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Different components of complex integrated systems may be specialized for different functions, and thus the selective pressures acting on the system as a whole may be conflicting and can ultimately constrain organismal performance and evolution. The vertebrate cranial system is one of the most striking examples of a complex system with several possible functions, being associated to activities as different as locomotion, prey capture, display and defensive behaviours. Therefore, selective pressures on the cranial system as a whole are possibly complex and may be conflicting. The present study focuses on the influence of potentially conflicting selective pressures (diet vs. locomotion) on the evolution of head shape in Tropidurinae lizards. For example, the expected adaptations leading to flat heads and bodies in species living on vertical structures may conflict with the need for improved bite performance associated with the inclusion of hard or tough prey into the diet, a common phenomenon in Tropidurinae lizards. Body size and six variables describing head shape were quantified in preserved specimens of 23 species, and information on diet and substrate usage was obtained from the literature. No phylogenetic signal was observed in the morphological data at any branch length tested, suggesting adaptive evolution of head shape in Tropidurinae. This pattern was confirmed by both factor analysis and independent contrast analysis, which suggested adaptive co-variation between the head shape and the inclusion of hard prey into the diet. In contrast to our expectations, habitat use did not constrain or drive head shape evolution in the group.  相似文献   

Bone is a highly plastic tissue that reflects the many potential sources of variation in shape. Here, we focus on the functional aspects of bone remodeling. We choose the skull for our analyses because it is a highly integrated system that plays a fundamental role in feeding and is thus, likely under strong natural selection. Its principal mechanical components are the bones and muscles that jointly produce bite force and jaw motion. Understanding the covariations among these three components is of interest to understand the processes driving the evolution of the feeding apparatus. In this study, we quantitatively and qualitatively compare interactions between these three components in shrews from populations known to differ in shape and bite force. Bite force was measured in the field using a force transducer and skull shape was quantified using surface geometric morphometric approaches based on µCT‐scans of the skulls of same individuals. The masseter, temporalis, pterygoideus, and digastricus muscles of these individuals were dissected and their cross sectional areas determined. Our results show strong correlations between bite force and muscle cross sectional areas as well as between bite force and skull shape. Moreover, bite force explains an important amount of skull shape variation. We conclude that interactions between bone shape and muscle characteristics can produce different morpho‐functional patterns that may differ between populations and may provide a suitable target for selection to act upon. J. Morphol. 276:301–309, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Habitat usage comprises interactions between ecological parameters and organismal capacities, and the selective pressures that ultimately determine the outcome of such processes in an evolutionary scale may be conflicting when the same morphological structure is recruited for different activities. Here, we investigate the roles of diet and locomotion in the evolution of cranial design in gymnophthalmid lizards and test the hypothesis that microhabitat use drives head shape evolution, particularly in head-first burrowers. Morphological factors were analysed in relation to continuous ecological indexes (prey hardness and substrate compactness) using conventional and phylogenetic approaches. Results suggest that the evolution of head morphology in Gymnophthalmidae was shaped under the influence of microhabitat use rather than diet: burrowers have shorter heads with lower rostral angulation, independently of the prey consumed. Food preferences appear to be relatively conserved throughout the phylogeny of the group, which may have permitted the extensive radiation of gymnophthalmids into fossorial microhabitats.  相似文献   

Prevalence of parasites in wild animals may follow ecogeographic patterns, under the influence of climatic factors and macroecological features. One of the largest scale biological patterns on Earth is the latitudinal diversity gradient; however, latitudinal gradients may also exist regarding the frequency of interspecific interactions such as the prevalence of parasitism in host populations. Dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) are hosts of a wide range of ecto- and endoparasites, interactions that can be affected by environmental factors that shape their occurrence and distribution, such as climatic variation, ultraviolet radiation and vegetation structure. Here, we retrieved data from the literature on parasites of Odonata, represented by 90 populations infected by ectoparasites (water mites) and 117 populations infected by endoparasites (intestinal gregarines). To test whether there is a latitudinal and bioclimatic gradient in the prevalence of water mites and gregarines parasitizing Odonata, we applied Bayesian phylogenetic comparative models. We found that prevalence of ectoparasites was partially associated with latitude, showing the opposite pattern from our expectations – prevalence was reduced at lower latitudes. Prevalence of endoparasites was not affected by latitude. While prevalence of water mites was also positively associated with vegetation biomass and climatic stability, we found no evidence of the effect of bioclimatic variables on the prevalence of gregarines. Our study suggests that infection by ectoparasites of dragonflies and damselflies is driven by latitudinal and bioclimatic variables. We add evidence of the role of global-scale biological patterns in shaping biodiversity, suggesting that parasitic organisms may prove reliable sources of information about climate change and its impact on ecological interactions.  相似文献   

The local flow environment affects the shape of waterborne chemical signals through a variety of physical mechanisms and at several scales. Since crayfish rely on these chemical signals to extract information about predators, prey, and mates, one might expect the chemical sensors (aesthetascs) on crayfish antennules to be physically tuned to the presentation of chemical cues by the flow environment. This hypothesis was tested by comparing length, diameter, and spacing of antennules and aesthetascs among geographically distinct populations of Orconectes virilis. Crayfish were collected from the Chagrin river, Hebron hatchery, and Burt lake. In addition, antennules were sampled from 43 museum populations representing 12 lake, 10 creek, and 21 river populations from multiple states and river drainages. Mean velocities from the collection sites were either measured directly or calculated from United States Geological Survey (USGS) historical data. Structural parameters were measured using Scion Image software on Scanning electron microscope micrographs, and analyses of variance were performed using StatView. Structural parameters of aesthetascs were found to vary with flow environment. Aesthetascs from lake populations were inserted at a larger angle, extended out farther from the supporting antennule relative to the width of the antennule, and were more widely spaced than aesthetascs from creek, hatchery, and river populations.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients often lead to the parallel evolution of populations and species. To what extent do such gradients also lead to parallel evolution of the sexes? We used guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to examine the parallel and independent (sex‐specific) aspects of population divergence in response to predation and habitat features. Geometric morphometrics was used to analyse size and shape variation for 1335 guppies from 27 to 31 sites sampled in each of 2 years. Body size showed strong parallel population divergence; both sexes were larger at sites with a more open canopy and with higher flow. Body shape showed a mixture of parallel and independent population divergence. The strongest and most consistent effects were (1) high‐predation sites had males with smaller heads and deeper caudal peduncles, (2) open‐canopy sites had females with smaller heads and more distended abdomens and (3) high‐flow sites had males and females with smaller heads and deeper caudal peduncles.  相似文献   

In flying organisms, wing shape and biomechanical properties are recognized as key traits related to dispersal, foraging behavior, sexual selection and habitat preferences. To determine if differences in dung beetle wing shape and flight biomechanics are consistent with habitat preferences in a phylogenetic context, we examined how wing morphology varied in a set of 18 Mozambique forest and grassland dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) species, representing nine genera and six tribes. Geometric morphometric measurements were taken of entire wings, as well as two additional shape characters comprising the RA4 and CuA to J regions of veins. Ordination (Principal Components Analysis and Canonical Variate Analysis) of landmark data revealed three different trends in wing shape related to expansion or contraction in external wing margins. These trends were consistent with published dung beetle phylogenies and a phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral morphological changes using parsimony analysis of wing landmark configurations. Analysis of variance showed that the Procrustes distances between wing shapes were significantly correlated to species identity (~?48% of variance), wing size (~?27%), habitat (~?11%) and two of the three, tested, biomechanical variables (wing loading, wing aspect ratio: ~?1%). However, while a phylogenetic generalized least squares analysis confirmed a strongly significant phylogenetic signal for wing shape, it found no significant effect of any other variable. Therefore, wing shape evolution in dung beetles appears to have been phylogenetically constrained and habitat may constitute only a weak selective pressure for changes in wing shape.  相似文献   

While community‐weighted means of plant traits have been linked to mean environmental conditions at large scales, the drivers of trait variation within communities are not well understood. Local environmental heterogeneity (such as microclimate variability), in addition to mean environmental conditions, may decrease the strength of environmental filtering and explain why communities support different amounts of trait variation. Here, we assess two hypotheses: first, that more heterogeneous local environments and second, that less extreme environments, should support a broader range of plant strategies and thus higher trait variation. We quantified drivers of trait variation across a range of environmental conditions and spatial scales ranging from sub‐meter to tens of kilometers in montane and alpine plant communities. We found that, within communities, both environmental heterogeneity and environmental means are drivers of trait variation. However, the importance of each environmental factor varied depending on the trait. Our results indicate that larger‐scale trait–climate linkages that hold across communities also apply at small spatial scales, suggesting that microclimate variation within communities is a key driver of community functional diversity. Microclimatic variation provides a potential mechanism for helping to maintain diversity in local communities and also suggests that small‐scale environmental heterogeneity should be measured as a better predictor of functional diversity.  相似文献   

Dry deciduous dipterocarp forests (DDF) cover about 15%–20% of Southeast Asia and are the most threatened forest type in the region. The jungle cat (Felis chaus) is a DDF specialist that occurs only in small isolated populations in Southeast Asia. Despite being one of the rarest felids in the region, almost nothing is known about its ecology. We investigated the ecology of jungle cats and their resource partitioning with the more common leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in a DDF‐dominated landscape in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia. We used camera‐trap data collected from 2009 to 2019 and DNA‐confirmed scats to determine the temporal, dietary and spatial overlap between jungle cats and leopard cats. The diet of jungle cats was relatively diverse and consisted of murids (56% biomass consumed), sciurids (15%), hares (Lepus peguensis; 12%), birds (8%), and reptiles (8%), whereas leopard cats had a narrower niche breadth and a diet dominated by smaller prey, primarily murids (73%). Nonetheless, dietary overlap was high because both felid species consumed predominantly small rodents. Both species were primarily nocturnal and had high temporal overlap. Two‐species occupancy modelling suggested jungle cats were restricted to DDF and had low occupancy, whereas leopard cats had higher occupancy and were habitat generalists. Our study confirmed that jungle cats are DDF specialists that likely persist in low numbers due to the harsh conditions of the dry season in this habitat, including annual fires and substantial decreases in small vertebrate prey. The lower occupancy and more diverse diet of jungle cats, together with the broader habitat use of leopard cats, likely facilitated the coexistence of these species. The low occupancy of jungle cats in DDF suggests that protection of large areas of DDF will be required for the long‐term conservation of this rare felid in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Interactive forces between competition and habitat filtering drive many biogeographic patterns over evolutionary time scales. However, the responsiveness of assemblages to these two forces is highly influenced by spatial scale, forming complex patterns of niche separation. We explored these spatial dependencies by quantifying the influence of phylogeny and functional traits in shaping present day native terrestrial mammal assemblages at multiple scales, principally by identifying the spatial scales at which niche evolution operates. We modelled the distribution of 53 native terrestrial mammal species across New South Wales, Australia. Using predicted distributions, we estimated the range overlap between each pair of species at increasing grain sizes (~0.8, 5.1, 20, 81, 506, 2,025, 8,100 km2). We employed a decision tree to identify how interactions among functional traits and phylogenetic relatedness translated to levels of sympatry at increasing spatial scales. We found that Australian terrestrial mammals displayed phylogenetic over-dispersion that was inversely related to spatial scale, suggesting that ecological processes were more influential than biogeographic sympatry patterns in defining assemblages of species. While the contribution of phylogenetic relatedness to patterns of co-occurrence decreased as spatial scale increased, the reverse was true for habitat preferences. At the same time, functional traits also operated at different scales, as dietary preferences dominated at local spatial scales (<10 km2) while body mass has a stronger effect at larger spatial scales. Our findings show that ecological and evolutionary processes operate at different scales and that Australian terrestrial mammals diverged slower along their micro-scale niche compared to their macro-scale niche. By combining phylogenetic and niche methods through the modelling of species distributions, we assessed whether specific traits were related to a particular niche. More importantly, conducting multi-scale spatial analysis avoids categorical assignment of traits-to-niches, providing a clearer relationship between traits and a species ecological niche and a more precise scaling for the axes of niche evolution.  相似文献   

Spatial sorting is a process that can contribute to microevolutionary change by assembling phenotypes through space, owing to nonrandom dispersal. Here we first build upon and develop the “neutral” version of the spatial sorting hypothesis by arguing that in systems that are not characterized by repeated range expansions, the evolutionary effects of variation in dispersal capacity and assortative mating might not be independent of but interact with natural selection. In addition to generating assortative mating, variation in dispersal capacity together with spatial and temporal variation in quality of spawning area is likely to influence both reproductive success and survival of spawning migrating individuals, and this will contribute to the evolution of dispersal‐enhancing traits. Next, we use a comparative approach to examine whether differences in spawning migration distance among 18 species of freshwater Anguilla eels have evolved in tandem with two dispersal‐favoring traits. In our analyses, we use information on spawning migration distance, body length, and vertebral number that was obtained from the literature, and a published whole mitochondrial DNA‐based phylogeny. Results from comparative analysis of independent contrasts showed that macroevolutionary shifts in body length throughout the phylogeny have been associated with concomitant shifts in spawning migration. Shifts in migration distance were not associated with shifts in number of vertebrae. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that spatial sorting has contributed to the evolution of more elongated bodies in species with longer spawning migration distances, or resulted in evolution of longer migration distances in species with larger body size. This novel demonstration is important in that it expands the list of ecological settings and hierarchical levels of biological organization for which the spatial sorting hypothesis seems to have predictive power.  相似文献   

Sleep and health are closely interrelated and sleep quality is a well-known contributor to perceived health. However, effects of sleep-timing preference i.e. morningness–eveningness on health has yet to be revealed. In this study, we explored the relationship between morningness–eveningness and perceived health in a sample of female working professionals (N?=?202). Sleep-timing preference was measured using the Composite Scale of Morningness. Perceived health was characterized by Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, WHO Well-Being Scale-5 and Patient Health Questionnaire-15 scores. We also investigated possible mechanisms, including stress and health-impairing behaviours. In accordance with previous data, we found more depressive mood, lower well-being and poorer perceived health among evening types. To assess health-impairing behaviours we collected data on smoking habits, alcohol consumption, physical activity and diet. Among the possible mechanism variables, greater stress, less frequent physical activity and less healthy diet were associated with eveningness. Furthermore, stress diminished the strength of the association between morningness–eveningness and depressed mood. Physical activity attenuated the strength of the association between morningness–eveningness and well-being. No effects of alcohol consumption could be identified. Our data show that evening preference behaves as a health risk in terms of associating with poor perceived health. Our findings also suggest that this effect might be mediated by health behaviours and stress.  相似文献   

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