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The cytochrome P-450 content of nuclear membranes isolated from the livers of male Sprague-Dawley rats fed a semipurified diet containing 0.05% w/w 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) for 3 weeks, was only about 20% of the values in control rats fed the same diet devoid of AAF. This effect was apparent after only 1 week of AAF treatment and persisted in nuclear membranes from isolated hyperplastic nodules (HPN) generated by 4 cycles of interrupted AAF-feeding. The microsomal cytochrome P-450 content, on the other hand, remained at control levels after 1 week of AAF treatment, and it was only slightly decreased after 3 weeks. In contrast, microsomes from HPN generated by prolonged AAF treatment had markedly decreased amounts of cytochrome P-450. The AAF treatment also caused changes in cholesterol epoxide hydrolase activity, which paralleled those observed for cytochrome P-450 content. Nuclear membranes from livers of rats fed AAF for 3 weeks, and from isolated HPN, had only 30-50% of the cholesterol epoxide hydrolase activity present in controls, whereas the microsomal enzyme activity remained at control levels after 3 weeks of AAF feeding but was 50% depressed in microsomes from HPN. The selective loss of cytochrome P-450 and of cholesterol epoxide hydrolase in hepatic nuclear membrane, but not in microsomes, of rats fed AAF for 3 weeks suggests independent control for these enzymes in these two membrane fractions. Cytochrome P-450 plays a role both in the activation of AAF (N-hydroxylation) as well as in its detoxification (ring hydroxylation) whereas cholesterol epoxide hydrolase initiates the detoxification of cholesterol epoxide. Therefore, our findings suggest the hypothesis that AAF treatment causes an early loss, at the surface of the nucleus, of the last line of defense for detoxification of transforming or promoting metabolites generated by microsomal activation of natural substances such as cholesterol and of xenobiotics such as AAF.  相似文献   

Hepatic nuclei were isolated, purified, and partially characterized from control and Streptococcus pneumoniae-infected rats. Biochemical and morphologic examination showed little contamination by other cell organelles. An in vitro system for the incorporation of 2-[14C]uridine-5'-triphosphate into ribonucleic acid (RNA) was developed and characterized. Although the stimulatory effects of cytosol on incorporation of labeled precursors into RNA have been previously reported, nuclei isolated from the livers of S. pneumoniae-infected rats were stimulated to a significantly greater extent than were nuclei isolated from the livers of control rats. In the presence of cytosol prepared from either control or infected rats, the increased incorporation of labeled precursor into RNA by nuclei isolated from infected rats was observed over broad pH and temperature ranges. The increased activity of infected nuclei was eliminated when albumin was substituted for cytosol, and could not be accounted for by differences in endogenous precursor pool size. These results are consistent with other infection-induced alterations in hepatic RNA and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis has been studied in isolated nuclei of HeLa cells. The incubation medium has been optimized for RNA synthesis and the requirements for the presence of specific components previously used by other investigators has been examined. Nuclei isolated by centrifugation through 2 M sucrose synthesize RNA linearly for at least 1 h only at low temperature (25 degrees C). Low molecular weight RNA is found in the supernatant fraction after incubation; this RNA accounts for about 10% of the RNA synthesized. The RNA which remains within nuclei is of high molecular weight and processing of this RNA into molecules of the size of cytoplasmic mRNA does not seem to occur in isolated nuclei. We have studied the effect of an inhibitor of protein-nucleic acid interaction - aurintricarboxylic acid - on RNA synthesis by isolated nuclei. At concentrations below 0.1 mM, this drug does not inhibit RNA synthesis effectively, whereas at concentrations above 0.1 mM it inhibits RNA synthesis by about 80%. In view of the proposed mechanism of action of aurintricarboxylic acid, we suggest that completion of nucleotide chains initiated before nuclei isolation accounts for 20% of the RNA synthesized in our system by isolated nuclei, whereas nucleotide chains initiated during the in vitro incubation account for 80% of the RNA synthesized.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA synthesis in isolated nuclei   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

Horst Hameister 《Chromosoma》1977,62(3):217-242
An RNA synthesizing system with isolated polytene nuclei from Chironomus tentans is described. This system allows one to monitor the effect of salt concentration on chromosome structure and to assign in vitro RNA synthesis to structural modifications of the chromosome (i.e. nucleoli, Balbiani rings and puffs).-At a salt concentration of 0.15 M monovalent cations (standard salt medium=SSM) chromosomal structure appears to be best preserved during in vitro incubation. At low and high ionic strength the bands decondense and the microscopically visible chromosomal structure is lost completely. These three states of condensation and decondensation are distinguished with respect to RNA synthesis: (1) in low salt overall RNA synthesis is depressed, (2) in SSM ribosomal RNA synthesis predominates and continues for 30 min, (3) in high salt RNA synthesis is stimulated 3–4 fold again. This stimulation is due solely to chromosomal, non-ribosomal RNA synthesis, which proceeds in high salt for more than 10 h, though new initiation of RNA chains is prevented. Molecular weight determinations of the RNA synthesized demonstrate a time dependent increase in size of the newly synthesized molecules under these conditions. — Autoradiographs of nuclei incubated in SSM reveal prominent label in nucleoli, significant label in Balbiani rings and rather reduced activity at other sites. Addition of various exogenous RNA polymerases does not markedly alter this pattern. Autoradiographs of nuclei incubated in high salt exhibit extensive RNA synthesis spread over the chromosomes. Preparations of autoradiographs from isolated chromosomes show that the high salt induced label is localized in single bands. Though the majority of bands is still unlabelled, the actual number of bands exhibiting incorporation in high salt is higher than in any individual functional state in vivo. These results are discussed in terms of activated and preactivated genes.  相似文献   

1. Rates of RNA synthesis in isolated Xenopus embryo nuclei decrease from blastula through gastrula and neurula stages to hatching tadpoles. 2. In blastula and gastrula nuclei, net synthesis of RNA continues for over 30 min, both in the presence of KCl at 0.4 M and in its absence. In nuclei from later stages, net synthesis continues for only about 10 min in the absence of KCl. 3. At low ionic strength, RNA synthesis in all nuclei is greater with optimum Mg-2+ (6 mM) than with optimum Mn-2+ (1 mM). At high ionic strength the reverse is true. 4. An unusual feature, which gradually disappears as development proceeds, is that curves relating RNA synthesis to KCl concentration show a peak at 0.1 M KCl. In blastula nuclei, RNA synthesis is more rapid at 0.1 M KCl than at 0.4 M. 5. This peak at low ionic strength is not observed in the presence of the initiation inhibitor rifamycin AF/013. It is concluded that the peak arises from initiation of RNA synthesis by an excess of RNA polymerases bound non-specifically to the isolated nuclei. The residual synthesis, representing elongation of chains that were initiated in vivo, still declines as development progresses. 6. In blastula nuclei, over half of the RNA synthesis is effected by polymerase II (inhibited by alpha-amanitin), the proportion remaining roughly constant with increasing ionic strength. In neurula nuclei, the proportion rises from about one-half to three-quarters. The initiation-dependent peak in blastula and gastrula nuclei is contributed by both alpha-amanitin-sensitive and alpha-amanitin-resistant enzymes.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis has been studied in isolated nuclei of HeLa cells. The incubation medium has been optimized for RNA synthesis and the requirements for the presence of specific components previously used by other investigators has been examined. Nuclei isolated by centrifugation through 2 M sucrose synthesize RNA linearly for at least 1 h only at low temperature (25°C). Low molecular weight RNA is found in the supernatant fraction after incubation; this RNA accounts for about 10% of the RNA synthesized. The RNA which remains within nuclei is of high molecular weight and processing of this RNA into molecules of the size of cytoplasmic mRNA does not seem to occur in isolated nuclei. We have studied the effect of an inhibitor of protein-nucleic acid interaction — aurintricarboxylic acid — on RNA synthesis by isolated nuclei. At concentrations below 0.1 mM, this drug does not inhibit RNA synthesis effectively, whereas at concentrations above 0.1 mM it inhibits RNA synthesis by about 80%. In view of the proposed mechanism of action of aurintricarboxylic acid, we suggest that completion of nucleotide chains initiated before nuclei isolation accounts for 20% of the RNA synthesized in our system by isolated nuclei, whereas nucleotide chains initiated during the in vitro incubation account for 80% of the RNA synthesized.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural autoradiography was used to visualize RNA polymerase A activity in parenchymal cell nuclei isolated from normal and regenerating (3, 24, 36 and 48 h after partial hepatectomy) rat liver. High resolution autoradiography showed that the activity of RNA polymerase A which was not inhibited by α-amanitin in a concentration of 0.8 μg/ml, was restricted to the nucleolus. Both the distribution pattern and number of grains were similar in control liver and regenerating liver 3 h after hepatectomy. Twentyfour, 36, and 48 h after hepatectomy nucleoli were enlarged and labeling was distinctly increased. In all experimental groups the activity of RNA polymerase A was located within fibrillar components of the nucleolus. The association of enzyme activity with this component was especially distinct in later stages (36 and 48 h) of liver regeneration. These results suggest that the fibrillar component of the nucleolus contains the active template for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis in rat liver cell nuclei.  相似文献   

1. Twenty-four hours after administration of thioacetamide to normal rats, the activity and amount of RNA polymerase I in isolated liver nuclei were almost doubled. 2. When cycloheximide was administered to the drug-treated rats and normal rats 1 or 2 hr before death, the reduction in the activity was of the same degree, that is, about half of the activity of liver nuclei from normal rats. 3. Partial hepatectomy also caused about 2-fold increase in the RNA polymerase I activity in isolated liver nuclei after 16 hr, but the increased activity was almost completely abolished by injection of cycloheximide 1-3 hr before killing.  相似文献   

A rapid method for mass isolation of intact nuclei from Amoeba proteus has been developed. By this procedure, which includes a novel way of recovering nuclei during the filtration step, about 40% of the nuclei in the starting suspension of 4 to 5 × 106 cells can be recovered within 70 min. A typical suspension of purified nuclei consists of 93% intact nuclei, 5.6% food-waste pellets, 0.4% membranes, and 1.0% extracellular debris.  相似文献   

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