclofenac use. The knowledge of vultures in people with different age groups suggests a more awareness programs are needed for local people, especially those who carry out animal husbandry and provide livestock to the vulture restaurant.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community of the Belarus Lakes Naroch, Myastro and Batorino, which have a Trophic State Index of 42.3, 60.7 and 66.8, respectively, underwent drastic changes to their structure during the period between 1968 and 2012. Thanks to an extensive monitoring program, these changes were well-documented and were qualitatively interpreted as signs of the community destabilization. The main objective of this study was the quantification of the ecological stability of the phytoplankton community in the Naroch Lakes. The approach to the quantification of ecological stability was based on defining the stability index as an inverse of the Euclidean Distance between the current and the reference states of the algal community (EuD-approach). The stability of the phytoplankton community was characterized by two indices: a “combined” index (SI[Comb]), and a “total community” index (SI[TotB]). SI[Comb] was calculated based on the individual taxonomic group biomasses and thus characterizes the stability of a community structure. SI[TotB] was calculated based on the values of the total algal biomass. Analyses of the results of this study extended the plausibility of the EuD-approach for the quantification of lake phytoplankton stability and allowed us to identify the dynamics of the stability of the Naroch Lakes phytoplankton. For the Naroch Lakes, we observed relatively larger SI[TotB] values in comparison with the SI[Comb] values. The results enabled us to examine the relationship between the lake trophic status and the stability of the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

The primary productivity of two turbid, shallow lakes on the Tasmanian Central Plateau was determined by the C14 technique from half-light day incubations in situ. Graphical integration of depth-rate curves gave estimates of areal day rates of production and of annual rates.The 2 lakes are closely adjacent and very similar physically and chemically, but have very different phytoplankton populations. Lake Crescent has ten times the standing crop biomass of Lake Sorell but its greater turbidity restricts light penetration, and production per unit of surface per day and per year is only 2.6 times that of Sorell.With day rates of 25-(44)-93 mgCm–2 and annual production of 16.9 gCm–2 Lake Sorell could be regarded as oligotrophic. Consideration of standing crop biomass and morphometry however indicates oligo-mesotrophy. Lake Crescent with day rates of 35-(115)-250 mgCm–2 and annual production of 45 gCm–2 is moderately eutrophic.Incubations in constant light demonstrated considerable variation in production rates in different parts of Lake Crescent.  相似文献   

Limnological characteristics of six subtropical lakes were monitored to determine the factors which regulate chlorophyll α concentrations and phytoplankton standing crops. Most physical chemical variables showed non-significant differences with depth but differences between lakes often were large. Phytoplankton blooms occurred throughout the year and there were marked differences between the hypereutrophic and mesotrophic lakes in chlorophyll α concentrations, standing stocks, and dominant species. Densities of total zooplankton and rotifers in the hypereutrophic lakes were 3- to 6-fold greater than in the mesotrophic lakes. Regression models for chlorophyll α and total phytoplankton cell volume were calculated for each lake and for all lakes combined, but R2 values and numbers of shared variables tended to be low indicating the need for additional variables and more frequent sampling.  相似文献   

The relationship among concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), algal biomass (Chl) and the density and size of individuals of the zooplankton community were studied for the dry season (November 1999–January 2000) at 20 lakes of the Central Amazonia. The study was conducted along a productivity gradient to identify the existence of resource or predator-dependent patterns on the primary producers of the trophic web. A strong positive relationship was observed between the log Chl and TN (r 2 = 0.88, P = 0.000) and to log Chl and log TP (r 2 = 0.85, P = 0.000) in a simple linear regression. However, when both variables were running together in a multiple regression, TN alone explained every variation of algal biomass (r 2 = 0.89, P TN = 0.022, P TP = 0.233). The total density of the zooplankton showed a positive correlation with log Chl (r 2 = 0.53, P = 0.000) and the large zooplankton (>0.5 mm) was found to be a more positive function of the phytoplankton (r 2 = 0.65) than the density of the small ones (<0.5 mm, r 2 = 0.44). Results show that complex food web interactions could be responsible for patterns in tropical systems. We contend that Chl variation in tropical lake systems is controlled by TN and TP, but the predictor power of the TN increase the fit of the model in analysis and can be use alone to access the variability in algae biomass to Amazonian tropical lakes. We also agree that the density of large zooplankton individuals is regulated by the biomass of primary producers. Hence we concluded that the resource-dependent hypothesis is supported in these systems. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

A limnological survey of 15 lakes and 6 streams was carried out on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) during austral summer 2001–2002. Most of the surface waters had low conductivities (20–105 μS cm−1) and nutrients (total phosphorus 0.01–0.24 μM), but some coastal lakes were enriched by nutrient inputs from seal colonies and marine inputs. Plankton communities in the lakes contained picocyanobacteria (102–104 cells ml−1), diatoms, chrysophytes and chlorophytes, and a large fraction of the total biomass was bacterioplankton. Zooplankton communities were dominated by Boeckella poppei and Branchinecta gainii; the benthic cladoceran Macrothrix ciliata was also recorded, for the first time in Antarctica. The chironomids Belgica antarctica and Parochlus steinenii, and the oligochaete Lumbricillus sp., occurred in stream and lake benthos. The phytobenthos included cyanobacterial mats, epilithic diatoms and the aquatic moss Drepanocladus longifolius. These observations underscore the limnological richness of this seasonally ice-free region in maritime Antarctica and its value as a long-term reference site for monitoring environmental change.  相似文献   

The Bitter Lakes are the most significant water bodies of the Suez Canal, comprising 85% of the water volume, but spreading over only 24% of the length of the canal. The present study aims at investigation of the trophic status of the Bitter Lakes employing various trophic state indices, biotic and abiotic parameters, thus reporting the health of the Lake ecosystem according to the internationally accepted classification criteria’s. The composition and abundance of phytoplankton with a dominance of diatoms and a decreased population density of 4315–7376?ind. l?1 reflect the oligotrophic nature of this water body. The intense growth of diatoms in the Bitter Lakes depends on silicate availability, in addition to nitrate and phosphate. If the trophic state index (TSI) is applied to the lakes under study it records that the Bitter Lakes have an index under 40. Moreover, in the total chlorophyll-a measurements of 0.35–0.96?µg?l?1 there are more indicative of little algal biomass and lower biological productivity. At 0.76–2.3?µg?l?1, meanwhile, the low quantity of Phosphorus is a further measure of low biological productivity. In the Bitter Lakes, TN/TP ratios are high and recorded 147.4, and 184.7 for minimum and maximum ratios, respectively. These values indicate that in Bitter lakes, the limiting nutrient is phosphorus and confirm the oligotrophic status of the Bitter Lakes. The latter conclusion is supported by Secchi disc water clarity measurements, showing that light can penetrate, and thus algae can photosynthesize, as deep as >13?m. This study, therefore, showed that the Bitter Lakes of the Suez Canal exhibit oligotrophic conditions with clear water, low productivity and with no algal blooming.  相似文献   

长潭水库是广东梅州市重要的备用水源地,属于国家一类水源保护区。2010年7月,通过分析长潭水库浮游生物群落组成、生物量及多样性指数等群落结构特征和水体理化指标,揭示长潭水库富营养化水平。结果显示,长潭水库鉴定出55种浮游植物,隶属于6个门,优势种为绿藻门的栅藻(Scenedesmus sp.)、蓝藻门的微囊藻(Microcystis sp.)和伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)、隐藻门的隐藻(Cryptophyta sp.)以及硅藻门的小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)和针杆藻(Synedra sp.);藻类密度范围1.71×106~2.44×108 cells/L;浮游动物共检出44种,包括轮虫、枝角类和桡足类,其中轮虫是主要类群。综合营养状态指数评价结果显示,长潭水库部分水体呈轻度富营养化。典范对应分析结果显示,浮游动物、溶解氧、总氮、总磷和化学需氧量是影响长潭水库浮游植物群落结构的关键环境因子。  相似文献   

The zooplankton compositions in the limnetic zones of two subtropical lakes, the Nainital and the Bhimtal (U.P., India) were more or less similar in terms of species composition. Numerically, zooplankters were abundant during the thermal stratification (summer-autumn) period and scarce during the over-turn (winter). The density of the zooplankton population reported from the eutrophic Lake Nainital was higher than in the oligotrophic Lake Bhimtal. Among the three groups studied copepods dominated over cladocerans and rotifers in both the lakes. The Shannon Weaver diversity was higher for Lake Bhimtal than for Lake Nainital. The community structure has also been discussed on the basis of crustacean species.  相似文献   

Calcite precipitation in model solutions and natural waters depends on the magnitude of saturation (saturation index ≫ 1). Continuous lye addition should simulate the CO2 decrease through assimilation by algae and the experiments can be applied to the autochthonic calcite precipitation in lakes. It seems possible to restore lakes with artificial calcite precipitation. Basic data for this experiment are given in this paper.  相似文献   

湖北四湖泊营养类型与轮虫群落的关系   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
对湖北梁子湖水系不同营养类型(中营养型、富营养型)4个湖泊中轮虫的群落结构和物种多样性进行了周年研究,分析比较了不同营养类型湖泊的轮虫种类组成、分布、优势种组成、密度、生物量和多样性指数。结果表明:轮虫的种类数、物种多样性与营养水平呈负相关关系,轮虫密度大体上随营养水平提高而增大,富营养化引起轮虫空间异质性降低,受污染湖泊与非污染湖泊轮虫种类数、寡污性种类数及分布差异尤为明显。用多样性指数评价湖泊营养状态与TLIc方法一致。  相似文献   

The deposition of nitrogen (N) is high in subtropical forest in South China and it is expected to increase further in the coming decades. To assess effects of increasing deposition on N cycling, we investigated the current N status of two selected 40–45-year-old masson pine-dominated Chinese subtropical forest stands at Tieshanping (TSP, near Chongqing City) and Caijiatang (CJT in Shaoshan, Hunan province), and explored the applicability of several indicators for N status and leaching, suggested for temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. Current atmospheric N deposition to the systems is from 25 to 49 kg ha−1 year−1. The concentration of total N in the upper 15 cm of the soil is from as low as 0.05% in the B2 horizon to as high as 0.53% in the O/A horizon. The concentration of organic carbon (C) varies from 0.74 (B2) to 9.54% (O/A). Pools of N in the upper 15 cm of the soils range from 1460 to 2290 kg N ha−1, where 25–55% of the N pool is in the O/A horizon (upper 3 cm of the soil). Due to a lack of a well-developed continuous O horizon (forest floor), the C/N ratio of this layer cannot be used as an indicator for the N status, as is commonly done in temperate and boreal forests. The net N mineralization rate (mg N g−1 C year−1) in individual horizons correlates significantly with the C/N ratio, which is from as high as 18.2 in the O/A horizon to as low as 11.2 in the B2 horizon. The N2O emission flux from soil is significantly correlated with the KCl extractable NH4+–N in the O/A horizon and with the net nitrification in the upper 15 cm of the soil. However, the spatial and temporal variation of the N2O emission rate is high and rates are small and often difficult to detect in the field. The soil flux density of mineral N, defined as the sum of the throughfall N input rate and the rate of in situ net N mineralization in the upper 15 cm of the soil, i.e., the combination of deposition input and the N status of the system, explains the NO3 leaching potential at 30 cm soil depth best. The seasonality of stream water N concentration at TSP and CJT is climatic and hydrologically controlled, with highest values commonly occurring in the wet growing season and lowest in the dry dormant season. This is different from temperate forest ecosystems, where N saturation is indicated by elevated NO3 leaching in stream water during summer.  相似文献   

Little is known about the dynamics of succession of fungi on limestone exposed in subtropical environments. In this study, the colonization of experimental blocks of compact and porous limestone by a fungal community derived from natural biofilms occurring on Structure X from the archaeological site of Becán (México), was studied using a cultivation-dependent approach after short-term (9 m) exposure in order to provide a preliminary insight of the colonization process under seminatural conditions. Microbial growth seen as the change of colour of stone surfaces to black/dark green was more abundant on the porous limestone. There was a fairly clear difference in microbial colonization between the onset of the experiment and the 6th month for both limestone types, but no significant increase in the colonization of coupons occurred between months 6 and 9. This could be related to the low rainfall expected for this period, corresponding to the dry season. A total of 977 isolates were obtained. From these, 138 sterile fungi were unidentified, 380 could only be assigned to the order Sphaeropsidales; the remaining isolates (459) were grouped into 27 genera and 99 different species. Nearly all detected fungal species belonged to the Ascomycota (90 %). Rare taxa (species represented by one to three isolates) included the recently described genus Elasticomyces, several species of genera Hyalodendron, Monodyctis, Papulospora, Curvularia, and Septoria. Other taxa were Minimedusa and Gliomastix luzulae, which have not been previously described for stone environments. Abundant fungi included several species of the common genera Cladosporium, Alternaria, and Taeniolella typical for a range of habitats. Succession of populations was observed for certain taxa, this shift in the composition of fungal communities was more evident in porous limestone. After 6 m of exposure, species of the genera Scolecobasidium, Hyalodendron, and Taeniolella were predominant, while after 9 m, the predominant species belonged to the genera Curvularia and Alternaria, particularly on porous stone. These results suggest that Curvularia and Alternaria replaced other fungi, due to a higher tolerance towards low levels of available water during the dry season. Higher levels of water within the porous stone, keep longer periods of microbial activity, minimizing the impact of desiccation. This study contributes to understand the diversity of fungal communities in stone surfaces in subtropical settings and the dynamics of colonization on limestone.  相似文献   

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